FKBBUAjiy 7 1907 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^^HHF THE MARKETS CAREFULLY CORRECTED WEEK. EACH 31 to 75 to 45 t'> 05 to 75 45 70 Hiy 10 00 t..lO CO loiitiocs, per baK 45 to n(i Uu-lur iOtt 20 E.!gH, fieBh 22 to 22 CliicksDs 6 to 8 OeoHU 10 t3 10 Turkeys H to U Dutki 10 to 10 r •^ SilB In Furniture Tlift lui-gost and best stork of furmtuio evorsliown in Flmhui- .111. This witliciiit four of comni- <llCtion. ColllO Itlld MHU HDlUa of the uice thingK in Bicieboards Dining Roorr\ Ct\airs Parlor Setts Bed Roon\ Setts A special roduc'i.iu just now on everything in order to ruduee the stock, H. W. FlesMoii 'tare •a BUNT iO eaten -Ont. Qj^ S) Strotid l^eads And Sktllod Il.itndd to ilio trout! the f»tiiiMis Attend 'a'oronto, ont. and ))i) t)ro|i<nly jMeimred h't liusin.'!<< jio^itious. We de»l only in HiKh (iioKi IJutinenH Educ«tioii, Ihu !.ind ovory yiT'iii; jii'Xii and woniMn should h«»<'. Cur H.diool hiuiiow the liiivu.^t iittend»nie in IN history. Cmnineno.t now. l'ro|i»ire wyll uiid BUCoep.H is oerlHin, No tionUti f a- our urxluu'es to ynt positioin'. (..Vluloyuofr.'*'.â€" W. J Elliott, I'linciiml. Cor. Yong iiiid Alexander iSls. l^LTinter Terisi. Now on :il the O-.VEN SOUND. ONT. )mt Rtudents Hre aiJiiiilled itt nny tiino without any iiiconvenien.o to iheinselves oroihoiH. Throa coinph'ie and thorough^s of study: Husoiosh, Shorthmid and Tyjiewritiiig, mid I'rep.irntorv. N'^ nmiter wlml your |)io«i!ii i-duo«tioii is wec:iii til you f^r a holt.M- I'nying |iositi"ii Full |iiiriicular» Simt to iiiiy uddieHs .ftOJ. Wiitu (o U A FLEMING, Pnncipul. SALE For Lunq Troubles Aycr's Cherry Pectoral cer- tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mistake about this. You know it Is true. And your own doctor will say so. Th* beat kind of a teatimontal â€" "Sold lor over alxty yoaxa." A oby J. C A7TC0..LOW311, Masc I A\t,o uianuiagturcra of yers SARSAPARILU. PILLS. HAIR VIGOB. W» havo no soorets ! We pubUeh tb» formulas cf all our medicine*. Keep th© bowels rci^ular with Ayur'3 Pills and thus hastun recovery. GROCERIES Ms^dfrW? ^IP^? "^J^SZ "S'R^^I^ltf^' 7i^ We aell trill buy. the very best grocciies money We Bell I'ur (JrneericH lit tlie lowest [jnMgible prices. Our shelven are well stocked with Canned Gudds of every dcucriptiou. C'hriKtiea' and McLauuhlin's Soda and Fancy Uiscuiis on nale at the bebl ruteii Arttimtla Council Hoyal HoUHehold, Ford's Patent and Morning (jlory Flouru also on Hale. W. L. Wright. BusiNE.s8 Cards VfOULLOUQU ft YOUNG u Biinkur Mnrkilale ^u a Raaeral baukiUK buiiiiiubti. Uoney loaneu a ruasou&blu rale Call eu UH. TOHIHliBTT, • l'o(itiuiltti(*r, ''oylon. C'uiiiiniKitlunur hi II. C. J .Conrevaucer, deeclH, tiH>i'l;{aKui4, leaHei*. willtt ecu- uai'Hliilly drawn up I'ultifUlloiiH uiad.'. i:t)arfjt3t* vt uKonanle. Alru ;;''Ot-i)i'ieci. lluur. fbeii etc. keiit lu btoek, I'rlcua riutiC, D J 8PB0ULK ^ PudluiHBtot, Kkmharcou i^oiumlsnIoutT 111 M. i; , I., Auctioneer Con royauoer, AppiBlBur p.uii Money Loudot Una) Kstatii aud ItiHuraiiou Agent. Deedu I'lixtKBtiOK, leamiH mid wiUii carefully drawn up and TuluaLioUH uiadu ou vbortMHi iintloe. iiicuey to loan ui lowest rates o( iiitrront. t'ul u^tioua attuiulud to wltti prouilituesa chariiea low. Axeut for Uceau Douiiulou St..aujKlilp Company. A call bolicited. rv MoPHAIL. LicFUiioil AiioMoUHer for thi" *-'• County of drey, TeiiiiH nioiiora^i* and KatiHfactloii ffiiiLrantued. 'Mm iirraii«t'innntH anil daiuv of >aU<H can bo made a*. 'I'UK Aiivamk iillli^e. Uuniduuceaud r.U. , Coyloii, Telephone (-oiiiiectlnu, Uuo. 6.0T. Societies A O V V meets oi. ilio laiit Monday 111 eao.n m.inth, in tbuir Iikiko looin. OhrlHtoea block. 8 p.ui. W.W., Krank I'.liaril ; Sec, T. lllaknly, I'iiiancior, W.J. liel,au>y, VlaltiuK bi-etlirci luvlted. The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Artcmesia met in the Town Hull, FlcHherton.on Saturday , February 2,1!W; iiioiuljerH were all present, the reeve in the chair. The ininutea of session of Jail. 11 were road and confirmed. T!ie following coiunmnicittionR, etc., wero presented and rujid: from Mesai-B. Conner, Clark and MoikIh, roijarding the relmilding of bridge at Boyne Water; tho police trustoeH of Flesherton, appliciition for by-law to borrow I^IWOO.OO to build concrete sidowalki* in said vilLigo; report of TroaKuror's security which is u guaran- tee bond of 87000. tMJ by the London (luarantee CoinjMvny with premium paid to Feb. 1, 1!)08; tho auditor's report on the accounts of 190(i; I. B. Luean, Esip, .M. P. P., letter acknowledging receipt of jjetitition to Legislature re repeal of SIC. fjtXi of Municiiial Act. McLoughry â€" -Carsonâ€" That the lleovo iiiid Clerk be paid two dollnrs each for s"!vices attending reiMtirs to town liall ill litOli -(.'an-ied. Mead.s- Carson â€" That the Clerk's jxist- ago iiccount 82.70to diitebe jjaid â€" Carried. McKenziu -McLoughry â€" Tluit R. J. Spiiiulo be pjiid 1311.25 for insiurance pivmiuin on town hall- Carried. Mc Kenziu â€" C.irson-- That an order be diuwn ou tho Treasurer in favor of Mrs. .Jiiiiies Williams for .?11.0!( being amount overpaid by her late hiisliand in making hi.s returns as Collector, as certified by auditorsâ€" Carried. Meadsâ€" Carsonâ€" Tli; it .John BelLimy !>,• paid as follows: for putting up t-em- I orary fence ^'l.oO; and lighting lamps J*2..tO at Loyne Water bridge- Carried. Meiids-McKenzie â€" That the account of .Vrmstrong Bros, for 22(X) feet rock elm lumber used in temporaiy bridge at Boyne Water !?22.IX) be paid -Carried. McLoughry â€" McLeozio â€" That the ac- count of Engineer R. McDowell as fcdlows be paid: Engineer's fees and expenses re .Johnston ditch Jflio.OO plan and survey of road on lot 143, 2 N. E, T. & S. Râ€" Car- ried. Carsonâ€" McKen/.iaâ€" That the Reove be jukid S8.00 for his services in connection with Boyne Water bridge -Can-ied. McKeuzie â€" Meaib* â€" That the following amounts bo appropriated to be expended on the highways in the several wards of this township, vi/,., â€" Ward No. 1, .^^tKl; Ward No. 2, SiiOO; Ward No. :i, 8;Ml); Ward 4, lf300; and a by-Liw Ix; introduc- ed and passe<l accordingly i:t next meeting of this council -Carried. McL.uiglu7 â€" Mc'ids-That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby appoint.ed a coii> iiiittoe to wait on the council of the Tow: - ship of Proton in regard to ditch :.l I'rotnn Station as asked for by Messrs. Ludlow, Wright and Trelford -Carried. McLoughry â€"Caitionâ€" That the report of coimnitteo on Treiuiarer's security be adojited Canied. RIcKenzie â€" Meads â€" That the council go into ctiminittee of tho wlnde on the Auditors' report of 190(1â€" Carried. McKeiiiie â€" McLougl'.ry â€" That the .•Vuditors' reiKirt on the accounts of liKKi as |iresented and finally audited by com- mittee he received and ail>pted and one hundred aud fifty copies l>o iirinted for distribution, and the auditius be paid their salary .as por by-law Carried. McKenzie â€" Meiuls â€" That the ajiplici- tion of the trustees of the Police S'illage of Klosherton to have a by-law prepared juul sulmiilted to tliu rate-fayers i:f tl e said village for ajiproval for the purpose of is.suiiig debentures to the extent of l?;!O(X).0O to be rejiaid in ten years for the purpose of construccing cement sidewalks in said village, bo entertained and the clerk Ls hereby instruottxl to have such by-law prepared for intiiKluctiou at next meeting of the council- Carried. CouncU adjourned. PUINCH AUTHUK LODtlB, No. :W8. A.F.& <- A M. inoats in the Manoulchall. Stralu'a blrick, Klenburton. uvury Krlday on or before ib,j (nil ii.ocii. W A.AimBtiuUK, W M,; Uuib. ^^itiltb, tirtcrutary. f nTl'UTFLKPriKRTn.V, 00,';. I. C. F. iroetsii, " ChllBtoc's Block tlin liiKt \Vi.dlie?(lav tivuiiinu "t > iicb month. Vi«lt,iii({ KmeBlorB hoBilih w.dc.ime. 0. It., Hr. Miinav; li. S., T. llci.iy; Kin. Sec, C. N. Hlchaidson. I'lenMi pav dni's to Fin. fieo. before the day of tlio niontb. QrBt AT PORTLAW In everythlni; in Dry Crooils, B jots anil Slices, llardwure, Stove.s and Tinware. DreBs Qood«, mgular pi ice 33, now selliuL' Ht 25j Dress goods, 111 rexiilar price 45, • I'l inu . . . ;{5c Dress Ooou*, luuuUr price. f>0, at selling . . ,4i)c Fbinnulettes, Ht rrdular price 10. rolling 8 Printo, lii, Ducks and (Jinghains Hidliiii; . . . 10c Sittuou, regular p ioj 25, selling at. . . . 15 Greatest pver known in boots and Shoes. Hardware and tinware to be sold liknwise Call and Sec our Stock before buying clscwB)crc J. A. St. JOHN ^£^'ERAl. MERCHANT . » PORT LAW nilOSEN PUlKNnH-Fli.8li«rton Council of " I'noKon ineots in t'lm ton b Imll llrst â- Old iliiid Wiitlnii'dftv of ukcli mout 8 p. ui I'lkv anH.iiiHnuiiiti' to till. Ilororder on or buforn IPB first day of uiiuli month. I'liiet Couuuillor, I. IllakolBy;K«cordur, W. H. Iluut. Medical CAllTKR MCP*HOnt. Physician. SnrReoii.eto Omce aud rusidauceâ€" Pater si., rieshbrton D" made on the eicess o' all aalaries above $<)0O»nd up tuSGtlO. This will Work out as follows : Appro- priation for equipment and accotnnio- dntion, 8C0.C0O; appropriation of 815 to each secti ir., 880,000; ttppri>priation of 40 per •cm. on salaries over 8300, 8240,- 000; a tntjil of 8380.0U0. To recapitulate, the to'al of proposevl grmitj! to rnrul schoida this year it fSdO,- COO; the last i^rant hy the lale (iovern- mei't was 8118, tX'O; theiefore the increase by thuOovernnieni la $262,000. Br. Sloeon's 0reif ThIo^ Md DIteatft Dtstroyer HONOKROIL^ Report of S.S. No. 7, Artemesia. for .Tauuary. V â€" Joseph Oliver, Roh'jie Pat'oii. IV â€" Annie Muir, Eniina Meade, Jen- nie Muir. Illâ€" John Meade, May Muir, Garfield Whyte. II -Eddie Dingwell, Lily McPhsi), Waiter Williamson. II Pt. -Archie Whyte, Clark MaoMil- lan, Ralpli Williamson I â€" Wilfred Pamlow and Duncan Mac- Millau, EuzABETn Scott, Teacher Report of Port Law Public School for January. i V â€" Alice Holiiian, Fri'd Taylor. IV Sr. â€" FloBsiB Simmoiie, Delia Fed- | lar. IV .Ir. â€" Gertie Thom[>6on, Harry ' Me drum, EU.ert Cnrnlield. I III Si. â€" Hea;l Wats <i', A'vin McKen- I zio, Fr>.iik T.iylor, WiUred McNally. I 111 Jr.â€" Milton Walk,-', Vi..a Corn 1 Held, 11. a Lyons, L.Lyons, Martha VValk- er. ; II 8r. â€" Vina Watson, L. McKenzie, I Lizze Oaborne, B. Sliiirs | II. Jr. â€" Myrtle Warling, Annie Fisher Gladys White. ' Pt. II. Sr.â€" Ivft McNully, Millie' While, Frank Shier j Pt. II. Jr.- Wilfrid Roios'on, Alela | Lyons, Rena Shier, Geo. Udell, Fied i Oaborrto. j I. Sr. â€" Willie Whit.*, Hurry Thompson. | 1. Jr.- Harold Tl-ompson, Gh:n Houls- j ton, Mn ray Corntield, Aoine I'dell. .â- \vriai.'e uiteiHlaiiiv for month, 31. â€" 11. V. Staitokd, Trachea. I'or any disease of tlio Ma wo can recoiT.« laoiiil (^hauiherlain's S.ilvc. It relieves the \ iieliin^ and Inunirf; iv'iisat'.nn iiiBtantly and i «;iou clloctn a cure. This salve is also iuval- 'lable iur sore ni|,ples. AV. E. Richardson, (WtOMOUMoaO kHtEEIM Used in Tl^ousaiids of Homes ir* Canada THOSE WHO don't know whnt Psychine is and it does are asking nboitt iti THOSE WHO do hnovr what Psychine is and what it doe« are nsing it. Thev regard it as tl>eir best phvBician aad friend. , . . , , THOSE WHO upo it nre boing qulcklr and permanently cured of all forma of throat, chest, luns »"'' Htomach troubles. It is a scieutilic prepara- tion, destroviiig all disease germs lu the blood and system. It is a wonderlul tonic .nnd system building remedy, and is a certain' cure for .. . «roaihial Cou^^^ ChiU3 and icvtt, nacult Ijre2.>:hin^, Geoeral V/eaKiiess Fettale Troablcs, Hemorrhages, Consaaipt2oa, Catarrh of tie Stojcach. Glasses That Cure. COUGHS, LA GSIFFE, Colds, Posamonia, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Weaa Voice, Sleeplessuess, Nervoasnsss, Malaria, Anaemia, All these diseases are serious in them- selves, and if not promptly cured in the early stages are the certain Jor<;niiinerS of Consumption in its moat torriblc forms. Psychine conquers and eiiroa Consump- tion, but it is much eitaier and safer to prevent its development by using Psy- chine. Here Is a s.impie of thoneands of voluntary and unsolicited statements fron) all over Canada : Dr. T, A. Slocum, Limited : Gentlemen.- 1 feel it my tlni^ to advise you of tho remarkable cuie aSeeted by your Psychine and OxoiQulslon. whii^h have como under rey pefBODftl obsorvaUon. Three mon. well known u> mi>. Albert Towusend, liazut Hipjion and John McKay all of Sbclbume County, were pro- nounced by the beat lu'Tlical men to have couHiiinptioii. and to be inc\>rablo iind beyond Ihe reach of medical iilj. The-y u^ed I'sychi'io and Oxoniuliinn and they are now in Rood health. I leel it a duty 1 owe to suffcrlnn humanity to state the^e (arts tor the t>eiiel)t ol other suUcreta from this terrible disease. Youre very tnilv. LEANDEK McKENZIB. J.F., Green Harbor, N.S. Psychine, pronounced 8i-keen, is for sale at all up-to-date dealers. If yonr druggist or general store cannot supply you, write Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 king Street West, Toronto. D« A. T. HOND Urndiiatf Toronto I'nlvoraltv. Mcm- inn- of Oiitai in ('.ill.,>;e o; Plivsioilana and Hnr- (JODOB. Muxwoll, Out. hucooniioi- to Dr. Scott t p OTriO\Vi;i,I, '' Voturinary Burgeon Uradiiato of Ontario Vctorlnary Oolleiie, rnsideiioo â€" Bscoiid door aouth wuit on Marv slreot TbU atreoc runs toutb Praabytariau Clinroh. H, WILSON. lIlncksDilth « 'Graduate of tho Vctcrlnarv Rclonco Aaxoolatlon. Uc»i limco, inirham street, op. posltii lioyd, Bicklli.K'» hardware. Legal LU0A8 WBIQHT * McAnill.R ItarriatorB Holioitors Conveyancers, eto OtnoM- Owan Sound. Ont andMarkdal."Oiit W H Wrioht, McArdlu I » I.ucab N Hâ€" FleBhflrton offlco, Uitchell'i Uauk •vary Saturday. Dentistry Dr. B. C. MURRAY I.. D. K , dental snrKron houorKradiiata of Toronto tJiiivcraitr and Roral»g»ol l)«rial K<ir<;«on« ofnntario. Oaa admlDlilration for (aeth exlraotloD tit. a. ii.i.^aiic«, ro.oaio stiviil, fitthir.ou. The School Act. A statement by Premier Whitney as to the inielinon ol' the Government with regard lu ihe public school act of l.>st session nag ihe feature of the ai'S.iion of the Leni»laiuro Friday last. The niioinuiiii salary rlaUHin of ilmt act have been tho subject of coiiBideialiie eouiro- veisy, and amending lei:lslatioii has of late been several liine fore-hadtoved. The Gov.rn.neni wi 1 not only largely increase the grants lo the schools, but the new le^islntiou «ill \Kipe out the basis of disliibution as adopted last yesi, and specially onc.iui«i;e the payment to teachers of salariea hIiovc $,'t00. it pr'i- vides n iie«' uucoiidition>«l irrant of $15 yrariy to each school necioii, and sub- KiHiitia! appropiixtioiiH ft-r equipment and KicoinuioJutioii. lu the aitgngaie the Goveniini'iit iiici eases ita grant of last yesr to ll\« lural schools by 8202,000. The Pieuiier's Kiatemenc was as fol- lows: â€" 'the situation as to rural achotd^ is: (1) â€" Wb have fvuiid thai, there is iiot a Kothcieiu number of prop«rly (|U»lilie(l leachera toinottlho deiniiiid ui der tliu ireseiit law, and Ihal this coiidiiimi of allaiiH IS likely to continue to a greater or bss extent, uniil the new iioriiiHl schools are establiahed aud bej^iu their V, ork . (2)- It has I ecome evident that con siiieralle ditticulty will arise in working out the pioMsiotia of the law aa to in- creased salaries drpendent upon the asHesanienti-, which vary very much. For llicte reasons we think it best to make certain changes in tho Uw as lolhiwn:â€" (-i) The niinioium grant of 8300 per annum by tho township lo each school •eel ion for salary will he re ained. (I') An uncondiiioiml (irant of 81500 per annum will bu in,ide to each aection. (c) A grant will Le mada for the pur- po>'eH of eijuipiuont and acconim^datiun, and (d) A of 40 pn cent, will be Eyestrain causes many serious ills â€" Nervousness, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Sleeplessness, headaches baffling the skill of the best doctors. We adjust glasses that remove the strainâ€" give a lasting cure. We guarantee satisfaction. Wo Ao Ao^it^stJ^onyi^ For Sak by Ccnder Triulera will be rfooivetl liv tlio UM'lorfij.^tiofl up tJ h"ob''ii*irv l;). lIKt7. Un- tho imruliahu cf t!iO buil<lint{» known an Aiuiliual Hull in Kleshortou Ou tlitj prufjii't.v are ft three ttoioy biiok bulM- inK tovnieilv ust'd uh n 'ii'ii;^ Htoi-e, au*) a t\vo« istunty brick buildinu tiowoccnijiud uBa )>utchor bbop and Iwdlin^; uNo a loii^li ca^t biilMin^oc'' cupioil as harueBHHhop, h1h»> htftblf'S. Thi'biylj- titib or aiiy tuuder uot uucebuaiily coeopttid. Tho stortf pare of the block is'for reufe at aoy time. W. .1. BtiJIoniy Mm B. O. Tbotu • rv/kaLS" iri r ' tsi "^ Our Clubbing List 'Advance, *Herald and ♦Toronto World, daily S3 2.> Toronto Daily News 3 3i> Weekly Globe 1 80 Mail Empire 1 75 Family Herald & Star 1 80 Toronto Star 2 30 F«riiicis Sun 1 80 FarniTS Advocate 2 oO Weekly Witness 1 80 In, Biigfjies, Wagj^on.s, Harrows, Plougli.s, Cream Sep- arators and Wire HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Fencing. Heard's Carriage Works D. McXAVISH For First Clas.^ Buggies, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber \\agons, cutters. Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to cliooae from. ALSO HOkSE SHOEINQ ANDQENERAL BLACKSMITHINO and guarantee first class work. Wo keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and Harris and Noxou repairs for binders, Mowert in'i';hinery, also Binder Twine on hand. Masaey- •ill kinds of Ulben in town give tis a call • Wk^