Flesherton Advance, 7 Mar 1907, p. 4

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"March 7 1J»07 ii W B 5 THE FLESHERTOW ADVANCE Big F. T. HILL & CO. Crockery, China Glassware Sale and I id. ^ W. The Best Page of nfews in Dishes we ever Published This week wo put on sale 7000 pieces of Crockary, Cliina and Glassware. Thes^ liiK'S were l)(ninht from some of the best Englif»li iind (iorman numufuucturors a^ a liig discount to clear. The stock is altogetlier too bij,' for us to sell in the rey- ular"way, but the big reductions in price we arle oifering will no doubt send it out in a hurry. So be on hand early and buy your re((uireincnts from the biggest values ever sold in Markdale. Our new Spring goods are Arriving Dail^'. In Ladio's wear we have all the nev/est designs and shades. Special prices in Dress goods, Muslins, Prints, Ginghams, etc. In Gentlomen's waro wu hnve nil the new |;attHrn3. t'lll aivl inspoct. The quality u ifuaranlooJ in hoiits Rn<l shoef. We havn a full assortment in \\ omen's, IVIen'H, Misses' «riil Children's. No tiouhle to show L'onds. Call uiid iu.spoct and you will he satisfied that our price* are lighj. LEMONADE SETS half less Luraonado Sets at Onethird to a tlmii retJiilat prices. 40 Liniiiitiado S.'lls coiisistiim of filnHg, Ju? and six tiiiublor.s, ill oh.rs of eryslal, green and ruby _ with faiu:y yold and tloral docoraticin.s. regular value ?1 00, 1.25 and 1.50 pur set, Crockery S.ile Price, per set "^'^ CHINA TEA SETS Enj^lish China Tea Setn, 42 uiece.s for 81.98, rex. P"'^'^ ?2.85. 23 Stti only of 42 piece tea sets in colors of dark blue, li^ht blue and brown. This set has every thini» that usually Koe3 with a lea sot with the exception of sujjar bcwl and are best ("oods and the price only per set «ia8 TOILET SET 7 piece Toilet set for ? 1.58, regular |2. 00 15 only Toilet Sets, 7 pieces in all, C'lneisting of jug, wash basin, chamber and lid. aoap dish and water pitcher in thv leading colors of blue, greeu and brown, per set . .. , $1.58 DINNER SETS $12.60 English Porcelain Dinner Sets for Si). 75 OTpiece Dinner Sots in best English Porcelain, rose pattern Only with k"ild deoratiot-s, complota set of !I7 pieces ul one-lhird less than ydu will pay for the sjiuio quality elsewhere. Our price per sot is 9.75 TEA I'OTS Fancy Decorated Tea Pots at half less than you pay. 100 fancy decorated Tea pots in Gibson's best "ware. Regular 30c, 35c, and 40c lines, boautilul ^oods with gold st'.pled patterns. Crockery bale price, your choice for I9j GLASSWARE At Nearly Half. 48 pieces of Glassware in Cake Plates, Fruit dishes stands, in all the new fancy shapes. This line has always been a seller at the regular price of Hoc. but owin^ to the bi« reductions in price we ^o' on the purchase, the price will be your choice for. . . . .i. . .22.! fh AV'c liavo a full stock of tionr and feed including' Bran, Shorts, Feed Hour, Corn, Barley chop and Five Roses Floor Every bag of which is guaranteed â€" the best flour in the land â€" no other can equal it. 1 ,Â¥a.re 3 O KL. A full stock of stoves, ranges and and all kinds of woodman's heaters, axes, saws supplies, also Chis Oleek Ule are opening up new Spring Goods. See tho new Diess GmxIi, Priu!s and Shoes we are sliowinu. New Curtains, now Carpets and Rui^s, in f«ct many uf the new spiiiii{ hue* are beinj" passed into stbck this week for early buyers. Customers will please * BUILDER'S Parties aontemplating building shoukl not neglect get- ting our prices before purchasing elsewhere. note that while we cannot advertise all lines in the paper that this i;reat sale. nearly everything in crockery is included in l^Â¥MW MARKPALE WWW^vif^ Artemesia Council Artemosia Council mot in tho town hall â- Flosheit..n, Miiivli 2, l'Jl>7. Piosent, Mi-.«MS. Muir, Mead.s Catron, McLough- ry and .McKonzie. Minutes of huit ineotiii;,' read and cuiitirmed. The foUi.wiii'' ommuiiiiMti'ins woro riMd ; W.T.McKeu et al, ii.-,kina for the fornntiun of ii now union scIuh)! out of IMirt of S.S No. 8 with luirt of the town- ship of Osprey. Conner, Clark iV Moiids ro cdiiieiit brid(;us. J. A. Heard iiccmint for repairs to yfrador I'JOO. L O. L. N.I. IIIH, account for u.se of hall as n iH.llini! l'""th ^'"" •"*''' <*"**«â- '" t'l^'^'t'i"" By-law (17'.t t" appoint ovorseers, pound- koe|/iTs and foncoviewers. No tiWI to apiioint a Treasurer and No. <iHl to raisu l.y debiMituroH ^MKXlfor the poliie villaf,'0 of Flesherton for ceineiil side w.dks.weio iiitroducud and read a first time. Meads -Carson That by-laws 070, i'Mi V nd (181 be now read a second time- Carried. McKonzio- McLouKhiy That Council go into coininitteo on by-laws (170, (>8l» nud ()81 -Carried. Ciuincil went into coimnittoe with Mr. "McKonzie in the chair. Coininitteo rose, Mr. MeKen/.ie incsented by-laws ('(70,(>8O and <)8l as tilloil up. McKen/.io t!ar.sonâ€" That by-law (i8() to appoint Treasurer as reported by committee bo now read a tliiril tim(^ hixnod, sealed and eiiluicd in bylaw book and No. (i70 be laid over until next Hussion of t'ouiicil t'arried. Meads Mclvenzie 'I'hat by-law (>81 t J Buthoiizo a loan of ?':!IK 10.00 fnr the fM(licu village of Klcsheilon bo advertised 111 tho "i'Mushurton ,\iKaiu:o" iiew.spa])er tho retpiired time and posteil up ami sub- mitted to (he ijiialitiod elw.tms of tlm said indico villii;;o fur tlnir ajipioval, on Tucs- ilay the 2iid ilay of .\piil l'N)7, aecordiua to law Cirrioii. Mead t'arson â€" That tho account of â- J. A. Hiii'd for repairs to grader in ISMMi 6'J 25, l-ii paid -Carried Sfcliaii^'hiy Cir.si.n That L. O. [;. IllHby paid )?2.."i() for u.se of hall as )ii>llin„' honth at last provincial eloolion - Carriml. Meads -Carsonâ€" That Alex McArthur 1k) refumloil §2 tKt for Kt.itute labour charged in error <ui his lots in Pricuville in 1!«J(!â€" Carried. Carson -McLaughry-That R. Plant bo paid J15 00 for five inrda of wood - Carried. MoKenzio -^-Moad-i -^ That Uobort Hest bo piid )Sl (W for attandin^ and loltini{ work near Loiicks miil on account of «-;iahoutâ€" Carried. McKo'1/.io- -Carson That tho Roevo is' liorol)y au'horizoil to onplny an oiiKimcr to ox.uiiiiui tho location of Huyno lirid^jo and have plans and spociticiitioiis in pmp- «'r time to advertise in the (.'ontract Uoonl or other jwjiu^'s so that tho work la.vy be done in the proper suauon-Car- i-.o'l. Mowlsâ€" McKonaio- That this conned (I .k for man to opomlo gnulor for season o'. 1!K)7, tonderoi-M t^> sttitj exjiorionce (inil w.i.jDs wanted, (ho name to do iu by April •! -Carried. McK<mzio-r Meads -That tho rop>rt o[ v-'oui'ihttjiw ajipolnted to confer with P:-oton Council relative to ilram neivr called t,. Shelburne to take a bright little l'rot..ii Station Ij recveived. and the com- ,,..y .,f five yea.s from a huvei wluie his nntteo iK) paid 84.U1) «M.-h for their sei-- ; „„„h,., ii,„,,. The lifie chap n.uirally vicjs in attending meetings al Dund^ilk ,,„„„, ,„ „y when at ,!,esi»ti..n hefouufl and rroton â€" I .arrieu. â-  i.^ ...„„ ,,, i... „ ,„,, . f. , , X, V »t I u m . .1 i I "*' "^-^ '" "c si'(i.irii,a friMo his inoiher. McKonzio â€" McLoufrhrv â€" Ihat the pet- , T,, ,,^,.,f„ 1,:,,, VI.. d i i â- â-  •!• c WT fp in 1^ 1 â-  11 I ' -^ patity liini Mr. I'lcliaidson mvo hini itiou of W.T.McKee ami nine others «ho . hn.rlo .-..i.t ..;.... 'ii, c \ , . c c â-  â-  a ori^'nt cent piece, Ih.i ervilis; if the arede.sm,us of formmg a new uni.u lad atuacted a cr,.wd i.cludin;, .: numbe, scluH.l section out of part of h. S. No. « ,.p ,..„. ,., ,_,,.,, ^,_,^ ,^;,^ .^^ ^^^ f forming a out of part oi Artemesia with [lart of the township of O.^prey and reijuesting appointment of an arbitrator iu the niatlor, bo Laid over until next tuoeting of this council- Car- ried. Council adjourned. • . Divisiun Court Division court was held in the town hall \Vedne.s<lay of last week bofore Hi* lliiiior judi^e Widililield. Owing to illness Mr A. S. VaiiDusen, the clerk, was uiiiible to be prestmt and Mr. \Vii;>ht, the baililf, acted in his stoid. Tho first Ciise heard was over tho sale and delivery of sin lijad of cattle by Conn, a fanner of Kuphrasia, to Jrvin, a Ciilliu'^wood oaily Ust evidence went to sh'iw that tbo day of delivery was a very hut one and the drive of thirteen miles overheated the cattle. Tile buyer was suing for damages bxcau.ie some of them became crippled in the limbs sonn after delivery and undo nil pro^^rosa on pasture all summer. The defence hold thit delivery wan made and »ieo[)tBd at the bain of plaintltf who there riinted the eai'a of till) aniiiiiils anil then turned tliein in their heated state into a field where water was lyiiik!. V.'lorinary evidence for the defence showed tho bad effects of a 'piiiiituy of water on an overheated aiiiinal, The pai'tiei had several confereiicis Oi'cr the affair during hist season and at une 'iiiie they Very nearly reached un HMi'Pcinont till arliitriato. At aiioiher time the defoiidart agreed, accorilinu to evidence, to make some ulloAance if the iinimats , did not do well. The judkio, h iwnvor, decided for the defence and (iisiiiissed the ease. McKay, Saiiipsoii and Telford for plainlifT. l.iioas, Wright and .McArdlc , defendant. | tj-i<a'e â€" MeljDod-Plaiiititr sued for ' woch', iiart of whu^h was bouttht by do- 1 fenilant's son. .ludgemt'iit was viven for ' :f2 87, the ainoiint punhasid by the son | t)ei!ig thrown out, no C'Sia hs defendant previouily teiidoied the aiiHHint of judge iiient and idaiiitiff lefnsed it. I.ueus, Wright it Me.Ardle for plaintifl. McKay Sampson & Telfurd for defendant. | Uenchâ€" t'lirrie- This w.is an action for wai^ea, but the plaint iff fsiled to put' in an np()eaiRiicu. Case disiniBsed. â€" i lleral I. A Qood Work. i f eoniiiiercni situation, and to the litile fellow s one cent another added five cent.s, thou another man doubled the amount only to be followed by twetiiy-tive cents and fifty cent pieces to which were added in ijuick successions several one dollar liills. The latter Mr. Uiclianl.son accepred only on the understanding that ench donor ^ive his name and receive a receipt for his contribution. So without the least solicitation enough money wa.s handed over to provide comfortable clothing for the chill. When taken lo Owen Sound the little lad did not know the use of a chair and nhen toUl to sit down crouched "on his liunkois' alongside tho wall. The inovenient needs ju.st practical cattle dealer at i sympathy as that Shelburne station plst suniilior. The | form Kave and which again deuirtnstiated that the Canadian people only have to know of a need to prompt a ^unurous reapiinae. J. & W. BOYD Flesherton, Ont. PRIVATE SALE Farmers! Look Here! living For 30 Days ui> Business E. S. Howard, Eni,'lish master at the Owen Sound Collegiate, died las week of pneumonia. FARM FOR SALE liOt;«), eon. 11, towiit'blp of Art*MiieKia, con- iaiiiliiK 11*0 actus, 4(.) acres uiiUtr cultivation, 'JO Kooil |iac.iiu'ti laud, cli^artid; rc!4t lu l>Uiib, ^'ond (irctiaiit, wutl watui'iid; Iok Iioiihu. lug Htablt\ (t auiM Imuu. i luili'H from school. Will bcU clit'U)>, on ua8y terms. Applv to I'jiar J.U.CK'JZIKU, l^unouia 1 Hor«e 6 veara 1 ( 'o\r 7 yeara iu cftlf 1 Top buKsy 2 Set of single barness 1 CnU«r Pair liyht bobsleiubs I Set Hoavy haraes^^, Snt ot lumber trncka Several ploii^bs, Lauil rollers ami pul^)erB. riO.OOO ft. Luiaber, 500 SiiuaveH phiujiley. Killing's, Hoorint'sand other lioii!*e ftuisb. Come alouK and gut this stull at your own patce while it labCb, Everything fiHust be Sold Will also roceivo o£f jrs fur tlie tnirchase or l«Bu ot the will |ito|)eriy ami dwelling. R. P. LEGATE HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get th at BCLMKK'S GALLERY. ! best Photos is rUOTOGRAPH For Settlers mm\m IN Mr. M. K, RichanUcni, who it in charge of the neglected and orphan child- ren of this county under the Oritarn. (lovernnion^., and siiccowor to tho late Hev. das. Lediard of Owen Sound, wan III Orapgovillc for a few days last week looking after some caiti there, and forin- iiiija niuclrus for a similar organization for I he oouiity of Dutfuriu. An exchange, mentioning Mr. Richard- hod's work, says that recently he was WESTERN ONTARIO M.\NIT0B.4 SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA Bow Made and How Reached Write for frge copies of SETTLERS' GUIDE SlIi7o'?"Si train keivieo fursollli'rs travorjiiB withlivo atoek and oiToets to llio N'oitliwesTfn Marcti and .Viail, with i»»Neiii;er and (i uiK'it rate.^ >vK^RNiUNAilA erlp?i!^'^l!:;; wi'vt, unit ii'ehlurn eomlUion*. **<) pajjcb i-f tntennallon invalualilolo settlers. tuoCul roaiis and utalt.'itlox. TmiF TARI F<J »tiowln« doable liaily iiiZLtâ€"lilHili^ l>a«-«nircr train sorvleo tu Wliinlpet; aud ('ali.'ury. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS I.eavo Toronto (lall.r. (onitoi tal'le. roomy kerltis at iniHleraU' rates. Kelly eiiuli>iioa wllti lioddlnB, oookinK rnnmandovery ton- voiilenee. Ili'.tttii ilioiild bo reserved (lluimifli iioanwIC.I'.tt. Agent) atloasttwo woeWh before ilnpartiiro. Write to ilay (or hoe Isxiks and anything you want to know about tho west and how to r«aub It. Adilreu C. B, FOSTBI. DIst. Pass. Agt., C'.P.R., Toroniio I SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention to Copying and Babies' pictures. Picture fi^am- iiig a specially. Try us_ for any kind of pictures and we will promise .latisfactiou. 1 have opened up a new Harness shop in town and have a good und ever increasing stock of Hells, Blankets, R*)beR and all Winter Necessities fur the Horse Owner. Drop iu and have mo do aoy Harness Repairing you may have. I can do it riijht. 0. W. Phillips Directly opposite The Advance offioe. Flesherton, - - Ontario WINTER HARNESS GOODS Big Stock = = Best Stock EcllSt BlankctSt l^obes Fur lined coats, pockeibooka, satchele, razor strops and other leather goods. Cutters-best makes-and everything in the harness line, W. MOORE, Farm Laboj^ers I Flesherton Ont. 1\M Domestics I.havo heen »ppointed hy the Dominion Government tiphioe iinniigrants from the United Kingdom in poaiti.)ii» as farm laboureis or donK•.^lic servants ill this vicinity. Any persons reiiuiring such help should no- tify me personally or by letter stating fully the kind of help leiinircd, when wanted and wanes offered. The numbers arriving may not be siifHcient to supply all re<iiiestB but every effort will be made to provide each applicant with the help required. W. W. TRIMBLE Canadian aovernmeiit Employment Agent FLESHERTON, (JNT. SI\ortliorri Cattle fcr Sale Levlultts and Wimples, tlio liost of liroeJinB Biul inmlitv. Bull, lows ttiKl heifers tor eato at roaj^iMiablo price-* Lot Sioot.S CHAS. STAFFOUD, Flesherton Yorkshire Boar for .Service. Tbo undersicned has 2ud VV. T. & S. It for Bervico on lot U3, Artiiuiesi.i. a tboioiiiihhnHl Yorkshire boar, "Lakt'viuw Vintor," No. IBIM TurujB *l 00. ThorouKh broils o.\tra. did stock it >ttor. » nios 1 Feb. .\tra. .\ spleu-. THO8.QUI0y Troj). Farm to Rent T-ot 1 11.T42. 3rd ran.'?eT. 4 .S. R., twomilea from Klchherton, couiaiuinK lt!0 acres. (iood orcha-^ biiUdin((». iiichi(lliig brick house. Splendidly watered. Apply to ISAAC SINCLAIR, Kleshertou

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