Flesherton Advance, 28 Feb 1907, p. 7

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s scoBEs nm_ in wreck Steamer With 180 Passengers and Crew Driven Ashore. A despaich from I/indon saj-s : The worst disaster fur jnany years in Ute tolory of the Lm-y cro-ss-cliaiinel Iraflic fcetwwn England juic! liie cjontonejil ch;- aun-Bd diiniig « v:o;wil jfHe shortly be- i»re ti on KriAiy luoTiirnj. when Uie R«l- ♦fi«<iUiii inau stoanier. berlin. from Il»r- wicfe lo llor.k of lloiia^l. IvaTing safely weaihwed IM liunicane, was suddaiiy wnocked m »h;; *i5 eii»ermg port.. The tarrjiic ieas broke up LtiP sleamer wilti •â- ch awfui siidUaiUMiss In&l all eflorU lo •are life ap^«ar lo have buta uller:v iMpelesfe. No caub* yet ha'< been aasifmed (or Uie terrible accident, and J, probably will iievt.f be known how <lie -•aeainer came Lo miss (he channel, which, al- though :hr>?e hiuidreil >ards wide and well tHjoyed and lighLed', i.s always dilli- eult of access iti rnugti weaUier. II is «onjecl.nred liial some deran-jetrient of Uif engines oP .sletji-iiig gear iiiav hav« rendered the vessul uncontrollable. Caplain Pretioiis of Ihe Bi-rUn had a good record o.' fourteen years' service. The list of fMisswigeni on Hie fated •teamer was Ujst, and all Ihe nainis of «u»se who were on tward have not y«* to««n learnod. <iKn.MA.N Of En.\ SINGERS LOST. Tlie Berlin carried pdi;sen{.'ers an<i «rew Id Uv nuinber of ill. Aiiiont; lhru>e drowned are mnel.vi, iin!«nber> •,'. Ilie liemian Opera ijjnir.aiiy. wba had jut-l •oncludtti (lieir :<«?ason' at (Xfveiil I'lur- *ea. The fjia;iaiter of the €ov<^l (larden •ouJirmed Mw slatcinoiit Iljal ri:uete«i â- '*"-'*-'*^ of Ihe t'KTiiiun I'tptra ".ompariy Wl on Thiirsday n:<{hl iii liie sustiiier Berlin. -"So far as we knrm-." he sa^d. owing to the friewfcJtifci and relation- ships exishnt'." Arthur Herbert, one of Uie King's mes- sengers, who wa.'; jounu'ymg to Uie coii- lineni, was also i«»l. He was a graml- son of Ihe Uunl Karl of Powis. and was on a mission lo Uie courts of i.opeii- hagen, .SI. Peter»N;rg, Berlin mii lehtr- aii, bearing important drSH>atolies lo Ihe 1-oreign Oltices at Ukjsc capilais. DLTril HEHOE5 SAVED W.EVEN. A despalcli from ll«»<)k of Holland .says ; By d«r>t of liobia c<iiirdge and d«.gged pcrs«v«ran*!e. wn«<h ..-ookt not havo tjeen eioeeded tiy ;iny ;i;on m live world, the Dutch lifeboat in'^n and lug- men saved Uiree w^dlieji and eight iiieii fi-oin trie wre. k i.f llie B.!r!in on lTid«> aft^rouon. The tye«;«<»rs workfd lor nearly M lio;;rs vn Niri^ni.- seas, .-moth- ering .soowj>lonns urwl liitenio ".old. They ufre repeatedly l)«!l!i'*l by «avea which Uire«l.»ed lo '^u^â- k.^l iliear Miiall U)als like ciii*s agaiiu-l l^' p^-i' <J'' wreck. Th«'y relurued *K»in and again whenex'er a change in Ihe tide or a teiit- porary abate«ient in 'he t'T^joj-'y o! gale caused a re\iv«! il liopc slight, thai ItM-y uiignl reach w-ays. rh«>' were a.l spinl, whicii Wtt.s put mill words by Prince ikwr^y after h«; hiul iiwie his Sir.st visit to Hie nei4/htjorhiHM â- A Ihe \»!i"i:k aboard a tejz. "\^'<* *ul: inJ. ;iive up un- til we hav«e saved tjjeiii. V\e iiiitl gel Iheiii .-.oinelww,' .-iuid his Kov"' High- llie io*e\*T Uie ca»la- an;niaU.-d by a LEADING MARKETS i'.i!i:\i)sirf-Ks. j I'oionlo. IVb. ill.- W'tn-alâ€" Oiiiario-- !n«). i while winier. ~\r lo Tl''.;c: .No. •.' I red, 71c lo 7iV; No. i mixed, TO^'^c to ,7tc. j M.-milobaâ€" No. I hard. 86c; .No. I iriorthern. »5>ai- lo «&: , I Cots- No. 2 wli te. 39%c tu Wc. To- ironlo; .So. i nii.xed. ;}K>i.; lo 3'Jc. ! PeMS-70>i,- lo SOf. <x>rnâ€" No. :! yellow. Aiieiican. .Wc to ] .•>2V(,n. ToTOitLo n<a!ii hiw and west: i Ontario, Ur to iJc. lmsi-> fretghls. Buckviheulâ€" 55<:- lo ."Kio. H>eâ€" Nominally 6.'x- to 6»k,'. Biirleyâ€" N,j. •?, .-.ic lo 'lil^r^ No. 3 ex- tra. -iHc lo 50c: .No. i. ITc lo tSc. I l-"lourâ€" thitaiio. 90 per ceiil. patents. $2.T« asked. Si.eT bd; Maiiiloba llrsl patent. .tLOic seconds, $4; bakers' $.'.!-0. Bi-aji «0 bid for .s«.ks oulsiije: $iy jbii.k ul poinl of ^hiplIl••nl. ' I Shortsâ€" Sarce; prii-« nofiiinally $22; none offering. • <X>LVrnY P»ODL<.E. I Butter receipts arv n<il qiiile s-i) heavy i itiKj [here is also .some liiiproteiiicnt no- .*i<-ed in quality, a tjood portiuii ef tli«- ' tx^or .«l«ff having liwri gut rid of. 'dreamery, prints .. ., .. ' d'j ssolid.s .. DaiT-y prints do liibs ..,~ ♦ :ii««.seâ€" lie to U.V for MKy tor Iwms. Kjigâ€" Nlw-laid, JO: .<M«ratge. iic. f^ultry â€" r.onlimies v.-r* i|iiiel anil prices praclically aoniinal. fjjicken*;. tresli-kii'M-d ... lt;ferlor. frozt-n sU(C'i> . . fowl , ;t>ii. k> itietw) ..., TIEY ATE PmSOSEl! 68115 ./.*• Sjsir One Result of the Terrible- Famine in Russia. \ de-spalch from Kazan, Russia. .say.s ; Alnnzlilp-ehack. msnr Clialhaiu > '^ ctin-espondenl of the As.>o<;ihle</Pres.s ; ''^i" ergotism were |h«s ielmn...d here afler a IwiMilv-live ' â- ;';"â- ""'';' ^''«'^'r'- ,„.,,^, .^^t I The svioptoins of Ih'--' inalaoy are per/=on« auffcrinj fouud in seventy-, iiil houses vtsitad- ; bunniig seusalion in Ihe liver, foilowe* I da.vs' Inp lliri/iigli Kazan-, .-viniara and U'ta, Ihree sample pi-oMnces of the i by cliills. spasms and a permanent con- Iweiily afl.H;led by lajiiine. The corres-l Uaclion of llie lunhs. and linally l*''"^ poiidenl iMvestigaled Ihe .siliiulion in all i nest and idwcy. A lolul of one-l?nlh oB directions. I ravelling .•)«) iniles bv sleigh! Ill'' population has been pennanenlif- in dislii.-l.s remote from Ihe railroads I dieablwl. Almost eveiy house visUea where Uie dislress ls mo.-t acute. I le , presented vai-iations of this disease, reporl.s .-poradic case.s (,f .scurvy in all l-'our-(ifllis of the oallle in Ihi^ diitn* three provinces. A.-ide Itoiii Ihe dislri- ' have been killed by Ihe same po*tin.*o* butioM of (ioveniHicnt ration'?. Ihe Hed 1 ful-y five per cent, of ihe crop ;s ergot«^ Cross and local iniinicipul orgiiniza lions ! Ihe peasants are fully awwe ol ih«» un- . i6cU>27c . i3clo-:V.- . -.'IcloiJi- . 1Hilo;ir iiirge and •ire feednij; m Lla :.')U.UCl)i persons, in; Ka/aii i;)«.(Kio. and in Sainara lOO.dOO. A Inp fpy bleigli inio Ihe norlliern pari of Kalian pioviucr toik llie corre-spon- 1 denl into one of llie worSf sectio'ns of ! the famine region. In llie hamlet of wliolesoiiieiie>s of Ihe grain, but Ihey- liave no allernaUve and must eat wliafc Ihey can gel. Thoo.-ands of cases 'Jft "rgotisni occuired before '.he fjpvenv- ment was stirred to action. Tha nialadj* i.- now diminishing. bulcliors. ^\.M lo *i.«io: liea\y am- rnal-. im<Miuiii nualilv . $4. iii In $4..'>(l ; fal f:ow>. $â- .!..")< J !>( .fi : loiiwiion .viw-. niived. , LIKLT.^OV. S.'WWBAIX MIOI^ DE V* "Iht^se aid !^jt include artists, as the parly w luerabers of the i;lu)njs :-eluniing Itt their ^omes. They made arrangements 4irectiy with the railway company. *o ibat we are not yei ai>le lo gel mi r.xact •ast of Uie naj.'HT,. The disaster lias •roused (he iikxsI inleii.-je alarm among *lie oUieir menibers of trie cisupany. ness, and not a Hjan :imoiig the -cruwa ^j-upij^y^ l»ul had llie sani«» delcnniriiilioii. .; iioii,;»- .'ii,.adj al lie I.j lie Their heroism was f.-*;inled. Even : ^^^ j^^;', .,„,j _,j; ,^ ^^â- J^^ j'^,, now. however, ti^ir la.sk i.s nol coin-. (V.a,*_Mark.jt eiisicr iil pleted. fi»r Itierf remain .m Ihe wreck any i)f the star i two or Ihree women, whom !e»r or e»- .â- i.^'made up of | haustioi: prevented tiom itsing the life- ' line, by iiiJ-aiis of wtucU iheir -couipaih â- -ons wore i-estued.. |{eiiew«d eflortti are ii>rw liein^ directed al saving ihein, and a.* llie irale lia.^ ubal«jd and Uie weallx-r â- â€¢k*ar»Tl some- whal Uiere is c>jiisidenljle hoy-e of suc- ctsse. . lOcloll.- , ScloOOc , ScloOOc , Kklollc , llctuHi- lie lo 12c p<'r |ioiin<i Climbs. .•5l.:i<( l<r ; hand-picked, a.niil i\:£) '.o $\.Vl fc)r ' primes. 1'ulaiiC.s â€" ( iR'aiio, 7ic lo SOjeaslcrm 8.IC to 85.:. in car loU here. j BaW.1 Mayâ€" Marke! >- .a.sy al .S9 lo g!9 it) f.o.b.. and *ll 'o «li.0O-sin car li.l.~ heie for St). 1 liifudliy, and $* 1-.) *8. JO (or -No. 2 in cia loLs here. strji.v- .<;c»:!y at ST to .$7.rjy in car 1«'* fi. r-. Sl.ji* to sW.ia: i-aiiiier.-. .$1.26 l.j .'»l..")*i per cw I. StiKkers. choice. $:i lu $3.2S: mixed, «2 Ut «i.2^ : bulls, $1.JU r.-eders. SS.Mt to iS;i..SU ; lo U.-ii \*^c • ut. !9udden Dmlh ol llts Majesty* tlepra- xfMalive al Kce<fc-ri<-l«n. V •. â- \ ^.\ despatch Irum Fre<ien.loii:. X. B., says: Hon. Jab./. BiinliiH! ^nowbait, hort-keejis, $3.80 1 '•"'"'**'*"' â- ''"^'''**"" ^^ ^<-'*'' BrmtswiCK, j dropped dead an Sunday H-vi}iiiiig (m coniinon. to 9i: l.aiiiiBi comiuoii }it:jiii-fed. $•â-  $i.ji) lo â- Su.-'iii lo â- 'J7 : laiiite. i 'Jiieen siwet. wli;le on his wu.y lo ai- export ewes. I l''"'l service in llie uulb«4''>>i;. -^uixlay ',1 Hie '-.isiia? \iour, S^.n«: cults. S.i.M 1.J .'SI pei- cwf. .'j partook of breakfa.-t. and al»<:nilwl .sem- ilogs wer*- qiHjIeJ a.s. ea.sv al Sti. 70 Tor ', ^'ue ul the .MelhiHlLsi Uiuivti> He liaA sekHTLs, aiHl .^O.i.'i lor !iglil.s'aiid (iiU. idinner al ihe usual ii.nir. and -|«'nl li* ij, . - eieuler pail ol lh<' atl'Tiiooii ipiietly .a I his room. He .seemed lo be in los Ui-nal FnO.-5l \MI't.s Ol 1 1 V.MIL\ . 1 health, and iiLid.- no .ompl8iiil-4o-t)».s« . „ _ ".'" . ... I who were in conversation withhiin. \l» \ Vwiiiw, ITis Wile and lliree «-M- , ,..[, (^^ ^„j^,.^„ .,, y^- ^„j ^j ^^M^i dren the Viclinis. ' l.is Ihaji a block .inU a half troiii Iha lUilel. when he remarked lu Mr. >Utc- , ,, ... , , kcnzie ktiaA- \m was iioi l<i.ling. vci^ .e,l Uavid ".'^i>- 1 well. "1 aiway.s walk loo last/: saJl "'»"'i|'.«, "wh*!! I sii^it ou!.' *^)iiig thi.s. he immcdialeiy started ;.< retunV to In* hoiel, Mr. .Uu 'keiizie taking him by th« JUMf>eD rnOM \ tVTNDOW. W«aun°s Snicidr at Vtowria Onxpital, I.0U1IM1. A despalcli fioni London, (int., gays; Mrs. B«i>s.e IXiidge. wile ul Mf^rraau Geor^-e Doidge, an emplcyee ...f lh« Lon- 4»B Street flailway Coiopany. jumped irom « to rd-slorcy wind<jw of the iiia- ieni'ly ward of X'i.iloria Hospital m Kriiay evening and was iiflleil. Dr. «r«rr^uson says Uiut M;s. ©...jdye »a.s tbe vioiiiB of temporary insaiiiU'. linduced *y her illness. .'<hc cuimuigly ijiduoed Um XMM'-ie 10 raiAe llie .vindcm on pre- %etice of securing air. liuine<l]a<«ly her took was liirred sue jimtpeil through. tier h.i.sband entered live nioin while tke uurse was downsia rs. KiimliMg the r»«in arnpty he inimedialely called the Murs*, *'hc (ii-uo'.ered the btidy outtiide. LAKE OF <HL K!VTKKH». A WMMterlMi iStrihe Reported iit uey Ttfwitittlip. A tlesi^iatch ri-om r.tialliaiM soys : Calurdsy nKirnifig. whem borirg 'CHAMHKRLAIV A AMOsCK. lie h< Wheeled About die Mro»iiids In an lawaiid CJtatr. K do^iatch from l.nndoii sirys : An in- lerestmy auib<.>ritati«Mi .stilcinetit ixiii- ceniing the tmilUi <( lor.epii iJiamlxir- lain was piiblislied .in W^thnesday. 11 <lo«s not confirm the worst .-iiinors. 11111 it shows that Mr. Oiaiiiber'nin 1$ cum- pietely brokun ph.ysicaliv. alMiongh he Ls iiirjiitall* alert, fie |)».s.sr*. <tu,z,i. of hi.s ".ime indoors at llighburv. Ms Biniiaig- tiam rwidence, but wUi"!! 'lie weather is liue he drivet> ni t .:arriai;e m Uie grounds ol his a»late. .^r 'iu luifrequenled n>ail.s in Uie v iciMiH'. He .se>4b< lo avoid lUe paMk gaae. He ii^rvei- lilays oulKide the house nture than forly live ininutes at a lime. He sumehmee spends uua- .'ttderabls U<it« 111 ht» xi-hid Mowaer. as Ute leniptirattire in ia.fte :iuild«i:;^ vtuls hini, IN' he will be whoeutl tu an invaUd I clour abual llM grounds, lie occa.s«.«iaUv I laiMs a slMtrt waik. >«f»p<N-ted by- lias I stout slick a«td the ann if iiw wife, bat \ Lbe invalid chair aiway.s is ti tiand. A tii*pal. h (tx«n r.s:i!'sn. .saskaichc- â-  wan, .say-: .\ ntiin U.er. hir.v'xt hero on \v«*ift<liiy I with llie .sUirliiiig infoi .nation that a| I fanner naiiie<l Kadc. ((c. wil.i his wife! 'and lliPe«f .-hildren had been Iruzeii !o I j<lca'li. P.adrlilfe was a hoinesleader, ;Ulio cmne here for coal alioul a fort-' , uiglil ago. .\ nei^ihbor nunied Mc.M- I Liue calletl ul Hadciifle 's during liis ab- ; Iseiiceaiid loniid liiS wife ;iiul children! j frozen solid aiid no liiel or lo«jd' .11 the I hoiisc. Kiii! her sea I'll a'.'i.j louhil Rad- JC'ilfe and los team of oxen frozen lo dealli «n the Ice in ;i_i»*iglibo:ing creek. with Ills »leigh loude.i with ccul and provisions. II is Ihoui^h! liiat hfr' had losl his way in the sloi'ni and perishe«l. Badcliffe arrived fio:!i England last .May and wenl hoiiiesltadiiig in June.' Ser^ I.e.'t. cf t;.« .Mounted Police, coii- Ih'iii.'^ liie I'e-p.ri In w re. adding that the bcdic>s Were liciijiit into Stacoun. on VNiiiliitiMiuv n gh . Oh I wh«in borirg al a j Ot^lti at S3«< fee! on a well oti the north- 'lyn,^ wef4 corner of lot 21. c.->iice>ssion 4. flom- «ejr township, the liioU disappeared and a gtjsh of oil .ivecfV'We<l liie Held for •cre«. Tiio wg w nd.' of barrels of oil were Idct. E.Tperi.'; .say an oil lake has been eHlareJ. and Mial the showing is the best in the field yet. The well w.ll probably run hnlk]i'ed]^ of burreU daily. T'he well kas been IlioUghl lo iie a linsle** and wa.* down further lliaii .^hallow oil is usually leund. 4i fKftiHMBHTS not POST orvjoc. Ill* fto«lBuw4er. Two ilM%« mtt Fivr I'Iukmicn ixk/iiku. Serioa.s Fire al « Ciaikinv MiM in l.4>iMk>n. A dcspKl.'h fmrn London. Onl.. wiys : Kiremni Tlio.'s A:iken. A. Davis, .A Scolt. E l>ec.n ami I. ltl«Mell wci-e -triou.sly in- jured ill 1. lire wiiicli gulled the lirtnd Trunk planing :iii'l at Hie corner of .Ade- laide and :'.\if:>K' Streets on Saturd.-y â-  Ighl. Kireiih I' .\ilkeiis. IVivis a.-ni Stoill are in \ iclo<-ia lUispil.il. and .ire reported lo t>e hnproving. Kiretiian Ail- ken Ls U»e worst injured, having a bro- ken nb aiw.l .severe injuries lo lii.s tuik •ad heaO. Davis and -ScoH h.ive iMem.d liijuiies. and H'dde^l and Di>nn are 'si- }un;d about Mie hea.l The lo.iS will aiuo'inl lo $:t<t.i*M, wiUi no uisurance. fto«lBUw4er. Two Two JSoMiers. .A despatch from Warsaw. RtiMian â- f'olaud s«ys: Tiie posl-.idH.'ejfi \^apo«ena Street was attacked a; noon on Kriday ' by !i bajid of Tern>rL>li>. who shot and killed lbe poinltnaster, iwo p<i.>ia! cierks ' .ind two soldiers giiardu i^ the place. ' aiMl w<.uii<V<f a s<:ortt of hys-ainlers. Ihe I Terrorists robbed Uie safe of the cash iaiKl stamps 'and es.apevl in ..'a)>s. llie' robbetB belong to it-.,- ir;famzaliof> 1 known as ihe EighUn< .s^i.;iaiisls. and »«''"""l^ dicplayed a red Hag wliile making their ' nsc«pe. The p<jsl-oAio>.> .iuth.)nlits. ad- 1 Hilt that III* robbers ;^ot »way wiUi several lliouaand roubles. 1 his wan the flrst important raid m two months. and show.i tiiat the T.*rrorisiN were not - suopneaeted as the aiilh.irittes allcgeil. The incident has caii,se.l inlefi*.' ex- cilemenl and arouaeil l>>ars if a re<'iir- 1 rence of Ihe sanguin.iry Events of the eariy Winter .MUViBE.AL .MABKET.s. A'hmtreal. Keb. 26. ilooally Ihe grasH niurkel is steady. Backwheatâ€" iac lo 'tUSj â-  per busheU e.\-»tore. 1 <;«»rii Amrircan, N-\ 2 yellow, ij<-; .N... .3 mixed, Oi', e.v-»>lore. 0«Lsâ€" On spot-. No. 2 whils, JS.Vic; No. 3 whiU;, 41 'v' I' tS.-: -No. t, Ki'ir ! to *lc pel' »»iist»el. e\ sk>re. I oasâ€" Hui iiig IK-H. $1 ji carload ' lol.s: SI. 10 iij i.jbbiiig lots. Fk'urâ€"Majjiloba spring wheal, *l.£i U' Jt.en: strong bakers'. *3.'.ii) '.0 .ii4.1i<; wiitkT wheat palenlf. $4.10 lu $4.2>>: siral;t{hl M,n.rrs. %;.6U to »:!.70; d<:., )3i t»ags, »1.6i -iu $l..'v7; e.v'ra^, $IJ)D lo ».5J. Mdtfeed M-amtuba bran. :r>. bags. tHi U Sn: .-liai'.U. *« Uj *i2.:«i: Unlano l.in:a'-io bran. :u b«g% *20 :o $21; shorts $.2 10 »S'.."K.>; milted iiKiinlie. *2I lo ' »5: slr.:ght firain $28 to $29 ^ Ion. j ^ ,,„^,^.„ ,^.^^,, |.^^,^,^ ^'^^ B..IMM 0«6 >'<7 WS- « ^^ «'»«'" i r>,ngein«.ts have been made hi Mr car lolft; *22 lo *K.j(i 11. jobbing luts. j Armslrumf. fr<,vii.c.al lnspeck«' ot .A*v- Hav -No. I. «IS.o<»: V.'. â- -'. fU.jO; .No. ) )o„„, mroiigQ the Dcniiinon Iminigra ;t. »llj<»: rlovet'. m.ied. »«l; pure olo- I ijon Uepailmwil. for the oeportalion of .:ar lols. j live »ellii*T, who have, sf?K'e tlieir arrival I lu Canada, developed iii»onily. All are I iiiiifi, and «Jl came from Ureal Biilaiii originally. One of theui, wIki is al pre- i sent coiiHiied iii loronio Asylmn. will be ..sent back lo 11)4 Old lounlry in a few I day*. .Anoiiiff' will .be removed from llaniiMon on Salurday. ^ve-al more persons of the same type will leave lUin- arm. I'luy hud only proceeded a short jdistanoe wlien lus i'l'>uur sank to ih* i sidewalk. Help soon came, an>d lh« I prnslrale man was carried ki. ui.s rooat I i'l the hutel. where Dii,. .Atherton and McC^alh were qiMtkly in alleiidanoe, I . .1 liieie wa.- uo sign of life. Ihe dwo- : I'.is .said iMarl di.-<ea*« caused death. klU.£U B^ \ l.lVi: ViinE. Vobug Eleeiririan's Sud Eiid in 'torofv lo i*vwer lloti!M>. VKl*Ottt l.>iS\NE scrn.ER.s. Axra*i9C*Meti«» made to Send BiMk 4lc»irable luilHi)|rMlls. Ill Ar- 'S \er. WO.riO lo «ll per ton m E|M|>'- New -laid are conmig iii more pletili(«lly. afid aie ipnAed al :i2i'. I :iie«i»e--lt IS i^p""eil that slocks do rk't IM'W auioitiil lo more Ui«n between live and eight t4«.m.sand tMi.xeo-. and for Utc^ i:l=«' a<id ](•' IS being as'ked. The KnglMili 3<iarket .<lnUnllel^ ;1rm nml ijii- cAaiigeil lo-dav. .Si.xly-s.x snilings t»eing qooVd for wtnle and «>i!^ for cd- I a<i" » *»t»k from sauipdiiy. A con.sider- ! „r^ '. able niunt>er of similar c»»aes of cukinisls BiittiT- Kre-ih creainerv. 25.- lo ij'.,.-; i who have shown signs of mental weak- r-iiled. Ill ba.skets u! half-barrels. 22c to ! '.',**'* « Ml l»e similarly dcu It wilh shortly. , 22 ''a-': wefclerii dmiy selected. 2'ii Man kibn dary. -JUi- '*i 21c; receipts Ihi. A .lesna'cli fitmi Toronto says: .WiU I liiin Powell. 2i years old. who liad lieen- |fmpioyed by the Toronto Electric Light. , liumpany, was eieclrocuted «briu! j.,tOi o'clock on l^unday afternoon at jm^ oH J Hie Niagara power switthes in tlie .sull>- ' s. atoll al 1 erauiey slieel. Rowel! waai I itp on a laitder engaged in .-epainng ai wira <m ine upper i>u."l of ftte lower jswikhboard wuen by wtme laeans l»« j !««( hie ba<auu« nthi te^! baekvitrd acroa* I llie terniKiais of a sw^ch heiow hiin. [ I'red B. Martin. Io(«ni«n in tite sla*M«, ; was oehiod lAe uoard al liie im'iv as J : tioaitl I'owei fal:. W tien ae lound ricna ' his p'.itse was scarcely sta i'W4. Ur. j Walter P. riioutaen ol (iarllon street , wa.s s.itniiioned aad Poweli was uoit- . veyed to .<'. M.ctiae. s Hospital in Um , anibuiaoce. bul tie was dead whMi tka I ainbuiance arr vol ii>ere. Peweii waa , mwiiairieid and iiaii 110 relaUvee in Cta- ada. ♦ - .. . ... .' THRKE KI ll.'W;t> 10 MLATH. lli.s A Vtl.NMI'Kti SlU ll)K. I.. SIras, ar^il Kswie Dealer, Sh«ou HioiacM al siirailicoiui UoteL | A dcsp.ilcis from Winnipeg sa.rs: | lohn I.. S'nis. real e.iliite dcalifr, rom- niUed sii:cide in the .â- Â«:r.tlhcoita Holcl •n Kiid.Mv evenii'g b) shooting. Social MKl ll<Miic.al tniiib:(» .ire believed lo ke the cniise. Ain>;i» i.> .>«u.|i M<:rK,\<ji;. Cuckiuyliain 1laiis1a«<|hier llhiiriirs niis.sed. A despatch from ll-ill. One., .vnys : i Ji.dge ."st Jiilien. at Uie c.iiii-l(i.s*i>n of ide ; crgumenl of coiinsol in Die KnckingMam riol trial on .Saturday morning, ji;;. ' inis^ed Ihe case agaiasi V'e.i«;ider Mac- ' larer. Chief (4>rM^ble Kieman and Hail- lil Cufuiumga, ciia."ged wiUi mau> 1 sluiightijr. The Judge declared that the 1 e«idenc« showod the aoeitsed nad sim,<ly j acled In .v41-drfence. They were accor- dingly diMharged. , ti7 pa kages. Provisions- B.irrets .sh-rt .rut nies.*. «22 til $2;l.i*l: half-bitrrels. SIl.TTi to $12.. yi: clear (a! l>ar'^s. $84 Ui ^it..'!*!; long cut hetivy mess. Sfi:*) lo ti*: Iwif-bar- lels du.. $lt'.7;) lo $11. .'Hi; dry .sail long ; clear bai-.m. !2'' In l'.".jc: l>arrels plate l-e^-f. •Jll l<i «l-,'.'>0; lia if- barrens do.. fC.ii to *i.7.'i: Lmrrei* heavy mess beef, $s.y.K ha:t-b«rrels do.. .$4.7.'>: â-  oinp.iiind ! lar I. S',,' Ki lu"., •: pure lurd. Il\c ij : i:»c: kelilc re- ♦Icred. Kic lo i:!'.,.': hams. I*' 10 l<>',.'. aecordiBt lo sizi-: brea.kfasi l>ac<.>ii. Kx' t.. Hi-: Windsor bacon. !.')'.,i: b:- lti>^. : fresh killed abiiitoir dressed lug-. *I0 lu 5l(i.2'>: alive. •$7.2.'». Bl I'TALO \l\P.K!'.r. Buffalo. Fell. 21). l-'lo.ir -â-  .Steady. Wheal- .'â- 'pring lirmer; Nj. 1 N<.rlliern. b9i'; Wmlei firm: No. 2 while, .•^ic. I'orn 'â-  .steady; No. 2 yel'ow, white, ii'/iO. Onls- T'"irm; 4J/iC: No. 2 UMAOd. 4ii;4C WHEAT rtwyt 1IIK kl.llNDIKK. I Uiiiiijg Ihe ^asl monlli 18 liinalius. vyho Fire Desiroys an hidiaii Tepee ai Miiidlc- I came shortly Lekjie in.o 'ho counlry.i church, Mimiloba have been ileporled. A despatch from W niiipeg says : Km llie result of a drunken debauch Baptist* Prince. I'osie .Smilh ajid (itsorga Kiasiae were burned to dealli in an Indian tepe* S;tniplt ol .No. t Hard <;ruwii Near iIh> ' at<out 11 mile webl of Uie Indian Indue- «:i»v ol l>awsoii. 'â-  '''"*' ^*'''>"' "' Middlecliiirch on Suivda.i^ i morning. Tlie Ihree \ icUnis are Indianj* A de-ipateh from Ot'.awa says: Dr. [ tivjin the Brokenhead reserve, and were :Tt»onip>oii OJt Kri'lay )iK»r;;ing slwwed 1 crfcmaled as Ihey lay .sUipeded Iroin the the lioiiim \ a --UUI! was giuwn on the Vikoii Biver. near 'Uawsjn. it a u\iu:e called Vlinlo. He, ., , â-  . ., . , , ..tales Ihal there i.s a con.-iderabie area i , ^*"''*"'T.i' . 1. .'. ^ TT**"' Jf :,.,f eoimir, itie-eon wl.i.h ^^h.•al cnn U' ! ''""' l^'"^^'**-^ '"•' ^'"^^ * I "^-^ SU 1 gio'*'"- iiiiioii.* ' lumiiitl. e on Aarici llure 1 eflects of liquor in « miserable tepee ^ou- lie <if -Ni'. I hard wln-at, which ; slrucled of bark, saplings and mud. ...,â- â€ž ..n O... \ i.L.^.. !>:. .m. Mackenzie & Mann are have piircliaJed ihe yuetoec Jiiliii Mailway . â- o'«c: N'l. 2 Ho. t White, I l*rN<)l!VC.K THE R(SSI\>S. NEW VOHK WHEAL .VS.MJKET. [ New Yiirk. Eeb. 2f.--W:ienJ. -Spul iiLir- 1 kel i5leady; .No. 2 red. nL'Ci: eievalor; 1 No. 2 ie<J. fv?';.' f.o.h. atk>nl: V-.. I ;v;r1h- ? erii Diiluih, '."P-.c f..i.li. aiKial; .\j, 2 \ ha.d winter, 87e f.o.b. allo.il. CANADA'S BAILWAY LINES B-ailway Blue Book Indicates the Past Year's Record. La.sl nHMLSII AltMY i-'>«11MATr:S. Vm Million KullHrs Vutis Than Year. .A (ktpatch from I on.lon iiny.*: An omcial men'onndnm issued on Etiday, •ununuced that .irmv o.sirinale,5 will provide for the expei.-i lure during ||9»7-'U« ol SI3!J,8iJlt,0Ui, a Pwhirlioo ^f •iKiJt .<!ilO,<iC<l,iKiO f(«m laisl year. . l-'reiH-h Merckaiiix Wares Were \ngry Itec.iuv* Their N«l J*urrlia.srd. .A despalch from Toiiion. Krance. says: The action of llie Itassian .sqimd. ion. which is anchonxl :n tins liarb,'r. in litiyiiig pruiv'ision.s from Oreek and Oennan houses, has incen.sed ihe French nxri.-hanLs. who have placaidi'd the City wilh denunciatifins of Krance.s allies »nd have forw^inli>d indignant le- iiolulioivs ki Marine Uinisbu- Ihomson. (..vrri.i: yAHKKi. I'oronlo. I'"eb. 20.-'li8iJe at ih.; West- ern Market w its Sclive on fairly fn.\! deliveries. lihoice expoiiiTs' i:al!le wi-n- r|ii.,led al $'^ lo $,'>.ki: (air lo iiicd.mn. $'i..'iU lo $4,110 yter cw!. •.s^oine animals wwitf .«(.kJ uixkir Uie appeliilion of e.xpoi'.is 'alllo a, $4.20 lo *i.jO per cNv1. bill ihekc loiikl more iic.'iiralely l«' des;ribt'd .i;! .short- ke\'p.s. (.^hoic* tKi'-c^M*!^'. $l.6j to 4i.W; g<.io<l I A d»pa!e'.i from Ottawa .oiiys ; The! ni wi> .slalisiic.s blue t"..<ik for the ye«rl â-  cii'Jmg lime :»l. I'.Xtl. Afas bruilght down ' I t ; fjn Kriilay. Ith' .k'\eii>Diiiefl< .it I ana- | ' rtian milway* is de!n'»n.slral«d by Ih.-j Increju^"! jn m.kajfc-. In 1WI5 there ware ' . 2> .tJt7; ill rjub. tl,::M. I i There were 2.'iiil iotx«nH»Uves. 1.2Jfi» ; flrst-.-'a.'** c«;'s. 71t> .sts'iiiid-cla,vs. |>I,9KV ; t-Mble itial mix : ai.s, iind no lehs Uian til oiHcMil rar.i. In nLMiilivr of passengers earned rm increMB is shown as c^Jili- pared will; \'Mi>. I'^e I1gu'»>?^ are:- 1905 26.iW.723 t*»i rr'Wii.Tw Earuings show reBi«ik*bie hgures (a(» IMi I"a.<e»engers Kreighl S4ail and e«prn>,s Other sources . . . $s:t.»- I** Kt.433.lli TolaJ %Ub:jatMl> The number of ftta: acn-wlen!!" in tM w.is last, than d.irjig tit* Mu-ee prHtatni^ years, lieuit; 3CI. meiuding pav>.'«itc«n| e.nipi..ye.«, and uihej^.

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