Fmruary 14 1907 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE MARKETS CAREFULLY CORRECTED EACH WEEK. 0»to 3« to 38 p»M 75 to 76 lUrley 45 tj 45 NVhsHt ''"I" 70 n^y 10 00 twlO 0) I'oUioes, per bag 45 ti> 50 Ku.tor 20 to 20 Ei/gs. fresU 22 to 22 Chickeni ^ *° ^ (ieoHO 10 '>J 10 Turkeys ... , H »« ^ Uucks 10 to 10 ^^^ii^^M ^II^ H IB^^^M -v^ I In Furniture The largest and best stock of furiiituiB ever shown in Klesher- ton. This withont fear of conira- diction. Conio and hho some of the uice things in Sideboards Dining Roorq Cliairs Parlor Setts Bed RoorT\ Setts A special reduction just now on everything in c)rder to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT ^unnltupe Siealei' Flesiertoii - Ont. \â€" TO e^ s> strong If eads And Skilluil IJuiiJa ti> tho tr'.n-.I Attend till* famous TORONTO. ONT, and l)ti ijrii|iiMly |)re|)ari-('. \<^x liiKinoss .Ixtsition.t. \Vn ileal imly in High (Jiailo liusineSM E.Iucalioii, thu kind evory yoiiiiii laan sud wiiinnn ahouM liav». Our stdiool haan'iw tin; lari^HKl attenibiicn in â- jtH hintory. Cciininunc! now. I're|).'ue well and 8Ucc«r s is .certnin. No troiii<lu f'T our urailualeH to i{ut imsilioos. C4Uloguefr>e.â€" W. J. Elliott, Princip'O, Cor. Yong and Alexander Sts. ; lATintex* Term Kuw on at the OWEN SOUND. ONT. but HttiduMts are ailniittud at any time without any inconvenicncro to iheiriselvi-s or others. Threw coinplfte and Ihornugli ^'•urHes of study: Uusme-w, Sliortlmnd uiid Typewriting, and Preparatory. No niailer wlmt your preMont i-ducnt'on is wo can lit yon for a better paying positic.n Full particulars sent to any address free. Writi- tu C A FLEMING, Principal. CLEA SALE AT PORTLAW Hammer blows, steadily ap- plied, break the hardest rock. Coughing, day after day, jars and tears the throat and lungs until the healthy tissues give way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral stops the coughing, and heals the torn membranes. Th* b«Bt kind of a teatimonial â€" "Sold lor over alxty years." yf^« trfLC. KjtT Co.. I.<nniU. 1 Also m.iuuAotur«r> of ^ â€"'^ SARSAPAR1U.A. M Wf ^ HAIR VIOOS. W* hava no ttantt I 'We publlih til* fbrmaUs of ftll our m«dlc'.n*i. A Biliousness, constipation retard re- covory. Cure these with Ayer's Pills. iGROCERlESi We sell the very liest groceiies money will buy. Wo sell our Orocuriea at the lowest possible prices. Our shelves are well stocked with Canned Goods of every description. Christies' and Fancy Hiscuitf McLauehlin's .Sods and on sale at the bust rates Royal Household, Ford's Patent and Morning (Hory Flours alio on sale. W. L. Wright. BUSINE.SS Cards WUULLOUOH A YOUNG III Ilankur .Markdale Jo a gaaeral banking busineas . MoDey losneii a reasouablo rata Call ou us. TCmsbKTT, • I'OMtiimsti^r, Ceylon. Couinilasioiiur lu H. U. J .ConrevaDCOr, ilecds. iiiortKauuti, leasoii, wills otc. carufully ilrawii u|< CuilfcciouH luaU.'. char^oH raasonal'lu. AUo groceries, fiuur. fuvU ete. kept iu utuck, I'ricuH riKlil. RJ BPltOULB ro(4tmantcr, KloBhorton v^otiiiniflsiunt'r ia H.C.J., Auctioneer Con- veyaucer, AppraUer aud Mouuy Lcudpr Rual ICatiitfi aiirl IiiHurance AKont. lletul« DiortijoiieR. leanu» au'i will» carefully drawn up and valiiatlouti made on HliorteHt ufitico. tiionoy to loan at lowest raton of interest, t^ol «Rti()iiB attuudiul to with prouiptueps chart'ea low. Acent for Ocoan Dominion Utaaiusbip Company. A call solicited. D. McPHAlL. LiceusntI Auotloneor for tliu batlnfftctidti ^tmriiiiteofl. Tbe airatiKtutieiitH aii'l dates of kuIuh cuii bn rnado a*i TiiK Adva^.cu othue. UfHidonce B,ud P.O., Ceylou^ Telepbouu cotMiuctioii. Doo. fl.07. Societies A O U M' meets ou the last Uonday in eaoii month, in their loURe room. CliriHtou's blouk. I' 8 p.m. .M.W., Krarik C.hard ; iW.e., T. lilnkuly. Financier, W.J. Uol.aiuy. ViifilinR bretbrei. iLvilod. PHINCR AllTHUK LODGE. No. M.1, A.P.* A rj, moots iu the Masonic hall. Strain's block. Flenherton. every Friday on or before Dim lull uiocn. W A.ArmstroDK, W M.; Uerb. .-iiiiltU, Secretary. f()L'UTKI,i;snKUTnN llOj. I. 0. !••. ireots ir. ^ ('lirlstn<>'s Itloeb thn last NVoOnettdav pveiiltiq of eacll liloiitb. Visiting KorcHtera lieartilv wi\lciimo. V. H.. Pr. Miiirav; H. ti., '1'. Henry; Kill. Beo., C. N. liiulianlHOii. I'leaxe pav durs to Flu. Bee. before tbe first dav of the month. Ill ovcrythiiijr in Dry (Joods, Boot.sund .Shoes, Ilardwuro, Stoves and Tinware. D'ess Gdodc, regular price 35.nnw setlint; U- or, , DruHS goods, regular price 45, sel'iiuj "t :ije Dioa^ Goods, re«iil,ir jirico, TO, soiling •" -ill,: Klinnolettes, regular prjcu 10, tollin r "•• 8 Piinu, Ducks and Giii^hiins srllinr •' lOo Hrtteon, regular price 25, soiling at. ... 15 Oroafest reduction pver known in boots and Shoes. Hardware and tinware to be sold likewise €a!l and Sec our Stock Evfo rc buyina els ewhere J. A. St. JOHN GENERAL MERCHANT • • PORT LAW nnOSI-.N Vl;It.;N'l)8-Flesliertoii Council of *• ClioHfiii Fi-ieiKlw meets in i;layton's liall flrpt and tiiird Wediie^dav ofeKcli iiiont H p. ni Pay assesHiiienth to the lli"'ordrr on or iioforo tre flrKt itayof ,miu1i inoiitli. t'liief Councillor, T. UlttUeloy:U.'OOrdor, W.J). Hunt. (Md Rtminlsccnes Fbom Thb Advamcb or .lunc 2, 1881. Vol. I, No. 1 On the 24lh of May a fearful steamboat accident occurred on the river Thames, Canada west, in which 217 lives were lost. TliB boat Victoria was overcrowd- ed, as is usual on such holidayi as the 24th, aud u larfje number of the pssson- gurs eoinnieuced rushing from one side' uf the boat to the other, each time the boat surged. Then there came a eeneral crash and the boat went to pieces. We learn that a daughter of Mr. T. Leitch, tailor of this place. Miss Clara Leitch, Slid Mr. Leitcb's son-in-law, had a very narrow escape, in consequence of which Miss Leitidi has been rather ill ever since. Sad Accidentâ€" a very sad accident occurred about 1^ miles up the Toronto nnd Sydenham road. A Mrs. Wallace Kent her son, a young in-in about twenty live years of age, to the well for a pail of wau-r. Ah ho was a longer time than uiual getting the water, the mother be. citine alarmed, and on going to the well was horritied to lind her son had fallen into it and was t'rowned. The day bHfore we came to Flcsherton, Mr. John Jobe, of Euphrasia, ordered us to put down his name as a subset iber for the paper we intended to s'ait in Flesh- ertou. We hope therefore that the good faith exhibited then as to the success of the venture by friend Jobe will be veri- fied. Mr. W. F. Doll, jeweller of this place, has gone to Europo to spend the sammor. Medical DH CARTF.R M OP & H Ont. Physician. Snrpeon.eto OlUce and losidunceâ€" Poter St., Floslierton The West's Winter. Writing to his father-in-law, 0. Rands, Victoria street, W. E. Larkin>;s, a former operator at Shelhurne C. P. K. station, now at Yellow Grass, Sank., yives a little idea of the kind of winter the West is liavinu. He says, in part: "I guess you will think we have dropped off the earth. We, are still on it but about isolated as our railways are demoralized with snow and cold. It certainly has been an awfi 1 winter. It has been down to 62 below zero, and every morning finds it 36 to 40 below, and storms fialore. I have had my feet, fingers and face frozen so often they are so sore I can hardly wash myself. Everything is very dull out here this winter. No cars moving on the railway. When s car of coal comes into town it is a'l gone iu three hours, so you may know what kind of a scraiublu there is for coal. We have not had a regular mail train for ten days, and we don'r know what is iroing on in the other part^ of the world, as we csnnotget any papers. But we are pulling along n It. Not half as bad off as the people who are forty, fifty and sixty niiles from the railway- There will be lots of them away out on homesteads ftozen to death this winter. Tlieie are thousands of cattle frozen al- ready. Just south of Yellow Grass about 15 niiles there are 27 head of cattle stand- ing iu a snow bank frozen solid. Another lather SpeakA To the EdltT of The Adv ince. Dbak Sill, â€" Havinu read the article from " Mother," of Kimberley, I want to shake hands on it. She voiced the senti- ments of nearly all the temperance people within driving diiiance of Markdale. The farming community around M.irkdalo es- pecially feel that Markdalo vuteis have cast a slur on us which we cin't get over. If it's tho liquor trade they are after, why suro they should have it, but surely the respectable ilenicnt, of the country are not bound to follow the nflf raff of the country to Markdale ui Ion.' »« there are other towns that respect ou'" seniiment, in which to do buMiness. I am a farmer's wife, living not 40 miles from Markdale and not a Fleshertonian, and yet. I any the temperance people who have voted for lociil option in their own dis- tricts ate discountenancing themselves it they go to .Markdale to do lousiness when ihey have local option towns right around them. 1 wonder are there any more of us ? â€" An AaTKME.siA Mother. During the local option campaian in the town of .Meaford, a joint stock com- pany was formed anion.^ the temperance peop'e, and the leading hotel in the place waa purchased. From later develop, inent', ii would appear th-it. the vendor has rued the bari^ain. At tho time the sale Was aO'jcted it was looked upon as almost certain thit the by-liw would carry, and no doubt, this had an eflfect upon the priuo pud for the property. Tbe company gave Mrs. Shipman, the owner of the premises, the sum of $13,000 for the property. Mr. Leg ite, of Owen Sound. |iut through the deal, nnd was to receive a oomniission of 31,000. He, however, very eeiipiom-ly nave this to the new syndicare, and sis,) took two shares. There is no doubc that the place will be well conducted, and when the vote ou local option conica on at'siii the hotel cry will not have weight with'f.he electors. â€" The Pioneer. SCORED ANOTHER - WONDERFUL VICTORY Ob* More Added to tbe Uag LUt ef Cures Iffected by Pircbine. This young lady, who lives in Browne* Tille, near Woodstock, Ont., tells her own Btory in a few effective worda of bo w she obtained deliverance from the terrible grip of weakneiis and disease. 1 have to thank lliychlno lormT present health. Twoyearaupo I waaguiiiK IntoadeeUne. Icoula haxdfy ilrag myself acroai the floor. I could DOC •weep the earpec. if I went for a drive I had to lis down when 1 came bnuk. If I went fur a mils on two on my wheel I wai too weak to lift It through the oatc- way, aud last time 1 came in from bavin; a • pin I dropped attcrlT helpless from fatigue. My iathtr would give me DC peace until I procured Put- chine, knowing It was excellent lor decline or weak- ness. I must say the result* are wonderful, and people remarked my Improvement. Instead of a little, pale, hollow cheeked, listless, melancholy girl, i am to-day full of life, ready for a F,>lgh.ride, a skating match, or an evening parly with anyone, and a tew months ago I could not struggle to church, 40 roads from my horns. I have never hud the, slightest cause to fear any return of the dlaea^. ELLA UUKLEL WOOD. Brownsville. Ont. Thousands of women are using PSY- CH INE, lieeau-se they know from exper- ience that in it they have a safe friend and deliverer. Psychine is a wonderful tonic, purifying the blood, driving ont disease germs, gives a ravenous appetite, aids digestion and assimilation of food, and is a positive and absolute cure for di8ea.% of throat, chest, lungs, stomach and other organs. It quickly builds up the entire system, making sick people well and weak people strong. Glasses That Cure. ! (pronounced 5l-Ki£N) for sale at all drugtrists at 50c. and $1.00 I per bottle, or at Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, [ Laboratory, 179 King St West, Toronto. j Dr. Root's Kidnev Pills are a sure and I permanent cure fortiheumatism, Bright's . DLaesse, Pain in the Back and all forms of Kidney Trouble. 26c per box, At all deatezBi A wedding was consmnnuled near Clinton a few days ago which has an interesting circumstance attached to it. The groom it's said was enaaged to another youni: lady than the one who becamo hiu wife. He offered $1000 to be released from his unhagoment. The young lady knowing alio had the youm,' man in a boi, refused to accept the offer. Int she said "You {ny me 62000 and I'll release you, and you can go to the dickens." Ho paid tho $2000. Noticeâ€" After the end ol tho preseiil month our premium offer of the Monttiiil Herald for paid in-advance subscriptions will bo withdrawn. W. H. Thurston. Tamworth Boar for Service nn.A.T. noND " Gra.luat-f Toronto Tlnlvoraltv. Mem- ber of Ontario Colle^'o oj IMusicllana and Hur- gojus. Maxwell. Ont. oiicceaHor to Dr. Boott. T V OTTK.WKl.l, •' Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Yetorinary nollofio. realdenoo â€" second door south west on ,,'\. . "I"'"*'- 'I'll!' street raus «oatti Piesbyteriaii Clinrcli. n WILSON, JUeoloinllb "• 'Jradiiate ot tiio Va'nrinarv Rolence Aaaoclat on. Itiihidenoo, Dnrhaui street, op. jio»ltB Iloyd,Hkklli.(!« hardware. Lk(;al A tliorouglibrod Tamworth boar forservlc* ou lot 5, cou. 13, Oaprey, Termsâ€" » I fortiraJo DAVID H0HEUT8 LOOAH WUIGIIT * MoATini.B llairlstors Siillultors Conveyaneors, eto OmcKBâ€" OwHn Sound Ont aiidMarKdaleOnt W H WllKOIT, M('Anni,K I H IiUcAS N Hâ€" Fleshnrton olUoe, MltoboU'i Bank •very Saturday. Dentistry TJr. E. C. MURRAY I,. D. S, dental surgeon ••-' nnnnigrsdiiatn of Toronto lliilversltv and I rival < nil^iieof tiuntal Surcoons nf linlarlo. Gas administration tor tseth axiractinn (MBce at rusid.uce, Tarooto .(trael, FUih^rta Farmers, Take Notice. T h.tve reaaed working for McCormaok iiirtclilnea, not that 1 liad any fault with the iiiiiiUinenta. but Juckaoii k Hannah, of Maik (liiii! Hold a McCnrmack ai.v foot hindur to Mr. Wilxon McMuUen laat luirveat for *ll'5.(IO on tliri'c iMvya. and Ida old Pattsrson liindor snd thin sold the old liiiulor for fl.fiO, and on next year's teruiri tliey are cliarKed to thoae that piilmpathey itot lliciii forleai than I do. Why iliiii't they vll them to Markilnle fanners for theauiue? Tliia I can prove. 1 Imve contract- ed with IVtor Hamilton, of IVtcrhoroiiKli, to sell Ilia iiiiplrtiieiita at Markdale and Fleaher- ton. 1 will aell theliiiiders, ai.vfo.iton onepay Slid. 2|«iyx Silo, three puva SrjO: ilrilla, iiiio poy iL'hiw drill Stil, " |iaya lf(W, three |iay« $!«"), and other air.eato correafxind, sniiillirorlarger. 1 will lie at Markdale af'ur the Tiist of Marc'x ivi-rv .Siiinnlay. .\ny hub wanting nwiohiiiea or ii'|iairs will tliid me on Satin. lays. I have aiimeaeconil hiin'l Drills on hand, some only H'orked one and two jyears, ' No.\on, Oahiiwa nnd Peter Htniilton. .-Vlao agent forithe Cmkahiitt Plow, Paris Slanure Spreader and Cliutuu 'ilirvsher. D. MADILL. Eyestrain causes many serious ills- Nervousness, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Sleeplessness, headaches baffling the skill of the best doctors. We adjust glasses that remove the strainâ€" give a lasting cure. We guarantee satisfaction. vfeV/tLE*" Nr^ DPTiC'JAK For Sale by Cender Tenders will be received by tho noderaisfne I up t J Kebruuy 13. 1307, for the purcbtse cf tSio buildings kuowuaa .Medical Hall iu Flo.<herton O.) tlie propu'-ty area three storey brick build- ing furnierlv u^ed aa a dru;? atore, aud a two- Etorey brick buil<iiiic now occupied asa butcher shop and Iwilling also a rough cast buildiuR oc- cupied as liarnecaahop. al>4o siHbieri. The high- est or any tender not uucesaarily acceptei. The iitoru pert uf the block is for rent at any time. W. J. Bellamy Mrs. B. O. Thorn Our Clubbing List 'Advance, *Herald nnd ♦Toronto World, daily $3 2& Toronto Daily News . 2 30 \V,o:<ly Globe 1 80 MiulEiupire 1 75 Family Herald it Star 1 80 T.ronto Star 2 30 Fat in>M » Sun 1 80 Farmers Advocate 2 30 Weekly Witness 1 80 JKaipapacag ap^agdyag38gag3g^^ l^^l^il In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, Harrows, I'loughs, Cream Sep- arators antl Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY I Heard's Carriage Works i<^\. D. McXAVISH ffifimiMftfiiiiifiii! For First Class Buggies, Carta, Pleasure and Lumber Wagons, cuttors. Sleighs. SV« keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HOkSE SHOEINQ ANDOENERAL BLACKSMITHINO and Buarantoo firaf oliids work. Wo keep on hand Ploughs aud Plough repairs, am? a.'so Mawey- Harris and Noxon roii^drs for binders, Mowert all kinds of nntehinury, also Binder Twine on hand. » Olben in town give us a call •