Pen-Angle b a vaoe^ of tfylcs, Vbrica and prico, (ot women, men and childreo. Foim-fitted. Dealen are authodzed to replace iiuUntly aod at our co»t any Pen- Angle garment (aulty in material or m a k i n g. Pen-Angle Under- wear is form-knit BO it can't help fitting your figure, â€" it's made of long -fibred wool BO it won't shrinlc â€"and it's guaran- teed besides. Tha whole idea is to make it bo good you can't aitord not to buy by tha trademark (in red). 205 Underwear Dyeing I Gleaning I V«r (h« v«ry b««l i««4 roax v»rk to tk« - HITtSH AMERieAN aTlUiet M." hnk far ag^at fat y««r lovm, o? mm^ airaaa. Il«itr«al, Toronto. Otuwa, Qaaksft CLEItKS AS IIL.'SBANDS. I'en Users Said to be Immune Fror Stniflfflles ol the World. "By virlue of tii.s calling a c'>;rk mus perceive Ihe raliie-.jf money; Ihat it i- la.sier to j/et in!o debt than out of it Ihat by taking care of the pence tl!> pounds take care of themselves; and that economy is a great revenue," say? a writer in Pearson's Vvcekly in tin course of an article on "Do Clerks Make Goo'l Hushttii^T' "Furthermore, a clerk has a regnlar iricomo." lie conUnuC'i. "His wife knnw^ lo a penny what she will receive for liousek.epins, for dress, for this, ttjni. and Ihe oiher, and can make arrange- ments accordingly. "Possessed of an assured, unvaryin;.' income, a clerk Ls free from the car* which besets the man whose pocket full of money on« month is empty the next. The struggles with the world, the everlasting race with the busy competi- tion of trade, which turn grey the hair of the employer do not affect the clerk." Patents Secured Free I prepare patent applications free ol charge. If you have an invention send sketch to-day for free opinion. 24 yearr experience. F. B. Gibbs, 52 St. lames St., Uontreal UKC StXTT â- ILLS iiKcsnrrr $60 oiLSON aara. co. ran aixrr GILSON sosouna ENGINE ForPumptnc. CreajD .CWnTwWtMa- <ii:. na tsui Askicr cHilac-aB set tatTuhlaetaLWU. FOR SALE â€" IF SOLD AT ONCE, butcher shop, stable and slaughter house, free from mortgage, in the thriv- ing Town of Milton ; population about l,fKX); within two miles of two large brick works, the largest in Canada ; one capitalized At r250.(XX).00. the other at large amount; within 3 miles of 4 lime kilns employing in all about 200 hands or over: wages from $1.50 to 83.50 per day; average daily sales between 40 and 60 dollars; a money-maker; a chance in a lifetime; don't write, come and see for yourself. GF.ORGE P.ATTER^sO.N, Box 3, Milton, Ont. ^^7^.1 ^r BUYS*A 03. HOME Forty yaw tja you eo»U fc«^>t be«<St lot* m Dc.Te. f«r SIM m »hiA n^ff Ka^d warw ^rKiA hrimi iHJXlii a year rat. Dta««r h»M a populatM qi tOO.OOO. !â- fivfl years tkc f*fuUti»a ^rill r^atik tfc« fcalf-flulUon at Ark. Oriitmrr rcnJcim l«tt ia Hatriet* tUtadr ff «- Utnl brii^ {r»« )r50 to $2,000 uclb we ARE LAYir<e out a NBW AOOmOM ^V^askington Heigkts TW fu^tujt uti mowt n^tty aiJiJituMi la Dcitcr hirmUiniti a perfect vi«w of Pik«'* Peak uti thm VUMky MotiatiiM for • 4iM»Mt tf H miUt. Overlooking .Watbti»<toa Park. Aa i4leal fot. Lota 25x125 Feet for SlOO li CASH IS KA. MONTH an* r««r ar tw*. aad Wl«a« Ya* wt •• iwua < lay run an ti« •• U M wata l ail Mra«q(< in DuTW. m»d itJl Mia wnr« THE CENTVRY LOAN AND TRUST CO. Hi TALLEST OF \VOME.\. The tallest woman in the world is said to be a native of the Tyrol, who has just arrived in Vienna. Twenty- seven years old, she Ls 7 feet 5 inches high, and weighs 374 lbs. She is spare rather than stout, hard of feutures and voice, and somewhat of the masculine type. Her father and mother are not above ordinary stature. WHAT DO PKOPt.K NRKO who ara run dom, inainic, pale, listlBss' " Farruvim," the bett tmtie. I* biiilils. maken !>tr<>iiit. it Kitas new Ufa. tba !• mn manj tonics but oni; on* " Fivtoria.'' "Intolligence has just reached me â€" ' began Mr. Blodger, as he sal down at the dinner-table. "Thank goodness it it has at last," exclaimed Mrs. Blodger and the food was partaken of in silence, Give HoUoways Corn Cure a trial. It removed ten corns from one pair of feel without any pain. What it has done once it will do again. "If there were twenty chickens in a coop," said the teacher, "and two were missing one morning, how many would you have'.'" "Well," said the leading ruffian of the class, "if they were my chickens to begin with I'd have eigh- teen, but if Ihey were somebody el^'s Id have only two." DODDS ^- KIDNEYi^ /PILLS -♦ Dr. Asnew't Cur* for tlia Heart acts directly and qoicltly, stimulates thp heart's action, stops most acute pain, dispels all signs of wealmeng, fluttering sinking, smothering, or palpitation. Thif wonderful cure is the sturdy ship which carries the heart-sick patient into th< haven of radiant and perfect healtli. Gives relief in most acute form* of bcarc disease in 30 minutes.â€" U Parson Timmin.s â€" "Well, John, how lid you lil<e my scrn^on?" John â€" "Vfi-y w.-'ll indeed, sir. I always did like tlial sermon." The efTicacy of Dickie's Anti-Consump- tive Syrup in curing coughs and cnUl'= and nrresii'ig innammatio.i of the lungs, can be established by hundreds of testi- monials from all sorts and conditions â- of men. It is a standard remedy in these ailments and all affections of the throat and lungs. It is highly recom- mended by medicine vendors, because ti'.ey know and appreciate its value as a curative. Try it. "That man may seem to be somowhat uneducated, and yet he makes a Qne living by his pen." "Why, I would never take him for a writer." "He isn't: he breeds pigs." GIVING THE P.EASON. The counsel prosecuting In a breach .f case was youthful and fresh, .md deligliitd in showing himself off. The defeudanl had entered the witness- xix. "You say," said the counsel, after sev- •ral impertinent quest Jons, "that you lever aaked llie plaintiff to be your wife?" "Never," responded the witness, with i-mphasis. "But you made love to her?" "Not to my knowledge." "And never called her pet names, either, I suppose?" "No, sir." "Now. as a mailer of -fact, didn't you call her 'Lizzie' after you had been to .see her only three or four times, and always after that, when you knew you should have called her '.Mii>s Mint.' if you had not been seeking to win lier young ami trusting hearU" "No, sir." The plainlilf pulled at the coun.=el's sleeve, but he paid no attention to tier. "Ah, indeed I" very sarcastically. "I presume you never called her 'Lizzie' in your life, eh?" "Never." The coun.sel brought his fist down and simply glared at the defenifant. "Id like to know why you never did, sir?" he asked, with the air of a man wlio knew he had the facts. The witness was as cool as a pa!m-lcaf fan could make him a.s he replied, with an exasperating smile, "Because that isn't her name." Then it was the counsel heedrd the plaintiffs wild clutchings, and wanted 'â- to hit himself in the neck with a law- i book; but it was too late. AC se«N» That soands goad, doesnt It? ^Bk Kever a cold or a cough but always ^»* perfectly well and hearty. You could be like that with a little care and COLTSFOOTE EXPECTORANT Keep it in the house and use it at the Sll0btest Sfgit of an approachiog cold or cough. It po.sitively cures Colds, Coagks, Croap, Wlioopliig Coagli, Astlima and all Throat aod Long troubles. A pure vegetab'te syrup. Your druggist keeps it and reeommcnds It. Prlee, 2S cents. EXPtCTORANJ RAILROADING WWTED nREMEN AND BRAKEMEl<i ^ for an Railroads. Experience unneces» ""'â- â- â- ^^â- """'"^'"'â- â- â- â- â- ""^^â- â- â„¢"'"" sary. Firem<in SIM, become engineers and aaxn Saoo lannth'j. Brakeiaaa $7%. beoume O)iirluctor3 and mni Sijo. Positions aw^ttlng <tr nn, eumpctcat younc men. State age. height and weightâ€" (importent.) Name poiitiua â- prafarrad. RAILWAY A.S.SOCIATIOh'. Eonm lit. -.•7 Monroe St.. Braoklyn. â- T.T. ITCH, Kane*. Prairie Scratches ana erery form of contagion* Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by wo'- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Bink-sâ€" "'Voure putting your toy ea«ly to work." Jink.sâ€" "Yes, he's a clever lad, for he's learnt everything the mas- t>v knows." "He has?" "He has that. That mnsler said: 'I can't hammer any- thing more in'.o thai head ol his." Those Worrying Pllas !â€" One anplica- cation of Dr. Ajnew's Ointment will Bive you comfort. Applied every nic'nt for three to six nijhts and a cure is efferted in the most stubborn cases of Blind. Bleeding, or Itchinp Piles. Dr. Agnew's Ointment cures Eczema and all itching and burninc skin diaeascj. It acts like magic. 35 cents. â€" 15 "So she was led to the altar at last?' n.'marked the girl in blue. "Led!" ic- prated the bride's dearest friend: "le-.l! I fancy you didn't see her. .She didn't have to be led. When she started down the aisle you couldn I have driven ner of; with a regiment of cavalry!" ITS KASY TO LET a cold haa* on. Each msM ami dav we are aare it wUl be gcine, bat it stays witti us. AUen'8 Vani Balaim will check ite ad- vance aiul redtore hetuth. ".\h, me!" exclaimed Mrs. Naggett. "My shopping was most unsatisfactory tj-day!" "Indeed!" grunted Naggett. "Trying to get something for notliing, I suppose?" "Yes, dear; I was after a birthday gilt for you." Not a Nauseating Pill. â€" ^The excipienl oi a pill is the substance which enfolds the ingre<tlen;s and makes up the pill mass. That of t'armelee's Vegetable ['ills is so compounded as to preserve their moisture, and they can bo carried into any latitude without impairing their strength. Many pills, in order to keep them from adhering, are rolled in powders, which prove nauseating to the taste. Pannelee's Vegetable Pills art so prepared that they are agreeable tc the most delicate. The Doctorâ€" "Y'ou have a bad cold, Mr. Jigg'!. I'll give you some pills for it." Jiggsâ€" "Oh, never mind, doctor. You can have it for nothing." MARK THIS DIsnxcnOT* : A purely load di.^e».ie of the nkin, like barber's itch. Is cnred by Weaver's rC'erabe atmie. But wh«re the bIoo<l i* loaded with imptiritir, aiich us Salt Biieiua, Weav*r*a S^rup also should l>e uaed MODER.N BULLET WOU.NDS. A most inleresting and far-reaching e.vperimcnl on a large scale was per- formed at the bnttleneld of Mukden. Several .sanitary officers with good sur- gical training being present, out of 100 soldiers wounded in the abdomen 50 were operated upon by laparotomy, the 50 others left alone. Ihe only treatment consisting of absolute rest and in keep- ing the external wound opening clean. Of the 50 soldiers operated upon iO died, of the non-opera!e.J iO survived. This .striking result indicniod the man- ner of trc'itment of abdouiinal wounds throughout the whole war. Laparotomy nn or in the rear of the battlefield wa.s af- terward hardly ever performed, but strict ciire was taken that all soldiers wounded in the abdomen had absolute rest for the first three days. Mistressâ€" "Why, Bridget, what on ear h are you doing with all the broken dishes on the shelf?" Bridgetâ€" "Cure, mum, you lowld me Oi wur to replace every one Oi broke." KIdnoy Duty.â€" It is the particular func- tion of the kidneys to filter out poisons which paas through them into the blood. When the kidneys are diseased they can- not do their whole doty, and should have the help and strength that Bouth Ameri- can Kidney Cure will afford in anv and all forma of kidney disorder. It relieves in 6 hours.â€" 14 "Jessie. I've told you again and again not to speak when older persons are talking; but wail until they stop." Tvi; tried that already, matiima. They never ; d ; stop.'* i How to Cleanse Ihs System. â€" Parnie- lep's VegeUible Pills are tr^e result '-[ scientific study of the effects of extracts ol certain roots and herbs upon the .'i- gesiive organs. Their use has demon- strated in many instances that they regu'a'e the action of the liver and Ihe kidneys, purify the blond, and carry oT ni' morbid accumulations from the sys- tem. They are easy to take, and their action is mild and beneficial. ,\s a steamer was leaving Ihe harbor of Athens a well dressed young pa-ssen- ger approached Ihe captain and. point- ing to the distant hills, inqrired; "Whnl is thit vthite stuff on the hills, cap- tain?" "That is snow, madam," answer- ed Ihe captain. "Is it really?" remarked ihe lady. "1 thought so myself, but a gentleman has just told me it was Greece." N*rvousness, Dyspepsia, Indtgestlon, and kindred ailments, take wings before the healing qualities of South American Nervine. Thomas Hoskins, of Durham. Ont.. took his preacher's advice, followed directions, and was cured permanently of the worst form of Nervons Prostration and Dyspepsia. He has recommended it to others with irratifyinc results. It's a great nerre builder.â€" 12 "Well, doctor, do you think it is any- tliing serious?" "No, noâ€" just a sore place of your neck. But you must keep an eye on it." Cheapest of all .Medicines.â€" Consider- ing Ihe curative qualities of Dr. Tho- mas' Eclectric Oil it is the cheapest medicine now t ffered to the public. The dose requ red in any ailment is small and a bottle contains many dases. If 1* were valued at tlie benefit it confers it could not be purchased for many limes the price asked for it, but 'n- creased con.sunipli .n has simplified and cheapened its manufacture. "Y'ou talked all tliroiigh my solo,' said the musician a little resentfullv. "Oh, that's all right," said the chatter- ing person; "I wasn't .saying anything you would care about hearing." PT,ACKT» AT THR BACK OF THK SPIXB, * The r> A L " Menthol Pla.ster .xlUys nervous ex- rite went, Tlier are equony i; eini:acious ui Btn ralgia. backulie ami muscular poiua. Husb,indâ€" "You'll have to discharge June and do the cooking yourself." Wife I â€" "liood gracious! Why? Are you los- j ins .voiir money?" Husbandâ€" "No; but Im losing my health." Wife â€" "Oh. I .see.' Husband -"Yes. The doctor says 1 eat too much.' MRS. HUNFER'S STORY. Says Besults are "Truly Wonderful." Xfrs. I. Hunter, at 111 Raglan Road, Kingston, Out, says:â€" "I have suffered with kidney and liver trouble and chronic constipa- tion for some lime. I was subject lo dizziness, bilious headache, nerv- ousness, drowsines.s, Mrs. I Bhinlcr.pains in Ihe back and side, und tired, weary feeling nearly all (lie time. "1 Iru'd almost every medicine, was treated by doctors and druggists with lillle or no benelit. "I tritd Or. Leoiihardfs .\nti-Pill. and the results have been truly wonderful. 1 am so much better. Anli-l'ill is a most wonderful remedy." All dt^alers, or th^ Wilson-Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. LADIES' BEAVER SKATE Skaters who miice a point of cood aop-tarance like the Ladies' Beaver, which is also ta be recomiasflded for the comfort it atfords the wearer. It's the skate far r â- { use. FOa SALK BY ALL CP-TO-DATB DeAI.Sas. MADE BY The STARR MANUFACTURING CO., Limited, DARTMOUTH, N. S., CANADA. Muiafaetuivra alw of thm faaMia " MicntAC ** &ad " K«x " Barkvj Stlaki (Copyricktcd.) BRANCH, S^rJSr TOROMTe "OSriAWA" steel Shingles. wind. Proof ' Sides Made from Painled or G«Ivaiii-,:ed SIcel. at prices varying from S?.?5 to K.IO per liiindred square feel coveraig measure. Th;.s is the most durable cov- ering on the market, and is an id>;;il covi'ring for Rams, Stores, Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any handy n:..n can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips ar.; the only loi^i; required. We are 'â-º>' l.irgost and oldest ccoH:[>any of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of lUe best buiidingii lluxiugUout Canada, making Ihem FIRE WATER AND LliHTNING-PROOF. We also manufacture Corrugalc<l livn in long sheets. Conductor Pipe and EA\KSTROI'<;||, Etc. . ^, , j IHtrr.AL SIOlNil, in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEIUNOS, in 2,0fiil desi-ns. Write for Calalogue No. UH and free samples of "XlSa^WA" Shingles. Write to^lny. '3CJELI3 X>Z3X>Xs..^e^X& Z^ZSOX^X^Zl, EOdireoi. Qoe. m-* w cr«ig St. eilQWI, 0!ii tss Sttseex St. ioroiiio.Oiii. i(HH!oii.0iii.iWi{]niDe9.8aii. UCelbormit W Dnnaasst. | 7« Lonbard at. voocou«er.B.c. SI6 I'ttDtier ft. WriU y«ur .>Mircat Oftic*.â€" HKAD OFViCS AND WO&iCti-O^^HAWA* Oat The ^^Blue Grass " Event will be the 7th Annual Kentucky Thoroughbred Sale â€" of- COMPKISINC; 827 HEAD OF THOKOlKaiKKKD STALUONS. KtARIiSj, UE.\NLi\tis, Yli.\niJNCS and ilOltSiCS l^ TKAIMNG. Sale will be held at WILSON»S HORSEMEN'S HEADQUARTERS LEXINGTON, KY., TUANKS<;iVING WEEK, BKGINMNG Monday, November 26, 1906 AND WILL CONTArS A Ql AN^Tirk OF Ql'ALITY in Ihe 17 Sl.-iilt«i)s, 37') Choice Mares (Dams of Wuiriors). 30 Weanlings (from Winning l-amilics), and 19» YearMngs and Rjicclioj-ses in training. Uiapenaliif C*pt. .s. s. B.-^wn'mSeoer- M'Daiuld. Consi^manbi fran John B. itj. fitai, CbMa. f. Mc.Veekin's OsklAwn Mad4ea's HuBiiucc Hace Stint, Miltoa StuiL R. H. .<Bdef»>a9 Fea't Orer StuA, Yuiuib's McUratbiiUta Stad tutd oth*- Da»e (!iae,«ir« tlolnrfel StuJ, Q. W pruimneat breeder*. Meadly'9 KoseDe4i(te Stud, B^ J. K. CATALOOUe (SOW REAOY. Write for cepy to HADUON .<qUARE GARDEN NEW YORK. FASIG- TIPTON CO., ACCORDING TO CONTR.ACT. A man who was very inLserly hoarded up his .stacks ol hay year after year in l^e hope of making double the price Ue was offeretl lor Iheni. .\ well-known hay and islraw buyer n the district one day asked the price -f a stack. -An enormous price was asked, which the buyer accepted. "How about the lerins of sclllcmenl?" aske 1 tiie old nii.<cr. ""\Vell, you see,'' suid the buyer, "my terms are to settle when I feich I lie last load nw:iy.' "That's a bargain." suid the miser. s'bpping Ihe other's hand. Th« old chap watched every load gr away except the last, and that Ihe buyer never did fetch away. Pl*asan! as syrup; nothing equals W a-; a worm medicine; the name is Mother Graves' Worm E.xlenninator. The greatest worm destroyer of the age. Sheâ€" Mow did you know I was going lo wear my hair curled this evening?" Heâ€" "I saw it ia Ihe papers this mor» in*:." ISi»lE NO. il-U.