Flesherton Advance, 11 Oct 1906, p. 4

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MM OtTOBET 11 1906 THE FLESKERTON ADVANCE F, T. HILL & CO. WiHiiH^\ New and Correct Styles for fall In the Different Departments 'pHE correct style and the good clothes problem bothers many a man and woman. We're ready as never before with decidedia the finest show- ing of New Mantles, new Dress Goods, New Millinery, new Collars and Belts for the hdies. For the men our showing of new Fall Suits, Overcoats, Shirts and Ties are unsuipassed for value and style. All the best makers are represented in our collection and the gathering represents all the new styles shown for the first time, so we would say to you who are particular and wish to secure the correct styles see our different stocks before buying. No trouble to show 3'ou through. An Important Collectio of New Black & Colored Dress Goods Uc'Siiemcnt is the key not* of our Drese Goods. See the Idack and colored broadclothi in the new chiffon finish, new Tweed Suiiinua in fawns and greys, now lustre effocts, new Hamespuns, so popular for FallSuit- inga; also the new Chiffons and Voiles for shirt wsinl luits. In our coHectioQ of tine dress materials we have not ovorloukod the tine qualities and nil so popularly priced as follows: 25c, 35c, 48o, 55c, 75c, 85c, 9100, $1,25, and 1.60 per yard. A visit to our Dress Goods will repay you. The Latest in Fall and Winter Jackets are here. We wish ti impress upon you the fact th.-it we are leaders in the spllinf; of .lackets. We have exclusive con- trol of Mnrkdxle for Manhiemer & Co., Berlin, Germany, the largest manufacturer of Jackets iu the world, hence wo are in a position to state that we are in a position to ofleryou jackets in the latest slylea at less money than you will pay elsewhere. See the stylish Jackets we aroRelling for $7.50, 88.()0, 88 60, $9.25 and $10.25, Also the higher priced lilies at $11.50, $12.50, $14.50 and $15.00. We will leave it to your jud^cnipnt â€" the bent cloths and the nobbiest stylos f-^r the least money are to be found here. Be sure and see our Jackets. Big Value in ivraperette Wednesday mornine wo put on sale 1700 yards of extra good qualities of Wrapperette â€" a clearlof; line boughl at a bii; reduction in price, suitutjlo for many purposes and the price so attractive. Kemember, 1 CSf 12c, 15c, and 18c Wrapperettes, your choice for jL WV/t J. & W. BOYD FLESHERTON ONT. THE PEOPLE'S STOREâ€" Tliia term is continually applied to this store because the term, eo far as we are concerned, has not been abngetl. Every department is full and well assorted and gives the people desirable, reliable and up to-date goods at prices satisfactory to all coiicerued. Since we haye been identified with this business each s>',^90j's tnni-over Las sboA'n a very large increase until the present time when we Lavd the best bnsiness north of Taronto. Our Stock ^^isists of Boots and Shoea ) Groceries Crockery Glassware Clothing Hardware Dry Goods House Furnishings Furs Hosiery Hats and Caps Millinery Mantles Stoves, Tinware Wall Papers Everything Yon Want, and Prices Eight. A Few of the Prices FURS Astrachan Jackets from $20.00 to $3750 liftdies Coon Jackets, prime skins, 4'iilted lu^liun liniiit;, i-xtra special. $35.00 Ladies Eluctric Seal Jackat, dyed co' i collar, ratni ;ined, l<-n-;th 24, res;. $45 an d $40 selline f^r $36.00 Black Coon Ciperiiie, pxtra long, 6 tails, silk tiininu'd $6.00 Grey Lamb Caperine, f mm 812 to $16 00 Mink Marmot Scarfs, e.ttra value, Tunyiiiig from $4.25, $5 50 to $7.50 Ruoaian Uaro Scarfs, extra special line $2.75 Ladies Tweed Jackets, extra special in 7-8 lengths, plaid pattern $10 00 Ladies Tweed Jackets, in fancy tlack ani navy, all the new patterns in | and } lengths $7.00 to $10.50 Ladies Tweed Skirts at prices from 43.50 to $5.00 HARDWARE For your stove requirements visit ibis department. are here. The best makes Ready-made Clothing Men's Tweed Suits in fancy mixed patterns, eood Italian lining reg. $7 00 for $4 89 Nice Dress Overcoats suituble for fall and winter wear. Special value S4.95 Other lines at equally low prices. Dress Goods. This department is fall ibcluding ail the new and up-to-date patterns at prices from 55 to 76c A apecial line in fancy and phiin all- -• -ol goo-l"., regular 35 to 7oc. Selling 25c House Furnishings A large assortment in Carpets, Rugs, T<tble Covers, Lace Curtains, Linoleoma, Oil Cloths, Everything you want in the House Furuisbini;s,no trouble to show go'xls I.WWW MARKPALE M/WW^ Ik published every Tliursiiay at $1.00 per annum if )>aid in advance, fi-Sd if not «o pnid. All subscriber r>ay'n8 *bO() strictly in advance get the Montreal ifcrald one year frctt IU a itrt'Uiium. print. On account of the continued dry I weather and not beini; within reach of the I hose the lurn-uui will prolubly be below 'that of foimer years and u much larger ; number of small vubers; si ill, the crop is as i;ood as the >.>enoral run tlir>ugh-iub the country, and likely more than oiioui{h tor I home consumption. Cabbage are plen- tiful and very large. Mangolds and sugar beets are splendid and many jf mammoth dinicniions among lhem,iu Idcl, everything in the garden hue is excep- tionally good. â-  -j...t.:_i Uitxa Mntao tl ' Among the visitors to the home on Industrial Home Nole» | Thursday last were Mrs P. Uolman. of {By an Intnatt) jjJFlesherton, and her grand daughier.Miss *i Laura Ilolraan, of Port Law. We were ^ -^~ J Very glad to see Mrs. Jlolnmo enjoying so large a degree of good huulih. Cummenciiig the first of the present month your cor will ooutiue in future to pay fur his Keep at the home, at least so far as his pension goes, which will be, he thinks, within a few cents each month of the amount required from pay inmates. We were glad to note the success of the FIcaherton show fair, financially and congratulate lome of our old friends on the number of prizes captured by them The weather was all that could be desired and the directors ought to make the weather man an honorary member in consideration of the ideal weather with which they have been farorud during the last few years. Markdalefair on Tuesday nnd Wednes- day last was also blessed with beautiful weather and was, we beliere, attended by â-  large crowd, eren the inmates of the home who wore able and so desired were kindly permitted to go in the afternoon, not however without being kindly cau- tioned by the mBna!;er acaiiist abusing (he privilege. Many of them availed themselves of the outing, but we thiuk very few of them were huaneially able t) •n'er the gr.mnds, th >re being no fund in connection with the institution, as far as we know, to provide for that piivilege. Your cor. being physically unable to take care of himself in a crowd, very wisely remained at home and oontontod himself ijy WHtohiiiB ftom the verniKUh ihe pas- ters '>y ou their way to the grounds. The produce of the indusi rial farm captured 15 Gist nnd second prises Porha|;» some of the cmnpatitors may fuel inc'ined to inuriiiur at this seeing that it is a county ioititution and provided and maintainid lit the expense of the rate-payer, be that as it may, it is nevertheless a tangible proiif that the manager is putting forth avery effort to make the concern ai ptotitable as he can and by diing to helps to lighten the burden of the taxpayers Iintead of k<»>>K â- bout io Sunday clothes and puttinx on oon«equontial airs as we are informed that some manager* do, he fills the place nl a good man out of doors as well Si in his o&ioe, and may be seen at all times in the workint iea8oii,digRing delving and watering his line garden and pvorything within reach of the hose, and at a lime hours after other people have quit their day's labor. In the working seaaon he would by strangers, be ten times more likelv to b« mistaken for an iDduatrioua and faithful hired lalH>rer, than the manager of the homo, ^nd we vouH naturally aup{K>80 that the more Sick Headache Cured Sick headactie is caimed by derangement of the sniiiiach and by indiKKsticin. Chamber- lain's Stomach nnd Liver raliletx correct these dimirdcrs and effect a cure. Ity taking these tablets as soon an the tint inilication of the di«ease appeani, th« attack may l>e warded off. Get a free sample and try them. Kur sale by W. K. Richardson and 11. L. Douglass. Mrs. Stone Settlcnicut (Intended for last week Uonry Stone returned home on Monday last from visiting with friends in 51eaf>>rd for a few days. A number of our young people took in Flesherton fair on triday last. We had the pleasure of Inspector Campbell visiting our school one day last week. Mr. Wm. Hill has erected a new wind mill which has made another line iinprovi- ment iu ihii neighborhood. An Awful Cough Cured "Two years ago our little girl had a touch of pnenniiinio, which left her with an awful cough. Mhe had Hpellx of cuughiiig just like one with the whoa|>ing coiiffh, and some tliought she would Bot get will at all. Wo got a bottle of Chnnibirlain'a Cough H''inedy, which acted like a charm. 8he Mtoiipud conKn- ing and Riit stout and tat," writes Mrs. Ora liusaard, Brub- kur, :III. This leinody is f < r sale by ll K. Di>UKlnssand W.K. Hiohardaon. Hunter's Excursions The finest and most extensive hunt in/ grounds iu Canada aro situated on the lines of the Canadian I'scibi Railway. In Northern and western Ontario ai« many ha-jnts of moise and deer, while sni'iller game abound everywhere unc« one naches the lual hunting lands. I'ho 0, P. It. is selling return titkela to »'l for moose. Then from Cot. 25 to Nov. 6 tickets will be on sale to stations be tween Sudbury and tho Soo, Havehick, and Sharbot Lake tktidoti the Lmdsay- Bolicaygeon branch., IijMJiemJ)yr ail ticL- ots at single fare, good to k'op-over any where, with a final retunvlimit'oBDec. f." Every sportsman 8lM>ulJ*«oiitt a liostal card for copies of "FishiHu' and Shooting" and "Sportauiaii's Map," toth mailed free ujiun request. Addrew, C.B. Foster D.P.A.C.P.ll., Toronto. ... i rrlcevillo We had excellent weather lor our agri- cuUatal show on the 4th and 5th. Thoio was a tiue display of rcota, fruit and veg- etables phoed in the hall on the 4th. The grain wa.t not (juite so well represent- ed The ladies hid a good display of fancy and useful articles in the dry goods line, and the bread, butter and pastry was excellent. There wai< a large amount of live 8tO';k shown and of good quality. Tho gate receipts were «.K(d and the concert hall was crowded at night. Commissioner McArthur in a neot little speech introduced H. U. Miller,M.P.,foi South Grey, who made a pleasing address and declared the fair open Mr. Miller also made an ideal chairman at the con- cert at night, llailroading goes on apace, the steam shovel is on its second trip through the biir cut and the big Gil is drawing nearer the river. Ii is reprirted that a surveying party for the O. T. U. are working on a line that will pass Ihrouijh our town. The Standard Bank of Canada has noticed the coming importanca of our t.wn and has eslablishod a branch in fUitier's block. Sacr.juiental services were held in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Ser- vice in gaelic. 0. E. Tryon has repainted and papered the Methodist church. Mrs. (Rev.) Roach went to Toronto last we<k to viftit friends. Miss Berths James returned Ust week from visiting friends at Markdale. tVg noticed the sky to the south east brdliantly lightid up ton-ight (Monday ) It has every sppearanoe of » big fire. Miss Maggie Hutherford,of Sholburne, has been vi.iting friends here for a few days. piisM he oknoapturoat the several shows gima regions at one-way fare, a reducli m through his assiduous industry and inter- 1 that sportsmen everywhere are not slow est in th« public good, so much the more to take advanUge of. ""' "" sbojid his service be appreciated by pub-'tioing from O^t. 9 toNc (loing itn the main Tickets are ttood >lov. Oto all slaiiuns lie sent i man t. 'on the main line between Matlswa And Tie potktoei are being raised at present ! Port Arthur, and also on the brancbea »m| WMither permitting, will probably 'bet ween Matuwa, Temiskaming »iiii ktflaislMi} Mvrt thw« it«nuapp««r in Kipawaâ€" the Ust u»m«d • notable spo. BIUB GRADB TRAINIO pays aod that Is ttia kind tba (anious SOBONTQi OHT. Olvss to it<t stu.ieuts. Ilecentstudentsbave tftken positions at salaries from 9S0 pjr niontti to i\(M |>ur annum, Ilisawsll- liuowii foot that our solii>ol is tho best ol it* kiuiJ iu Caiot'la. This monih is a s|ilcudid tioi* to eotor All liradnates got uofiitlous. Ths demand Isnaaily twauty times th* •apply. Wriia today (or uiagulAoaut pata* logua, vr. J. RUJOTT, Prfaiatpal. Cor. Taa«t« and AUxandar Bt*. Millinery ! You'll be sorry if you don't buy one of our hats. Come and see them in charge of show room. No trotible to show goods, Millinery ! Miss Ida R«id Boots and Shoes A hrpe an.l well u.s8orteJ stick to choose fro'u. Bought ,from some of the best makers in Canada. .\ special line of Men's Fine Dongolas, at $1 75 A s]jeci»l line of Women's Fine Dongolas, at $1.50 Made the shape of your foot, will tit like a gloveâ€" Come and put a pair on. Torments of Tetter and Eczema Allayed. The intense itching characteristic of eczema, tetter and like .ikiu diseases i.'< instantly alUyed by applying Chanilwrlain's Salve and many severe cases have beea iwrnianently cured by its use. Kor sale by W. K Richardson and H.L Donglass. Thoroughbred Stock for Sale Twenty thorouchbrod Shortborns for sale, all ases. Will sell on rsasooable terms for casn or good seoarity. Sale is made oecessary owing to ill health. ApWy^ ^^^^^^^^ Bnnnessao P. 0. Lots 23-24, Sud 8.D.R.,0lenelg oetlt Bull For Service Tl^nroughbred shorthorn boll for serviea on lot 101-1G2, IS. T. & 8. It., Artetuesia. Pedigree on application. Terms •!. •^•^ CLAUDE EKIN8 Yorkshire Boar for Service. Tbe tindersitmed bos for service on lot 1A.1, Snd W. T. (t S. B., Artoniesia. a tkorongbbred Torksbiro boar, ''LakBview Victor," No. 18490. Terms Sl.OO, 'Tboroughbreds.axtra. A splen-, did stock tetter. S mos 1 Feb. TH08. QUIQG, Prop. Boars fo}- Service One thorooghbred Berkshire audoneTcrk- shira, spleudid animslk, tor saivico on lot ISC,T. & S. R., Artomesia. Terms it; nlSov T. R. LEVEB,Prop, Improved Tarm for Sale Lot H, Con. 10. township of Osprey, txaV* from village of Feversbain. Bltuation is onnice In a first class farming distriot. For terms, etc.. api'ly to A. O.CAMPIIELL, dlSeo Box 904 Culliiigtrood, P Pure Bred Camv9ortl)s and Berksbires I have for sale some puiebred Tamwuth sows, also two nice pure bred Berkshire boars nearly ready to wean. Satisfaction guaran- teed M.17 OT -G. W. Ro63, Maxwell. Farm for Sale Lot 38, 39. 40, S. D. R., Artemesla, contalolDg 240 acres, about 10) cleared, balance sloabioa, good pasture and seedud down. A good sto^ farm, Saugeeu river ruus through it. Would sell hall if all Is not wanted. Good frame bam 64x00 with stone Dasemout; log house, smati orchard. Apply to J. W. LYONS, Proton Statloa P.O. Sbortborn Bull The thorouKhlired Shorthorn Bull, "Favor- ite," l!223&, is for service ou lot 27-28,2Dd range X. D. R.,Arteme8ia. Pedigreeon application. Terms 91.25 AhEX. McaA£, OayVn Cambstor Sale For Breeding purposes, Leicester ram lamVs and ewe lambs, also Oxford Down ewe lambs for sale at reasonable prices. W. J. MBADS, Lot 39, O. D. R., Artemesia. NIB IV BA RBER SH OP have opened np an up-to-date bother shop in the old Adviioce Ollloe an 1 am prepared to do baaioas>', and feel ooufident of giving satis- taotion. Caundry Agenoy tor Owen Sound white Star Steam Laundry, Basketleaves every Tnsiday uight retnruius Hatar lay morulag. WilliaiM Shaving Soap for Sale. W.T.MORGAN Farm tor Sale. 1*1 4, con. 13, Osprey, 100 acres, 85 cImiw}, balance hardwood and cedar, 3 acres orchard in bearing; bank barn, stone stable, well and wiuduiill; farm well watered. Will be sold reasonable and on easy terms, as the oiroer desires immediate sale. ROBT. CLKME3, Lady Bank Beauty and UtiUty Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features, W. A. Armstrong, ^ rUESHERTON*

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