Flesherton Advance, 22 Nov 1906, p. 5

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,â- â- *. TtlE FLEfiSHEETON ADYANCE NoVEMBKE 22 1908' «•-• Vicinity Chips For money >t lowest rates, land aucur- ty, go to A. S. VanDusen, Flesherron. J. Pstton is now buaily enffaged lathin«[ lUid plutering the new hotel. Tiro pain hoary bobsleigha for sale. Apply Jua, Comdeld, Flesharton. Strayedâ€" Five lambs. Please com- otanicate with Geo. Scuart, Flesherton. Tbiee horses for sale. Apply to John Heard, Fleuberton. tit. 3 R. HngK, of Eugenia, who has been out all fall looking after his western property, returned home last week. Frank Coleman, a brakesman, was killed at Meaford, by his head striking an overhuad bridge on the Grand Trunk. For Sale â€" A milch cow, fire years old, due to calve middle of May. Can be seen at the Electric Plant, Eugenia. Miss Bert Crossley left on Monday to pay an extended visit with friends in Da- kota. Graphophone and thirteen records, all ^ood as new, for sale cheap. Apply t.i A. Shack letord, Flesherton, 29 no Mr. and Mrs. J. F. VsnDosen and Misa HcConnelljof Dandalk,spent Sunday in town. A quantity of 1^ mcb cull rock elm for aaleatnur Rock vale mill. â€" Armstrong Bros. Markdale. Noticeâ€" I will not bo responsible for aay debts contracted in my name â€" Harb- •rtBadgerow. Cow giving milk, also yonng sow for â- eld. Apply to G.A. Gumming, Flesher- ton. To Rentâ€" Store and dwelling ic the yillftge of Priceville. Apply to Mrs. E. J. Qrier, Dundalk. Mr. Chos. Irwin of the aubnrbswill hold a clearing auction sale of farm stoek aad implements on Tuaoday, Dee. ^ Sm bills. D. McPhail, sactionear. IVhlte Legboms for sale â€" A number of tboroughbred cockerels for sale, extraor- dinary stock. Your choice for $1.00. H. EUrrow, Priceville, DeolS Stock for sale â€" Three spring ealvas, ttiree|year-olds and one oow four years old, supposed to be in calf. Apply to W. A. Armstrong. Colt for SiUeâ€" One general purpoae bone colt, 6 montha old bred by Grown slow Sr. Apply to Ben McKenzie, 1| milas west of Ceyloo. Sheep Strayed â€" Two Iambs with long tails and one ewe on or about the middle of September from Lot 79, West conces- sion. Jsmes O. Little, Wareham P.O. Miss Ruthvan of Berlin and Mia* Mabel Mitchell of Harrisville, Mich., are guests of Mrs. O. Mitohell. The UUer will remain for a conple of weeks. We andarstaod that Mr. Wil8on,piano, o>*gaa and sewing machine dealer of Markdale purpose* locating in Flesherton in the near future. T. A. Harris,of Durham,hM received a government appointent as customs receiv- ing o£Scer and bas entered upon bis duties, Flesherton Dramatic Club repeated the drama recently 8iven,io the town hall Friday evening last to a good house. The proceeds went to the hookey club. Mr. Harness, manager of the house of refuge, was in town Monday. He took the township's road grader home with him to do some work in oonneetion with the farm. TO LETâ€" Several good contracts of cutting and hauling sawlogs to our Rock- vale mill. Also wanted, family to run boarding house. If the man bad a good Wm we could give him employment. Armstrong Bros., Markdale. The tunnelling at Eugenia is progresc- ing slowly. It has been a difficult job. There are still 120 feet to excavate before the tunnel is complete, and before that is aooomplished work may have to oease for the winter. Bandmaxter Bowler requests that all the Biombers attend practice in the rooms over Douglass' seed house on Tuesday evening nest and bring their horns and music with them. The Grand Trunk has had during the past two weeks two serious wrecks un their Mooford branchâ€" one at Angus and the other at Meaford. Both were freight trains and heavily loaded. A large bear has been roaming around in the swaicps west of the station for â- oat* time. A number of shootists have bean after him but thus far he has evaded their designs, although he was seen sev- eral tipaea. A proverb social in the Methridist church Tuesday evening, under the aUNpices of the Epworth League, was poiirly attended, Imt those who did attend had a pleasant evening. Sixty three ratepayers of Euphraais a«ked the council to submit a hy-law for the repeal of local option, but tbe council thought the number of petitioners too small and turned them down. A line of leather goods, including music rolls, pocket books, purses, satchels, school bsus and raxor strops, jusi placed in stock, also men's fur lined working coats and the usual stock of winter goods. W. Moore, Flesherton. A meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the town hall on Nov. 27 at 2 p.m. Topic â€" What to do when un- expected company comes, also cake for the family table. All the ladiea welcome. For sale by public anction at Mun- shaws' hotel ou Saturday, Dec. 8, at 2 o'clock, afternoon, property in Maxwell recently known as The Rectory. For particulars see posters. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown and children, Toronto, spent Sunday with Rev. Dr. I^aldvell and wile. This was a farewell vist as Mr. Brown and family leave this week to found a now home in the great west. Mrs. Brown is a sister of the good lady who presides at the parsonage. Mr. H. L. Douglass has decided to remove his drug store from Flesherton. He will locate at Englehart, tbe division- al point on the government railvray north of New Liskeord, and will leave next week for hn new location. The Advance tiusts bo may find conditions more than satisfactory in the north ooantry. The council of Melanethon have noti- fied the different threshers in tbe town- ship to use plank when drawing over bridges, and that the council will not be liable for damages If not used and will prosecute all parties violating the pro- visions of the Act respecting traction engines. The Owen Sound loeal option ease has not yet been settled, it seems, leave having been granted last week to appeal to the Court of Appeal against tbe de- cision upholding the measure. It is said the case may erenttially reach the Supreme Coiurt. The Durham Ohronicle issued an illus- trated trade edition last week which is a credit to the office and the town as well. For the past few years Durham has been steadily advancing among manufacturing towns and it was fitting that it's progress should be recorded In this manner. Br'er Irwin appears to have made a special study of half tone printing, and in this ease the pcodoot was eqnsl to any city work. Jas. Bowler, bandmaster, visited in Toronto last weak and took with him a number of old horns to be thoroughly overhauled. While away he got three new ones â€" a comet, an alto and an up- right tenor. Ths addition of these horns brings the band up to a membership of twenty. He also got a lot of new music which the boys are to gel up this winter and emerge in the spring still better than ever and a credit to the town. The books show an excellent summer, financially, considering the njmber of new boms it war necessary to buy. W. Morgan, a young man who a few months ago thought there was room for a secuiid barber shop in town, appears gradually to have had his mind disabused of the idea. In any event on Monday morning his shop was found empty,ever}- thing having been removed during the previous night. Willie leaves a few mourners behind but not many and the mourning valuation amounts to only about 92u. Be could surely have de- parted iu a more manly way. His where- abouts is at- present unknown. There are a few young men in town who will find themselves in deep trouble some of these days if they do not cease throwing things around at eoteitaiiinients. On Monday evening a young lady was hit on the forehead by a imall piece of wood which was large enough, however, to do serious injury. We are ashamed to let the public know that there are young men in this vicinity of such low mental calibre as to make of themselves public nuisances in this manner, but order de- mands that we ohronicle the fact. In future if anything uf a like nature occurs and *he guilty party is discovereii there will be a good fat job in this town for the magistrates. The better element does not propose ts be diagraeed by hoodlum aotions of (his description as the hoodlums will probtbly find out to the tune of four or five end costs if they pe»irt. The Speare moving picture entertain- ment given in the town ball Monday ev- ening was, undoubtedly, the best of its kind ever exhibited here, and in quantity of moving scenery was also ahead. There were comparatively few still life pictures, although several illustrated songs tended to relieve the monotony and were highly appreciated. The Butter Brown pictures which are so popular with young and old, brought howla of delight from the young- sters and laughter from the older mem- bers of the audience. The Dream of a Rarebit Fiend was a marvelous piece of phantasy. Several other excellent films were also run off. This was Mr. Speare's second appearance here, but his enter- tainment was much improved on this occasion and the hall was crowded. He <:erLainly gives a show worthy of pat- ronage. Thomas Manders, an old gentleman well known in this township, died at bir home here on Thursday last at the ad- vanced age uf 82 years. Mr. Manders was bora in England and settled in this town- ship about the year 1860. In his early residence here he suffered a broken leg which always gave him trouble and in- capacitated him from doing steady man- ual labor, and as a consequence he was unsble, though frugal, to accumulate any property; in fact at times he was a slight charge on the township, though moat of the lime he was able to do small jobs which gave him a preaarions living. He was never married until a few years ago when he joined his raiafortunes to those of a woman who survives him, Mr. Man- ders wss always highly respected. Ha carried his troubles with a light heartand trusted in a higher power, whom he knew would^make all things right. The|funeisl took place to Fleaberton cemetery on Fri- day last. Ths new Oonnty Conneil Act will give Owen Sound a reeve and three depntiee in the Gray County Coimcil next year. This means that thoToting power of Owen Sound in matters of oonnty legislation will be equal to that of Sullivan, Derby, Holland and Sydenham. If tbe County Conneil Act pleases ths rural ratepayan of Grey County they are not hard to please. â€" Meaford Sxprass. It is announced that the field survey work in connection with the Georgisn Bay Ship Canal from Georgian Bay to Montreal, has been eompletad after being under way for two yean. The proposed canal would be 22 feet deep, would coit •126,000,000, and would mean a saving oi 600 miles, or 72 boius. Mrs. James Vaiise Dead Mrs. James Yause of this township died suddenly of heart trouble at her home on Saturday last. While feeling somewhat unwell for some time past, no uneasiness was felt, and the deceased lady was about tho boose doing her work until within a few hours of death. Mrs. Vause was 67 years of age. Her maiden name was Lomas. She was born tn Staf- fordshire, England, and came out with her husband in 1873, living four years at Moorefield, thence coming to Artemesia, and has, with her husband, been a resi dent of this township for the past 2d years, where she had endeared herself tH) all who came in contact with her, either in business or social relations. The fun- eral on Monday to Evergreen cemetery was ver} largely attended, a number going out fiom this village to pay their respects to one who was admired for her many sterling qualities. The deceased lady leaves behind a duvcted husband and four s<.>ns who keenly foel her lota, and for these much sympathy is felt. Strayed iPor Olinfer Olear 2p ' === I Slippers, Overshoes and K Rubbers 5^ FOR SALE AT CLAYTON S We have already received a very lai^e stock of new goods, and invite you to give us a call, expecting a good bargain. We will not disappoint you. Custdtn mork and Repairing Httended to CLAYTON'S ./iife<>-^!-fe^s:rife^!-<a!feO"^feg!ig»?;»;^e^^ Winter G Sale at Ceylon %T% • The latest in men and boys' overcoats, men and boy's ready-to-wear clothing, and all up to date. A good Stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Le^ging^s Men's and Boys' caps at reduced prices; Fur collars for men; Caperines for women, also a fine stock of - - And everything kept in a general store - - We waint Your Trade Jas. Pattison, Ceylon. F. G. Karstedt J Now is the time for your fall and winter overcoats. 1 1 Our stock is complete in all lines ] I Heavy, all frieze ulsters, made long, double breasted with deep storm collar. Sizes 22 to 34 from 4.25 to $5 00 Sizes 35 to 44 $6.00 Men's striped overcoats, Chesterfield style, lined with good Italian lining velvet collar sizes 35 to 44 $10.00 We also have fur lined coats from 27.50 to...'. $70.00 Good Coon skins, extra values,for 45.00 and $50.00 Calfskins from 25.00 to $30.00 All ready to wears to be sold at less than cost for two weeks only, ; Fa G. Rarstedt Flesherton - - Ontario. From tha premioofl o/ tba nndnrKicnsd, a obunkjr bay bono, star in fotelma.!. wbi'e i«ft bitidl foot, roan tftil. Rinall tliui-opia o:i rloht bind \oe, blind id left eye, weight about 1000 or IIOO lbs., ac«d 10 or 13 yetn, Communleato with 7teba7 JOSEPH WATSON, Qnolph Improved Yorkshire Pigs tor Sale Boars for Service One thoronRhbred Berksbire and one York- »hir<s spleodidaiilmalK, (or wtTioe ou lot luO,T. ft S. B., Artemesia. Term* Sl. nlOoT T. R. I-EVEB, Prop. Pr»d from Orohxrd Rom« I;ily, No. 178T4; sir*, 8amm»r Hill Picador Krd, ras : Dam Sum ni«r Hill Charry imp. Isr.TT: hred br Harl of Roaebarrv K. 0. 8ootla.id' Dal iieuy Pnrk by Dalmaoy Tnrk,6S."iT, now laadiiig Lord Hosa- borrjr's herd. A few cboioa yoaag piga of both •ax for lala. Apply to deals P. W. NICbOLSON, Port La w Tann^for Sale. r,oU ITl-!^ 19. W. T. X S. ».. »rt../n..ia eonlaiDine lie aeraa, W aeraa claarad, Jgood p«a- tnra ifann. tnma booaa, lof bam; wrll taocad and waterad. kfiXy to W. B. BALBB. â- o«M rrleaTiltak T. Cambsfor Sale For Breeding imr|>o§e«, I.*ic«ater ram lauba aoil ewe liunlM, also Oxfiinl Down ewe latnba for sale at reaaonable price*. W. J. MEADS, Lot 29, O. D. R., ArtemMia. Pure Bred Caniwortbs and BerKsbires I have for »ale aome puiehre<l Tamwmth sowa, aim two nice pure bred Bcrkahirr boara nearly ready to wean. Satiafaction guaran- teed M.17 07 â€" G. W. Roea, Maxwell. Tenders for Farm Farm for Sale LotSS. 39. 40. 8. D. B.. Artomeeia. containloR 840 acres, about 190 cloarud, bnlauce sUshiua, Roort pasture and seedod down. A good stock Itn"!: .?*1'^m",' 'â- '*'"â-  'â- ""â- ' ""-"USl' it. Would Ifllii^ Ml "" 'â-  '"°' wanted. Gotxl frame barn Mxou witli stone oasumeut; log house, amall orcoard. Apply to J. W.LY0.S8, Proton HUlion P.O. BO YSARS EXPERibNCK M'Eifii Tradc Marks OcsioNa COI>VRI«HTS Ac. O, Tandara will be raeeirad op to Jan. 1, ISOT for tbe pnrebaaa of lot tSl.l.'a, R. T. A S. H., Artamaaia, all seeded down but 4 acrea, and in good sbapo. Have aold oal my stook and deaire to quit tarmin*. Not laaa than SIOOO caali axl balance atSt par eeot. witti tarma to sail per« tbaaar. Tbshlabaat or auy taixlar ook aaaa*. iMily aeee p te S, A.BOTD, naahsrK.a. Anyone sending a sketch and doaorlpUan ma; qnlekly asoortnhi our opinloa free wbothor aa UiroMtlon la probably iMitentAbla. Cominunlf*. Uonastnotlycnnadantlal. Ilaadbook on I'nianl* aani free. Oldest agency for aacnrtng jmtniita. Patasta taken tacongh Mann A Co. raceltre «sc«ala«t<M, wlthoatabMnt^ In tbe Scictttlflc HttcrkaHe A hanSaomely HI â€" tial e a weakly. ' lion c( any actanilSa hnnuO, : feer montka, •>. SoU br i3 Tarns. IS ^ rjar : feer montka, fL Bow byes weww i aalasi ^ \

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