Flesherton Advance, 14 Feb 1907, p. 4

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PfiBRnARY 14 1A07 THE FLESHEETOS ADVANCE ^wwwwwvy Just February F. T. HILL & CO. WWWWWWW fifteen Days More of OUR GREAT - - Graniteware - Sale Fust liftoeu more days to sell Graniteware and then the opportunity to buy nds (if (iraiiiieware at a saving of one third to one half to one third less than Ji all kinc reguliir prices will be gone. Thrifty housekeepers .shonld not miss this chance to anticij>ate their rctiuircnients and refurnish kitchen utensils in all kinds of Granite- ware at such economical prices. GRANITE PUDDING TANS l.y) only Oranitn I'uddiri'^ P«n, 4-quart Rize, in Rioy luid wliilf, McLary'» niiike, regular .'J6c thIuo, Kelliiig for I'Jc GRANITEWARE WATER TAILS 75 only Oraiiit« Water Piiils, in colors of erey, Vilue and white, porfeclly » cainless, no chanco for a leak, cimmelled on steel' Regular value 75c, selling for 48c. Regular value 81.00 selling for D8c. 25c Graniteware Basins selling 2 for 25c. 250 only Oranitewnre Bisins. enaniineled on steel, perfectly seamless, in colors of white, blue and jrrey durin;; our February Graniteware Sale two for aullin: 25c l8c Granite Puthluig Tans February Sale Price lie. 200 (5ranitc Pudding Pars, very useful size available foruiuny purposes and the kiiiJ that sells for ISc. anywhere, February Sale price each He Granite Slop Pails and Slop Jars. 45 only Granite Slop Pails in white, also ^rey, extm heavy and full size, legular 81.50 value, seJlnig for 85 35 only Granite Slop Pails in white, also grey colors, adjustable lid, strong steel pail and seamless. Regular 85o value, selling for 48c. Regular $1 00 value selling for 68c. Preserving Kettles and Lipped Sauce Pans selling at half. 75 only Granite Preserving Kettlei, regular 35c, size, February Sale Price 18c. 75 only Granite Lipped Sauce Pans, regular 35c. kind, February Sale Price 18c Granite Dinner I'ails selling for 35c, regular 05c value. ;{G only Granite Dinner Pails, cnps attached, also separate inside attachment. This aiticlo is a boon to the man taking! hi» meals with him. February S»lc Price 3oo. %Amm MARKPALE I J. & W. BOYD I Our sale closes Thursday night January 31. We x l)egin stock taking Monday, Feb. 4th and will finish 35 about Monday, Feb. 1'^. During these two weeks we X are putting on a special sale of furs and ladies jackets. X 5 LadieB Fur Mantles, sizes, 3-40, 1-88, l-3t>, casii price $20.00 ^ 21 LadioB cloth jackets, £»rey tweeds and black beavers, sizea from ^ 32 to 42. rosular 85.00 to $10.60 selliiii? for ^ ^' <!> 11 Ladies cloth jackets, blacks and fawns, selling at 98 ^ Flour and Teed We have a full stock of flour and feed including Bran, Shorts, Feed fiour, Corn, Bailey chop and Five Roses Flonr in Every bag of which is guaranteed â€" the best flour the land â€" no other can equal it. Hardware A full stock of stoves, ranges and heaters, axes, saw.s and all kinds of woodman's supplies, also I BUILDER'S SUPPLIES Parties contemplating building .should not neglect get- ting our prices before purchasing elsewhere. MWWW^ on an open prairie. The Advance goes to many homes in the west and we would like very much to hear from our western subscribers as to the I»'iml,liHhed,v<ry TliurHilay at ?i.<Ki ijwj winter Conditions HS they hare come winiiin if |«id in ailvaiico, *1..^() if not h« paid. I „j,jgj. tj,gi^ observation. Wo WOllld .\11 hulwcrilxT i«.vinif $l.(Kl «tnctly '- advance get the Moutn-al Herald free a« a prrmium. in year EDITOIUAL DRIFT k foolish Englishman last week prophesied an eavthquako for Canada ta take place on Saturday last. Where he made the mistake was in placing the expected event so close at hand. Dr. Wild in his palmy dayn would have known better than that. like especially to hear from the Arm- strong colony, about whom some thrilling stories are in circulation hero â€" stories of hardship and.burnnig of stables for firewool, which wo do not credit until actual facts are submitted Many of oar Ctsprey readers, who have friends there, would like to know the facts. A new patent medicine act will bo A I passed by the Dominion Government prophet bath more honor if the event I this session which will prohibit the he foretells does not become due for a i distribution of samples from door to generation or two. Irl Hicks, the|door. Children have been known to weather prophet, belongs to another j mistake these samples for candies clsgs. Ho and his kind foretell eo with disastrous rosuUs. The bill will A moat pathetic case of the ruin of an orphan girl of H is reported from Amai- anth Station. The girl's name is Rimini t and she was adopted from the Western Home at Nisnaia-ou-the-Lake by G. E. Lewis, a laborer at Amaranth Station, about five years a^o. A few days »ko Dr. Ciiiiipbell of Urand Valley was called to Lewis' house and her condition was re- ported to Crown Attorney McKay, who at once took siep> to hare bor removed from the Lewis househ(dd. High Con- stable Hughes broui;bt the girl to town on Monday and »hu is now staying with a party hero in whom the authorities have cmtideuco. The unfortunate girl sajs thikt hero seducer was a .lew peddlor named Itlumenthal, who was stopping at Lewis' bouse for weeks at a time last suni- niur and fall. Itlumenthall is believed lo be in Toronto and Uiub Consisble Hugbes has gone to the city to arrest him un a w.<rrant is.sued by Squire Pattullo i n t'le information of Lewis. â€" Sh«lbnri:e Free Press. I J. & W. BOYD I Flesherton, Ont. much that) they cannot help hitting it occasionally. It is like a woman throwing a handful of peas at a turkey also safegiiaid the public by placing with the government knowledge of the composition of all patent medicines so A pea at a time would not hit it in ii' that nothing injunous lo health, taken thousand years; with a whole hand-i according to instrnotions, will bo al- ful one is pretty sure to strike. The weather prophets studied this ont in boyhood and in old ago profit thereby. The earthquake iirophct, however, is a comparatively new curiosity, and has a few things yet to learn, before Ilia calling becomes profitable. lowed on the market. The Ontario Government has gone back on its $;)U0 limit for school teachers' salaries, and will instead pay 40 per cent, of all salaries over S^iOO. This was brought about by a general objection througliont the country. While Manitoba and all of tliei . gi eat west 13 experiencing an nnnsual-; The temperance people, who are ly severe winter, still it is not prob-jonly worth three to one of the other able that all the stories of death and kind in Mr. Whitney's estimation, BufToring are true. Some of theac should also get after that gentleman tales have already been denied and, with a sbarp.'itick. If they don't, Mr. othe'S uo doubt will be. When it is| Whitney's estimate will bo justiOed. considered that many thonsand pnoplcj went out there last year totally unao-i There is only one thing absolutely fiuainted with wcstirii winter con- 1 certain about the Thaw triiil, to wit : dilions and no doubt many of them, After its conclusion a large portion of unprepared for even the ordinary sc-'the Tliaw millions will liavu changed verily of a prairie winter, yieople of hand.^. That conclusion does not tlio east marvel that there are not depend upon the result of the trial, mire falalilics recorded. Thousandsj .~*^m**» of poople are in the west this wintorl A team of hr.rs... ran away from Stay wJio had not made the acquaintance ner station and never stopped uatd they of a blizzard and its possibilities in i brought up ir, a hotel stable at Creeinore, the line of iMinguiahing life, and "'f--'"' "'''"* »w«yi doing the distance iu most of the uctnal f.italilirs recorded '*"'"' 2" ">'"'"••â- â€¢'â-  are a direct result of this ignorance' »''"f "»y '•'»'•»«'•.'>' tha«kin we ran recoTii- . . - V , '"""'' t'na'n'o^rlnin'ii .Salvo. U reliuves the or a foolhardy Ignoiini? of the fro.Sl iiehin-^anil bnmiiig nonsatinn instantly ami I . „i -.11 I- I â-  1 '**''»n Hifi'cta a cure. Tliia »,dve in also iiival. kJRg when assumed by a pr,-vei fu' \\ md „»i,i, f.., „.,ro ,,i,,,,ie,. w. E, Kioirard«!„. Noticeto Creditors In tho matter of the pstnte of ROBERT TUIMBLE, Ute of the ViiUue of Fleahcrton in the County of Urey Rferchant, deceHsed. NOTICK Is ht»reby Rivou pursuant to tho Ra viKHflRtiitiiteR of Ontario, IHW, Chap, 12U that all u^i;i1itorH and othors havititj otaiuiu agaiuiit thfl cBtato of the said HOHKHT THImHLK. flt> coast (1, wlio (liotl on or about tho Twenty-FirHt day <»f Oi-'Oiinibor, \. 0. lOCt'i. ure roqnirotl on or (»|ffoio tlio IHth fiay of Kebvmry. A, Ii. l\X)7to aund liy post tnttpaidoi ilellvm' to W.W.Tiimblo K.tnitiiro, Fleaht-rton l\ O., Ont., j^(luiiniHtvut'<r ot tnooHtnte of ihoRni'l ^It^craHed.thotrchriHtiiin anil bui'immoM, addrefl-uaaudduHcrlptlons, tho full partiiuilarf) of their clamiH, iho Btutemuut of thoir accoiiiits ana tho naturu of tht» sQciii'Uiod (it any) held by them. AND fiirtlter taku notice that after such la'it inrntlon^cl dutu thu Baid admii'istratnr will proceed to distribute thuuHSctnof theduceat) odauiJiiR tho p'iitlo«untitle<llhereto.huvln« r«- h'urd o>ily to tho rlniuis oi which he Hhnll rhnn baru iiot'Cii.and that tluiHii d AdrntniHtrat- or will nut be liable for the naid aH»«eitt or Hny part thereof to any povHiu or porcons of who clainiH notice Rhall not have bcm received by him at tbu time of such dlHtrihntluu. Dated tlita 14tb day of January, A. D. 1000, LucHB. Wright A McArdlo, fob? Owen bound, ODt, Solicitors for the Adminiatrator. '»:>-; â- -,*';â- â€¢ WTSP Trade Makhs -' iryf**}^ COPVRIftHTS Ac. Anvone (irnd'pg ankotoh rviid dPBrrij'Unn nm, qiiirlily pacortnin our (.pinion freo wnuH.cr .m tiivftiiilnu l4 piritiRl)Iy pfilent 'itile. ('>iiiitiiiiiii' h- ItonnninotlTr-iritlilonUid. lTaiii1hiv,k on I*f>u'nU *onl fruc*. i»Iil<Ht iu©iu-y foi â- e<'uruui putoni.i. P.itv'nO takm tlir'ii'.irh 3iunu A Co. rocctfl •4»»» A btridsrmoly llUimnitod w^«llly, cirliiion • f nny ^olentKlo InarniU. â-  " -old â-  1 nrt'Oii c\T' ihB, H Bold byall Tii-wttiioHlort vviir: ff.nr ini . . PRIVATE SALE For 30 Days Giving up Business 1 HorPoC years 1 t'ow 7 yearb in calf 1 Top biitgy 3 Set of Hlnftle harness 1 Ciittnr I'air light bobBtei»?ha 1 Sut Heavy barnesH, Set of lumber trucks Several plouf^lm. Land rollers and pulpors, 50,000 ft. Lumber, 500 Hquares shiUKlep, Hidings, floorings and other bouHe flniHb, Come alouK and get this stuff at your own palce while it lasts. Everything Must be Sold Will also r«ci'ive offers (or tlie piircbaae or loae o( the mill pro|J«i'ly and dwulliuK. R. P. LEGATE CEYLON Tarm for Sale* liOtd 171-KB, 9 8. W. T. & S, B., Arte.n(««l» oontttiiiliiij 11!) ttcren. 90 acres cleared, ^pood |i<ih- tur» faun, frdiiie Iioubh, loa barn; well fenced auJ watered. Apply to W. H. HALKS, noiaoti I'rioeTille, P. Tarm for Sale Farmers! Look Here! I have opened up a new Hacnew shop in town and hnve a good uiid ever iiicrKasiiii; stock of BelU, Blunketg, Hubes and all Wijjtbb Necessities fi>r the Horse Owner. Drop in and have mo do any Harness Repairing you may have. I can do it rii;ht. 0. W. Phillips Directly opposite The Advance office. Flesherton, - - Ontario WINTER HARNESS GOODS Big Stock = = Best Stock Bells, Blankets, Robes TiOt ;iO, con. 11, towriBbi)) of .\rtoino«ia, con- , â€" tohiinK IW) acres. lUacies mxtercultivation, 20 i Fur linod enafo i,n..L-».i Kw.Lo good p«8Uiro laiul, clfHrnd; rest, iu bush, good ' " ' "^" '^"''"' poi-kelOooks, orcliaicl, well watered; Ut« bou^e. log stable, »â€".•"-=♦ .- - i frauie barn, } inJl4>B from ficbool. >\'ill sell clifrftp, ou eaay teruiK. Apply to liuar J.W.C'UoZIlili, Bngenia Farm to Rent Lot 1 11 142, ard ranifeT. & S. R., twomilei fr(vni I'Menherton, coiiiiiinint? 100 acres. (Jcmd orchard bnildin)(H, iiichulliiK brick house. Hplendidly watered. Apply to I.SAAC .SINCLAIR, Vleaherton HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get tho best Phonos is at BULMKR'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. satche'**, razor strops and other leather gornls. Cutters-best makes-and everjthing in ttie harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont. Sl^orttiorri Cattle fcr Sale LeviDlas and Wimi lei, the best of bre^dlna and quabtv. Bulk, co*8 and bolfera foi- sale at reaHouahle jirices Lot 33.0011.5 CHA8. STAFFORD, BlBsUwtoa Yorkshh-e Boar for .Service. r. W'i, "'"ierRiKDed bas for service on lot 18.1, and W T. 4 H. R.. Artenieiia. a thoroughkrert Yorkshire boar, "Lakoview Victor " No. ISttO. TeruiB *1 00. TborouKhbreda extra. A splou., did stock j; stt»r. 3 1U01 1 Feb. THOg. QUIQ'J Prop. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pi\y Special Attention to Copying and Babies' pictures. Picture fram- ing a specialty. Try us (or any kind of pictures and we will promiforatisfaotion. A Jamaican Lady Speaks Highly ot Chamberlain's Cough Remeiy. Mrs. Michael H.trt, wifo of the suoerinte I- eiit of Cart Service at Kingston, Jamaica, West Iii(tie« I«l;iii(ls says that she ha-s for soniB years u.wd Chumlierlain's Cough Remedy ffr <!i.iigh.H, oronp and whoopiiij? cough and Inw found it very beneficial. She has implicit confidence iu it and would not be without of it i I her home. Sold by W. E. Kichardson.

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