February 7 lft07 THE FLESHERTOxN A 1) V A ]S C E rfVWVWWWW F, T. HILL & CO. VWWWWyVW^ - OUR GREAT = February - Graniteware - Sale On THddy» February lSt» we 'start our Great Fobruary Graniteware Sale. 5,(J0U pieces of all kinds of Graniteware to he sold at one tbirtl to one half leHs than the usual i-etail price. This is a stin-ing sale and of impellin<:,' interest to every woman wiih big inducements to refurnish kitchen utensils in Grauitewai-e of all kinds. You cannot afford to pass it by. WASH BASINS 300 only Graiiito Wash liaMins in ^jrey and whifo colors, McClrtiy's inako, rej;. 2oc niitl ^oc valui'S aiiy- wliuri'. Uunnx uur KreaC (irHnitewure snlu f'>r tlie iiiiinlli «{ Vvhrunry only, romuuiber, Bellinx nt halt' â€" 2 Ijv 2Jc or euch 13c TEA POTS 1 quart Granite Trn Pols, reg, 85c, Feb. pricu 19c li •' " 40c " 22c '2 " " 65c " 2'Jc a " " 65o " 33c SrOVE POTS Juit thitik, 75 only Oranito Stove Pots, perfectly •uam'iuM wult Ktuitl bale and li|>D, Hold rt'^uUrly at 76c and 85c. Duriiin Fubru»ry they will be »old at each 4Sc FRY PAN AND SPIDERS Ouatouiora will pleaso note that the ()uanliiy is limited iu thiii liuo, but wlulc we have them the plica will bu; 45c. Fry I'am or Spidcri, selling for each 23c. 60c. •• " " 27c. 3Jc. •* " " 18c. RICE BOILERS 3 fnisrt Oratiito Rico Boilert, rfg. 81, Ftb. Snle price CHc 4 <(uart Kfonite rice Ixilera, largo size, ri'gu'ar 5p SI. 25. February sulu price 78c y^ BUTTER DISIIE-S ^ 75 only (;ranito butter dishes, selling at each lOo 3c SUGAR BOWLS i^ 75 only granite su<;ar bowls, selling at each lOo S^ 2^ PL.\TES ^ 00(1 only Pie Plates, Dinnir PUtes, and Tea PUte^, ^ all in I'raiiiteware, regular 10c and 12ic. While w« g^ have thein your choice at each 5e tK. • •?/ GRANITE BOWLS H^^; ^ ^ 10c Granite Bowls selling at your choi'ie for 5c ^2 12Jo '• " " 70 â- £ 15c " " " 8o 5^ During February only, remember J^ i J. «^ W. EOYD (P Onr sale closes Thursday ni^'ht January 31. "We ^ begin .stock taking Monday, Feb. 4th and will finish Hr about Monday, Feb. IH. Dnring tliesc two week.s we j^ are putting on a .^fiecial sale of furs and ladies jackets. ^ T 5 Ladies Fur Mantles, sizes, 3-40, 1-38, 1-36. cash price ?20.00 ^ (^ 21 Ladios ctotli jacket?, Kiey tweeds and black beavers, sizes from ^ W :^2 to 42, regular 8">.00 to §10.50 selling for 3 0) ?R •^ 11 Ladies ciotlijackcLs, blacks aud lawns, .selling at 98 jlj i Flour and Teed jl? We have a full stock of Hour and feed including •fc Bran, Shorts, Feed flour, Corn, Barley chop and •! I Five Roses Flonr ^ ji Every bag of which is guaranteedâ€" the best flour in 3 the land â€" no other can equal it. ^ O arai^arc n a ^ A full stock of stoves, ranges and heaters, axes, saws S? and all kinds of woodman's supplies, also BUILDERS SUPPLIES 2 L Parties contemplating building should not neglect get- j p ting our prices boforc purchasing elsewhere. 3 mm MARKPALE WAWW^ Is imblinhcdevery ThurKrtii^' St fl.'IO )«>,• kiinuui if paid in advance, j^l.iio if iii>t b<. paid. All aulMcrilicr iiayintr ifl.(M) ntrictly in advance But tliu Montreal ][iTatd one year Itue a« a iireiniuni. Weddings Philip*- Price â€" At Indianftpo1is,Indi- anii, uo Monday, .Tan. 14, Ernest Phillips to Sarah Edna Price. EDITf)UlAL DlllFr Temperance people have evidently not much to hope for from )Ir. Whit- ney iu the way of modifying the UO per cent, clause iu t,ho Tempeianco Act. In i-e^ly to Mr. Grabuin, leadar of the Opposition, .Mr. Wliitnoy said that tLt) ricciit local option vutc liad conviuced him that the otuu^e was all right and the government did not couteuiplato making any cli'in^o. He may change his mind wlieu tlie tcrap- eianco people get after him iu full strength, Wb feel very sorry for t;;o people ol Alberta, who are lofiing their cattle by the ihousaui, owing lo the severe winter, but this sorrow is also tiuct- urid with a very eumll degree of res- ignatiuu owing to our 'enienihranct- uf certain photos in liie papers last winter showing the people of Alberta pla}iijg baHtbull iu their bliirt bletvus iu January. As our great grand- mother wculd have said, the publication (f those plioLus was"Ibiiig in the f.ice of providence," The death of Tiuiothy Matun in Toronto last week removed tlie pion- eer departuiental stoie originator 11 Canada. He followed in the footstep^' (fsiicb men us Wannaiuaker uud Field, but lie proved possible what uia.jy people tlioii^.-ht iiupossible, that a Uiamnioth Lutinoss of this kind could be built np iu (lanuila, nctwith- Slunding a limited lielij. While not ll^e oiigiuaiur of the departiacntul «ture idea, siiii bis life work was cf «uch a nature that his lueinoiy will uot tuou dio, more particularly iu liic city wbere he lived Ho was instru- mental in adding iuinierholy to the iinaiiciai wealth of Toronto, gavt tinployinont to Imndi-eds and was liberal iu works of cliuiily. The ciri- Kous (if tlie (Jiieeu City certainly have reastjii {,.< piupnu.io :lic i;a:uj oi Timothy Eaton, A JamnlcanLady Speaks H ighly of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mi'K. Micha»l H.trt, wife <i{ tho 8U|)criiite<l- ent of Cnrt .S*!vviuc at Kiii^ifton, •Tmiiaica, West Inilie. lalundK H:tyntliut>i)iel.<i.slur JS'iinu V«ar» u.>i«'d ('ImiiitjtTlaiii'ft C'tnigli UemtKly for euii(,'h», cr(iii|i and wlmcipliitf couKh siirj ha.', finnid it very lienificiid. .S}ie iwn iiuplieit cimfidwicoiii it and w.mld m.t be witlumtuf it ill her homo. Sold by W. 1). Iticliai dsuii. Will Deal in Fleshcrton. To THE EmtOU OK TUK ADVANCE, Dej;r Sir, Quitii a nuiiiliur of thu liulieH nnmiid hoi'e have decided not to deal ill a town tint will not .support local ojition. 'I'liey think it i« tho duty <if all tciiiperuiicu (loople to favor tho town that ha-s fought for their viglitfl. Teinperanco peiijilo Hie in the majority and if wo woiiM all dial (inly in local option town.s lliuy would soon all ho h)Ciil ojition. A lot of tho ladies Imvo decided to deal in I'lesherlon in.stoad of Maikdalo. If Mai kdale people are hound to have liijuor th y will jiot got our luonoy to Iniy it with. â€" MoTHsr.. Kiinhiiiley, Foluniary 4 Cut tliin (lilt and ti.kciltoRich.irilmiirtKhiiif (•tore aiidRct a fiee HiinL|ili'i>r ( 'i>aiiilHM'li\lii'.'( .Stoiii.tcli iind l,i\fr 'r;dikl.H. 'riienu tnli'i'lHiire far viipci'idr to pilh, l<oiiiu' unsicr to tnko mid more plfjuflaiil iti eifeet. Tliry conectdiaordurs (,f the akMiiAcIi, liver anil liowcl^. Owing to a frozen nn'or Jiipe sloppinu thd circtilntion, the water front in W. Hunt'a 9(ovo, in IJarrie, exploded. The gidVi) WHS lilowii to pieces, one fra'^ment lodj^ed in tho eeiliii;; and aiiot'iur was cent thruiiuh the window across thulaivn. Mr. Hunt had hia \in injured, while Mr:^. iluii*. FUdtaiiied a aciilp wound. Mr. Qe.ir>!B A. Urowii, a proininunt citizuii of Menford, died on Tuendi»y of la.st week. The dioensod wa.s («> yenra nf «no and Was an ex Warden of this county, and ciiii of ilio oldest citi«»n» of Meaford. lie whh hinn near Toronto and roinovid to St. Vincent to«i.sliit> while hiill n youth niul had hecn ciii>a<4ed ill tho diovcr.ind 1 utclur l)Usiiius.H. Afier lieiiiu isovuiid times Town Councillor and Iteerc, ht) held the position of Ciuinty Coiiniiisi'ioiior frmu .Jaiinnry 18',t7, till neceiiiher last, and in liWl was eh-oted Warden of iho county. In piditiia he was n I'ontervHtive. Ho wa.s a ineinliui of Pliythaijoras LodKO. 1^7, A.F. ani A ,M. ol Meiifnid, â- . : f M -' 1 : 'V Vjir j Lodge, X... l'8t. Mr. J.H. McDonald, s{rocory man, hai a hnrso that is certainly ahle to reason tliinn» out on ita own .leciunt. If the delivery buainvn* happt-na to be alack for a bit and it lietslired wiiiiint; it will move off on an inv(;«iiv;aiii)n t( ur if tho wcHlIier i.s line or seek «lndter .m the h'c side (if a huilding if 'liu' wnithur Ih< runnh. but alwnys returns to his port in front of the store occasiojvilly lo nee if hid seivices are wanted. In thesu oipoilinons lui is always careful not to overtiirn the nj{ or not into coUjaion with iiiiy (ilisiriieiiiin. lie in always wiitchiuj; for a load of hay coining up tlm otreet, and as s lon as oiio appeara ho will sipiaro liimKelfaway to he reaiiy for it. He grabs a nioiithful of hay nwny fioin tlio Iroiit of the load, drops it, and ()uickly aiiatclies and pulls out :i second, tliiid or even a fourth bue, which hH ill turn drops in a pile at his feet and thou coiniuniis at leisure. TIo is certainly a wine liui.so and llmka <mt for number ono. â€" Lidtowel Dannor. Notice to Creditors In tlie inaf.ier of the estate of ROBERT TUIMULK, late of tho Yiilave of Flci'lierionin the County of Grey Merchant, decoasud. NOTICK in hiirobv given piirenantto the Ke» vixuilblatiitus of Ulltario, 1S!»7, ('lia|i. 12U that all ei-fulilors HiiH othurH haviui^ oIniiiiH a^aliiHt thoestalHof tlio hhIiI liOMIiH'r 'I'UI i;IUjK, il. - coa«t,(l, who ilieii on urahout the Tweut.y-Kirst ilay of Ueeelnht-r, A. II. IIKti. are Itipiilml on or Uvtovti tho IHth iUy of Kubiim v, A. 1). iyo7 to Boucl liy post iiieputlin deliver to W. W,Ti iuilile KKpiht', I'lefihertini 1'. O., Oi.t., .'iliiiinistrat r of tile estate of thenaitt ih ouaHuil.thelrchritttian anil Hiiniaiiion, auih'e!|i.uHiiti(l(lbi.cilptious. the full pai'tieiilaix of their claiui!i, tjio Ht.!>temeiit of their accoiiiHH aini iliu uatiiie of tliu snenritie.) (it a' y) held tv llioni. A.SD fiivthei take notice that after Biich last nientioiieil date the pai<l uihnii-istrator vvillproceed toiiivtrlbiite thoasiiet»e[ therleueuii ethtiiii)ii|; the pai'lier.elii it led thereto haviiiK re- Karil olily to the elrtiuis or wliieU llo Hliall then I: live nut ee.ainl tUat thei'ail /\<hiiini»tiat~ or will not hu liahle for the ».'ai<t AHvet^ or any part thereof to any person ur pvi-hoiih of wh.oiiu eliihim iiotlcn shall unt liavo been lueulved by him at the tiiitu o[£ucU (lir.tvibtitiou. thltudlhiaHthiUy o( Jiim.i-.y, A. ll. lOCO. LucuB, Wiiyht A .MuAiiiU', fob? O'.vun Souud, Out. Solioltnrs tor tho AdmlnUtritor. J. & W. BOYD F lesherton, On t PRIVATE SALE For 30 Days eioing up Business 1 Hov'Hi G v^'P-rs 1 Vow 7 yofirs Iu cftlf 1 T.'^> bLiuwy 2 Hi't. of 8in(>lo hftrnesa 1 C'uti ur Vair lijjlit bnbbli'ifc-hs 1 Sot. Heftvy barues^', Snt of lumliwr tnichs Si'vo ai iiUmiiliK. Liinil rollurs an<l imlpors, r>U,WRJ tt. LnmbiT, Wi) SquarnH shlii^'oP, 8i(MnK«i tlooi iti^s aiul otlior huiu..u AiiiHh. ("oino alon^ Hiitl H^t ibU stufT at yuur owu p.ticu wUile it ladttt, Everything Must be Sold WIU B.!!>o roct'ive offers for the {lurcbase or I0HU ul tUc mill prupui'ty uiiil dwcUiui;. R. P. LEGATE CEYLON Notice to Shareholders Tlie adjiMiniod ineetinK' of the idiareholdcrg of till- Klesheiton llotol Cotiipmiy [.i.uited, will 1hi held iu ('lavt.iu'a >l.dl en Wednesday, Keliruary titliafi o'eloclf p. ni. t" receive the .Vuditiit'a repiirt. liy cider of the Directors. E.C. MURHAY, Fleahorton, Jan. 28th, '07. Seeretai-y. Farmers! Look Here! I have opened np a new Harness shop in town and have a good and ever increasing stock of Bells, Blankets, Ilobes and all Wixtek NKtiss.siTiEs for the Horse Owner. Drop in and have me do auy Ilanieas Kepairing you uL-jy have. I can du it right. 0. W. Phillips Directly opposite The Advance office. Flesiikkton, - - Ontario Co^VHIOHTd Ac. a lifrfljr jsitriv.iii mir or-tNion l."<(0 wf.oil.i.'r mS tic'iniiiriutlyc.MiHtlimMaJ. ;ij;.!rt;.,toki,i.i »'(.!.:.« «ui>l f ru«. tJi<k»i«t BL'f-iii'j* ft'i Horuiii.ii i-nrt-iiM. l*:U«';i'* t&*io:i |!ir<.iHV» Miinu A i.i. rt.-<;«:ivo cifi^H >n .f -my nci'!, ,Vii' - .^riu-.l, ',•.'.<. .1. i/:i « ji'.i^ : t IT rr.onlsD.l'',. i.kf'd bji.ii ;•vâ- vM.^,U"^ Tarm for Sale T-ot !J0, COP. 11. townbliip n( Artt-nii'sm. con^ taiiiin^ 100 uuus, 4U auien untU>r cvilrivation, QO ^ooil paAltiru laii'l, uluaroil; vest tti txtsl), L'ouii ovcliai.l^woll WftUi>-t'J; low houh« \o^ witiblo, fiaititi bOTi), 2 uiiU'3 frcin hihool. Will sull clutip, till ttaay torui^, Ai>i>lv to Farm to Rent WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bi^ Stock » » Best Stock Be1ls» Blankets, Kobes Lot Itl 112, 3rd range T. & .S. R., twoniilea from Kl'.'Hhei'toii, coitt:Lining 100 acres, tiiK-.d orehard bnililnigs, incluuliiK britk house. .Sploimidly (yateied. Apiity to I.H.V.VO SlNuL.XlK, Vleaherton HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . Tho place to get the best Pho»os i^ at BULMKUS PHOTUGllAPIl (JALLKRY. Fur lined coats, pockeibooks, satchels, mzor strops an(3 other leather goods. Cuttersâ€" best makes-and everything in the harness line. W. MOORE, Fleshertoi\ Oat. Stiortl^orn Cattle fcr Sale T.oviiiiR»aiut Whnplen, tho best of breedine ami inmlR- Hulk, co\78 and buifor» for sale at reasmiable prices Lot M.con..'i CHA8. H TAFFOKD. ileehstloQ York.shire Boar for Service. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attenlinn to Copvi'iux and Babies' pictures. I'i;turo frain ing a specialty. Try us for nwy kind of pictures and wo will pi-iiiiiise,»alist',H2tion. Mrs. I3ULM2 Jl a ''I'lv '.1'"LT'S"'"' '"" '"'sorvlcoon Ir^liW. aiulW l.ith. K.. Artomoeia. a thorouRbbred Yorkahlio boar. "Lakeview Viot'.r â- • No 18110 Terms «1 Ul). Thoroughbreds oUra. A .Kleu-i did htnek y >ttiir. " amoali'ub. TH08.QL'IQO Prop. PoteSjo Kent ,J',''Vl'''",""''!!.''","''^*'"''''"l"" -•'th January IWhttho HeshiMton ihtel Company L'fd for iTiitiiig their now Hotel premises. Ihnisc 42 \ 5n. 3.4torey'cont.sining28 rooms. f*tnb!es 12 x 50, X stoi^y.,. Vi.r paniai'iir* V <M. ji.h21 I'reBideiit.