Flesherton Advance, 22 Nov 1906, p. 8

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i â-  "^OVEMBBB 22 1906 The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Week. 0«t« 33 to 33 â- Pean 76 to 75 •Bvley 46 to 45 Wheat 65 to 70 liny 7 00 to 8 00 Potatoes per bag 45 to 50 Huiter 23 to 23 Enasfithh 22 to 22 Chickens 06 to 08 Geesn 08 to 08 Turkeys 14 to 14 THJE FL^SHEtltON ADVANCE r" •^ in Furniture Tlie largest and best stock of furniturb ever shown in Flesher- I'ln. This withont fear of concra- diction. Come and see some of the uice things in . . . Sideboards Dining Hoonq Chiairs Parlor Setts Bed Roorq Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT ^Ufnitufe 3)ealep Im. <Xi J Local Salesman WANTED At onc0 for Flesherton and surrounding districts. HIGH CLASS SPECIALTIES. in Fruii and Ornamental Stock grown and for tale by CANADA'S (JREATEST NURSERIES A xieniianent aituutioD for tberlKht pkrty. Liberal inducements. Pav weekly. Iland- ome free outfit. Write for ternis and cata- l'>)^e, and 25c in utamiia for our POCKET MAGNIKYING GLASS or 30o fur cur HANDY METAL HACK SAW. Stone 6: Wellington Fonthill Naraeriet. (OVBII 800 ACBBS) Toronto • • Ontario REMOVED I bavo moved my tailoring establish^ ment to the new Standard Bank building and am now doing buiiness m my new and more commodious qnartcrs. It will pay anyone wbo is iu need of a new suit to look ua np. S. J. BOWLER FLESHEIITON ONTARIO. ^OTICEl All those in arrears for Binder Twine will please iiettle the same immediately and much oblige yours truly R. N. Kinnear, & Sons h HAXWELL. ONTARIoJ What Aroy.iugninu todo lliii wint«ij A few nioutli* spent at ihu Owen Hound, Ont , will b«> Une wdl KUMiit. Thiet) ivMiiMfH of Htudy--liuRincas, J:sh'>r>liaii<l mi.l Typewiiiint.' ami Piepar- Mtijiy. 0"ileuu imif <ip»n for the fall K^rni. Rtii'Iciitt atliuirird at any time. FuJ parliCMltra aunl lo any addruna free. C. A. FL&MMINU. l>r.it<»i»L â- Jâ€"MMBt NLif Hair is Extra Long Peed your hair; nourish it; give It something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor Is the only genukie hair -food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair-bulbs. You save what hair you have, and get more, too. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. The best kind oi a teatimonl*! â€" "Sold for over sixty years." >4"" by J. O. Ajer Oo.. Lowen. Haas. mrs maonOwiann or f_ SAKSAPARILLA. PILLS. Ctl£SJtY PECTOBAl.. BUSINE.SS Cards M'CUIiLOUGH & YOUNO <U Banker Markdale Oo a general banking buainess . Mone; loaned a reatonaUle rate Gall on us. TCHI8LETT, â-  ruBtmaster, Oeylon. Commissioner in H.C.J, OonrOTancor, deeds, tnortfjaces. leases, wills etc. carefully drawn up Oollections mad a. charges reasonable. Also groceries, fiour. feed etc, kont In btock. Prices riKht. RJ BPROULE Postmaster, Ftosberton i^ommlssloner Id H. C. J., Auctioneer Con- voyanoer. Appraiser and Money Lender Ueal Estate and Insurance Agent. Deeds mortgages, leases and wills carufuUy drawn up and valuations made on sbortest notice, money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col eotioas attended to with promptness charges low. Agent for Ocean Dominion ataamsbip Company. A call solicited. Societies A O U W meets ou tbe last Mooday " in eacn month. In their lodge room, Cbrlstoe'a block. Flesherton. at B p.m. M.W., Krank Chard; 8eo., T. Ulakely, Financier, W.J. Uel.amy. Visiting brethren lUTlted. DRINOa ABTHUB LODQE, No. S33, A.P.ft t A If, meets in the Masonlohall. Strain's block, Flesherton, eyery Friday oo or before thefullmoon. W A.Armstrong, W U.; Berb. Smith, aecretary. noi'RT FliBSHEBTON, tgs. I. 0. F. iceets In V Chrlstoo's Block the last Wednesday eTouIng of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily wolcome. C. K., Dr. Uurray; B. H., T. Henry: Fin. Heo., O. N. Kichardson. Please pay daes to Fin. Bee. before the Arst day of the mouth. (IROSEM FBIENDSâ€" Flesherton Connell of V Chosen Friends meets iu Clayton's ball first and third Wednesday of each mont 8 p. m Pay assessments to tne Becorder on or before tDs first day of each month. Chief Councillor, T. Ulakeley:Becorder, W. H. Bunt. Medical DB OABTRB M O P ft 8 Ont. Phyaiolan, Surgeon, et« Office and rasideneeâ€" Peter St., FleabertoD nR. A. T. BOND *• Graduate Toronto Uuiyerslty. Mem- ber of Ontario College oi Pbysioiians and Sur- geons. Maxwell, Ont. duooessor to Dr. Scott. J P OTTKWELIi ' Veterinary Surgeon Qradnate of Ontario Veterinary College, resideoea â€" sscond door aouth west' on Mary street. ThU street rant south Presbyterian Obnroh. n WIIiSON, Blacksmith "• , , 'Jradnate of the Veterinary Science Association. Kosidence, Durham Itreet, op- posite Iloyd, Bicklibg's hardware. Legal r U0A8 WRIORT * UoABDLB " Barristers Solicitors Oooveyaneera, etc „^^0i*â€"O'<'»n Sound. Ont andMarkdaleOnt W H WnioBT, HoArdlb I B hvokt N Bâ€" Flaahsrton office, Uitobell's Bank STsry Saturday. Dentistry nr. B. C. MURRAY L, D. 8., dental surgeon " knnsrgraduate of Toronto University and Hoysl Collegeol DonUI 8urK*ons otOntarie. 0ii» administration for teoHi eilraction Onice at residence, Toroata straeal, Flashston. J.A.St.JOHN GENEAL MERCHANT - - PORT LAW DRYGOODS All Dieas Goods, Velvets, Sateen, Pi'inta, Ducka, Qiiigliams, Cottonade, bliirtiuga, Uuderwenr and ready-to- wvur Eliirls to be suld for below value. BOOTS Call and ace our stock.over one bund- red pair of Uoote to be aacriflccd. Sbcppatd'a lloar for ealo. Tinamitli- ing a Fpecialty. J. A. St. JOHN Bad rian in Orange ville What might have proved a serious and perhaps fatal fight occurred atOranireville Monday afternoon about 5 o'clock, when three constables undertook to arrest Bob Cook, a notorious character, and widely known as "Fighting Boh," He waj to appear at Qrand Valley three weeks ago for creating a disturbance at the fall fair, but refused to comply with the summons and a warrant was issued for his arrest. Two garnishee papers were also out against him, and tA he was passing through Orsngeville with bis threshing outfit, Bailiff James Morrison served these papers, whereupon Cook at once trampled them into the mud and rodo on. Chief Speer^ was notified and together with High Constable Hughes and Night Constable Halbert, located their man in the east end of the towti and attempted to arrest him. Cook who is considered the strongest man in that district and a wicked Bghker immediately showed signs of fight. The constables were apparently getting the best of the tussle when Cook managed to draw a large knife from his pocket and slashed Constable Hatbert, inflicting a terrible wound in his left arm. Having o<ie arm disabled, Cook made a pass at Constable Hughes' neck but for- tunately missed. Failing in ihia he re- sorted to the throwing of stones and did eSective work on Constable Hughes, wh? was also the recipient of a few well aimed kicks. The constables finally returned up town,being powerless to defend them- selves further, as all were unarmed. Cook then continued his journey and waa seen boarding a westbound train. It is said he was in town for about an hour previous to his departure and is credited with the threat he would never ba taken alive. Police all along the line have be4>n ootiBed and it is understood the town will offer a reward for bia capture. Sells More of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy than All Others Put Together Mr. Thos. GeorKe,a nerchaut at Mt. El^in, Ontario, says: "I have had the local agency for Chamberlain's Couffh Remedy ever since it waa introduced into Canada, and I sell as much of it as I do of all other lines I have on my shrives put together. Of the many dozen Bold under guarantee, I have not had oueibottle returned. I can personally recommend thia medicine aa I have used it myself and riven it to my children and always with the best r<*- sults." For sale by W. £. Richardson and H. L. Duuglasa. County Council The November aeasion of the Orejr county eounoil opened at the oourt h^use on Mooday evening with Mr. Jamea M. Tbomaon, warden, presiding, and the members all present except Q. A. Brown of Meaford, who is absent through ill- ness. After the reading and confirming of the miuates of the last day of June aessisn.and of the special August mevt- ing, the worden read a copy of the report of Dr. Bruce Smith on the Owen Sound gaol. Tbe clerk's communications con- sisted of the presentment of the grand jury from the recent fall assicea ; applica- tion from John Clark of Durham and Hector McDonald of Prioeville, to be ap- pointed county constable ; draft of a oon- firmatory bylaw from the township of Artemeaia, with a letter from tbe clerk requesting that it be passed ; a letter of thanks from the secretary of the general and mai ine hospital at Owen Sound for the recent grant of flOOO ; a number of statements from the eounty treasurer. Mr. Allen presented a special report on the erection of a bridge at Oodarville- Among the communications read by the clerk were a number of minor road and bridge accounts, as well as several others for furuishiiigs and repairs to the county buildings. On motion the council ad- journed to meet next day at the eounoil room in the town hall at 2 p.m. TUESDAY On resuming business the warden read an application from W. J. Hewitt to be appointed county conttable in place of the late Geo. Noble. The slerk also presented an application from W. J. Sheppardson lo be appointed constable fur the county. Dr. Bruce Smith's re- port on the house of refuge at Markdale was received and rend ; a letter was read from T. B. Barngoy, Bold secretary fi<r the free consumptive hospital, asking for a grant of $300 to endow a bed ii^ that institution. Another lot of accounts, chiefly for mad and bridge work and in- spection (if same ass read by the clerk. Mr. HrestJn submitted the first report of the house of refuge committee which was considered in committee and adopted. On motion of Messrs. Preston and Etall a rufcolution of sympathy and regret at the illnHsa of Mr. U. A. Brown was carried uuaninionaly by a standing vote and the clerk was instructed to forword.a copy of the resolution to Mr. Brown, Council then adjourned until Wednesday after- noon. â€" Timea. CURED HER BOY OF PNEUMONIA Newmarket Mother is load in her Praises of the Great Con- sumption Preventathre "Mr son Laurence was taken dowa «rlth Pneumonia," says Mrs, A. O. Fisher, of Newmarket, Ont. "Two doctors ats tended him. He lay for three months ftloiost like a dead child. His lungs l>ecame so swollen, his heart was pressed over to tbe right side. Altogether I think we paid $140 to the doctors, and ail the time he was getting worse. Then we commenced this Dr. Slocum treatment. The effect was wonderful. We saw a difference in two days. Our boy waa soon â- trong and well." Here is a positive proof that Psychine will cure Pneumonia. But why wait til] Pneumonia comes. It always starts with a Cold. Cure the Cold and the Cold will never develop into Pneumonia, nor the Tneumonia Into Consumption. The one sure way to clear out Cold, root and brancbi â-  id to build up the body so that tbe Cold T. on't come back is to use PSYGHINE (ProBouaced Si-kesa) 50c. Per Bottle BR. T. A. SLOCUM. Umltod, Toroato. Fowl and Qrain for Sale WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bid St ock = = Bes t Stock Bells, Blankets, Robes ~ Brown Leghorn C-ickerels for sale, also Tartar King seed oats, good to stand up. * W. BUSKIN Fur lined coats, pocketbooks, satchels, razor strops and other leather goods. Cuttersâ€" best makes -and everythind in tlie harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont. Bull For Service Thoroughbred shorthorn bull for serrloe en lot 161-162, E. T. & S. R., Artemesia. Pedigree on application. Terms 41. CLAUDE EKIlia HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photos is at BULMEUS PHOTOGEAPH GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention to Copying'- and Babies' pictures. Picture fram- ing a specialty. Try ua for any kind of pictures and we will promise satisfaction. ^ K .. K '^ '> "^ K ' « >^ K <£ / [STRICTURE CURED YOU CAN PAY WHBN CURKD. av MO MAMn USID WITHOUT WRrmM CONSENT. STRIOTURB AND KIDHKY DISIANB CURKO. ••I had Msklara f o» slevea Tears. It SaaUi" brrasbt •â-  Brian's DiaaBse el Uie Kidneys. I had a« aacomtectabla aheotiof paia la the â- nia aad fssUag aa lbi»(h so â€" th i n g was in Uie aiethra. Mt baek waaweakaadlconldscanMlystaey OTsr. Uriws was faU «»"«»: meat. HadadesiieloariaalelraqaeiiUi ,»a«iilTdoetots,ao<allee speciallsta, patent medichie% eleettic Mia. all taUsd. I was dia- SSaragad/ Ibad apenl haodreda el dcUan la vain. ^Floally I eoa BallsdI>rs.KaniMdyftKargaaa*lbelaatteaart. Ihadheardaaraa SmI aboal Ihem and eoMladed from the teal .Ibalihey bad beau . salabUstaed ever as yean thai the* twdeTStead Ihair bnainesa. I asa SSibtSrwitblhJresells. Uone week I fall b«ljf and to a law ^ll^tSswsSMMirely cored. Have gato^riatt-jjo-^ tojjjj^'^ C.S.WBie>« ttTANi-INHIO M YBARt. OURU CUARANTKBO OR NO PAY. NA8 YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED ? leaaaasariouceapUealiaBS. Beware of Matcoiy. II only s« Mt lllSS the si »>tQas . nar I MBW MBTUOO poailhraly sarea all blood diaaasas fctsvar. I physically sad seissUypoesreaet the man yea aaed lobe or shoeld be. lost hops? â-  â- ReAneB arsyoe a victim? HaveTea IKBJ%1#KbR lomany? Has year blood b< liieebnasaKfTnr New Hsihed TreatmsBI wUl ewe 70a. INO RAMnTuUD WrrHOUT MfRirraH OOHRRNT. fvfry IthliHiOonflftontlal. QuMtlen tiat for Horn* Tr««tni«nt Frf* DM.KENNEI1Y&KERGAN. Cor. Miohlsan Avo. and Shelby tt., Dotrolt, Mich. ^ ri • >\ y\ '!i^ cmM<m^m ^:»^^Siid t^^sl^X^lSOI^ M: Buggies . - AND . Wagons A splendid selection of first class vehicles to choose from >.^ >^ ^-^ ^M^ « « Prices dtid Cerms Rigbt « « J. H. HEARD Flesherton ^ss'X'Sie^it^i^ i%^^^i^^i^si^x^:s£^^t^ss^x^ l!**^;^.?-:'^? 1), MoXAVISH iii[ mmm C3iiifi[ mum For First Cnss l<i!g«i,-.s, ('art.'), Pleasure and Lumber \\agin.i, citters, Slei.Ois. Wc kuop a stock on hand to choo.se from. ALSO HORSE SHOELNQ .VNDUENERAL BLACKSMITHINt! mill Ku.'iriniic! (ivHi c!.iHH wo'k. \\'e keep ou l-andP!ouj,;hi find Plough repairs, and n.'iio Ma'*-. â- . IliiiMs and Xcson rcjiuir.s for binders, Muwerts all kimU mn'^hiiiory, h!^«) l'ind«r Twine oil li.'ind. mheti \^ town giv^ :j$ a call «

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