Flesherton Advance, 3 May 1906, p. 8

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May 3 1906 THE JLESHERTON ADVANCE The Markets. - â- Carefully Corrected Each Week. *Oat<» 31 t'> 31 Venn 72 to 72 lijt'li^y 46 to 45 Wh.-at 70 to 70 H .y 5 0<) to 5 00 Potatoes per bag 50 to 50 limlor 16 to 16 Kn^sfrcHh . U to 14 rT/*"* nn In Furniture The lmj;est and best Block of furniluie ever Khown in Fleshor- t^'ii. This witliont fear of contra- diction Collie and nee some of the iiico tilings in Sideboards Dining RooiTi Ci^airs Parlor Setts Bed Roon\ Setts A special rcrluction just now on evorylliing in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT '» Flestolon â-  Out. «.^j eir^. *' Canada's Greatest Nurseries" WANT A h.ocal Salesman for Flesherton To S'-ll High Class Nursery Stock in FruiLs and Ornamental. Laigest List of NliW SI'KCIALTIE-S ever off.-red. START NOW AT THK liEST SIOL- L1N(; SKAS ).V. V.'i'i imhicenioiits.Lib ural I'ay, llHiidtioino Free Outfit, Terrii ory U«serv..d. WRITE FOR Tl-;RiMS and Catal'nuo and pend 2oo for our ALUMINUM I'OCJKET MICROSCOPE (miif»nilies 4» tinu's) and 50c for our llANUY SAW, just the tliinj; tor trim- tiiin){ trees (cuts iron as well ns wood.) Stone & Wellington (ova II 800 acres) Toronto - - Ontario For Pretty Homes. Don*t Cet Hn Httiiseteur. lMa,ll reapers AV'e have just r.'O.ivisl imr nmv wall ii-.purH. Kur liod it!iiiiM»nil liviii((roiiiiiii wiimt ivIiumIi- iiigly briKbtaml li;?ht c iloiiiigii Mr |>nivir|«(l. wliii-f'ir libraru'suiulilliiim'riioii'sth'' l;iii.'<iiy ii^l f»bric irtalmaiitsarH |artii'itl iily I'l. lish. **-Ve »»|i»wa larLfc raiij;«' of iru!.v|M;risiv*; p.ifH'is f >r Lii^li cbsn'liiroiatiiin, in |iriiit'.-d vi'l'»ir.-<, .iwip tiiiif ticitiiimtH, art no'ive^tii (li'hi(|iiii, .iMlk papurH, iirtiix'*, |khi«1 Heoiir.vti'iH'*, t-rowu t-Juclrf un-i Kol'K-nili.t.taed lapci?, in udilitioii Id iniiiy'itlicr BtylcH. ( 'all early ami luuuru your c'loice of paper for l.OJOi'ooiiM. I'l iuHji nnxo f iiiiii ."fc. pi'rrnll up. Haiiiplea Kent tri'n to Miy pi'mon fur the imkiii'.'. Uidom for ijri|)iTli!Uii,'iiis 'houlil lnuii t';irly In avoid the nirili. C. E. TRYON - - - PRICEVILLE Practical Decurator. A Practical Edu- cation At Tlie Owen 5ound, Ont. will ilotililo vniir i'uri.ina |H>wor. It niilv re ipilrnB rI«* inniilln «lll,|« Ill>.lltlll.l,i.i tor.mi- l''",'" » tliorouiili iM-.iutii,nl liuKlnwi. Ooiirannr a Shoitlianil ail I 'r.i>"wrtil'i<[ I'onr-o »iul lit yon for • romun. r«ti\u poniti n uiImdU ft'lii.liK I »i. ain tloi". KnII pmtlcu- Ur« at rttiv Until fror. C. A FLEMMINa, Principal $pr\m% Term 3cc'rt Arrll Int. Does Your Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health ; bad blood, bad hcahh. And you know precisely what to lake for bad blood â€" Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. Odo frrvinent cans* of bad hlmxl li a ilonlah Ur«r. Tbt« pr<Hluc«s eonitt]>«tl<)u. Polaonmu •ab«t&nc«i are then absorMd Into Un blood. Keep th« boweli op«n with Ayer's Pllla. br J. O. AjT OS., t.aw.U, XaM. â-²u - • MO mftautkAtar«rs of > tUIR VWOB. AGUE cinte. CBE8RY PBCTOKAL. yers "Wm bxve no leoreU t ^nr« pabU«li tb« formulas of all our madleliiea. BARGAINS AT PORTLAW TINWARE-Now is the time to buy your tinware and Port Law is the place t'l buy it as overythiug is manufactured «t at home FOOTWARE-Wo have a l.irge stock of ladies boots â€" just the thing for spring also Men's heavy Eiulish and French kip which we are selling below cost. PRINTS â€" Also a nice line of prints, liinuhaois, duck shirtiiiu, cotttoiiade and ready to wear nkirtb. Fresh gmcerieH arriving; almost daily. ShtpherdB flour for sale. St. John and Roulston, General Merchanta Port Law BusiNE-ss Cards - M'CULIjOUOH & YOUNO «»• Hiiukor Mnrkilale Ooa Keuoral lianking busiiiuBs. Money loaDed a reaKouable rate Ciill on uh. TCIIISL.ETT, ' runtinastur, Oeylon. CoiumisBioiiBr in II. i . J , Convoyancor, flccda. luortijHKUK, loaroB, willn «to canifiiily iirawii up Coll.ctioii» uiad.'. clmr(!<iii reasoualile. Aim Brocoiius, nout, feed I'tu. kept in ctock, I'riceH riKlit. D J SI'UOULB 0> I'oatiuBstor, FleiihortoD vjoiiimlgaionrr lu H. C .1., Aiiotioneer Con Toyanoer, Appraieor and Money I.eudcr Uuttl Ustato uud hiRuranoe Agent, llucde aiortKOgoa, loaBos and wills carefully drawn np and valiiutionit made nu vhortum untico. uiuiiey to loan at luwoht rates of intnrent. Col eotioua attetided to with proniptiieee cbari^oH low. Agoiit for Ocean Dotuiulou Btaaiusbip Company. A call solloitod. SOCIETIF-S A U M' meets on the last Monday ^ in eaou niontli, lu ttieir longe rooiu, ChrUtoo's block. Kleulierton. at 8 p.iu. M.W., Krank Chard ; Hee.. T. llUkely, Kiuancler, W.J. Kel.amy, VisltiuR biutUreu iLvited, PRINCK ARTHUU I.OnOIC, No. M.'J, A F.A A U, meets in the Masonic hall. Ktrniu's block, Kieelierton, every Friday on or Itefore tlie (nil ii;o?n. Julm W rltjlil, W M.; O. N. lUcltar son, tiHLi-otary. noUUT PLKStlKUTON, 995, I. f. F. ireetsln ^ Cliri.sloeV lllocit tljH lest VridavevenlnR of earli nioiitli, ViwitinK l''oiesters lieariilv wolcoino. V. H., Ilr. Murray; 1!. C. W. Loncks; Kin. Kic, II. A. Willi tt. Please pay diK'S to II. f, Wil'ett on or beforo the luHt day of the precceoing month. pHOREN rhlKNDB-Fleshertnn Council of o Ohnsen Friiinds uieer^i in (:ia\ ton's bnll (list and third'Wt'dnosday of etcli incnit H p. in Pay axsHSsiuents to the liiM-oriU'r on or before tre lirbt -layof each month. Chief Councillor, T. lliukoley; lleooidor, W. II. Hunt. Medical DR CARTP.n M CI' ft H Ont, Physician. RurRoon.etc OiBce and rosidouceâ€" I'eter at., l^'lvslierton nu A.T. lin.NI) " Oradnatf Toronto liiiivcrsitv. Mem- ber of Ontario Colle|.o oj I'hysiciians and Knr- ge3U.4. Majwoll. Om. riiiceeesor to Dr. Scutt. JP OTTKWm.T.. Vdterinai-y Sursron Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Co1IeK«. resldoiioe â€" second door south west on Marv Btieut. This street runs south Presbyterian Church, n WILSON, niaekiimlth "• iradnato of the Veterinary Hcioneo Association. llosidimce, Duihaiii street, oi>- pOBitu llo.\d, Hicklii.g'8 hardware. Legal LUCAS wuKinr a mcaiidi.e ilarristevs Solicitors Conveyancers, eto Offloesâ€" Owsu Sound. Ont »ud Morkrtale Ont W H WniouT, MeAiim.K I B I.i-cas N ll-Fle«hevton oBlco. ilitcliell's llaiik •very Haturdav. Dentistry n-. E. C. MURRAY I. V. 8, dental surgeon »^ bono, KrKdiiato of Torpnto Univ»r»ity and oval C olleueof Dental SniBeons of Ontario. UssadniiniHi ration for ta^tll nxtractlou It caatr »i laiifij, Tjr.>u>(> vr-'e', K.e«li»rlon A Backward Look To the Editor of Tht Advance. Whenever I cn<ne across the names Arieniesia aid Fle.sherton I am carried buck to, now nearly 40 years ago, when I landed in Fleoherloo as the superintend- ent of "Arteiiiesia Mission." At ihat lime my held of lalKir embraced what is a», present divided into Flesherton, Price ville, Duiidalk, Eugenia, (ttlarkdale and part of Euphrasia circuits; and very little (IV, I -lapping lu those daya. Many are the cliangea that have t>ikon place during those years. The old pmaonsijio, remeni- beied by but few, with the old church, have long since passed away, and most ol my old parishoners have gone to tbetr long hone; "and we who remain are to the margin come." II tviug spent three of the happiest years of my 40 in the ministry on the ground referred to, it will not be thoui^bt strange that I shjuld cherish some very precious memories. Yes, notwithstand- ing my having had charge of some twelve CI I'uiiH Niuce, which means forming of hundreds of new acquaintances â€" with ever increasing responsibilitiesâ€" I have watched with interest the doings of my old Arteniesia Missiim. I was with you, in deepest sympathy, during your recent local option r4impaign, and with you have rejoiced in the triumph- ant is.Hue. In this you have stirred mo up to write. A Tempurdnce Hotel in Flesherton! Thank Ood for patting such an undertaking into the minds of the noble men and women who have taken hold of it. Concerning the fearfu', awful, dreadful curse of the licensed liiju'ir triflio, we are only beginning to realize our responsibil- iiy. till, how many have gone down, beyond the possibility of rrcovery, while we have been sleeping; and cveu now h'jw many are indifTerent as regards any effort to save those who are going down. The bar-MOin mu.st be closed, and will be. Pay no attention to what is said ab"ui hotels without bars not paying. They will pay â€" they are paying where kept up- to-d»t.-. To many, local option seoms like a new thing. Far from it. True, as regarding our Ontario law as now existing, it is somewhat ,new, but as tn the principle it is not so. In the United Stales, wiihou' counting four of the states that are under prohibitl.>n, there are about 18,000,000 people now under local option laws, and we arc not behind in the Domiuuin of Canada. In Kew lirunswick 9 out of the 14 counties are in it and those embrace 7 large towns. In Nova Scotia, 16 out ot the 18 counties have no licunsu. Prince Edward Island is practically under pro- hibitKm, and in Quebec there are 230 parishes in a niniilar conditon. Fully three-fourths of Manitoba and the newly formed provinces is covered and Uriiisli Columbia has large tracts withoutliccnaes. Unrein Ontario.sofar, by-laws h:ivc been carried in not less than IdC niunicipalities, which moans the closing of over 250 bars During the present year over 70 jilace.s Voted on it and carried in all but eleven Work is iroing on. Are not these facts encouraginu? And, besides, the universal lestimony is, from the most reliable sources, that it is a success wherever put into practical operation. â€" But I must (Iriw to a close. When I, commenced 1 had no idea of thus branching out. ;A word about about mysclt. Although on ihe superHiiuatod list for five years, 1 have been doing active woik (not merely lueachiiig on Sunday, but supplying the place of euperintendents who have been ill, or had passed away) duiing about J of th^t time. At present I am in chuargeof lilt) Tlininesford circuit. Loft our home III Clinton early in December to supply until conference. Have enjoyed the work and kept up with three services and from B to 12 miles drive on Sundays and 2 wei k night |irayer meetings, pastoral visitinif, etc. How nier.-iful God has been to nie! Here, in my 73rd ye.ir.and wiih- oui aby vi.siblu Mgns of weakening, able still, and privileged, to preach the 'Un- searchable ficlies of Christ." I have made no reference to the dear one who stood side by side with mo dur- ing 40 years in truest felloHship, as 1 piesume most of you know that she passed over to the "belter Country" nearly a year ago. llev'a v.'iis a moat triumphunt eiitianco. Any vacancy leftl Oh,ye.s,aiid we "long for the touch of a vanished hand, and the sound of a voice that is still." Our "Man.io" ae she was called, now Mrs. Dr. Thompson, and her two biys, Freit nbd Charlie, spent Easter with u? here. Ilentrice, our second duughier, is my only companion now,a' d wo are getting ttlorg coinforiably in the parsimage hereâ€" merely closed up cui (.'I ntoii lioH.se, My su-^eefisor, Bro. (Jiililwell, and I are, so far as I am aware, eiitiro stiani.'erM ; however 4 have noticed with interest the "oud work he is doinu. I seem to bo souiewhit acqunintod with Ilia neighbor .tnd fJlow- workman tl e Rev. Mr. Thoin, through Uiy most agrev- able neighbor, the Rev, Mr, Watson. J. GREENE. Sore Nipples. A cure mav l>c effected bv applying Cham- berlain's Sulve as soon as the cliild ia vlone uiimint,', WijH) it off with a soft cloth before allowing the child to nurse. Many trained nurses use this uiilve with the best results. Price a.! cents per box. Sold by W. K. Rich- ardson and H. L. Douglass. The lioftrd of Licon'e Commissioners for CJentrM Grey, compost'd of, Hugh Mercer, Robert Clark and Jnaoph Fergu- son, met at Mnrkdnle on Thursday, and liranted licenses to Frank Maher, .lohn Witter ar.d John Murphy, Msrkdale; James Connor*, Williamsford; William McKioluy, Holland Centre; Chris Eniiel, Desboro, and A. McDougall, Chataworth. IMer Hare, Berkeley, was civen an ei- tuimiou for three wonts, in «hicb time he will be rMjuired to improve the house or di8|io«« of the Rtoclc. The board will meet in Chataworth on May 4. â€" Chats- worth Baner. The bam belonging to Win. R'ibinson, 0th line. St. Vincniit, was destroyed by 6ie O'l Tueadsy evening. The bre »a« caused by the exploaion of a lan'ern. Mr. R'ibinaon managed to get all \t\* stock out and most of the implenieuts. He had an insurance on bull iinij and con- tents, but not sufhuienl to cover 1 isa. Stomach Troubles Jfrs. Sue. Martin, an old and hij^hly resp*?- ted resident of Faisonia, Miss,, was sick with stoni.ich trouble for moie th.in six month'. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured her. She says: "Icannowcat anj-thing I want and am the proudest woman in the world to find such a (ri«id medicine." F-jr sale by W. E. Richardson and H. L. Douglass. Sitmples Free. Sbortbo^ns for $ak. Shorthorn Caiti.», of extr* qualitv and breer)- inc Leviuias aud Wimples, both b' ef and milking strains. Also Cocswold and Leieei.t* sheep. m)l CHA8. STAFFOBD Fletheltn. Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass ! artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. BLOOD DISEASES CURED «^ *.<i ^ Drs. K. & K. Established 25 Years. «a-no MABRE8 USED WITH- OUT WRITTEN COK8ENT. He Team aurprlseil at bnir Uie •ores bcaied â€" "I took your New Method Treatment for a serious biood diseaae wittx which 1 had been afinicted for twelve years. I had con.sultecj a score ot phy- sicians, taken all kinds ot blood medicine, vlflted Hot Springs and other mineral water re- sorts, but only crot temporary relief. They v;ouId help me for a time, but after discontinulnff the medicines the symptoms would brealt out asain â€" runnins Before Treatment, sores, blotches, rheumatic pains, After Treatueat. ioosensas of tha hair, sweillnes of the glands, palir.s ot the hands pealing:, itchiness of the skin, dyspep- tic ftomach, etc. I had given up !n despair when a friend advised me to consult you. as you had cured I.lm of a similar disease 8 years ago. 1 had no hope. Liit took his advice. In three weeks' time tlie sores ronnmenced to hral up and I be:;ame cncouraijed, I continued the New Method Treatment for four months end at the end of that time every syrpptom had dlsaprea'sJ I wos cured 7 years ago and no slpns ot any disease .^incc. Hy boy. three years old, i.-? sound and healthy. I cer- tiiinly csn rcoomt-iend your treatment with all my heart. You can roler any person to loe privately, Ijut you can. use this testimonial as you vli:h." W. H. S. Vi'e tre-it Tferrcna Rr!;ll»T, Varlcccle, Strlotrre, Vital Wrakacas, Blood nnd Sskla diseases, Uricary, liladacr and Kidney complaints of men and wom'^n. QCRnCn â- '^'â- ^ y^ "^ victim'? Kave yea lost hope? Are you Intend- nCKUCn Inst to marry? Hag your l>lnod been diseased? Have you any Tveakne.-ss? Our New Methoj Treatment will cure you. What It has done for others It win do for you. C0NSI;LT.\TI0N FRKE. No matter who has treated vnu, wrife for an honest opinion Free of e. Oiarpes re.i.sonable. BOU^CS Fr.EE â€" "The Golden Monitor" iJiseases wt Man. Sealed Book on "Diseases of Charee. (illustrsted). on â- Women" Free. Ao NAMisa rsF.o %vTTnoT'T wTtrrrriv consent. ErezTtlUns contldentlal. Qucsiloa list ttn:l c»et of treutmect I'niCB. Cor. MichigaLn Ave. ond Shelby St., Detroit. Mich. It's easy to buy PROST FENCES â-  iM.a â-  IMIS ..II. Ill 11 II I .1 I I ^^â- ^^ â€" ^^ Our prices for Frost Fence ire ouly as much as the best fence in the world is honestly irorth. And w« make the terms so easy tlutt every farmer and stock* nuu can take advantage of them. Here's the way we will let you buy all the Frost Pence you need :â€" One third cash on delivery. One third by note, due Oct ist, '06. One third by note, dnft March ist, '07. Five per cent, dlsconnt for cash if paid within 06 days from date of invoice And remember â€" should Frost Fences ^o wrong, from mechanical defects or workinausbip in buildmg, Uiey are repaired, free of charge. G. W. ROSS. H. RIDLEY. • Maxvrell • Ceylon CLEARING SALE^ Of Buddies* lUagdns* Democrats. Carts* PSews, Parrow â- , ctc« Having solil my wareroom to the new hotel company I find it necessary to clear out my â- whole stock of the above articles. Eoduced prices rule now. Don't Miss The Chance. J. HEARD: - - - Flesherton. D. McTiVVISH [ For First Class Buggies, Carts, IMcasure and Lumber \% agona, cutters. Sleighs. We keep a stuck on hand to chouse from. ALSO HORSE SHOEING ANOQENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and euarantec first cla.ss work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, am? a.'so Massey- Harris and Noxon reimirs for binders, Mowert %ll kinds of niauhinory, also Rinder Twine, on Imnd. » Uiben in tovvti give US a call « V /

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