Flesherton Advance, 20 Dec 1906, p. 4

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mmmmm •i I \ * .-^tJKMBKB 20 1909 TKl fhXM a mnTon F, T. HILL Sa CO. Of a Manufacturer's Samples in Ladies' Caperines in all class's of Furs at lialf and less price. npHI^ wovk w« pnl oa mU two bondnd C«pniiMa ia difliimt tamUmtioot olTm, lilk •od Mkia • lined. Tb<N Mr* th« uapiu of» iMg* IcMltnc m«QafM*ar«r. W* aM(U u oOht for tb« lot •nd seoared il uid «• aow p«t tU lot on mU this vMk »t pruM tl»t»ra aobMfd o(ia tharttMltnd*, BO bt 00 Ymai mtIj if ymi an iotorMtod Md wtat to Bukaftbif Mving oa year ponbaM. 93.76 OAPBRIIfKS MlUog for 1.48. 15 oolf LadiM OapcfWM^ Uf h nrfUn »iid «U» •hoiiMar eifeel, ia krowa, ehiiieUlb »nd electric seal oowbiiukUon, rafolar f3.7ft valiMi mUIdk for â- A , . ' ' 1.48 94.50 CAPKRI9E8 MlHng for Z.S6. 22 onljr LadiM Tine EUotric 9m1 C«p«rioM, with lAii and bead trioiMinga, aatln O O Fk lined, regular HBO T«la«,MUiDg for ^*^U 9i>.00 CAPSRINE8 Nlliog fur 8.48^ 18 onljr Orev Lamb and Ruaaian Tbihel Capartnea, all ^ay in eolor, rarjr aaitaUa far )ouaRgirh, rei(ttUr 98.00 valuea, C% /jQ kelliog lor ^."«0 98^60 0APCRINB8 aalliag for S.7S. 18 only Tar^ fine qoalHy of BaeUic Seal, f arjr fall aise witli bead aod tail triianiinga, aiUdUaed, rwcaUr 98.00 ralao, aoB. O I7g 93.00 CAPERINSS for 1.48. t$ Caparinet ia tbia lot, maaj diffavrat kiada and eombinatioaa, all aatia liacd, 1 >LO ragalar 98,00 valaa for JL.^O 94.60,8.00, 6.50, 8.M»Bd 6.70 0APKKINE8 aalUag far 9S.48. 80 only Oaparioaa in Woc4 Seal, Baetrie Seal, Coney BUok Aalracbaii, Cbiacbilla, BaaMan Fob and Mariaot. Boom liaea there are oalf M» ei a kiad, aotne linea there are probably two or ibroaof a kiad which reitreaeat the graalaa t â-¼alae we have orer offered and tbejr are priced ao low, your choice for O ^ Q Store Full of Price Inducements This Week. LADIES' DAINTY SILK WAISTS, 2.75 AND 3,00 LINES FUR 1.75. 24 only Ladiea' Fine Silk WaisU, lateat ttylea in whit., piuk and pale bloe, all "l f7R •izM. Selling at JLt I LJ EXTRA SPECIAL FROM THE CROCKERY DEPARTMENT, 35 only fine oaality fancy decnrated Majulloa Pitcbara ia (MMsy ahapea, diAareiit effi^ctn, 30c, 35c and 40e linea,««lling at your O ^r^ choice for ^ClU LADIES CLOTH 8KIRT8 Mlling for 1-25. <Ro;:aUr » 00. 24 only ladio* Cloth Skirta in dark million ahsda and myrtle Bteen, pleated and gore atylea. WblU we bare tkem your 1 Q ^ choice for A.ifltJ Selling HORSE BLANKETS at nearly H»lf -8125 line tor <6c. PANCr BILK EMDRGIDERED CSIST LENGTHS. 24 only Udiu faooy Silk Embroidered Waiat LenRtha now so popular. Theaa make es«el> lent Cbristmaa giftn. They com. in white, ereaaa and linen khadea and in the rOcular way aell at 2.75. VVhile we hare if ^V^ tbem, your choice for. LADIES ELECTRIC SEAL JACKETS •â- .1-'^ Jt-, .08 24 only Hsary hieaat alrap, a have«thamâ€" yours fur Lined Horae Blaakata with big anap, whiU we AgQ We have three only of tb(«e bea!>ti{i|I,Seal Jackota with, . ma rw'it trirowJlMi oaMfiiiaMl,. r.Trrea. They ore a Irsreller'a aamplrit andean, not be repeated. Il^hile they kat Um price will be. .....,.., Big Saving iu Flannelette Embroid» r %^ Y *X* -* eriei. 7, 8. 10, 12^ and 15o line* .;. .^.:. , clearing at 6c per yard. -_ .k.;.,, lOOO ymrdi of Flannelette Kwbroi4eriM,'lB all the leading colon, pink, bl«e, grey, iwt, and white, uarrow and wid* widuia, aome aie ailk embroidered, now required for .trim* miag all kind* of winter nnUerwear, Mdttng at a tremendoua aating ot par yard R/a only tPC New Arrival of Christmas Goods This Week. V Thi* wiM-k we are opening up our ipecial purchaaca in the many linea of merchandiae wanted for the Ofarisiiaai trade, ao if you are andecideil wh«t your Obriatmaa trade will be, we would aak you tu lee oar ihowing of the foUiiwing new arrirala: New ColUr* and Tie* for Kanta and ladiea. Now Handkerchief! in ailk and fancy tawia. New Wniatt iu Silk and Luatre. New Blippira for ladiea and genta. New China. New Linen, In D"i1'e8, Tray Clolhl, and TaUa CoTon. New Gluvua, fancy Combe, etc.. In fact we are exceptiimablf well .^ .pared to lupply your requiinnenta tbia Mawn and when in town woald aak yuu to take a look throngk oar Urge atook. No nerd to buy, we will bo pleaaod to ahow yon, anyway. ll^TAKOI ]wm MARK PALE mwwl jflealij^rloit %ivm^ la puUiiihedrverv TliaradtT at gt.OO pec winum it paid in adrane., tl.So i( not ao.paidk.' All nnhncrilior paying gl.flO atnctly ia : (irnnc* gnt lliu iluiitroal Herald onr year t «• a« ft iTrmiuui. Artemesia C(>uncil burial of the late ThooMa Mandara, an ind ineiitâ€" Carried. Whyteâ€" Beatâ€" That F. 0, Karat*dt'a account for luck for town hall, fl.ba paid - Carried. Wkyte â€" Mcljoughry â€" That caretHker of hall be paid 81.^0 for attendiiiK bftll fur Diviaion Court, and $2 coinmiHaion on raiita of ball for concortiâ€" Carriad. McKaa«eâ€" Beatâ€" That the followiiw Beat be paid 81'80,balanw of eommiaaion ta hie ward expeuditore 1808. McKoniieâ€" Wlt«teâ€" That the report of thu chairman of the local baard ui kealih for 1906 he received and filedâ€" Carriad. McKenzie â€" McLou|ibry â€" That the aeveral colU-ctora for thia mijMMM{>ality not having returned their mile aa required b^ liiW', and Ihi^ council deem it eape- dleiit i» la reaolved that laid collector! be Arteniaaia Council met on Saturday i;>al to iiniah up the yuar'i butineaa with I the nienilM<rnproi<eui, tha reeve in the ' 'lair. 51inntea of previous aeaaiim read !id eooHriued. The fullowiaj; oomuiuni- • â- iona tveru receivtd : From the olerk f Raat Luther, regarding |>otiti<N) to I .' Riala'.ure re wi>e fencra, which waa hud < or for future coaiideration ; report of I cal board of health for ihe year ; report ' rueve re adjourned tax aala aud the 1 lavia diteb. MeLougbryâ€" Boat â€" That axpenaua in • 'inanetioii with conmital of T. LomUy, uilmane peranii,ha paid, and tbo oonnty * xiaed be aaked turefaad thataaia, ria., Nra Oarieraud BiltHy, ovrlificatea, eaeb > ; K. MoOill, J. P. feea and evpenaea, - 'i : R. C<Kik, keep aad elothliM. 9X3JB0 Oarriod. WcKeuxleâ€"BMtâ€" That Adam Smith ho fwfanded tl.63, t>eing on aooiunt of > vnw ia h<a aaaeasiuani fur 1906 â€" (.arried llaA->I.<lCiinii«~Thal W. H. Thuia- t m bt paid 898.70, babinoe of printing oiinlron and apeoial advariitiiiR. -0«r. 8IeKen>ie-Whyteâ€" That W. H Bunt :>t fflM bia Mooqnt of 918 fur eolBn aod ««..unl« f..r gravel aa duly certified be i «'|,"'7 »'« »'r"'»y""^""?f »° <=?"«" id. vamelyVOeo Moore 81.%. E Cul- :!r„i':.!:.'?Z.*"„''^i:'"l'f!!"!l°' .'•!.*?.'".'!': lit av lOv Thoi, Atkinson 83â€" Carrieil. McLouuhr^â€" Beat -That T. R. Mo- Keu^ie he pAid 84 24, balance of cuminii- aion on expendiiure â€" Carried. MoKeiizia â€" McLoughry - That the reeve be iiaid 83, hia oxpenRa* nttoiiding adjourned tax aale, and 82, attending on notice of VS'm.Davia at bt 136, T,A S. I |Rr>Kd uiider the DitoUea and Watercouttu Act â€" Cnrried. I McLo«Khry- Whiteâ€" That W A. Arm- itrnnti. Treat urer,l>e paid 810 lor making out hnaneiali alatement lOOflâ€" Carried. Whiteâ€" Bt>atâ€" That U. McDonald bo paid 13.93, hi* fee. re taking inm«»e to enunty houao of Ri-fnre and the o<iuiity oouneil k>e aaked to, rof 'Mul the earns â€" Oarriod. MeKaniieâ€" W Wte-^'Skat Lucaa, W tigh ' A McArdte be paid f IS.HO, aooount for legal aervieea and 84.00 of this anioum b'* ebargod to aolioitori of 0. 1^.. R. Co.â€" Oarrie.1 . MeKenaiaâ€" McI«iD>rkryâ€" Ihat tke ta^ port of Mr. White aa Cumniiaiionnr, Dm. 1, be r»coived and he bo paid 821^ 77 being 10*/ on total ex|Mmliture of 8217.70-CbrriMi. McK«nrie-B<Mt-That Mr.MvLouiih- ry be paid 82 OV, lialaiiee of oooiroiaaion ou hia ward espenditaro 1908â€" Carried. MeLooghtyâ€" MeKeaiie â€" That Mr. manner nnd with tha power provided by law up to the STth, but nothing: in the resolution shnll alter or affect the duty of the said collectors to return their rolls or in'any way affect or invalidate the said collector's sureties â€" Carried. MoKenisie- McLoughry â€" That the Reeve, Mr. White and Mr. Boat be a commiitue to oxitniiue railway croasinits on the W. & L. branch of the C. P. R. in thia municipality and 61a their report with the olork aa early ai ptiaaibleâ€" Oar. ried. McKenziu â€" McLouffhryâ€" That the thanks of thia board are due to and are herwhy tendered the Reeve, Mr. A Muir in reooKnition of the able and cautious manner in whioh he haa preaid d over this Council and disoharHed the dutisa of said office for the past yearâ€" Carried. This lilt motion waa put by 1^.. Mo^ Kenaie. Council, ailjjiuraed. Yorkthira Boar far 5«rvica. Ttis nnHarnlinad hait Bn<> W. T. * H H for servtee sn lot ia», . ArteinMia, a tfeormlebhrrd Ynrkftitrs hntr, "Lakavtaw Ti«t«r," No. IttfO, Tarina •I.OD. Tlioroufhlwadi .atra. A ablat,* did atook falter. a aaes 1 Feb. .t.i Xmas G< %:%Tt Boyd ^ta^^^^^^^tfta^^^^^^^V^ We're going to sell on Satordajr 50 peira Women's fiir bound fancy Julietts, a regular $1.50 slipper for fti on Also 25 pairs misses 8<^ool riioss solid leathw, well made, ngbtly and neat Brand new stock for 75c XMASFUB& Far Capt from Kor Boff firotn FarOanntlata Fur Cafierioea Children's Boas 1.S0 to 8.50 1.80 to 12.90 8.08 to 6.00 8.60 to 16.60 25 to 40 f ImiUt'o Oaimtlati .25 to IMt For MaatlM for 20.00 to 40Xm Far Coato for 18.00 to 45.00 XV AiSr GLOVES. Ladies Kid gloves 1.00 to 1-75 Ueti's Kid OtoTes 60 to I 85 Wool Oloves 20 to M CbiUrtn's Mittts 1ft to 25 LINKH8 4NOVELTIBB. 8id« Board Soarf 25 to 75 Tray Cloths 15 to 1.00 Pillow Shams 50 to 1.60 Colored Uuan eoTors 50 to 1.25 Damaak Table Napkins 85 to 8.75 Silk Piano and Organ Drapes 1.75 to 2.50 Jap Silk CusbioB Tops CO 10 1.50 Drawn WorkMovsltiM ]Stol.<0 XNA8 HANDKSRCHIEFB & NECKWEAR. Laee Handkerchiefs 5 to 25 Hem-stitebed silk Hao^ kerebMrfis SI to 75 Fsney Silk Htndkeieliiaf ]tt»6# GenU' Snk Uuflers 26 to l.7» Otots Silk and Satin MaiBers 25 to 50 Ladies Faney Bilk CoOars SStol.OO FANCT BLIPPEB3 Felt, Carpet and leather. Children's 20 to 45 Misses 25 ta 50 Womea'a 39 to 1.75 Men's 60 to 1.50 See our stock nf Xmas Goods in Chins and Glassware. The be«t valoes we bare ever had consisting of Berry Setts, Table Setts, Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Water Setts, Porridge Setts. Taaes, Rose Bowls, Jardineies, Placqaes, Salad Bowls, Moostaebe Cops, Opal NoTolties, Wedgewood Ware, Japanese China, Faney Caps and Saoaers, Sharing Mags, Children's Mags, China Noiatties, Caka Plates. Bread and BiHtM Chitea, Faoo; Silverware, Table Knives. imim 52 .SSe A Merry Christmas To Every One. I AM her© once again loaded up with gifts to make voung and old happy at the GLAD CHRIST- MAS TIME and when I begin to enumerate a few of the things you will think it U ent>ugh. First of all is Christmas Cards, a very nice selection from 5 to 10 cents, PoBt Cards, all kinds. Books ^^y Books.Story Books, Books of Travel, ' ' Books of Adventure, Books of History, Books ol Poetry, Hymn Books, Bibles, etc, etc. In Toys l ^^"^ ^^V^ Toys, Tin Toys, Iron '' Toys, Small Toys, Large Toys, Whistles, Mouth Organs, Harmouicas, Parlor Organ, Piano, Violin„ Trams, Toy Boats, Toy Engines, Toy Carts, Toy Wagons.Toy Horses, Toy Dogs,Live Cats, Toy l^nks, Toy Pin CSishions, Toy Paints, Toy Prin- ters, Brooms, Shovels, Pistols, Guns, Sad Irons. Dolls ^ ^"^ of Dressed Dolls loc, to sell at 10c. â€"â€"â€". Dolls, all kinds, dressed aud undressed, Rubber Dolls and Delf Dolls, Nio© Dolls and Ucly Dolls. ^ Wo have Toilet Setts, Shaving Setts, Tea Setts. Tn Q-am P'Q ^^ '^T" • '»1!« aaaortmei.t of f « G^Miee. The XU VXa,LUe& TumWer Oauie, Parlor F.^ Ball; Cheaa, Back (•aminon, ChecVers. Donunoen, Finch, Bunco, Loot, Pitt^ Spoouiation. Suohre, Whin, Bndgo, Quien Sabe, Hinkum Pinkim, l^oreaisht. Ixut Heir. Crokiiiolp. |\irchesa, Ualina, Cr..kiiiole M.«n . ^^ Bedroom Clocks. Silver Berry S^oon, Mjeat Fork, Ki. Knife. Station 6rV ®^5J**'^.'JI^ anvtlope. to matoh, tied with T- T, ^ t«^ "••**""• *!^« 90c., aft.. 28e.. SSe 60c Linen Note Paper. Utter T.lUla. all Prices, Gold P.„a. Foliulain P«.>a *nd othsr pona PeocOs aiMl Sckpol Con,p.,..iona, Sokool Bw Pursea, ftlkBat^ka. Card C»m», Ladiea^CmpaDiom. Oenta Cu^pmIm! Coiuba. Druabaar-NlUr Br«»hrt, Gtothw Bruahea, Paint Broahea Artiat Itru#h«». A.Bipe anlectioi, of Soeloy'a Perfurowi. We would eall si«eiai att.Miiu.uaj.ouf large aelactiuo of Books by the beat author* aad at low pricaa. ^^ W. E. RicKardsoA and Son. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO :-i v_ TBsaQuiao Pier. Tw^.Bmi J w'h'^ "^ ; WM e M w a

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