THE FLEES IlERT ON ADVANCE March 7 18o7 ESTABLISHCD 1*73 THE SmNDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - - - - Toronto JOLYT DEPOSIT ACCOUOTS Deposits may be madi; or with(1r»\rn by either of the two members of a household. This form of account is specially suitable for those living in the country, as either member can attend to i he hanking when ia town. In ca-se of drath, the money may be %-ithiirawn by the survivor without tiehy or cost. Write or ciul for furthu-r particulars. Savings BanU Department in Connection vviui 35! Ei-anches. 13 FLESHE-RTON BRAMCH I FurimcH wood, dry «nd KrtwD, wanted M J. Jt \V. Boyd's store. HouBe for Rtnt â€" Frame hoiwe to rent cheup. Apply to Mrs. Milligau, Fl««h- eriun. Wanted â€" 20 pi'-rea tamsruc, 25 feet I'lng, 12 to 10 inihosdiauietrrat top end. Arui8t)oui< BriNi., Roukvale Mills. Cutler, nearly new for sale, alao ijood cutter robe Will take par' p»y in wmxi. Apply to .Juseph Clinton. Flesherton. Gcorgo ^2£t J'.-J" nj.--^. Vicinity Ckips For in"iiey «t lowest rates, land secur- ity, uo to A. S. ViinDi.sen. Flfsherron. Mr. .I.'H, Clinton has secured ihe Cflre'nkership of the Ulethodi.-t church. Clover Hay for saleâ€" Robtrt Xeilson, Pnjton Station. For sale -2 young »hort horn hul's, ft (or service. William Piitton, Cryl.>ii. FoE SALEâ€" Fnur pure bred, short 'n.irn hilln. tcoiii twelve to sixteen iiioiiih-< i.M. Pede<»rBesou application. J. l.Grahim. Go..dfHrni mare fur ssile. Apply to Jos. Ferns, Ceylon, Ont. D' n't fori»et the Married Ladies' Concv^rt, March ISth. l'J07. H'^ar the fiery debate by 27 ladii.-s. U(ir3E ASD LOT FOE s.iLEâ€" Lar<re double 1 't, i{o>id house, on main .••ireer. Fli'sher- toii. Apply lo Mrs. F. Bulnier, Blesher- ton. Shawl lostâ€" Wollen shawl, hand knit, betwoen the villasje and Wilcox's, west b.ick l;ne. much valued for a-ssociiiiiius. FinHer pleasf leave at this ottic-. Preparatory services will bo held in the Flesherton church nn F-iday, (toiuorr>)w) wheu Kev. L. F. Kipp will preach. FoK Saleâ€" Rpijistered Shorthorn hull Prince .Albert, No. 57520, dark red, 2 ye.u-s old. Apply 'o A. E. Hmley, lot 4, con. 10, Ospiey, Feverslum V. O. The married ladies of the -Meth'idi.'it C"ii|L;rei;ation, will ijive a araiid concert in thi town hall, Frid.vy, March 10th, 190". for which a proi^rmi of unnsuil excellence is bein-; prep.krid. All our readers should favor the ladies with their presence. Robt. Fawcett, .'attle buyer, of Duiidalk, died in the Owen ' Sound ho^pital Monday inoniini: after uiideiL'o- inn 'reatnicnt for apnemlicitis. Mr. Fawceit was u cousin ot .\lr. Geo. Stewart tfthis (dace. Deceased was about tifty years of age. Lostâ€" On Siturday evoiudg, Feb. 16th between Mr. Collin.son s home and rear of Mr. Sarijeant's lot. biwe line, west of Ceylon, a Cve dollar bill with a number of dianioi'ii shaped holies in a lino length- wise of bill. Any person tindi'ij; and returnint; saiMu wi'I ho suitably reward- ed. Lizzie MoArthur, Ceylon. Eov. L. W. Thoin has received a couple of calls, hut has not yet a.-ccpied any. It is possible, however, that he will i;o Waldernuir. The matter will be settled iu a few days at th^ OrMnyeville presby- tery. Mr. Thoni expect.s to leave Flesher- "about the cud of the present month. FOR SALEâ€" The pure breed renistrftted short horn bu!l, kuijj of the sprays, lit. for lei vice, will b» sold reasonable, <-«sh or «ood paper. W. J. Me^ids lot 2'J N. D. R. Artemesia, Ceylon P. O, At the annual meet ini{ of the Baptist Sunday School the followiuir officers and teachers were appointed for the eiisuiiii( ysar:- â- Supt.,Ru-hard Allen; Ass't. Stipt., \y. 4. Mdls; Trea-s. Mrs. A. Wilson; Librarian, .Jessie McAulev; Secretary, Lillian Ruiledge; Primary Cla.<K, Mrs. K Wilson; Girl's Clas.s. .Mrs. Mills; Boy's Class, Miss .losie Kichaidson; Bible Cliuis, W". J. Mills; Associate, A. Wilson; Young Mens Cla.s.s, Mr. Kipp. All auotiim sale "f farm stock, and itnpleni«»t«, etc. will be held on lot 11, ii>i\i. 14, Osprey on Tuesday, March 12. Tile farm will be I'ffered for sale. It coii- tains 113 acres, 25 under cultivation, 30 of good hardwood bush, balance under pasture. C>Ood well, g(M)d cedar house and los! Uarn, aud stal^Ies. PosseS-sion, April 1st. Terms tuade known day i^f tale. Se* bills for patticuNrs of sale. Aaron Sayers, prop. Jas, Speeis, auc- tiuuesr. Farm for snlo or rentâ€" One mile east ot Pricoville, 50 acres, gcod orchard, build- ings, includiii!; brick house. A hatd- wood bush, and wnterui Ijy the Sauneon Kiver. â€" .Mis. Archie Mcl'hail. Priceville. An incident of r.ithcr a peculiar nature occurred iu the Methodist chnrch one Sunday recently, by which .Mr. J. P. Nicliolson, an oil (jeiilleman living in town, lost a valuable ^old hcsded cane, which had been preseiiteil to him a few years aijo. Whde retirin;^ from the church after the pervioe, Mr. Nicholson, who is s>uiewhat feeble and whose sight is jKHir, dropped his cane tlirouxh a register. The wotxl on the cane wa.s, of course, burned, but the bead was recover- ed later on. Married l:»fiiv.>s only w^l carry out the I program at their coiiccrt, March l.ith. j Lo.sTâ€" i.enr Fb-slierton .March firir, a Coa-skin ro'.e. Fo.der plea.ta leave at I the hotel, CeyL.n. j Diedln Clark, Ont. on Tuesday Febru- I ury 2fith. 1907. -Aoiihs J in« Scott, wife of .Mr .lames Waduwell, fmieial toOroi^o j c-iiict^-ry. Mrs. Waddell was a sister 'â- of .Mrs. A. C.irr and an aunt of Mrs. T. ' K. .MoKenzie, of Prt Law. Bargsins in all winter t;.iod.s. Bells. 1:1 •.iikeiH. Robes, Surcinales and K-ather , eoais. Gmid Di.scount for cash, also ^ g od live year .dd chestnut horse for i sale. â€" \V. Mf»ore I" On MoQiiny evenini'. while pliyio!? j hocKey, .Foe Ci imey of Wilson's tnnsorial I parlor, !{ot in the path of the puck, with tile resu t that he recetved :i cut on the upper lip which re^iuired three stitches. Dr. Culdwe'l's sermons next Sunday : a.m.. What i.-< a chriattan.i â€" are you try â- insj to he one .' p.m.. Cain's Hwful Hi^fit lU'o Nodâ€" what was bis mark .' ! Psrs&nal Rllention [ Miss Durraiit has returned to her I duties as inilliiirr at F. G Karstedt'a and 'Miss Reid at Boyd Bros. Mrs. E. Van Zant w:u) a caller in town Friday, on her way houie to Toronro after spendinu a few weeks with her sister, Miflt Allie Ottewell in Osprny. Mr. Emerson BclLuny returned after puttiiiij in a two month's course at the Wolsey Barracks, Loitdoa. Mr. EJ^iar Uellauiy was in 0w2n Siiund last week. Miss Christeiio Bicbard.son returned home on Monday, iifter .spending four weeks with friends iu C>wen Sound. Mr. John Hararaveof the ColliniiWo<>d travel returiixd last week from a visit to Uts siittei. Mis. Oiiusby, Penetani;. Mrj. Thouias Merrick of Nebraska, who lias l>een visitii.g her parents, .Mr. aod Mrs. George Latimer. Euueiiia, since last . I uly, returned to her distant home on Tuesday. Mrs David White SKATING Tue.sdays, Thursdays & Satur- \ days. BandThurgday eveuintis. i i. O. PATTON, - - proprietor Hereford Bull for Service Hereford Bull for service. Spartan No 2700. Winner of .Sweep.ntakes .Silver medal ac Kast Grev Agricultural Fair. IWW for best 2 year old bull any tireed. Will stand f ir service at l"t 16(i, 3rd west T.S.K. Terms 31.00 and «5.00. W. BCSKIN For Sale or Exchaniio for tlorscs â€" One Tulhope Democrat, One 13 hoe i M.issey H^ori.«» No. 4 drill; both nearly j now.-F. N. Field. j I'lL'S for saleâ€" twelve pigs, four weeks I olil, lo be .sold when oix weeks old; eight I pies, one week old with m»v. .lohn j Flyun, lot 2J, con. 10, Arteuicsia j Vaodeleur P. O. 1 I At hockty [iraotice on Friday evening I last Ed.'s f:ice came ii tovioleot . contact wito the criin:uiu of another j player. Thecr«ii;iiiu proved the harder, and .so Ed. is goins around with bis Kft , cke,-k bone cracked, and a number of ; teeth on that side loosened. j â- Cheap Fiiewot.d â€" A ijuantity of 4 foot I stabs, principally Iiarilwoi..!, .it K-jciians' mill or delivered â€" makes first cU-s winter or suiiiinct wood. Apply to K...I.SlJMU.e, Flesherton. John C»'P(^nt.â- hue, ex-mayoi- of S.'rat- ford. was killed la a railway wreck at Guelph l«.^t week. .Mr. O Ucuioha,, w.w Bimncially interested in the Eufeiiia electiic development and was well known here. He was also interested in the Sun cement works at Owen Sound. Horses for 8;4leâ€" 82.'^0 will buv a span of colts, one of tbvin ."J yeiirs ol.l.'an.i the oth:!r four years old, bred fioni Lightning'. is a oood size. 15i hands hii(h.well iiroken and leady to i;o To work. ' They nuisc be sold as 1 have too many h..p.e.'<: will .sell -me or b itli. Apply to Janios Stuart, Kimherley. Armstrong Bros, of Rockvale hnve been deuioiistratiiv the value of the snow plow in this township f.>r the pait coiiule of wintorsand the sections of road which they have taken under charge for private reasons are kept in the pinlTof condition by this means and with comparatively little labor. These demi'iistrHtioiis should heuin to bear fruit, and our town- ship fathers should make arran-fements for the purchase ot a couple of the-e impleinenlsand for their use on at leau, the leading roads of the township next winter. For saleâ€" Slare due to foal in Mty.cow due to c^lve ir. .April, .sow due lo piij in .Vpri!, ad three headofvounx caitle. Apply to -Mrs. Archie McPhail, Piict- ville P. O. ^ \ deb-jte was held in Markd.tln on Friday evening Kv-^t, the subject, treated being "RiKolved, that the union of t'le pnifestant denominations in Canada is hoih dosiraWo .ind practical." Tlie atfirinativo was upheld by Uev. ?-l. Well- wood of Chfttsworth, and Rev. Mr. Liiul. of Primrose, while the negative taken by R.-v. .Mr. .Strapgwavs of Shelburne, and Rev. Dr. Caldwell of Flesherton. Thw negative won the de- bate. The attendance was siiiall and the acetylene gas lights gave out in the middle of one speaker's address. Get your chopping done at the Electric Plant, EuKenia, Satisfaction uuaraiiteed on clean ^<rain. Come early iu the day and avoi'.l the rush. It is alleged that Trelford, the secre- tary of the Maikdale 0. H. A. junior club, h:M got that team into tr<.'Uble. On the ceniticate. which was given to the O. H. .A. authorities, his birth place was uiven as Montreal, but on looking into the matter i' is found he was born near Owen Sound in 18H5, two years before the date on the ivrtifnate indicates, thus making him 22 years of age, 'wiiile the limit is 21. Uidess Markdalo can explain matters it is doubtful if they will be admitted to the O. H. A. pext season. mount Pleasant l)erd. Of purebred scotch Shortores with the fiimoua \ouut; stock bull, hcottish C'bief, kc tnu head. You Qg stock tor sale, prices roa£Onable, turms easy. otuiararZ R. ALLEN, Prop. ITU, Cod. G, E.r. & 5.K . Pure Bred Camwortbs and Berksbires I tiave for sale aouie puicored T.imwoith sows, also two nice >pure bred Berkshire Uian nearly ready to wean. Satisfaction j^uarau' teed M.17 07 â€" G. W. Ross, Maxwell. Farm for $ale> Lot 33, con. 13, .Artcmesia; I'XI acr. â- >, cleared, 50 ztcrm hardwood bush. 30 aero swamp. G'H>d frame house and l<>g ^jCabln-. and log .stables. Well v/atered. Will be soW cheap and on easy terms. Apply to novir; R. W. McMuUen, Eucenia. Sbortborti Bull ThethorooRhbred Shorthorn Bull, "Favor- ite, " iil233, is for service on lot 27-3S,2nd rouge N. D. R .Artcmesia. Peditfreeou application T-riTi.. .-^I.-J.-, \L"KX. ^^cRAE. Cevlon â- "C^si For winter s« ^ g Slippers, Overshoes and ^ Rubbers FOR SALE AT CLAYTON'S ^ Another deaili occurred in the villace on Saturday las', March 2, when Mrs. David White passed away at the home of her ilausihter. Mis. J..s. C<jrntield, aged 72 years. Mrs. White's ni.iiden name was J ino Bosilo. She wa« born in Ty- rone, Ireliiud. and came to this couniry 1 5l3 with her parents (12 years ago, *.'ttliiiu in ^'- Vaujlian. Fif'y-fuur ye-tis ago she mar- ried David W' aud came widi him lo .^rteniesia, s«-ttiiiigon the east back line, near Mount X«iu. Her husband prede- ceased her 25 years aajo last August. Sho was the mother of twelve children, live of whom died in infancy and two later in life, riioije livinii are : Robert, Port- law ; Ml"*' Black, Mrs. .I.bii Kerr. Mrs Jo.scph CornlTeld '""1 Miss Nellie »ho live III town. Tho decsase.i lady had one sister, Mrs. Th'-mas Clia|imiiii of Egre- nioiit. who was present at the fuueial, which look place from .Mr. CornBel Is residence to Fleslierton cemetery on Miii'dav nftei-noon. The ervict. was conducted by the Baptist [Mwtor, Uev. L. F. Ki,op. We have alreaily received a very larje stock of new goods, and invite you to give us a call, expecting a pood bargain. We will not disappoint you. Custom mork and I^epairing attended to i IL NOTICE RICHARD HOY, E.<.i., .Vrten:esia Dear Sir, â€" Vr'hiln denvin;; that I ever said your horse wa.t diseased, I ipiite cheerfully state that I am oiiite well satisfied that your stallion " Yiiii ug oei>riuii. '' is not diseased and that any statemeuts cr niruors to the contrary are not touadcd in fact. ^ ROBhRT FERRIS Witnessâ€" A O. McKav ?armjor Sale For Sale Cheapâ€" L .t 14.J, con. I. N. H. T. & S. Kuad, Aiteinesim .">0 acres. All cleared and iuKoodsL^te of cuUivatiuii. OmxI brick ven- eered dweUint;, frame barn and stable, 1! jjismI wells, anil younit orcharl, 1-2 mile imrth uf Fleshertiin on (travel nv.d. Tiiis is a firs: chuw iariii, no bettei soil in tho tiwu-hi|>. .\.t tlie dotjrof gmslschcKil, P. 0., chiu-ches, etc Apply oa the premise.f, or to R.J.SPROCLE, Flesuerton Cenders SJa sited SEALED TFXDKUS ft.idrt'F8e<l to th^iiri.Jer- siguoil, Tuiiiiurd ior Public Sobool biiililin^ situ-^tod Lot 'ii. Con. 7 Osprey S. S. N--. Hwil! btiruceivwliincil Aioii.Iuv. \l>n-*2'>t'i, 1907 mclu-- ivei\. for thd O'Mistnictiou of i'u»»lio Si-bool LuilUiiii;. C-iatraoC 'Uise b<i ootunluta by An ; 1 1907. I'Jrtti Hii't speciitcntiour* eii:i bt* w«njii|aftoi' .\lftr. rJth at K Po-il rs Lot.H. C.>m G, Osprev HoDtiP sUtsfAc^oryto tiio bOAtdof TrustOHtt wit! ho iu^,niie>I oi mis Tea lers. Luwl'SC or a.iy t«iu>ier uuC uovessiu-ily acruiK >d &«c, Trtmsnrov. r > â-º â- I >â- ' I ( > I >; < > '^ • 1 K. s. 1 I intend keeping on baud all thiuugh seeding a good supply of Government Inspected Grass and CSover Fresh GARDEN SEEDS just iii. ^eecis. >i Biblies Criain Ei|iiivaloiit f'r ca'vcs. Remnants of all kind.s of ^'.j Dry Goixls to be sold very cheaply lo make room for new Sprino jj^ j Goods 1 expect in about two w»eks. Spiii><{ Boots and i^' Shoes, coarse and tine that will give ijood s;iiistiaction and at r*! ree-onalile prices. Drini; your Egns and Butter, we puy the f^i highest maiket price. ''^^ "CS ""^^ "^^3 W "lijas. Pattison, Ceylon, i/ -^ FOR SALE BY TENDER Iu the nnttor of tlic oahitu ot D.iviM SMn- sou, lite (if tho Towiwbijioi" Arti.'nK'!*iji, i>i tho County i^f Gvuy, aontluman, SE VLEDtondorswill beiocntved by tho un5er^ sik'uthi uiiiil oiieo'c'ookp. m. ou Tuewlav iho Bticond i*ayo' .April, llKr7, for tho puroUftsw'f alt and sintjiihir that nertniu parmil «^r trAnt of lauil Miiil pruinisott:^ittia&uljiiHK nnil boiociti tlio Towiishilj of Artietnu^i'v iu thv County of (iiey. aud Provitict* Hf Otitivrio hml b'iii^ GO'iipo.-ioil of paxt of lot No. Oiiobmu'vod mul niooty m tho Secoml K&iiiM ^k>l)Ch Wost of th«^ Toronto mio Syilviihatii ItoHdiii th« Raid Township, at. liuav bv luorti particularly known aud descnb.M n-i follows Coutmeuciu^ at a point In th-* Sou'Ji Kiu^torly bouiidarv of .^nid lot at a «ii'»TjiTii;o of HixtouM rt>ii!», lourtfcn fe«t and oijjUt iircbo-. from the SoutbwoKterly atifi'i*» tberi^ot. tbojco Korthorly para lei to tiioSouthwvatf rW lhnin>)- ary tUereor. tbirtoon and one tbir<i rods, tbi-ucu NortbeaAterU immllol to tho Soiithoadtetlv bottndnry thoroof t*'roo Thozjco souih easterly parallel to tfi^ Southwesterly bou'iiUr* tberoot tbirtt?on and oiic-tiHrd Jnxls, thoncu South wehtorlyalaaKthoSonthwestory boundary thereof throe rolsto thn jtiaoo of be»(inni;ij; ooutaiiiintj ono fourth of au acru tuoreor lat>9* Vosaessioo giTt-n od thoft'tstday >>f Juuo next' Terius of sale â€" Kortv percoot uf tho pjrohase uionuy to bo pair! oudelivoiy of a dn >d and pus^ eeu.sion of the <mid UucIp and premisot*. Higuost or any tender not uecos^arily acoepte<l. For fnrthur pasticulart apply to V/iIliani Shaj-po, Kle^borton. Ont.; Georne \!tH»r«', i'roton Station, Out.; or Davirl Albert Stiuson, FloDh- ertoD, Ont.| executors of the sud estate. J&uies Lamou, Solioltgr for tbe Execotora We have just placed in stock a large consignment uf inipoitcd Tweeds aud worsted of the newest and most ^ np-lo-dute patterns and shades. We just solicit a call fvm\ you and you will be convinced that they, without any exceptions, are the fullest and best assortment on this line, ^ f ^ e$$ Goods It* With the samo consignment of suitings we have a fu!! line of tne and up-to-date dress goods and waist lengths. Call and st>o them aud you will agree with us that they are just what we reocomend them to be. We Sell bock Quaker and $ Loiicks' High Grade Flour. J Flesherton - - Ontario.