V ^>5/*-or- ^^-^ r i> THERE IS NOW A MASS OF PROOF (THAT LUMBAGO LS ALWAYS CIRED BY UODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Qupb<>r Man Cnri-il his Kidnrys witli DodcTs Kidney Pills, asJ liis Luinba(|o Vanished. Quebec, P. Q.^ April 2â€" (Special).â€" Johij Bull, a liricUliiyer, residing al 57 Lillle Clminpluin sjlreol, Uiis cily, has added his slulcnienl to Uie gvfni mass or proof that Lumbago is cuusi'd by dis- ordered Kidneys, and consoquenUy easily cuwd by Dodds Kidney trills. Mr. \V\\\ snys ; "I waa Irnuliled will) Lumbago for two years. I could nol work. I had lo gel. up at nit,'hts to nririule .so otlon that my rest was broken. 1 n-ad o{ euros by Dodd's Kidney Pills nnd uiado U)) tiiy mind lo Iry thini. AUcv the first box I could see nnd [rel a change. Three bo.xes cured iiio ronipleloly." L\inibago. like Rheunialism. is caustd by uric acid in I he blood. Uric acid can- ' not Slav in the blood if the Kidneys are working right. Dodd's Kidney Pills make the Kidneys work liyht. KAKFiaS .\.\D SLAVES. Origin of Two Words is an Interrstino Bit of History. Very curious has been Itic history f Ilio word "Uiillir." The French explor- ers who have been opening up the Su- dan and Sahara find that Ihey are called kars by the .Mohammedans, while Sir Henry Hnwlinson once said that the lovc- hesl Oriental lady he had ever seen was R kalFir slave at Kabul. When she had Icosened her golden hair she could cover herself completely as Willi a veil. This name of kaMlr is as world-wide as Is- lamism. for it is Ihe name of "unbeliev- er'' applied by true Mohainniedans to tl'-ose that rcfu-se Ihe faith. The I'orlu- fuese found it applied to the negroes r,{ Kast Africa by Iheir Arab predece.ssors, (ind handed It on lo Ihe Dutch and to Ihe English. The kallir slave in Kabul belonged to one of tho.sc black-clad mountain tribes in the heart of ..Vfghan- (Slan who till 1811.5 defied their .Mo.sleiM neighbors, and on their dizzy preciplcs gloated on their idolatry. Tlicsi- Afyh.ui kallirs claim lo be descended frtmi the dreeks who come wjlh Alexander in hif- conquest of the easL A remarkable instance of verbal deg- rndalioii is the word "slave." lis ori- ginal. Ihe r^ussian "slavn," meant glori- ous, being elyinologically akin lo tlio I'.nglish word "glory,'' and wiis proudly tid;en as Iheir name tiy the .Slavonic people. Cut when Ihe Germans reduceil hosts of llie .'^lavs lo servitude their name, from malice or accident, is <',i|i. bon says, becnmo synnnymous with "servile." It retains no more siiggos- llon of its racial origin now than does "ogre," which is really "Hungarian,' from a confusion of Ihe Mngyni-s wilh the Huns, and of both with the terrible Tartars. A STUDENTS .M.VMA. An E.xlraordinary Case Aired in A Der- lin Court. A most extraordinary story is told ii Ihe (j^ntial Criminal Court of Berlin, (lerinany, Ihe other day. by Robert Stoss. a student, 22 years of age, wlio was charged wilh causiny bodily injury, public violence and theft. These three charges were i-eprescnted by Sloss, hav- ing cut off the hair of sixteen young girls in the streets of Berlin. Evidence was given Ihal Sloss hadi pas.sed all his examinations wilh hon- ois and tliut he had special talent as d ihalheinaiician. He was an industrious, well-behaved student. When qiieslioned by the presidinfj judge, .'>luss said that his taste for beau- tiful, long hiiir was .so liiten.se Itiat l-e could not resist it. He bei^an cutting off i-jrl.s' hair llie day the Crown Princess made her public entrance into Berlin. "I cannot explain why I could not le- sisl temptatiun to cut off girls' hair.' ne said. "1 perpetrated tin: second offeni'c ill Noveiuher la.sl. when the King of Spain arrived in Berlin, and the girl wlio.se liiiir was cut off did not notice what bad been done." "What (lid you do with the hair?" ask- ed thi' ju(l;,'e. "I took it home nnd kept it in a box lalielcd 'Reminiscences,'" replied .Sloss. "If you were liberaleil would you nro- ini.se never again fo cut off girls' hair'.'" asked tlie judge. "I cannot promise; I cannot say whe- ther I could resist the leiuptation," was the reply. ."-^Inss slated that he had tied each trophy wilh a ribbon and labe led it Willi the dnte on which he obtained pos. .session of it. The court di.schnrged .Sloss, his rein- ti\es promising lo place him under in- strain!. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. To appreciate the simplicity aind ease of \A/ashing with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way you should follov\' directions. After rubbing on the soap, roll up each piece, immerse in the water, and go away. Sunlight Soap will do its work in thirty to sixty minutes. Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than if washed in the old'fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing. Equally good with hard or soft water. Laver BrotHara Limited, Toronto >sa APPLE TREES. Before buying write us, or see om agent near you. tor prices. We havie ' the largj'sl stock of fruit trees to bo found in Canada. We pay the freight. Brown Brothers Company, Nurserymen, Limited, Crown's Nurseries, Ont. Doclured .Nine Years for Tetter. â€" Mr. James Gaston, nierchimt, of Wilkcs- barre. Pu.. writes : "Kor nine years I have been disfigured wilh Teller on my hands and face. At last I have found a cure in Dr. Agnew's Oinlinent. it helped me froni the Tir^l applicalion, and now I am permanently cured." â€" i;i5. "Yes." .<!nid Ihe fair young girl, "every- liody snys I m just the pictui'e of mam- ma." "Well." replied the gallant youth, 'you're certainly a flaltering picture." THK JAPS did It. TIloy Huppliod ttie Menthol foniifl iTi the " I> ife Ii " Mouth '1 riaitar, which re- 3iov«a iiittiantly b;i(;l:;u:he, he;wtache, neuralgia, rUeuaiatitfiu aud Hciatiua. LANDS In Western Canada Twn Qomoriai cections, eeleeti eU lAude ia S»»katchew,T.n. only » milei from twi railway*. C.H.E. * O.T.P. Stniug soil, 9j per cent, plough laud, nirioi; oreek, no alouch. Abimt 40 miled N.B. o( In iian Uosul. i^ice $10.50 per Write for map and liill particulars. R. PAR UNS, 91 Wellcaley Street, Taronte, Canad # l/ELL M DRILUINQ M MACHINES nA and /nfk DRILLERS' // Lm SUPPLIES. JMm§m Write for prices. .^jHWCi V/. H. HOOCSDN, ^^^ Loniion Ont. COULD CURE Tll.Vr. Dr. Youngerâ€" "You're a lillle bit un- der weiyhl. You don't eat enough." Nfr. Musselâ€" ".Nonsense! If I were to cat more I'd have dyspepsiaâ€"" Dr. Youngerâ€" "I know, but that's my specially, you know." control is heir Cure the Nerves and you will filmost every disease that flesh to. The foundation of health is a perfect stomach and good digestionâ€" these riglit and you are insured picrdy of nervi^ force, perfect circulation and pure blood. South American Nervine is a wonder- worker â€" gives nerve forceâ€" makes rich blood. Il's a veritable "Elixir of Lite," '32. lie: "I'd consider it a gi'ent pleasure lo la Ik to a woman like .Miss Cias.Mi- way." .'Jhe: "What! Why. she'd talk yon to death.'" He: "I said I'd consider it a pleasure to talk to her, not to listcm to her." Sonljght Bosp ii 'bsttar than otber loapi, hvX it beat when used in the Sunlight way. Buy BtuiUght Soap and follow diroctioni. I'lach; "Mr. liiciu; .^ays very bitter things about lho.se lazy sons of his, but his wife is always making excu.ses for them." Clooni: "'^es. she makes excuses, but he has to make allowances tor them; that's what angers him." \o Ilearl loo Bad (o be Cured. â€" Tt."!- limoiiy could be piled high in comnien- dalinn of the wonderful curves vvrou(,'ht i by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. No lease stands against this great remedy I where it did not relieve the most .ncule I heai't sufferings inside of thirty minutes. It altacks the disease in an instant after being taken.â€" 131. The Lady; "Pa wants us to wait ten J^ears before we mari'y; hut that will not mattei', dear George. You will still be young then." The K.scnrt: "Yes, my dear; but it was not of myself I was Uiinking." A .SKIN THAT ni^RNS with eczema, and ii leoTered with oruptiouH that dlHchan^e .% thin Uuid, 'may be made smootli and fii|<htlÂ¥ with Weaver's ICer^te. Hat thin external remuay should be U3od Ha coi^unction with Weaver's Symp. MAKING PAYMKNT. â- "AH I have in the world I owe to niy tvifc," murmured Ihe millionaire, who was about to tail, "and 1 guess 1 belter ^quaI•e up with her right now." And he proceeded to put his posses- sions in his wife's name. "Why, Clara, you look radiant ! What tias happened?" "I've jusl received an invitation to a wedding." "Well, there's nothing particular in thai to go into raptures over." "Yes, but it happens to be my own," and she showed the new rngafjemenl-ring. He (on his knees)â€" "Darling, I love you with all my heart, wilh all my soul, and with all the strength of my being." Sheâ€" "Arc you in earnest. Clarence?" IId (reriroaclifully) â€" "In earnest? Do you Ihink I am jiagging my trousers in this way for fun?' DODDS '/. ^ KIDNEY.^ (j>/, PILLS 4 Dentist (to troublesome creditor) â€" "If you must bring your bill every day, at li.ast you might come with your' face tied up, .'io that people will think you ore u patient." A RKO.in »'r.iTKMEXT This announcement in made without any .pialificationa. HomRoid is the one pre- paration in the world ibat guarantees it. Dr. I^eonharUt'e HemHoid will cure any case of I'ilon. It is in the form of a tablet. It is the only pile roinedy used iiittrrially. It is impossible to cure an establiehed case of Piles with ointments, siippoaitories, injections, or outward appliaiicee. A guarantee is issued with every package of Dr. Ijeonhanlt's Hom-Roid, which con- tains a month's treatment. Go and talk to vonr druggist about it. The Wilson-Fylo Co., Limited. Niagara Kails, Ont. 1 TRY .SINGING. An eight-year-old girl, with a cut in her hand, was brought to a physician. 11 was necessary for the best results to ! take a few stitches wilh a surgeon s needle. While the physician wa.s making preparations the little girl swung her foot nervoiisly against Iht chair, and was gently admonished by her mother. "That will do no harm," said the doc- tor, kindly, "as long as you hold your hand .still, adding with a glance at the strained, anxious face of the child, "You may cry as much as you like.'' "I would rather sing," replied the child. "All right, thai would be bellcr. What con yo\i sing?" "I can sing, 'Give, Give, .Said the Little Stream.' Do you know that?" "I am not sure," respondetl the doc- tor. How dots it begin?" The little patient proceeded to illus- trate. "â- I'hal's beautiful." said Ihe doctor. "I want to hear the whole of it." All Ihe while the skilled fingers were .sewing up the wound, the .sweet, childish voice sounded bravely through Iho room, nnd Ihe only tears shed on the occasion came from the eyes of the mother. It is, I believe, a physiological fnci IhnI .some cxprt.<i5ion of one's feelings tends 1o le.s.scn pain. Since weeping and groaning are dislre.s,sing to one's friends, how would It do for us all lo try siujing instead T no NOT .4I.I,0W yourself to become alarmed because you liave lt.»t y'Oir appetite .an 1 are loi.a* He-h. bui C'.miueiice takint; " Kerrovim" the best tonic* It will build you up quickly. REFLECTION. The photographer was IhoughlfuUv surveying a row of pictures ho had taken of a number of palrons. "There is no denying the fact," he multered, "there are some ugly features in this business." How lonfl havi' your Kidneys been sick '?â€" Here's .'<oiilh .\mericiin Kidney Cure evidence Ihal's convincing : "I am a now man â€" three bottles cured me." "Five bottles cured me of Diabetes.' "I never expected to be cured of Hrighl's Di.sea.sc. but half a dozen hoUIes did it." "I Ihoiighl my days were num- bered, but this great remedy cured me. " It never fails.â€" 134. "My dear Miss Keiiiplon." rtmarkcd Mr. ("liffloiiville. ineeling the young lady by chance, "your new hat is simply di- vine. I crossed the street especially to get a heller view. However, I shouldn't like to sit behind it al Ihe theatre." "But, then, you needn't," relorled Miss Kemplon, wilh an arch smile; "for you are welcome lo sit beside il." What could the poor boy do ? MONTH AFTBW MONTH a cold sticks, unh seems to tear li >le.s in yitur throat. Are y.>u aware ihat oven a stubborn auil longuo^jlectad c.ild ia nuied with Allen's Lung li&Jaam ? (JoujeIi aud worry oo lun^or. Ve Owa The Ur|Mt Stack Pood tadorj In The W»rM. Itcorenorera city block, contains over 18 acres of floor space, cost $500,000. Site of our office 360x1 :o, 300 office pcoylc, 150 typewriteia and we uec filty million letter heads and cnvelopee every yen. A car- load e»crr JO days. Our chemical laboratory is one ol the best. Onr ofBce is one of the great siuhts of the business world. Many very small concerns advertise Isree buildings. We invite you to Ttslt our factory and see that we have everything we claim. Mauufactared and Guanotecd by toleniaUeaal Slock foeJ Ca. "Intwnsliouil Slock Tott" "Inlenialisnsl r.altry reor* "iBltrsslioiisl Uesre Cars" " ntenutiens U»»e lUlrr "Inlersstisoal Werm Pswdoi* "laletasUens! Di»UB#«r Cara" *'lnleni>liMsI Oall Core" "Silror riae Healiot Oil" "InlorsoUeaai Ceoaoual Atoorbeal' "Inltrnotlsaal Fheno Chlsro" "DsB r>lch Slaklo DitialtclMl" Alto "Jewel lacokators" tad nrae4«T«, tsl Jewel Chick sal Ben Feed. DAN PATCH rTFftl? MAILED FEEE. â- We have a Beautiful 6 Color Picture of our Ghampion Pacer. Dan "atch 1 •5''i< siie 16x24. Hree of atlvertising. fine rictnre lor frHmmit, Bives all the recordi made by our pacing wonder. We will mail you ouc free, postage prepaid, if you will write us how much stock you own and name this paper. 'Write at once to INTERNATIONAL STOCK rOOD CO., Hinneapolit, BInn., U. 8. *. "Inlttaatieatl Ftet lemedy" "IsltmaUsntl C»Uc Cure" "Inltmallentl Shnp Up" "InlerBtlieatI DmI Oinlneat^ "lalicaational Bunett Seap" mBmmmmmmm CLIFTON SPRINGS SANITARIUM CLIFTON SPRINGS, N. Y. 1850 - 1906 THIS FAHOUS HEALTH KESORT enjoys a w<>rld-wulo vtipuUtiou fur iti h >me-like c jiu- iorti iviut the excuUiMic) of tbe tfervica reutl^red to seekers after he^O) or re>t, by its stall' t->i phy icia.n:(, tr<iine') iiiirse-i and atteiiilants, and the increo^iiiK {idtroiubge froru Cuidda aod the l*r •viiice-i is ve>7 appieciativa in itJ commeud- atiou of uur work. WIIH HlFTVriVE YHARS' EXPBRIBNCB ill the ti^e of the heal in .Vte.lical, Hurgical, Kloctiicil and HyttnitheiApeutic Traalmeats and the tiriobt tieatuteiit room, in the cjuatry, wer^a .kt-siiro our patrons id thn .^election of that which uill prove ino^t helpful aud Huit'Od tu their individual tioeds. To those KeakiiiR A UAVI.N OF REST we extuiid spticini feitdto-i that wilt iiitt b« found e;senhe:e. and we iitvite your <Mrreipondeno« and ia^pectiou. Our ratei are m>iit liberal and uur service in uneiiuallod. No tubercular or iiiiiane ca:i«.-i recoiveJ. Write for bv.oklct X and piirtlculars. BOOKS. To avoid "calchlng" cold keep yotir room 111 an even lempertihirf, don't .si! v^ith your back lo a wunii lire, uiid avoid draughts. Mrs. Groon fwtio tliink.s of cngaRing)â€" "But i.s Iho pirl honest? Dm .sho he Iru.'.led?" Mr.s. [Jrown (Iho gh1'.s former mistress) â€" "You need not be in the len.st ntanned. She is perfeilly honest. AH Ihe time she wn.s wilh nit; F never knew her lo liike a thing- nol even my advice as lo how things should be done." IT^OBTY BOOKS AND PAMPHI.KTS FOR $l.t)i ' by ttxpt-e.iii, pnbli.hail pries ah-iut Sic IncliiUiiig in pait Life nf William W;Ulare an<i Stray l.«a»ei fr.»m Kn^lish and Sc.itoli Hist .ry. <uo P'^sri, cl''tli, imhli.<ho<l :tt 9*^50; mailsd fui 3.) cents; Ku^o.ie .Siio'.i My^torissi of Paris, 'Zt: I csiiti; l*aine 3 Age of Ka-xson. 'M omiH; lu^^ar. •oil's Mistaksd of Mt»ej (abri(l|;ad), inc ; Adven- ture.4i>f sheriuck Uulme>*, by Cunan Duyle, 20c. maKazinei anil nuvela, four bound n^ivela in each parcel : 20<l sunga, U-c ; "HoyleV^ Uanie3," 2^c : l^ipular .Scot^di Song.-<, words anil ratinic, lOo - 11. lu.trated l.und.jn M«<f.i, Tit Bitj. Murray's Urnadiides, etc, etc. Uook.i upecitieil mailed, po&tpaid, at prices qujted, anywhere in rostal union, or the whule lot together by expreu fui $1, Cauada only. Cataliif(uo4 free t> .customors only, others mu«t encUiee atamp.^. Menti.tn tlil.^ paper. Normaji Murray, 2iU ^jt. J.imed atrMif Muutreal. STAhR'S MAGIC (inaraiiteo.l ti cure Uhtiuma tiriin, Acut«, la- OUCillUlATin namraatory or Chronic; nnCUMAI lu aUo Neuralgia, ijciatira, l.umba};'!, aait all Kid. njigC ney trouhlei; reinovej Uric Arid UUnC friin the :iy..itein, givei iininoiliate relief, D.int suffer, hut send for a bottle .â- it once. l).<boriie Ueratly O'.. 17S Yongo St., T.ironto, Canail.i. »l.i»J per buttle. Tor 33 Years Ii^OK SALK- jrST ARBIVRD AND FOB ' sale 24 imp irted Clydeidale stalll ins and > ilackneyd : fatio :'i miles fr.>iii aud of atreet cai line.-0. SOBUY, (iuelph, Ont. American Poultry Farm. We Breed for Color. Vigor, ami Heavy Kgg Prodnctiun, Our l.egharn» and Wyanil itt« hem have iwcirds of over ioo . ggt per year. Kitea 'or llatchinR fmrn forty Brewling f'ens ol Barred and White I'lyinouth R cks, Wliita and Silver Wyandottes, White and Brown (.eiihiiru, Ifjwja $S.()0 per l.s, »â- IXI per -TO, lli.iK) p«r IW Bronio Turkeya and Jersey Cattle. .W ya^n' e» Derlence in Breo liric. Circular aud I'noea Kra^ ' P. n. MUNQBR * SONS, UelUlb. Ill Shiloh't Coniumpdon Cure, the LuM Tonic, hu been before the public, and this, together wilh the fact thai it* »le* have steadily increased year by year, is tbe best proof of (he netil of Shiloh as • cute tor Cou^s. G>Ms. and all disease* ol the lungs and aii passage*. Those who have used Sliiloh would not be without it. Those who have nevei used it should know that eveiy bottle i« sold with a positive guarantee thai, if il doesn't cure you, the dealer will refund what you paid for it. Stiiloli ! Dyeing I Cleaning I r*f lb* veff kttliaaa r*af wefk Ig Ik* "IRITItN AMERIOAN OYKIHQ 00." Leak (et aeeal la rear unra, m â€"mt Ut»tk. MMUMl.Toroato, Ottawa, QiiatoMk RHEUMATISM nan; form and cold peraplring feel positivali !ur«il within 30 days, by our newly patented tjiu(u«tic iHiiCs or money prouiptly lefuinleiL Mai.ixl anywhere <l.i)0. Writo for deic.iptiva sooklet. AiieiitB wanted. MAUNKTIC Klll'.U- ItA'l'biM CUBli Ct>., sliarbruuke, (jueliec, Canada Has Gired thousanc!* o( tho mott obstinate caset ol Coughi, CoIcU and Lung troublea. Lei il cure you. "Lftit winter I cou|h«J for tfircse montki anj ihoueHt 1 WM eoiDfl into Conoumpiion. ! took all â- oflt of medirmc*. but nothiBii Jid me ^ny tpoa nnlil 1 vmtd Sliiloh'o Coruumption Cute. Four boltlc* cured me. Thit winter I KmJ k very bad cold, wu Dot ahW to opcftk, my luni* wcra tora oo the tide and lack. Six hotite* of Shiloh made â- e welt again. 1 have gtv«n it tn wrerAl paona . aad every one of them have baen curaJ.â€" iX Joaeph. St Hyaciathe. Qoe.** foi iSHILOH j>c. wilh pi w lea at all druggiala. MILLIONS IN COBALT We will shorlly olfcr for siibscrip.lion « limited nuinbtT of f-'outidtjr's Shores in a Company recmtly incorporated. I InvMlors, this Is your opportunily. I Take Russell Sngo's advice nnd "btiy when slocks arc chenp." Act quickly. Wrile for particulars wtlhoiit delny. THE S. S. NESBITT COMPANY, Brokers, Etc., ConlederalioD Lifu Building, Toronto. Plenty of Land Southwest along the (SaniaFe ^ W In Land of plenty Not as much unoccupied land as there wn.'< five years ago, but enough for your nei'^ls anyhow. Tell ine what sci;tion you are mrvsl Inlercsled in either Kansas, Okla- homa, Texas, Colorado, New Mexi- co, Arizona ur California. I will mail dexriptWe litnratMie that wil tntaraat you. (len. i 'nlimlaatioD .\gi.. A. T a S. P. By., Railway Kxcbange, Chicax*. ISSUE NO. U \ m