Flesherton Advance, 20 Dec 1906, p. 7

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\ r~y 1 < r i > t f ^ f T * * ♦ .« < t > * * i T REGIMENT ADOPTS BABY. Was Found Aslwp in Sentry Box, Willi Note rrotL Its Parent. Tlie snlUiors of the Sixty-third Foot r.e'.-iment, at Snin'. Mihel, France, hav» a::<)iilA.'iJ a baby whicli was louiul asleep ill a sentry-box on u recent morning, II h.;d a wooden hcrso claspi d in its nvms ni-d pinned to his jacket was n iiule .say- ing; "IMuase loot; after my litllc Jacques, whom I am unaljle to support." Jnciiucs was IhiMvupoa tal\cn into bnr- rrxUs, and Iho men promptly decided 'that he should remain. He will wear a lilllc suit of regimentals, and the sol- ders will tnlie itin turn to looli allv-r him. Th y Never ICii.w Failure.â€" Careful o!'S?!'vuit on id the ulfecla of l^urmelee'.s VcKc iible Pills has shown that Ihey act imm.'dialcly on the diseased or^'an8 cl the svsiem ami .stimulate them to h^al- tliy action. There may be cases in which the disease has been long sealed and does not easily yield to medicine, but even in such ca.ses these Pills have been known lo brin-,' relief when all other so-culled rcuiedics have faileil. These iisserlions can be suhstanliateil by mnny who have used the Pills, and medical men speak higlily of thair qua- UUcs. MAGNIFKENT CALIFORNlif TOAI.N.S. Via tlie Cldcago, Union Pacific and N'orlli West'orh Line. THe "f.os Ange- lei- l.iiiijJed" to Soutti'Tn Culiloniia and the "Overland Liinilcd" io San I^'rancis- Qi: me chnsidi-red by travelers as the. Ilnest U-'uiiis leaving (Chicago. I.e.ss than ilrtee days to Califurnia. Drawing room and eoin!>artnient ."ileepers, buff<'t, ob- sei'vulioii and di:;iiig CiU's. Trains eiictric lij-ditf'd llw'ou>;hout. The "China and Japan" Fast Mail carries Pullniaa .Slandanl and Tourist sleepers to ulf f:ali(omia C;)aslr points. lllustrahHl California IdCialuri?, folders and rales It le had on applica'ion to R. II. Beii- ricll, Cicneral Agent, Z Iving •'it., Torpn- II, unl. Hicks â€" "My hftir conies out In hand- fiils. If it lipops on I'll soon be bald." \V:cks â€" "Non-ensp. it it keeps on you can never bo bald." A Startled Mother Hears Tiiat Googh Sho Thinks of the Consequences â€" Croup, Whooping Cough or Lung Trouble. If she is a wise mother she will have PLL'CKY SUIOOL.MLSTRESS. Couraycous Little School Marm Tackles j a Bear Single-handed. The hcvo'HP of the lillle village of .Si.iway. Minne-ota, says the Minmapo* liA .loiu'uul. is prttiy NJibs Mary .Vlul- vaney,. a sehouliiiislrcss, who, siiigla*- Ifinded. tackled a Uur which had, wii- vail.'U the clu>-.-rooni. .Miss Mulvai:ey was standing at the Mackbcjanl whan a cry of tarrur frum one of her young cliar}:es caused tier lo turn towards Ihe door. There, in oport doir.vay, ~tood a huge black bear, Willi head eoc;bed curiously sideways, and nose greedily snilling towards the Ihe never-failing remedy at handâ€" I closet where Ihe teacher and children Colt.>foote li.xpectdrant. . kejrt their lunch ba.-kels. There was It is the best, the safest, the most | |f;s''V.'^.,,'^i^!"^"',".<'",ll''';.,P,"P;'S:^;io^^^^^ reliable and positive cure for all forms I of coughs, cold.s, croup, whooping Before you get Pen-Angle gaiments all the shrink is takeni out. V* Underwear" ^keepsyoucom- Ffy as well a.s Warm.because the " ^short fibres that k make some under- ^wear itch are taken ' out of Pon- Angl e wool. Jabbersâ€" "I tell you. old man, it's a terrible thing when your wife quarrels with h.M- mother and the old lady live.s with you. Which side do you lake?' Haversâ€" "Neither. I preserve an alarni- ea neuti-ality." Or. Von Stan's Pineapple Tabtat*.â€" Hedical science by accident discovered the potency of the uineapple as a panacea lor stomach troubles. The immense oer- jontage of vegetable pepsin coDtainod in ihe fruit makes it an almost indispens- »ble remedy in cases of dyspepsia and Indigestion. One tablet after each meul will cure most chronic cases. 60 in a box. iS cents.â€" J2 A Purely Vegelnldo PHI.â€" Pnrmelee's Vegclabli' Pills are cmnpounded from roots, herbs and solid eNtracIs of known virliie in th- trealment of liver and k!dn''y coniplainLs and in giving tone I', the system whelhcr enfeebled by overw irk or deranged through e.xcesses in livln;.;. They retpiire no testimoiiial. Their eNcelleul qualities are well known t<. nil those who have used them and they cniiimend them.selvos lo dyspep- tics and those subject lo biliousne.s.s who el's in (luesl of a benelicial luediciue. . Pii-li;re Df^alerâ€" '*Thi<, niodmii, is ; merely a chromo. ajid it is not txpen- | sivc." Mrs. Newrichâ€" "Ahl To be had Lllicap, I su|)pr.';e. Of course, riiromo | is a very ohscure artist, and cannot j coiniiiaiiil high prices." i cough, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma and lung trouble. No harmful drugs. The most delicate child, the weakest stomach, welcomes il. II is pleasant to take. It is the must reliable hoiiseliuld remedy known to medical science, effecting remarkable cures every day. " Having UMd your Calt.4foote Kxpeeturant 1 ouiuider it a Hplemiid meUiciiie fur uouj^hs or any thniat or luns trouble. Would uut like to b« without it in the bouse." .MBS. J. I,1A>YD, Vittoria, Oat. Thousands have borne similar testi- mony to the wonderful curative proper- ties of Coltsfoote E.xpcclonint. At all druggists, 25c. per bottle. No other Cough. .Medicine "Just as good' as COLTSFOOTE EXPECTCRANT. I of whom w;is ii.oro Ihan 10. but Ihe ani- mel paid no Bflenlion to Ihe children aud headed AJraight for Ihe lumh clos- et One of the hoys, bolder tlinn the Qlliers, Ihifw a flinll; erasei- at Ihe bear, Id in all a variety of fabrics, style sizes (or women, and pcices, men a nd wiiii'M turned around with an ungry cbildien, and goaianleed by yourowo deald* gcowl and sturl'd lowards the lernfied i . ^â€" children with rlaw; sriread out menac- ingly. Miss Mulvaney lliereupon seized a iiick, .spijng forward, ♦and smote Urulii en his lenderesl spot â€" across tlie biiilge of the nos». This luckily seem- etl lo dls oncert the anininl. for il lurn- cd tail ar.d scampered out of the room. The danger over M1>^s Mulvaney faint- ed, but a liberal a|)pU(.at;un of cold water by .sonic of the" elder children soon brought her around again. "Ilpallh and Viflor depend upon, (he quality and qiiunUty ol the bluod." â€" Uuinanilarian. Little Girl (innocenlly lo new rector)â€" "Win you please see how many tirii«;s fou can nin round the garden?" Rector (suit rlsed)â€" "I couldn't, my child. But »,hy do you ask?" L.iUle Girlâ€" "Oh! nierely because dad said you were to Icng-winded.' The Backaeha Stage may be jast that incipient form of kidney disease which, if neglected, will develop into stubborn and distressinit disorder that will take lonK tedious treatment to cure. Don t neglect the "biukache stajTo" of the most insidious of dineases. South Anicricaii Kidney Cure stops the ache in six hours and cuaes. 30 TVi-? bee is an arii>iic upholslerrr. II lines its nesi with the loaves of flowers, always choosing .such ns have bright colors. They are invariably cut in cir- cle-;, so exact that no compass would make Ihoui ni t-^ liiio. Dr. Carson's Tonic Stomach and Coastipatton Bitters A Purely Vegetable Tonic and Blood Purifier. Frlce sO cenia per Bottle. If you Are not able to obtain it in your nei^hb>rhojd. we will 3dn..t to any ad* (jres« two b,'ttlos upon roceipt of OXB DOI.LAB liuc. p«r bottle) carriai/e prepaid, Pam#h!*t Mnt mtt on appltoatlm. The Carson Modioine Comjiany 87 Wellington s^l. West, - Toronttt ciiaes. 3. A Or«it ComblnatlOB, " rerrofha tbo best fantiela. It sliould b« taken bv all invalids, by jllwluare run dowu or out of sorts. It builds â- p, givas new Ufa. HONEST ADMIR.VTION. Tommy Twaddlesâ€" "Oah, I don't want lo go to school." Pa Twaddlesâ€" "But don't you want I good education?" Tommy Twaddlesâ€" "No. pa; I'd rather grow up to be just like you.' To discern and deal immediately with eauses and overconie them, rather than lo. battle with effects after llie disea.se haso secured a lodgement is the chief aim i)f the nidieal man. and Uicklc's Anli-CoMsuiiipiive Syrup i.s the result cf patient ftud;. .ilung this particular line. At the first aj)pearance of a cold the Syi'up will be found a mosl ellicieiil re- iiieiy, nrresling development, and spetdily healing the affecled parts, iO fhal the ailnicnl disappears. Only the successful man is in a posi- tion to value the world's praise at its liue worth. Salt Rlicum, Tetter, EozomaThesc dis- trossiiis skin .liseaspii relicvod by one ap- plication. Dr. Agnews Ointment is a yoteul cure tor all eruptions of the skin. as. Gaston. Wilkesharre. says: "For nine years I was di»fli{ured with Tetter on my htinds. Dr. Aguow's Ointment cured it." 35 cents. â€" 31 She â€" 'Women may gossip .somelinies, but Ihey have belter control of their lr.ngi!e>* than men have.' He â€" "You are right. Men have no control what- ever i;f women's luiigucs." Did you natlce th^ old mvo Umplttg along a day or no acot Wall, if be will put un hi.i back "The D <t f, " Munthol Pliustur, iu a week he will walk as straigbc its any ono. CARPET DYEINQ ^^ and OlMoiv. ThU U • «»«oi«lir with th« BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING OO. Saod p*nlcular« by eo«t ftnil we uo turo Lo u/is<y Boa 1M. Mantraal. *i?o!diers must b.' fcurfuily dishonest,'' says Mrs. Countryside, "as il seems to be a nghlly occurrence for a sentry 'o be relieved of his watch." The VELOX The Top Notch in HOCKEY SKATES "Weron'l yon frigldcncil when your levolvcr iiii.--.sed lire?' "No; my wife kept the burglar off with a hat pin while I reliadrd." "Kale, I must warn you. 1 saw that policonmn put his nrm round you and .kiss you." "I cmUdn't help thai, iiia'iuu." "But you diJnt soein lo ohji'cl." "Not nic, an' be had up for reslslin' the po- Ikc." One of Ihe greatest hlesslngs lo pa- rents i-i Miilhr Graves' Worm Exler- minaloi'. It erfcclually- expels worms anil give^i hciilili in a- niarvcllous man- ner to the Utile one. VE!I.< KOR FIREMivN. One of t!ie gravest perils which Ihe men of Ih- lire brigade ;iie constanlly facing is 111' fierce, overpowering heel ill which lluy nr.> compelled to work. This peril, however. If we may believe recent iiiforiiial-on to hand from Uer- maiiy. has ceii-ed to e.xisl. .After suc- cessful trials. Ilie iiewly-hnented "heat- veil" has been introduced into prnolice at Cologne, where 200 men have been supplied w'ith Ihe appliance. The veil i: made after It.- principle of a safely Uiinp, Willi double windows. II is com- posed of lll'ivs of cano, which, as is known, pos.se.sses the peculiar properly (it retaining wa'.ir for a considcraljle length <il lime. The veil is made damp lefor' lieiiig tasleiied to the fireman's ordinary brass helmet. Many Thanks .^rs Juo f r^^m the propristois ol WsiiTor's Corato l.i friomlii wb > bavo writton to '. toll of the Coralosgooil word in •;uiiiii;»oro(uloua bumon, scald lioadaiid utbor skin diauasas. Butcher â€" "What can I do for you, mum?" Y'oung Wife (trying lo give her- self the air of a veteran)â€" "One pou/id 'of heef sausage, but without bone, please." There is one remarkable pccullarily about camels. They arc the only ani- mals Ihut cannjt swim. Allen'.i Luns Balsam, 'n wbichthore Is nn opium, cures soro lliro.it •ind s iro bmgs ns It allays tlio innamin.ui )u "n I riiU you of tb« uiucoui tbat stups up the air p.usngos. '.iio., 50c., tl.uu bi.tt!e.s An old Uuly.-lrnveling for the first '.hue in a hirge cily. .saw a ghiring sign on Ihe f'.Mnl of a high Iniilding, which (•cad: "'I'lie .'^mith Maiuifaeliirinu roiii- pany." As she repented it alou'd sltjw- Iv she remark d lo her nephew: "Laws 'u mercy! Well, I've heard tell f Smiths nil my lite, but I never knew before where Ih.'y iiiuJo \iii!'' Deafness of 1J Year's Standing.â€" Pro- triictcd Catarrb produces deafness in many ca.'<os. Capt. B.,'n. Connor, of To- ronto, Caii.idi'., was dcrf fur 12 yocrs from Catarrh. .Ml trontmeDts failed to relieve. Dr. .Vsuew'a Ciitari-lia' Piwdcr Kave him relief in one day, and in a very short while the doafneaa left him entirely. It will do as HUKh for jou. 60 cents.â€" 3J "What a lovely cid'.cclinn of odd cups!" exila nied a guest, peeiing into the c'lina cubinol, "Did it lake you long to gel so many?'' "Oh. no," said the hos- tess, who suffers by the servant pmo- Kni. "Ih.:se are samples of Ihe sels weve liiul ill Ihe last two years.'' ITtSH, Mant;e. Prairie Scratchoa and every form o( contagious Uch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It uovcr fails. Pains Disappear Before It.â€" No one | need suffer pain when they have avail- j able Dr. Thomas' liclcctric Oil. If not j i:i Ihe house when nquir.d il can be | procured at tlie nearest mre. as all j mcrchanls keep it for sale. Mheumatism end all bodily pains disappear when il | js applied, and shuuid they at any lime ; return, experience teaches the user tt the Oil how lo deal wilh them. I lli.x â€" "An acquaintance of mine pat- 1 enletl nn appliance to enable a girl lo } play two pianos at one lime. DIxâ€" "Did h.' make anything out of it?' Hixâ€" "Well he niiiile a move • ul of the town. His i neighbors threatened to mob him." i J*53jjil m T h3 very LATEST AND BEST for Up-to-aat8 Players. NOTK the dislribution of weight by means of the Double Standards. NOTK Ihe Comblnution Bracketed Heel. NOTK the L'nbreukable Kruiit Bracket. NOTK the Shape of Himne/- and Ounlily of Steel uerd therein en- sun's a keen edge and increa.sed speed or velocity, hence the name I cents t.. pay puslaco liriiis.^ (.l.it.U i^ue "(J," whiih ojntui:-. ; conuloto rules o( the name of II.- koy. vue e-rann Ui«)^ 1*^ OAW inOLTH, N.S.. and THE Si Ann M T g., bU 5 limited, I2t WsUlngton street W.. TOiWNTQ. Dear IVfolher Your little ones are a con»tant cafe la Fall and Wintet weather. rTiey will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh'i Contumplion Cure, the Lung Tonic, aiid what it lias done (ot so many ? Il ii said to be the on!y tcliablo remedy for all diseetes of the air pasfa^ij in children. Il 15 absolutely Iiarmlcfj and pleasant lo take. Itisguaranteedtocute or your money u retumc<i The price is 2>c. per bottle, and all dealers in medicine sell 31.1 5fiILOH This reffcdy should be in every household MADE OF ALUMii^UiVl ! So Light and Yet So Strong. ,. , >»>;;'- ^rurninurvt "AUTOriOBILE" AND "CYCLE" 5KATtS .M.iUuf.iotu:e:i and ;;ii;\;:,ntoeU by The Canada Cycla and Motor Co., Limited, Toronto Junction BOTH FORGOT. Mol herâ€" Tommy, what did do lo you if you touched again? I'ominyâ€" Why, it's funny, f say I'd thai jam ma, thai you .shr-uld lorgel, I cull rcivnihci' too. I'm blamed if Only thot -• who hn'vc had experience cn,n tell the lorlure corns cause. Pain with your bouts on, pain with them oilâ€" pain night and day; hut relief is sure Id lUosu who use lloUuway's Corn Cure. ISSIE NO. 51 IT IS TO S.MII.E. To live loo fast is also lo die too fast. I'rospeclivo heirs are usually glad lo wear dead men's shoes. The wcirker wilh Ihe most snnd usual- ly is llio first to raise Ihe diisl. To lose (iiie's head is often Ihc imme- diale preface to losing one's toot. If some of your china has been in Ihe family for yeiirs, you probably wash yeur own dishes. When the puor young man finds a rich "K'tter lialf," he also is apt to find heller quii iters. The sorig of the nightingnlos may be 8,1 nuunnhil beciiuse merning after morning they lliul their bills all over d'.ie. They say n woman's aim is poor. II is only nnlurni, after all, thai she should find herself at a ninn's leel when she has thrown herself at his head.â€" Success Magaxinc. Put them on with no tools but a hammer and tinner's shears,â€" can't go wrong. They lock on all four sides, are self-draining and water- shedding on any roof with three or more inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings fire-proof, weatherproof and proof against hghtning. Cost least in the long run. Made of 28- gauge toughened sheet steelâ€" only one quality used and that the best- bent cold and double-galvanized, any other metal sliingles heavily- painted. Guaranteed in every way until 1932. Ought to last a century. Cheap as wood shingles in first cost ; far cheaper in the long run. "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shin- gles cost only $4.50 a square, 10 ft. X 10 ft. Tell us the area of any roof and hear our tempting offer for covering it with the cheapest roof you can really afford to â-  buy. Let us send you FREE booklet Last longer with no painting than ^ ^ about this toofing questionâ€" tells KSKa some things you may not know I Oshawa Galvsuiizedi Steel Shingles are GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty-Five Years Ought to Last a Century 101 Addreag onr Ncare-^t Warehouse : Send for FKES Book "Roofing Right" Get Our Offer Before You Root a Thluji LONDON m Pr.iiil.is St. Cana.da. 70 Lcr.ib.17,1 ?t. VAJICOO^'EM Rl.'i rre'lcrPt.

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