Flesherton Advance, 14 Mar 1907, p. 2

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â- â- (1 HOMK OOWLEaSt |talrr(ainin(| Klforls of Callow Youlh at Frii-nds' Schools in (^igland. . In Itic Fvi>rii!iry number of I'nsl and ricsonl, ft jOurriiri for old and young 'scholars of Krieiuls' Schools, of Eng- lund, I here is a long and "absoluU-ly genuine' roHectkm of "howlers." Wo qunle II few .s|KciincnK :â€" A long time ago Knglnnd was once a foreign country. HecUcl put on n cnmol-hnir shirt, nnd liis life at onco becatno dangerous. Saladin was n lizard in Kgypt. 'l'h<' BriUins i>nintcd themselves wilh wood, and sonielirues came out gnvn. Clive liud Ui tilow him.solt nul in In- (jin. lull f<irtunuti'ly for England, it klidn'l expkKlo. In trial l)y ordinal a man hud to carry a reJ-h it piece of iron for five years. The .Anglo-Saxons had no drains, and B(j u.<:ed to disperse tln'ir hroken vitals irdo the middle of the road. The .Spartans hud to get their living fit the ago tif five liy shooting at it rn a I'ieeo of siring. The .Spartans had two kings to check '<-ne anothiT. The I'cligioii of China occupies half â-  the house. .Southatnpton is notiNl for exporting .people to .s>iutli Africa. England has much coal beds. When Iho coal is llnished wc shall have to '•â- tse our brains for fuel, and it will be scarce. The potato is nol. only u.s4\l for food- ling pea.saiils, but goes to more iinport- 'anl things, such as whisky. run: cheat north couNTnv, Nimrod was n mighty hunter, but had he hunted in the 'Tcniagami" region he would have been a mightier on<?. Nim- rod Ijimled for glory, but Temagaminns hunt for game. Tho.se Indians who niflde the first canoe of birch bark long ago, wore oui' greatest benefactors. The ciiildren of these Indian.; know the canoe, nnd they know how to \ise it, and if you go to 'I'emngaini this sum- mer Ihey will paddle your canoe in their own supi'rb way. They will be tho be.?t guides you ever had. .StudenLs who c;>rnp in the .summer along tlio Tcmaga- mi iaI.Ds are able to do two years' work in (me. I'inesl of fishing nnd hunling. r.nsy of acce.ss by the Grand Trunk HalKvay System. For infornmlion nnd iM'nutiful de.scriptive publication s<'nt free n|)ply to J. D. McDonald, D. V. A., Grand Trunk Ry. System, Toronto. English copper ore averages only per cent, of the pure metal. A Mecognized Megulalor.â€" To bring the digcjlive m'garus into syuimelricul working is the aim of physicians wtien they find a patient .sufforitig from slo- niach ii'reguliirilies, and for this pur- purjKise tliey can prescribe nolhing bel- lei than I'arinelee's Vegelable I'ills, wtiicli will b.' found n pleasant medi- cine of surprising virtue in bringing the retraelory organs into sulijection nnd re-sloring them to normal action, in which condition only can they perform tlii'ir dulie> properly. The Mark That Tells T/^^t ^on( Tnde mirlced thui io » Vatiety oi ityl^>. f abritrt and price* for wocnen, men and childsen. Form Filled. Dealen are auttiocizcd to replace loiUnlly and at our CMt, any Pcn-An«la gar men! faultjr in naterial or m a 1^ a g. 20e Pen-Angle trade- mark (in red) on every Pen-Angle garment, tella you it will fitand won't shrink,â€" your own dealer so guarantees it. Underwear thus trademarked ia softer, warmer, more flexible, better wearing; J3 E TT E MOTHER'S GRATITUDE TO ZAM-BUK iIT Cl'RKI) HER' ROY SORES. OF I'.MNFIL N'llhiiig is mnre unplea.snnl to Iho eye r.Md more pnintul to Iho sufferer thnn boils and ulcers. .\t this period of the year many adults suffer nrutely from these painful oiilbronUs. When Ixiils. ulcers, etc.. occur on children it is piti- ful In seo tile little ones suffer. Mrs. F,. H<ilnies, of HO Guise St.. Ilnm- illon. is gndeful fur what Zaui-Ruk did .for hor little liny when in lliis pitiful plight, .'^lie says;â€" "I wish to express mv gratitude for tho benefit my child Teieivel from yoiu' fnmoiis Zatn-Puk nnlni. He suffertHi from .Spring orun- li'ins nnd then lioils broke out on his neck. I tried blood purifying remedies, snives nnd oiidnienls of all kinds, but nothing seemed to do him llie d<"sirod good. The boils got worse and became fo Inalhsome and unsi),'hlly Hint I could rot .send him to school, as some of the boils Hiul uleeis could nol conveniently 1,1 covere<l. About this time a .sample tmx of /.arn-niik was given to hitri and wt tried it. The small sample did him n liltl.' good, so I liowglit a ."lO cent box. The result was i-eally amazing. In- side n weeks time the lioils had l>egun |o dry ui>. and in ii very shod lime Indeed evoiy one of them was healed." Zamlink is a sine euro nlsn for ecze- ma, scalp sores, ringworm, poisomxl wounds, chronic ulcers, chnpped luiixls, cuts. c<d(l .sores, cracks, fi'slering sores, riiiptions nnd puslulos due In blood poison, etc. It slops l)le<'ding and cures f.ile.s. fistula, etc. Is anlisepllc; an e\- rellenl "lirsl aid." r.very home nnd farmstead should hnve its l)ox <if Zani- Buk. .Ml diu;.gists ami stores at ti) cents a box, or from /ain-IJuk (Vi., Toronto, for price. Ixixes fiu- Si. 50. Send Ic. stamp tor trial box. A hive of .5,(100 bees produces alxiul JO iKjunds of iKjney a yeai". Tcarlne Down Sli^mls does not delay atorms. Opiumliuloii "inoilninea •' d" nut cure. Whan villi liMgin ill eciiiBli take AUeii'ii l.uila llaLmin, Iron from opium, (ull «( liOiUiug powor. LEFf IT TO III.M. "Whafs your Inre?" asked old Flint- f.kin of his cabby tlie other day, and was met with the sti-reulyped reply. "Well, sir, I will leave thai Io you." "Thank yo\i; vou are very kind," said old F., bntUiniug up his iinekels and walking off. "You're Iho lirsl i)cr.son Vho ever left me anything yet." THE WOHED'S BEEH SUPPLY. There is a popular im|)ression that Germany is the chief U'cr-^nroducing nnd consuming nation in tlie world. As r matter of facl, the linnor is divided l)etuc<n the United â- States of America niul I'.'lgiumâ€" Ihe (Ir.st in point of pro- duction, wilh I,r)r>l,e04.000 gallons an- nually; the Inller for consumplion, wilh nn average of ^0.1 gallons per head f [•<-ipulalion per annum. Dut Geiniany runs her .\mericHn friends pretty close- Iv for first place on Ihe question of out- put. No fewer than 1.5U'.3'iG,(X)0 gal- lons of Ihe popiUar beverage are brSw- Cd in Ihe Fatlierland in twelve moidhs. Great nrilain comes third on the list wilh l.i;5:i.23'i,(KXt gaPons, and, incredi- ble a.s it may seem, we con.sume more beer than <iur Teutonic rivalsâ€" 28.8 gal- lons per head per annum against Iheii- i!7..2. Some excuse for Germany's ap- parent inferiority as a beer-drinking na- li<in may lie found in the fact that, Io a great extent, wine replaces mall li- quor in South Germany. PACING A WOLNDED "nCEn. Experience With a WoundH Tiger in an Indian Jangle. The courage and good nature of ele- phants wfien engaged in ligfrhunHng are Ihe subject of comment by Gen. Thomas Gordon in his book, "A Varied Life." He gives an account of Ihe pur- suit of a wounded tiger in the Indian jungle. The tiger had turned back in twwling fury looking for a victim. lie first made for Davison, but catch ing sigtit of my head as my elephant descended into a dry watercourse, he dropped and crawled in the gra.ss, and tried to spring on me in the howdah. He was on the right side of the ele- phanl's head in a moment, and in trying to rench me, broke the front^arl of the howdah with a blow of his powerful fore paw. The elephant was badly billen and clawed on the trunk and head, and her right eye was blinded by the eyebrow being lorn down over it DOGTOBs mm PATEUT lEBICINES The Honest Pfejiielan Is Anxious t< Cure and Uses tike Boat AvaU- able Remedies. vcice to suppressed screams of pain and rage, and made Ihe most violent efforts to shake the tiger off. My niiil gun-bearer behind me in the hnwdali, regarding Ihe situfltion as dos- pernle, slid down the elephant's hind The dheooajrton of the WU now beforf the Dominion BMttument for the re- rulatlcoi of the m«»uf»ctore and aal« of patent or uroprletary medicines U bno of tho utmost Importance, and U rocetvtng; a yreat deal of aittentlon, not only by the proprietary medicine mantt facturers, but al*> bv the retail an4 vwholosale drus^lata. B»ery manu-fac. turer of reliaj>l« and hl«li class ro- medies welcoimes the bill aa a step tn^ .*she gave ' the right direction. The dlacuaslon has brought out the fact th«t the beat physlclaras in Canada and on the con- tinent approve of and prescribe Psy- chlae in cases of the moat dUneolt character. In a recent instance of very serious throat a«d lua«r troubto quarters and took refuge in a tree All j the patlemt had been uains Psychln«. I could do was to wail an oppnrlunitv '^^° lending United States speolallaU to fire without injuring the com'aL'couS ''T <=?"5,""<^^' *" ''w'"!!?L„'° ,-!^° Ainnhnni Ai loot I i,„,i >- 'â- "'j,'-"ua eminent Canadian physicians. bi)Oi» elephan At last I had a safe chance learning what the patleiit was u«ln«. a to put the muzzle agamsl the I igers sample of Psychlne waa taken and shoulder. One shot,â€" it was nn expand- j analyzed, with the result that tb» "Queen City" IS betln tK*n a pure Maniiuba (W â€" it n better (haa « puie Ont»fw floor â€" \x\x\^ blended it combines the best qualities ol both. 'Queen City' is an all-purposes flouf. SuppiitJ yitl' your groctrfor Thecatnpbeii Campbell's Millmg Co. u»n.a â€" . r^'4, Toronio juiKiion, OnU ij 116611 V../lty NEXT IJK.ST. Wniter â€" What wuukl you be plen.sed Io order, .sir? We hnve polage prin- lanier a In julienne, fricundeau de veu, nve(; eroiiiii'lles des pommes de terrc, rLssoles de boeul Diner â€" Vos; well, give us a plalelul of whiihever of them's nearest to Irish slew." SINGING KEITI.ES. 1'he Japanese, who know so well hew tc add lillle unexpected attractions to overy-day life, manufacture, in a great variety of forms, iron teakettles which break inl n.song when the water boils. 'I'he song may not l^e a very perfect melody, but it is i)erlmps a.s at'recabli) as llie nolt's produee<i by some of the insecl-s which Ihe Jniianeiie also trea- sure for their nnisic. The harmonious sounds of the teakettles are produced b) steam bubliles escaping from bencatli lliin .sheets of iron fastened close to- gether nearly at tho botlon of Ihe ket- tles. To produce the best effecLs sfiriie skill is rerpiired in regulating tho lire. The character of the sounds varies wilh tlie form of the ki'llle. These singing kettles have been u.sed for many cen- turies. \ well-known Colonial judge, who is nn Irishman, recently told a wilne.ss, who was somewlwil verlmso in liLs an- swers, to "hold his tongue and give his evidence clearly." , Overwarkrd Persons, either mentall; or pliysiiaily. sh mid try " Fornivini." the wurld rtiniiwiied nerve aibl bluixt toiiio ami they will ^iiikl^ rei^iver streucth anil healtli Lecturer (wilh a goiMl opinion of hiin- ,i^if),_"|Ia, my man, I rather think my voice will nil this hall." Ilallkecpcr (landi lly)â€" "It strikes me, sir, it's much more likely t-i empty it." Irrigated l%i<is SuNNY ALBERTA Defore deciding; where to locate in the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields, the richest grazing land, are in this province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates. Local representative wanted in each county. Telfer & Osgood Kastern Sellinp Ajjents, 2i6 CORISTINE BUILUINU, MONTkEAL. ing bullet,â€" and wilh a grenl growl of ngony from the tiger and a trumpet veil of rage from Ihe elephant, Ihe whole of i;s were struggUng loose in the high bushes. Tho elephant was coaxed to come for- ward to Ihe dead tiger, and after feel- -^ â€" - ing cautiously wilh her oiilstrclched ! criticism and analysis. j trunk, she gave the body a kick of con- ! "P °' "^® sy.stem and I tempt and allowed it to bo lied on her ! 1 back, to be carried back to our camp. 1 I No time was losl in attending Io [tie ! leleplianl's hurls, but preparatory to hanilling Ihcm she was fed with a sliff i ;Mii\ture of coarse molasses and flour, , w ilh opium and brandy thrown in lib- | er.illy. afler which she took an intcPi- 1 enl and good tempered interest in the I proceedings. j With the tenl-pitchcrs' repairing nrcilles and stout thread, and the help ' of the mahouts nnd their as.sistants, her ciils nnd wounds were stitched.- and salved, and many yards of nalive col- ton el dh used in swathing her torn trunk. She was fed by hand tor sev- eral days, and .<^e!in-d quile to under- stand thai this wns done to keep 'he bandages on Ihe damaged trunk from tieinf,' displaced by her use of it in feed- ing herself. Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm F,\lerininat<ir liecause they know it is a safe medicine tor Iheir children and an effectual- expellee of worms. Melted butler is a very good euiislilule tor olive oil in salad dressing. Many prefer tho butter to the oil. physicians adviaed Us n>ntlnuajice. They proecribed no other nnedlclne but Psychlnc, with the result that the pa- tient has fully recovered and Is a splendid \val'kln« and talklnsr adver- tisement for the wonderful curative powor oi' a remedy that will "stand tip" before the keenest professloMi* As a builder restoring all w^aiate<l condMlons, Psychlne has no equal, .ind the best and nriost earnest physldana recognize this fact. " At the age of 26 my lung-s were in a terrible stato. I had la Krlppe the year before; It settled on my lungrs and I kept steadily growlns wors^ till I «ot dJwn so low I was In ImkJ for»slx weeks. I had a consultation of doctors, and they saJd they couM do nothing more for me. TU%n I start- ed to u^e Psychlne. I took the mi«il<dn« for mora than a year. It certainly did â- wonders for me. I am now as strong es I was before nny sldinoss. â- MRS. H. HOPE, "Moi^oth, Ont." Psyohtne. pronounced Sl-keen, is th« proetcat of tonics, building up the sys- tem, Increasing the appetite, purify- ing the blood. aid« digestion, and acts directly upon tihe throat and lunffs. givlnff tone and vigor to the entire m-stem. At all dru««lat3, 50c and Hi or Dr. T. S. Slooutn. Limited, 173 Kln« Street west. Toronto. I>RINTKU WANTE&-J years' experi- ence, handy at ad.-KettiuK. good chance for impnivinis, sti>ady city Job. Apply. NOKTU ENDEK OPFICE. 110 Mail Building, Toronto. " The D & L " rienthol Pf«»ter» are marvel- t<iii!i iu their quick ibctiun wtiuii applied tu Ivme lacks or utiff rtioumatic muiiclos or juiuta- TUay |iv9 immtidiate reiioL riumduffâ€" "lias that charming widow any pi'operly?" Ketchumâ€" "Yes, con- siderable." i'lumdiiflâ€" "Heal ejslato or perxinal?" Ketchumâ€" "I'ersonul. She has si.\ cliildrcn. " vxx v^ , In Ihe reign of Gharlos I. Ihe death- rntc in London was 70 per I.tKK), or .more Iban three times what it is now. If a rough makes your nijihls sleep- less nnd weary, it will worry ytiii a pood deal, nnd with goml cause. To dis|)el the worry iiml give yourself rest try Uicklc'.s Anti-(Uinsimiptivc .Syrup. It exerts a soothing inlluence on the nir passages nn<l allays Ibe irritation thai loads to inflammation. 11 will siilKlue Ihe niosl slubborn cough or cokl, nnd eventually eradicate it fmm Ihe «y.steni, OS a trial of it will prove to you. "Johnnie, you shouldn't have ealen Ihose pre.served fruits. They were plac- Pd on Ibo lalile merely to All up. "Well, nin. llml'-e just what I used them fori" RsM-colorcd (pott on the bndlu of cMIdrea <re eomttinios niiit.ik«n for ineiuUs. The troubU na; Iw r<'itt]ola. a local riisea^e o( tli* sltiu: yrvinptly uurvd with Woaver'a Carat*. Tramp- "Yes, madam, I've lx>en a so- licitor for nigh twenty years." Mrs. iFnrmyardâ€" "\ .soliralor?" Tramp â€" "Yes'm. 1 solicit.s bread an' meal." D0DD:S !^ fKIDNEY> i|'/,- PILLS .' Sutter no More.â€" There are thousands wlio live niLserable lives liecaiise dys- pepsia dulls Ihe faculties ami shadows existence with Ihi- cloud of tlepre.ssion. One way to dispel the vapors that be- set the victims of this disorder is to ordei' them a course of Parmelee's Ve- getalile Pills, which are among the best vegelable pills known. iK'ing easy to lake and are innsl ellieacious in their action. A trial of thciii will prove this. F.ailhqunkes are nion at full moon lime. i-nlher more com- than al any other It licaches the Spot.â€" There arc few remedies before the public to-day as ef- lleacious in removing pain and in allay- ing anil prevenling pulmonary disorders a;- Dr. Thomas' Kclectric Oil. It has riemonslrated its p<iwei's in thousands 01 instances and a large number of tes- timonials as to iU great value as a me- dicine could be got wei'c there occasion for it. It is tor sale everywhere. STAMMERERS Th« ARNl>TT HBTHOD U the only lotl- r«l method lor thd cure of Stamraerlag. It treau tbaCAUSb, not in«r»l> the HABIT. and Insure* natural spacch- PamptaUt. par- tlculara and refcrenc<a sent on requaat. THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE BERLIN. ONT, CAN^ TEI.m'HO.\r..S KOltKTOI.D IN SCIUl'TUIU:. .''nme genius has found 53 pa.ssages in the liitile, which he claims as pro- phecies of the telephone, becaiLse, 'or- sooth, the kmguage seems to til into b lephone vernacular. Ilei'e are sani- liles:â€" "The line has gono out into all ihe earth." "The land shall be divided by lines." "We have no right ugainsl this greul Company." "Charge the people.' "I imdeistanil the niiniber." "I said in my haste, I am cut off." FEATHER DYEiNQ Oteiilai u4 Oorllaf ksa KI4 OIotm (iMaaA TkMi na •• Mat kf t***. >• p« e^ >k* tett plu* I* IMTMH AMHieAN BYEING Mk Miss Itobinson (to stranger at recep- tion)â€" "Do you see that plain-Uioking girl over there? She has just gul mar- ried. I'm sure I wonder what her hus- bniid married her for.' "I hnve nn doubt he niarried her for her money," replied Ihe stranger. "Oh, I wouldn't think ,s<i badly of him as that," said MI.S.S Uoliinson. "liiil I ought to know," replied Ihe siranpcr; "y<iu see, I am Uii man who niarried her. ' ."smitbson- "We had a seiusalional rase of kidnapping in our house late- ly." Wilsonâ€" "B<'ally! How did it hap- pen?" .Sniithsonâ€" "Tbe baby slept the whole night." "I|o«lor," said the shrewd-looking man, "how many feel of gas does it take |e kill a man?" 'That's rather a (pieer question," replied Ihe doctor. "Why do you w sh to kmw'f" "One of Ihe fiue.sts ill my hotel used enough of il Io kill luiiiself. and I want to send in a proper bill Io h's executors." Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure â€"safest regidator for baby. Prevents tolic and vomiting â€" gives healthful rest â€" cures diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicines containing opium FOR SALE. 50-acre farm, seven uiile8 from London, brick house, two frame barnti. Hoil. clay loam : on the fifravol road, one half-milfl from school. Price. $4,500.00. Kor further purticulam apply to THE WESTERN REAL ESTATE EX- CHANCE, Limited. Phono, 696. 78 Dunda;: Street, - London, Ont. EASTER LILYâ„¢, ERSTER SUNDAY Scn«l 10 Cents WKlKiKlTeu 1 Iit«=f Uly Bulb,iTubcrote,l GI«<iiolu», \ Cinntmon »ioe,lOx«lis»l«ol00Jif- feteiit Itlnat of fr«h, fine* jrown iceJa, Including r»niic«, l-cluniM, Fhlol, A«lcr«, St»clc«, Swtrt PcM, Co«mo«, Balsams, N«Kiiitiupi»,MoninnGli>- riM, Verbcnu, PorluUcl. Thin Sne coUcclion of Kinli >n<l Balbiforlik.ia. SllverorSc.SMoipl. t QUAKEK CITY SEED CO. PMMel^la. Pa. or other injurious ilrugs. O i\ l**»S 23c.â€" »t drug-stores. V U res N«tion»l Drug & Chem Diarrhoea'""^''^'^'"' Montreal. 'J w RIVALING TIIF, NIl.K D.VM. The government of New .South Wales is about to begin the construction of a dam at Barren .lack, on the Murrumbid- gcc Hivcr, which will foi-ni a reservoir 4(1 mile.s in length, nnd containing more lliuii 3;!,CK.I0,IXX),(XX) cubic feet of water, 01 50 per cent, more than .Sydney har- bor contains. This immense artificial lake, which will be but little inferior n capacity to that created by the great new tiain on Ihe river Nile, is to he used for irrigation. The dam will be sitiiatod in a gorge cut by the river through i gianlle ridgc, uud lis height will bo iHH feel. A woman may t>e afraid of the cook, but a man isn't^â€" unless stie's his v.ife. "They say that .Shitler is ten years ahead of his lime." "Well, it's nol true. I'm his landlord, and I know he's jusl s:.\ months Ix'hind." Wh.M-e can I gel some of Ilolloway's C;(un Cure? I was entirely cured of my c<irns by this remedy nnd 1 wish s<)mo more of il for my "triends. So writes Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. Mrs. A.â€" "The doctors have just dis- covered an extraordinary thing alxnit Professor .Stute; they say his heart 'S, <.n Ihe wrong side." Mrs. H.â€" ".\h, b5 always was an untidy man." Dear Mother Your little one* are a comtanl c«M h Fill and Winta weather. They wJI calch cold. Do you know atwut Shiloh • Contumption Cure, ihe Lung Tonic, and what il ha* done (oi so many ? Il i« «» to be the only reliable lemody lor all ikftet of the air pasMges in children. ki> abwhrtely harmlcM and pleasant to lake. hi» guaranteed to cuio or your money ia relumed. Tho price ia 25c per bottle, and alt dealers in medidae sell 3'4 tSHILOH This remedy should be ia wwy household. ii PAGE I8SIE NO. ll-«7. BEST 99 Mad* of HLrh Oarbon 'Wire,â€" well proro It to yoo. COTUCD-not rriaipod. Thla makeo It allll atrooffor In acrvioe. It aUra taut. Painted WHITE over hoavy ^â- >B PAO&_WlRB_JftllCK COMPAMT. bIMITBO, â- alTaoliiiicâ€" nutpoool. K xy ailaBoai l fl aaJara to oreot It Laaaanllln aalos in ni«it. Q«t niaatMto< boaUat aad IW tticta before Ituylnit, W*Un»TiU«t Tmr«a««. *%, Joba. WlM^nlyairf

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