I '] KING AM) THE MADMAN. Windsor Bookiiiakci- Makes ;in \l(.'iii|il (u Shuol widi the Kill)). A sonsiilwmal iiii:iiJL'nt in couneclion with one of the King's stiooling excur- sions in Windsor Korest has just come I; light. A rimdmnn, nrmcd with a {run. ilelor- Tnin'"*! U> go sliouling willi liis Miije.sly th€ olher .'^nluiduy. and proci't'dcil into th& foi'1'.st. near llitili Slandini,' Hill. Ho Jictuully sliot at .some bird.s alh'r llio King and Prince of Wales liud leil llio fore.sl after the best day's sport in W iiul- sor Park ev«>r enjoyed. One of lii.s Majesty's keepers was on bis way lionie when he heard a tJim lired. He inunixliutely went to the .^pol from whenoe !lie .sound liad conu^ arid saw n man r*innins away. .lust then a keeper on a noLilenian's estate clo.se Ijy came up, havinf: hi'ard a shot, lie .saw H man with a gun who was about to get over a fence. He wont up to him, and seeing he was a stranger, thought lie had better use caution. The keeper saidâ€" "Can I hold your gun wliile you gel over ttie fence'/" and the man Itiunkini him and lianded the keeper the gun. Having secured this, the keeper iisked him wliat he was doing there, •whf'reupon the niun answered strangely. Producing a handful of gold from his pocket, he a.sked the keei>.T If he could "square" hmi. The King's l^eeper had now come on the scene. From his actions the keepers concluded that the man was insane, and this proved U) he the ease. He tiad bor- rowed a gun at Slough and had told some of his friends thai he was going ehooUng with the ...Tig. He was subsi'<iuently eonveyed to an atiyluin. It appi'ars Ihal the man is a local bookmaker, who has suddenly lust his reason. Does fit Doesn't shrink STONK B.VHOMCTKH. rnderwear has the sol warm fee! the skin enjoys. Doe sn ' t itch Made for men, wo- rn en and little folks, a variety of styles, abrica and prices. 'I'lierc exisLs a stone whirli is said lo iiiilHilingly (orcieil clianges in the wea- ther. 'I'liis stone wa.s found in Kinlimd many yeK.-s ago by iiti explorer, and has since been watclicd by scienlisis with ;;real inli rest. It presents a white, mot- tled appearance m suti.-hine, (,'raduaHy lurnmg from gn-y to black n.s !\ raiuj.r ii'Mi uppiiiiiilii-.s. The slone is euni- |Mis<'<l of clay, iiih'fnnd rock salt. In dry weal her fhe .sail in the slone is pronii- iii'.nt. liut when thi; air is liUrd with nioLslure the salt aijsorlis thai moishn-o and turns black, thus forming' the buro- lueler. [CAUGHT BY THE GR[P== RELEASED BY PE=RU=NA^ Weauthorize every dealer in Pen- Angle Underwear lo replace, at oui cost, any gaimenl faulty ia material or "â- "1''"^ Tin- TKHM UEFIXKD. Nugg byâ€" "rill' Hev. Dr. l'"ourlhly has quit IX'aling till.' IBIble with his fist siiici- llii; coiigregalion protested so vigoruus- Iv ageinsl it. ' Waggsbyâ€" '"/e.s? I s'po.se tliat's why he's called an ex-pounder of tlie .Scrij)- tures.'' LONDON THE «RE\IE.ST I'ORT. Tonnage for lilflfi Was 27 Millions, the l..arrjest on UecorU. Lord Deslxiroiif;.'!. who was re-electe<l chairman of the ThauK.'s tJunservancy ttie other day, gavo some inleresting lifjures in revi'.'wing Uie work of (he year. The reg'slered tonnage of ships on- hring and leaving tlie Port of London lor the year UXXi. lie said, was i7.l4.").- <«), which was not only a recoi'd for Ihc Wiver Thames, but was greatly in excess of that of any oilier port in |.he world. The ligur.-s for the pt-evious- year were 25.8G7,/)00 tons. He was pleu.sed to say thai the num- ber of Inrgi' vessels -enleriiig the ixirt liad also greatly increased. By large vessels he meant those of 5,(j(*j Ions j.iKl upwards. (Jf .^uch vessels 3S2 en- tered tlie p<Mt during Ihc yesr lUWi, astj against 04 in the year 1900. "Queen City" â- » Ijenn iKan a pare MaiXolu Bow â€" A a txMtei dun a pwe Oiilano Auufâ€" 4xin^ tilcaded h combmes ttie belt qtuliiiri ui Ixith. â- Queen Cily" o aa all-purpoja i««. SupplM^ _^tk yam fnetr for TheCarnpbell CampbcU'S Milling Co. LumM â€"^ ^ r^'A^ Tafonlo JU..IWO. Oil l^ 116811 Vxlty Known lo Thousands. â€" Parmelee's \>'getabl<? PiUs regulate Ihc actiim of 11 .secretiun.-:, purify the blood and kei'p the .stomach and bowels free fnim ileleU-rious mailer. Taken according to direction Ihey will overcome dysix'psia. eiailicttto biliousness, and leave the di- Heslive organs healthy and strong lo jirrrorm their functions. 'Their merits are well-known lo thousands who know Ly e.xperience howxheuflicial they are in giviiiy lone lo the system. FmEND.SHll''S TRIBUTE. Nan : "I wonder if that's n rwil dia- mond that Kitty's wearing on her lin- ger. Do you know who the young man is?" I"an : "I don't know of a«iy young man, but 1 know its a real diamond. I hap|»evied in when she was buying it." A Nacelng Coutft drives sleep.anil comfort tiwaiiy. .\Tlttii'A lAin)4 UuJsum ralievon hard breutli> \\ig, pani in tbti cilust and iaritjUiuii uf tll« tllJuat. Uive itiroelytu Uie ubildnm. iH:ixi:.s itoB B\/A\its. Aeveluii»ns «( <iross Frauds ul ^Berlin, tGerniairs Mice have twenty s»ioep ani oxen, 32. livlh; rabbits, 2S; A wotwan doesn't greatly object to eonfessiity tier age if .she doeiiu't l<wl> it. I 2 POWERFUL INSTANGESI, OF ZAM-BlTvS WO.NDEBnT- Mere ai'i- Iwo puwei'ful the varie.l ways in w.hich ^j:real herbal bahu, is throughout the lDiimiiii<Jii. ,V4'l onjc.yed its t>eni'lil'.' 'I'rtMldMi un by a 'noisr--llad IJniispfi. Mr. I), t'.unnning, t.f .â- S|iniigM!(mnl. (Ont.), say< "1 have proved Ihti! /.a:n- Huk has extraordanary nieril. 1 wa*s liamph'd on by a horse and m-y fool. â- was nil bloi-k and swollen. 1 could, scarcely misi'e il. liie paiji was n,i bad. A few appliearons of Tiuii-Biik cured tlie pain and remoied Ihe discidoralioi .\st«Dish:ng revelatk'ns arc being cade oi fraud comiiiitted by .society wo- ai.eii uf U' riia, (jeniickny. who make a practice of taking a promiiieiit purl iu ba/.aurs and other claarity fuin.-tioiis. 11 is stiowtu tlial these "hyenas > f charily," as Ihey arc cnlleU here, hai'<.' I nut tiiily victimized ^aitierings iegHi- mately orgatiized. l*ioi, that they ha-ve been .III the habil al eiigiiieeriiig tltfa- triiial fetes, m'here they .so'd cu|)S of coffee at SLSi" and $is>0 eauli and other articles of refreahiiniiil ul equally extra- \aguiil prices. Iditise who were .shocked l?.y the.se and ill more atJonishiitg devioes for ob- 1 laining nion^y were lo Id that every tiling j was â- ju-sliliuble in thf cause of chanty. tn.('jrtunalely, furiner revelabuns , iiave made i:t clear thai many of the.so K Soand .^stomach Means a Clear I Head. â€"The high pressure of a norvons I lite which bUMiK'ss men of Ihe pivsenl I (lay irt-e conslrained t*> live make Idiaughl.s upon ttwir vitalitiy highly del- ii'metilal to Iheir liealth. It is •only by I Ihc must riirefii^ trealiiK'nl thai Ihey iii'i' 6'bli' lo keep themselves alert ami activ*- 111 tl»eir various callings, many of tln'iii kiiiyw ttie vahie of r*arniulee's Veiiehible Pills in regalaling Ihe slo- inacli and •ooNsequen.lity keeping thei I; eat cteui'. Efltotlva Mtedloim for La Crip-.!e. Eol)t. L. H-adiHoii. A.M.. PriiicipM of Cullowhi'i' l»igh School. PaiiiUT, .N. v.. writei! "Pvruna is tlio m<>.«t effocKiVH mt-difine lliat I haw evi-r tried for la grippe. Iv. alao etirud my wile of traea! caturrh. IW-r TOnditioii at one time waa such thai, :ih('. could not at night brrathe through her â- ncstrils. ' La Crippe and Systemic CsOarrh. Mrs. .Jennie W. Gdmore. Box 14, White Ciui, liid. TeTi. wTJles : "SJB years •^u I had la. Krippv. followed «y iij«it«mic cyitarrh. 'UIk- only iliiiig I UHed -n-M Pdruna and »la«iiilin. and [ have- been in bettier liealth the last three yoar« than for jwaj-H before." SIi-H. ,1«>e Gift, Alkcns, Ohio, wrilvs : "Six. yiears ago 1 ha>d la ifrippe wry bad. My Inisband bfiaght me a ^)ott^p of Peru- na. 1 was houo able to do my work. ' Poets arn boni. made. but geod hit£ bands are "nie WreU^ed CondlU«si of ttioirsaada is da* to iUa fact tiuat<tliey neKl«ot the iiiuplest care oi tlittir health Wtieu in thiii cunditioxi " Kertvriia** >wili buUd yiMi ap.aud %iv«{>.uu atrOiiKth. Suffored Twelve Ycai-s From AfUr Etta of La Crippe. Mr. Victor Patiieauue, :28 Uad^B ! Topeliu, Kiui.. writes : â- "rwtdve yenrB uso I hswi a tieTerw tu<'li of la grippe, and I neTer real!T .:»vered iny health until two jK»a _ I becitli uxinK Peruna and (I bmlt av ^^J Mtr«ii({th, MO that in a i.oiiple of loontka K. wojs xhle tu tfo to wurii utfaiii." Penumonia FelloweA Ua Crippa.' Mr. T. Barnecutt. We^t Aylmer. OaXmrimi- ' Can., writen : "L»aM winter I waft ill after haviiiif la grippe. for two munthx, when w«n.' Pe-runa-A Tonic After La Grippv. Mm. Chaw. !â- ;. WelU. Sr.. OoU Ohio, writes : "After a severe alXacfc. ijft la Krippe, I took Purunu and fouod. 'fc ^ very good tonie.' wicli pnenou>ftx:fA 1' took Peroajs. f became 4uit4i Wife 1'EN came air-oss u bundle inslu'nces if ., . ,, ,,,,,,â- ZiifiBuk fii^j"''""'"*"y clwntable ladies upproiwial- doing go,a.,W ^-^ .'"â- ^'^ sur..s of the niouey obturined liave voiai '" "^^ ^^''y- ^"^ society l*elle, u pro- minei.t llgur»: at at) chanUible f^les. tj<«i''' old k>ve letters to-day." |syslei.'iu:icully appropriated all ^^olil 'â- 'â- â- ' " o^ans paid to tier and only lianded -vver silver coins It the treasurer. Reojiitly one woin.in delected in the act of sleuling moneiv. was juiblioly as- saulteti ul tt eharila;ble (ele by a wo- man .whose nidignalion otrried her away. The « ght of one fushionailily- I dre.sscd lady \whippiiig nnuther gorge- Sllli. OlELKiiri'S IN IT, Oliutys : "What an wnhappy disflosi- tioii ijweikh)*em has'/' KsiiM-ralihi; "She'? Nothing of the still, .'^he irw'r*'!*' hits a dt-sposltiun for making' ullxi- p«>ople wihappy.' oir fltistmnd: "Oid yo*i read 'Unem over?"^ U'ifo : "\es." IhisbutKl ; "And «ihat wee the effect 'Of that periwar.'' Vi ife : 'II wondered which wa.s thei bigger fool-wou f<jr writing Ihein or X lai- Jiiarryaig you aHWr lecaMung Iheuih' The fool w^s soon all rj;^hl ugatin Ls a wontlerful balni." BiMWinu .Sure Hnaled. Mrs. «. JrJloldeii. uf llanijiih .<L \\'.. llaniiHon. «.iys: ".My lillle girl hid a iJ^U.usly errayed .dame <tl an assembly at- tended by i!.flW) per.s<.ns crehled gneat •excilenK^nt. and led to |)em,Lstent e>n- iquiries tts to ibe cau.se of the .encounter. ,\nolher "hyena of charity" was »le- tecli!d iiti Ihe tct of <pockelitig money lunnuig .sore on heii' leg (fchi, h delie.1 j »,„i wa« compelled to dLsgorge 'ber ml! manner ol Ireatinent. Wilhin .a few |.s^>oil.s on Ihe .spul. in till! view of '*<^) --r Kta.vs at Irving 7.ain-|{uk there was iilf,n c.pnlempluous spetttutors. -She w«.s -dislincl improiement and the woufhl 's j searched e.lieie and Ihen, and gold coins row cumplelely healed. I Have sinceUvere extracted Jroni htjr pockets, from us^ /aindiuk tor other skin diseases. | Hw folds of her div-i,s. and even froti clc, and liiid it excellcnl." 1 1,^.,. jainly shoas. Then she wut driver /.ani-Buk is an 'all-Mund hoaselKild \u-(n» the .building amid .loud hieses and taliu. 11 is oomp<iii(Kied frdnii puix-lv I duuls. herbal essenci^. and cures eerema. ul- t-ers, .sores, chapped hatnJs, bruises. cul*i, burns, etc. It ateo cun-s rlieuma- ti.sni, sciatica, nouralgia. and rubb«<d v>iell ill over the chftst in cases rif cold removes Ihe tightness and aching. \\{ druggists and stores .sell at 5l)c. a box, or posl free from the /.am-Ruk Cjj.. To- ronto. itiKin receipt ui pj-iee. -6 sxtxas lor «-'.jO. -*- INSt'f.T TO LNMl'llY. "That is what 1 c-all downright iinpu- deiu;«?," -said Mi-s. Riggitis, "What lia> occurred r' inquiretl her l.usband. "The n.ighhors who recently moved next door are going to have company, s I they sent in to liorrow our dni wing- room rug. I let Ihefi) have it. .md in n liUle while Ihey came back and said Itn-y didnl think it was handsome enough ili go will! their furniture, and could I lend thein the money lo buy u new one." lOiis is the glori«»us .'reason when «. scaul's wonUi of lIow«n's cojsla dollar. .ffele. sick 'Children should i«.se Mo4h»'r (u*ives' Worm lixteniiinutui:. Wurau are one of the print-jpul cauiies of suf- fering in children and should be «(- pelied fruio Ihe .svslem. In Iho («iUi centtn\v a cat was held eqiuil in value to two ;liens. .She: "Why, il wa.sfj I Iwo/inJiiutes-lsek Core 'he repealed it." BroalK- AppllMce. New dtaosw.iry. W-aBdotmi. No obaaajuus tftmm* or .pad*. .%af aalle Adr (AuktaBU Bin* aid *aBilln kratrna a feMMn lia*. NtTi (X E. mtOKS, 3(03 I>>«U- BM(., â- aiismn, utam. Teacher ; "XIarj'. .onstruct a seiilence with 'dogina' us sutijeet." Mary iaflei- careful limm^tj: "'Jlie duynja has three puppits." \\w< (JKiM nt:.vE.NaE. I'hrt doctor sliook his hetid and Sookeil serious. "Ilik'ii." he .said, a/ter ftteling Ihe pa- lient's pul.se and tak»og his lempert.ture. "Vou'nB very ill inde»'d." "Ysyuu doitt .say s.j. d<ick.ir." gn^ped llh> man, as Hie turtHL-d pule. ".Viii 1 going l* have c.ionie s«i'io«is i,lln(^s'f" "Vou aji;e liable lo, si»', unlui.s you ffol- 'n!*v out N.iy directions to line lef.ler. l.tLs see. Do you go bo .Scrugg, llietiutclier:'" "Ye.s, doflor." "You inufcl buy your nifcat nftar this at .some other shop. It will be .sa«ne\vhiiii of a change, I think. I>jes Grto, Hiei grocer, get your cufitom '.''' "lie Jix*, doclorâ€" ail of il in Ihat line." "Jasl M). I nnist caution you lo clwiiige jjrocer.s for a while. Even Umt will ibe a little change in your diet. Who's your baker?" "Why, Dusly. al Ihe corner." "'I'hen buy ytjiir bretid .somewhere elw. Si as to have a complete change in fixid all round. 'I'tial's all, I believe, iMdlow tho.se directions faillifiilly. lake tliis pre- .scriptioti and have il made up. and you'll be a different man in a week." And. as the sick man walked out, the doctor rubbed his hand.s and chuckled to him.stMf "This is the liflh patient. I have given the same advice lo in I tie lust three days. Sue me for Iheir lillle bills, will Ihey? Well, it's my opinion that, by Ihe end of Ihe monlh. .Scrngg, CIril/.. and Uii.sly will be sorry Ihey worried me." W^rt U tb* fteat IliinK to atrenethea weak' haolur "Them & I." Men«eal PiadUr. It will cure UimbaKo and rliuuinalLijuD. ;#1 rwUn niakev iov«a £6c plaater.s. l>avia .& LAwi:4>nue Cu. CrenI M4:diciiie. â€" - Tonli. one of Ihe pioneers ti Fs't'iii.'li <:unada. io.s| n huiid aiKl wone an iron boiik ae a siibslilule. lie was in Itie habil uf boxing Ihe •â- ars <f relracUji\y Indians willi iliie iruii [hafid. iind 'LIK>>' hav.^ I'euiurki.'d Ihat it .was "yreat medicine." I>r. riioaias' plitllectric Oil ie gieuj incdiciiie; il lakes Itold ol paiH with an iron hutid and kuucks It out of Ihe .'•ystiitn. FOR SALE. S;)Iendid 56 arre Farm, County of Elciiit', 2 inilBH from Duart, Kood Hoil, fruit andi buildings, price $1,500. .*pply ut onook. Western Real iistale IvxrhanBe, Linuu;^ Uondon, Out. Tour overcoats I twinA Salts wo«ld luok tntter ilred. If ao atfi" Mir* In ytmr to-vu, urilo direct MoDl^al, B«a U â- IIITISN AMCttlOAN OVeiNO Ofk. MO.\'ii!t;.\i.. FOR SALE. DKLAWAP.E FROrr, TltUCK. POOLTKiT Farms. $700 to $25,M0: splendid liarrMnsj free tatalogue. OHAS. M. H.AtiXONO. Real Estate Brolter. Uilfortfi. 11 takes frnm ilt) to iOO Ions of bectrout lo -iiv* Hi tons of suguc. .•Vspuragus i*, Uie that Ivh.s been used ol(ie«l known for food. plant A bollle of Dickie's .â- \rili-Con.smiipiiv*-* â- Syrtip. t.iUen aconrding to dinvhunsv • will siibiliio a cdinjh in ii shoi-l ;im«.'. Tliiis asse:lioii i.aii he verilied' by Sanfc-- (fuHls ulio l)a\e liied i! [n id are pieo.sedk^: In bear le-liiitony lo its rrn-riLi^ .so Ifiat.' all may .'•;riow v. hsl a splendid. 'n«»7a â€" C!ne ;t is. !l cosls you only £i ceni&. to join Ihe ranks ..>f !iio inanj wjwii hiuve been !>cneliled by its use. ABUSED I.NTO .St'CCES.S. •"To cess'.'" -To what 4o yon allribut^' your sue- i asked Ihe plain (jilizen. I the abuse I have rooeived," an- Molloiwoy's .Corn Ctjue i^s a .specific Jor the removal of corn*; and warts. We liav<' never beard of its failing to wmove «eveii the worst Ivuid. • awered the poiilicai Ijuss. \ man Diietuke. who ttc'Ls small laiakes .a big i iCwnfort by *mf a.ai soaaU ^ilaep b^ niglit tul> iu.w ttie UHe uf Wea-rar'M Cur.ita. fur .'Uuu troubles, Jlo natter tiow tonnuntitti; Itiey bo. This uiut' .suuthoK aad cieaujiji. I OI.D .'vO.XtlE COMICS CP: Creditor ('vnifriiy): ".'^ay. going lo p.iy the .Ii,"!!! voii I Deblur 'calmly): "'riiiil I me uf the obi adage, I Creditor: "What old adngc?" Deblor: •"Ihc one about a fool'.^ abinty- lo ask questions lliul a wise man tr liui- aljle '.u aiisw er.' â- when are y«i« • I we me'!" qu'iry ivitjfwia: Women .can always see the poiivt of a point liws i«ke. A camel eiiii carry Iwi.e libe j.ui III! UJi.. Of -kiolti. I ASTONISHED THE powKRFi;!. ,su(;t;i-:.sT;oN. A doctor who wa.T. recounling some of his experiences of liypnolisin, i«lati.d Ihe I'liysiciaii Said She Miolii :il \iiy Tiiiio. [ ".\h, my love," said the ardent, lover, "if .vou only knew how beautiful you are !" "^'ou iniistn I say tluil," protesleii Ihe dear girl. "! don't want lo know it.' "Why not '/" "Because il woiild make me loo cancelled.'' NHses'A IMbers' Treasnre â€" nost idiable rootKcioe (or babf^ UaedoverSOvean. Fint compouDiW bTOk,P.EPicaitk«i 1655. Makes Baby Strong Rerterw the iiille oifani to perfect hcaUi. Cm'ci «Mind aiiKp, fvithout reaort lo opaMi«r other * Ardnnvitt'. 2&c. 6 ImiI Nali»HDw«Aai«.iic«IC..i UMinoai oalttll.: idniga. , Moatnal •d,tj ,*f â- â- fo>l'>w'"« '''"'â- >â- • ' "I ti<»ce had a palieni who wns ill wilh conatMnption. and whi,- ouglil to liHve gone to II wanner cliiiiale, but whose means were insiiiillicient. so 1 resolved lo Iry what hypnolism w(jul(J do for him. 1 had a huge sun chalked un ||ie ceiling ol his room, and by suggi'slion induced him to tliiiik il was Ihe sun. which woiild cure liiiii. The iii.^e sue- ci-eded. and he was gelling duily beller. â- :«^hen ime day on my arrival I found he was dead.' "Did it fail, after all, then ?" asked llie physician's hearers. "Ritj," replied the doctor, "he died of sun-Ktroke, DOCTOR I .'>pnrlsiTian- "I wmider what's Ijecome if .Mike? I loid iiiin to meet me here." Oriver â€" "Ach, 'tis no ii.s<' teliin Idni any- thing! Sure. .sorr. iit just jfoes in at wnn ear and out at the other, like wa- I her off a duck's back I" WANTED. LadieH to do plain and light aowing at home, whole or spare time, Kood pay. Work (tent any distance, chartes paid. Send Rtamp for full partloiilarH. National Manufacturing Company, Montreal. INNOCE.Vr. The Cokinel (al young Adiilo Pnle's examination for military service); "Is there any reason why you should Tiol serve vour three years? Have you any inllrmily?" Young Addle Pule; "Y(», Colonel, I am nearsighted." "Prove il !" "Well, do you see Umt nail over there 1,1 the wall ?" "Yes.' ,"Wcll, 1 don'L" "Ihe fJodor toCfc me 1 had heart <Jis- ea,"!*' ami was liabla- â- 1 dr<-i[« on Ihe ,s;r«^44^ ; al .my lime." .-«va<- M!.~. Mobeil r;.itun, i'l Uu fieri n. Ont-. "I WU::i af'-iiid Ift liiMW ii;y breath, :i,\ iiiii d nie so., r w«*. nervous, ishori 8 breath. twd dijzj- Mrs. Rolieri Kaion. ne--s. lo.ss of appe- til-e, .siiK.llieriiig and sinking spells, auti I I could iiul .sleep. { ".Somelimes I' would hav lo li* dhwa -. 1 to keep froiii fulling. My hunde- .Ji»d I feci would seem lo go lo- .sle,jp »nd. *. . sort of iiumbu.iss would coinf." ad o«ei • fne. "I begnn u>irig Dr. f.eonhardf.i .lati- I'lll. Kroiii the slaH 1 improved. t?. leel iniieli stronger, lonk better, and al- logelher Anli-Pil! lias made a nevv «•,- tiiaii of nie. "I am eiilirely cured.' All Dealers or The Witeon-f'yte- (f«t, _ Limited, \iag.ira Kails, Oiil. ISSl'E NO. 7-W.