< « e « « â- -JL % IN EX-MAYOR GIVES UNSTINTED PRAISE BOND'S lilDNEY PH-LS? XK THE VEKY BE.ST MEDICINE I EVER tSED FOil KIDNEY TP.UIBLE. Mr, Robert Slieppard, Ex-Mayor of O _^- aiiuqiip, Onl., Testifies to (lir ><L'iits of DodU's KiJnoy IMIIij. Gannnoque, Onl.. April 30.â€" (-^pciial.) â€""I suffered off and on fur nver four years from 'kidney trouble,' wnli;s Mr. Shoppard. of this place, "and lliout/li I tried many reniedios and wns under a doclor a long while I gol no better. I had Brighl's Disease slightly. Lumbago, pains in my loins and at limes all over my body. My skin was dry, hard an ", burning. I could not sleep, ilie leas! ^- ertion made me per>pire fearhill" rtnd my bloiid was so bad I brnUe ^ut in boiLs all over the nock and back. I was in this slate when I started laMiig Dodd's Kidney I'ills and in nn increili- bly short space of linie the boils dii;- appeared, I recovered my health and now I oiu quite cured." SHE FOOLED IIIM. Her Mamma â€" "Florence, I am nl- be- PETS OF Bnrrisa solciers. One Reuinienl Had Emu and Kangaroo, Anollier a Snake. No less than Ihirly regiments in the hiilish. m-my have pet animals at- tached. The dogs of the "Fighting Fifth" and •'Jack,' the retriever, of the Twelfth Lancers, march with their companies when on active service, and have taken part in more than one battle. The drum hrrse of 'the .Seventh Hussarsâ€" present- '.d by the late (Jueen Victoria- marches proudly ut the head of the men, with while tail and main (lowing. "Billy," the goat of the Welsh Fusil- iers, is better known, and is a very showy soldier indeed, ns he siruls along tr. all Ihe glory of scarlet coat, with white Wcings, and the baijge and crest of the r('giment on his forehead. fhi; CM;(en's Own Hussars has also a goat. A deer is Ihe i)et of Ihe .<5eaforth i Highlanders. "Antony," a little donkey, i Mtbiehed himself to the Twenlv-sixlh I Gallery while in tndia and became an I established favorite, marching, eating ! and drinking with the men. A pet bear i was the mascot of the Gloucester regi- 1 iii.^nt, but becoming ill tempered had I lo be shot. The Lancers of Ne\v South Wales I have an emu and n kangnron. "Peter." j llie goose, became the pel of the Grena- j diers while in Tar- ia. The lame bird i I'mped up to n sen^.,- on night and held ; up B hurl foot for his in.soection. He i f.ttended lo Ihe wound, and the birj i Ihereafler refused lo leave the camp, so ; •he soldiers adopter) it. W hen the r)evon.-hire resiment was in India, a snake was for r any m'^nths adopted as n pet. and. though poisoii- rus. it never attemnied to hurt anv , men.'her of Ihe comnnnv. When the men l retui-ned to Fngland this un;anny pet was left behind. A BAD HABIT. "Could yer give a poor man a quar- ter ter git a bit to eat?" "See here, fellow, you're Ihe same man I gave a quarter to yesterday." "Say, boss, dont folks" in your set eat dinner every dav?" A WOLF WAS HE. "( heard that you called me a bca.st, Miss Tobasco." "Well. I guess 1 did." "What land of a beast, may I ask?" ".V wolf. I fancy. You're so hard lo Icep from the door, Mr. Borshman." 11 Retains Ihe Old and Makes New Friends. â€" Time was when Dr. Thomas' Eclcclrie Oil had but a small field <\ di^lrihiilion. but now its territory is widt^prend. Those who first rccogniz- e' ils eiiralive qualities slill value it .-.s T speeine, and while it retains Its old friends it is ever making new. It is certain th.^l whoever once uses it will not be without it. It snnielimes happens that the man who considers his wife one in a thou- sand imagines her mother is the other nine hundred and ninety-nine. Salt Rli<>iim Cured Quirk. â€" Dr. .Ag- riw's Ointment cures .Salt Hheiim and all itching or burning skin disea.<;es in ] i a day. One application gives almost i| ir.sianl. relief. For Ilehing, Blind, or I Jlleeding files il stands without a peer. Cures in three lo .si.x nights. 35 cents â€"151 most positive that he kis.scd you hind the door last night.'' She â€" "Yes, but that wasn't the worst of iL It was also behind the cur." TBB W«KST KU'B After PileB have existed for % long time Old piused through different »t«ge«, the luflferiDg \t inUnse- p»iu, aching, throbbing, lumora f.jrm, tilled to bunding with bl»Jk •lood. Sytnptonia indicating other trouble* majr ippear to a thoroughly I'ilo-nick pei'sou. 'Ibis is when Dr. Leoiihardt's M«ni Roid, it* only absolute Pile cure, brings the 'esulta thuL has made its fane. It will cure the most stubborn cace m ixi-tence and a l)onde<l guarantee to that tBect go«e with each package. HeniRoid is to be had for $1.00 at tie Irug store, or from The Wilson- Fylj Com- ^oy, Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. 3 Mngislrale ~ "Yuu were begging t n the public streets, and you had over .$10 in your pocket." Pri.^oncr â€" "Yes, .sir; I may not be as industrious as .some, y'r honor, but I'm no spendthrift." ItABK THIS DHTINCnoV : A pnrely lockl ii.iea«e of the vkiii, \\\% bariier's itch. \i ciire.l by WeaTer'fl 4.«rat« Alone. Bttt where the bir>,id 14 loadod wirb impurity, >iich »^ Silt Sbduas, Weaver's Syrup also should be Ude<L AUi?TRALIA.\ OnoUTll. In parts of Australia where Ihe uver- nge yearly rainfall is not more than lei- inches u square mile of land will iiupporl only eight or nine siieep. In the Argentine republic. .'Vjuth Aiueric.i Ihe same area, with thirty-four inches o« rain, supports 2,360 sheep. A Clear Hcallhy Skin â€" Eruptions of the skin and the blotches which blem- ish beauty are the result of impure biond caused by unhealthy action of the h\er and kidneys. In correcting this i;nhealthy action and restoring the or- gans to their normal condition. Pnr- iiiele<!"s Vegel.ible Pills will n' the same t'me cleanse the blood, and the blolehes and eruptions will disappear without leaving any trace. AFTER THE .SERVICE. The Minister- "That was a rather long eermon I preached this morning, my dear. Do you think il met with the a|)- proval of the congregation ?" His Wife â€" "I suppo.se so. Abner. I noticed they were all nodding. ' ".My Woman, is it the Kidru-ys?" -- Investigation in half the disorders pe- culiar lo women would prove faulty kidneys the sca^ of the trouble. If you're troubled with that tired, drag- w hat do pkopi.b NKsn who »« ran dow« f,ing feeling, have an almo.st constant :*'''."''^- ''.'*'?.â- . "*"^'"' "^'err""'."'.'' the tx-sf heaviness, maybe .sharp pains in Ihe hf^ad, put South American Kidney Cure tc the test. You'll find it the long sought friend, and it never fuiU.â€" 1.-)0 Bridegroom fon honeymoon) '-I haven't the slighte.^t objection to your giving all your time lo the dog." my own. hut I wish you had made it quite clear, when you .suggested bringing it. whether it was you ami I who were go- ing on our honeymoon and were bring- ing the dog. or whether it was vou and the dog who were bringing me." Be There n Will Wisdom Poiv.ts the Way. â€" The .sick man pines for relief W\. he dislikes .sending for the doefor which mean.s bottles of drugs never ccnsuMied. He has not the resolution to load his stomach wilh compounds which smell villainously and Insfe worse. Rut if he have the will to dent himself with his ailment, wisdom will direct his attention lo Pnrmelce's Vege- Inble Pills, which, ns a spix-ifie for in- dgestion and disorders of the di<'est- tive organs, have no equal. " $5.CC0 "'^*'? »•â- " person who proves that Sunlight l><>ap contains anv tniimoufl chrintc^l* or any form of adultcnliun. St^nliglit Soap b a perfect cleatier and wiil not injure an> thing. Best for all household pur- poses. Sunlight Soap's super' ioriiy is most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow direc' tions). Equally good with hard or soft water. Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunligiu Soap if you find any cause for cocnp laint Lever Erotbcrs Limited. Toronto IN TIIK GAME. Mamma â€" "Rlhel, what do you mean by shouting in that disgraceful fashion'? Look how (juiet V^'illie is!" Ethelâ€" "Of course, he's quiet; that's our game. He's paf a coming home late, and I'm you." The superiority Worm Extermiiiiilor is shown by ils good effects on tlie children. Purchase a bottle -and give it a trial. Dt:siO.NlNG. "There are very few women archi- tects.'' - "No wonder. Women do not relish be- ing called 'desigtung crealures.' " PEDUR'S STEEL CEILING Two thousand design.s suitable for all clas.ses of work such as Oliirrhrs. Schools, Siores, Halls. Also special designs for Ilouitea, Kit- chens. Dining-Rooms, etc. Nothing has ever been devi.std to equal P*>d- lar's .Steel Ceilings for Farm Uouses. Cheap as lath and pla£t*.r and wUl never crack or fall off. Avoid Accidents by Using Pedlar's Steel Ceilings. Made lo fit any size room and /-an be nailed on by any mcchanla Shipped frojn our warehousts oain'ed all ready to apply. 01 K CATXLtXJl.E. NO. 41 C. nE-;rnrrir«! MANY nE.SI<;X<3 WHITE FOn IT. IT CCSrS YOt .NOTinNG. wnffE TO DAT. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE V'.7 Crolt; 8t- mHNIPfC. 7.i La.-nkard St. 42J Su^K St. ToaMna oirr. tl joUmtm at WuTB Youa NBuuST O) M'-ad Cilice and Works, LOMOCH. CUT, V«N80UVI«. •.0. •MfWHtM-tt. Osbawa, Oat., Canada MAKE the FARM PAY A Falrttanks-Morss 2 H. P. Jack-of-all-Trmd*a GASOLINE ENGINE m\\\ naw woo-1 as fact •• two mm cap buHll* It. It iu»o poaia WBt«r. hei)« i«rm. vHiida f«a4, maif^ b«Lt«r. niBB (â- rv'Rm »•â- p«j-ator, la 'aoi £&.-• aitLM power for »1 1 fftrta pmrpoaca. St«.x? tan&cr a^Kiid kar* m>* Out oat Ihla ooiB»1«Ca advMtlaamanC aa4 mmA it to 444 ST. JAMES STREET, LTD. :m: o XN 'i ii£:.A.L.. TEB CANADIAN FaXBaNKS COHrA^Y, Pleaaa aead ma [withtnt ebarga) p«rtitmtara above jRck-oC-ail-Tradea Casiaa for fam naa. I may want a H-P- I Name , ,, Hngiue for. .„ | Address „ «-™„««^.l*tov.„ LANDS In Western Canada rirr^ SaaLkitchawaa. ual; 8 mil*i troa two niX-mxj*. C.PJL A a.T.P. Sir rng iotl. 90 par c«iit. plou{;h I^wid, spnoi; or««k. ao sloafjia Ab .lit <u snilaa N.K. of la.-iiaa UmiL Pne* tiu.M ^r acra, Whl« fur IB.- p iiod fall pariiculara. R. PAR -ONS, ft WcUeslry Straat. Taraata, Caaada. OLD VlRGIKU FARMS QNKP^T DYEINQ If a man only had nine lives like a rut, he could insure Ihom all and col- lect on one occasionally when he gol hard up. Cholera and all .summer conipluinls an so quick in their action that the cold hand of death is upon the vie- of Mother Graves'! '''"'' hefore they are aware that danger is near. If alt<icl:e'l do not delay in pet- lint; 'he proper medicine. Try a drse of Dr. J. P. Kellogj^'s Dysenlerv Corli.il. and you will tiel iminedi,»ile relief. n acUs with wonderful rapidity and never fulls to effect a cure. sly « AN X .MIDRD. Jonesmith â€" "My wife was such a pensive creature befon> I married, hut she appears lo have golten over it now." Brownrichl â€" "I see. You mean slie'.s expensive now." Tb* r* a>« many tonica but ooly on* " Fraroriaa. "I have discovered a great labor-.sav- in;; device." "I alwavs said vou were Miserable Folks corld ' trace Kiate of mind and bodv lo some Corns cause intolerable pain. Rollo- ray's Corn Cure removes Ihe trouble. Try it. and see what amount of pain i-i saved. Teacher â€" "What is the conscience?" I.itlle James â€" "It's something that makes you sorry when you gits' foitnd cu;." laaUglit leap It twttar tba& otliar Mapt, tat i( beat wben oiad in tha Bonliglit wajr. Buy Soaligkt leap and foUow diiMCtaat. .SUBTElt».\NE.\N WOfiLDS. The Great South Dakota Cave is the loige..;l cavern in the world. It is situ- ated in the ref.'ion of the Black Mills, and exceeds even the Manimolh I'avc i;i Kentucky. II is lifly-lwo miles long Traveller â€" "Why do .vou allow th;)!'""'! C"»''>'n'' !â- '>*' rooms, many cf waiter to remain rnnslanUv so c)<is.» I'l that voimp married couple? It evi- i^ently annoys them." Restaurnleur â€" •"Oh, becati.se they keep ordering things »o SB to get him out of hearing." Man »nd Wile in ft!.sirrs.«. â€" Rev. Pr. Kochror. of Buffalo, says: "My wife end I were both IrouMeiJ wilh di?-- tres«ing Catarrh, but we hove enjoyed fisedom h-om this aggravating ninlR.Iy since the day we first user! Dr. .\gnew's Cnlarrhal Powder. Ils action was In- stanlaneoii.^. giving the mo.«t ."rafeful lelief »1thin ^e^ *iinules sfter first »p- ilication.." 50 cents.â€" 153 which are over ?(W feet high, and are tjH.ssed wilh slalaclitejs and slalagniites ,if great size. There are streams, water- falls, nnd Ihirty-seven lake-s in this va.st subterranean world, which is 6.000 feet above the sea-level and 400 feet deep. Kitly"â€" "So you have been lo Paris? You must have hud a nice lime there; you under.>tRnd the language so per- fectly, you know." Bessie â€" "Well. Ihe fact "is. though you'd hardly lielieve it, Ihey speak .such ipieer French ther«> that it's quite impossihie to conversa wilh theig with any degree o( lntelU> senc*.' both one Dr. Von Stan's Pincopole Tablet is a "vest pocket." remedy that nature pnivides and that medical .science has proved 9 wonder in preventing and curina sto- mach ailments. If you've a svuiplom of distre.ss in your slomueh lest the Pineapple cure. 3,5 cents.â€" 152 ILi (/•T1IA''f C*TltL8CUe P It. LAUCI'T LI'T FOR SAlfc IN TH- STATE c saetxa I ACQ., iicawaMS, vicl uu. .SOO acre .';irm. 8 miles from Indian H''Bd.S<isk. Good buildiiigs.550 .icrescul- li\iile<l, 4:iiJ in crop, over I,tO niorelo cut- tivalc, good pasture, lire wood. Sil.OtiO. half cash. Yielded 13,000 bushels last year. Several unimproved pieces ad- joining available homesteads. J. .M. T'.oinson. Heal EsUtte, Indian Head, Sask. \ llNIVK»Sir\ F.tMTATION- r.OSTI.NG JL.ST \ urru; ruoi ntii. If you Hrill itav'.U) 'iily y,ia' SPASc TIME â- aiiitine aa iiarae^ of (Ariiier9anTfae'i''rH knil help IntriKliice *KABIAN STCOK AND POIiLTNV FCOO TiRLrTS A Coio<ni»n-s«ni,e st^nrk F,».nI at a Comnt<tn.A«nsa Price of ONK CBNT .\ Hol'M) HATB . |1.0ii per UMl t^^«pfiill aiid ^iiarikiiUieU. sen,t iis a trial ariiar ami luik (,ir liDokle! Ni. 13 cirin;; full particiilam ahnut liKl Kr« Pr«mi • n« ."ITertil. THE BeSAW chemical CO., BCUUKIKLO ULUli., l.'LBVKLA.ND, O. BRITISH A.'VIERIOAN DYEINQ OQk i«ua pwUfluUit bytwl «u,l w« ftr«nr« \j#tmiiai9 I (ai «•«. Maauaal. Rhouinattsm Cursd- Why (i . you suHar -Starr'n Mattic Hl>«uuij^-<in Cure will raliuTo tha W'ir^t caMi of aout«. cliroitic. or tBflanimjiWTy rheumuiaa In ^'.4 b'iur«. Kvery hottU has a poaiUva iiuarauUw t^ cure. Hun'JreUs of mar^alous cura-i taAva b«eii m:ule in all part* of Canada. II yuur tirucfi.st c^Lnnut give y.iu siarr*^, take »o oUsar, K^ihi direct 1. 1 UR. li.duper bottle. •atMrnaflamadyCak. l7STa«iKa at .Tarca e, tnt F.QU.ATOB ON A TE.VR. Thew were holding mid-year exam- inations in one of the public^ si'hools. The subject was gi>ography. One i.f ttie que-lions asked v.as "What is the collator?" "The equator," read Ihe answer of a nine-year-old boy. "is a nienaserie lion running around Ihe centre of the earth." KIDNEY / PILLS Agents Wanted. We want reliable men to represent us in every town in Ontario, tor the sale of Cobalt Mining Shares Any person can sell these share*. Hustlers can make big monuy. Write without delay. THE S. .S. NE.><BITT COMPA.VV, Promoters, Brokers and Fiscal .\grnls Cooicderatluii Lite bull ing, larontv. ^mT& nr* 4 A.^/** ,'«M* Ct BnCee^ChMsnl ^ ^ - T^- 0«wOlu»l«««dnlf SuWH»CA»tOaKWgTa«PlKOBI«t 8WWH U A -i B.^RRF.D Rocks exclusively. Our "* *â- winninp.s at Guelph: First pul- let, special fur Ix'.sl pullet and special for best female. At Detroit: First piil- lei, second cockerel, seccnd cock, and sr-ecial for best .â- ihaped m.tlft. Mating lisl free on applii-aiion. Eggs 'rom $2 per selling up. Jna. FYingle, r*ropri«. tor, London. Ont. SO.ME W0ME:.\S WAY. .Agent â€" I'm sure you'd be charmed v/ilh Ihe hou.se if you look it. Wljy aon't you and your wife discuss Um question? Henpeckâ€" My dear sir, my wife nev- er discu.sses things with me. She al- ways disputes. INSTEAD OF A OtOWN. Do You Know How the Sheet ol Fools- cap was Named? Everyone who has to do wilh paper T'Cognlzes ftvilsi>ap as a sheet lhlrli?cn by sixteen inches. This is ii.sed ns n standard size all over, ofllcially nnd commercially. The paper derived ils nniiie In a curious manner. After Ihe execu'ion of Charles I., Cininwell nnd his slaff, in organi?j'n(i Ihe Commonwealth, made all possible effort.-; to remove everything whirh had anything to do with the old monarchy. The paper in ofUcial use up to that time had. ns a watermark, the king's crown; and. when Cromwell was asked what he should pul in the place of this crown, lo show his overwhelming dislike lo every- thing concerning royalty, he directed a fool's cap lo tw pul in Ihe place of Iha crown. This was done, and, when Charles II. a.scended the throne of England, it wns at first forgotten to replace the cap by something else, and Uien, loo late, Ihe king v.ns afraid lo do anything lo re- call things dangerous lo lontJi, .and *o it was neglected, and the fool's cap nuiy be s^vn as a watennark on nearly all official papers. for 33 Years Sbiloli't Coowmptiaa <Caf«^ die Loag Toaic. has beta beiare the public, ana du, together witli the fact ibal iu ealea bave itaadtly increaeed y«af bf ywt. ia iba beat proaf oi tlie Bent U Shiloh ai a aa« for Cia(ha, CoU^ aod aB i tieai e i e( ike lung* and ait pan^ta. Thete %»bo bare und Sbilob vrauld net be without it. Thoee who have neve* wed it ibould Itaew that tyay bottle ia •old with a poeitive gM afa ata e that, i/ k Aton't c«ii« you, the dealer will iWiibJ what you paid for it. Skilob Has Cured Afltr finding .soiTielhing good, get busy and look for soineUiing b<'tlcr. •eaal Let H ibouMJid* of iba motl obtlinalt Coofbt, Cold* aad l-aag kaublaa. OK yott. "LmI wiMB I coagboj fee line aaMta aid lu nu l a I wet foina inio Ccmmmvhim. I lock •â- teiK ci ii ili ai i i. but wahiae dnJ me eay eeeJ aatil I veed SMwi'* C eMiieNiaim Cure. Four beidee coed ne. Tla wiatar 1 bed a nay Iie4 mUL wee Bot elJa la ipaak. ray has ««*• «•• ^AeideuidUck. SiBbealceJlUehaada •e.tMll ataia. I ken (ieea il le •eeenl seeoia, eoa W tkaa liaea bna <an<.~JX Ka«*brS. Hyaoallw. Qua." 4oi iSHILOH ^. wiA |innlw at att *aa|i<k ISisLE NO. 18^ M