Flesherton Advance, 11 Oct 1906, p. 6

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VdMP^iMlB •.â- â€¢1% » M*..â€"^ wwwMw*. ilJMc'yNii^ MMhi f < < Disclosures at Court Martia! at Russian Ports. A despalch from SI. PetoKburg says. The courUiimitial at CronsliKit on Wednesday bet'an the trial ol tlie three ringk-udtrs of I he mutiny on bourd the •orpcJo Kiinbuat Kuzanulz, Aug. i!. Next week the court will begin trying iOi mi'mbiYs of the crew of Ihc battle- ship Alexander II., who refused to obey Cnpl. ivi/off'.s orders lo enter the ship's bouLs and assist in supprcssiiij; the mutiny at Ounsladt. A court-iriiirlial at I.ib;iu. hi Courland, has found 23 sailors of llje trunsi>orl ihgtt guilty of mutiny in Augiwl Inst and has sentenced them to various terms of iniprisonnienl at hard labor. The seriousness of the August mutiny was revealed at the cnurl-inarlials held at Cronstfldt, llelsingfors, neval, Riga. • Jbau, and practically every Baltic port, Bhowing that the whole llect was honey- combed with sedition. An unrepoi-ted mutiny of the 2lsl East Sil)en!iii flegiment, whieh di.stin- juished itself in several battles in Man- churia, httii been disclosed by the verdict ef a court-martial held at Blagoviosht- chcnsk, Asiatic Hiissia. whic.'i has sen- tcncfcd six of tl»e ringleaders lo death, three others to hard labor, and 19 to Berve various terms in the disciplinary battalions. Tuesday's record of executions, as the result of the sentences ol drum-head SEVENTY-FIVE MEN ENTOMBED. Deadly Bx plosion In a Virginia Coal Mine. A despatch from Bluefleld, Va., soys : As the result of an explosion on Wed- nesday afternoon at the Weslfork mines of the Pocahontas Coal Collieries Com- pany, where the oxplosion of 1902 oc- curred in which .Superintendent O'Mal- ley and sixteen others lost Iheir lives, seventy-five men are supposed lo be en- tombed. The mine is reported lo be on fire and the work of rescue is retarded. The cause of the explosion is not deter- mander of a company of the Pernova mined. Great cxcilonienl prevails in the n-giinent, which on Aug. 16 killtid tv/o neighborhood of the mines. Crowds of polilical prisoners during un oull'ienk men, women and children remained among the political offenders condned around the drift mouth un.viously await in the D-iitral Prison of Moscow. Scv- ing news of relatives and friends among eral memljers of druuihe-ed courtsinnr- the missing, lia! have also been sentenced to death by Ihe revolutionists. wirre Ks hoi'i:fui.. A despatch from Paris says: Count and Oiunto.ss Witte arrived here on Wednesday from Germany. The Count, j y^ despatch from Montreal .says: Her- who ha.s considerably improved inlm-ngildc Vermette, four years old. health, atteuded the tlieatrc at night, 1^-;,^,.^^ parents live at 1.05'.> .^l. IViinini- DBANK SOOTHING SYRUP. Foin year^ild Montreal Boy Drank Con- tents ol Bottle. his presence attracting much altenlinn. Hi says he has ahsoh.lely no ronncction Willi the direction of affairs in Russia, but is Jollowing Ihe developments with the keenest interest. Continuing, the former Premier s«id: "The Empire is pa.s.^ing through a great crisis, but altlwugh I am a pessi que slreot is dead, the result of an over- dose of .soothing synip. While his mo- ther was wa'-hmg in Ihe back of the house the little fellow spied a botlle of soothing syrup on the kitchen table. Liking the taste of the mixture, he drank WINNIPEG SUFFEBS BY FIRE. Over Wn.eoo Damage Done In Immense Lumber Yard. A despalch from Winnipeg says: A the whole conlenl.s. Thereafter ne idisa-strous lire occurred in the immense wandered out into the back yard, where j lumber yard in Fort Rouge of ex-Mayor CROP OF APPLES WILL BE FAIR. Nova Scoiia Expects to Export Aboni Same as Last Year. A despatch from Halifax, N. S., says: The Nova Scotia apple crop this season will, in quantity, be about the same as lost year, when 325,000 barrels were ex- ported lo foreign markets. In quality the crop is fair, gravensteins are a fail- ure. In regard lo price it is not expect- ed that they will be quite as high ;is last year, when an average of $2.75 per barrel was noted, but the returns will be good. Advices from England are that the crop, which at one time promised to be very abundant, has been inalerinlly diminished through drought and gales. while the recent hot wealher has ciuised it to mature quickly .sn that it will not keep well, and the fruit will t>e off the market earlier than usual. Prices in New York will be higher than at Ihe corresponding time last year. In Nova •Scotia th'^y arc advancing. Buyers he- gan piiying $1.50 per barrel and uro now offering $2 in some cases for run of orchard. LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, ocl. 9. â€" Flour â€" Ontario â€" Unchanged, 90 per cent, patents for ex- port eeli at $2.75, in buyers' bags, out side. Manitobaâ€" $4.40 for lirst patents, $3.90 for second patents and $3.80 for bakers'. Miilfeedâ€" Ontarioâ€" Firm; bran, $15 t<v $15.50; shorts, $18.50, in bulk, ouUlda., Wheatâ€" Ontarioâ€" No. 2 while, 72c asked, 71%c bid, 70 per cent. poinU ; ini.xed, 71c asked, 70^0 bid east, 71c bid west. Whenl-Manilobaâ€" .\L lake ports, No. 1 liard, !jo>ic bid; No. I northern, 80c .iski'd. Point Edward. Barley-No. 3, 4Gc asked, 45c bid, 78 per cent, poinls. Oatsâ€" No. 2 white, 35%c asked, bid, on Cc rale to Torontc. fiuckvviieatâ€" 52c asked, outside, Liid& 35c si at present I have not abanri;'ned ,„q| |j,pg ^{^f,^ j,is nioUier found him, ap- 1 ArhuUmot on Saturday night, when da- hope of .seeing eventually evolved a Parliamonlary and monarchical regime Euitad t« the neetis of the country." THREW BOMB AT GOVERNOR. A despatch from Simbirsk, Province of Simbirsk, Russia, says: Gcb. Staryn- i kewilch. Governor of .Simbrisk, had a parently asleep. All efforts on her part niage lo the extent of $40,000 was done lo awake him proved futile, and, tl-.The fire started In the boikr-room with ttiough medical assistance was procur- j r strong norlh-west breeze and was „„,,., ,. , . . - â€" iiaii..» escape from nssassinalion on courl-martiaLs, mciudes four Anarcliistsi Thursday. A bomb was thrown at him, fvi. 1 I '",.*', }^'^' ""'' *"â- '"• *'«"<l'l^ wounding him in the hand and leg. His executed at Bakh,uul. The latter wen> mjur.es are not fatal, 6hol owing lo Ihe inability of the author- ities to procure a liangman. TERRORISTS AS BANDITS. A despatch from St. Petersburg says. Twenly-flve robbers recently b<i:irded a DEADLY POl.'^ON IN BOMBS. The London Telegraph's correspondent a: St. PeUrsburg says llmt bombs sciz- «<1 ty the police in their recent raid ^n e<l, he pa.ssed away without regaining consciousness. * • KICKED TO DKATH. AVinnipeg Man's Fair at Hands of Two BarienUers. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Fat- aPy kicked in the bar-roora of the Stock Rvchnng.' Hotel, Logan Avenue, on Saturday nighi, Thomas Humphreys, an employe at Cordon, Ironsides and Fare's at>atloir. died within 15 minutes of his removal lo his home. Humphreys was drunk and quarrelsome and in the quickly beyond the control oi llie b/i- gade. The heaviest loss was occasion- e.; in the destruction of the mill and ten cars of exp^-nsive mouldings stand- ing on a siding nearby. The loss Is fully covered by insurance. thi K' gineers" Institute contained a bar- Rus.sian steamship as "^ p^^ngers"! ^"^"â- '^ ''•'^'''•'* '•"" '^**''^>''''S '"'^ ''-* Pâ„¢-*^' c-iurseof a fight in the bar two of the seized the vessel after they had over- 1 *'"' '*^"*- ^ ^i^" su^ h a bomb burst even Iwirtenders, Montgomery and .<avage, al- powered the crew, and took IS.orti"* smallest trajrm.Tit that was in con- templed to put him out of the building. roubles and the valuables of the pas- '•*â- ' *"**> ^^ ^'^ would cause speedy 'While being ejected he was kicked over ;-i'jJg "^jiig n,i,nttis' losses by fire now Bengers. I death if it scratcbed the fcsh. Many the heart. Both buf lenders were ar- i ^.^p), ,f,p ^uiii of $400,587,750. a figure The police on V -Jnesdav afternoon m^T^ by bombs in the past have been rested. never Lef./re equalled in the history of HIGHEST aN RECORD. Fire Losses From January to !^pteni- ber Total SSfl<),587,750. A despatch from New York says: Tlie loss by lire in the Uniied Stales ami Canada during the monlh of September a<i compiled by the Journal of Commerce and floMimercial Bulletin aggregates $ 10,852. .5:)0, or about $3,000,000 below the re<ord oi Ihe same monlh in I'.Kia. eapturieiJ several of • party of revclu- tionisU who ttad plaMKy] an attacli on the c^ihier of the f^rtome Hoosci. Many shots were fired and one juan it «aid to have been killed. cured. t>ut nobody hurt by these bombs \ could be cured. CAPT DZUNHOWSKY" KILLED. A despatch from lioaeow says. CapL RNAAOAL OtTXOOK BETTER. ! Frearh TO PfkCSEKVE MILK. New Ph> nrian Disrovers thod ul Sh-riiiuas. despatch Iron: Psrii? says Me- \ despatch Iron: Psrii? says : The Ma'.ui anntuiK-es that Prof. liehring has di.soovered t itf>v r-i'-thod of sleri.inng trwlk without l.i.i;.ng it or destroying the cuunlry. TOICUED A LIVE WIItE. Tuuno Man Instantly Killed Street at Belleville. on Ihc A *eB-«lch froTc St. Peierst'crg «ay«: The official lelograpb aseikcy hai .ircii- Ui«id a caiminf eiplaiat ti of RinisVer ,._,.„ _„ „ . „ , KokavtzeTTs report, w.. ±;.t jp w.lh Uie rtlM»vered c m-\v rw-thod of sleriTinng A d<-sp8tch from Belleville says: Wni. , _ deciamlJOD Xi-.nl Hie Iuhoku*! ouUook o^Uj. without l...i;.ng it or dcstrovmg Walsh. 18 years of ag^ wiis instantly Dzianhowskjr. who was sbo* and k-Uedjiii Rasawi is decidedly lavorab^. !anv of its cttofntial i>riii(i;iles. "The Skilled here on Friday evening by coiii- in a street here on Weteeariar. •*• ••-1 Forty Terrorists stopped a railroad mHhod is based on I!k- <jua!iiies of per- ling i*! contact with a live electric wire. sassinale.! m p Tnwwtn «f a scnlcaeal feraia near Ufa on Frulay and eeixed i hydrvl sunply oxygenated nji<> One of the wires which is used l>y the of Ihe revo:ut;inis'.*. Hi w^ 9m omm- 1 tl 300. ImBuoe per atre dwlrovs aii noMou.s Trenton Electric Company in lighting '- . ccriBS. Milk thus steriUz^ can be kept ! the slre.i. fell on St. f.l::ir!e.s Street, " ^ a king Uroe. wlule it is not injured bv , 0"<l ^'^ "'â- 'â- *'â-  " '"' . '"'l'l'';"'-'d lo come maratog arrKes li»» least possible work j trawlliDg Prof. Befiriiig savs he has : »'"">-' *' "'•• '""*• '*'''"'-'< "'« "-"e. wilh and fijB.; wiiJ 1* .-«,uired to put it m proved that li0it ha.^ a ver'v harmful • l^"-' «**"" "''''he was llirown fur soio^. perfaA oner. ^efloct on milk, wtieliier it is sterilized or distance. When picked up h.- was Antutna leaves, jriden erajn and ""'• He rectjniniends ll»at it lue kept in t i t ( 2.M B.%Bies si*t«><:ated. 'ly Falahlim in Enqland Through Sleepiofj With Pun^uts. g'.iden grajn and rieh-hued cbrysantheni.mis are season- ! lh« dark, or in red or gre<;u bottles. able and beaatifal tor nmnksgirmg T ! decorations, and a ct>aniung e«ntrepiec« .^ ! for Uje laWe may b* arranf ed with . â- â™¦â€¢ j differeti! vaheties of fruit or vejfoUbies. ••â-¼â- â™¦-♦â- â- â™¦â- 4 â- â™¦-♦ ♦♦♦•f* ♦4.>>.4-f4>.>^ carefuiiy cleaned and arU-sbcallv pJaced, Au y pleasing menu containing the' " ,P^''l';f" *'* f ^''\ "'« tfa*«-;»8 favorite dishes of rhanksgivrngs, both i «"'*!' '^tZ '^ ^T'^.^^T ^''^'^*' "ancient and modem," is the follow- ing :â€" Raw Oysters. Brownbreoil Sandwiches. Roast Turkey .Sluffed with (.heslnuls. Cranberry Sauce. Pickled Peaches. Celeiv. Baked Ham. Cider Sauce. Chicken I'luslry. Mashed Poluloes. Creamed Onions. Browned Sweet Potatow. Scalloiied S<|uash. Ginger She .-bet. I.elluce and Walnut Salad. Wafers. Cheese. Pumpkin Pie. Mince Pie. Cranberry Tart. Baked Indian Pudding, wilh Creani. Ice Cream. Sponge Cake. Coffee. When dead, having ri'<eived the full shock cf the voUuge which was being carried about the city. PaMKIE PKOVINCES. lie Census \Vill Show Popiilafion lo About 80.'>,M«. A despalch from Ottawa says: While After some This may seem rather a formi<lable m-nu to the woman without .superior help, yet .so many of the dishes may be piepared belonliand . that it need necessilolc very lilllc more cooking when the day arri\e« than tliut required for the usual Sunday dinner. The day before, the turkey may be made ready lor roasting, the clic.^'liuils cooked and mashed for the slulliiig, mid all Ihe dry ingredients for the making it mixed to- gether, the cliicKeius cooked for Ihe pa.s- try, the crust made and set away in a cool place, Ihc cranberry .sauce made. and jellie.s, pickles and other fomls may even be placed hi rcadiiu-.ss on di.slies for serving, if kept in a cnUl place and carefully covered. If rinno convenient Ihe pies may be made two days before, and cakes at Ihe same lime, if kei>t where they will not dry out. Niit.s may be cracked, mixed with raisins itul t«iii- Ixins, and placed in Ihe ri.--lie.s ready for «erving. I-acii the veg<.'lables may be almost ready for the table llie day be- fore, ami if carefully cooked no one need ever dLscovor thai llicy have been warmed over. The onions may be boile.l in roadini >s for the cream sauce, the Mjuash boiled and mashed ready lo scallop, and the sweet potatoes pap- boiled for browning. Mnslied polaloos must of coiir'-e lie prepared just before lime lo serve. .Sauces may also be made on the previous day, and all baking done except the pudding. Kvery hit of china, gloss and linen should be put ill readiness befor:"hand and the house all swept, duslcil and decorated, 40 lha( when lliunks giving , .. d<«palcii from London siivs: At an meati will be in gr^t demand. Cookies in<)uest in Ihc case of an infant who , . .„ are alwa.vs popular, end a very nice : had been suffocated in its parents' bed 'f"' '•el""'* "' '"* census of iho three way to "dres-s" them is the Jollowing : the Conner said that i.dOO infants were P^ii''' provnces are incomplete, f-nnugh they have been baked spread 'so suffwated annually in England '» •*""*" '" â- "*'** » ""•"'^ »bpi"xiiM.i- of them with a wa«h made by'ruere w,r.' fW) r^Aeti in London alone. '""" P"«*'''''«- ,'1>« ^''^o'* populolion f Manllot'a, .Saskatchewan and .Alhrrta. as is known, will come close lo 8O5.(X)0. P,y provinces it will be:â€" .Manitoba 302,001), wilh three or four sub-divi.sion.^ k be heard from, which will make the total abf<ut 3ft4,O0O; Saskatchewan abi.ul Zeti.OOO, the returns from this province are the lea-st complete; Al- berta, 184,000, wilh one sub-division lo come in. beating the yolk of an egg very hght ! He poiiiied out that in Germany 4he with two lablespoonfuls of powdered law made it illegal lo have a baby un- sugar and two lablespoonfuls uf blanclied and coarsely chopped almonds. Return lhe.se lo a slow oven until sliglitly browned. The white of the egg may be used if preferred, but should only be bt;ateu enough lo free 't from stringine-ss. A very nice and whole.some sweet is made by mixing equal quantities of fresh popcorn and shelled, blanched, and coar.sely chopped |>eanuls; heal as <fci a year old in the same bed wilh its parents, nOME K\ PRESS DFH AILED. Five Persons Killed and Twenty l.ijured. A despatch fruin Rome .says: Thf Mi- lan-Koine express train, while running . , .,, . . ^ . . 01 full speed on .Saturday night, was !-"'fL!V°„'r:'!!;\":';,.'*'/iV'?^..r!;*'""'^..'y.'''' I derailed at Piac/.ena. Five persons one-half of its bulk in .sugar, and when very hot pour just enough over the po[)- com and peanuts to stick all nicely to- gether, and form into small bars, cake.s and bolls. If the mixture is sticky loo much molasses has been added, but tills mistake is easily rcctilled by work- ing in more of the popcorn. Stuffed dates are another delicious bonlion. Stone the dale.s and fill the hollows with an almond or walnut meal which has been dipped in a syrup that will candy. If the hollow will hold a raisin as well, so much more delii'htfiil i for t^e palate. When stuffed give each i ,^„'.""'»'''*''; '''"'^^ w'"f^l!, '" ",'"'"'' ^i, ? date a thick coaling of the .same syrup ' " " ' " "' were kilted and iwenty injun-d. There was great confusioii at the lime of the disaster, which was due to dilapidated rnUiiig slock. * ADRIFT IN TIIK LAKE. Fishermen Clinging to an Lpluiired Boat. A despalch frniii West .Selkirk, Man., says: Magnus Ciaigie and hi.s two sons, all llshiiiiicn at Halsam Bay, on Lake roll in blanched, chopped almonds, or walnuts, and lay on bullorcd plates to harden. These are rattier tedious to prepare, but are worth the trouble. H is form of cooking, too, which delights the children of the hnu.sehoUl, ami they may l>e quite safely b(! Iru.sted to per- form .such work most satisfactorily after one or two ex[>eriiiients. A very pleftstng way to serve the salad is as follows : f:ut goi)d-.siaed boiled" beets into symmetrical cups and lei stand in seasoned vinegar ovor night. With a [lair of .sharp scissors (reserved for .<!uch purposes) cut the let- tuce Into shreds, just before the dinner i.s lo lie .served. Allow a taliles|K)onhil of choppe<l walnut meats for each cup ond mix wilh lettuce, loss lightly in a French dressing, and fill inio the t>eel cui>s. Garnish wilh a star of golden mayonnaise. The red, green and yel- low cnintiination looks very pretty and is as palatable as it is handsome. lifting nets on Monday and Uieir boat uivset. They all clung lo it in the icy water until they drifted ashore some tioiirs later. William, the younger boy, succumbed lo e.Nliauslioii .shortly niter reaching land, and Crnigle and the other son arc in a precarious condition. CANADIAN BITTEH IP. Price Greatly increased on British Market. A despatch from London says : The tendency of the Canadian farmers to cono'niratc their energies upon cheese rather than butter has conduced lo a shortage of supply here. A rise of two- pence a pound is probable. From May to September Canadian .shipments of cheese lo England were 150,000 boxes more Ihan for ths corresponding period last year. Shipments of butter were 135.000 luhs less. Canadian choicest Is already 7s. to Rs. a hundredweight dearer than last year. FI:TY NINE NEW ENGINES. Ordered by the Grand Trunk Railway â€"Will be Ricbiiiond Type. A despatch from .Montreal says: Tiie Criind Trunk Hailwny, after a very sat- isfactory te.st of some new enj/ines, have placed an order for fifly.flve nevJ Richmond compound consolidation en- gines with the Lixinniolivc and Ma- ch'ne Company nf .Montreal. The con- tracl colls for the delivery of the en- gines before Jimuary 1st, |<X)S. •jhoy are a powerful machine niid are nearly as big as those used in mountain .ser- vice, ond are 40,f)00 pounds heavier Ihnii the compoend freight engines. COUNTRY PRODUCE. P.u I !crâ€" Prices are Una an6 un- ' â- .â- iiii!:<;ed. 'dreamery S4c It 25c do. somls flc to 24c dairy prinU , 22c lo 23c do pails 18c to 2ec do tubs ISc lo 20c Inferior t7c lo 18e Cheeseâ€" Receipts light, with prices sold slightly tinner at 38c; one hundred' bushels of old sold unchanged at â- lOc. Dres-sed Hogs â€" Unchanged at $9.50 for choice lighlwcights and $9 for heavies. Mayâ€" About 35 loads sold unchanged at $13. MONinEAL MARKETS. Montreal, Or I. 9.â€" A fair trade is pass- ing in Hour at steady prices. Oats- No. :; wliite, M'Ac lo 40c; No. 3 white, :i8>!ic to 39c; No. 4, 37i<ic to 38c per bushel, ex-store. Peasâ€" Boilhig, $1 in carload lots. $l.lf) 111 jobbing lol.s. Flourâ€" Manitoba spring wheal, $i.25 lo .$4.50; slu.ng bakers'. $3.90 to $4; winter wheal potonls, .$4.10 to .$4.75; Iraigli! rollers, $3.75 to $3.90; lUlto in bags, $1.65 lo $1.75; exUas, $l.t)0 lo $1.70. Miilfeedâ€" .Mniiiloba bran ii. bags, .1(20; .shorts, $23; Ontario bran in bags, .$18.50 lo $19; .shorls, $21.50 to .$8:2; nulled inouille, $21 lo .$25; sliaglil grain, $28 lo !!!2'.> per ton. Rolled Oatsâ€" Per bag, $1.95 lo .$2, in car lots, $2.10 to jobbing lots. Coniiaeulâ€" 1-iid meal, $1.35; granu- later. $l..15. Il:.yâ€" No. 1, .$11.50 lo $12; No. 2, $11 lo $il.50; clover, ini.xed, $10 to .$10.50; |iiire clover, .$9 per ton in car lots. Ef-fTsâ€" .SIruiglil le-.TipIs were bringing as much as I9c ia Ihe wholesale way, inferior (|Uiilily liringin,'! down lo 18c. No. 1 candled sinck sold at 19c, and select candled ul 22c lo 23c, No. 9 bringing 16c lo . /C. BUFFALO MARKET. Ruffalo, Od. 9. â€" Flour â€" Steady. \\ li'-ntâ€" .Spring fiilily s'.i.ady; No. 1 NvirlhiTii, .Si;;::;; Winter strong; No. 2 while, 77%c. Cornâ€" Finn; No. 2 yellow, .').;,'ic: No. 2 corn, 51}^ lo rfir.. Oalsâ€" UnsetUed; No. o while, 37 to 37Kc; No. 2 MiiNed, %}ic. Barley-Firm; demand gijod; Western, c.i.f, quoted at 43 to 58c. H.\e-. Stronger; No. 1, tlOc. Canal freightsâ€" Wheal, 4>i;c; corn, 4>ic; oals, 3c. AGED AVOMAN Cl'T HER THROAT. Donie.stir Troubles Cause Suicide ol Resident of Bleiilicim.'^ A despatch from Blenheim. Out., says : Mrs. .lamos .leffrvs, of this place, ended her lile on Saturday evenin>^» by cutting her Ihroal. She was about 75 years of age and leaves a husband and one .son. Domestic troubles are .sup- poMKl to be the cause of the deed, as she had been in good health. Literally cooked alive in a boiler into which steam was turned on by niislui.e, a boilermaker. Gustave F. Friend, ;t0 years old, of Viinonncs. Iiid., lived four hours. He remained conscious and ar- ranged all his worldly aftuirs, bade his NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET. New York, Oct. 9.â€" .Spot steady; No. 2 red, 79c elevator; No. 2 red, 803ic r.o.li. afloat; No. I Northern Diilulh, S7%<- f.o.h. ulloal; No. 2 hard winter, b3>4C f.o.b. alloal. CAfTLE MARKET. loronto, Oct. 9.â€" Trade at the City ili'ltle .Market this morning was a little bii.sker. I'.xporl (faille â€" Qiiotalions are: Choice, $i.4(i to $4.05; medium, $4.25 to .$4.35; bulls, $3.75 to .$4; lij;ht bulls, .$3 l« S3.2.'j; (â- iiw.s. .S;t..',0 In 84. Hutclier CuItUâ€" (Ihoioe arc quoted fr.'iti -Vi.S.^ Im $4.50; inedium, $:!.75 lo •Vi, common, .$2.50 to .$3; bulls, $2.50 to $3.25; cows. .$2.50 to .$3. Sto.-kers and Feeder.sâ€" Choice sloch- crs. $3.25 lo .$3.40; coiiinioii, $2.50 to .$â- .-.75; bulls, $2 lo $2.25. .Mich Cows- 0"<^'alion.s aiv .$40 lo !c'(i foi choice and $2.'i to .$35 for common. Calvesâ€" Quolations holding generally tinn for best i]uality at 4c lo 7c. Sheep and l.unibsâ€" Ouolalions are: I'.xrort ewes, .$t.:;5 lo $4.65; bucl<s and culls. .$3 lo .$3..")0; lambs, .$5..')0 lo .Sii.iS.' Hog iâ€" At $G.fi5 per cwt. for ih.i.e .sg.' Incls a;id %.M for lights and fats, fed and wuter.d. DnOWNED OIF SCHOONER. Capliiin <il the Julia Larson Mel Death Near .Suulliainplon. A ncspiilcli from Coderich says : William NtiUhell, captain of ihe Kclinriner .Iiilia l.ai'.sdii, was dnnviied oa Suluitlay off Ihe si'hooncr near .Soiilli- UMiplon. II i.s not known hci-e liow Ihe captain met his dealh. NEW COAL FIELD,<4. Cover an Area ol KM) Square Mi;es Neitv Dover, ICiiglniiil. .\ di.'spatch from l.oiidnii si\s: What is claimed lo be llio largesl \ irgin coal field in the United Kingdiin has jiisl been discovered, se\f>n inili>s fruin |)ov, er. It covers an ai«u, it is said, of iu people good-bye and tli. n prayed with square miles, and ia estimated lo U his pastor Ull dealh cauie. 'yiiiv[h over a billion dollars.

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