Flesherton Advance, 5 Apr 1906, p. 8

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%. April 51906 THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Week. Om« SI t'j 31 PeBR 72 to 72 1»«iley 45 to 46 Wln-»t 70 to 70 Hiy 6 00 to 5 00 Pouitoes per bag 60 to tO IJiutor W to 16 EcKsfrfeKh 14 to 14 •V* In Furniture The Iftrgest and best Block of furnituie ev«r8hown in Flesher- t<>n. This without (ear of contra- diction Come and too tome of the uice things in Sideboards Dining Roon\ Ci\airs Parlor Setts Bed Roon\ Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the stock. 1 W. H. BUNT ^unnitune Siealef J 'Canada's Greatest Nurseries" WANT A Local Salesman for Flesherton To R''II Hi;!h Clmn Nuracry Stock in FruitH and Oninriioiitnl. Largest List of NEW Sl'KCIALTIES ever offered. SrAlir NOW AT TUE BEST SEL- LING SEAS )N. Ui>{ induopniuiits.Lib- urul Piiy, liandaoiiie Free Outfit, Territ- ory Ro^ervcd. WHITE FOR TERMS and C:k'Hl'><;ue and iteiid 35c for our ALUVIINUM roCKET MICROSCOPE flniigiiilicH 4} iIiiiuh) and OOc for our HANDY Saw, just the thins tor triin- niiiig trees (outs iron us wvHaswood.) Stone & Wellington (uvkrSOO acbeh) Toronto Ontario HURRAH ! Fop Pretty Homes. Don't CctHnHmaftteun In. lLl3ULni<la.rioe Wet havt} jii«t rcriiivcd nnr niiw wull |ia))4]rK. Kiir l)«d roDiiiH mill living romiia wiiiiu rcfriwli' i4Uly l>riKhtaiiil li)(lit ciiliiriii)(ri aro piiivided, wliiiii f'lr lll>rariu»uiiii (liiiinir ronii.ii thv laiM^stry aA<l (.ibrii: ti'i'utiiiitntKuru p.ii'ticiilarly Htytiflh, Wc h'.ow a laivui'aiiK<? iif iii<ix)i<]|)sivc |m|iv|'II for lili{li chwsiWiTiitiiin, ill |ii'liitui| VLl.iiirn, vwn t'Mio tipatiiiKiitK, art nwiiviMii diMi)Oi"i â- nk paiMm, iM'iirea, panel dvooratiiiiiH, rinwn cffoolii aiid^'ildfrntMaaed l>a|M.'r«, In additiim t<> many nthvr iityle.r (J. ill early atiil Hucnre yixir clinireid pa|H-r for LOOIroiMiH. FiioiMiraiii;» from 3)1. |x<rriillup. Mkinpl«a aent froii in any pt^raon for the iMkiiiv, Or<lt;ra for paiHir-lian)(ing Khouhl Ui in early ti> avoid the ru^ili. C. E. THYON . . . PRICEVILLE Practical Decorator. A Practical Kdu- cation A.t Tlie Owen Sound, Ont. will ilonbln yonr carninu powar. It only r«. fiiirea a fuw iiiniithii at tbia Iimtltutioii to <!oin> (ilxtii a tlioriiiigh uraotioal bualriMa Uouraa or a lihartliaiiil au.l Tvpnwrii.|iin CourHa aud fit you fur a rnmiuivratlvo piialtinii. â- todiinta ailiniltvil at any tiuio. Kult partloU'- laia at any linii: fran. C. A FLBMMINa, Principal ((iriac r«cai Bedns April 2ni<, (let smno '>f 8. Thurst<>H's lino Suurenir PtVttal Oarda, Co, •••Ii, foe <i5o. Write fur <Mt.llu|{IM W^e Trust Doctors If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de- bility, nervousness, exhaus- tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him about it. TTnlraa tkera la dally action of tho bowala, polaonoua prrMfocta are atMorl**!!. caaalng baad- a«b«. blllouinftta. nanaaa, drapeyala. and (Imi prerantiiiic the ^anaparllla Irmadoinc lu bMt work. Ayar'a rilla ara UTsrpUla. Act s*a>'T- all TOK*ubl«. M lta«abT».O.A]r*rOe..I«w«n. riyer's lUtB VMOK. AQUE CUSB. CnEmY PBCTOUL. Wa bava no aaenrta I Wa pobUata tba formalaa or all our madlalnas. The New County Councils Act BARGAINS .. . . AT . . . . PORTLAW TINWARE- Now is the time to buy your tinware and Port Law is the place t<i buy It as everything is uianufucluted at at home. FOOTWAREâ€" Wo have a Urge stock of hidies boots â€" just the thing for spring also Men's heavy Eoulish and French kip ttliich we are selling below cu«t. PRINTS â€" Also u nice line of prints, uiuKhaais, duck sliirtini;, cotttouade and reidyjto wear akirta. J<'rosh grocctius airiviiif; alinnst daily. Shfplierds Hour for sale. St. John and Roulston, Gunurul Merchants Port Law Business Cards •jfCULLOUOH A yoUNO <**â-  llaakur Markdale 3oa Reiieralbankiug bualuuaa. MoDey toauad a ruaaouable rate Call ou us. T0n;8LiBTT, â-  IVaituaatnr, Ceylon. Ooiumital'juer lu II. C. J , Convovancer, daeda, luuitxatiBH, leasoa, willa eto. carefully drawn up Oullvcliuua wad-, cbarcua ruaaooablo. Al.u grocerlua, Uoui, food utv, kept iu alock, Pricea riMbt. RJ BPitOUIiR Poatmailur, Fleahertoo uoujmlaaloner in H. C.J. , Auctioneer Con reyancur, Appralaer and Money Louder B«al liatata and Inauraoee Agent, lieeda morteRdoa, leaaoa au'l wllla carefully drawn Of and valuationa made on aborteni notice. Uiuuey to loan at lowaat ratea ul iuteruat. Col actioaa atteudud to with promptneaa charges low. Agont tor Ocean Douiiuion Hiaamabip Company. A call aolioited. Societies A O U V meeta on the last Monday " in eaon inontb. In their longu room. Ohriatoa'a block. Floaberton.at 8 p.m. M.W. Frank Chard ; See, T. Klakely, Kluaocier, W.J. Uel.amy. Vialting brethrao Ikvited. pitlNCB ARTHUU LODUE, No. !«3,AK& â- ^ A U, meeta In tba Maaonlcball. Strain't block. Klaaberton, every Friday oo or before the full mocn, John Wright, W M.: C. N Ulobar son, Boi/etary. not'IlT FLKHIIKRTOM, 99.i. I. P. K. u-oet« In " Cbristoo'a Block tlia laat KridayovuiiinR of each month. Viaitiug Korestern heartily wiiioomn. r. It., Dr. Murray; It. C. W. Loucka- Fin. fiec. H. A. WillHtt. I'Inaau pay duoa to H. A. Willetk oo or before the laat day of the preoeedlng month. nnoSUN FhlKNDB-Pleahertnn foiinoil of " ChoHuii FrliiiiilB luooia in Clavton'a liall flrst and third We(lnuM<lay of ckch ni'out 8 p. ni i'ay as«u8Kni«ntB to the Ilci-ordvr on or brfore ten flrat fifty of nach month. Chief Couuclilor T. lllakuluy;ltecordor, W. U. Hunt. Medical rVH CAKTKR rnn .„ .."i^ '' ^ " °'''' Physician. RnrRoon.eto OlBce and romdunco-feter at.. Pleshorton rjn. A. T. HONI) K .r. ""''"ate Toronto Unlveraltr Mem- her of Gnu. io oIloRe oj I'hyaioli",B *.nd 8 1" gocus. Maxwell. On', ducceaaor to Dr. Scott. I P OTTKWKLL Veterinary Bargeon ?p"^^ -'a3?„!.w;'n;'n".ir' s:;iTn PrrbyterVaT^hnrlb^." """ "" "u?S g WILSON, Hlackpmlth AVaoolatlon*""'}!''?."'"" V»'<"-lnar» Hclenee !1!I?^ '.!""•â-  .Kuaidenoc, Dnrhaiu itrast. op- poaite HoyU, HickllLg'a hardware. Legal r UCAB WRIOHT * MoARDLB " Barrlatura Soiicitora Conveyanoers, at« omoeaâ€" Owou Bound, Ont and UarkdalaOnt W H Wbioht, MgAmi>i.« 1 B Lucas N n-Fleaherton office, Ultohell's Bank avary Haturdav. Dentistry Dr. B. C. MURRAY I.. T). R, itontal anrxaon h'mni'gi adnata of Toronto Unlvrrtitrand oyal (" olUuonf Dental Surg on* of (lutario. (laa adniini'i ration for tooth extraction ffic* at rjalJonoj, Toroalo ttsat, FIcabtrton The new C junty Councils Act jms heen printed and distributed. Its etKential features sre as follows: 1. In and for the year 1907 and there- after the council uf every couuiy or union of counties in this I^viiive ahall be constituted as follows: 1. Every town not separated from thf CKUiity for municipal purposes aud every township and village shnll bercpreseiitrd in such ciiunril b) the reeve of such i<iwn township and vilUge municipality, and in addition to the reeve, by deputy reeve or deputy reeves as follows: (a) If the municipality had the n^mes of more than 1,000 and ntM more than 2,000 persons on the last revised voters' li»t of the municipal ity HS^ualifiedto vute at municipai elections, then by a first deputy reeve. (b) If the municipality had more than 2,000 and not more than 3.000 fuch names upon aucb list,tht n by a deputy reeve and a second dep uty reeve, and (c) If the munioipality had more than 3,000 such names upon such list, then by a first deputy reeve, and a third deputy reeve. 2. The number of eouocillors tn be elected iu any township in atMSordance with the proviaions of the Cunsolidati' J Municipal Act, 1903, shall be decreaaed by the number of deputy reeves to be elected therein, but this provision aball not apply to towns or villages. 2. Such reeves and deputy reeves shall be elected by general vote in the manner provided by the Consolidated Municipal Act 1003, for the election of mayors of towns and reeves and councillors in vill- ages and townships, and they shall be ineitibers of the council of the municipal- ities in which they are elected. 2. No member shall take hia seat in the county council until be has filed with the clerk of the county council a oeitific- ate of the clerk uf the town, lowiiahip or village under his hand and the seal of the municipal coi poration tli.il such meinlier was duly elected and has made and sub- scribed to the declaration of oHice and i]ualifi-;alion as reeve or deputy ruuve u& the case oiay be. ^ ^- • â- ^ i^ Addresses and Presentations The fi'llowing addresses and accom- patiyiug presentations were referred to in the Eugenia correspondence lost week: Af iu 3f, Henderson : Dear Miss Hkndbrson,â€" Since hear- ing of your decisiun to leave, we felt the opportunity could not be passed of ex- pressing to you in some tangible way, not only our sorrow for losing your valu- able services as teacher in our public school, but also out appreciatiou of your willing and untirii.g Will k in coiinootion with our Sunday schools and churches ; for we feel you not only have knowle<lge but you have ability to impart knowledge to others. Kindly accept this watch guard aud writing case as small tokens of our eateeiu of your sojourn in our midst, and may Uod t^uida you all ttirouith life. Signed on l>ebalf uf your many friends in Eugenia and vicinity â€" Aliue Gordon, Tetia Williaiua, Evelina Smith, Edith Cair. Afrs. R. Purvit : Dbam Mks. Pvhtis, â€" Before your de- parture from our midst to dwell in To- ronto we avail ourselves of this opportu- nity to express out sorrow at thus baviuif to sever your connection with uur society aa your help so cheerfully given was much appreciated. Although your removal is our loss, vte pray that God will bless your home and that you in.iy long be spared to render your service for the Master. As a token nf our esteem of your valuable services in a good cauHo, we tender you this jardiniere and stand and bun bon dish, not for their iiitrinaic value but for you to luuk on in renirui'iraiicu of our kindest wishea. On behnlf uf thesl^dies Society of the Pres- byterian coiigrogaiion »t EuL'enia â€" Mis. J. R. Hogg, Prea.; Mrs, U. Goiley, TrL-as. ; Mrs. Jake Williams, Sec. Alrt. W. Purvis ; DK\tt Mrs. Pubvis,â€" It is with reuret we learn of your intention tn leave us in the near future, and hat inv been so re- cently bereft of your partner in life. V e deaiie at this tune to express uur soiiow and syinpaiby, cuinninnding you to God, who will never forsake thuss who put their trust in him. In our society your williiigHiid helpful hand has always boiu recognized and cherished in tvorking for I he Master. Please accept this Itible and hymn book in renienibranoo uf the g,ond work accouiplinhed for the Master's cause ill the pant. Mi<y God bless you is Ihu siiioei'8 prayer of your uo-workois. (Jii liehalf of the Ladies' Aid Society of tho Preabyterian congregation at Eunenia â€"Mrs. J. R. Hogg, Pres.; Mrs. G. Gor- ley, Treas,; Mrs. Jake Williams, Sec. J.L. Mias Kate Boyd, a daughter of Biiyd, ex-Councillor of Sydenham, com- niitted suicide on Friday night by tdtking IHiison, She l>-ft a note reading: Not to blame anyone." The cause of the rash act was unrei|uitted affeolion. An inquest was held on Saiuiday night. Work is progressing rapidly kt the Cement works under Manager MoQranc. The other chief ofScials are Mr.MMlJend, Sewetary, and Mr. Smith, Chemtit, Mr. Stephen, the late chemist having also serered his oonoectioo. The fitat sales of Ul* season have bam niMle at an increase of 20c per barrel on Hrst piioes of last year, an I orders are alri-itdy in sight for about Imlf the scasun. â€" Durham Reviow. CURED HER BOY OF PNEUMONU Newmarket Mother Is lond in her Praises of the Great Con* sumption Preventath/c '<M« son Laurence was takea dowa with Pneumonia," says Mrs. A. O. Fisher, of Newmarket, Ont. "Two doctors at* tended him. He lay for tbre« months ahnost like a dead child. His lungs became so swollen, hia heart was pressed over to the right side. Altogether I think we paid $140 to the doctors, and all the time be was petting worse. Then we commenced tba Dr. Siocum treatment. The effect was wonderful. We saw a dilTerence in two days. Our boy was sooa strong and welL" Here is a positive proof that Psychine will cure Pneumonia. But why waUt till Pneumonia comes. It always starts with a Cold. Cure the Cold and the Cold wUI never dereiop into Pneumonia, nor the Pneumonia into Consnmption. The one sure way to clear out Cold, root and branch, and to build up the body so that the Ceki won't come back is to use BO V.'-.Ans •xptaitiNcrj PSYGHINE (Proaounccd SiJwan) 50c. Per Bottle Larswp alaee tl auttf SSâ€" all arwggtmtWm DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Umltod, Toroato. linrwirinnri" r-in\--- Spriiis; Ti'im <i|)«is .â- \piil i^ml Tr*d« M."»Fiit» Oesior^s COiaVRIGMT* itJi AnTonnwnitlnglielietrhand doacrirthui m»j anl"kly Miort.iln oar opm'.on frep wnStuer a» liivontlnn In pml'Bbly pntJWliabla. Ccniinunli-a- tlon.oiiictlyoKiBdenffiil. HMidt'Xjk on I'Mwta aunt fr'^B. Oli'^JSt ni.'0"':r fo! securli.'e i hIO'"a. I':t((!Ht8 taXoil throiiKh Munti ic Co. !tt.oi»4 aprrml not'.c4, without tli:;ri{D. In tBo Sciettfsfic Emtkm. A hnirrtjomflylllnatrntrd TPpktf. l.»rv«.rt ,-tf. rutnlloii -f unj arlevtlU'; Journal. '1 .:rM:«. ; j a rear; (our niuiitlja. tL Sold byall r'!i'-..''''.i.l.M«. "" & Co."'^"*'''""'- Hsw Tnii iTran.tl ofllco. (% F P'.. tV,u<b«i: •• â-  • HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the beat Photos is at BULMRRS PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay S;iecial Attention to Copying and Uabie.s' pictures. Pi.ture frum' ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures and we v:ll prumise SHtisfactiou. IMrs. BULMER Scbool CMldren's Eyes Supply TMr Intellect ' TOBONTO. OUT. This Hiliool >, .ii'i> i.uiiiv i.ef' ro the puldic with a cl.«ii-cui riconl f." work done and sueC' S'. achieved. It ha' "Ui- passed all provioun record* ii, at '.-iidunce, placinjj uriidiiHtes in po^iiioiis »o.| d ing good wora. Enter now and h- reiOy to I accept a gtxxl po.siio-n iu the latl. C..1- ! lego open ounre year. Our circui I'sare ' Irce. W. .1. Eliott, Piiii i|mI. (or. YongeanJ AloxamJrr St - Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped ? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department Yw I M> Armstroriii, > .iEWklLE' ND 3PTiC(AN« FUESHERTON, =PROST LOCKS= Moke Q Pence of Strengtii The heaviest, strongest wires made can't make a strong fence unless the locks are as strong as the wires. A fence, like a chain, is only as strong as its weakest spot. The New Frost Lock and Frost Wedje Lock are the most unyielding parts of a Frost Fence. They make the whole fence as strong as the strongest wire. And rememberâ€" should Frost Pkmcis go wrong, from mechanical defects or workmanship in building,' they are repaired, free of charge. • Majtwoll G. Mr. ROSS. H. Â¥lidle:y. Ceylon * 4 . ' < li » / 4 < ft * i' « â-  > > 4 U- w ^J* i 1 • 1 i • n- t ♦ ^ i « a ' « * > * v*-^ * ^ X * M m « 1 '♦ 3m ' i* ii i * ( • i: * * ': • -'! « »• 1 J : • Ii; * . f* .1 . 1 ^ l> »* "â- Â« %: 34 Years' Work- No Repairs. A Sharpies Dairy Tubular Cream Separator ha.s done Woik equal to 24 jeais in a 10 cow daiiy nithout needing adjustment or repairs. Here is the record, â€" Hours in us3â€" 1.2C0 f'ouiulH nepaiatedâ€" 1.080,000 Turns of crank â€" 3,155,700 1 urns of bowl -1,1 (2, 00,000 <)i: usedâ€" Only 3 quarts Tiniu oilii i< .\liiii 4 n i Mites A Ijustint and re| airsâ€" None. be Tubular l^ the only one holding .U3h u record. Flesherton ^ MoTAVISH IHI [[[SIIBIOI imm BiDItt For Fust Class BugKier Carts, Ploasure and Lumber Wagons, cutlers, Slewhs. We ko-p a stock on hand to choose from. AL50 HORSE SHOEING ANOQENERAL BLACKSMITHINO and vuarantee first cIhhs work. We keep oii hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and a.*o Massey- Harris and Noxon reiiairs for binders, Mowers- nil kinds of ms'jhincry, also Bindt>r Twine un band. « Olben in town dive US a call • t.

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