POLICEMAN'S BRA^E RESCUE Woman and Chiid Taken From Burning Building in Montreal. A despatch from Montreal says : Con- stable French rescued a woman and child ti'om a burning building early on Wednesday morning on St. Catherine Street east. He noticed ihe fire and sent ii an alami, and then started to rouse Uic- occupaDls of the house. They turned â- cut in their night clothes, but after a el'ort Ume the woman and child were missed. By Itiis time Ihe house was a mass of flames, but Constable French dashed into Uie burning building and up the dark, smoke-stilling stairway. The hnnsp wa.'; slnin<;e to hi'n. and the dark- ness was intensified by smoke from Ihe burning building below. He hurriedly groped his way about, and presently '» one of the room.s stumbled over tho.se whom he sought. The woman and child had fallen to the Ikior, overcome by the fumes of the fire, while endeavoring to make their escape. The constable gath- ered thein up. and n moment later they were safe on the sidewalk, wliere the keen morning air quickly restored them to consciousness. Damage to the build- ing was not very great, as Uie lu-emen succeeded in extinguishing tte tlames shiirtlv after the re.scue. LEADING MARKETS niUCADSTUFF.^. Toronto. Feb. 12.â€" Whealâ€" Ohtiirio â€" No. -J whiife winter, 70%c to 71X*; No. 2 red. 70c to 7l>ic; No. 2 mixed 70c uut-.idc. Maiiitubaâ€" No. 1 hard, 85c; No. 1 northern. 84c; No. 2 norlhcni. nomin- ally 82c lake ports. Oatsâ€" No. 2 while. 39}^c to 40c, To- vonlo; No. 2 mi.xed, 38%c lu 30>^c. Peasâ€" «lk; to 81c ouliiide. Cornâ€" No. 3 yellow, .\merican, SlJ^c to 52c. ouLside; Ontario, 43c to tie, busii Vhatham freights. Buckwheat- 52c to 53c. Hyeâ€" «9c to 70c. Builey- No. 2, 51c to 52c; .No. 3 extra. V.»c to 50c. Flour- Ontario. 9D per cent, patents. S2.ti5 a.-ked. $2.63 bid; Manitoba, first patents, $4.50; seconds, iSl; bakers', W.'JO. Brimâ€" .Nominally $21 bid locally. Shortsâ€" $10 to 821). NO FtAH Ol" ANARCHISTS. iKiafl Edward Went About Freely in Paris I'Rallcnded. A despatch from Paris says : The •mightiest Sovereign in Chri.stendom walking about unaltt^nJed and with no more fear of Anarchists than of ghostfi was the spectacle Uie ParLsians have had during the past few days. King Ed- ward and Queen .Alexandra d\mng their slay here mingled freely with the public and were freely received with the most hearty expressions of welcome. They visited Ihe leading theatres, and during the entr'actes King Edward walked about ia the tgbbies smuUing his cigarette like any ordinary spectator. Nowhere was the slightest allempl at mobbing dT staring. .After bowing and .showing dis- ci-eet marks of deference, those present stood aside, treating the King as one of themselves. There were no signs of ob- trusive curiosity. The King and Queen have delighted and tickled Ihe vanity of f'arisians by thus mingling with them like private individuals, and the Paris- ians, by their tactful politeness, have in turn won the hearts of Kuig Edward and â- of Queen .Alexandra. HIS WHOIX FAMILY FROZEN. Western Srtller Who Col Drunk Found Them Dead on Return. .A despatch from W innipeg .says : Arthur Congd<:n, wholesale merclmiil, Winnipeg, has received word from a merclianl at Alajn<xla, that a Gonnan settler's wife and live children were found frozen to death a few Jays ago in their fai-m house north of Bienfail. ine farmer bad gone into the village to gel fuel: there was no dilliculty in securmg fuel there, but he went to l-.stevan, where h-* became the worse for liquor, and on arrivim; home, three days later, dis- W-vered that every member of his family had perished, being without fuel. He Also Shot Three Others, Then ^ Killed Himself TRAIN Bl'RNED AT BELLEVILLE. Twcniy-Fivc Freight Cars, With Con- tents, Were Destroyed. A despatch from Belleville, Ont.. says: Al a late hour Friday night lire broke out auiong some kiaded tl. T. R. care which formed part of a train thai was eujtward bound. The train was upon a bide track in the company's yard, about a mile east of the station. Before the tlames could be checked, some 25 cai-s. with their contents, were deslpoyetl. The flames spread very rapidly, owing I. J the fact thai one nf the cars contained a lank laden with oil. and the latter caught fire, .sending burning oil in all direcUons. The Ux'al fire brigade were /^â- alled out and rendered some a-ssisluiice bv the burning cui-s being shunted up Ti'ear a hydrant. The cars Jeslruyed were laden with grain, apples, and general merchandise. The loss at the very least will be .$30,000. The fire is said to have been caused by an explosion iu one of ine cars. _*_- INCRE.\SE OF REVEME. Advance of 86,'iU3.875 Over the Same Period Last Year. A d.'spalch from Ottawa says: The â- •(â- â- la'emenl of revenue and expenditure shows a ri'venue of S50.t>58.6'.)3, compared with $44,254,818 for the same time hist yeai-, an increase of $0,403,875. The expenditure for ihe same period was $33,327,361, a deciease of about $G00.- 000 compared with the same lime last year, or a betterm./nt uf over .$7,000,000. There wius. however, an increase of over •jl, 500,000 in the capital account. A SAD HONEYMOON. Rride and Bridegroom Found .MmosI Frozen on the Prairie. .\ despatch from Maple Creek, Mani- toba, .says: John Duncan, a well knowiv rancher, wais married Monday, and slarled for his ranch on Skull Creek, Willi his bride. Their learn wandered from the trail, and lliey were found on Saturday almost dead. They are in the hospital here, and Duncan's feel will have to be amputated. Many reports of people perishing in the storm are being received hen'. ♦ ..â- SIR HOWARD Rl.SSEIX DE,\D. Veteran War Correspondent Succumbs at 8(i Year(s ol Age. .â- V de-palch from London says: Sir Howard Wm. Rus-sell, editor of the Army and .Navy Gazette, is dead. He was "eighly-six years uf age. He was a famous war correspondent, and in that capacitv served the London TiiiuV at Ih- BuLtle ol Bull Run. VICTIM OF EARTHQIAKE. Mayor oC Kingslon, Jamaica. Dead â€" Injured While at Council. A despatch from Kingston, Jamaica, says: .CharU?s Tail. Mayor of this city, died on Sunday al the Public Hospital, a.s a result of injuries su'slained in Ihe earthquake. He was conducting a meet- ing of the Council and the building collapsed. Mayor Tail was 68 years oil' aad of Scotch dtsseent. TO REPATRLVTE EXILES. .\uslralia Will Help Workingmen Stran- ded iu .South Africa. .\ dc.^palch from Lxindon says: The Chronicle's Melbourne correspondent says the Commonwealth and .Stale Oovernraents are negotiating a .scheme to repatriate Australian workmen stranded in South .\frica. ATMOSPHERIC NITROGEN Can Be Extracted By Means of Electricity Says Prof. Saunders. A despatch from Oltiiwa says : The progress of agriculture in Canada and tin; practical results oblained by Uie ex- tension of the experimental farm sys- tem formed the subject of an addi-css by Professor Wm. Saunders, Dii-ecUu" of C>overnmenl Experimental Farms, before the Agricultural Commiltoe on Wednes- day morning. As nn dlluslnition of Ihe growth and importance of expcrinieiiluj work Proft^s-sor Saunders staled Ihat in 1890 his correspondenue amounted to about eight thousand letters in Uie course of the year, while for Iho pu.st S(ven years the average had been 6S,7!t7 letters." In 1887 the number of .seed .sam- ples dlstribuled amounled lo l,H9, while last yeai" Ihe lolal was 'i3.885. Contrast- ing the wheat production of Ihe vajioiis countries. tv» pointed mil lh:il C>real Bri- tain camo lirst with 30.'.>5 bushelj lo Ihe aero, and Ccrmany second willi 2S.25 buslntte. Canada was wiWI up. Ihe aver- age iDi Ontario being is.02 bii.nels pfr atre, Manitoba ts.45 per acre, h.id the Northwftil '.t.l3 per acre. Experiments with i:an«d;an l^-vi Fife wheal in l;,ng- land had been l*l«y ciiTied out^- and proved iTinarkal-iy successful. w/\i\ re- Kard U) spring wheats lYofcsatw" Sauu- dcrs said that while goose wheat v^^ had proved eminently successful in certain localities, he could not advise Canadiar farmers to plant it generally. Referring lo recent experiments made by .Sir Wil- liam Crookes with a view of extracting b\ means of electricity nitrogen from air, to be used as a fertilizer, Profe-ssor .•saunders said Ihat when the scheme was perfected it would revolutionize agriculture. Al Niagara Falls an .\ineri- oan company had sunk a million dollars in endeavoring lo establish an industry OT these lines, but the cost of electricity was loo high to allow the projwl to be successful. It seemed Ihat if eloclricity could be produced for this purixise at a cost of $4 per horsepower the exIracUon of nitrogen from Ihe atmosphere and Ihe production of nitrate of lime for fertiliz- ing could be carrit?d out prolitably. in Norway, where there were many large waler-powers, a company had been es- tablished and was competing, he believed suocessfully, in Ihe supply of fertilizers. The matter wa.s an imporlant one. as It had been estinialed that the world's sup- ply of nitric soda would run out in nine- teen or twenty years, and it was neces- sary thai something should take its place.. COLNTUY PRODUCE. Butter -There is little change in the condition of the market. Creamery, prints 2Ccto27c do solids 2:)clo24c Oairy prints â- . ..2lclo23c do tubs 10clo2tc Cheeseâ€" 13%c for large and 14c for twins. liggsâ€" New laid, 28c to 20c; selocl, i.-c U) 2<)c; storage. 24c; Umed, 22c. Poultryâ€" The market is very qiiiel, with practically no change in prices. Chickens, fresh-killed ... ... toe lo 12c Interior, frozen stock Solo 00c Fowl SctoOOc Ducks 10c lo I2c Ceeso » ....Weiollc t'onteys lie lo 12c Honeyâ€" Firm al He lo 12c per pound tor pails and $2 lu $2.50 for combs. Beansâ€" $1.55 to SI. 60 for hand-picked, and primes $l.iO lo $1.15. Pfliuloesâ€" Ontario are quiet at 70c lo 75c per bag; Mslcni, 75c lo 80c, in car lo(3 here. Baled Hay â€" Prices are generally weak al $11 lo $11.50 for No. 1 timothy and $.i.50 to $9 for No. 2, in car lots, on track here. Straw â€" $7 to $7.50 in car lots, on track here. ^ A despatch from Penza. Russia, says ; S A. .Alexandrovsky, Governor of Penza, was shot and killed by a young man as he was leaving the theatre on Fhur-sday night. In alleinpling lo e.scape, the as- sa.ssin also killed the a.ssistanl Chief of I'olice and a policeman and wounded Uie manager of Ihe theatre. The Terrorist then shot himself and died in a hospital. I'he assassin was not identinod. The liullets which he used subsequently were discovered to be poisoned. M. Alexandrovsky, who was well known as chief commi.ssioner of Ihe Red Cross in the field liuring the war iHjlween Ru.ssia and Japan, had jusl slepped out of the door of the theatre when a youth pushed his way through the crowd and shot the Governor in the neck. He fell dead on the spot. When the assistant chief of police, who was landing near the door of Ihe theatre, MONTREAL .M.VRKETS. Monlreal, Feb. 12.â€" Buckwheat â€" 56c tj a^Xc per bushel. Cornâ€" American No. 2 yelkiw, 55c; .Vo. 3 mixed, 65c ex-store. Oatsâ€" On spot. No. 2 white. 52>^c; No. 3 whiU\ 41V to 42c; .No. 4, 40>ic U^ 41c per bushel ex-store. Peasâ€" Boiling peas. $t in carload lots. S^l.lO in jobbing lots. Flourâ€" Manitoba spring wheat, $4.25 to $4.60; strong bakers'. $3.90 to .$4.10; winter wheal patents, $4.10 lo $4.25. Provisii insâ€" Barrels short cut mess. $22 lo $23.50; hull 'uarrels, $11.75 to SI2.50: clear fat back. $21 lo $24.,")0: long cut heavy me.s.s, .$20.50 lo $22; half barrels, do., $10.75 to $11.50; dry saltefl long clear bacon. 12c lo 12>^c; barrels p'ale beef, $11 to .$12.50; half barrels do.. $C to $()..50; barrehs heavy mess beef, $8.50; half barrels do.. $4.75; compound lard, 8%c lo 10c; pure lard. HXc to 13c; kelUe rendered. i;)c lo 13>^c; hnnis, 13c lo li^^c, according to size; breakfast bacon, 15c lo Uk; Wind- .<or bacon, 15c lo 16c; fresh killed abat- toir diesseil hogs. $10; alive, .$7.25. Butterâ€" Fresh made creamery, 24c; rrlls, in ba.skel.s or half barrels. 22c to 22>^c; weslerii dairy, selected, 22c; Manitoba dairy. 20c to 21c. Receipts Ihis morning were 340 packages. Cheeseâ€" October make is still quoted al 13 V and 13%c. Receipts this morn- ing were nil. Egf^s- New laid. 30c; selected slock, 26c lo 26Xc; No. 1 cold storage, 21c lo 22c, limc.1, 21c. BUFFALO .MARKET. Buffalo, Feb. 12 â€" Flour â€" Sleady. Whealâ€" .Spring linn: No. 1 .Northern. S'.tJ^c. Cx5rnâ€" Firm; No. 2 yellow, 50)^c; No. 2 white, 51 %c. Oatsâ€" Strong; No. C wli U', 44>^o; No. 2 mixed, 42%c. tried lo draw his revolver, he was shot dead by the Terrorist. .Seeing that it was impossible lo get through the crowds outside the building, the murderer dash- ed into Ihe theatre, firing wiklly. The manager attempted to grapple with the murderer, who fired al him. but missed, and killed a policeman who was in lhi» line of fire. In a second allempl lo catch Ihe assassin, the manager was severely wounded. The Terrorist ned through what he evidently believed to be one o* the exits, but found himself in the ladies* cloak room. An attendant, realizing Iha situalion, pointed lo Ihe staii:s as a. means of egress, and so .soon as the assassin dLsappeared, the altenda/it locked the door behind him. The .stan?;, iK'wever. only li"d to a loft, and the mur- derer suhseqiicnlly was f^und Ihei-e un- conscious from a bullcl wound from. wliich he died later in Ihe hospital. I.N DEPOT WITH THROAT CLT. COST OF PlBLIf. HEALTH. Kenora Man Lying in Smoking Room al , Lrban Companies Spend Tliirly-Two .Montreal. Cents Per Head. A despalch from Monlreal says : A seasation was caused al an early hour on Thursday morning in the Windsor Street SlatwD liy the finding in the smoking-room of a man with his throat, badly cut. 11 was thoughl at lirsl thai ail allempl had been made to tuurder ^im, but his posiessions were found lo be un- touched, and it was decided that he had Irieti to comiuil siiiciji*. At the hospital it was found Uial, while his throat was badly cut, his jugular vein had not been ptsrced, and there were hopes fur his life. The man's name was discovered to be Oscar Sundslruiii, of Kenora, Onl., as was shown by a cheque found in hifi pfjckct for 5.125 Finnish marks, as well as a promissory nole for .$50 and $3 in silver. He had also a return ticket from Montreal to Kenora. The Finnish marks would repre.sent over Sl.OUO in Canadian currency. Sundstrnin seems lo be about 3C years of age. There is no clue as lo I lie cause of the deed, nor could the knife with which it was dene be discovered, the police uj'e working on the case A despalch from Toronto say.s: Aside from the extraordinary expenditure of 1 1*?6.000 at Fort W illiam aji a result of the tvphoid fever epidemic, the cost of niaiiiUimnff heaUJi m tlic 497 urban' f municipalilles of Ihis Province was onU* Uiirty-lwo cents for each inhabt-; lant. This fad was broUghl. out on Wednesday afternoon al ifie quarteriyi meeting o"f the Provincial Board oC .llgaUli. Dr. C. A. Hodgetts, chief herilt^ oflicei* o( j^hc Province, reported lha» Ihe expend.iUre 01 iS "'"han monicj- palities had been Stti,/?©, ot which $26,- 0^0 was spent at Fori WilThtat. A rao- Ikm was passed drawing the (i*tenliorv cf the Minister of the department i*' the mailer of pollutkMi of the .Muskoka l^kes and pointing out Ihe necessity 'oi immediate stops lo inaintaiR the purity of the waters of the summer re- s<:(rts 'of the F*rovince, especially Mus- koka and the Kawartba Lakes. WRECK OF N. V. CE.NXaAL. Adirondack dud .Montreal Express Side- swiped Freight. A despatch from Ossining, N. Y.,says: Ihe engineer and tireinan of Uie .Adir- ondack and .Montreal express on the .New York Central Railroad were killeil and live other i>ersons, tour of them passengers, were injured when the ex- press, northbound. "sidcswiped" a freight engine a mile s<iulh of Ihis vil- lage on Friday night. Tlie dead are:- Wm. Kirk, engineer; James Armilage, fireman. B:,lh men were buried in Ihe wreckage, and it wae some lime before Iheir bodies were recovered. None cf the passengers were dangerously injured though two suslained injuries necessi- laling their removal lo a hospital liere. NEW YORK WHE.Vr MARKET. New York, Feb. 12.~Spol strong; No. 2 red ,8:i-?/gC e'cvalor; No, 2 red. 8,5>ic f o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern Dululh, K%c f.o.b. aOout; No. 2 hard winter. ?*%'-â- f.o.b. alloQt. THE OIL KlNfrs (ilFT. Rockefeller Gives 832.000,0(10 lo General Education. .\ despatch from New York says: Thir- tv-two million dollars' worth of" income- bearing securities is given by John D. l-;ockeleller to the General EdiicaUonal Board. When il assembled for a special meeling in this city late on Tliursduy Ihe bensfacUon was annnimced by .Mr. Uockcfeller's son. John D. Rockefeller, jun. The donation is for general edu- cation throughout the country. ]| is the largest single benefaction for such purpose ever known. .Mr. Rockefeller I. ad previously given Ihe boarj $11,. 000,000 for the same work. MONUMENTS TO HEROES. Japanese Erecting T^o On a Port Anhur. BiU af A despatch from Hai'bin. Manchuria, sa.vs that the Japanese are erecting Iwo monuments on Peropelochny Hill, Port .\rthur, lo the memory of the Russian and Japanes«i soldiers who fell in Iha .siege. In proximity lo the monument la the Russians a Russian chapel will be built, healing this inscription : "la memory ot the heroes who met Uicir death in defence of Port Arlhur." eiX FROZEN TO DEATH. Party of Wood Choppers Lost Near Darwin, Manitoba. A despalch from Winnipeg .says: A report reached the ciiy on Friday night Ir. thi' effect that six wood choppers in the vicinity of Darwin, which is on ttie border belweon .Manitoba and Ontario, were frozen lo dea'h a few days ago, having lorl their way m the woods. Three uf the men were Davis, SchulU and Graining. The firsl-namt'd leaves relalives hLTe. •' ,\, CATTLE .M.MiKET. Toronto, Feb. 12.â€" II was Ihe same old story, "Good cattle will bring Ihe price, but poor stuff is off. " The trouble is Ihal Ihtr culllo being received now are prac- lically all inferior. There ai-e, of coui-se, exceptions, and Iho prices paid for them give one an idea of what really choice cuUle will bring. Export cttllle were linn and moderate- ly active. One cxlrn choice load of 1,360 lbs. sold at .$5.35, hut the most of the cattle A)M came in the light exporler class, selling from $4.65 lo .$4.90. Ono heavy export bull .sold al .$4.25. Butcher cattle were easier to-day. but Ihis was principally due lo the quality of the stuff on the market. Choice caltlo continue in demand. Slockers and fet^dcrs show Utile im- provement. A few callle were bou»7ht for the distilleries, but trade is liniilod to odds and ends. Prices, however, con- tinue firm. Milch ciiws are steady, with a fair de- mand for choice. Calves are sleady and unchanged. Sheep are steady lo firm. Comninn lambs are slow. aiiJ gruin-fed slejuly. Hogs are sU«dy and uncliangtHl at $11.85, fed and wak'fcd. The Immigrnlion Department at Ot- tawa consider the reports of the suffer- ing of settlers in Ihe west is greativ exaggerated. The R. N. W. M. P. are patrolling with iiislructions lo look out [c.r all such cases. CHINOOK AVERTS Rl'IN. Cnltle in .\llin1a Now lla\o Easy .\cce68 lo the Grass. A despalch from Medicine Hal, Alta., says : The Chinook on Wednesdaji raised the temperature 90 degrees in a few liours. and, as a result, the hills are bare of snow and thi' cattle have easy access lo grass. Ranchers regard the situation as saved. War is imminent belwee.n Ihe repuN lies of San Salvador and Honduras, in Central .America. II is stated ill Berlin Ihal Ihe high proteilionisi parly will bo stronger in the new Reiohslag Uian in the old. NOTE GATE CHEESE AWAY Brand Was "Brockville," But Message Was From New York. .Seven minors were suflocalod by a Pre in a shaft neu-r Wilkesbarre, Pa, ca Saturday. A despalch from Brockville says : The Dominion Dairy Commissioner. J. .\. Ruddick, has given out a leUer received from an inlluential English importer of London. prolesUng strongly against the finding in a cheese allege<l In have been exporUnI from the Bro''kville secUon a glass bottle containing a nole. When the cheese was cut the botUe became brcken in the middle, and the great dan- ger of anyone partaking of the pixiduce cut from the vicinity of that holllc was emphasized. The writer roundly .score<l Ihis silly method of makers or iiianu- taclurers communicating with cus- tomers. The incident reveals another case of Uie fraudulent exporler selling Ne* ^'ork Slate cheese as BrockviUe's. Tba cheese fmm which the bottle was taken was branded. "Brockville. registered No. 5,-.<, Dairy .\ct. 1897, Canada," and tha no\e was as folkiws : "When you receive Ihis. plea.se reply and tell me how yott likr? mv uncle's cheese. .Address Miss D. Pearl McClary. Pul(»ki. N.Y.S." â- fho Brockville Cheese Board wfU likely take Ihis maUer up promptly, aoid ascei-lain how it is that a rhecs* pur- porting to have been made in Brocltvilia .section appears to have been made in New York Slate, and how it is that a Brockville i-egi,slered brand is in vis* across the line. ,' ^