Flesherton Advance, 7 Feb 1907, p. 3

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I About ttie House V !H-H-f -H-f â- â™¦-♦-^•♦^♦♦^-♦•â- â™¦-♦-♦^ 1 mii'>h worn coo"t- best to strangers ami keep tor our neat-- ] likeness to Ihc Eui-opeun import only it una .luuivst only what Is loft uf oui- iis not s:, clicnj). not. so llni.shefj, not so i i badly coiisUniciet'. i in;4 appliaiiCf.-;. 11, l.s ;i!\vays irond e<-ij- ni-niy to have cU'an, trw-h rooUini! uii'n- siUs at hand. I'liin.slaliin;; uloiit: !!iis l!n« will iiripiovc Cfindilions lluil aix' !o b.- dpploifd in many kiU-hi'ns \vhi'it> cooks aic blainci) for poor rcsnlLs. Tlii> i real nulrjtivi.' viilue of food is a suhji;''', Uiiil dcniiind.s study and evfty limisi- ^ w.fo and manager of affairs of this kind ; raiii:! inuterstanil it In ite. ublo lo suc- HOL'SEWIVKS AND liCONOV.V. ; casstuliy s\ipply the faniUy liirder. Tli.> A .1 J..,,.,, -.nnr, ih.1 ihHf. inia^n endeavor t-lKiuld be lo obtain iiua- l,^^<^:;^ ^ 'S^Z kUr-a j jit. a..o na.nU^ c,,,n,my Will ro.u- ; yojn.eir lighter rein upon her purse sU-lugs, a n.k ,iM.lf--^no soon ha us 1^ nS'"no"'Zbt",«mm>d up'T^i voa!" i pre..neo of li.e .>uy.r m the n^arl.-t and j A Kcod n.emory for faces and facts iwuX and m-lrvX^^ propoT-;^'''"'-'^- â- ^"â- 'din^ f'""' "P'«-lf ^^hat sh.. c.mnecled will, them, thus avoi.iing -iv- l^nr Sh" u^ incli^ly r*ali/i That ! deems ' b.st. Tl.e Ihrifly cr.roful wo- .„;â-  offence ihrough not rerogni.ing or between all the aelivities of life and all I man do.-s her own inarkoluig and do.-s 1 bowing lo people, or saynig formfof expenditure, a proix)rtionale|n"l. rnsi lo ontenng Irom her grocer, putlay in various lines must be inlelli- â- â- '•i^''t unxf" brigtiUiess and aniiubilily. CBLl 1\'A II' THi:>l'. OL'ALITIES j An miarturieil. low, di.'^linct, silver- I tcni'd voic;'. I The art of pleusiDg those around you, and seeming pleased wdh IIumu and , what they may do for you. I The clinrni of making lillh' .'<aoriflc>'s ' r;uile nalu:al!v, as if of no ai oounl to I The habit of making allowances lor ' the opinions, feelings, or prejudices A dinable Uiry. and ultogetlier not so salisfac- Gir TO WOI^K. gently pres«-rved so ttiat the money •<pent f(jr liousi-, table, dress and en- Ifrtainment represents their true linanci- al condition and standing as a family. \ meagre table for the sake of extrava- gant Clothes is a sacrilice unworthy / rer good .sense and sound judgment, tier charily fund can not be pouixil into ihe coHers of claburale enlerlainniBnt. She does not desire her household to present to the world an unstable veneered .'n- eadc. Tlie adjustment of exf)en.ses in relation lo conifoi-lable proportions bolh socially and economically is u qui'slion ioi's 1 bowing to people, or saying to tliom what had bitter be left unsaid, as the hoys .say. .Many j The art of listening without impali- a dcjllar i.-^ saved by this pergonal in- ' cnce to prosy talkers, and of smilhig at p;ghl and atlendon. See what you buy I ihe hvice-lold tale or incident, and know what it eosLs 9I tlie time < f purchaseâ€" Uien you have tlio opportunily !c .select the tw'st, freshijsl, innst sea- sonable, and all things con.sidered. Ihe eheape.st in the market. The queslinn r f focxl is the most vilal point al issue. There is no d(jubl that food makes ir rr.ars whole taniities. yes. gcncraiion.s if reople. physically, mentally and nior- allv an<l "II 'liLs rfspon.sihilitv lays at! , ,, , me "door of the hou.sowife. .since sh-. i ' «"""â- â- Â«'' ''•'""â- â- ^' ""'"''' """"^' f?"' as' a rule, regulates the expendiHire „r ! "'i'^umatisui. 1-or several weary monlhs 1 was (.(jnlined lo bed. RUEIMAIIC AUONV. ; Noihinfl Readied Ihc Hool ol the Trou- ble Liicil Dr. Williams' Pink IMIls Were Used. Wlien the .speril gits it, drenmia" ]tt^A IMJryhf Of the things wliich might liev bin, LlIC i^l^lll- An' a noslnm seems to tiuunt you Tlu't youH' sinmnn-ed down in sin When l!u! heart gels kind .j' heavy, And lh(! heels begin to shirk. Why, ycni'll pal! out Lule un' hearty lit you just, gel^wvii lo work. What mother's or father's heart has I dot leaped into tlieir throat when ttiey ' have l*en suddeidy awakened in Uie niglil by Ihul tmrd and prolonged, ep« ;liat suiolhiTing. chok;ng, croupy euugti' ihat betokens tlie most serious results, unle.ss relieved al once? Wtial stiall 11 Jo ? is llie lirsl tliouglit. and without an, 'ffective and reliable remedy al hand: ihe chHd may suffer or dio before reliel, :aa be given. SLOCUM'S the subject her thoughts turn first lo the question of food supplies. ft has been rsiniaied in a recent book CR applied chemistry tiiat at^ least ten per cent, of the income of mo)«l families is wasted in high-priced f<iods which ccntaln very lillle nulrilionâ€" this squan- aering occurring as fretjueiilly where Ihe income Ls small ;is where large ones are expended. .Some of ttw most expensive food materials contain the least nourish- uieul. lispecially does the good house- wife Icurn this in her experience' in uiarketing. Take for inslunce the dif- ferent culs of meat from which stie roakes her sulfctioiiâ€" the so-called choice cuts, Ihe porterlKJUse and sirloin steaks, and Ihe rib and loin chops are easily cooked and v.-ry palatable, and" yet, if piopcriy prepan.d with a lillle more care, there aie many good pieces of meal il!at conlain less waste and more uu- trilive value and may be purchased 'or one-half Ihe price paid for the sleaKs ajid chops. The woman who is willing '0 spend the lime and pains in prepar- ing these meals for hi'r talde will find tnem quite as j-elishing us any in Ihe market. It niu>t be admitted Ihat Ihey are not so easy, and it is a great teiiip- lution to spind Die extra money and serve a nice lillle meal with verv siuall When the grocer's bill confrriiils you An' a snowdrift's at Ihe door, Ef you stay inside comimmiir Willi ell naithead in :he floor, You will lind tin woUd iseinpty An' your tiouliles giltiir vVus,. 1-ur your sin 11 kei-p a-growin' .An' it's bound to make a fuss. Cut the minit you git busy You'll begin lo laugh an. say, Theivi's a lieap 0' good religun yi a-<lijin' tilings to-day. Si) you;d better grease your cowhides l^ore tlie skies begin to murk, An' you iiever'll kiwiw it'.s cloudy EXPEOTORAHT is a quick and absoliilely safe, reliabl* and certain cure for all forms ofl^ougti, fxild, .'•tire Throal. I.agrippe, l>oup, W'tiooping Cough. BionchiUs. Asthma A very pretty compliment was paid by | and all irritated and inlluiJied oondiUons his fellow townsmen to Pi-e.sident Kal- , o' the throal or clicsl. It will save lieres of France upon the occasioti of his | every motlier many a sleepless, anxi- recenl visit lo his birthplace, tlie liltle luus night, and tlie childr'-n as well as town of Mezin. To widen Ihe street the j jifiiiiis many an hours suffering an4 CI RIO.SniES IN CO.MI'LI.MENTS. liuve Been Some Odd Presents Thai (liven lu Rulers. jDUuiJ "\ T r Dll ly been given up as incurable by doc- trrs. She further says: "I suffered f'jr ever two years and rheumatism seemed cups butler one cup, bul.ernnlk one cup, \ - ^^J'^JT^^i,^' ^^^"^o inv houseliold duties, but at niglil 1 house in which llie l^resiilent was born MADE WITH 131 ITER.Mif.K. While CaUvâ€" Fine v/liiie sugar lh;-ee while* of let! eggs, baking powder thr leu.spoons. lemon lo taste. Hour four cups. - Beat whiles of eggs lo u stiff fiotli, cream tho sugar, buttei', etc., and mix in llie wliiles last. • Tea Cakeâ€" One cup sugar, one table- spixm butter, one egg, one cup bullei- inilk. one-half lea.spoon soda-, Hour to make a fairly stiff buller. This cake W good Cold or warm. Graliam (lein.sâ€" Take two cups b\it- termilk. one-half cup sugar, one-half leaspion sotla. graham Hour enough I slir thick. Bake- in iron hcl ovi-n. Gingerbn-ad â€" Take aiic cup sugar, one cup molasses, one cup .sour cream, one i cup buttt'rmilk, onir tablespoon each jf ; soda, .-alt and ginger, and Hour to nii.< i nioderalely stiff. 1 Breakfast Cake â€" To one dip sugar add ; ' suffered the gre-ilest pain. 1 at once tx'gan to take medicine, but my condi- tion actually grew worse. 1 was I'l- lended by a skilful doctor, but wiis ul- timatelv forced lo remain in bed, suf- liad been pulled down some yeais ago. What WHS to be one? The people of Meziii put llieir heads togeltier and when their distinguished fellow-citizen arrived iuiagine his delight illness. " I had been suffering fur iirer two months witit au obitiiuite ouu gli, as h»d a.'.aa ui) liltlu eirL Wo tried seTeml wraedies com inoii U> any *nnf store withimt obuUmim ^ny apparent teliei. m I . ._ „,..,„i ; fact we wore growiuK woree 1 got .i bottle oJ I llndmg an exact citafoote Kxper.U,r«jii frc.m rev druKi'" ^ >â€" nproduction of liis old home in papier siito of twoiuyi the c,.«i);hw.ui.-.urmi, ludibe «- nineliA I All wn^ npifecl down to the suits so iXM-maneut and rapid tli»t we .leridod la juaclie ! .'Vll was peiitci, uowii lu o'"= Kg,- coiuuum jjxpucturint m our humo cua- vcry furniture, pari of which had been tiuuiuij. â-  collected from the country around and . iu>iikkt i'.^lkn, ,,..^_.^ The l^resi- f-'-A.K. station, OlUwa. part reproduced in facsimile fjonl thanked his fnends in a voice bro- 1 j^ h„,ne should be wilhout it. It is ftring untold agony witli every niove-||^,,„ ^yjn^ emotion, and leai-* actually mjj^ erealest family medicme for lhds» r;:ent. Finally Ihe doctors told me tn<-> ] .;|,.^.,„„e(i jy^ii hid cheeks as he liniihed (roubles ll>e world has produced. Keep trouble was incurable. One day 1 was 1,^5 ij,„e speech. ,i on hand 11 is a never-faiUng triued. advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills i^g ^^^^^ French President, M.'Loubel, and I decided lo do sn. Presently llie|\v,as once the recipient of an interesting pains were not so sfever^. and .1 fJCJ?"" j present. It consisted of an immense •'eni tia)i"'~in •! i ''-I '•'*'' myself- gaining. Shorily after I album filled with Itiousands of press â- '"'â- " â-  I was able to go about, and in less than suitings relating to tiis visits to Italy and I three months I was perfo<;lly well. l'"<ir (q England. The album, which is of j this condition mv thanks are grateful- L,,(j,.|,ioils size and rictily Ixmnd, con- ! ly due to Ur. \\'illianis Pink Pills.' tains not only cuttings, but pliologi-aphs Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured Mrs. |ii,|i| illustrations of all kinds. It forms, Morrill by driving Ihe rheumatic poison ii„jt>ea, a complete chronicle of his life Hit of her blood. They actually make v\ritten by many different people, and in one cup butlerinilk. one-half Icasixion each .soda and .sail, Iw'o cups Hour and cninainon or nutmeg to taste. This i.s to be eaten wariii^ DouglmuJs â€" sUr together thoroughiy two cups sugar and one egg. Add rme new bkxid. Tliey don't act on Ihe bow- els. They don't bother with mere symp- tom!!. They go right to Ihe root of the Irouble in the lilno<l. That is why they have cured the worst ca.ses of anaemia bloodlessness) headaches and backaches, kidney Irouble, indi(ieslion, neuralgia, nervousness and Ihe special ailments of girls ami women wlio.se blood .supply becomes weak, .scanty or irregular, .s^old liy all medicine dealers or by mail at .jllc H box or six boxes for â- 'i>a..5l) from Ihe Dr. Williams' ,\fedicine Co., Brock- ville. Onl. effort. Manv families dine exclusively upon ltie.se "choice and simple though j ^"^P*J"n â- ''"'I- «"« teaspi^on cmnamon. expensive, cuts of :iieat. 1 or.e-tialf teaspoon nutmeg, one-quarter However, ite an cxiimpl'e: A nice breast I '""-spoon ginger, two cups bivtiermilk. of lamb, which costs from S to li cents i <'^"<^-t|narler cup .sour cream, one lea- a pound, stewed slowlv, then set aside I â- ''I U"'" *"''» ••""** I'""!' lo <<"^ «•'"• All to cool until Ihe ci'usi of fat rises, niav ! doiughnut-s aiv lighler if aitowed lo be .served after removing llie fat andi'*'""^! " «â- '>-''' Ixjfoic frying, making a cream uravv. lo Ihe most fa- 'â- '"â- " Breadâ€" Take one quart bulter- stidious. A .shoulder of lamb, careful- ! "'iH'. four cups cornmcal and two cups Iv nwiiled after Ihe bone is removed i wl'''"' "o"'- LlLssolve one tab e.spooa . ,.,„„„,.,,..",.., i.-v,.i,.if ii„r and a good dre.-ssing in.serled is quite ^^da in ihe miJk, add one .ablespoon ; I.efllo Hcrse^l S,h l).d >«l txplo.t Her t'ftiial lo a le- of lamb and si.me deem *""' '^0 lablcs^poons .sugar or n10l.-1.-5- | 0«n Rcstiurces. ii oi-i.n cM,>i^i.ii- m.->-il Th,< leit j.f i-iiiili ses. This niakos a delicious cornbread. r , , ., i n, â-  11. even .s\.e<k. m.al. Ih. I. g of lamb • y^,,,.,.^,,,,. ,.i,..,Beat together one I It hns been asserUxi Ihat Chma is so j rich in natural re.stmice CUIN.4 NEEDS THE FOREIG.NER. will cost about liiree times as much | . ""•'>â- "â- "" â-  .- -^^-v .^g........ -•â-  i . , • ,....,,,.,,1 i-,.s(imces that she could ,„nn,^M \ .rnnrl i>nl e.nsl nf Lepf en,,|- .hOUpiIlg CUp of Sugar lllld foUr CggS, add Hell Ul l.oIUiai M.MIL MA-, m.ll .sill uuiu money, :\ goofi pot loasi 01 im ei cook- . „ ' . ., , . . ., ,, 1 .;,ir,r»iv siii tip'ds wdliout eoini? bevond one-half flip liutier and beat thoroughly; t^>'l'l"> •'" m- '^ woiiom ^.oiuf. uivwnu fresh couii- 1 hi r own t)oundaries. Her rftsourees un- roasl. n all depc^nds upon llie 'cook- j PU'-^j'-V-. *''«»-'. !'" .nPP'<-' "."" I*."'^. '''•'' ing â€" remember. I! real res s iif „ | ieach pie and fill the crust with the mix- ,. ^e , accorumg o m. , I i.quiu.s .skill «'" I .,,,.,.. V„|,„ ^,n. ,,(. ,,„r,ep c-usl I F«xichow. writing in tin s hner llav.r and '"'<-' """^^ '^"" "" "I'Per ciusi. ,|.^^^_ ^^^^^^ ^.^^.^^^^ ^^^.^ e.i and simmered in Ihe proper manner- , , ,.-.,, not boiled uilh a brown gravy may be j j-^ ^:;;iZ,>°"'\1^ T pie'ltns';;"!;; I doubledly ai-e va.t, if she only knew how niade just a. templmg as any pnnie j !',-'. ^'iH'n';;"^,^ .;"';..'n,,,f'!..',,i,,';; to exploit Ihein. Yet, according to the British Consul at he Ifeview of- the care to develop its finer llav.r and I '"â- ''-•i ""â- ^â- ' '^"" "" "W'- »â- â-  "°^' i FaT East, China produced very few worth. One might Iflke into .-onsidera- ,. lll-'iu.- niK llFMrr FI\ns RfST ! articles capable of addhig much to the lion al! the different meals in Ihe mar- \VIII-."E IIIK HI.AHt I-LND.-? HLi>l. I ,^,,,j, -^ ^^^,„,„, ,„,,i, roreigners came to ket. and lind eniially palatable and 'theie is probably no other .subject n L^^|._ ^^^ ,^^1^^, -iliose .she did produce nourishing cms for less than half Ihe j the world aliout w hich Ihero has be*>ni ^^^.'^ pmotically only Iwo'-lea and silk. ' Here, too, the undesired alien could 1i>o. there Ls another | ni, fancy .so dull which does not picture , ^ j^, entirely eliminated. It wa.s llie expenses which is u place' where tlK- weary heart may lind i,.|,.,,|„n.,i,„„.e Ihat Ihe alien was ready lo =--' â-  -â- -'â- "-- ' peace, uud where love binds up I'W i |j„rier hts silver for lea and silk which wounds the world has dealt. j ,.^^^ „„^p products llieir value as wealth I producei-s. .Nkiieover, China is not at the I present day, as she was in ttie past, the lonly country where lea is procurable niay be exiiected and obtained. This I iiu< 1 n. A liouse may be beautiful wilh- Lj 11/^)50 is to be had elsewhere, applies more especially, lo vegetables 1 in and wilhout; yet. if consideration au'l '" ' money expendi'it for those most com inoiily 'J^ed. Then leak in hoiLsehold occasioned by an imiimely selection .'t f(.od. Mtlch iinnecess.nrv exfjen.se is created by l)u\ing food out of sea.son. By selecting foods in .season when Ihi supply is plen'ifMl. ren.son.^ble prici 11 is the ideal home of which every man di-eams. and in which every lru« •s I wuniaii hopivs lo reign some day as which may be bought in season and fprbearance and love and patience do varied accord ngly. Fruits and nuts not furnish it. it is as lacking in the elso come iruler this -rule. e.s.senlial allribuN'.s of a Irue home us A greai anioiini- of fond is rendered the bare stones in Hie street. â-  unht for Ihe table oi- stomach by using 1 It is a pallitdic faci that we give our Don't neglect jour congE. « Statistics show that in New York Cty alone over 200 people die every nireek from consumption. And most of these consumptives nus^t he living now if Uiey had not neglected the warning cough. You know how quickly Scott* ^ EmulMon enables you to throw oK a cough or cdU. ALL DBUOCISTSt SOc' AMD 91J0O.. Young China may say wilh a .swagger jttoit he will produce lea for his own i drinking and silk for his own wearing land be omlent to forgo Ihc stranger's I silver. But how is he Ihen lo pay for the i hundred and one articles which he has 'earned lo consider e.s.senlial? For Wes- I lern ediicaliou has brougtil with it Wes- I tern laste.s. 1 lie cannot oven make for himself out i.f r.liinese t ibacco Ihe i-igarelles lie loves U) smoke. In the year of Irouble, liKJO, n Foochow olllcial who had gone lo Pe- kin lo have audience of Ihe Emperor, and who on Mav i:! narrowly .>scHiH'd li-om tlie Bo.xers. lold me that one of his . rival hardships was Ihat the Boxer bund.s oulside the ciipilal Ihrmigh whom he had I) make his way seaivlied his person clo.selv and made i..in di.seard anything :A European iiiaUe. wliich things in- cl'idcd lumdkercliiefs. buttons and the like. He added pluintively: "They would not let me keep my packets of cigarelles.' In cigarettes we have one of Ihe few â- irlides wluch i.hina can manufucture without going abroad for the wherewith- al She iKis tobacco; it is not very lusly. She has also rice paiier. she lias even a eii'aretle of her own, which she calls ".Makuvin," and wliich surM>nicially iv- sembles the Egyptian -or Virginian c'garelle. Still Ihc "Makuyin' is only a cigarette "of sorts. " and is no more the genuine article Iban margarine is butler. So it is with many other imixirts from Europe, simple things which have become neces- saries. In many cases china has Ihe raw material, which, with her imitative facility, she can manufacture into .some- ihing which really IJi'i^rs un asloiushiiig more Uiiin a dozen dinerenl languages In India llie native rajalis consider it Ihe liigliesi possible compliment lo be piesentod wilh line specimens of wild beasts, and coiLsetiuenlly IkjIIi King Ed- ward and the Prince of Wales have been Ihe recipients of muny gifts of tins de- scription. But when, one line day. hvo splendid tigers arrived unexpecledly al Sandriiigham. King Edward was driven I) renionslrale. "1 have accomnioda- lion," he said, "for hur-ses, dogs, cows, cats, mice, and even rats, but 1 must draw tho line al tigers.' • .-Vii odd gift was received by IIh! Crown Prince of Germany upon his coming of age. \ depulation of oulchei* altendiHl, liearing an enormous and inagnilicent steak, upon the surface of which was worked in suet their greetings to the future monai'cti. The late Prince Bismarck once received from some miners in Westphalia a bust of himself curved in coal^ and it is said that this odd present was always care- fully preserved by liini and looked upon .soniewhul in Ihe light of a luck bringcr. .A compliment which had serious re- sults WU.S paid to un actor nunied Han- son al a lillle mining lowii in British ('.olumbin. The audience was so stirred by Mr. llan.son's acting Ihat some per- sons began Ihrowiug presents upon the â- stage, like .spectators al a Spanish bull- light. One burly miner, having nothing else handy, hurled a lump of gold ore. I'liluckilv it hit the actor on Ihe head and knocked him down. He was badly injured and it vmis weeks before he was able to play again. Perhaps ttie oddest idea of paying a compliment belongs lo a tribe of Indians o;i Ihe Alaskan coast. When a chief wishes lo do honor to a distinguished visitor lie invites him lo a "pollulch." or feast. Then when all have eaten their till the <*Tiiet goes to the edge of the cliff and solemnly casts mlo the .sea as many ol his po.ssessioii.s us he thinks he can afford. This is held lo be the liighcst 25c. al your dealer. GOOD FOR OLD A.\D YOL'.NG. PERUCCTIA HARMLESS. CUiLDRKN LOVE IT. form of comrilinient and much superiui to merely giving presents lo the guest.â€" London lil-Bits. ONE .MA.N'S LICK. Bleekerâ€" "W'hen I do anything con- trary lo my wifcs wishes, she doesn't si>eak to iiic for ttiree or lour daj -.' .Meekerâ€" "You are certainly a liickj' dog." GIRLS ENTERING WOMANHOOD FIND BILEA.NS \ BOO.N. -Mothers who have daiighleis just 'n the critical borderland over wliich the girl passes into the fuller life of wo- manhood, will lind Bileans a great boon, 'they make rich, red blood, and slrcnglh- e:i and invigorate Ihe internal organs involved in the great change. Mrs.. T. Beadle, of Home Place, Toronto, says: ".\ly daughter. Elsie .i:!), was feeliny far from well this winter. .She com- plained of fre<iuenl headache and was always weakly, liretl. and dniwsy. She seemed allogellier wilhout energy â-  r strength. Eacii morning her tongue was coated and her appetite failed. .Sl» was somelimas so dizzy that on stoop- ing she almost fell, and she was also lr<;'Ubled a great deal with coustlpalion. Cine single box of Bileans made a world: pf difference In her, and so I conlmuetl lo give her tliis remedy. Within a few w»eeks they built her up wonderfully and thev are keeping her in the be-st . f health." Bileaas also cure anemia, green .sick- rte.ss, debility, sick heuduche. conslipa- licn. piles, rheumatism, sciatica, and all liver and kidney ailments. TWy l( ne up the system and enable it lo tlimw off colds, chills, etc. .Ml drug- gists and stores .sell. Bileans al .'JOc. » liox. or obtainable from Ihe Bilenii Co.. Toronto, for price, li bo.xes sent for Invest in Coal Stocks M.oi'p money' has been made fn.m investing in prices Uian from any other ckcss of in\ eslineiils. COAL Coal Slocks a*, low British Columbia Amaigamated Coal Company Stock AT 2S OKNTS PKR SHARE. COAL â-  CCAL This has iK'en Ihe cry from the Atlantic lo Ihe Pacilic and although every coal mine in Canada and the Inited States is shipping every pound of (Aial Ihey cnn produce, still ihe demand far exceeds the .supply. For- tunes will be inndo during Ihe next few years by investing in Coal Slocks ul low prices. The British Coimnhin Ai"milgnmnied Coal Company conlroi over 17,009 nci-es ol valuable floai Lands situated in the fonious Nicola Valley, British t;oUimbia, about 180 miles from Vancouver, H. (.".. We only have a limited amour t thai we wU s<MI in blocks of lOO or over al Ihe above price." To any one who intends invesling in these shares we advi.se you to wire us at" once slating the number of shares you wish lis to reserve, then remit by express order, bonk draft or registered mail. Write for booklet giving lull informalion about Nicola C:oal Dislricl. l-'..i' liirlliei' iiiloniialiuii wrih; <,r wire ii- iiiiniodialelv. SHARPS IRVIHE, Brokers, ;i;:^r Spokane, Washington We give as our reference as tegards our standing Bank of Moalreai, Spokane, Wasbinglon. "s^t^^i^W^-'

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