Flesherton Advance, 22 Nov 1906, p. 4

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November 22 liK)6 THl FLESH£ltfO« AUVAKCt ^wywywywy F, T. HILL A CO. WMMwywyi This Week we are Clearing out many lines at Ridiculously Low Prices. This week we put on sale many lines, some are balances of good selling lines, oth- ers are lines that have not been moving as fast as we would like to see them. Our system of doing businea makes it compulsory that we should keep everything moving actively, hence the reason for the big reductions in price. We wish to insure a quick sale, and if any of the line should fit your requirements we would advise that you be on hand early. Big Time in Mantle Cloths. llisih class and of good quality, they are all double fold 50 and 64 inches wide, in Kerseys, Beavers, Fan- cy Tweeds, Cheviots and Curl Cloths, splendid choos- ing from this lot, nearly all colors represented, clear- ing at just half price as follows : 76o Mantlinct, Belling for 85c " •' « <i 91.00 •160 92.00 12.50 37c, 42c. 60o. 75o. 1.00. 1.25. Big Saving in Ladies' Vests 68 and 85c Lines Cleariog for 48c. 12 dozen Ladies Pure All wool vests, in black only. This is by far the best offer we have had the pleasure of making. The quality is good and the price nearly half, your choice for 48o. 7 dozen Ladies Viae anion vests, good quality, extra good value at the regular selling price 68c., on sale this week for 48o. Bis Price Difference in Ladles' Furs, 50 Ladies Caperines and Ruffs, in many combinationt and stales. They are t3.75, 4.50, 6.00 and 6.50 lines, for quick selling your choice for $2.48 Cadies mantles, ekaritia at about the Diiee of malting, your Choice for $1.4$ 36 Mantles only, all sizes. They are last season's styles and represent all ({ood, dependabls wearing cloths. The re|{ulir valuo is 4.60, 5 60 and 6.00. Selling to clear quickly for 91.48 HARDWARE ! HARDWARE ! In this department we carry a full line, for which we take all kinds of produce in exchange. When in town see what we are doing in this department. ,WRW MARKOALE I» ptililinbod everv Thumday at $1.00 per annum if paid in adr>DC«, 91.Co if not ao paid. $1.00 •Inclly in adYHiice gbt the Montreal H«-'â„¢ld onf year free as a prrmium. All HulMicriber paying Mont â-  Railway Building Few people can form any idea of the amount of railway construction that is at present onder way in this dominion of our*. Besides innumerable short lin«>B and siiun two transcontinental lines are under qpnitruction, the Cyiada Northern and Omd Trunk Pacific. -Some of these moriiines we will wake up to find S lines of steel crossing the oontinent and another «iorth to Hudson's Bay and we will won- der how it was done. It is intorestluK to note, too, the nii!ea|{S of new railway for which legislation is asked at the coming sesiion of parliament. That which toooh- es us most in this district will be the ap- plication to authorize the Canadian Northern Ontario Railway Company to build nine branches in()ntario,Hsfol1ows: â€" From Washaifo westerly to Lake Huron near Kincardine; from Arnprior souther- ly to the St. Lawrence Riv?r between Kingston and Brookvilli-; from Pembroke aouth-weslerly to Lake Ontaiio between Toronto and Belleville; fiom Toronto-Ot- tawa lino north-wosterly to Qeurgian Bay near Collingwood or Owen Sound; from Toronto-Ottawa lino westerly, pissinn Ihrouah or near Toronto, Hamilton and London lo Windsor, with brsnches to 8t. Thomas and Sariiia, and a branch or loip north of Toronto; frooti Niargara Ilivar noi'th-wasteily, passiuK throuKh or noar Hamilton to Luke Hnron neat Qod- crlch; from L^ke Brie west of Port Ool- liorno, northerly, passiiif; throui(h ornear liranifurd or Berlin (o Ooorgian Bay;from n |ioint near Washago to the Georgian U«y east of Collingwood. This is quite a bill of fare for one rail- w«y systeir. and as the Canadian North cm has a reputation for sayinir little but dointt much there can be little reasonable doubt but that the 0. P. R. and U. T. .n. iu this section of Ontario are about to gun a strong ctimpotitur'^ toe builness, Tharo are many who think the new line surveyed lhr<>ui(b Flasherton a few weeks Artemeiia Council Artetnesis Council met in the town hall Flesherton on Saturday, Not. 3, 1906. Members all present, the reeve in the chair. Minutes of previous session wsrs read and confirmed. Communications as follows were presented and read : Clerk of the Peace, certificate of filing jurors' lists ; R. McDowell, Engineer, re John- son ditch ; Dr. Sproale, re ditch on town line Artemeiia and Glenelg at lot 106. Bylaw No. 676, to appoint deputy leturn- ing officers, poll clerks, and places for holding elections, 1907, was introduced and (uused after being filled up as fol- lows : Div. 1, D.R.O. W. McLoughry, poll clerk H. Irwin, lulling place Orange Valley. Div. 2, D.R.O. Thomas Clayton, pull clerk Ed. Thompson, polling place town hall. Div. 3, D.R.O. Geo. Moore, poll clerk W. H. Heard, polling place Orange Hall, Proton. Div. 4, D.R.O. A. Gilchrist, poll clerk J. F. CoUinson, polling place Orange Hall, Ceylon. Div. 3, D.R.O. D. O. McLean; poll clerk A. B. McDonald, polling place Watson's hall Priceville. Div. 6, D.R.O. Geo. Pritch- ard, poll clerk S, Giloert, polling place Foresters hall, Vandeleur. Div. 7, D. R.U. George Meldrum, poll clerk Wm. Walker, polling place Oranofe Hall, Eu- genia. Div. 8, D.R.O. F. H. Thompson, poll clerk Jos, E. McKee, polling place fcohool house, I'ortlaw. Price to be al- lowed for halls for polling, 92.50, and tio pay allowed for constabli«. Bestâ€" Whytoâ€" That John Bellamy be paid his account for repairing ball fur- nace and pipej furnished, $12.50 â€" Car. White â€" MoLoughryâ€" That the reeve, clerk and assessor be (wid $3 each as solectnri of jurors-â€" Carried. MoKenzieâ€" Whyteâ€" That the rejiort of commissioner of Div. No. 3, Mr. Best, be received and he be paid his commits- sion on an expenditure of $268 of appro- priation, amounting to t25.80, and also 95.10, oommixsion on special eipendi- ture of 961. â€" Carried. Bustâ€" Whytaâ€" That the treasurer and ck-rk be pai<l 93 each, expenses to Owen Sound attending on provincial audiloiâ€" Carried. McKunsioâ€" Bestâ€" That accounts for gravel used by overseers be pniJ, vis., 8. Pedlar 94.10, W, Badgerow 91-20, John Pedlar 91.35â€" Carried, MoVi'ii^bry â€" Molveitzie â€" Thi^t Dr. J. & W. BOYD FLESHERTON ONT. TliE FALL HUNT with the Collinaoo and Johnson dltehas under the Ditches and W«t«rcottrs«s Act -Carried. McKenzie â€" McLonghry â€" That tb* reeve issue checks to the several school boards for the amounts of general school trustee*' levy for 19U6â€" Carried. CouDcil adjourned. HortMien Want Legislation. Messrs. John Bright, of Myrtle, Ont, and U.O,Reid,cf Georgetown, have been going through this county inspecting stal- lions and seooriog information regarding the horse industry, on behalf of the On- tario government. A public meeting of stock men was he'd in Markdale last week •t which these gentlemen were present, when unanimous resolutions were passed asking tliat the government pass a law licensing all stallions and making it illeg- al to use anything hot pedigreed sires; also to give a lien on mare and eolt onti) services of horse were paid for. It is also wished by some to extend at least the former part of this request lo csttis, the object being to prevent the use of diseas- ed, unfit or unpedigreed stock, thus raising the standard of Canadian bred horses and cattle. The ambition is a laudable one but the change would be most radical and it is felt that it cannot be achieved at a stroke, and legislation suitable to that end will no doubt be asked for at the coming session of the Legisla- ture. The editor of a Western state paper was pretty nearly right when he said that any time you hear a man flndini fault wiih his local paper, the chances aie teu to one that he hasn't »n advertisement in it; five to one that he never t(»ve it a job of work; three to one that he does not take the paper; two to one that if he Is a subscriber he is a delinquent; even that he never doss anything to assist the publisher to run a better paper and forty to one ho is the most eager to see the paper. Tamworth Boar for Service A thorooRhbrwl TuroworOi boar for Mrrlon OD tot 5, oou. IB, Orprar, Ttrmsâ€" •! tor grades DAVID K0BBBT8 Now is the time for the fall push. We ought to do big things in the next two months. We want to sell $30,000 worth of goods before Xmas. Stop a mo- ment and think of the opportunity you have, viz., of coming to Flesherton and buying everything you want at prices which defy competition. New goods are arriving daily which have been bought at prices which will compare favorably with the buying of any departmental store on the continent. We are buy- ers for cash or trade of butter, eggs, turkeys, geese, ducks, chicks, tallow, hides, skins, hen feathers, tur- key feathers, duck feathers, goose feathers and every- thing in the way of farm produce which you have or may have at highest market prices, and then we are sellers of everything which is required of a store for town and country trade. Car of Flour and Feed Just Arrived We are sellers of the famous Five Uoses flour, the best flour in the land. You can only realize its ex- cellence by giving it a trial. It certainly has no equal. We also have in stock bran, shorts, feed, flour barley chop, etc., prices right. Car of Coal Oil We sell the famous American Penoline oil, the very best coal oil you can buv. The popular one priced oil; try it Carof SaJt Fine Windsor Salt, none other so good. Space will not permit our making detail of the goods we sell. We simply ask you Come and see and satisfy your- selves. ^»^R^R/ i^^ Croap A reliable medicine and one that should always be kept in i^e home for i jimediate use is Ohambermn's Couph Remedy. It will prevent the attack il K>ven an soon u the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croup cou^h appears. For sale by W. K. Riehardsoa and H. L. Etouglaas. mount Pkasa nt Iferd* Ot purebred sooteh Shortoms wltli tba famoDs ] ouDg stock ball, SootUsh Cbiat, at the bead. Toung stotk ler sale, priees reasonable. teroai easy. otinar Sn7 B. AIJ<SK , Frop. I, Cor " - - •- - - 110, Con. », m.t. t SJl , agi will be designatod later <m by the iaitiala C.N.U., but of this there is noth? 'Sitroule be paid t22.60, being t\ne half of ing definite. ihis account for ditching oq Ipwn line Ar- â-  "" I ' 1__« t mosi» and Glenelg at lot lOS, T. «i>d Ths new Canada Nornhem lius from S. Roadâ€" Carriei), Tufdata to Parry Sound was o|iened(or' McKtntieâ€" Bestâ€" That the (••«• b« I )M • OS'' I nffl*-' 0|i Moo l.ty last, ^* < f 4.M) fur his seiTtess in eonnvcti«iq Our Clubbing List ^Advance, * Herald and •Towmto World, daily . . Toronto Daily News . . . Weeklv Globe .......' Mail-Bmpire Family Herald 4 Stair: Torouto Star ..,.,,,., Farmers San . . . . ' faTfljtet^ i^4T<>«U • •«••••• 13 96 . 880 1 80 . 1 76 . 1 80 . >3Q 1 tW TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, 1907 TBE UNDERSIGNED will rrceive ten- ders up to noon on Thursday, 29th November, 1906, for supplies of butchers' meat, creanaery or d^iry butter, flour, oatmeal, potatoes, cordwood, etc., etc., for the followinfi institutions during the year 1U07, via.: â€" Ai the Asylumns for the Insane in To- ronto, London, Kingston, Hamilton, Mimico, Brockville, Cobourg, Orillia and Penetanguishene ; the Central Prison and Mercer Reforaiatory, Toronto, and the hospital for epileptics at Woodstock. Kieeptionsâ€" Tenders are not required (or the supply of meat to the asylums in Toront.i, Ix»ndon, Kingston, Hamilton and Brockville, nor for tho Central Prison or Mercer Reformatory, Toronto. A marked che<iue (or liv«» per cent, of the estimated amount of the contract, payable to the order of tho Pi-oviucial Secretary, must be furnished by each tenderer as a guarantee of his bona 6Jea. Two sufficient securities will be required for the duo fulfilment of each contract, and should any teuder bo withdrawn be- fore the oontract is awarded, or shuidd the tenderer fail to furninh security, the amount of the deposit wUl bo forfeited. Spfcilicatious and forms of tender may be had on application to the Department of tho ProTincial Secretary, Torooto,or to the Bunars of the respective institutions. The lowest or auy tender not ueoessar- ily accepted. New8pa()era inserting this sdvertiitv- ineut without written authority from tho Department will not be paid for it. W.J. HANNA, Provincial Secretary. Parliament BnildiDss, Turonto.October 29ih, 1906. Bikihir* Boars for ServiM VallOT Farm victor (lSTS8.)rarTOW«d*pt 3id igCkV bred bv 8. J. feartoD, Bon A Co. Meadow. Till** Ont., 9Dd owner, U.O.Orr, FledisrtoD.OiiS Duu, Oxford Di>e)>«ssMb(lWie) brM bjr S. J' r<>»rson, Sou A Oq. Blr«.Curhara'oVi«torai>tb (laara,) brad by W. 4. Dwbam. Twisb |l.oa at timselMrviee >«( It. 0. OAR, riMbtrken. SbortbornBult The thoroughbred Shorthorn Btdl, "Favor- ice," 62235, is for service on lot 27 -28,2ud range N. D. R,,ATtemeaia. Pedigree on application. Terms $1.25 ALEX. McRAE. Geykm HIGH GKADB TBAINIO pays and that la tbs kind tbe f amoas * XQBOHmCBT. Gives to its students. Recent students have tkken positioaa at salaries trom tSO per moQth to fiuuo per uauum. It is a well- known fact that our sobool is Uie beat of its kind in Canada. This mooth is a iplendid time to entai All graduates get potitions. Thedemaud is nearly twenty timoa ths supply. Write today tor magniaoeut eata- logua. W. 1. ELLIOTT, PrlDolpal. Cor. TonRo and Alexander Sts. Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrongy - ri^ESHCRTON. ^

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