Flesherton Advance, 7 Mar 1907, p. 7

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^^ SWKIHSII IIAMUCnVFTS. l'NLL(.TiV SIIII>S' MASCOTS. Bome-Made Arlirlcs Oiilniimber Fiu^torv-niudp. the .Sailurs Say Thai -A Mast'ol A.sliore Bc- 1 ruiiies Ihc Uppoiiile Afloat." Swe«len is llio iioiiie of Ihe handi- ' ^•''- J- <!onlun B.inioll.-i iiiii},'n:lkPiit crafUs. In addition \o iiiimiiai trainintj j^lcimi yunlil, itn- L.Matiata, winch wan taught in scliooU, llie most exquisite |-'^" '^"'"y damagi'U in u letent great gale tiandwnliny. lice-niaking. brass work, j'" "'e Mediterranean, ii u sliip with a ev«n pottery, Is done by ttie peasants. ; '""^'-'O'- •Eai'ti dlslric!, liii^ its nwii |>attern.s. i 1'''= is •!!<! owl, a bird regarded l)y "wtiii.h tlie pea-aiils make and wear, j ''sr ownor an Ijeing Itie emblem ol good deeming il uniMilriotit; lo have aught ] '"''*• ''"''«>â-  are everywhere aboard ot it) do will pallcrns of other localities. I ^-^''C â€" -duff; d owls, plu.-.t«'r owls, marble Because of Ih^ h.indiirafls. .Sweden has "Wls- g'dd owLs, of all .sizes and in tkjI many lexliie factorii's, .says the I ''v^'T pn.siliun. Owls ix'er into llie CnJIsman, ailh<jugli there are sonn; â- sa't-o^'Hars on Ihe dinner-lable, form uhere ooiidiUons <if work are. for the i Pi'pper-boxes, seaU. handle.s to doors, most part. good. T)w people, however, ! hre-irons, paper-knives, and even gaze •re en: ouraged to lontjime. hand-weav- | ^1' â- â- â- oli ninly at Ihe visitor from bottoms tng and lo hold to Iheir tline-lionoreil j o( U'aciips and glas.ses. .An enorinoii.s indaslrial customs rather than lo take I gill owl, too. forms Ihe yachl's ligure- the risk of a di^turbeil economic order! head: and another, of equally imposirig due U) a market Hlnlted witli stioddy j proportions, dei.orales her stern. trash. In all S«'e_J»'n lliere are to-day | Vet sIm has bei-n a most unlucky ciafl. and the same may be said of many iilh'r ve.s.sels owning niascols; which wou!d .-eem lo prove I hat there is truth III the saying, common amongst sailors, thai "a mascot asliore becomes the jp- posile alk)al." I-"or instance, there was the case cf Ihe lilbe. sunk in the Noilli .Sea in 1890 ] with a lo.ss uf :i:i4 lives, and on board which liorse-shoi's predominated, much jiL- tho <jwIs do on tiie I.yistrala. The unfirliinttte \icloria. too. which in 1803 carried with her lo the botlom of the { .sea Adm ral Ti yon and ;!58 ollicers and men. pos.-MS-ed a mascot in the shape < f a liuge black i.at. â- fhen. again, Ihci'e was the case 'f llie Krencti Ihier, Bourgogne, whase cap- lain ins sled on carrying with him "fur iiick'' a case of stuffed kingllshers, birds ublwrred by British sailor.s, but regard- ed as inascols by French, and which was lor.1 off Sable Island wilh 5W pas- >eng' rs and crew. Oxomulsion DID GOOD WORK liM NORTH Pen-Angle: cnly about lii.OO fa(torie> of all kinds t-mploying in all a little more than 26."<,- 000 workmenâ€" iiol a great number out of a lolal population of more Ihan 5.- QOQ.tJOO THE GOVErSeNT AND ZAM-BUK SUJVEY OIT KI«)M l-ORI' WILLIAM TAKES A SII'PLY OK IHIS ISKI-T'L BALM. Zani-Buk, ihe favorite lu.usehold balm and ,salve. is now adopted as "Ihe Doc- tor" by leading parties engaged in sur- veying' various paits of Ihe Dominion lands. M. Henry Hail, writing from Fort William, says: "Having proved liow benelicial Zam-Buk is in ca.ses of cuts, Bkin injiiries and diseases, 1 determined Ic keep a supply handy. Being engaged lo go on a survey. 1 lliought il would t-c a most useful thing lo take along. I obtained a supply in Fort William •nd very well it was I did so. I may wy thai prellv nearlv everv day it w.is called mio r«,uisilion by one or ol her \Z:;;io„^ ,„„ ,. „^j,j„ 0' Itie parly for cuts, bruises, burns, ir *> wontlerful I (DR. SLOCIMS <;nEAT Sr.lENTIFK ELML'LSIO.N OF COD LIVER OIL.) { Ls the greatest r<K)d and ti.ssut ! builder known. It has no equal as n 1 cure for all wa.sling dis<'ases, and â-  I throat, chest and lung troubles. It is j ; a germ destroyer anil strength produc- ] et. nourishing and restoring the vita. [ organs. It is a perfect food and vall^ I ; able medicine combim^d. II is plon.sani ; j to lake, il is predigested and easily , borne bv the most delicate stomach. I Doctors Prescribe It [ .Many of the most proiiiim-nl nieilioa) , men prescribe it in llieir n-giilar prac- tice in preference to all oihers. Or. Nunnan Allen. c( Ttironto say^ : " Ai » •tliaulaut to nutritiun in wa.stiUK diHea.<«es Cod Lirar Oil KDiul...it(U i» ttie iw!il tiHkue bnililer. In Dr. Slucum'^ Oxowut-iun all nauseating ta:«tu and ' smell ;ire nvnltloii, while reU^iniug all the meUiui' naJ ralue uf the pure uil. I Dr. Bruce L. Uionlun, Phr^icia* and Sureeo n to desirable. j theU.T.K., says; '* Suuje of the Cod Liver Oila uii the market are TalualeHK ou account of pro- cttsees to render theni ta8t«te»s. Such pruueeuur* remores the active principle uf the oil. 1 look npun ^lucuniN oxoioulsiun a^ th** b*st. for the reaaon that it is made t*t the pure oil in the ver; higfattMt state uf erauUion. Aa an emulsiun of pure Cod Urer Oil 1 coniiider Oxomulsion perfect." I Dr. T. Wytie. Grand Medical Kx.iminer, Suns of Scotland, sars ; "It affords me extr«me pleasure I ,to be in a position to l>e able t'> recoromeud iHloeum's UxomuUiwn to inTalids affected witk icunsumptiou, eerufula. or wasting disease: of any j -kind. 1 hare prejtcribed Oxomulsion fur years , I with great pleasure to tayseif as welt as (mrafurt \ to my patients. 1 find it almost universally : adapted to children and the aged with whom tb« WM \i. iii:i><»i:t of the Mmrii- WllSi .\H»r.MED I'OLICE. Nolliiiifi \rt Received for C.aplure til Tiain Rolibiix.i Canu In Bridsb Culuniliia. The annual report of the Depar'inent â-  vadrty ol ttyla, febhcs uai pnce*. for „ ,. ivomea. men aod f the noyaf .Norlh-WeM Moiinlixl Polu^ ^j,^ Foim-fi«ed. was pre-senled tu rarhuinenl llie olli-i' 'duv bv Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Ttie total 'strentith ol Ihe force on Dec. Isl la.<=t was tH« nieii. .")7>i liorses. and '.')j dogs. ; (>jrmiil.s.sioner Perry says Inspector ' HowaiM and Ihe delacliment under his command. coiisi.--titig ol si.\ men. hav*- j pi-rfoiined p\ccl)enl s<'rvice in tlie â- Arctic regions. Five wliuling ships, \>ilh crews nuinbermg SM men Win- lercd at ller.sctiell Island last Winter, j â- the presence of Inspector Howard sn.l 1,U loii.slables at Uiiil i>oitit wa.- most I both for Ihe unforlunaie ws and for the pre>ervuliofi of law -..ud order. The crews ol llw live whal- (1- were evidenllv a bad 1..1. and some lunlling stories are evidently beyond til. mailer of fact delaiLs coulained m li.-pertor llf.v^ard's pricUcui report. Ih.' captain ..f Itie American ship Olga -hot and killed l.is engineer. .\n :n- vesiigalion was held by Inspector How- ard bul It i.s a question whether the ommillcd m Caiiudian Dealett arc autfaocizcd to replace iojtaoUy and â- I our cott any Pea- Ai^e jjaimeni faulty in material or making. fen- Angle Undei>« wear is form-knit go it can't hslf fitting yourfignrtt -it's made ot long - fibred wool BO it won't shrink and it's gruarim- teed besides. Tb* wbolti idea is u» make it so goo4 you can't afford not to buy by Urn trademark |.ia red). »». UNDERWEAR Idicestiun is feeble and the lymphatic cuudiliuu jbalow uurinal." [iiurder wu waters. CAPTL'RE OF TRAIN RORBF.RS. I If you need Cod I^iver Oil, op are weak tind run down use Oxomulsion. .At all druggists at 35c and Sl.OU {lei- bottle. .NOT WOlVni HAVING. soine injury or other. II is how quickly /aiii-Kuk takes Ihe sore- ness out of cuts, burns, bruises and in- juries; and on our survey it earned golden opiniofis from all who had oc- casion lo try it. I have found il very fine for skin di-seast-. and I can strong- ly recommend il as a liou.schold balm." Mr. luicelles ."^011. otie of the lead- ing Governmenl analysts. sa.\s; "I have BO hesitation in certifying the entire purity of Zam-Biik. which in my opin- ion is excellently adapti-d for Jviii in- juries and di.seascs." Zaiii-Buk cures cute, scalds, burns, brui.«es. eczema, scalp .vires, ringworm, ulcer-. ab.s.;es.s- 66. chapped plaie. .•spring pimples, blood poisi^in. <hionic atiscesses, elc. .As an einbro ation it relievos rheumulism. ceuralgia and scialica. .Ml druggisls and stores sell at o<lc. a box. or from Zam-Buk iU).. Townlo. for price. 6 boxes sent for ii.'M. .Send Ic. »lainp and we will mail you free >aniplo box. * She (alter breaking Ihe wi.sh-lione) : "What did .Noll wish V Ik- ; "I w isli.yi that you would let tne ki.ss you. What did you \ylsh?" ."^Iie : "1 wushed Ihal what voir wished would come true." Corns cause inlolerable pain. Hollo- way's Corn (^iire remove Ihe trouble. Try it. and see what amount of pain Ji saved. Teacher : "Is there any conneclifig link between Ihe animal and the vcge- table kingdoms .'' Bright I'upil : "Yes. mum ; "there's hash." lie was employed by a city firm of dealers in biic-a-brac and old furniture lo scour rural dislricl.-- in -search of an- tiqiiilies. and suddenly he espied ati old- at the fool of a hill .Surely here, in tins old-world spot, there would be .-onielhing in his line. He knocked sharply al the dofir. and 1 weary-looking woman answered : "Do .\ou happen to have any anlji|ue furniture, madam ? ' he inquired, "or any old ornaments, such as lieallien idols, or such-like things ?" The woman looked puzzled niomenl. "1 think 1,'ve got one," she length. .Xgog wilh expeclalion, tie followed her into the hou.se and t<) a room where lay a hulking fellow who was fast asleep on a couch. "There il is," she replied, ^oinling lo Ihe couch. "lies Ihe only idle thing I've got in the place â€" lia.snl done any work for years, h.' may do for you ; but he's certainly iKi ornuinenl. " for said the at iJlUDliD HOADS. The majorily of Uie highroads in Bel- gium are now planted with Irees along Ihe way. lo Ihe great plcii.-ine of lra\el- lei-s and lo Ihe advantage of Ihe counlry. I'l a lolal distance of about 4.77j miles there are no less Ihan SOU.OUO of llie^se roadside Irees. .Aiimng Ihcm are in- cluded 300.00(1 elms, ITO.DOO oaks, 79,0UO evergreens. 70.000 ash-lrees and 41,0(X) maples. Sp«t» aad blutchM o* the face and neck ar« often merel7 signs uf foul hUiod. Applv Weaver'! Cerate to obtain immediate relief 'and taks Weaver's i^yrnp to rid the bluod of pollution. Forlufie Teller ; "I see by your hand you'll die when you're IwcHty-seven." Willie: "Bul, my dear woman. I'm Iweiityiiine now." Fortuni' Teller; "Why. my good man. you should have bei-ri dead Iwo yeai-s. You're living under false pretences !'' Bickle's AnIi-Consutriplive .Syrup is aji unparal!ele<l n-inedy for colds, coughs, inlluenza and diseases of Uie throat and lungs. The fame of the me- dicine rests upon yeans of sucoe.ssful tise in erudcaling these alfeclioris, and in prole ling iiiaiikind from Ihe fatal ravages of consumption, and as a neg- lected cold leads to consiiniptioii. one cannot lie loo careful to light il in its early slagt«. Bickle'is .Syrup is the wea- j pon, use il. PARTLY WIl.I.INO. XIaidcn I.ady (rescued from drowningâ€" lo her resouer) L "llnw can 1 ever thank you. noble young man? Are you mar- ried ?" Young .Man ; ".No ; have you got a pretty daughter?" A kanganxi consuiiies as niucb grass as four to six .sheep. When Veu Itaec â-  Cold, the air cells at* Hocsad with mucoQA or phlegm. .Allen's Lung H a tiam . in curinn a coki, clear* the tiny ai^ pasMhgee aad heals the bronchial tubsi. 'Tlie larg<~?l winged m.sei.l in the world is Ihe .Atlas molh of Central Brazil. Its wings extend fourteen iiiclK."!* from tip lo lip. .A EJenefaclor lo .MLâ€"Ttie soldier, the sailor, the lisliernian. Ihe miner, Ihe farmer, IIr' iiufchanic, and all wlw live lives of toil and spend Iheir existence :n the dull routine of letlious la.->ksand who are exposed to injuries and ail- ments thai tho^e who toil not do nol know, will find in Dr. 'Thomas' Fdec- tric OH an excellent friend and bene- fa'.tor in every lime of need. .Altention is called in ( loin.missioner Peiry's i«|iort to the capture of tram r<.bbirs m Britisti Coliiinbia. Hewards __,^^^_^^_^^_^__^^^__ oi .55.000 were offere<i by the Dominion I C-overnnieiit, and the Canaduin Pacific TH1-: GRIC.VT .NORTH COL NTRY. j Huilwav llompany. and .SI.JOU t>y the Nimrod was a mighlv hiinler, bul had i Kntish Colnmbia Cnvernment, in an $11,500. for Ihe capture of Ihe robbers. I On behalf of Ihe meiiibeis of the force but Temagannaas I ^'''O ''"«<^'«* ""^ '^"P"""*" ""I ^0"^m<s- ill â-  aiT-m io.se Indians who ' ^«"«'' "PI'''«J f*"' "'^' rewards, but !e Uf All I l>ll of birch bark Ion" I ''"^ n<" received any porlKin. n«r had f f RR I LU he hiinled in the "Temagaim " region he would tiave been a migtitier one. .Nim- TOd hunled for glory, hunt for game. Tho.s- made the llrsl canoe of birch bark long I '"^ no' received any porlK.n. ago, were our greatesl b.'nefaclors. The | ''*â-  >»â- Â«" -nioni^M «liether iDey wouiu children of lliese ndians know Ihe ! ''*', P*"^* . ,,. . canoe, and Ihey know how lo ii.se it. I I he convictions in Ihe two provinc«B and if vou go to 'Teinagaiin thi.> sum- i "' .Alberta and mcr lliey will paddle .voiir canoe in Iheir \ grown from 1.250 own superb way. They will be Ihc best ! I"*-, guides vou ever had. .s^liideiils who c:imp ifi'lhe summer atong the Teniaga- »!"'-''• diunkeniu-ss lieuig w. lakes are able to do two years' work "Qneen City" a bdlcT liia • pwr Miiinhe •QeaaC^'e. J /" Thec^«pbeu Camobcll's T«Mji»oii..o». Queen Ctty Saskatchewan had in t'.Kil (o *,-.!56 :n During the year 34 membens of llie force were disini.s.sed for bad cnn- ilie cause 'n liiearly every case, .Sixty-tour men pur- ii. one. Finest of lulling and liiinlmg. i'^hasixl Iheir discharge for Ih- purpose F.a.sy of access by Ihe C.raiul 'Trunk , '•â-  b.lteiiiig his conditions. There was Railway .s^yslein. For iiiforiiuilion and beautiful desi-ripli\e publiialion sent free apply to J. D. McDonald. D. P. A., Grand Trunk Ry. .System, 'Toronto. Mrs. llenfK'ck Avho insists on buying her husband's clolhea): "1 want .some- thing nice in trousers.' .Assi>tanl (With a a marked falling off in Ihe nunibpr of applicants I'-r ennageiiienl. .Na special effort was made lu recruit. RO.SS RIFLE .SHOWED DKFECTS. The commissioner .-ays the Ross rifle 'Vkus put to a severe lest at the annual target practice, and serious defects merrv twinkle): "Yes in. Would Uoine | 'were discovered. -Vs soon us they had anywhere near your ideal, mum'.'" idevelopcHl Ihe practice was suspended. ] as it was Ihoiighi .some serious acci- The -superiority of Mother Graves' | deni might happen. The Coll revolver. Worm Kxtenninalor is shown by ils I v. h.ch was i-ssued to the men al Ihc .same good effects un the children. 1'uri.lia.se a bottle and give it a trial. "Now. Ilieii,' .said the leaclier ol arilh- metic. "what is 'above par '/ " "I llnnk I know," ventured a small boy. "VVeir,'' a;.ked the leucher. "It's mil. ' CllcaleU Have Trouble in Ketting iron into such a state that the system will absurb. and benefit by it, In " Kernrrirn." the beift foni'b, pecfeciiou has tieen achi*red. sirenflheiu. time as Ihe Ross rille. had proved to N- un adiiM'abk- weafion, atui there was a marked iinproveincnl lU revolver shooting. Sixly-oiie remoiinl.s were pur- chased during Ihc year at an average ptice uf $lt::. !â- Â« urjn funiu. It builds aJM Mi-s. De T'ashion (to her cook): "John, why do the the feet of their women .'' Ibey nut Irolee rouud kilchen and bolh- eree cook." 'They Wake the 'Torpid Energies.-- Machinery nol properly supervised and left to run ikself, very ,soon shows fault ill ils working. II i.-- the same wrtli Ihe digestive organs. L'tiregulated from Sure Regulators. â€" Mandrake and Dandelion are known lo exert a pow- \ ciful inlluence on the liver and kidnc.vs, . leslor.ng Iheni to a lieallhful action, in- j I ducmg a regular llnw of the secretions , new Chinese 1 and iiiii^artiiig lo the orgniLs complete: <:tiintL-.e bind ' I'ower lo perform Iheir functions. 'Tticee [ John : "So i valuable ingredients eiiler into llie corn- p(<sition of I'arnieler'N Vegetable fail's, and serve to render them llie ugi-eeable and sahilary medicine they are. 'There are lew pills so effective as Ihey in their ! ucUon, T«M or ThrM good Turaenb STANDARD BEARINGS. UmitM^ roiagara Falls, Cat. Dyeing I Cleaning 1 rerUeisry kes«>aa4r««> *eck lelk* " HtnSN AURIOAfl â- niHS M.- Uaft tar aaeM la rew tows. etse»4«lnifc Mâ€" Itâ€" i.Tf ODto. OtUwa, Q^ifcm Gahrajuzad Stedi HINELE S The ebeapMBt gtxNi Xkey do shiD«le is the costless "Oahiiws."Goo4 for • century '• w«Atlier-weax. Guaranteed for 25 y«crs without year e»en painting- " ' Osfaaw* " dotit>ie-gaivaataed ahineica need no P^in^ to oatlast any rooong there is. Make Koofa fire-pr»«f, too, â€" guar an teed im every way yoa want. Cheap in first <M8t as eaa»- moa wood abtngles, yet more dtu^le tfa«> abkte. Sold tmder a written grnr- aniae that really ineaoa somedons to the buyer. Clad.vs : "I refused Fred Iwo weeks i igo. and he has been drinking heavily. Ida : "Otxirge is so poetical. He .savs my ears aiv like sJiells." Irene : "lild he -say whether he meant cocoanut or oyster shells'.'' Appltauice. N e 1 •f. wooderful. No i BROOKS' MEW CURE FOII IRURTOKI m Braolu' dlaeovery obooxlovs springs or pada. Automatic Air Ceablooa. Binds uti draws Uw brokan fwte taaatlxr M yev wmild • kfOkta link. No salTes. No lynspkol. No lies. Dur •Me,cbaap. Pm. Sept. lo.til. SCMfT ON TRIAL. CATaJLOeut rmi C I. BROOKS. <u. B«,<>k« Bi<i(. time lo lime they arc likely lo become j .since." ICtliel : "bn I il abuuf lime ho torpid and tlirow the whole system out (stepped celebrating '.'" o'. gear. Parmelee's \egelablc Pills were made lo meet such cases. â- The\ i _ , ,,„..„„ .,., , „,.,. , , ,,. f. 11 *,. ., t i rut up In $1 Yard Rolls. The famous 'The restore lo the full the Hugging facill- D* I." Month.d piaster, which .urs lumhaeo liQs, und bring inio order all purls cf backatlM), sciatica, neuralgia, etc . are .%lso pul IK.. f,i.),.liiiiii.;iii up in one .vard ndls for phvsifiaiie and (amily as* int UKcIiaiiism. Daris * Lawrence Co., Muntieal. MAKl.NfJ IT WORSE. fU-cenlly, in a ca,se at one of the I.on- "lle's » good friend of yours, isnl he 7" "Oh, oiil.N mediiini." "Wliul do .vou don pulices;ourls, one of the witnesses , ,|,pm, bv medium.'" "On, 1k> listens evinced some disinclination to state her, ^yhile I lell turn all of my liviuhles: but | DODDS ' I KIDNEY t^, PILLS. â-  LSSliE NO. 10 06. Ills BEST STOr^Y. .After an unsatisfactory banquet the gueiil ol Ihe evening was introduced by the toaslmastor as follows: â€" 'CiculKnien. we have wilh us to-niglil ^ I'rofessor Long-Hnvvc. who will tell us i cno of his best and biggest after-dinner stories." .Amid loiid applause Professor Long- .B.iwe ro.se. ".\Ir. 'Toastmasler and genlk?men," he said; Mo begin w.lli my biggest slory lei me tell you liow ihoroughly I have enjoyed your bunquet," "Slop playing thai Irombonc, sir. The man next door says he can't read." "Never heard of such ignorance. Tell him 1 could read when 1 was five years old." age. "Isâ€" is il ivally necessary ?" she asked, coyly. "It is absolutely necessary, madam.' Ihi inngLslrale a.s,-.iir»'d her. "Well," sighed Ihe maiden, "if i nnisl. I supptise 1 niusi. I don't .see Iww it could possibly affect the case, for you .see ' "Madam," observed the niagislrale, rather tartly, "I must ask you nol lo fur- ther wa.sle ihe lime of this Court. Kindly stale your age without further delay." "I am. Ihal is. I was " she atuni- niered. unable to proceed. "Madam, 1 must beg you to hurry !" imploiHid the inugislrutc. "Every iiimulo makes il worse, vou know !" A V'lCR^ BAU MOn.AL. There is a bad iiioral lo Ihe story of Ihe thousand paupers in Ihe Porluyiipse wurk-houso w ho. by clubbing lugether, bought a lollery ticket thfit won a grand prixe and g:ne cdch pauper ,"421X1. 'Thereupon all left Ihe worklioii.--e. The Slalo ought lo be congralulaled, were it nol for the fact that Ihey iMiniediat- ely began lo sjx'nd their forlmies on champagne. They will all be buck again pi'eseiit.ly, wor.s*? broke than ever. Mother : "Why did you lei him kiss you â- / " Maud : "Well, he was so nicv about il. He asked The idea! haven't I told you vou nntsl learn lo sav 'No'?" "That's what I did .say. He asked nic if I'd be very angry if he kissed me : ' I 111 also wiinis me lo lisUii while he tells I nie all of his." Your Doctor Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, but â€" why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having his prescription filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURB for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH wUl cure you as quickly ? Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years : let SHILOH be vour doc- tor whenever a Cough" or Cold appears. SHILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or CoU cure it with SHILOH Too cant afford aay oUaer Idnd With a bammer, EBSy to a snips, and borae- pitt OB sense aaybody can roof buik&iKS right with " Oshawa ' Gai- vanixed Steel Shiivles.. They nerd bo cleats. They lock on all FOUE sidea. Made in only ooe grade â€" of 28-giiage setni-hardcDoii sheet steel in the pat- dented " Oshawa " way IJIJIMbIm^ prool, too Stdaglesire aaiBVHt- aest, rotaa expenae. More than 100 farm buildings were d&a>at;ed in Os- tario alone last vear by tisbtning. Not one of tnem wotiJd have been harmed if they'dbeen "08h«wa"-roofed. These shingles inHulateabaild- ing â€" maise it s&f ea^ainetevery element. Let ua teil yoa what it will coetyoato roof the "Oshawa' 'wav. Get oar tree' book 'Boof- Ing Ught' before you KoofalUjid -^ . .:r„0?., .' , XJC'«Sfc 3i* TJi FediarFeople ^ Of OsHawa * Mootreal Toronto Loedoo 3ffl4Cr»,KW. llColbom. i^^, Ottawa WlnnlDcil Va 4 3.SWMX MLomKj I

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