Flesherton Advance, 11 Oct 1906, p. 8

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October 11 1908 The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Week Om«i 31 to 31 l'e»i< 68 to 68 Bailey 45 to 45 Wheat 65 to 70 H»y 6 00 to 6 00 Potatoes per bag 60 to 55 Uuttur 20 to 20 Ej;g8fre8h . 18 to 18 THE FLlLSHiiltlu^ D V A^ C t. ^. -vn In Furniture Tl>e largest and best stock of furnituiu ever shown in Fleshor- toii. Tliis withont fesrof coiiira- (lictiun. Como aud see some of the uice things in Sideboards DinirigRoorq Cl^airs Parlor Setts Bed RooiT\ Setts A special reduction just nonr on everything in order to reduce the slock. W. H. BUNT runntlure Sdealei •» FlBsbsrlon - Oot. ., (Xr--^ Local Salesman WANTED At once for Fleshuiton and surrounding districts. HIGH CLASS SPECIALTIES, in Frnii and Ornamental Stock grown and fur v:i n by CANADA'S OREATEST NURSERIES A pertnaiicnt situation for tue riifht party. Ijibrriil inducemuiitB. P'iv u'eekly. Hand- lOlui! free otitfit. Writer fur teriiin and catii- liipTiie, i\w\ 2jc in kIuiiiim fur our POCKET MAtJNJKYlNU GLAlxH or 30e fur cwr IIAXDY MKTAL HACK .S.VW. Stone & Weiiington Fot\lhill Nurseries. (OTiiibOO ai.i;k») Toronto - - Ontario WHO'SYOUR TAILOR? Just placod in stock new fall BuitiDga. Try my work, it will give the best of satisfac^ tiou. All work guaiaiiteed. S. J. BOWLER Sproule's Block • - Fleaherton NOTICE! All those in arrears for Binder Twine will please settle the sanio iimnodiutely aud much oblige yours truly R. N. Kinnoar, & Sons j|nAXWELL ONTARK>J What Aro you guin^ lo do this wint^i? A fen months spdnt st lliu Owen (Sound, Ont., will bo ti ne wull cpiriit. Three couisfs of study â€" Husini-RS, Sburtbaiid and Typowriiliij; iin.f Prepar- htiiiy. C<dlL'i{u now o|irn for the fall tt'riii. Srudenti uilmiilvd nl any time. Fu.I partiutditca aunl to any address fice. C. A. FI.EMMING. I'rinnipal. mount Pleasa nt Derd* Of purabrod fcotcli Hliortornt with tlie famouH < ouuii aUick Inill, Hciottlxh Chief, fct tha lieail. Yojiii atuik (or tale, prices r«aeouab1<, lerioe e««y. , w*Ttai R. ALLEN, Prop. ^UlTO. 000.1, a.r.AS.B. Mif Hair Ran Away Doo't have a falling out with your hair. It tnight leave you ! Then what? That would mean thin, scragzly, uneven, rough h«ir. Keep your hair at home ! Fasten It tightly to your scalp ! You can easily do it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is something more than a simple hair dress- ing. It is a hair medicine, a hair tonic, a hair food. The best kind of a testimonialâ€" "Sold for over sixty yoara." ^ Had* < by J. O. Aj^ Co., ItOir^l, ifers manaflMtiuMra of JL SASSAPABILU. PILLS. CIIEJtiiy PECTOSAL. J.A.St.JOHN GENERAL MERCHANT •• PORT LAW 3u$t JlrHved ! A full lino of dress koocs, Velvet,Sateen, Flannelettes, Flannel Shirtin;;, Un- der wear and Ready U> wear shitta. Also Prints, Ginghams, Ducks, Ootton- ades, etc., to bo sold at cost. Everything in ibo lineuf tinware made at home. Our prices will surprise you. Call and sec Pandora Ranges before purchiHiii); elsewhere. Shepherds Flour for Sale Business Cards (lifOULLOL'OH St. YOUNQ U Itftukur Murkdale Do a general bankiug buHiiitiSs. Money loaned k reasouiible rale Cull ou ua. TCHIHLETT, • Poiitiaaatxr, roylon. CouimlnBtunor lii H. t". J .Convevancer, dccdH, morlfiaKet, leawH, wIIIh «to. carefully drawn up Oollttctious Uiad.*. oliargen reasonable. AUo f(ronerie«, Uuur, feed uU', koiit ill btuck, I'riooe rieht. a J BPnOUbB i'o^CiuaBter, Fleshorton oonimlsiionitr in H.C. J., Auctioneer Con- I'eyancfir, Appruiaor and Money Louder liea) BfltAtA aud lUHarance At^unt. Deedf PTortRaKeR, loapoa aui wills carefully drawn up and valuations ntadu on t>nortBut notice, luonuy to louu at lowest rates of inturost. Col AOtiuiia attended to with promptucse chart'ea low. Agent for Ocean Dominiou HfukUisbip Oompaoy, A call aolicitod. Societies AO U W meets oi. the Inst Monday in enon month, In their loiige room. Chrlstue's block. Flebberton. nt H p.m. M.W., Prank Chard ; See., T. ItUkuly, Financier, W.J. Bellamy, VieitiuK bretbrcb ll;vitod. PBINOB AIITHITR IjODOE, No. H83,AF& r A U, meets In tho Masonichall. Strain's block, Fleehorton, every Friday nu or botore tha full u'ocu. W A.AiiusttoDi;, W M.; Iletb. Builtb, Secretary. COl'IlTFLKfiHKKTnN. OT'), 1. P. F. wfetsln Christno'a Itlock tlmiafit Wednesday (ivoniiiK of each month. Vinitlnn ForestorH beirtily wc'luoine. C. K., Tr. Murrav; R. S., 'V. Ilor.ry; Fin. Bee, C. N. Itichardsiin. ricaxp pay duea to Fin. beo. before the first day of the mouth. CHOBF.N FhlKNDS-Fleshoitnn I'ouncil of ('Vioseu FrieU'lfi tiuiets in Clayton's hall first and third Wedmmdftv of nsch iHont H p. m l**y assoHHUients to tho iterorder on nr before IDA first itayof each month. Chief CouuulUor, T. I«lakoley:U«oardo.-, W. 11. Duut. Medical DB OAKTRR M C I" * B Out. Physician, flnriioon, etc OIBce aud realdoucaâ€" I'uler St., Flesbeitou DB. A.T. IIOND Oraduatfi Toronto University. Mem- ber of Ontario Colli^Re oj PhyKieilana anil hur- BBODS. Maswull. Ont. dncuoasor to Dr. Hcott. JP OTTMWKI.Ij Veterluary SurRoon Qradaato of Outario Veterinary ColICKe. resldcuoe â€" second door Bouth west' on Uary street. This street runs south Pieabyteriau Church. H WILSON, nittcksmlth â-  'iriMlnata niths Veterinary Bolenoe .Aa.soclatiou. UeHldnnco, Durham Ureet, op- poalto Boyd, Hickllbg's hardware. Legal LUCAS WRIOnT * MeABDtB Darristers Solicitors Oonvsyanocrs, ate Offlo*"*â€" Owen Bonnd.Ont and UarkdateOnt W H WainBT, MuArdlii I B Looab N Itâ€" Flesherton offlca, Uitobell's Bank •vary Satmrdav, Dentistry Dr. B. C. MURRAY L. D. B., dentel snrRaon honor sraitnate of Toronto University and Royal rolUfienr Dental Sniitoona of Ontailo, (lu administration for teeth »taraatloa at rMl4«i»««, Taroata itr«4t, ri^tiM-frta Osprey Prize List. Continued- from front page. Mary Speor; 2 year huifi-r, !1 Kt-nip; heifer calf, U Keinp. Gnide-s â€" A<{'d cow, G Itiistow Isl and 2ud, J ii'jckinitliain; 2 year litifer, G W Ri.%i, P Spi.ff..rd U Y Burke; 1 year heifer, G lJr..-tNW, K Y Burk; heifer calf, G Bii»'ow. F Bpidrnid, R Burk; 2 year steer, F Spi'ff'id, 1st and 2Dd; 1 year 8teer,b' SpuU'<<rd, Istuud 'Jnd; steer calf, G Brtatow, K Y Burk 2iid and 3rd. SHEEPâ€" Shropshireâ€" Aaed ram, J A Kernahan ; shearling rain, J A Ker- uahan ; ram lamb, J, A. Kernahan 1st and 2nd ; oged ewe, J A Kernahan, Ist and 2nd -, shearling ewe, J A KeriiHhaii ; ewe lamb, J A Kernahan 1st and 2nd ; pen sheep, •} A Kernahan Ist and 2nd. Cotswolds â€" .\ged ram, Alex Muir ; shearline ram, A Muir ; ram lamb A Muir Ist and 2nd ; aged ewe, 1st and 2nd ; shearling ewe, A Muir 1st and 2ud; ewe lamb, A Muir 1st and 2nd ; best pen A Muir. Leicester â€" Aged ram, A Muir Ist and 2nd, I Fawcett 3rd ; shearlinK mm, A Muir, W H Gay ; ram lainb, I Fftwcelt, A Muir, Jas Stuart ; ai{ed ewe, A Muir 1st and 2nd, Jas Stuart ; shear- ling ewe, A Muir. I Fawcott 2nd and3rd; owe lamb, J Stuatt, A Muir 2iid and 3rd; best pen, A Muir. Oxfurd Downs â€" Shearling ram, R Arnott; shearling; ewe, R Arnott Ist aud 2nd; ewe lamb, R Arnott, 1st, 2nd and 3rd. SWINEâ€" Berkshireâ€" Roar, 1 year, O \V Ross; aged sow, G VVIiewell; sow, 1 year, G W Ross, J A Kernahan. Â¥^i>rk- shiros â€" Aeed boar, W J Lougheed; boar pig, W J Lougheed, D Armor; ancd suw D Aiinour, W .1 Loujiheed; sow, 1 year, W J Kougheed; sow pig, 1906, W J Lougheed. Tainworth â€" Aged boar, W G lUiss; aged sow W Ross: so* 1 year, J A Kernahan; sow pig,1906, W Ross, 1st and 2nd. POULTRYâ€" Pair Brahmss, A Muir; pair Black Minurcas, A Muir; pair Houdans A Muir; pair chickens, A Muir; Pair Barred plymouth rocks, M Balbu- tyne, H Fenwick; pair White Plymouth Rock8,W Guy.lstand 2iid; pair chickens, WGuy,l8taDd 2nd;i)air Barred Plymouth Rock Chicks, M Ballantyno, J ClHrk;p:iir IVkin Ducks, W Hodgini, .1 CUrk; pair ccminun ducks, J Ediott; pair Wight Geese, U McKcnnie; pair common geese, W Hodgins, J Elliott; best coop. VV Guy, J Elliott. ROOTS and VEGETA BLES-Potatos, Rose type, G Whewell, R I'lumintr; pol- atos, Hebron type, W RollinK, J Clark; potatoes, Long White Typf, VV Julian, A Siiiclair;Long Maiigolds.A Muir.G U.gu; Globe Mangolds, R Adani*; Sweedo Tur- nips, A Sinclair, W Hawkins; Abeidt-on Turnips, Goo Hogg, F SpofTord; Sugar Beets, J Stewart, A Muir; Limg Blood Bott8,W II Conn,R AJam-sRlixui Beets, any other kind, W Elliott, W H Conn; Early Horn Carrots, W U"Coiin.W Julian; Long table Carrots, W Elll .It.W H Conn; Field Carrots, -A flluir,R AdKms;Parsnips, W Elliott, A J O')nron;0i:i:>lis,from seed. H McKei.nie, W Elliott; Potato Onions, A J Contoii, R Adams, White Beans, R Adams, J Elliott; Butter Beans, II Heit limn, A J Oonron; Table Corn, R Adams, W Julian; Eiisilajje Corn, J Slewart, R .\dam*; winningstiidt Cabbat;o, R Pluin- inor, W H C.onn;Ued Cabbage,W Julian; any other variety, J Elliot, W H Conn; Ciiuliflowets, W Ellolt, A Sinclair; Tomatoes, WElliott.H Fenwick; Si|uaih, J EUiolt,W H Ci.>nn;Pnmpkin,C Wotlier, all, W Julian; Vi'yetable Marrow, VV Jul mil, J Elliott; Wntcrmelous, 1( Y Durk; Citroiis.J Elliott, W H Conn; Cueunibcis, .1 Elliott, A J Coiiron; Musk Melon, R Y Burk, Veaetablo OjsttTi', H Heitiuau,'".) KUioti; White Celeiy, M Ballantyno, VV Ellicpil; Rid Celoiy, H Alexander. FRUIT and FLOWERS- D.n Davis apples, J Sicwait, R Adams; Duuhess, W HjdgiuH, T Cooper; Alexanders, W Rol- ling, 1 U Perigo; Wi.lf River, J Stewart, J Elliott; Snows, G Hot^g, J Stewart; RuHSf's, J Stewait, J Clark; Spies, J McKiiioon, J Stewart; I'ewaukee, J McKiniion, J Stewart; Lombard Plun s. R Ailnms, J Stewart; t'luius,Mny vaiiuty, R Ad.-kiiiK, W Hodgiiis; Birtlett Pear*, V\ Elll iti ; Clapp's Favorite, J Stewart; Col Fruit, J Stewart, R Adums; Begonias, 2 Hoaeiing, I H Peiit,oe; Cacti, 2 varieties, J Clark; Fuscliiit,in bloom, U Alexander, Mary Spteis; Geraniums, doul'le, M^ry Speers, T Cooper; Geraniums, single,! U Perigo; Hydraiigia, J MoKinnon; PiUr- goiiium, I H lVr.go;any other deaoraiive plant, 1 H Perigo;Coll of Plants, U Alex- ander, A J Coiiron. DAIRY .111(1 oiher productsâ€" Extracted Hon-y, I U Peri«o,J Elliott;Tub Butter, Mrs J UiuUon, W J Moore, W Hodgins; Roll Butter, M Spoers, VV J Moire. 'I' Cooper; Crock Butt*r, VV J Moore, Mrs J Hudson, T Coopt-r; Ftuit Cake, VV Elliot', Tlios (!ooper ; jelly take, VVm. Hc'dgin;?, Thos Coo[)or ; leinon pie, A L Long, W J Moore ; hiuieinade biead, T Cooper, W J Mooio ; maple sugar, A J Conron, W Hod|<ins; nitiple syrup, A J Coniiiii, II Keiirti.k; jar pi aches, 1 H Perigo, H Alexander ; jar plums, VV J Moore, I II Porii^u ; jar peats, 1 H Poi- i"o, W Elliott ; jar grapes, I H Pengo, H Alexander ; jar strawberries, A Long, VV Hiidifins ; collection irldes ar.d pre- serves, T Cooper, W Hodginn. Doiueatio Manuf'juture and Ladle's Workâ€" Beilin wmd work, I H Pengn, £ Thompsoo; Crochet work in wool, 1 H Peri^'o, E Thompson; Crochet work in ootlon, H Ileitinan, W U Guy; Crochet work in silk, E Thompson, VV Elliott; embroidery in linen iloss, E Tlionipson; embroidery in co'ton, E Thi mpaon; em- broidery in silk, E Thompson, VV Elliott; embroidery any other raricty, E Thomp- son, 1 U Perigoo; nutting plain, E Thompson, VV Hodgins; netting, fancy, I H Ptrigoe, E Thniupaon, table centre piece embroidery, B Thompson, VV Elli- ott; table centre piece, any other kind, B Thompson, VV Elliott; tea co.oey, £ i ThomiMoD, W Elliott; ooUecUua of doy- iii'B, VV MuKr-nsir; needle work, oma- ineiital, E Thoinp>on, W Eilioti ; xifa cnsliion, B Thoiupson. A L Long ; pm cushiod, R Thompson, I H Perigo ; table d'ape, E Tlionip'on, IF J Moore; photo frames, W Elliott ; taMe ssrfi of four niat.H, E Tlion.pHOii, W U Guy ; whisk hf>lder, \V. H Guy, W Mmire ; fancy footsioid, I B Perigo ; set table inala, E Thompson, VV Ell.ott ; kiii-im!; ii. wool,f'cy,EThomp!«>n,T Cooper ; knit- ting in cotum, fancy, VV H Guy ; woolUn stock ingH, T Coopnr, W Hodijins ; piir woolieii socks, T Cooper, H Ueitmaii ; pair gent's «oollen niits, I perigo, W Neff ; pair lady's woidlen mitts, T Cooper E Thompson ; patching, best and neittest, Mrs J Hudson, Geo. Hawton ; pillow shams, VV NcfiF, I Perigo ; darning, best and iie.itesr, T Coopr-r, J MeKiotion ; machine sewing. T Cooper, W Moore; hooked mats, H Heitinan, ^V Mtmre ! rag carper, W .luliaii, W Hodgins ; patchwork (|uilt, silk, J Paul, W Ned' ; patchwork ijuilt, woid, . W H Guy, \V McKenzie ; pa'chwoik ijuil', citton, W Nelf, H Alexander; quilt kiiittL^d, W ^eff; fpiilt any other kind, J Paul, W Hodgiiis. Nothinsr to Fear Mothers need have no hesitation in continu- ing to give GhainherUiu's Cough Remedy to their little ones, as it corit.tins absolutely no- thing injurious. This remedy is not only per- fectly safe to givesnmll children, but is a med- icine of great worth and merit. It has a world wide reputatii'n for its cures of coughs, colds ami cruuj), and can always he lelied on. For sale by H. K DoUa'lasH ani W. E. Rich- ardson. Tarm fer Sale Lot 171. part 172- 173, Arteui i<;U, 12^ acres. 110 clfared, 10 acruH ewainp, 5 acres hardwoo'l, 2^ uiilus «aht of Flesberloa. bhort mile frum Bchoo'; now baru 50 x CO. Rtone atabl«*; gitriU huitso 18 X '2C. kitcliori IG x iiO; flood well at door;youug and uld orchard. TN!i s uuo of the cloatioat and best farius ia the lowiisUip aud can b« bougbt riijlit. .\pp1y to W. J. CASWfiliL, Fleihertoa P. O. Summer Goods. All summer goods in stock includins Dusters, wool and plush Robes, Rubber Dash Apron? snJ Rugs, V hip", LashfS, Curry Combssnd Brushea.Hoof Ointment Axle Grease and Axle Oil fur G-trriages. A large assortment of single Harness aim (earn Harness made up to order if deaired. W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photos is at BULMERS PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION W'e pay Special Attention to Copying and Babies' pictures. Picture fram- ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures und we will promise suti.sfactiou. Bulls for Sale* I Pure Bred Hereford Bull SmonthL oIi*; hUo one 2 years old. These are (jood Itoclt aud will be s«id riybt. W. BUSKIN, I l.-sbe:tDD. [STRICTURE CURED YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED, ' NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN COHSCHT. STRIOTURB AND KIDNEY DISEASE CURED. "1 h«d strtctnre for eteven yaan. II 6nally brought on Brlfibt'i Disease of ibe Kidaevs. I had an uocomtortable ahooiiDg pain in ihe groin and feeling as though lumethiDg was in the nretbra. Uy back was weak and I could scarcely stoop over, tlriuo was full of scdi. meat. Had a desire to urinate frequanlly Family doctors, so-caliod specialists, patent medicines, electric pelts, all tailed. 1 was dis- coaraxed. I had spent hunUreds of dollars in vaiu. Finally I con- sulied Drs. Kennedy «t Kerean as the last reiort. I had heard a great deal about them and concluded from the fact that tliey had been established over 2; years that tbay understood their business. I am delikhted with Iho results. In one week I felt better and In a few waeks w»» catirely cured. Have gained sliteen pounds In weinht." C. B. wraCHT, Uasug. G.B.Wai(»T. B8TABUSHED 9S YEARS. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. |HA8 YOUR BLOOD BEEN DI8EA8BD ? most previlent and most serious diseases. They a\ and unless entirely eradicated from tha aystam will I BLOOD POiaONS are the Jsap tbevory lln bwoa of tho'victioi and niiless entirely 1 I causa sarioas compUcaUons. Uuwaroof Mercury. Itonly supprtiaas tba symptom*â€" 001 j Isaptbavary I causa sarioai I NBW UETHOO [letitively cares all blood diseases forever, lYOUNQ qir MIDDLE-ACED.MEN.-itnpradsni '• Droken di _ „ . aett or later axeatsas Ihaveliroken^own your system. Yoo feel Vhe symptoms stealing over you. Ilsntaliy, I physically and sexually you ata not tba man yon used to ba or should be. 1 ^^ B * n p ^^ Ars you • victim ? Have yoo lost hope ? Ajte yoa intasdlog j I 1^ B #^ V B R to marry ? Ha3 yonr blood been diseased 1 Have yOD any Ifraakncss? Our New Method Treatmtnt will care yoa. What it has done for others it I wilt do for you. CONSULTATIOM FREE. No roaUer who has treated you. write for I an honest opinion Free of Charse. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FRSBâ€"^'The Golden I Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseases ol Men. Sealed Book on "Diseasas of Women" Fiaa J NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Nvery- hhlns Confidential. Queatlon Llat for Homo Troatment Fr«« DiiiKENNEDY&KEROAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St., Petrolt, Mich. K K rs K K X K K S K K ,>^ K K ,>i. r^ ^ K^X^%' 5S/X/XX 1^eS/%/X'X^X/^ tes AND ons A splendid selection of first class vehicles to choose from <^^ ^^^ <^^ ^^ « « Prices itnd Cerms Risbt « « J. H. HEARD - - Flesherton D. IVIcTAVISH m mmm ciHRim BiiiiKii For First Class Buggies,, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber VVagous, cutters. Sleighs. We keep a slock on hand to chouse from. ALSO HORSE SHOEINQ AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and guarantee first class work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and a.so Miwwey- flarrls and Noxon repairs for binders, Mowers all kinds of machinery, also Binder Twine on hand. Ulben in town 0i9c m a call ijiawswHrtS'SOSiiS'-vsMiMw, J

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