Flesherton Advance, 7 Feb 1907, p. 1

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n â- "^.Vise-Jv.. yiisferrtxrn JlitJan«. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOS." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. fOLXXiT, NO 1309 Flestierton, Ont. Tlmrsday February 1 10O7 W. H. THURSTON, RniTOK ROPUiKTOB HWIlnrllP'*" Kimberley Jewellery Store Have you called in yot to bck our new premises ? Bigger Stock Better Display Of JewpHry, VVatchcp, Cl.'oks, Plwlud Ware, and chuico tluii(<9 iu uvery line. Get your Weddirig Pres- ents here, Get your* Wedding Rings J)ers. Prices Right. Goods the Best. W.A.Armstrong U (he AIllJH spent â- ^ ^- »=-â-  Industrial Heme Notes (£j/ an /fiimiie) ^^^z.^.i^.^^.^ --i^\ (Intened for last week.) The fullowiBR g'Mi*Ie«"«n of the new ^" county nouncil have been appoiuted house of Refuse CDmiiiittue for ilio eiisu- inn year, vie. : VVai«ien H. Pedwell, Tboiubuty ; D. K. Prestcn, Ouprey ; Keeve J. H. Siephenson, Markdale. cfaairuiuK. Mr. Uarneiw attended county council at Owea Sound on bVidity last, ruturniiij; Saturday iiiorning. Messrs. Firth and Noble, who cum- luenced building ibe new stair., were obliged to <iuit, h.'iviiig run out of suit- able material. Tliey, however, returned Hiid completed the job lust week. Now them is a clear runway from baseiuont to •ttic, liut tew there be who aie very well «l>la to g<i aloft. Your cor. wun sorry to read of tlie id>.-ath of Mrs. Jane Tiiotmison of Flesh- crton, one of his old friends. We ex- tend heartfelt sympathy to the bi'reaved family. Uo Was also very aorry to rend of the accideat that bufel his yi.ung friend, Norman Fletcher, Stone's Settle- men'-, but siacorcly trusts ihat ho will speedily recovot and without any viaible after effects. Bro. J, A. Kennedy, W. IkP. L.O.L. No. 883, gave yonr scribe a filendly and fraternal visit ou Saturday afternoon la.st. We congratulttlo Bio Kennedy on his election to the exalted puaition of Dislriui Slasiur, to which his loiiff and assiduous devotion to the oriU-r has uiven him a just.and worthy title and which office, we feel convinced, he will till with cri'dit tn hiuiiielf and sati.faciio'i to the brctheiei . Our divino servicoon Sunday was fairly well attended by rjutside friends and wa.s juintly con<lucteil 'ly Mo.«iKrs. Ennis. Moc- â- wood and Harnuss, the latter deliverinj; a most int{>resaive and appcaliuc; discourse from Matt. 23, 37. The discourse wns .very appropriate and spucinlly 'ipplioable to the inmates uuder hi.s chsrije. Your cor. is much better than wlien lait wrote, foelinx unspeakably t;rateful U) Mis. U. and Miss Haskett of Mark- dale tor their kindness during his illness, %Ii«s H. visitinz hini daily and bringing him many appetising delicacies appreci- ative to a sick i)erson. Surely nij friends attt many. ( Mr. S. Huff, P.S.I, of Meaford «â- Â« in town on Monday last. The Kimberley brunch of the (). \V. I. intend holdiiiy a box sociul al><<u< B'obru- ary 20. A number from here attended the Orange Soiree tit Eui;<iii!t on Tuesday ; evening of last week and report n j^ood ' time. Miss Menarey of Bcaverdale is the guest of her aunt, .Mrs, M. H. Hammond of t his place. The Holiness Wirkers Society will hold an all day ineeUng here on Wed- nesday, February li. ' Miss Annie Ball of Ciarksbur, i guoh' 1 if her cousins, llio Misses i ajid Olive Caniack this week. Miss Eula Scoit of Wodehouse : Sunday at her parental homo here. â-  Mrs. Irwin Fawceit and daughter 1 Gladys of Healhcole, accompanied hy the] I former's sister, Mrs. Frank Bjlts .ind I baby of Yoikton, Assa., were visitors at I Mr, J. R. Fawcolt's on Friday last. Mr. aiMl Mia, George Proctor visited friends at Meufurd last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Stuart are visit- ioi! Mtafi'rd friends this week. Mr. Wilfied Hail of Walters F.ills visited friends hero during the past week. Kev. L. F.and Mrs. Kipp of Fleshor- ton visited friends here on Monday last, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Weber were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boland of Vi'ndeleurou Sunday last. Miss Eina Bradbury of Thotobury is visiting friendx here at present. Bornâ€" At EJmontuii on Jan. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Will Buruhousu (nus Miss Lizzie Weber of Kimberley) a daugliter. McFarland^Co a I Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE Great Bargains in all Departments Come early and secure some of them loth LUie Osprey Fine, cold woathur, and a great many couiplHiniiig of la grippe and colds. Another of Osprey's early settlers pH8.sed sway on Suturday last, Mr. James C. Madden "f the 8 h line, and was buried on Monday at the R. 0. couietery Melaiicthon. R. J. C"lr|iiette has been under the doctor's care for* couple of weeks from an attack of la grippe and bronchitis. He is slowly recovering, being able to sit up at present, Mr. Aaron Ssyers i^f ihe 14th is seri- ously ill at present. We hope to hear of his recovery soon. The Holiness Workers have opened another new church at Buckingham's corner. We uiiaerstand great crowds attended the opening services on Sunday. I â- > II The Late Thomas Hanbury, A young laoy school tiacher who was one of f"ur \vho le t Ow.m Sound to take charge of rur«l sch "Is for the first time after the holidays, did not long continue At her poat near Dundalk. We are in- formed that after teachini/ for one half day she unve it I'p slid travelled back five miles to Dundilk, and took train for home. What led to her sudden renuono- of the teaching profession in this case we Dundalk lo»t a valuableandinostliighly esteemed citizen on Tue.itlay morning of last week when Tlioiiias Hanburycross- cd the great divide at twenty minutes to five o'clock. .Mr. Hanbury ivai^triok- en a week before with eiyaipelas, but hiB illneas was not regarded as seriou^ until Saturday. Mr. Hanbury was in his tify-ninth year, and was born near Westport, Leeds County. When five years old thii family moved I" Markilaln. where Mr. Hanbury continued to reside until 1873, when he moved to Dnndalk. He was married iu 1874 to Elizabeth Nethercui. Out of a family of aight children boin to iheni live are living, Mrs. R. J. Burdelt, Kegina, Sask. George,Miami, Man. and Lynetli, Army and Harold, at hnnie. Mr. Hanbury was a prominent member of the Method- ii-t church, of which he was recordinc steward, as well as Superintendent of t e Sunday School. .At iho time of his death he was clerk of the village, an office which he had held for four years, Pre». iooh to this time he had been reeve for seTen years. Ho was a member of ihe I. O. F. and A. O. U, W. The funcra took place Friday afternoon. _ » n «» » â-  â€" Orange Soiree. every way. The ladies served eatables, and lots of them, to.i. In the basement of the Prespyteriaa church and all who w.inted to, got all kinds of good things to eat. Mler the supper in the bsseiiiMiit the crowd went over to the Oraiiiie Hall where tiie pro^riini wasgiven. The hall vvai crowded and oven all the st>»ndii)i{ room taken up. Tht program was escellent, hh is uenerally the case in that place. Rev. Dr. Caldwell of Flesbertiin, was the spHiiker of the even- ing, .spenking nt l»-n!ilh on "the Histoiy of Oraii«el8m."Ho pleased the audiei.ce .really hy hi» very intoH-ai iiig and instruc- tive s|Miech. TheDi.is an (Jrangenian him- self and is at home when he talks ofOiange- isni and Oraogi-mon. There were several mtere.siing diHlot;uos;;iveii by young people fif that vicinity. These were well receiv- ed and well executed, especially "The Rising Boy." Mr. Robert John Pedlar ^ ^â„¢ ^^ â-  â€" â€"gggg^B^^i^^ gave a number of cmio songs and was.^ x^atHos Astrachan Jackets. Were 40.00, now heartily encored each time. M,-. Pedlar - ^-^^^^^ Q^^.j (~^^,.^. „,^,j.^ ^^ j^^ ^^^^ 13 a well-known comic. andthouKh sliehtly , ., t-\ i:m • r\ ^ o i i^/\ ,,„.,.,.,,,„ „„„,. , ,, , ., ** ^3 Dog Skin Coats, were 22.00, now unUer tlio weather, plea-seil the audience -r, ,. , i â-  i- - -i LTeatly by his .sonys. The Misses. M. i "* RullS, bear.skin till', W^cre 4..)0, HOW Fa.vcett and C. Hurd, both <,f Kimberly, 1 10 Fur Ruffs, were 0.50, nOW^ sang solos in an excellent manner. These 5 Fui' Rutf's, were 8.00, nOW younu ladies have charming voices, and ' 4 Fur Rutis, Were ()..")(), HOW iiiipresaed the audience with their clear, and true rendering of their .selections- Mias Hanlvy delighted the audience with a recitation and Mr. Ellwood Genoogava , . t , oi • a reading in his usuul line manner. This | I" l^atlies Sklft.S, WCrC ;i00 aiJtl 4.00, HOW ytmng genllein;.n is inakinit a name for 1 50 LadicS Felt liats, WeiV 1.00 tO 8.00, UOW hun^ielf a.s a reader. Mr, Hector Mc- j 10 BoltS ril)bl)ll. Were l.")C HOW Donald, of priceviiiH, delighted the aud- [ 15 pairs Metis buck.skiii lucc niocca.ssins were 1.50, now ieuce with his bag pipe selections, and iQ pieces (Ircss gootls were 30 aiul 35c, now a v.olm solo. His two little childten 1 ^^q Whisks, were lO lUld 15e, MOW also gave hi«hlaiid dancing m a very .,,,,, ., , , , j ,, . »- creditable m„nner indeed. Mrs. J. L. I J^^^ ^^''"l' btUsheS, Wei'e l2A- aiul 2oC, noW Woods gavo » slection on the ,„k«u. I ^^^"Sfelt slippeiS, WTei'C 39, HOW , .,.^ >.v-.-~w .Mr. Jaa. Cnrson occupied the chair, .ind I 1 H paifS boVS KillgWOOd gloVes WCrC 25 ailtl 30c, HOW was an ettioeut, and pleasing chairman. ,12 Wool llOOds ill lUlVy Uiul bluck. Were 35 aud 40c UOW Tlw proceeds of the soiree amounted 12 Wool .shawls, gOod sizeS, Were §1, HOW 20 Mens Suits, were 7 50 to 10.00 lines, now 10 Boys suits, were 3.50, 4.75 and and 5.oo lines, now Two hundred rolls vv;dl paper, now Half Price 25 pairs mens best (jualiry rubiiers,were 90 and l.oo; now 25 50 mens knit shirts, were 60c, now 42 30 p;:irs mens knit driving mitts, now ' -43^ A Table of Remnants of Tweeds, Ginghams, Cottonades OressGood.s etc., on sule at bargain prices. 5 Fur Ruii's were 10.00, now 3 Fur Ruff:5, were 12.00, now 25 Men's dress shirt:s were 75 and 1.00, now to someihiUt! S48.(X) iu the neighborhood of Dangers ot a Cold tnd How to Avoid Them* More fat.ilities have their originin or result f 11 iju a cold than from any other cause. Tliia fact alone .should make people iiit>i-e carefni as tliero ia no danger whatever from a cold when it is properly Ueateil in the Ueinnint;. For iiianv years Ohamberiain'.* ("oujjh Uemedy h.iH l)een recogiii/.e(i as the iin st^ prompt ami etfectual medicine in wv-m for tbi.s cliHeai^e. It acts on natiire'.s plan, looaen» the coui^h, lelinves the lunirs. opens the secrctioiia and aids nature in nwtornig the »y.stein to a healthy coiiditiou. Sold by \V. E. Ilichaidson 5=^31.75 4b $32.00 '^ $17.50 9 *2.f)0 jl $3.48 V $2.18 H ,$4.90 â-  7.50 jj 9.90 â-  m. 49c JH !?1.98 â- ^ 15c ^ oc - 'H 79c % 21c •K. U % 9c 4 -^v.-Sao '/ I9e 'â- 'M 29e J 69c m 5.90 9 2 90 .4 Pricevillc McFARLAND & COMPANY The Sorieo held at Eugenia on Tuesday bfvenotascortampd.-Mtaford Exprow. evcuii-RlMt WM a splendid suoosss in Last Saturday was Candlemas day and we heard some of the old proverbs made u.se of in regwd to weather proljs: "If CaniUemas day be f.iir and cleiu'. We'll have two winters in the year; if Candle- mas day be wot and foul, half the winter is gcme at Yule"(6 Jan.) So with the fog n the morning changing to rain about noon and snow storm at night, Saturday was iiuything but fair and clear. Many persons .•u-e ailing with colds or lii gripi>e. Ou the north lino, Mr. J. ,' McQuari-io and family have been all laid up i.nd kind friend.s were in attendance. Mr. Malcolm McDougivl, old Durham Road, is qiiit.o ill at jn-eseufc. Several carloads of wpiare pine from B. C. are being delivered here f.ir the bridge i over the new line of railway. Mr. R. B. Reiley, of Nelson, B. C, is visiting his mother ,it the old homo. R< >heit is the eldest son of the late M. Reiley. j A son and heir .arrived at tlio home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Watters one day lost weok. Mr. and Mrs. P. Bolger of the Crown Hotel, wore blessed with twins, boy and . a girl. Who says that nine months of . looiil option is not a niiccess? i A. D. McLeod's chopping mill is doing a rushing business this winter. | M;\ Duncan Muir is placing shingles I and other material for building on the property lately purcha.sod on Artomesia Street. Mr. Ed. Watson and sister, Janie,wcnt to Shelburne on a visit to friends. The Women's Instit^ will meet at the residoDco of Mrs. N. McKinuon at 3 p. m. , j^ -â-¼'.'r.u E^TIUi For the next ten days beginning February 1st we purpose holdino a leariiig Sale Of €vcrvt3>ind in Stock Remember, we are going to give genuine reductions on all linos as wo need sp-tce fur our slwck of tIARDWARE, which will arrive io the course of a day or two. Our HARDWARE - STOCK ooii«i«ls of everything in shelf and staple lines of Hardware. Wo will be plcHsad to have you call and look it over. Our grocery stock has to be reduced at least one half. You will save money by taking advantage of our SALE PRICES. Terms of Saleâ€" strictly cash or produce. Parties having overdue accounts will confer a favor by sotlli'ig not later than Kehniary l.ith. Bcntham Broso, Flesherton. ^tj ' ^^ ,1^ " f^ i^ .^^ .^k. -<». -<»- _ T ?'' ^^ -T ** ^ -^^ , ^^ ^^ ^v" ^^ , , ~~ â- ^- "^^ -^^ i *^* -^^ â- * *• Notice to the Public | Farm fOf SsU* I beu to nmiomice th»t I have puichnsi'd a saw mill which 1 intend Imvint? in operation tbia Sprinijon what is known .'vb the oU ,->i)ari- iiiKniill "ite. ".ml .-un propnrt'd tobiiy all kinds of hartlwood locis lath limlier ami shingle timber for which I will pay the hiRluKt cash §ric<m. Bring alomj your cimtom work. »ti«f action Knai an Joe.) 21- S. M. OSB014NE, \.ind«leur. Lots ."M and ."), eon.«, Ooprey. WillselllrtO, l.W or 200 acres. Situated 12 inilos froiii Col- linu:wiKid and one and a half miles froin'SiiiR' hMiiptoD. .\goiKj frame barn and stone bat«' niunt. brick hotiae.farin well w»t«i<id. .^dapt* ed for a »tt>ok farm. For further p.nrtioulnriK apply to ROBERT MoCONNKLU lOfeb Singhami Wn< bSliAL ii'*.

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