Flesherton Advance, 5 Apr 1906, p. 1

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\\ it ^. ( yksb^rtitn « TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" "PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." sSic VOL XXh, RO t2C5 Flesh.ertoii, Ont. Thursday April o IxQO'G W.ra THuRoTOli, FflkOFBIETOU The Aftermath. After the Cht-istinM sales, which wer* extraordinarily large this year, wo find left in »ti)ckafin«Uneof g.w)<lii which we think everyimo will •onctde is <fust the Thing for Wedding Presents. These are theT*oirh««t of piodsâ€" no cHesp 4nc>k. Conse and «* them anyway. Jilarni Clocks To wake T'lU up the-e dark mnmingil, and all kinds uf CUxiki' at all kinds of price*. ^ratefinien ^ouatuia Xenm, Fancy Ink Stands, etc., for ule. W. A. Armstrong Allen Park's Death. LiWe Doubt &tt That it Was From Natural Causes. ental'le oecurrenoe wsscauMd by anrthtog oatside «f natural causes, I The Ton nto World h«s tried to make a scare o( t he eaao and sent ap a reporter ; Friday who apparently had to tell a eood story to justify the expenditire. The fact of th« marter is that this very thiniz viHii. -I v4t1t Miss Lrezie Gay last weeic. Mr*. Thcit. Madden, Miw Kate and John I. ft last Monday forHieit new home in Bladworth, Sai^k. It is reported that we are to have • photograph gallery in our barg. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Linley visited their McFarlani Stafford & MAI^KDALE, ONTARIO Grey County's BIGOEST Store STOEE has been l<x>ked for by nei«hbors for some | daughter, Mrs. lohn Blakeley, of Oor- two. years past. The blood referred to bettoo, last week. was from a calf. Those who know the j The district president ot the Women's facts laugh at the World's sensational: Missionary society, Mr8.Huff,piTea veryj stcry. ' tniaresting adiiresa on Missionary Work Deceased's brother, Joe Park, who i i" the Methodist church on March 27. Ii»e« at Oibow, Man., arrived here on i Inspector Huff also paid a visit to our Slonday, of thiB week, too fete to attend ! school the funeral. The dead man owned a very fine 75-acre farm, and was welt supplied with farming implements. We under- stand be left a will in favor uf his brother Joseph. Mrs. Joseph Wa»8oo of this township and Mrs Guy Blakely, ol Win- i>i[>eg are sisters of *litc<itfle<l. The fi)llowin(s verdict was rendered by the ' jury: "That Allen Parks came to , . , severe his death on the night of March 27'" "y | worst being bumod in bis dwelling, which was syniptoa^" "ay, . , nf, low*. Kn destroyed by 6re, and the jurors are ot ^^^ h^jj ,t„ Bomâ€" March 16 to Mr. and Mrs.Thop. Andreas â€" a aon. Mrs. Service, of Stayner, has been visiting with her daughtnr, Mrs. T. An- dreas, during the past two weeks. Spring Millinery Bplbning The Greatest Spring and Easter Opening Ever Held Here. Cbursday, Triday and Saturday, April i 6 Hnd 7 â- a. Most cordially shall we welcome everyone to the largest and finest Millinery display we have ever hadv Oar large, bright show room has been redticorated and a wonderful dfray of Qrfp Quickly Knocked Out. "Some weeks ago durini; the severe winter ' ' weather both my wife and myself contracted I .- _ ^ i J x_ ^a. ^ t\^ • -v â- \t \ ' i colds which speedily deveiojwd into the I crcatioos proclucen trom patterns trom Pans, Isew York and synioto^n!,"" "ij:.mgielt:!JJ?a^" awaiting your inspection. We have spared no trouble Df, low*. Thd terrible death of AHen Parks by b«iuK burned to death in his residence TJparTri.ton Station ai referroi to briefly cause" in Iks'; week's i^per, was onf> of the sad- dest events that has ever occurred iu this tnwo8hip. There were certain facts in «oaoeetion with the ratastr p' e that gave rise to suspicions of f'ul pUy, but we believe these suspicion* are now pretty well exploded and the aflBiir is eoatidered as having been purely accidental. Wit the uature of the accident will probably sever be known. The facts known are as fol- lows: On Monday the victim was in Fteshertow and received $600 at the Stan- dard bar.k, payment on some property he had sold. (Te was advised to leave his tnonev in the bank but said he knew how to take care of it. On Tuesday ha was at Proton Station «nd had an alternation with some Italians, tie showed his mon- ey freely and was drinking heavily. Ue charged an Italian with taking bi« vevutver. At 7 p. m. he left for home, ttking two bottles of liquor with him, walkinz up the railway track. The dis- tance is a mile and a quarter. This was the last seen uf hin alive. About 11. 15 at night a oouple isf young *»en saw the bouse on lire and raised su alarm. The liou«e was a log building, wifli a lean-tu kitchen, through which wa» the only en- trance. Tlie main room waa used as a living room and two bedrooms opened off it on the north side. This room contain- ed a stvvo as also did the kitchen. There were two windows ojiening from this room, uue on the south side, near the ufairway and the other on £ho wast side. When the young men got to the house tbiiy bloke in the west viindow and called )>ut could seo or bear no cue. The building "as l.urned to the ground and at <eni-ly dawn a search was bt^^un among the burning embers, when the' body wa-i discilvered. The liinlw had all been burned off and the body ch»rrt-d to aerisp. Later on a roll of diarrcd moneyv which was recoKiiized as twenty dollar bills, was found beside where the I>oily was lyin^. The watch chain was also foand. The body Uy near the south window with feet toward the window. There was a large bole ill t^ skull, but this may have betn the opinion that there were circumstances in connexion with the fire which lead to the conclusion that death may not have bci-n c.\used by accident or natural with alternate begai aidin Knees and j..iut8 aching, muscles to suit End there is Dot a taste but we can please and scarcely piled up, eyes and nose lunuing , , p ^ -^ m • i . ^ • BHpeiis of chills and fever, w. a pui*se Dut we Can coniortn to it. This department is pres- n u^inpr cfiamberiain's Coiwh .«5.n«dy, y^ ^^^ ^ „„p ^^^ milliner, Miss E. Armstrong, of Toronto who will make it her business to please every customer and fill orders promptly. lin^ the same with a double dose of Chavib- erlains Sumach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use soon completely knuckiKl ont the grip." Sold by W.£. Richardson, H. L. Duii(f- llWIL Chamberatain's Salv» isKood for any disease of the skin. It allays the itchinK and boming I sensation instantly. Kor sale Wy W. E. Kich- ' arisonand U.L.l3o>iglaa8. rortlaw Vandelenr Our neighVorbood is now breathing freer and feeling assured that the further spread of smallpox has been averted. There have been no new cases since last report, and all parties are out of quaran- tine, Mr. W. 4. Jackson receive* the sad news by telegram on Monday of last week of the death cf his brother atTara. Mr.. James McLennan has been I'ud up with a severe attack uf mumps. Messrs. Wm. Thompson and Robert Henderson, who have been spending the winter in Toronto, were around lately, bidding adieu to their many frieud* be- fore leaving for their newly-acquired I home in the west. Mr. John Winters, who is usually an early biid, bent his previous record lately by selling a number of this year's lamba in time to be fur Toronto market for St. Patrick's day. He received the fancy price of 97 each. , Messra. McMuUen and T«eter are moving to the farm lately purchased by the former. Mrs. J. Winters lately visited her dai<{;hter, Mabel, in Cullingw 'od. Mr. W. H. Allan gave a very interest- ing acco^it in Mt. Zion chuich of his recent sojourn iu Cuba. Mrs. V. U. Thompson had the misfort* une to get her- hand badly hurl in a wrtiigcr one day rei^untly. Dr. Carter drei!S«d the injured member. Mr.H. Down and fauijly have removed to[,lh^ new farm in the Winters settle- ment. Mr. Thompson and sister of Mill Creek visiied at Mr. Baker's recently. Mt. Alex Carson, Priceville, visited his sister, Mrs. Gilbert, a few days ago. Master Howard HoUey a«d sister of Berkley spent Saturday aud Sunday with triends here. Mr. Will Hutchinson of Feversham spent Sunday at Che parental home, Mr. Ueo. Hutchinson's. Mrs. Sau bilbert is visiting in Price- vie. Mrs. Silcox, who has been spending some time with her sister, Mrs.Pntohard, has gone to Toronto. Miss. Kate Davis of the O.S. Cullegia«|, called off at her father's on Saturday ou her way to Grand Valley where she has secured a position in a bank. Success, Katie. The S.O.T. concert which waa adver- tised for If'riday lUKht Ust, was postponed indefinitely. There waa abuut forty put in an appearance, some from Rocklyn and also frjm Mill Creek. A short program waa given and lunch served. No fee was charged; it was thoiii<ht that all who were brave enough to venture out with the roads iu the condition Ihey were.deserved a free entertainment. However. we bop« in a few weeks to hold a night cap sociaK 0i> Thursday morning, at the home' of her son John, Mrs. Boluiid, sr. after a short illness, passed to the Great Beyond. The funeral took place on Friday aftet- noon to Markdale public ceraetry. Not- [ withstanding the alm-ist impassable con- dition of the roads a very large conoonrse of people followed Iho remains to their last resting phkce. Dr. Cddwell ht^d a short but luipresaive service in the house. Mrs. Boland was a woman of sterlinx- quaiitieoand very highly esteemed by all who knew her. The friends have the sympathy of the community, but, their t'ss is her gain. -^ ' • â€" *^ â€" Caugbt Cold vrtiile hunting a Burglar Mr. Win. Lanorg^n, provincial constable at Chaplean, OnUrin nays; 1 caught* severs cold while hunting a biiriilar in the Core»l. swamp Spring Bargain Days in Dre^ Goods Get ready for faster. Spring is hern. Choose your dress inBnals now hetoro ready for faster. Spring is hern, uiioose your „our dressmaker in rushed. Here are a few of uur great bargains below 10 pieces 42 inch Grey and Fawn mixtiire Tweeds, regular 75c at s'i\ 5 pieces 42 inch Lustre, bla^. brown and blue, all w(«l, regular 40c at 29 8 pieces Krey mixture, good regular 40c for 7 pieces Plaids, all wool, worth itoiu to 75c at eight twe«-il 60c f 'c 40 IWasli. Groods 60 pieces of English Cambric SU<rtij^a, 20 pieces nice patterns, linei 10 pieces «f Linen iety fine patterns, regular 17c ab 14i material, regular 18o at Ui^. iga, regttlac S and lOo at 6ot, ;he vali^^^Mici $5^ for."'... . . SKIRTS? HAVE YOU 'SBB.H OUR NEW STOCK Come la and see the vali 12 Ladies Black Cloth Skirts nicely brimmed^ 12 Grey Tweed Skirts, very new. Be|ular 12 Ladies Black Ctotb-Skirts, the very li^pt styles, all sizes, Regular 5.00 for OF LADIES' m Regular 2.73 at. .1.98 ...3.25 ...3.% 12 of those very latest Pleatod Lustr^Skirts, in blue, green sad black. Regular 87.50 for „ f. V > .... , .6.15 ^ r^k Suffered fur Five years with Kid- ney and Liver Trouble. "I suffered for five ysars with kidney and liver trouble which caused «evor» pains across the back and a blinding headache. I bad dys- pepsia and waa so conitcipated that 1 C4}uld not cathartici I was cured by pring Coats Tha new stock is here. If we haven't what you are hioking Ibrwewillbe pleased to order a jacket for you. 5 Fawn Covert Cloth Ladies Jacket, new design, regular $12.00' at ^.08 5 Ladies Fine Covert Cloth Coats, nicety made and trimmed, box pleated baelt, regular $16.00 at $10.00 McFAKLAND, STAFFOl^D 6c CO isBQKsaaa^s last fall. Ueaiing of Chamberlain's Cough Kemcdy, 1 tried it and after using twwsmall ipletel; Hfially Kemcdy, bcttlcs « is intended es] VARICOCELE GU KfSO NAMES V9^Jf WITHOOT WKlTtEH CO^ Confined to His Home for W< fchmg iKttlca'wfts completely curcil". 'rtis reipcdy " " »pecially for coughs and c«)|<la. It [ will Uwsen and relieve a Mvere cold in less rime than by any other treatraont ftxi is a f.ivorite wherever its 8U)ierior exo-Ueiice has l>«coni« kiiowm For sale by 'W.K.Hicbaid»a»j SM. H.L.l>»ugla«». . '*' * â€" "' "»V , ' 1 move without a , _ â€" .. burned. Outside deceased s revolver waa ' Chamberlain's Stomach and Uver TableU and £ ..„.! w,...:.].. fh^ naih 1.-idli>« from tha have been Well now for six months," says Mr. found beNide the paUi le-ndlat from '"e . Arthw. Strickland of Ch»tt»onoga,Tonn. For sale by W. E. Kicbardson and MAXWSLL •sfr Doiiglans. X i barn, Thf re was also some bl<M>d en the an«w. Tbt;so facta were hruuxbt out at a 1 ii'queat ou Thurday, when tha jury rendered an <t>ett verdict. Mr. Parks was 65 yeai s of age andabacbtlur Be j Weather is <priiiglikeherp,siigMmakioK waa also high np in the Uraiiga order.aud all (he rage. wa* buried Friday in Floshertoii cemetery | Mossra. William and Robt. Kinnear under the auspices of this order, Rot. L ' and Karnest Glassford and ^ed Long, W. Thorn preaching a touching aermon on all of our village, left last weak for Kd- tho occasion. The funeral cortege was monton. Succoea boys, very large. , Mr. Tbos. Guy and William and Levi Allan Parka had no enemies, but one, Coutts also left last week for the We«t. •nd in it ho thought he saw his bent Miss Flo Morgan is visitiuK at her f irond. The fact that there waa no robbery auter's, Mra. Oen. Flefher. gies very far towards proving that there ', Miss Villa Whiteoak is honw froai waa no murder, and as we said before, Toronto. tkv«car« very few who believe this lam- Hm Franeic Pkul, uf Th*dead body of Geo. Stdomoa, a middle aged man, whose home is :i-'ar Lisle, was found on Monday in a fence corner on Emmaneui GalKngar's farm a short distance from the village. Whwi found the body was frozen stiff. ' On Thutadey last Solooion had been in Linle and had been drinking durina .'he after- noon. He started for home alone and otf foot and appears to have become bewild ered, Riully falling headlong in the fence corner, where he died of exposure. On Friday Solomon's continued absence o-ius- ad alarm and search parties were oreaniz- •d, but no trace of him was found until Monday.â€" AUiitwn Herald. A. S. Thurtlon haa a variety 8S di'^ want scenea on postal cards. Coroe at d FeverateiD, | m« than. Duly 6c each, 6 for 3d«> i^ "Uoavy work, severe straining and evil habits In _ on a double v-iricocvla. When I work*'*! bard j^e J btcoir.e severe and I was uCtMi laid up for- <W^ «'e''< 3Jy family physiclna told mo an operation w.!* niy onlyl but I dreaded it. I trit-d iievrral ep^cla4f-s*.s, Wbl .suon round out I all thoy wanted wns my money. I commences to u»olt upon all i doctors «â-  little belter than rogues. One day fiiy boss ackod rae I why I «a« oft nurk lo much and I told lilm my conURiun. He I advined me to consult Urs, Kennedy and Kcrgan, as. ho bad | taken treatment <rom tht m bUntcir and knew they were sciuaM id skllltul. Ho wrote itocna and got t?i» Ne w Jlfihod T:eat- cnt for mo. My progreBS wa^ eonxwhst slow and durmff Ui« 1 rfl month's tn atmrni I was somewhata^L^""''""'''' Howsxer, r continued ueatnioat far thres moniha lofffi*c »nd w.is rewarded I a ronipleiQ cur«. 1 could only earn ti2 a Week In a machine I op berore tri-aimenl. njiv I am ea.-ninc l.;i an.] nevei^ lujbs si ly 1 ,vijh ail sufferers knew of your r.^luaWo ire.itn HAS YOUR BLCOD BEEN DISEASSD? fsi-tXID POISONS are ths most pTe»a;ent anrt most ««Tloua dlsmses. Th«r sap Itb* very life blood of il.o vl t\m â- â€¢.:-l ual-'Fs onilnly .<radlca;id from tbo system Iwlll caofe srrloua ..oni; ]l<-aU..:>9. He<.are of ^i^f^n. U only Bupl.reMes Uio liTvn'ntoms-our NKW MBrH')» pwiilviiy cur., all bl.io^ if t^air„ forev-r. IVot-NO oil MIDDLE AOBU-.MK.N-.-lmpruJ«ni acts or \»*\- »x.t»w« t«v« broken Idown yoursvitira. ^ou feel t:M! rrn.pf.ms M.aHnj ov.c >'oii. ilnially. parfi^^lly and vlwMy yJu T^ not the maa >^'a u.cd to be or should bo. V.'lil you h^M Uie I dsAger elgnaisr R' e a fk » ^ Are '-ou ft vletlm? Have yon lost bopet Afs you Intoadlnr B A O K K to m.iri) 1 H.i:! your blood b.-. n dUens' u ? Ii.-ivc you anjf wen/.. | taessT Our New Muhoil TieaJ.ii" ot will euro you. What It has done 111 wilt do for yx)i». CO'NSVt.T.*Tl<">Nl'-RE»S. No matter wh.i has r I writ* for an honest orlri'ioo fT" » of CTiarso- BOOlj.3 PUBBâ€" "Tlio Gaid«a MoiU> | ttor"- (Illu>lmt<.d>. OB DiKUf a uf Men. NO HAHBS. CSED WITMOCT WRITTeN CONSCNTk PKTTAT*. Wo I _iai«S uM fanâ€" i>r nmiiliiiim Kvurytblnar ««afl<lantial> Qnestiou list and | I «oat ot tteatiAOBt VKKfi for tTomoTrvaLintint. Di».KENIiEDY&KERGAN Cor. Mich. Ave. and Shelby St., Distrolt, Mich. I ^

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