Flesherton Advance, 3 May 1906, p. 5

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il E i L E S li E R 1 ( ) N ADVA N C E May 3 ll)^j6 (of Canada) RaH opnoed a branch office in Flasshpr- ti'n. tiline a general bnnkiiK busiiess »ill be trnn-iactud.. Muiiry avuiUbU; fur \ effitiioiiic bunioksa eaUrpriscs. DRAFTS r-OUGHT AND SOLD on all poiittK it Canada and the United ijtates. lnt«"re.it nUow -d "ba deih^sita of $1.00 and upwards cunijjoun'led, lia'f yearly. O. MitcKell Agent. Ci»-<c «rl«tic( of Tba Put Week 'I Carefully Culled lor the Cuik us. . . ^M Horses for Sale â€" One fitat clasa driver â- nd oi>e g<3od work horse â€" W.W.Trimble Lictnse Ii spector Halbert of Markdale • aa in town Saturday, A few more bargaina ia wall papers, 3c J;et ruU, at Doug'ass's. New Miissey Harris 6-fuot cat mower at a bar^-^in. J. A. (leard, A quantity of clean timothy seed fur sale. â€" Chas. Turner, Eugenia. For sale â€" 1 colt,ri3ii>B 4 yean, C!Iimax, 1 cult risiug 1 year. K. Smith, Eugenia. The first steamboat express «iU run to Owen Sound on May 6. A barrel of black cylinder oil for sale «heap. H. L. Dooglaaa. Ecgs for Hatching â€" White Wyaodotte, B.ack Mioorcas and Barred Plymouth Rucks. 0. E. Wbkena, Flesherton. A carioad uf flour and fe<.d just arrired at Benlhaui Bros. Eggs for hatching â€" from Barred Ply- cuoath rocks of a good layini; "train, $1.0<.> per setting. A. E. Hanley, Foversham. For ho'j feed there is nothing like Nes- tor feed dour for a.ile at Beuthaoi Bros. Buggies, Buggies â€" Come and se9 them they are right in price and quality. â€" V>'. Moure. m3 Messrs. Jack Curnctt and Sum Todd,of Dundalk, spent Sunday in town wtih Mr. Ja^. Bowler. Bran, shorts and chopped corn. A full stock on hand at Bentham Bros. Cement window and door sills â€" 40c for window sills. 50o for door sills. T. R. LeTer, Flesherton. For sale, grass cattle â€" 6 head, 3 years old; 7 head, 2 years old. Lavhlan UcArthur, Priceville. lOmay airs. W. W. Trimble and Misses Ethel and Zilla, drove to Owen Sound Wednes- d»y of last week, returning Friday. They •{'tended the Albani concert. Some aaore of those inspected seeds just JB at Richardson's drug store. Colliut'wood has a new weekly paper, Ihe Saturday News. It is a 6-column, 4- pAge sheet and is welt tilled with local uews and advertising. See A. S. Thurston's 6na Bouvenir p<.<8tal cards at the Advance office. 5c each, 6 fur 25c. Mr. Thomas Porteous, of the Colliog- wood Kravel, hud Che misfortune to lose a valuable horse Idst week from blood poisoning, caused by ruucing a rusty nail in its foot. For money at lowest rates, land secur- ity, go to A. S. VanDuscu, Flesherton. Mr. W. T.Troy er, of Toronto, and a graduate of the Bible Training School, of that city, is expected to conduct a series , f evangelistic services in the Baptist thurch beginning <>ar1y in .\Iay. Mrs. Wm. Smith, who has been ill for along time with cunsuuiption, is very low at present. Her daughter, Mrs. Beiithain, of Buffalo, arrived at her bei!- •<de Monday. Mr. W. .\. Armstrong has purchase-i K. Trimble's pn-perty on Toronto street opposite Muushaw's hotel, consistinz of residence, store, old storehouse, eto. The price, we btlieve, was $rf700. There are uow but xeveu licensed hotola in Centre Orey, and three of these are in Maikdale, Tko others are at Holland Centre, William»f..rd, Chatsworth and Desboro. Berkeley lioeiiiie has been withdrawn by the commissioners. Last jrvar tbera were eighteen licensett in the ri^iPg. Mr. Chailey Johnson of Vanoottrer, B.C., who was visitiug his mother at y^Kenia, called on Th« AdvaiM* Wed- ^wda^vf bMi *e«k. CbuWj hM bMO (jroapeiing in th« Pacific province, where be has bo<!n residing fur the past nine yi>ars. Since soiii'^ wesr he hns been as f.tr north as Skngway in Alaska. Re left this Week on Ins leturii journey. Mr. Peter Norria has taken a positiun with F.G.Karstedr. We notice by a Washing! on paper an aunounc-'metit of the roarria^'.- of Mr. Geo, Pea: son to a Miss Maasfie McMais- ter uf Porter, Wash. Mr. lV.ir9on is a natitK > f Artimesia. T.^e Miwon B-ind at the aniia.-il meet- ing elected the following oltt^ers: Prcs. , Mi.sa F!'>!»sieThur8ton;lat Vice Pres., Mrs. Jos. Clinton; 2nd Vice Pre*., M'usa Lily Boyd; cor. Sec., Mi.sa Lulu Vlitchel!, rec. Sec, Miss Ruby Trimble; Treas., Miss Gertie Bellamy. The Baud rumbeis 58 members, an increase of fourteen over Ltac wecK, Mrs. Jane Thompson, who has been failing in health fur .some time, took sud- denly worse last week and her sods, Robert of Powaasen and Will of Stoufif- vi!Ie, were trlegraphed for. The doctor says she may linger for a few weeks but it is only a matter of a short time until the suramotM will coma. Mrs. Thompson is 68 years of ^g<>. Word was received here Saturday of the safety of Miss Carrie Davis, sister of Mr. John Davis of the suburbs, in the San Francisco disaster. Hiss Davis had a harrowing time but gi^ safely away • irh the loss of most of her wotldiy possessions. A letter has also been re- ceived by Mrs. Will Steward from her sister, Mrs. Chas. Kipp of San Jose, an. nouncing her safety. Mr. W. W. Trimble met with a serious loss Tuesday evening. He left his horse attached to the dray standing for a few minutes in the planing mill yard while Le stepped into the factory. The aninul walked deliberately into the mill pond taking the dray with it. It was checked ;ip which no doubt caused the accident. It was some time before the outfit cou'd be located owing to the depth of water. It is only a few years since a team com- mitted suicide at this p<>iut in an iden- tical manner. A Sad Caskâ€" Mrs. Will Beutham, of Buffitio, arrived in town Monday to be present at the death bed of her mother. When she left home her little boy.Elmer, 3 years of a'ze, was ill, but was not ct?D- sidered dauiierously so, and he was left in cbai-ge of his grandmothor at Dunkirk. TuesdkV at noon, 24 hours after her ar- rival, Mr. Bentham arrived here to take his wife home, the little bov having died in the meantime. Both parents Vi- I y the 5 p.m. train Tuesday for their sorrow- ful return home. Many friends here extend .sympathy. Mr. John Clark, who went west from Csprey a conpio uf years ago and settl<.d at Credent Lake, wntes the Advance of date April 19, as follows: "Wearebu.'-y icetiing the seed into the ground aid the land is in line condition, but what shall the harvest be! We had great hopes la.-<t year, but they were all blighted with about ten miuutea of a hail storm. Sinee coming to this country we have felt that we were in the backwoods badly, as we have had to travel over twenty miles to the nearest town. But relief is at hand. The main Ime of the G. T. P. ia six miles south of us and a branch Hue of the sau e road three miles west. So you see we ouiiht to be all right in railroad accom- modation very toon. We are in hopes they will be il-.is far to move this year's crop." Public Acccmmodation Oil the last day of the license year -\. Muu.shiw t!t Son placed a fence from the outer oorncr of their l>arn to the corner of the verandah. This shuts out the shed and pump from use by the public. As an offset to this the following citizens have thrown their stables open to the public, which is welcome them free of charge until such time >is the new ho^el shells are open for use : John .A. Heard, stablitv;. W. A. .\rmstn.>ni;, stabling. Dr. E C. Murray, stabling. W. Moore, harncssmaker, good shed. The church sheds are also open. The public is cordially invited to avail themsulves of the aoove. The directois of the new hotel company oxp-^et to ha>e stable accommodation for a few teams within the next two weeks. Mr. Mytes of Proton is moving the buildings ou the lot to their permanent position this week The furesiiiht in S'-atini( this company is certainly being demonstrated at the pres- ent moment. The stock boi'ks «r« still open and V'l. Arm8tn.>ng is disposing of it to al who daair« to lend a heliNOK hand, kvery ettiaaa ia intatsated, airbar dii ctly w indiractly, ia ibis matter of sccotLmudiit.on, aLd every man, woman and child who ia able should subsciibe for af lea.'it a small amount of the ttock and thus becMiie partners in the work. â€" â-  I IWI I â-  â€" . Obituary WILSONâ€" Mr. ThoQipson Wilson of this pl;ice wa« released from hi.s suffering 'jn Ttiurtiiliiy oioruing Uat at the aue of rU years. Mr. Wil^m was an incense snffrrer fur several years past. He waa b<jrn at Lloydtown in Kinu township aad Ciiuie with bis {«rrnls to Artemesia when nine J ears of ane. Twenty eii^ht ye«»is ago he Was married to Misa Cheeainan of Suyiier. by «bom he leaves a family of live children to m> urn his departure, VIZ. : Ben aud Willie uf Toronto, Annie and Mary at home, and Mn. Andrew Graham (Liiura) of the .*.'ley. Mrs. R. .J. P>'dlar (Ida) died a few years ago. Fur several years Mr. Wilsou was m busiueaa at Eugenia and later took possession of the Flesh er power here and started the planing mill, which he sold this patc winter 'o Meurs. Blakeley it Boyd. The funeral luok place un Sitturday to the M^aford Road cemrtery. The bereaved widi'W baa the sympathy cf a large circle uf friends. The deceased gentleman was an enierpiisiug business man aud it was largely through his etfurts that the Eu- genia waterpower was brought before the investing public with satmfacory res'ilfs. â-  ^ â-  Ac about 6.W this luotnini; tire broke out in the drying kiln of the Seaman â€" Kent Miinutaccurmg Co. in Meafurd .A geuiral aiarm was given but before the dauies were checked the drying k la, the boiler and rngiie mi'm.and acunsicera' le purtiou uf the main oui din;; wer« de- stroyed. Tiie loss, coming at this busy season of the year, will, ..o doubt, be heavy to >lie Lomj/any, nod a Uige num- ber of employees will be >hrown out of employment until the damaged purtiuii of tiie builamg is repaired. â€" CUrRaburg Re- flector ' Wild geese m large numbers have passed tnis wav recently, a flock uf over rhirty Koiug west aud unrth on ThurjUay evening. ()i.>' night the week previoit-^ • me of 'he McKay ixiys it An ott shot a vuiy Ur)(e go< se Iruiu a tli;ck thai aligbteu 1 n I'*-! I .1 « h .< hu •! '' .11 r MOTHER. SISTER ANDJWTHER Died of Consainption,bat this Lindca lady used Psychine and is strong and well " My mother, brother and sister di«d o< consumption," says Ella M. Cove, of Lin- den, N.S., "and I myself suifered for t-wo years Croo a distressing cough and weak ttings. I suppose I taheriied a tendency in this direction ? " But thank God I used Psychine and it built ma right up. Mr lungs ara now Btroog. I enjoy splendid he&lcb, and I ow« it all to ft/chine. " Consumption, whether hereditary or con- tracted, cannot stand before Psychine. Psychine kil]3 the germ, no matter how it attacks tlM lungs. Psychino builds up the body and makes it strong and able to resist disaase. Psychine is an aid to digestion and a maker of pure, rich blood. The greatest giver of general health is PSYCHINE (Fraomaceit Si tacii) 50c. Per Bottle i«r(«r «taa« M an* CXâ€" sUI <lr«tcsl««» ML T, Al SIOWM. UmiM. Torgnte SbortDorn Hull The th.'ixmK-ilHvd Shorthorn Bull, "F. v 'r- ite, ' lilJSio, is fur service ou lot 27-2S,2ncl raji^ N. IX K . Arcerueiita. Pedigree ou applicali»n. Tonus?!. 25. AL£X. McRAE, Ceylon. Boar for Service* Vsllev Farm Vti.toriU7J8.j Farrowed S< pi" St d loas bred bv S. J CearMjo, Son A i.\', M«ado< viilo i.'ut.. :Jnd owQer. SI.G.O'-r, Klesbertor.O i«. Dam. O.iforti Ducbiws 3(b 1 jJit>) brtxi l)y ». J. Pearson, !<oif .ft Co. Sire. Uurbam c Vicu»r 20 b a%!T<).1 bi imI by W. U. Uiubam. Turoii «l.i.D aC ttiu«of servic'j jud U. 0. OSS., Flesherton. ^'^'^^^^^^^^ Boots and Sboes | For the Spring and Summer Everyhixly will be gettini; a new piir of Boots or Shoes or ooaht to be getting a pair. In crdtr to meet uur increased trade, we have bought largely in this line of g>'ods â€" some of the choicest and best that can be had â€" aisc heavier and chea[)er lines. They are bou^h: from some uf the best Man- ufacturers in Ontario and e<^ual to anything ahown iu chis tine and <{uite new. Also a large lot of Trunks, Telescopes and Suit Cas*3 on hand. Cus- tom work promptly done. Call and we will try ', . • • to give you entire satisfaction ac • • . . yjm. Clayton shoemaker. fx-esh:erton, ont. ^®:e5^»:8:B:e:8:«9:ex8»:^c8:^j»»:^c8:8^ f » The MEDICAL HALL does not intend to let its reputation for the BEST SEEDS suffer. We have in stock everything in the seed line re<|uired by ths farmer or gardenei, all from the moat reliable growers â€" no old. dead seed â€" everythinit fresh and full of vitality. Scores of peoi>le are raking advantage uf these facta and securing bargains every day. Gstyoar seed for spring planting from H. L. Douglass ^:'.^.^.^?gS?irrS£gei?^:^T^^:^=gg^^ ^^?s : B€Lrgadns in men's Boots This week as well as Ladies'- £Ji.a«.t,>v -i... Men's fine Shoos that were 2 15, now l.'_>.5 i>hoes that were 2.25, now for l. JO Shoes that were 1.40 now S5c Men's heavy braces, per pair lOc Wall Paper, per roll 'Zhc "NVe have something nice in Silks, Blouses and belts, also some beautifiil Collars. Highest prices paitl forj ' ., Butter and Es;s:s. 3as» Patttson General Merchant - Xevlon. ^^k ^ .- â- ' ^^ ^^ -^^ - ^^ _ ^^ ^^ ' ^^ "^^^ - ^^ ^^ ;_^ ^ ^^ -^^^ ^ ^ ^^ -^^ *^^ ^ ^ .^^ .^^ .^^ -•W ^^ ' -*^^^ A^ Pure Bred Camworrns'TAMwoRiH boar for service.. and BcrUsbrcs I have a few ch*>io â-  vfunjr Tamwoi tbs of bitth «e.\i.'8, for ^tf. Ci>ute And see then: ut write fjr wliat viiu want. Prie-« right. V.M17 " â€" tJiev>. W. Russ. Maxwell HereforJ Bull for Service, IhAv^pur'.-hwwl aSna tIrorouBbbreU T-iu- wortb boar. wUiclj will bd (or service oa •... \ i>r«uii*.«, luS 1*4. i f. T. * S. R. Arteoimi*.* Tsrois «W JOHN PKDX^\». T"iAwhi'« fwMvl tH-nu i '« .*re tlt« proiwr â- itooli f'lr th-ii •iee^io'^. I hav« « Ou*^ »«o voar â- )I<1 lull'. •• SnAitR'l" Vo. STtiJS. fur service. l'>t 1.3« (rd S. \V. T. .t ^^. B . .\rteai«teia. Teniisâ€" .Jl an<l tV Uv\ J! -WSSLET BU3:s;I^<. Bull For Service â- rade Marks DESiGr;3 CopvaiOHTS Ac AnTono !uMi.Ilrig A <iket<-b nnJ de«cr piKm m*; qulcklT ascert.Hin onroi^nioit fT««i wfjcchor &a t)iT«iitlon Is p^<>^Ably iMl«nlHMu^ l'i>int»TiT>lri*. lloiii ^tr-.ctlT t>«)adentl«l. llfui.jbtxvll vn rn'.'iit» Mill fr*A v,»iilvs« Kifttncr f*-»i »»*curti'« ptic-t. .. l*iit«ou t&aen tbrouvta Muii.n a Cu. rweir* aptdiM i»Wio«, V4IIOU* oha£K«, la th« Scientific flmerKMi». A )iMrtii>w»ty lllnvtmlx) ' *,*'!*â- ' Tl^oroorthbr^il shorthorn buH for •••nrio* •« lot ICI-iea. K. T. « S. R.. ArteniOTis. l>odi(,rv« oa a(.'uUcatioD. IVui* ai. i CLAl'DB EKU<S I Bull Tor Service % Purebrwin-irham Bull for «<>rvicd oi> prvuiiuK. loi *i. coa. i, Artoiuesia. for Jor and p«dign)« cp^iy to S»rl H. lIOCil.AX Port Law- Cborougbbred Durbdfn I Bulla Tha un.lnr-i.^ >•. I ^.n i.,in.-b,x«».l from S(>«««« nroa. o* Uiiu. ^; a i-.a i-innr oi.l thorouah bi •â- ! Burbaiu bull, wliiua ia h li Sir service. Taruit OB« JsUar. i JOIN AOAMS lleatiertas. York5iiir« Boar and Sha^rthorn Bull for Service. Boars for Servictt ! ThoiouKbbriKl 0. I. C. bou. Vrtomwiia tvi.1*. no. SliS, terii-n Sl.OO; al^o Vorbiliiew tiua. tariu*. T3« T. LKVSK,lu»l«. r.JtiJ_Ro«J. Tha ondaritaoefl baa a ThoroneltbrwT Tork- bir« Vo»t "l.akaviaw Victor," IttrjD, for sarvica u lot «S. lod T%a(* W. T. * S, M.. A rtvniaola. AlaoThorooclibrad tibortborD nDll."Admirftl~ earrle* «1 t«|; (Mb. Tborna«' bi^ifa antra. BULL FOR SERVICE- ' HavinitpiirellaMd trout Ut. Job n Falrbairw, of YaoviUs tba '•"M knwwn ^tburt.V ro HulL "Uay Lad." (ti^t' J*o»» I o;T»r Utm uiua f'.r; •vrvica at my |ir«au>>a, wt }, coo. S. Ail«ttiaai% , T w a tV , in (or (ladva. taa<v««. puivbrod, M|

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