March 15 1906 THE FLESKERTON ADVAN CE rfWWWWWM F, T. HILL & CO. wywywwvv^ 7 ^^KW^^W^.^^ ^F^f^^r.^^^^yw-TW^^T^J^^KTW^W^^ ^ FIRST SHOWING OF HANY NEW LINES IN ll BOYD, HICKLING & CO, B NEW SPRING 5TYLE5. EGINNING with the past week we have placed many new lines of Spring goods in stock and for customers that like to make 'preparations ahead for their requirements. We would ask them to inspect our new Wall Papers, China Laces, Embroideries, Corsets, Hats, Shoes and Clothing. la these lines we are showing advance shipments and for styles, patterns and colorings and so moder- ately priced we would ask you to see them. New Wall Papers are Here For thia seMon we have placed in stnck the largest ahipinent of -waH papers that thin atorehaa ever pUced in stock in one season. Our purchases are a halt more than usual. We got in touch with a oeir factory who are using entirely American designs and the values are the best we have had the pleasure of selling, so with an extra Isrse stock, extra values, beautiful designs and colorings we would aak you to visit our wall paper department. We shall be pleised to show you the new lines. new Spiitid Cities of Ettdlisb and eerman Cbina I^ere. Our SprinK stock of English and German China has arrived. Our showiot; consiHts of the very rich and fancy lines and includes new tea sets, new jugs,new cake plates, new cups and saucers, n«w fruit bowls, butter plates and fancy lines m individual requirements, as we carry the largest stock of China and crockery in MarkdHle and everything is conveniently placed for your inspection in our new crockery departmentâ€" 2nd floor. We would siy values and prices were never better. We would ask you to snond your spare moments looking through our new lines in this department. New Lace5 and Embroideries We have just placed in stock our new laces and em- broideries and the patterns are so dainty with all ijualities represeniea for your spring requirements. Visit our lace and embroidery department. It will pay you. Attractive 5tioes for 5pring. For your new Spring Shoes you will find our lines very attractive in style and the quality unsurpassed and so moderately priced. We repre.^ent many of the best makers in this department. It will pay yon to see them. new Spring Clotbind for men and Boys^ lu ourOlnthing Department we ard showing ihu larsost and most exclusi>-e ranue of styles and our values were never as g09d as this season for dependable qualities. To the man we would say if you wish to he satisfied visit our clothing department. To the boy, if you wish to feel like Spring see our new spring suits. We will please you 50 Pairs men's Rubbers at 25e. a Pair. We have some 50 pairs of men's rubbers, sizes 6 to 10. TheRu are odJ linef* and represent many different styks Some pairs are not exactly n>ated but they are 75c. and 85c. lines While the lot lasts you can have your choice for 25 Hardware in our Hardware Department we carry a full line for your requirements. Oet oar prices we will save you money. <^.ww MARKPALE mm Is puV>1!shed evenr Thursday at 91.00 pe.- aauuoi if paid in advance, 91.&0 if not so paid. All subAcriber payiufr 91.00 strictly in advance get the Montreal Herald one year irae a* a iiremiiiui. Seriou9 Runaway An accident of a terrible nature occur- red in this village on Friday evening last which has cast a itlooin over the whole community, when little Jimmy Wilion, the U year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson, received what was for sometime oonaidered a fatal injury from a run-away horse. A team driven by a young man namuiJ iloburt ThoinpHon, eait buck lini, was returning from the station after the p. in. train, and on the outskirts of the vilUge attempted to pas-s tho 'bus. The driv»r says a line dmpped from his baud and with the other line he steered the now frantic team iito a telegraph pole, where neck yoke, lines and double true woro broken. One of the animnla came uptown HI, a Wild pace and in front of tho barber sh.ip look to tho sidewalk. Two liitle giiii. Hazel Thompson and Mautliu Mod(mald, were with .liinniie WiIboij in front of Mm bakeshop when the uniiiml vaniu tearing down upon them, and before ihey could «et away the beast's hoiif struck the little boy behind tho eiir, breaking his skull in a terri)>lu niaunor. The ettusion of blood was frightful. Tho poor little fi;lluw WHS picked up and car- ried the few doors to his own huroe. and PriccTllle Fur a few miles east aud west there has been fair sleighing during the past week and was much appreciated by those having logs, timber, etc. to haul. On March l«t our citizens hesrd with regret that Mrs. M. Mclniyre had passed away. She had been prostrated with la grippe some years ago and catarrh of the stomach was an after result which term- inated her life. The deceased lady was born in Welltni^ton county 56 years ago and after marriage lived in E^reroont for some time and 18 years sgo Mr. and Mrs Mclntyra and family became residents if our village. The funeral an the 3rd wis largely attended and proceeded from the residence ou Arteinesia St. to the Pres- byterian church where Rev. J. A. Math- eson her pastor delivered a sermon from Rev. 14 l.t, assisted by Rev, W,F, Roach, Methodist. Bnth pastors spoke feelingly of the life of deceased as one worthy of imitation, having assursnca of eternal life and hearing her afflictions and troub- le* with heroic christian patience. Inter- ment look place in the cemetry one mile west of village. The bereaved family consist of husband, two sons and four da'ighters who feul the loss of a beloved wife and mother. Mrs Alex Wbyte has returned from tho Hospital in Torou'u and W!« under- stand is slowly improving. Miss Kate MoArthur, Owen Sound, ii doctor was «t liand in a few minutes,, • â- .â- l . »• n u r\ 1 1 i.i .i.'l" A ^t*"'"!* n<ix aunt, Mrs. D. McDonald, old Durham roml. hut tlio case was considered hopeless. A poiiHultstion of three doctors wa* held later, inuludiini Dr. McWil.ianis of Dun- ^alk. They entertained no hope. The little sufferer regained coiisci jusncss, tiuwevor, and has since spposrod to be holding his own, in fact to rather im- prove. On Monday \)f. Binghim, a specinl'Kt of Toronto, naipe up and exam- i^ied ihu litilii patient. Ue found it un- l^eseasary tu p>!rforn) an operation and . gave the cheerintr inf..riiv»tioii that there ["as removed to his late home when an Mr. Henry Watson, who has boon in tlio Imperial bank, Toronto, has been sent to a branch bank at Revelstoke, B.C. Mr. J ease Uoaka, son of Robert Bosks, of tho township of King, who has been in the west for some time, visited fiiends iheru recently. His mot her died and he Dr. Jskeway, a well known and highly esteemed resident of Stayner, was burned to death in his own stsbta recently. The Sun Bays : Aboui half past ten last Thurs- day night, March 1st, Dr. Jakeway went to his stsble to attend to hia horce for tho ni|{ht, it being his cuaitoro to take care of hia own driver. Shortly after tho stable was discovered to be on fire and an alarm was Bounded. The brigade responded promptly and the blaze was extinguished. Those who flnt assembled at the lire did not see the doctor and enquii iea were made as to his wherabouts. His wife told them ho had gone to the stable to feed the horse and that he must still b« inside. The building was entered and the horse and entire ruutents removed but although the most courageous and determined efforte were made to enter the loft it was impos- sible to do so for some time. The lant- ern had evidently either exploded or been upset while the doctor was in the loft throwing down hay. Mrs. Dillon, of Euphrasia, was last week paid the insursnoe money on the life of her deceased hasl>and for which she broueht suit against the Now York Mutual Reserve Insurance Co. over foar yeara ago. The company it will be renienibcred, refused to pay the money alleging that Mr. Dillon had knowii % y wiihold certain facts in his eiaininstion for insurance. Mrs. Dillon sued the com pany with tho result that the jury render- ed u verdict for the full amount together with costs. The company appealed the case but was again beaten. Not satisfied with the judgement they carried it to the Surri gate Couitand then to the Supreme Court, the higher courts upholding the verdict of the jury iu each inatanoe. As » final resort tho Mutual Reserve Comp- any threatened to carry the case to the i'rivy Council but wore advised by their solicitors to do iiothimr of ihe kind. Mrs. Dillon deserves great credit for her plucky tight ngaiiist a company which, thipking ahe had not money to defend the. case in the higher onrta tried to freeze Ker out. Mr.I.B.Luoas of Markdalo who conducted the case for Mrs. Dillon,in to be congrat- ulated ou the success which has attended his efforia aa a lawyer.â€" Thornbury Her- ald. was fitronu |4'obaliilJty « oouipletu recov ery would resnlt, Jimmy is a bright, good iiitlu^e.i and well mannered little boy, and buinu an only sou hia loaa would have been a liasvy blow to ^e fond par- ems and their many sympathetio friends. Many a prayer went up for the little lad's lafe return from the lioidera of the spirit land, and it liwika now as though these pravsra wtll bj granted. "The animal whiuh indioted tbia Vti^rj •ama witl^iii an ao« o^ 8nrio«fsly hurting; several other iwrsoim. Hv* T. P«K^sber was knocked down by the brute as it infant and had never seen hia maternal grandmother, Mrs. MoKuchnie, until thia winter. Tho nieu iiig ^\ the aged, frail grandmother and the youthful grand- son utM very aSootionate indeed. Always Ke«pi diambsila^n'i Cougt^ Remedy in his House. "W« would not b* without ChandMrlainNi Cough Raroady. It la kept mi hand omtln- uidly In our home," says W. W. _Keam»y, -FLESHERTON, ONT.- SomeSpecial Reductions for March $7-50 Men's Suits for $4.90 30 Men's Tweed Suits, both Single and Double Breasted, sonae check, some stripe, but all neat,dark patterns, well made and trimmed, good Italian Lin- ings, sizes 36 to 40. Kegular prices 6.50 and 7.50. Special 4.90 Boys Shirts and Drawers 25c. Heavy Ribbed and Plain Union Shirts and Drawers, suitable for Boys up to 15 years. Perfect goods, well shaped and finished. Special 25c each ^ Carpet Remnant M^ Dozens of ends of wool, Union and Tapestry Carpets ^ and Japanese Mattings, ranging in length from 3 to ^ 11 yards, all good patteius from last season's sellincr. ^ At Clearing prices. X A reduction of 25% from our Regular Prices on all vT Fur Garments â€" Coats, Jackets, Caps, Caper- ^ ines. Scarfs and Gauntlets. y^ ^i*^vafv<%a<^>*/\a/»,a/\a/v^va/\a \a/Na.>sa/ ^\a/\a^Nj.'\a/\a^vjt^v^v./ v«^ss va/3^ X -=;a ^F. Q. KARSTEDT* PAINTS AND VARNISH We havca larae stock of Paints Oils, Varnishes for the sprinir tisd â€"and a'so all kinds of Building Hardware. (JRANITEWARE We have a large Block of Second Class Graniteware com- ing- TO BK SOLD CHEAP. -^ DISHES **EOPLE WHO ARE HARD TO PLEASK With ordinary stocks of wall paper c-rgVES find their vecxationa \aniah in th«i We hava a larve atoclt of Din- ner Sets, Tea Seta aitd also pretty, odd disbea. -:a_ presence i>f magnificunt display Newest designs and colors here â€" and you ain't duplicata them elsewhere, prices just as small as commoiv. We have a 6ne range of Coal or Wo>>d Stovea and ranges and also a r^uaatity of Base Burners, . «/%^%%^%%^^%'%^%% «/%/%%/%% %%^^k^%%-«'%%/«/%^ll^%% < passed, the cru«aiiiK at Hoyd A iliokling's •''«"''•'.""' '"'''T"''*"'' .'*Ti'"' ?"''i'. "i"" ofblwka it brp)li{ht up, at IftiinBhaw s oold may !•« chucked at IhsonUet and ouiadMi ailed. If, crtaled eDouga otciteuxen^ n^ud mnoh leas tima than after it hasliuooint Mtttsd faijury to. Ia«t thia town a lifetime. {inthsaystsro. Tbla remedy la alao without ,, , . 'apearlnrennipia ehtldran, and w^U |^vfBt ^attaek when given as soon aa thO ^»^ Views of n«>li»HnB, Ku|*«i«,MBSweM, ibtwoaMs boara^ or rvan attar thcermipy coach He., .^poeul m^-*c ^^'.^U^^^'SSS^^TX::^ r^ iTbTw. R 4U 8,, TItwatea. riMiiectva. ,|(UhMii>Miao4 W. J. Deaflaa. Tarm to Rent Lola vn IT4. and N. B. T. A H. V,,.. Artemaala, 187 aofL-^li^'iit luO aflr»« unrl«r oultlvatloii-.jioocl tramo oiitbiiildliicx;! uiito flora sclionl I'. O., and oliuroh. Ooort oruliard aud well waturod. Faim tuftratclaaa atate of rultWation. Low r«ut to Rood tenant. Imraaciinte iioaaaskloii Civan. Appli to Tlioa. Knr-, MarkdaU, or JOB, COBKriKLD, Kleatiartou. Ittoutit Pkasant fjerd. OSparsbrs.l acotcli Khorthorna witbths (anr> oua younn aMak bnti, h^ttlab Oblaf, at tha baad. Vonug atuek (ur aale prioaa, raaaooable. ternia May. K. AIiIjKN, Prop. in wart. PIssiiertoD, Oai.^ BULL FOR SERVICE thevlhcni Boll navina parcbaaed Item Mt. Jeta riiabstm of YsevllI* tba wall ksowa â€" • - - •Oa* Lad," (Irnr. â- â- • I tt IS al asy atMaisaa, tat liaaa. 1^ Artaaaala. Farm Tor saka 80 acre grain or stuck faroi, well fmoed, 60 acres clear, 10 acres hiirdwood aud 10 swamp. Spring creek 10 rods from baro. God brick house with furnace. Good frame barn with atone foundation and l>art cement atabling, alao good younK orchard. South half of lot 21, con. 8, Artemeaia. Apply to Fred R. Bolaud, Vandoteur p. o. Farm Tor Sale. so acres, olav loam In towaatiip of 9t. Vincent Si miles from Moatord. Uood barn and abed, liood frame bouse, tsll ptooRhInK done, well Watered, good harilwooj biisli and ^mall orob- aid. For luribsr putioulats spply to Wm. Bjer*. Prop. Ueaford, Ont, N otice to Farmers We have recently placed in our Mill at The Electric Plant, Eugenia, one of the latest im- ; proved choppers, consequent- ly wo are now better than ever prepared to grind all kinds of grain on the shortest notice and in the very best manner. In order to assure the least possible delay we would sug- gest that, whenever possible, customers bring their grists in the forehoon:' Sftfimm 993f. ^m*r C0, Sbortboffls for Sale* Beiten and bulls of aitra qnalttjr and bread- ing. Alao Ootawold and Leloester alu>eii Lamba In Ihetr aeaaon. Apply to URA& STAFnlRD Flsebertou. FARM FOR SALE. Lot 33. oon, 7, Artemeaia; 100 aeres more er leas. 75 aoree cleared. tW buah. New baro, «â- SO, stono fctable. Good frame house, ii rode froiu school.^ mile from Fottt Offlco.t mile tiODa church. KpriiiK on farm, well at bonae. Pvr further partloulais spolv to B. W. OL.AHK, (Boekvale Mllla) FleshertOB Boars for Service Tboroaghbred 0. 1. C. hog, Artemeaia Frlde DO. 8146, ternu ai.OO; al«o Torkahtre bos, tarsse TSa. T. LK VRR, lot 140, T. A S. Road. Winter Goods All winter harness goods now in stock, including Saskatche- wan robes and coats, cowhide i-obes an4 coats, bells, blankets^ whips, etc., harues^ of all kinds. . . . Wm. Moore. FVESHERTQM ONTItiM^