Flesherton Advance, 18 Oct 1906, p. 5

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Tt[E FLKESHEKTON ADVANCE October 18 1908 *mm .1 4 « r • • f a • I • •!• • t * « ) 4 Vicinity Chips For money at lowest rates, land secur- ity, go to A. S. VanDusen, FleBlierton. Meafurd will vot9 oa lucdl uptioa in January. A good senond hand organ for sale cheap. Apply at Clayton's. odl Get your deer shnotinK licenses ftum Geo. Mitchell, Flesherton. Draught lilly colt for salu, risint; three. Apply to W. H. Buddy, Priceville P. O Mr. and Mrs. John Bellamy are spend- ini; Thanksgiving with relativea at Lind- say and Bobcaygeon. Sheep to let on shares â€" Twenty-five good young ewes. Apply to D. \V, Clinton, Maxwell. Born â€" At Kendall. Clarke t<iwnbhip,on Wednesday, 10th inat., to Mr. and Mrs. Ambroae P. Findlay, a son. Cow for Sale â€" One well bred Durham cow, 6 years old, also one lioifer one year old. Adam Smith, Euj;enia. A quantity of 1^ inch cull rock elm for sale at ?ur Rock vale mill. â€" Armstrong Bros. Markdule. Span general purpose coirs, rising 3, well mated, for sale. Apply to Robt. Clemes, Lady Bank P.O. Ram Strayedâ€" Leicester ram strayed about Sept. Isr. Finder will be suitably rewarded. Apply to G. H, Butk, Max- well. Geo. Noble, the well known auctioneer of Markdale, died at his home Friday. The funeral took place to Markdale cemetery on Sunday. Call at the Advance ofSce and see A.S. Ihurston's Souvenir Foatal Cards. A good range in the two varieties, 2 for 6 c and 6 cents each. The town of Norwood beata anything on fall fairs, so far as wa can learn. The receipts this year amounted to #1100, with 7000 people present. Union thanksgiving service will be held in the Presbyterian church to day (Thurs- day) at 11 a.m. Rev. L. H. Kipp, the new Baptist minister, will preach. Misses Lily Boyd, Lulu Mitcht- 11 and Ada Wright of the Owen Sound bitjh school, are spending Thanksgiving boli- days at their parental homes. Sheep Lostâ€" On Sept.4,two thin sheep, marked with blue paint on back of neck. Information of their wbereabouta will be thankfully recieved by Mark Wilson, Flesherton. At Walkerton on Monday. Judge Bar- ret diamisaed the charge of obtaining 11400 by false pretence preferred against R,. I Henderson by Adam Seiliugs. Waller Smith, a Barnaido boy, stole ISO from John W. Irwin, townliue, Col- Itugwood and St. Viuoent and now lang- uishes in Owen Sound jail awaiting trial. New subscribers are gratifyingly fre- quent these days. We give balance of this year free t') all such, The sooner you subscribe the more you get for your money. The concert which was to have been held Monday evening under the auspices of the Methodist ladies aid did not take place. The company telegraphed that they could not come. Mr. Wm. Carscn of the east back line sold last week his Gautbier spring colt to J. H. Davia for the fair oonaideration of 175. Mr. Carson has another colt of the same age and breed, for which he asks 1100. The animal sold was only four months old. Snow and sleet worked havoc with the Dundalk exhibition last Thursday and Friday. The directors went on with the show notwithstanding. The "weather clerk," whose good offices the Herald invoked, refused to maintain the record this time. Mr. D. Madill, Caylon, has accepted an igency from tho Manson Campbell Co., of Chatham, for the sale of their inoubat- tocs, farm scales and fanning mills. Mr. Madili's territory includea half of Artmasia and Usprey, also Glenelg, Pro- ton and Kgtnmoiit. oc26 The Sydenham Mutual Fir« Insurance Co. is the strongest Farmers' Mutual doing business in Ontario. They pay thair claims v«ry satiaiaotorily, allowing market value for stock, implements, all farm produce and household effects. Get their rates by wijiting ig, tl)^' tgeiit, W. .}.. Bvw«s„ Mackdal*. INov Tendsts will be reoeiTsd by the uadet- ajf^ned up to October tka l^snly-jeventb,. A. D. 19C6, for the piwchaae of the brick veneer«d house anii frame atable aud lot io the xUlage of Maxwell, known as the factory pro^rty. Highest or any tender •ot neoessariiy accepted. Terms; Fifty ^u\I)|kr« tkt \,imfi tender is itoo*|>t«d,b*)aQg« in thirty days. J. F. Hii.kling, box 807, Ci.llingwoiid. Mussrs. Alex. Carruthors, R. McMul- en and Fred VV^lton succeeded in cap- turing a bear of tho femnle persuasion on Saturday last out at what is known as tho "four corners" where tho four town- ships, Euphrasia, Cullingwood, Osprey and Arteraesia, uioet. They tracked the animal for some distance and broujjht it to bay with do^s. !•: was nn old animal and very poor, weighing only 130 lbs. Madame Bruin was shipped to Toronto. The snow which fell thu fore part of last week, sumo eight or nine inches, cre- ated considerable havoc in the fruit orchard throughout thia county. Very little of the winter fruit had boon picked and the weight of snow on fruit and leaves broke down many of the trees. In the north part of the oiunty some large fruit raisers aro very heavy losers. The snow only lasted a couple of days, however,4nd lovely full weather has followed. The Mission Bund of the Methodist church gave a "Irown" social on Friday evening last which was well attended and thoruutfhly enjoyed by those present. Kverything was brown, trom decorations to eatable!). Thoie was a euessing con- test and a neat program cunsisticg of a solo by Miss Irene Wilson, duet by Miss- es Lillian and Laura Armstrong, duet by Misses Lillian Bunt and LeunaThompson, and readings by Miss Ella Kar- stedt and Mias Wass. The col- lection amounted to over four dollars,and with the opening of the mite boxes the recoipta were eelven dollars. On Sunday last a certain clergymen took occasion to decry the reading of sec- ular papers on Sunday. During the same discourse he undertook to draw a lesson from the Ontario Bank difficulty and the recent storui, so destructive on orchards. The lay mind would like to take a peep behind t he scene and discover if that good clergyman rufroahed his memory Sunday m.^rning on these topics, which have tak- en up so much space in our dailies for the past week? In any event they would like to have the niornl difference between read- ing about these things and hearing of them from the pulpit pointed out. There may be a difference but the oitliuary mind cannot grasp it. A new store erected this summer by Harry Ueitmaij, jr., of Fevershiim, was burned to the ground early Saturday morning last. The buildinir was not ready for occupation. Mr. Heitman was at CuUingwood getting glass for the build- ing when the fire occurred. A store house at tlie rear, 20x30, was also des- troyed, and the Salvation Army building suffered considerably. This was certain- ly a clear ca&e of incendiarism and it is a great pity the perpetrator could not be discovered. Mr. Heitman is a young man just entering business life and the blow will be severe, as, of course there was no insurance. Much sympathy ia expressed for him, but sympathy alone is poor consolation for such a losR. groom, ably supported the groom. The ceremony, which took place under an arch of green and white decorated with bolls, was performed by Rev. Dr. Cald- well of Flesherton. After congratula- ti<m8, about eighty guests partook of a dainty weuding supper. The brido was the recipient of many costly and useful presents. We congratulate the youug couple on the prospect of a christian and useful career. They will take up their residence at Flesherton. â- â-  > «•> < I* THE GIPSY'S SECRET This is tho tide of a drama to be given in the town hall on the evening of Octo- ber 26 under the auspices nf South Grey teacher's convention. The cast of char, acters includes a round doEen of Flesher- lon's most talented foot light artists and the drama is said to be a good one. There are four acta, as follows : 1 â€" The George Washington, a country tavern. An im- promptu wedding. 2 â€" Lovers' leap. Blue mountain pracipice,A daring rescue. 3--The Courtluigh place plantation man- sion. A woman's folly. 4 â€" A mountain studio, A painter's paradise. An affair of honor. Tickets of admission are placed at 25 cents. The funds go to the South Grey Teacher's Association. Crowd the balL Richardsonâ€" Pritcbard A very protty evtnt took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pritohard of Vandeleur on Wedntsday evening, Oct. 10, when their eldest daughter, Sarah E., was united in the holy bonds of matri- mony to Mr. Robert Richardson of Flesh- erton. The bride, who was beautifully attired in white silk trimmed with em- broidered point d'asprit and laoe, carried a bouquet of white asters, entered the parlor leaninn on the arm of her father, while Mondellsohn's March was played by Miss H. Irwin of Markdale.. Miss Mary PritchAcd, sister of the bcide, acted as bridesniAid. She was also becomingly attired in palu blue silk trimmed with all- over lace and carried a bouquet of pink asters. Little Mias Bdna Holtey w«a prettily gowoed In white silk trimmed with lace and tibbou and acted as fbwet virl. ' ^r. W,^ Richardson, brother of the Even the dry work of examiners who overlook the papers of students is ocoaF- ionally lightened by subjects which re- lieve the monotony of the task. Recent- ly while scanning the papers of a student not more than a thousand miles from Shelburne, who was writing on his second class non-professional examination, the examiners came across a new theory in his paper on "Physical Geography." "We have reason to believe," wrote the learned student, "the first man was a ono celled being. To meet changing oocdl- tions he advanced through stage after stage into a monkey. Being of a rather lethargic temperment, he wore his tail ofi sitting down too much; wore the hair ofi his back leaning against trees, and acquir- ed the habit of speech to meet the condi tiou of finding fault with the Govt." â€" Economist. Fowl and Qrain for Sale Browo Leghorn Cockerels for sale, also Tartar King seed uats, good to stand up. â€" W. BUSKIN GENERAL STORESTOCK FOR SALE Tlie uudersignert will reeeivo tenders for bia atook, couBietiug of dry koods, elotbiog, wool- leiiB, cottons, bata auci caps, groceries, boots aDiiaboaa, store fixtures and safe, in all atwul tweutytlve bundred dollars stock, au d atook sbeats cau tw aeen on preuiibea, B. TBIMDLB, riasherton. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE Itrick house 23x;iS, cellar fall slse bousa, ootitainRteQ rooms; woodehed attached: flrst class well In woodsbed. Htables ISxSM aud 10x20 with shed (2 X IB : also foul large lots. Oneoftbobest streets in the villaiie. House Btaads ou best silo iu town (or private bouse. Apply to li. >% W. TBUIBLB. Boars for Service One tborouebbred Rerkshire and one York sbire, apleodia anlmalt, for service on lot UO,T. AS. H.,ArtemeBia. nlSov Terms dl; T. II. LBVBB, Prop, SELLING AT COST 2000 Rolls of Wall Papm- An Examination Of our wall paiier will convince you that we are aelling the moat popular and artistic de- signs of the season. We will aend samples of onr pa{>er to anyone by request. We alao carry the highest grade of varniahes for all pui|>oees. Can and $c« U*. C. E. TRYON PRICBVILLB SO YEAR* EXPERIBNCB Tradk Marks OcaioNS CotWRiaNT* &0. Aar<)ii*««B41nc a ahaleli and dMerlntlqn mai â- alehlv aa t es i a i a oar optolon fraa wfaaUier aa tnveotlen U probaNy MUntable. Oomnunlm. lions sUleUr rasuMairtiaL Haadbook on Patents sank (raa. OMeat aoaooy tor Moarlim patenis. Pauata takeo tSruwta Miion A Co. raoeiva ipi^oiMMaa, WHboM ehama, in Um ScieMHic Hiierkaiie A kanteMaalr SiMtiated weakly. I«nnat «!» ilEarH. ScM byaii newadealera. ct I I BOOTS and SHOES ^ ^ 1^ Clayton's are offering all Summer boots and shoes At Greatly Reduced Prices Iu order to make room for their Fall and Winter goods. IT WILL PAY YOU When in need of anything in our line TO LOOK AT OUR STOCK And get a Bargain. atiamAMf, rii.waiMjit<m. NewYort Mt<m,BbO. SHOEHAKER ^ Wm. Clayton, The MEDICAL HALL does not intend to let its reputation for the BEST SEEDS suffer. We h»»e in stock everything in the seed line required by tha farmer or gardeiiei, all from the moat reliable Rroweraâ€" no old, dead seedâ€" ererythiut! freah and full of vitality. Scores of people are taking advantage of these facts and securing bargains every day. Get your seed for spring planting from H.L. Douglass FALL GOODS Ready to Wear Clothing A new stock of Ready-made Clothing just arrived. Come and get an up-to-date suit at a reasonably low price. We have our Fall Dress Goods and Blousing in. Boots and Shoes We have a large assortment of summer Boots and Shoes ranging in price from 7oc. to $2.00, your choice per pair for 50c J as. Pattisoa Ceylon F. G. Rarstcdt Generzd Merckaint. J^ew (Boats for^ail JKar Have a look at our new Fall coats and you will be con- vinced. We have them in all styles 7-8 length ooata for 3-4 lengths from 0.00 to ••••• We have a nice line of girl's eoats fiom 3.&U to^ .tts.oo ..10.00 ...e.eo FUR COATS We have a nice line of Fur lined 0.«ita with expensive M»rin« Fur C^Ur and Front, just l.K.ks aa aood as a 00.00 or 75.00, wat for 88.00 Wo also have a Muakrat lined coat with Peraiao Umb Collar for Ladips Seal Skin coat for Ladies Astrachan ooats from 20 00 to. . 65 00 40.00 36.00 F. G. Rarstedt Flesherton - - Ontario. |

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