Flesherton Advance, 15 Mar 1906, p. 5

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iIE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE March 15 1906 Otanoardf^ /jank (of Canada) Has opened a branch office in Flesher- t<in, where a general banking husinewi will be transacted.. Muney available for le^timale busintisa enWrprUes. DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD on â- 11 points il Canada and the Unired States. Interest allowed on dep<'Hita of SI. 00 •lid upwards conipoandoi, half yearly. G. lAitolnell Agent. -/ Ti=l,-=Jr=Jr=ui=Jf^ir:^r=Jr=:JrST. ^^ VICINITY . CHIPS IT Charactcfrfttc«._o< Tli* Pait Week Carefully Culled lor th« Carl, as 'j~i(='B J /, Bulinn carried local option by a vu-e Of 101 to 00. ,•'' A fait stock of bran, ihorts and chopped «om at Bentham Bros. Miss Nelaon of Brampton is visitini( . vith Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bellamy. Mr. H. Holman of the 4th line lo«t a Talaable colt recently by itiflaniniatior. Rev. Irison and Mrs. Wilson, of Mark- dale, called on old friends here Mnnday. Mr. Wm. Kisher has purchased tbu Walker farm, KW acres, on the 4th line. A fresh stock of Labrador h<>rrinc, sal- man trout, cod and finnan baddie at Ben- tham Bros. B<iyd, Hickling A Co have engaged Hiss Ida Raid, late of Dnndalk, as mil- liner for the coming season. / Hare you tried Ford's patent finur Ctonnd fram Manitoba wheat f For sale M Bentham Bros. Dr. Armstrong will risic Maxwell to> day (Thursday) for the last time previous to hia departure for the west. AH parties indebted to the firm of W. J. DuttKlas, Flesherton, will please remit direct to W. J, DoagUs at Collingwood^ K. Thurston bason baud a 6ne selection ot Soaveiiir Postal Cards. Get some to •end tri far off friends. They'll appreciate them. 6 for 2A<i Rev. Dr. Ualdwell was at Homings Mills over Sunday, where he took part in • church opening. Mr. M. K. Richard- son took his work here. Sermons in the Methodist church next Snndsy will be: a. m. â€" The Man nt Fire, Elijah, p. m. â€" A cure fur the blues. The pastor will preach. Mrs, Thos. Kerr of Mt Zion has pur- siMsed' a house and lot oo Collingwood street, east of the Presbyterian church, f^rom W. A. Armstrong. Mrs. X. C. Mansell fell on a door- step Saturday evening and injured her back to such a degree thaa ah* has since hsen oonfiiied to her bed. Cement door sill", window sills and srch key stones made to order. Samples on view. Call before placing your order and get prices. John Nuhn, Fleaherton. Dr. Krnest Armstrong, dentist, has tlecided to 2<ve up his practice here and fo west. He was in Toronto this week attending the onnrentioa of dental Bttrgeoiis. Mr. Geo. Hacking received wtrd op Friday that his father had been injured •n the railway and was taken to the hos- pital at Woodst3ck, N. jB The injury is not snppoee^i to .be fatal. Two buggies, drireo by T Glassiord and Wilfred Phillips, collided on the street one day last week. Phillips' buggy was considerably damaged. We under- stand that Olaaaford put up for the dam- age. 4t a recent meeting of the W, M. S. .of the Methodist church, 'Mrs. Jos. Clin- ton w«i appointed to attend the Branch meetinst to b« held in Toronto in May. Miss F Thurston will represent the Band. Mrs. W. Bunt and Mrs. W. A. Armstrong are the alternates. The new hotel project has now passed ^S experimental stai>e, considerably over ith« preliminary f4U00 asked for having been subscribed. The charter has been applied for by the provisional directors, MaasTs. J. R. Hogg, S. Shsardown, W. A. Armstrong, F. G. Karstedt and W. W. Trimble. TIks Ladies Aid of the Methodist chur«h ImM a nsektisKMialat the tMidsnoe of Mr. %mA Mrs.Kiabatd Bentham, of the suburbs •• Friday svcning last. Sixty orasvvnty ^ sp l s w«i« pr s ss u t and a good tiasa was •»i«f«d bf all. Tka s^MlBg \ •tan atlw wMik served lo all present. Proceeds amount- ed to about |14. Car load uf suKar just arrived at Kar- stedts. Bull For Sale â€" One pure bred short- horn bull, 15 moot lis old, dam by L>ly of the Valley Mud Aberdeen of Mark ham, bred by A & B. Wat', Salcin ; sire by Village Bli««oin, bred by G. B. Bnatow, and Lovely Victor, t.red by H. Cargill & Sons. A low blocky animal. J. I, Gra- ham, Vaiideleur. Mn. A. S. VanDusen hss been seri- ouKly ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Douglas, Collinvwood, for the piuit furtmulit. A chanjie for the belter cums on Monday last and recovery IS now ciinfidenily looked for, but it wil be some weeks before she is able to return home. M r. T. Paul had a special delivery of Masmsy-Hnrris imp'enienia, covering two days, the laiter part of la.t week. The cniisignmeni cnnsiuted of three car Inadfl, and 4(^ teams were reijuired tn haul the scuff away. Mine host McLachlan uf the Queens hotel put up i choice dinner for the cruw-J, and the occasion was enlivened by baupipe niasic. Mr. Paul sells an im- raeuse quantity of the Massey-Harrias goods. The drug business of W. J. Doiiglad, Flesherton, has cbaneed bands, the pur- chaser being 34r. H. L. Douglas, lale of Burks Falls, and a younger brother of W. J. The iransfcr took place on Tues- day morning and the new proprietor is now in possession here. H. L. Douglas was burned out in Burk'a Falls a few Weeks ago. We extend a hearty wel- come to the new proprietor and his good wife and trust the business and social intercourse here will be of the most pleasant and profitable nature to the newcotners. During a cnutruversy last fall regarding the attempt to remove the Durham cem- ent mill, Mr.lrwio of the Chronicle made 80014 caustic remarks which it seems were resented by one Ludluw, an American chemist employed at the works.whu forth- with entered suit for libel. The case was tried at the Uwen Sound Assizes last week, and the jury gave defendant #500 and coses. This is a very serious thing fur brother Irwiu.aud the verdict is looked upon by many as being quite exorbitant. Tiiere luay be an appeal. luanyeveiit the people of Durham have a strong in- terest in this attair, as the fi^ht put up by the Chronicle prut>ably saved the mill to Durham, and Mr. Irwin should not be allowed to bear the burden alone. The accident uf Friday last has aroused the people iu this vicinity iu an unwonted decree and awakened their ideas aa to the uuiaance of horse racin:; on our public tboroughfarea. The thing baa been allowed to go ou so long that prob~ ably 99 per cent, of the clever young men of this township think there is no law agaiust such a practice and that the high, ways tielong to them to put to any uie they may see fit. It is high time this erroneous impression was removed, snd both young and ulJ given to undersiaud that the law dealing with this pernicious practice of running horses on the public hij{hway will be strictly enforced in future. We cannot allow the lives ul our little ones â€" and older ones, too â€" to be placed lu jeopardy to satisfy the explosive vagar- ies of reckless tipplers aud silly foult a hose abilities go no tanher than bowling and shouting to make the wurld t>elieve tbey are "it." Uencefurth the young wan of this township who whips his hoise i:ito a frenzy, Will be louked ou as a fit aubject fur the county j«il aud will tie dealt with accordingly. The editcr of this paper can be counted on as oua whu wiil endeavor, with othutb, to see that the law covering such cases ia looked after better than it has been in the past. Auction SalM ka aaction sale of farm stock, imple- ments aud household furuiture will be held ou lot 3Q, con. 9, Arteiueeia, Friday, March 22, the pniperty of Mrs. Junies Jainieson. J. J. Raittiux, auctioneer. Mr. John Madden, lot 6,coii.9,Usprey, will ho*d a clearing aale on Friday, March 16, at 1 p. m., of farm stock aud imple- meuta. Mr. Madden will join the Arm- strong colony out in Saskatchewan. J , J . KailtiiiKi auctioneer. Hockey The Durham Chromote calls our rink a "wash-tub." Perhaps that is the reason our hookey club phtys such a clean game ooaapaiad with soma atber teams wa know Perhaps, to»t tba waahiof given iha Shotthom dab whaaovar bar* hadsoms- Ihinf to do in Baminx our rink tha wash- tak IltbaaasMto intandad aa a aaasr tl ««Ma wttk had iraM (t«« a bi| tova like Durham, which has no rink at all, merely a forest of posts roofed over, on which it is impoasible to play good hockey without corporal injury. Notwithiitand- ing the conceited blow oS in the Chronicle last week our club has found it impossible to get a date on with the Durham club, and it looks now as though the ahorthom* had dwindled to even less than the re- quisite seven players. What else can a refusal to pl»y mean? Our junior hockey team su cceeded in beating the juniors from Markdale on Saturday afternoon last. The score was 6-8. We have not Isamed the cause of the victory, but stupect that oar juniors, at last, may be beginning to learn to play hockey. This may not be the case, but the fact remains that the third attempt to win was successful. Apply Business Locals For Sale â€" Good driving pony, to £d. Thompson, Flesherton. Wanted â€" Maid to do general house- work. Apply to Mrs. U. Mitchell. Flesherton. Bailey for saleâ€" First class for seed, Canada 6 rowed. Apply to Wm. Cameron Eugenia P. O. P. Loucka' roller Hour always on hand at Boyd, Hickliug A Co's in sacks and pa^r bags All accounts owing tne must be settled on or before March 20, 1906, otherwise thev will be placed in other hands for oollection. R. D. Purvis. W. C. Davis, Flesherton, painter, dec- orator and paper hanger, keeps on hand a stock of wall paper for sale. Samples shown on request. All kinds of decora- ting, painting and paperhan^ing done on shortest notice. ylma As we are about to leave Fleaherton wa wish to express our thanks to our many customers in Flesherton and vicin- ity for their patronage and support in the past five years. Any further orders sent aie to Feverahsm will receive my great- est care and attention. H. Alexander. Mrs. Frank Smith of Flexherton desires to inform the ladies of Flesherton snd Markdale that she has decided to com- mence dress-making at the residence of Mr. Geo. Hacking, next door west of the Presbyterian church, Mrs. Willei having given up busin«>ss. Special arrangements will be made lo meet the ladies of Markdale. A basket is sent from .\. Wilson's, Flesherton, every Tuesday and from A.T. Hutchinson's, Feversham; R. Kinnear's Maxwell and F Chisletis, Ceylon, every â-  'ther Tuesday commenciog 27th Feby. io Markdale Steam Lajodry and returned on Sstuiday. For Sale or Rentâ€" Ti not sold by March 15 prox. Lots 4 snd 6, con. 9 Osprey, 2*X) acres. Known as the late Alexander Robinson's farm. This fine farm has a larue clearing and soil is of a good clay loam, ia first class state of cultivation. Well fenced, comfortable house and a log barn and outbuildings. Will be sold sheap with reasonable payment down. Eiasy terms for balance. Will be offered for rent if not s >ld before l&th March. Apply to K. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Farm forSale. Or Rent Por sale cheap and on easy termfl of payment and if requirtnl, possession at one*, lots uudi bora I«. 148 A 149, co PceesioD Sod , 8. W.. T.A S roai, Artomusta. 116 acrM about half a xniW from tbo villaiea of Pleehortoo. Ou aaid fartr is about 70 acres cleared, feiiood and under cult* ivatiou. 19 acres of wbiob is in meadow land. and about 20 acres plon^hed for next apriuKs crof). .\ coui'ortable lot( dwelling with frame addition, aud \o^ barn and stables. Frame Itnplement-hoDso, and a revvr failing spring close to the dwolliog. The (arm i<t a splendid grain aud grasiog farm, and one tbat iurariablv gives gooti crops when properly put in. AupK to KJ. Sproule, FleeheitOD, or Mrs. Robt. But ledge, Floiibenou WINTER TERM AT THB Oiv«n SouB^t, Bd%. Begins TueaJay Jan S. 190A. Kour com plate courses of studv. suited to the needs of all olas»es of \nuug people. The Huslnetw Course for young men and worueu who wisb a cood busiuetus training to qualify tbem to do ousiness for thtiinselveB and others. This course iti useful to the bus- iness m\\\, the farmer or tbu professional man also first clans preparation for young people who wlbh to no iutoollice work. The Shorthand Course for young people who wish to become stenographers, reporters. etc< The I'lflegraphy Course for young people who wish to become (elograph operators or to eutor railway work. The preparatory Course for those who are very far back iu their studies. We teach reading, spelliug.writiog, arithmetic to (frown up young men aud wo;uen. Hoparate rooms for this dorartmeut and aej^ar^te desktorsaoh pupit witbpleoty of persooai help, hull partioutars sent fr*^ to any address, CA.FUBnniNQ. t'RINCLPAX.. Our Clubbing List > Advance, *Herald and •Toronto World, daily D 96 Toronto Daily Newa 1 W WsekW Qloba. l.W Mail-Smpira «... 1.T4 ramilyHMald A Star \J» Toronto Star....,, L80 Farfluia 8m 1.00 5^ Boots and Shoes. \ | For the Spring afid Suminer Everybody will be getting; a ne<r pur of Boots or Shoes or ought to be getting a pair. In order to meet our increased trade, we have bought lantely ia this line of goodsâ€" some of the choicest and best that can be had â€" aisc heavier and cheaper lines. They are buughc from acme of the best Man- ufacturers ill Oa'ario and equal to anything shown in this line and quite new. Also a large lot of Trunks, Telescopes and Suit Cases on haad. Cus- tom work promptly done. Call and we will try * ' to give you entire satisfaction at * ' . . CUm. Clayton SHOEMAKER, ;^^js$xs^^;sasi^^x^s2^^2^s^x:^ssj^^3^s^s^ Sold Out! Having sold my drug busineas in Flesherton to my brother, Mr. Ef. L. DOUGLASS, I take pleasure in recommeodiDg bim to the public. I believe he will give thorough satisfaction and be deserring of exten- sive patronage, which, I trust will be accorded him. . . W. J. Douglas Bargains ''' Sooot* txmel Shoes c e: Y li o at Having parchased the mercantile basiness from J. B. EGAN at CEYLON, I am prepared to give the public, by way of introdccdon, some big bargains, believing this to best way to get acquainted. This weeLc we have to offer Boots and Shoes as foilcws: Boots tbat were 75o now 55c. Boots that were 1.40 now 110 Boots that were 1.00 now 86 o. Boots tl-.at were 1.65 now 1.25 Boots that were 1.75 now 1.00 Boots that were 1.25 now 90. Dress Goods that were 25, now 18. A full stock of fresh groceries on hand at lowest possible prices. Salt, flour bran, shorts, etc., always for sale. Tour butter and eggs wanted at highest market rates. ]a$* Pattison Q General Merchant - Ceylon. L Bull For Service TborouRtibrail Durbam Bull "King Kdward" iHlW. will oa for aervice on lot IM, Srd T. S. K Artamosia. _ ,. P«di«ree Dark rod. calved March 4th 1«4. bred h y John RiDK Molotjre, Ont; iiid |owii«r Johnston Cul- lori. b-Ushortou, Ont.; got by Prince K.lward SlWMdam Koso of Or»y 37910. hy \ llla»!e BurRO. lUMter dud Wumi, Joimie L.aveiu1or 2«»06.b» \ oN nntoer 10080, Uaisv L»»endor IlW;i. by Duko o' Lavonderlimp) I'iW (511 iSi. Lady KawaUiy 91W, bv Louin Arundelllinipl HMt.'ilMli MissKawslcy idllO, by Kawslov Chief limvii 107 (MIOI. Daisy Sid57« by Oxford Masurka 910. L>iii8V .'i067, by Princ«of Walosiiinp) SM (lS830>,l<eMie BoUe m. by YoiuiK KiiiJlaod [imp] 474. Rosa limp] 462. by llaroD of Kidsdale [lllStVJ. Spuawife by Bomus lH9><7l.!?uowdru|> by Stratbiuoro [0.">471, father iue Srd by I'lavtellow [6«7). Touug fatherine by Sir Williain [14108) Catlierlue by Kmi>eror TKKM!^â€" •! for erades, |i5tor thorouRtibreds, payalila Jan. 1, tWT. U*P> JOHNSTON CULLBN. Prof, Noticeto Creditors Flesherton Skating Rink Skating to lbs public Tueaday, Tbnr» day and Satuidav. GeiMrai adwtia- lion 5 and tO oeuta. J- O PATTON, • PROP. Q«l «ome of S. Tbii»a»on*i 6no So«T«tiir Pnatat Oa«dm to. SMk &<o» M«., Writ* toreataiofM In the matter of the estate of THOMAS. JOSEPH HUDSON, late of tho Township of Osprey in the Count]; of Grey, Farmer, deceased. NOTICB in herebv K>^'ea parsuant to tile lt»«^ vised Statutes otOotario, l.'<l>7, CIi-ip. V« tbat alt ore<titor9 Kiid otbers bsvini' eluiui^ a^iaat the estateof the said THOMAS JOSKPH HUD- SON deceased, who died on or aboiit the Tvi'Dtv oighth dayot March A.P.Iijue i»re reouiredou or before the «lrd day of March .A. P. UW to send by iMMt prepaid or deliver to ^^oaBrs. Luoas, Wright aud Mc.Vrdte. Owau Soiiul. Onta>lo, Solicitors tortbe adiuiuinCratrit.of the estate of the Mid dea«amd,tbeir uliristian and itimAmas, addr*«iwaaadde*orl(itioiia.tbenillpartlonlarsa( their olaim>.>lMafeiWmentottbeiraod aocoonla tb« uoauie of iha MOUrUlei (if aayl held hj ttaetu. AND PURTBBB TASK KOTtOB that after •och laat meaMoned data Um said aOmtnlttratrls willprooaed todlatrlbaw theasnuof thedeeaaa eda0oaRttaepartla*atitltladtb«r*to.baTiD<t*. sard only to uu etaims ol whleh ^*7 •haB TyMa have ao*loa,afi4 aiatttiawidadinlDlrtrat- ^ will BO* ba tlabla for the aald aaaaM or asy â-  â€" " -sons o< whsss >B raoaivsdbj dUtrtbaUOD. DataA ika INk 4ay o( Pabrnrr, A.D..igtiL LasM. Wright a MaAfdIa. •waa toaadL QaW «fea MaaiaUWatrix,, â- art tbanotteany paraonor paisooa 5i»a;iM4*m *»B not hats baan r* Sam a* th« ttne- of siiah dUtrtbatton. 'Hi-. m mmm

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