Flesherton Advance, 24 May 1906, p. 5

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», "4' f- HE FLESH ERTOir ADVANCE May 24 1906 * • ( • » » « , i « • \ * â-º t • Ofanaarc/^ Hank (of Canada) Has opened a branch office in Flesher- ton, where a general bankir.cr business »ill be transacted.. Money available for e^itimaie business enterprises. DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD on all poiiite it Canada and the United States. Inti?rest allowed on dep'isita of tl.OO aod upwards compounded, half yearly. G. Itfitcliell Agent. Vicinity Chips Get in your t'arden truck now. A deer was seen near tbe village on Sunday . Ice cream on Wednesday night; at Douglass'. For money at lowest rates, lind secur- ity, go to A. S. VanDusen, Floalierton. No bartenders licenses have been issued for FleshertoD. Cabbage plants, 25 for 10c, at Doug- lass's drue store. Highest prices paid for produce at Ben- tham Br IS. A full stock of Flour and Feed at lowest prices at Bentham Bros. Mr, P. Loucks returned Tuesday from a viiit to his old home in Perth county. Sherring, the winner of the Marathon race,arrived in Toronto Tuesday morning. Only $15, 1 ^oud second hand lop busp7, easy terms, R. J. Sproule. Fur cheap fire and life insurance, first class companies, R, J. Sproule, Flasherton Mr. John Smith of Albion visited his brother William here last week. fllOO to loan, 6 percent, on good farm mortgage. R. J. Sproule, Flesl e'ton. Tup buggy, almost new, cheap and easy terms. U. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Osprey township will hold Court of Re- vision at Maxwell on Monday next. May 28. Mr. Thomas Lo:khart and wife of Weyburn are visiting; the forncer's sister, Mrs. Edward Whiltcn. Gabriel Dumont.firstlieutenaat of Louis Riel in the rebellion of 1885, died on ha farm at Gabriel's Crossing, Sask. Eggs for batchingâ€" from Barred Ply- mouth rocks of a goixl laying »'train,$1.0<j per setting. A. E. Uanley, Fevershaoi. Eggs for Hatchingâ€" White Wyandotte, Black Minorcas and Barred Plymouth Rocks. 0. E. Wickens, Flesherton. Markdale and Durham are both cele- brating Victoria day today, Citizens of Flesherton will patronize both places. The Toronto News and Star have raised their price of subscription from f 1 to 91.60. We club Ibem with The Advance at 12.30, Aa a result of the scarcity of servant girls in Toronto forty ladies of that city advanced the fares for old country hulp and the girls arrived this week. Don't blarae it on the yeast when your bread is a failure. Juat try a bag of Royal Household flour and note the improve- nwut. For sale at Ben'.haiu Bros. 4 good lots and dwelling, garden and orchard, in Flesherton, for sale cheap, small payment down, balance easy terms, R, J. Sproule, Flesherton. Tenders are asked fur in this issue f(>r brick work, carpenter and planing mill Work for the new hotel. Look it up, ye whoare interested. Mrs. W. H. Bunt and Miss Florence Thurston leave this week to attend the annual conference branch meeting of the W.M.S. as delecates from the two church organizations here, the W. M, S and Mis- sion Band. Tbe Advance has received several obit- uary poems recently. So plentiful is this cIhms of literatute that wo find it necessary in future tu make a charge of 6c per line for printing it. Those interested will- please note this fact'. The special services, annouoeed last week as .ibout to begin in tbe Baptist chnrcb, have been ^Kwtponed until fur- ther announcement. Owing to the bnsy •eauon it wtus decided as being unwise to b gio tbera just at present. A small audieuoee listened to a lecture \g Dr. Caldwell on love, courtship and oMrriagp, Monday evening. Two reason's cpntributed to the small audience â€" out- side attractions, and the yeung people thtuk they know all about these questions Bornâ€" At Andover, S. Dakota, Wed- nesday May 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack WilUams (nee Maude Boggsi) a daughter. Mr. James Hemphill, Toronto.is spend- ing a few we<^ka wir.b friends in this vic- inity. Mr. HemphiU is endeavoring to heal a violently sprained wrist. St. Columbua church, Pricevillo, will hold their anniversary services on Sun- day, June 3, at 11 and 7 o'clocK. The preacher will be Rev. R.M. Phalen, B A. of Homings Mills. On .Monday evening following the usual soiree will take place, for which a splendid program is being prepared. An auction sale of lire stock will be held on tbe premises of Lachlan McArth- jr, half mile east of Priceville on the Durham gravel. Some twenty head of cattle will be offered, also a number of sheep and a bro.id mare. See bills for list. D. McPhail, auctioneer. Mi. P, Loucks, who returned this week from Kussel county, says that meadows down there will be a complete failure this season. He says there is scarcely a spear of era.ss growing and animals are all being fed in the stables. The condition wa« caused hy the lack of sjow, and ice 1} ing over tbe fields. Mr. Win Larg,", architect, delivered the plans of Mr, Mitchell's bank buildin.: on Tuesday. These plans call for a haud- sonia two-story double brick building, 34ii35feet. The south half will com- prise tbe bank, and the north half will ro<)ke a nice business stand. Excavation for the foundiition is in progress this week. A representative of the Bell telephone company was in town last week making arrangements for a new local line lo Max- well, Feversham, £u.;enia and pi>ssibly Kiinberley. Some tweii'y subscribers have been secured. The gentleman will return at an early date to complete ar- rangements. There Mn, little doubt that the line will be built. Mr. T. A. Rogers, who a few years ago conducted evangelistic services in th<i> Presbyterian church here, visited with Rev. Mr. Thorn over Sunday and assisted him in his pulpit work. For the pa&t three years Mr. R. has been working in Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon district. At present he is engaged in the eastern part of New Ontario. He has very many warm friends here who were delighted to shake bands with him. The election of officers of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church took place at the parsonage on Tuesday May 15th. The following otftoors wore elect- e1,â€" Pres., Mrs. (Dr.) Cildwell; 1st vice Pres,, Mrs. G. Mitche'l; 2i.d vice Pres , Mrs. J. Clinton; Sec'., Mrs, F. Htckling; Treas., Mrs. W.|A. Armstong; Parsonage com., Mrs. W. Moore, Mr».R. Boat, Mrs. M. Wilson. The Treasurer's report was as follows, bul. on h.'%nd from last year, $33. 30; amount raised during year, $178 23; e.\- penditure, $169.91. In the government's list of special Geld meetings in the interest of production of good seeds and the eradication weeds, we notice the following meetings set down for this district: Dundalk, John Gordon's farm, Jane 7; Kimberley, W. T. Ellis' farm, Juna 8; Durham, Thos. McGirr's farm, June 9; Duntroon, June 13. These meetings to be addressed by A. Foster, Maikbam, Out. and D. James, Laniistaif Unt, These meetings will be of immense benefit to all who attend. Young men are specially invited. Yorkdblre Boar and Shorthorn BuH for Service. The unJerttKoe.l tia« .â- > Thorooirhbred York- shire Hoat "I.akoview Victor." I84*ju. for surrice on lot 8.1, Snd range W. T. A 3. K.. Artemenli. AlsoTboroutibbred Sbortbora l)ull,''Admiral" G1348. Servieatl tor each. Thorough bre<ts eotra. »j)r8 THOS. QUIGG. Shorthorns for Sak* Shorthorn CaHI<>, nf eM.r» qtiiUity and breed- iu|;, Luviuias and Wiuiplott. t>oth beef and milking strains. Also CoLswolil and Ltioeste sheep, luyl CHAS. ST.AFFORD FleahertOD. Pure Bred Catnworfhs and Berkshire^ I have a few choice young Tarn woi ths of both sexes, for sale. Come and see theic oi write for what you want. Prices right. yM17 â€"Geo. W. Ros^ Maxwell. Shorthorn bull tor Service. SCOTTISH CHlKK-TKis m.sgniflcent young animal is of tbe Broad Hooks Golden 'r'arm family, is two years old and is second to Dope in t>re«linK and individuality. Terms »1 00 for mde cows, payable Jan. 1st, 1907, regiKterod cows uD application. luar «07 R. ALLEN, Prop. Let 170, Coo. i, t. T. * 8- K > »0! For> s Niagara Palls and Toronto The I.O.O.F of Markdale Will run their -Annual Monster Excursion via the Canadian Pacific Rail way to Toronto ; Steamer "Garden City"to Port Dalhousie.and elec- tric railway from Port Dal- h lusitt CO Niagara Falls uu FRIDAY, JUNE 8 A, delit;htfui sail on Laka Ontario, and the elec- tiichoilwav passes tbrougU tbe CUyof St.Catb- criuesand the towns of Thor.-ld and Uarrittoti. Kxcur Zionists will &lt»o be able to see the ^reat peach urchards of Out&rio, tbe old and new W«llaud Cau&ls, tbe whirlpool and tbe migbcy rapidB. Excursion train will leave KollandCen- tre at 6-30 a.m.; Markdale 6.55 a.m. Time Fare to Fare to Ton Pto Niagara Falls Holland Centre... 6.30 9'i.lO iiW Barkolay 6.39 aOS 2 33 Markil&le &.ir, 3.05 iJO Flesherton 7.07 4.03 105 Pioton 7.16 aos 205 Dundalk 7.'J6 2.05 2 05 forbattoa 7.37 2.00 iOO Malancthon 7.4S 1.S3 1.8S bheiburne 7.54 1.90 ISO Crouibies ^03 1.65 LOS Laurel ai2 1.60 1.60 Children under 1 2 years Half Fare. Tickets to Toronto goofl to return on any reg- ular train June 8tb or 9th. Tickets to Niagara Falls good to return ou any regular train until June Utli, except from fchelbar;:e,Crombies and Laurel which are good returuiu« until June 9th. op«cial train will leave Toronto wharf Friday arening.Juntf 8tb, at 10.30 p. m. for Holland Caotre, stopping at al>ove stations. This will unooubtddly be the best Excursion of the sea.^oa aa tha Markdale Lodge o' ths InJe- pendent Order of Ot^ilfellows are leaving no- thing undone to make this oua of tha most CD> jojabla outings. W. H. KIN6,N.G.. R. W. ENNIS, Sec'y. Committee. W.H. Kins;, John Chapman, J.H.Stephenson, R,\V Eunis. €ow Strayed One (rrey niooley cow, about May 1st. .\ny person knowing her wheruabouts will confer a favor by communicatiufr with ARCHIE CURRIE, Ceylon P. 0. Bull For Service Thoroughbred shorthorn bull for service on lot 161-162, E. T. 4 S. K.. .\rteuie8ia. Pedigree on spiilication. Terms $1. (.•L.\L'UE EKIS3 TAMWORTH BOAR FOR SERVICE. Uiaye purchased a flue thoroughbred Tsin- wortb boar, which wiil be for sertrtce on i.-y premises, lot 1S4, 8 B. T. <& S. li. .\rtemssia. Terus «l. JOBK PEDL.\B. Bull Tor Service Pure bred Durham Bull for service on prainises. lot 40, con. 1, Artemesia. For tar and pedigree apply to 5apl H. HOLM.^:* Port Law Cboroudbbred Durham Bull* Tho nndersiizned bafl purcbaRod from Reelev Bros, of Gleneli; a flne 3*year old thorouKhbred Durbam bull, which is held for service. Turiufl one dollar. JOHN ADAMS Flesherton. Bdars for Service ThoiooKhbred a I. C. hog, .^rtemesla Piidc no. 81.:j, ici-ioa $1.00; also Yorkshire hog, terms 750 T. LEVBB. lot IM, T. (£ S. Road. BULL FOR SERVICE Hftvinc purchaseii from If r, John Fairbatrn of Yeoville the well known Shorthcrn Hull •*Gav LAd," (Imp. 288r*8) I offer the same for service at mv prvmitted, lot 5, con. 6. .\rteuid8ia Termsâ€" 31.50 for K^ades, inpiireii, pure bretl, $0 -THOMASBUTLlfiR. Sbortborn Bull Tlie thoroiinlilireJ Shnrthora Pull, "Favor- it*;," litiX), is for service on lot 2T-28,'_*n>l ran^e N. 1"). R . .irtcmesia. Petligreeon applioasvin. Xernut $1.35. AUEX. HcRAE, Cejion. Berkshire Boar for Service Valley Farm Victor (157;».) Farrowed Snpt» 3rd 1<)0,5. bred b-' S. J. foarfou. Son A Co. .Mendo^- ville Cnt., Jud owner. M.G.O- r, Fle-hert«i ,0 it. Dam, Oxford Duchess 5th (I.W16) br<Hi by 8. J. Pea: son, Son <ft Co. Sire, l^urbum'c Vict^^r 30tli (13379.1 bred by W. U. Durban). Terms 91.CX) at iiue of ser vice a2B M. a. OBB, Flesherton. Hereford Bull for Service, The white facod beauties are tbe proper stock for this section. I have a dne two vesr old bull, "Suartaa" No. JTU-IS. for sorvicu.lot !(» .trd S. W. T. J£ a B , .'iiteiuesla. Terma-tl and #5. lajlOT -WKSLEY BUSKIN. A GREAT SCHOOL fSLUOTT. ' XOBONTO. OST. Students from British Coliimbi», Saxk- atchevvan and Manitoba on the west to New Brunswick on the eiMt are in atton- danoo this yenr. Diatatice is no hiudrai\ro to thise who wish to get the beat. Our sradiiatM are always auMniaafiil. Our fnoilitiea are unsurpassed COMMENCE NOW. No vitcatidns. Ci01««e open entire yeaf. Maijnificeiit c«tal> gue free' W. J, Elliott, Princip*!. C^oj. Yonee apd Alcxaihler St»v Boots and Shoes For the Spring and Summer Everybody will be getting a new p-iir of Boots or Shoes or ou>{ht to be gettine a pair. In order to meet our increased trade, we have bought largely in ihia line of goods â€" some of the chuicest and best chat can be had â€" albc heavier and cheaper lines. They are IxiUizhc Ljiasoma of the best Man- ufacturers ill Ontario and equal to anything shown in dus line nnd i{uite new. Also a large lot of Trunks, Telescopes and Suit Cases on hand. Cus- tom work promptly dt>ne. Call and wo will try . . ' ' Co give you entire satisfaction at ' ' (Utn* Clayton â-  - SHOEMAKER, - ^i^o^^o&:s:i^o^o^o^o^o^CH^^ ? f The MEDICAL HALL does not intend to let il3 reputation for the BEST SEEDS â-  suffer. We hate in stock everything in the seed lino required by thu f'trmer or gardeuei, all from the most reliable growers â€" no old, dead seed â€" ererythinii fresh and full of vitality. Scores of peo^jle are raking advantage of these facts and securing bart{ains every day. Get your seed for spring planting from H. L. Douglass ALL KINDS OF - Merchandise Think of anything you want or are likely to want and the chances are we have it and if not we can ge^ it for you in a few days . We have a No. 1 Flour for sale also low grade flour. Tomato and Flower Plants FOR SALE. nias. Patfison General Merchant - Ceylon. t jj^ ^^- ^fc- - ^^ -^ . -^fc. -^fc. -^ -^w j^. -i^fc. .^fc. .^- -^fc- .j^fc. - ^ fc. .^fc. -^fc. .^^ ^fc. .^^ .^^ _ â„¢. ^k. ji^ ^w .Aj PAGE FENCFnG! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST * When you buy a knife for in.stance, you consider the quality of the steel in the blade. The biggest and heaviest knife isnot necessarily the best. Now there is just as much diffe'rence in the quality and strength of steel in fence wire as there is in a knife blade or razor. The Page Co. use a high carbon steel wire, which though it costs you but tittle more, is fifly per cent. (50%) stronger than wire in other fences. The lightest PAGE fence is as strong as the heaviest of other makes. Notice the lock in P.'XGE "EMPIRE" FENCE. You may have noticed .il.so th.it Others are imitating ' " it. That is a good recomrocnd for it. Where we lead others follow. All PAGE wire is "COILED." not crimped. THE LOCK "EMPIRE" Besides the extra strength and superior . woriunanship, P.AGE FENCES are dip- ped in 8k. special white paint, which on top of the best of galvanizing, will lengthen the life of wire for years. And, also, this white coating makes wire much more sightly. I Owing to the great strength and elasticity of â-  P.-\GE fencing, one- third less posts are re- quired, thus reducing tbo cost of the fencing. • As you get in PAGE FENCES one-half more fence strength. greater protection against rust, better workmanship, better appearance, use less posts, can you affbrd to us4 other fences, even though you could- buy them for one-half the price of the. PAGE? But, really ours cost you^ little. It any more. « 408, " IN PASS FENCES. Get prices before placing your order for Fence Gates or Lawn Fence. SOLD .\Xn ERECTED PV^ Cl)p$« Elliott Itlarkdak. C.mc(laudl>, Proton $t«|s > I < • > « • ? * . » <

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