Flesherton Advance, 18 Oct 1906, p. 1

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ftefe^rtmi ^ftiiana. .m "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" «. PRINCIPLEh NOT MEN." ^.- K) s.. VOL XXIv, NO 1294 Flestierton, Ont.; Tliursciay October 18 iQOe W. H. THURSrOH, pbopbietor Rings Rings! We have just received a number of pearl rinKSi which range in price fi-om $3 to $25. We al»o have diaiuond rings at higher prices. Come and see them. Tliere is a stock of over three hundred to choose from, You are sure «f being pleaxed. Watch Guards! We have a upedal line of ladies long i?old watchj5Uard« which we would like you to see. These range in price from $3 to $10, and are well worth looking at. Our Stock of Silver- w^are tor -wedding presents cannot be surpassed. THK FLESHERTON JEWELLER. liHiustrial Home Notes (£y an IvmaU) n Tbe little wiutw put a stop to the nia- Ing potttofi, mangolds, etc, for the pr«8> «nt at any rate, but then, the ery is the same now aa ever it waa, that we shall hare lots of fine weather yot. We ai*- onrely hope so. Yuur correspoodeiit received his first quarterly pension last week and was en- abled to pay iu full for his keep here from the l«t iuat till the 31st December next. Iu future he will not be able to pay the full amount aa the pension d(>es not quite co»er the amoant charged for pay inmates, but DO one can do more than they are able. John Penelton sorered his connection with the institution aa igricultural helper « few days ago. His position ia filled by Mr. U. Sumers, of Markdale. John waa a i(ood workman. Mrs. Rae, of Markdale, presented the matron with a large neatly framed picture '•The Thee Graces" to decorate the old ladies' day room. The ladies in cnenec- tion with Christ's church Sunday school also sent a lai^e basket of grapes, bsnan- u:ks and apples for the use of the iumatea. Mr. Turner and Mrs. W. N. Haakett have also been must liberal in sending l>asket8 of apples for the use of the in- mates, all of which has been thankfully appreciated. Miss Shuts severed her connection with the staff on Saturday last havini( complet- ed the term for which sheenj^aged. litr place is yet vacant, Andrew Laiinaz returned on Wednes- day last after a mouth's leave of absence to go to his late homo on private business. Andy was admitted four or five months ago. He had previously buried his wife. By the way, wo are reminded of an item which appeared in a July is«uo of The Flesherton Advance stating that Mr. Wm. Patterson easily captured tbe prize on the 12th of July, as being the oldest mooiber of the (Orange order on the ground, beintr 58 years a member, Andy Lannax can go one better, having been initiated into the Older in No. 6, the first lodge organized in Scotland in 1843 and has been a member in good btauding (ex- cept when coining out to Canada) ever since, that is 64 years next January and has sat iu the grand lodges of Sco*land, England and Canada. He ia still a nieiii- ber iu good standing in L. O. L. No. 1247 Derby. Who can beat this? Your scribe had a friendly call from Mias Maggie Hemphill, of Toronto, and Miss CoUinson, of Ceylon. lath Ltae •Kprey Mr. Ooff preached to quite a large crowd in the tent Sunday afternoon. Mr. Shank announced for an all day meeting on Tbankngi'imr day, Oct. 18. Misa Watson ia visiting with her sister, Mica Watson, at Miss Aliee Ottewell's. Mrs. Mocrit Kerr and daughter, Misa Daisy, and Misa Blma Clarke, visited at R. CcJquait's last week. Bornâ€" On October 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Irwin, a son. Didgie and Mellia Madden, who bav* been on the sick list with pneumonia, are in a fair way for recovery now. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hutchins<in at tended the funeral of the fnriner's moiher near Yaiideleur on Friday Isot. Miss Cora Taylor returned to her home last week on account of ill hoalth. Mrs. George Uttewell ia somewhat im- proved. We hope to see her around again Hoon. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. Harry Heitman iu the loss by fire of his new store. Bornâ€" On Monday, Oct. 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phillips, Lady Bank, a son. East Qrey S. S. Convention An Awful Cough Cured "Two years ago our little girl had a touch of pneumonliv, which left her with an awful cough. She had apells of coughing just like one with the whooping cough, and some thought she would not get wtU at sU. We got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy, which acted like a charm. She stopped cough- ing and got stout and tat, " writes Mm. Ora Bussord, Brubr.ker, 111. This reine<ly is for sale by H. E. Dougkasand W.E. Kichardsou. MAXWELL Another of tbe early residents of Osprey has passed away in the person nf the late Mrs. John Bemroae of Maxwell. Mrs. Bemrose was the yoangest daughter of the late Thomas McKavney and waa born in County Antrim, Ireland, soma 61 years ago, coming to this part with ber parents and rest of the family 60 years ago. She married John Bemrose 40 years ago and lived a few years in Nottawaaaga village and a year in Fever- sham. From there they came to Max- well, which has been her home for the last thirty years, and where she had the pleasure of seeing her family share iu the progress and prusperit^y of this county, tier husband predeoca»sd her 21 years ago. She had five children, four of whom are living to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother, namely Mra. George Burk, william,Thoma8 and John. Annie died about twelve years ago. In reliKion she was Potnan Catholic, and the remains were interred in Stavner ceme- tery Saturday. Much sympathy Is ex- tended the bereaved family. Mr, William Bemrose, captain of tho King Edward, and John, who has been sailing on the Plaminer from Montreal to Fort William, arrived home three days before their mother's death. John left Tuesday morning to resume duty for a trip or two yet this season. James Long and bis mother spent Sunday at Geo. Floshur^i, Cnllingwood. Miss Lizzie Guy visited with friends in Collingwood last week. Wounds, Bruises and Burns. By applying an antisepticdressingto wounds bruiseH, burns and like injuries Iwfore inflam- mation sets in, chey mivy be healed without maturation and ij) about oue-third the time required bv the old treatment. This is the greatest discovery and triumph of modern surgery. Chamberlains Fain Balm acts on this same principle. U is an antiseptic and when applied to such injuries causes them to heal quickly. It also allays the pain and sore- ness, and prevents any dani^er of blood pois- oning. Keep a bottle of Pain Balm in yuur home and it will save you time and iconey, not to mention the inconvenience and suiferinR such injuries entail. For sale by H. E. Doug- la.'W and W. E. Richardson. Portlaw Threshing is about completed. Mr. Martin Teeter s litt lo girl has been so ill that her life has been despaired of f jr some weeks, but now appears to have had a change for the better. The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Roulscon who was very severely cut about the face from a fall ia now ol a fair way to recovery. Mr. F. H. Thompson has erected a wind- mill, also Mr. Johnston Cullens on his fourth line farm, both to bo used fur pumping purposes. Mr. Osborn of Eugenia has been busy the past two or three weeks with hia threshing outfit iu this vicinity. Rev. Mr. Gaudiu, the new pastor of Mount Zion church, is holding revival services. ^ It is very remarkable the amount of sunshine which has prevailed since last spring. In fact this may be trul; called a summer of auiishine and ita cheering life-giving influence has permeated homea and shed welcome rays around many health.'*, filling hearts tnd lives with hope and cheer and thanksgiving. Should we not assume that a kind Providence has in this way smiled upon us, and been specially generous in His gifts in reoog- nition of what was accomplished "in His name" on May 1st. Be sure and call at the Ad van ce Offica when ymi are in town next time and get some of A. S. Thurston's Souvenir Postal Cuds; S fot S oanta. The annual convention of tho East Grey S-.S. Association, which was held in the Presbyterian Church, Markkalo, on Thursday the Uth inst., was not as well attendeti as usual, owing to the terrible condition of the roads caused by the I heavy snowfall of the night before. The morning session was, in consequence, cancelled altogetlier, but by afternoon I there waa a very good attendance and at jtho evening session the church was well ' filled. It is especially not>eworthy that the President, Mr. McLean, Itev. Joseph Young and Mr. J. M. Adams drove over from 'Thornburv despite the unfavorable conditiua of the roads and much of the success of the convention was due to their fidelity to duty. The President occupied the Chair dur- ing the afternoon and in the absence of the regular secretary, Mr. Adams ably filled the position for the day. Mr. W.G. Pickell in a few well chosen words wel- comed the delegates, and the President briefly but fittingly replied. Miss John- ston of Toronto, who has chartrs of the Primary deparrment of our Provincial Atsociation.gave an admirable address on Primary Work, which won golden opin- ions for the speaker and deeply impressed her hearers. No less masterly waa her addiess to tbe children, later in the after- noon, whan she taught the next Sundays' S.S. lesson. So simply and effectively did she present the lesaon story that she was listened to by all with breathless interest. No one who heard her wonders that she ia chosen for the respimaible post she fills so well. Tho claime of the Home Department received considerable attention during the afternoon and aa an evidence of the interest manifested in this important work, the association has for the first time in it's history appnintfid a special saoretary in the person of Mrs. Thos. Cook, of Markdale, to take charge of this department of S.S. effort. At the evening st-asion, in harmony with the recouaiendation of the nomina- ting oommittee tbe following officers were duly elected for the enduing year .- Pres. â€" Mr, John Chard, Markd.'de. Vioe-Pres. â€" Mr. J. M', Adams, Thorn- bury. Seo-Treaa. â€" Mr. Fred Dickenson, Thornbury. Sec. Home Dept.â€" Mrs. Thos. Cook, Markdale. Representative to Provincial convent- ion. W. J. Shorthill, Markdale. Tbe President was then introduced and addrcseed the meeting. Rev. Joseph Young delivered a splendid address ou "Qualifications of Sunday School Teach- ers" in which Love, Patience, Pereever- ance, Preparation and Prayer were es- pecially emphasized. Mr. N. W. Camp- bell, Public School Inspeotor for South Grey.then proceeded to speak on "Muth- ods of Child Study." Mr. Campbell had^ dropped in toward the close of the after- noun session, having made his regular in- spection of the local school during the day;iiud as there were some vacancies in the programme owing to the non-arrival' of regularly appointed speakers, he was] pressed into service and most able and ' effective service did he render in both his afternoon and evening addressesâ€" im- promptu, it is true, yet giving his hearers the benefit of the years of thought he haa devoted to the subjfct handled. He re- ceived a hearty and well merited vote of thanks for the splendid assistance ho s« cheerfully rendered. Rev. Ivison Wilson, of Markdale, then conducted tbe question drawer, and one of the mcst profitable convuntiuns iu the history of the Associatiuu closed at 10 p m. ><a> Sick Headache Cured Sick headache iu caused by derangement nf the sHinioch and by indigeatiou. Chiiinlter- iuin's Stomach and Liver Tablets correct these disorders and effect a cure. By taking these tabletn as soon as tlie first inuicatinn of tbe disease appears, the attack may be warded off. Get a free sample aud try them. For sale by W. E. Richardson and H. L. Douglass. McFARLAND& COMPANY MAJ^KDALE, ONTARIO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE We Are in a Position to Save you Money. Timely buying enables us to offer you the goods you require at lowest possible prices, and in our careful search for bargains we have always kept before us our old watchword QUALITY. Erery department is crowded to its utmost with new fell goods carefully selected and closely bought. The styles are right, the patterns the very newest, and the priceâ€" one price to all and that the very lowest goods can possibly be sold for. Furs We wish to announce that we are ready to show you the largest stock of Furs we ever had. You know our reputation for Furs. We buy from tho very best makers and guarantee every article. These are the supports we rely on for your patron- age. ' We deem it a pleasure to show yoa (hrough our extensive range. Clothing For whatever yoa need or think you need in Clothing it will pay you to oomo to us. We sell the W. B. Sanford Brand, their label on every g^ment, a safeguard for quality. You know the satisfaction they have given you in the past. We are pounding away at the one fact â€" they are unbeatable for atjrle, fit and finiah. See our range in Overcoats, Ulsters, Braglani^ Suits, Pea Jackets and Trousers. REMEMBERâ€" Our stock is complete In the newest designs iu mantles Dnss goods, Skirts, Carpets, Linoleums, Oil Clotlis. M«n's Furnishinaa Here are a few Specials for Early Buyers. 12 only Ladies Short Jackets sises, 32 to 12 only Smyrna Hata 28x60, regular 42, special to clear at 2.48 $1.75, special for each 1.39 24 pair Bath Towels, extra large, regular 25 Porridge Setts, good value at 50c per 60c, on sale per pair 32o sett, special for 19c 50 dozen Women's Ribbed Vesta and 60 Colored Plates, fancy, gilt edges, as- Drawers, special per garment 25o. sorted flowers, regular 2Sc for 8c 12 Ladies all wool Grey Tweed SkirlR.all 2 dozen Zinc Wash Boards, regular price sizes, regular $5 00 for 3.85 15c, special at each 8o 16 Men's Cardigan Jackets, extra heavy Pearl Toilet Soap, large size cake, on weigiit, regular $1.75, special 89c sale 6 cakes for 10 We are headquarters for Choice Groceries at Lowest Prices McFARLAND 81 COMPANY TAR.TtKJ>SJUE:. Ktmberley (Intended for last week Quite a number from here attended the fair at Rocklyn and report a good time. Mrs. Netheroutt and son of Dundalk, who have been visiting friends here dur- ing the past week, hnvo returned home. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hulcbinton of HaathooU visited at Mr. W. T. Ellis' on Sunday last. Misa Kate Court uf Cr>lIingwood, who has been the Kuest of her ^iend, Mias Maude Fawcett, during the past week, returned home on Sunday last. Mr. J. Moynahaii of Cnllingwood spent Sundiy at Mr. J. R. Fawcetl's. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MoCullough of Markdale spent Sunday the guests of the former's parenti, Mr, and firs. Joseph McCullougb, here. Mrs, John Plewes, who has been on th3 sick list during tho past week, we are pleased to report, is iu a fair way to recovery. Ml. Fred Walton is spending a few days at bis parental home here. Mr. John Manary of Beaverdale was in town on Saturday laut. Tho Misses Abbie and Norma Mc- Mullea of Flesherton and Kiigenia re- spectively, spent Sunday with, friends here. Mr. and Mrs. John MoConnell of Sturgeon Falls, who haye been visiting frivnds here for some time, have returiied to their homo. (This week's items) Mr." and Mrs. Thomas Hunt of Rod- wing were visitors at Mr. T. Camauk's Sunday laat. Victor Flint, accompanied by Misa Levins Muiiarey, wpent Sunday at the laiter's parental home near Goiing. Frank Burritt uf Meafurd is visiting friends here at present. Fred says ha thinks he'll join the Latter Day Saints. Kmersoii Brown, who has been on tho sick list, ia now able to be around again. Mrs. A. K. Myles is visitini; friends in Owen Sound this week. Fred Walton, Alex. C^rruthers and Robert McMullon went on a boat hunt- ing expedition and by noon were success- ful iu securing one some four miles south-east of our village on Saturday last. NotbinsT to Fear Mothers need have no hesitation in continu- ing to )ove Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to their little ones, as it contains aliaolutely no- thing injurious. This reineily is not only per- fectly safe to givesmnll children, but is a med- icine of great worth and merit. It has a world wide rpputatiou for its cures of colds and croup, and can always be relied ~on. Vat sale by if. K. Douglass and W. K. ardson. ooughs. d on. Rioh- Fartn for Sale Lot .35-36, Con. 8, Aitomesia, eontaininp 200 acres, 140 acres cleared and under cultivation, balance hardwoood and ce<lar; brick housr, bank barns, drivinK slie<I and pi^ pen under: gixHl orchard; well watfired with two good wells .-ind Beaver river. For terms apply on premises or write 8?pt 1 tf Wm. CA MERON, EugenhiP.O William Jones, an old resident of Dun- edin, died at his home recently. He waa Ji years of age. Tar m tor S ale Lot! in, part ITS-ITS, Artemesta, 13S asras. 110 elaarfld, 10 Aorei Awamp, 5 sores hardwooo, ^ miles east of FlodberioD, ftliorS luUa from wshool; ne\r ham fiO x 6U, stono stablsK good bouse IS x 9S.. kitotaeu 16 x V; f;ood well at <loor;youug aadold orchard. This â-  oDo of the cleanest and best forms in the township atid oan l>e bought rlijht. Apply to W. }. 0A8W£IjL, Flesberton P. O. Tmproye<l Tarm for $ak Lot II, Con, 10, township ot Osprey. \ mils from villKge of Feversham. Hitnstlon Is ooolox in a flrat citia tarmiofi distriol. For tenai, •tr., api It to A. O, OAMPBBUi. dUM Bos 004 couiDgwood, ro /"

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