"^r htXtBU TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -" PBINCIPLEh KOT MEN." VOL XXVI. NO Flestiertoii, Ont. Xhursday Februarv 28 1907 W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR BOPKlSTOB NEW Jewellery Store Have you c-jUed in yet to see oar new prcmisea ? Bigger Stock Better Display Of .Tew^llry, Wiitch«>i", Cli'Cki', PktuU \V»re, urid cht.ic« thiiiu» in every line. Get your Wedding Pres- ents tiere, Get your Wedding Rings l^ers. Prices Right. Goods the Best. W.A.Armstrong friends in Toronto. They aLso speculated ;„„ ,pecudly .scarpifcy of food or fuel, but in some real estate on which they intend at the .same time at some points within to start a most useful and much needed ; ^^^ prDvince, Sa.tk;itchewan, tJiere cer- indnsti-v. Thoy have ordered a comsiim- '^"'^y ^^ ^^ .scarcity, sutfering, want, ^ ^ ^ : â- it_ »ii ii expfjsure, death. Not far from the Arm- mentofanun-olsfrom Montreal to com- j ^tr^ ^^^^^^ the .settlers ohoppedTp luence with. / their buildings for fuel, held up the cod Wedding bells are ringing. trains and helped tliemselves, stjilled the Diwlâ€" At Chesley. Fob.7,aged 12 days, I *"«! ^^"^ ^y springing the bolts of the -Mr. .ind ]VIrs. J<,hn F.nwick's baby boy. |â„¢P *!??/* \^t m"' ^'^''''^^^^ '^ „,, . , . , X, , uiiniovaWe. All these reports have been Iheir many friends at Lugonia estend to common news in the press of the country, the bereaved parents their aincerest . As to how tne Aniistrong colony fares I svmpithy. I <i" not know. Decemlwr and January ' A little son of Mr. Lonfeleys is very . T^^^/^V"'"''' '-'""•â- '"'^.^'^''^^"°' ... .^, "b J •'20 to (>0 beloTv zero must of the time. ill with pnaumoniii. ; February so far is beautiful winter John Sherwood is very ill with an at- 1 weather. Y. T. C tack of grip. ' A very pretty wedding took place in I "^^^ \U)UST OVER the Presbyterian church on Tuesday fore- j Rev. Mr. Thorn performed the noon, : ceremony by which Mr. Porter Beard, of , Vandeleur, and Miss Jessie Graham, of ; the valley, were made irjxn and wife, i The stately bride looked lovely dressed in ' white silk as she entered on the arm \ A reopected corremiondent at McTeg- ttart, Sask., writes The Advaiics under date Feb. 13, as f. Ilows : "The West has oxpbrienced the most severe winter up lill the 2nd of this month that has Seen known for 20 years. The weather has nifxlerated now and wo ire hHving very tine weather. The coal of her brother, who gave her away. Miss Mamie Hogg played the wediling march. aassa I qiiesiiuii i.s a serious matter, as the coal j miners wBr« on atrike all Isst sumrner, t oinsf^uen'ly there was verv li'.tle coal to The church was beautifully decorated for' haul till winter and the railway couldn't the occasion. It being the lirst wedding ; draw it fn-st enough .iwing to the severe .solemnjaed in the cliurch, a Imndsouie ) *'"''^''' But vrysoects ar<! brightening bible was presented to the bride. They Prlcevllle. ^ Intended for last week Some jf our roads running north tnd aouth are bsdly drifted in places, .so that Mveral persons have been prevented from Muapleting an attempted journey of six or seven mila.s,di(riug one or two of the vorst storms this winter. But we under- stand that the Rev. W. F. Roach has not failed to reach all his app<.>intment8 Ahis winter so far, and some of them seven <V eight miles distant,, a paragraph ia gOme of the late c<;rrespondenc« in Durhaui Seview, to the contrary notwithstanding. 2t it said that the wiQ power of his nverence and the willingness of his little roadster maro, has aceuinplished wonders. We are sorry to state that Mrs. Roach has been quite ill for several days. Mrs. Jos. .A.usseni is lying ill with paralysis for about two weeks, one side at her body being affected. She can speak however, and is thought to be improving. Death again visited this community on the seventh, and reiuoved from our midst An estmable young man, M r. Duncan 3tcPhail, Mason, twenty-three yours of «ge. Deceased weutoutwcslaboutninety iuilas from Indian IIe<id, about two years ago and worked industriously at his trade .until he came home iu early winter, ailing after an att^k of pleurisy and also catorrah in the b.ead, uui his doitth was a surprise to all. Ho lojives to mourn, a widowed mother, one sister living in Winnipeg, and four brothers, John and Hugh at home, .iVngus and Dugal tut west. A largo number of relatives, and neighbors, attended the funeral on the ninth. Dccejiscd w;ia laid beside hi.s father in the village cemetery. Rev. J. A. Matheson officiated at house, ar.d gvnvo. asfr-isted by Rev. W. F. Roach. We made an error in our last correspond- ence by stiiting fiiat II. Roiley was hoinii on a visit.ouriLiforniant made auiistakeiu the name, it w:is Mr. Frank Reiley, a younger brother. Artliur Pattoii, clerk, of Owen Sound 's visiting friends and school mates hei* this week. F. A. Ferguson was in Shelburne Saturday and MoniLiy, his mother who was ailing ia somewhat better. Miss Ross, one iif our public school, toacher has been liid off with bronchitis for some time, but hor scholai's welcome hor bi.ok to her duties this week. will reside ou their farm at Vandeleur. (This Week's Items) Lots of cold weather no w. People up now and I ihiok that trathc will soon become normal ajrain. Wishinsi the Advance every success,' etc. -W. L. Hudson now JfeoMe H. S., Manor, writes, â€" Our hard are busy cultting and drawing ice. '"""^^' '"'""'' "^'^'- '''' \''' V'^"!!' """J '" ' '^ I lie enj'iymg • ur usual bright, clear. Bornâ€" lo Mr. and Mrs. Johnathan j northwest weather, quite a change fr..m Latimer ou Saturday 23 iiiat. a daughter. I for'y-tii-e to lifty-tive below zero, when Mr. Gaudiu is still huldibg revival ! it took nil our cleverness to keep two or meetin-,i8 in the Methodist church and is Intended for InKt weel:. Fine mild weather and good nwds leave no cause for complaint this season. Miss Winnie Fisher is under the doc- tor's ctuel Mis.s Minnie Manshaw, of Flesherton, ii a visitor ni the Kugenia House. Messrs. John E. Williams and William Magoe spent the past week visiting having ureat .success. Mrs. Elijah Paul is spending a few days with her 'laughter in Flesherton. | Miss Itia Mageo who has beau in i Toronto for some time has rauirned home MiSs Flnra Can." is home on a short viait. Flora Idaves soon for a trip out west. Mr. Bert Graham is visiting friends in Ti»ronio. Mis.s .\bbie McMuilaii spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Jasper Stuait, in Kiraberley. Miss Mamie Ho^g i» visiting in T< • ronto. three rooms warm, and we are led to wonder -it tba womi-iful power which is over all â€" that power «hich can warm the whjl". v*st atmosphere, ard uiakeus fi met our tires, ui.d tile fi-<*t, and scarcity of fuel. The trouble is all ({one, trulv God ope'ieth His liai.d, ttnd supplieth the needs of every liviuj? thing Kteiberiey ^ "-«»** Letters From the West. Fob. I'J, Stou;jhton, Sask. To ihe Editor of Ute Adtanct: â€" Dkwl EtiiTOR, â€" Your Issues of Feb. 7 and 14 of The .\dvance leachod mo last ^ ^ night. Parties of e«giucs, snow plows, i^,.^ jasper Stuart on SunihivTast rotiiy plows, steam aliovels, men and y^j. ,„,(i j£fj,. R. D. Carrnthers and spades have somehow bored theu- way | li^^iy ^j^ ^.^^.j^^jj D^,n„,„ (14^.^}^ on Sue- through the drifts and the railway hues ' j^^y \^i Mr. Ernest Buchiinan, of Owen Siund visited friends heiv reoontly. Mi;>8 Abbie and McSIuUen, of Flesher- ton, spent Sundiiy.the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ja.sper .Stuart, of this phico. ^lessrs. Arthur John.ston and 'Fred Boland were callers iu our village the past week. Masters II;u-c>ld and Everett JIcLean, of Rockvalc, visited frieuds here during tho p;u»t week. 3lr. W. .Sloan liad ^ .successful wood bee on Satuitlay hist. Miss Ma^ipe Knott, of Bpptng.was the guest of hei- cousin during tlie past week. Mrs. B. Strieker aud children, Freddie and Nina, of Detroit, are the guests of Mr. and Mr>. Rufus Wicheiis at present. Mr. Hu"h Hammond visited >!.r. and McFarland&Co- M.^EJKDALE, ONTAl<IO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE Clearing out the Stock The lowest prices yet have been put on all Winter goods. Come in and see them. • - We are stock taking at present. Only two weeks more selling before we take inventory. The time is short and our stock sheets must show$5.000 less than they did on February 28th, 1906. T' »,•. The January sale will Continue through February are clear onco more. Well, my 1 ?lter has been on your table for some weeks, I see, but, but, but, because of its e-xti-euie lecgth.etc. Wei!, why in thunder don't you cut it m two ur 1 ,.^^., .Bering, tliree. Wheu I cut down a tree say liOt) J - - ft. long, I cut it int4i sections tkit I can liandle. and 1 know you ca;i hando a Imn- iXtcil feet i'.t a lick. All right, then !;o ahead, and if you look chwe you will | tind some of tl'.ose questions you ask in a recent issue about actual couditi<ms of | the north-wv.st winter answorud thoieiu, j and by i-eipiest !i;;d some moio reidy for) you, but, aLi.s, I h.id visions of that awful. W. P. B. However, ye.s I .sjiy, then- ports you mention, of severe winter here, scarcity of coal and woo<l, sutferingt h' ough ! e.xposure, etc.. aye most of them correct, ! some donuds and coiitradictiou.s notwith- 1 standing. I have access to tho Daily N0W8, Teronto. Its telegraphic audi news rofiorts concerning the west dur- , ing the past months, have been iuvari- ) ably correct. Injiug confirmed by tho Mr. Aiulrew Fawcett and sister, Mifvs Sadie, visited Duncan frieniU recently. Little Miss B.irbiu'.i Cv.'.-ry, who has been on the sick list for .sou'.o time is now Mr. Frank Dean in a.ssisting Mr. .\. E. Armstrong ia the revival services here. The tUuibur<;-Aiiierioiin Line of Germany, which is the greatest coiiinierc- ial shippiiii! line in the wurld, is just liuild- iiig the largest steamship that h;u yet been constuiclsd. She will be. s:iys tlie New York Outlook. ot" 44.000 t»nR.7."iO ft. over all, nnd t>0 feet lieaiu. Her size may perliaps be realizeu more eus Iv wheu It is stated that her crow will inunb- er live hundred, that she will carry o>er three thousand passengers and ili.it for the benefit oi bur brst-cabiii pss-soiigei s. she will be provided with a swiiiniiini; tank 75 fort loiii; aild 25 fei't wide, niiii with tennis courts. What these liniiros mean will be n)or« rendily uudeVslooil when It is stated 'hat up to about ti/teeii press and telegraphic iei>orts from the ' years ago »2.CtlO-loii ve.s.sel .11 the lakes various centres throughout the west. | was considered a monster. One ol the which I see daily. I also have iiccess toi nhips in which Coluinbns discovered the Montreal Faimly Hendd and ^Veeklyj America couU almost be flo.tted in tins Sfcu- and its reixn-ts concerning the west- j q^w liner's swimming tank. HELP FOR SICK KIDNEYS. There is no re.ison in ihe world wliy you slioiilJ sillier wuh Ki.lney Trouble, .md you wont suflVr 1: yi>n 1; ke | cm situation and conditions have been m<i8t accurate indeed, and when all is said I believe tliat scarce the half has been | told, and that the pjissing of the snows in the spring will reveal many gvuesoiue j incidents that tho press luis never hoard of. However, I believe all lias been di>ue by the rail it>rtds .And government officials U) cope with the exti-aoitlimuy situation so suddenly sprung on them, that it was possibe to do. So gi-eat has been the in- flux into this country of j)eople, and many rushing into isohited situntioiiK, and having to battle with extraordinarily se- Take "Ba-Ju " on our positive gu.tnin- vere climatic comlitions. it seemed'that tecUiatitwiUcur«youormoi.ey retundctl. the railways simply could not keep up the 5o<r. .1 large box. At dmggista or by mail supply at iUl points. As for us bore, we j postpaid. 62 were fortunately situated.and experienced mo Cla21n Chsmlcal Co., Ltd., Vfindsor, Ont, Dkss €oods 2 pieces Black Apaca, was 35c, now- 21c 8 pieces Tweed mixture, was 30o, now 21c 1 piece green serge, was 79c, now. . . .59o 5 Cashmere waists, new, were 2.73, now 1.38 5 Cream silk waiata, were 5.25, now 3.98 5 pieces velvet corduroy, were 38 cents a yard, now 10c $1)irts, €ap$, etc. 2 doz iiesvy tweed caps, were ot>c now 32c 2 doz. Fancy tweed caps, were 50c now 28c 4 Persian lamb wedge caps, were 5.00 now -..k... ^. .......... 93.«>u 3 dozen heavy tweed shirts, were 60c now .40o 1 dot mens cardigans, were I 00 now 89c IDantles 4 Liilies Jackets, were 55.30, now. .1.39 4 ChiK'ren's Jackets were 2.50, now. .98c 5 Ladies Black Astrachan Jackets, were 40.00, now 31.75 12 Ladies fur ruffs, were 3.00, now. .2.18 6 '• " •' .5.,tO, now.. 3 48 2 Sable FurRuflh, were 10.00, now. .7.50 3 12.00. now.. 9 90 2 Rubber Lined Robes, large siso, wer» 59.00, DOW 7.00 A.\\ fun law than half price. See them. IS Msn'a tweed vests, were 1.25, nn» 89o 15 pairs boys tweed knickers, were 0O3, nuir 29o Sun.<lr*ies 13 Ladies Diack and fancy belts, wsra oCc, now 19te (> Urfce size rugs, nice design, arttro 7.50, now : 4.90 50 whit« sad colortd large size sogar bowls were 25c, now. ..5c 2 3ro»a white castile soap, was 5c a bar, now 3 for 10c 10 dozen bl^ick handle steel knives sml forks, per dozen were $.'5.0<J. now. . . .75* 5 dozen silk bibs.lace edge, were 25c,now 10c each or 3 for 25c Bring us your Trade. We will serve you well. McFARLAND & COMPANY ^r."'^'.Tr?r.'"^^'rf7'n-^s^"-^^^ B R S. ^ HARDWARE Our tiew stock of Hardware has arrived and we have been busy for the last ten days opening up »nd uetii'ii; into shape and We are now fully ei|uipped to meet every demand of tho hardware trade. We extC'd lo the public a henrtv invitati.'n to com" in and inspect our stock. Y lU will Hod ilie tfm.i .s ri^Iii, the prices right, .slid we h.lieve we are ipiite safe 111 saynii; wo will use you nulit. However dr.. p in and see. If you i..(e.iil buihlinu 'hiscoiniiii; sumiiier Jn.p in ai^d let us H^ure on your contract we have year> of piaotical experience in this line. GROCERIES Just a word or two about the Grocery business. You will find our stock of Groceries contains the very liiiest g<.>ods on the luarket. We h"d tlutir kivps not ..nW ureater s.itifac'ion to ourselves, but to our ous'oiuers 'o buy the b.st. Wo ro;ip the benefit by aivinit our cimoiners yenuiiio s;itifaetion. xvliile our ciisto-iiets lionoHt by b..Mc g able lo rely iui- plieitlv on the .(uality of goods they are bujing. We pay highest prices fur Farm Produre, Besitham Bros», Flesherton. ••- -fc. . -iL . -^ _ _ â- *;•_ .*^ -^^^ '^ , â- ^-, '^__:^__^^ ^ ^ "^ .. '*' . '^ , _*â- .â€"â- . _^ . "^^ -^ ^ * . -^ -^- , - »â- â- H^l Notice to the Public T Ixv to announce that I have purchawd ft MW mill which I intend haviiii; in uperntioii tliis .â- ^nrinifon what is kimwniv* the "M Sfwirl- in)t mill site, :'.nd am prepared to buy all kinds iif h.vrdwixpd lotrs, lath timlH-r and shingle tiniU'r liir which I will pay the highest ciisli vrioes. Brini; almn; ymir custmu work, •'â- .itisfaciion ^tnivrantefd 21f t*. M. OSllORNF, Vandtleur. Farm for Sale* Lets M .and ;Ci, con. 8, ( isinvy. Will soil 100, l,">l)oi- 2V0 acre.H, Situated 12 uiilon fi-otii {^llâ- lilU(WMod and mieand a halt miles from Sin;;. hiiiupton. AgT'xid frame I'aru and stone hnwc nient, brick limiw.fiu'in well wnteind. Adipt- cd for .-» stock farm. For further particulan apply to ROBKRT MoC^ONNELL. 15f« l> t^inghamptuii.