March 14 1»07 THE FLESHliRTON A I> V A N C K ^^WW^iWWW F. T. HILL & CO. WWVyvyVWyv^ Big Crockery, China and Glassware 5ale The Best Page of news in Dishes we ever Published This week we put on sale 7000 pieces of Crockery, China and Glassware. Thes^ Hues were bought from some of the best English and Gorman manufuacturers a^ a big discount to clear. The stock is altogether too big for us to sell in the reg- ular way, but the big reductions in price wo are offering will no doubt send it out in a hurry. So bo on hand early and buy your recjuireuieuts from the biggest values ever sold in Markdale. ! J. & W. BOYD - . LEMONADE SETS Lomonailo Suts at One third to a half less thuii rcjinlar i)riceK. 40 Leniiinade Satis cnnsistiiii; of (ilass, Ju^ and six tuiiil)leis, ill ciildr.s of crystal, green aijjl ruby with f«m:y i,'..ia and ll'iriil dccoratidna, it-gHlar value >1()0, 12uai.d 1..J0 pur sot, Crockery S:do Price, per set 75o CHINA TEA SETS i:n;;li»!i Cliina Tea Suta, 42 pieces for §1.!)8, reg. pri^e ?2.85. 23 Sc t< only of 12 piece lea sets in colors of dark l.luc, lin it liluii and luown. Tilis set bus everyiliiiii,' thai usually iiov.i with a tea Hut with the exception of sugar bowl and are bust gooda and the piice only per set «1 'M TOILET SET ' 7 piecu Toilet 8et for 81. o8. ri;;ular $2.00 15 only Toilet SbIh, 7 jiiecea in all, ponsiatiiit; of jug, wash basin, chaiiilier and lid, soap dish and water pitcher in the leading col.irsof blue, gfuon and brown, per set gl.58 .->* DINNER SETS 812.60 English Porcelain Dinner Sets for »y.75 97-pioce Dinner Sets in best English Porcelain, rose pattern only with eold decorations, complete set of 117 pieces al oiio-l bird less than you will pay for the same (lualily elsewhere. Our price per set is. . . .9.7i> TEA POTS Fancy Decorated Tea Pots at half less than you pay. 100 fancy decorated Tea pots in Gibson's best ware. Keiiular 30c, 35c, and 40c lines, boautiful goods with gold stipled patterns. Crockery Sale price, your choice for I'.lo GLASSWARE At Nearly Half. 48 pieces of Glas.swaro in Cake Plates, Fruit dishes stitnds, in all the new fancy Bbapos. This lino bat always been a seller at the regular price of 3.oc. but owing to the bi({ reductions in jirice we got on the puichoac, the price will be your choice for 22o Chis Uleek UJz are evening up new Spring Goods* See the now Diess Good-*, Prints and .Shoes »t . fo showiii!;. New Curtail many of tlm new cpiing lines are bciii'.' pissed into stock tiiis week for early note that while we cannot advertise all linen in the paper that nearly everything in crockery is included in this great sale. . . â- ..,,, new Carpets and Rugs, in fact luyeiH. Ciistoiners will please ^ Our new Spring goods are Arriving Daily. In Ladle's wear wo have all the newest designs and shades. Special prices in Dress goods, Muslins, Prints, Ginghams, etc. In Gentlemen's ware we have all the now patterns. Call and inspecS The quality is ((uarantood in boots and shoos. We have a full assoi tnic'iit in Women's, Men's, Misses' and Children's. No trouble to show goods. Call and inspect and you will b« satisfied that our prices are righ}. Flour and Teed We have a full stock of Hour and feed including Bran, Shorts, Feed tloui-, Corn, Barley chop and Five Roses Flonr Every bag of which is guaranteedâ€" the best Hour in the landâ€" no other can equal it. W "W S B ^ "^ 'iT' B 8 full stock of stoves, I'unges and and all kinds of woodman's BUILDER'S heaters, axes, saws supplies, also SUPPLIES wi^mi MARKDALE WWWW^' Over Jeers of Highways Fred Saraeant, Chas. Morwood, .lolin (iibson, W. (1. Cork burn, Thos. Kkd, lloht. Must, Jon. lilikely, W. .1. .M.ioie, 1'. \. .Stinsoii, Win..\tchiMoii, .\. .Jor'laii, Thos. Elliott, l{. J, Mercer, Tbog. Whit- ten, .J. \. Ilolley, Jacob Tlioinpsirii, (leo. Ludlow, .lobn IVdiar, 15. All.ii, Thos. Sherwood, .Tohn Mi;N -von, W. J. l.)ve. El. N jrval, J. 15. TlMl)ad.;au, Ben Wbi'o, Will Speer, J. V.. Wright, Isiac Siirgeant, Arch. .Stewart, K. L) u >e, Jos. W'atFiiii jr., Will. Willie, .S. liachelir, P. M'^Aitliur.T. II. Alkinso:i, Arch. Mo- I) >nald, tieo. Williiiuison, .las. Ueid, D4»id Dow, Wni. Tayl .r, D. MoLeiii, W.H And Din-well, Oli- ver, 1). Kennedy jr., I'rodie, Peter Muir, d..\. ThoiiijiS'ii, Thos. Irwin, (Soo. McAitliur, A. Kenny, Clias. .Staf- ford, F.W. Nicholson, R. Snlliian, Uol.t. Clark, Thos. Fisln r, .las. (Iiihh-. I''. U. IJoland, W.C.I'edlar, K. J. Parson, d.M, ArnistroiiK, Klijab P-iul, U. Douulas, Geo. W.irlin;;, Tinner. II. Willinns il. Cooper, T. Kree.Diaii, Iv llroilie, J.ilm Hranill'. (ieo. (joiley, (i. \,. I.iitiiiier, J.I. Graham, W.J. lioyd, M. Wilson. W. W, Trimble, Geo. Howies, (!. CHllinson. .las. Sproat, ..'. C. Aiiains, U. A. Ilolley, Wes. Lyons, <jeo. Lawlor, U ib'. l'"erriH, Mar- tin I'liillipa. Thos Tliornbniy. Alex. McDonild, Chas. Lyons, Jacob Neeley, Irwin Kawcett, Jerry Thompson, Wni. ilisloj), .las. Nash. Pol'.M) KkKI'KKS Colon McLean, I). D McLiiii-lilin. I). McTavish, Geo. Wnyht, Fred York, M U. Orr, J, A.Tlioinpson, G.L.Latiinir, KbN('i;vu:\vkhs , Alex. Mellae, Rich 1. Wliiltaker, D. McMillan, .'as. Hl.iir, Holind,.Vlex . Ile.iry, Daviil Koslcr, (ieo. Ab ore, VV'us, IJieen, .1. L. M.;.Miilliii, Alex 1,'arrutWerd, W.II.Il.onpliill, Robr. Pl-miL. ^»4«>«-^ â€" Bard'/ Lived Through it A tenible cxpeiienco bad Edw. J. O't.'onnor of Sauk Sto. Marij. "Ki'om boyhood ' be writes, "f have be n a eon- Htaiil miller 'r from asthma and catarrh. My iiosL' and was always slopped up a id 1 brd ilriippiii>;i in tli.i throat. When attack! tame on I tliOl^ibt 1 colli fn'l live through the nisjht. I viouUl s t up and uasj) f o- breath and endure LTOit distress. (.!jit.>rrlioz nni iiiadi mo entirely wcdi." N > strou'^ur pioof is re- ((uired. A.tthma is curable, so ia Ciit.irrh. L'sj ' Catarrh. 7.ii>o" an 1 your reiMivery is uuanin'eed. I'wo sizes, 'ib'^ and ?1.0U at all lieulers. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walter »nd family of Tin rnb'iry are now coiiifnrt.ibly settled on the farm recently leasud by Mr. Wiilt.T from Mr. II. Hurd. We extend to them a hearty welcine. Messrs lion Striker and find h a aes. Come all and enj'.y the fui'. The loci'il held at Salem was cjuite a success. The next evenino n num' er went out to Ceylon, whore the S. .\. people bii'.d li social. l)n the way home. Archibald'"*' '''''"7 "'''" <1'''''"S! f'"*' * 1'"""^; coui ' Parties contemplating building should not neglect get- ting our prices before purchasing elsewhere. J. & W. BOYD Flesherton. Ont. Suninier.i of Collin^ood visited friends : lu're on Sunday Inst. Miai (iertrudo Atchcsnn who ban upen^ the past few weeks the KUest of hir aunt, Mrs. GcorRe Hutchinson, returned to her lii.nie near Dundalk on Frid.iy Messrs Leslo Lawrence nod Ernest Proctor visited Meafird friends on •â- iun- ilay Success boys, Mr. llu^li ll'iiiiinund and sister. Miss Kdiiii, atlcudod the weddinjr of their cousin, Mr. Andrew Menarey of IJcaver- dslo last week. Mr. G. E. Kinliy of Collingwood visit- ed friends hure recently. |{id) Sijys lliu next time he goes to Markdale with » friend he will be there in tiuiu to cuti'h the train. from hero got an upset by the culler turning over. The youiij» laily j^'ot a bad sbakin.^ up, but liy the aid of al out a yiud of poious plaster, a ciu'eb and a cane, she is now able to hobble aroiinl. Tliii youriK niau also i;ot a few scialches, which served him ri^lit for being so ciiieleas. The Me-iford Hotel Co. Iiave decided to oiler their property for sale. This is thu conipiiiiy formed to operate a hotel fn I be event of local upiiun carrying. PRIVATE SALE i Farmers! For 30 Days | LOOK Hcr C! 6it>'md up Busi n$$s Some Men Gst Dii Six Times during the niybt because their bladder is so iiiflan-.ed it will not retain more than a tablespoouful of urine. _ y.... p Souie old men, especially, urinate l-ew Will tSCape. twenty-Cve times a d.iy. These are the Tbo torturing aches if corns. Bo pre- 1 uieu who need Bu-Ju â€" the Gentle Kid- pa'cd, â€" llieiPiily paiidesscuro is Putnam'sl ney I'ill. The lirst few pills gave relief. Corn Exirailor. l''ifiy years 111 use and 1 Acid urine is ncutralizetl â€" the delicate absoUuely guaiunteod. Kiieciiiii nienibranc, lining the bladder, is soothed â€" and tUe kidneys are strengthened and healed. Men eay that I!u-Jn gave them the only uuiuterrupled night's sleep they had enjoyed in ye.irs. 50c. a large r, „ 1,1. HI 1. p» 1 >i ^x- At dmgKists or from The Claflin . « \ l';'K7"^a "fch 7. to Mr.> Chemical Co.rLimited, Windsor. Ont. 57 and Mrs. 1. E lioiiwuk, a daugliter. 1 1 . 1 At last our old tiiiio friends, the crows, have returned to their old hanuls. They are niinolhaii 113 they pioclalmi Lot a'->, ooii. u, towntliip of .Vi'rinosin, 0011- soiiiiL'at hand j talni '•-; llie ucrep, in aoros iimipr t'lUtivalion, to ' * , *~ â- , . ' - , . , . .. I unnil iiiiMttivo land, o'unio:!; rust m l>ii*b, eeutl Anepidenuoof measles U makin,' ll 1 or .La. .1. «.ll wft'or*.!; Iok luni-o, Iob stal.l •prolty hot lor ibo younysters in this '.»"'« '"'"1, 3 mil. b fium neliool WiIIbuJ couiinunily. Si:arcidy a hnuso but has .soiiio one duwii wiili them. Mr. <lohu Linlosi, of Miill.iud, is visitiiij; friunili here at present. Mrs. II â- ^.•, an I Mrs. vVoo.lliurii, have bill h been ou (he sick list, for llie pist| week. I Mr. Cjoorj^i) Cordon and daniilil era have ! taken up their ro.iideiKo in T iroim , 1 Hnvae C vear« I t'ow 7 vears iu calf 1 Top buKtjy i! Sot of sii]f;tc harncBS 1 Ciittor rair lijiht bobulolMlis 1 Hut Heavy baruena, bet of lumber trucks Biivfrul vlonchH, l.ioul rbllum aiul piilporB, S'T.IW) ft. Lmnber, 500 fc^iiuares !i1mu(;Ic», tiilincii, ItuorinKb iin.l ollii;r boueu lUiUli. Cenio alonu anil got tbis btulf at your unu pAicu wbilu it ld!ltU, I have opened up a now Harneae shop in town and have n good and ever increasing stock of Bells, Blank ots, llobos and all Winter Neckssities for the Horse Owner. Drop in and have nio do any Ilaroess Repaiiing you may have. I can do it riaht. Everything Must be Sold , Q Ul pLJH' « Will also rsccivo offers for the imrchaso or ^J - BO« I llllll I Ik% ItseoftLouiillpvopoity amlilwelliug. â- <>-â- â- â- â- â- â- ll|#VP R. P. LEGATE FARM FOR SALE \ ch\ HI*, on dusy ttJi um. Ajiitlv to I'liiii- '.W.CUOZIKH. R«t,'oi>ift H HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get tho beat Photos is at BULMER'S PUOTUGUAPH GALLERY. Khiibcrli'y Messrs. Thos. and Alex F.iwcett of P^riy S lUiid Disiriel visited friends hero cl,iriii.{ the past week. ftl-. Walter McKoown of Collingwood w IS in to>vn on Air-), .lanu* Cio.vsio:i anlixin, Kenton, .â- [ Alarkdald Ht« the guests of .Mrs. \ V,. Myle.. M s<e« AMio MoMu'lon anl ida Su'livan of t'lDdiofton visituJ friend) liei'u on Sun lay la«t. Air. Guo Mutc'iin'io'.i visi'o I Uumldk {rie nis reciilitl). Tlioy are i;really inished aiiioi.jilho piople, esjiecialy in llui Presbyterian eloii ell, and Saliba'li Solio(.l, wdieio -Mr. (lordon was S.ibb .til y dioul su,»eriiitcijdei.t, Hiid an uKler ill thu cliiucli nincu it coiunieiioed, ' and was very aelivo in all j;oi)d work. Ills sxii Wdliaiii, remains oi> thu farm, i lie inteii4sso<iii to lake a paitnci for life. Muss Ida Buiiai n, of (Iwuii Soiiil'l, is viaitiiiK lior cousin. Mis, McMuster, of' Ku.:enia. | Mr, Walker Sloan wiia home from Kichiiiond h II, thu p:o t weik. Ilo nas 'linhlly under the weiUhoi, with the grippo Air. Kd. Lej^aril his g'HiP, with liia stock, boi'Sehold goods lu £tro 4'jtield, Snsk., in thu Arnmirong colony, where he h IS ht>iiies*i'aded. Mr.i. LkGiuI and children vvid j liii him iihi.'illy. Ev r.,onu la borry lo pun w ih Iboin, as they weru 111 od nuiuhbors i,nd will be gren ly nrssed at EiiL,'ei i'. All heaitity join in Kinhiii^ Ihem pr isperily in tbe.r western home. Mr. (ioi'r^e i^b Idiuin expects to have a );oo I liaio at liij lioniu ntar S.ileni â- n I'liday uveniiu. h is not a w\dUiig, I bill u necktie sooiil wio re every lid will cANrtqiAH' For Settlers IN WESTERN ONTARIO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and How Reached Wrlto for free coplpa ot SETlI.ERy GUIDE ^^^T^^^l:^ . cnc Irulii sei vico forBOttlerB ^ravellliiK wiln live flloek and otfiiets to tliuNorthwu;.tin March auil .\|iril, »ithpas.',eufer and fruiifht rates, WE.STERN CANADA .Vjl^^'it'^ wivM and wi'rtern eenditlniiB. 80 pam liifiiniiathHi InvKhiublo tuuetUoru. Usatul maps and hialUtlcJi, TfJlfP TiJXIFQ showing (lont)lo dally 1 1111 u I >iiiLiLi.i piisMongor train sorv loo lo Wliinliiuu 1111(1 Calvary. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Leave Tornntn rially. (Xinifortaliln, roomy bcrllis at nindorale rates. Knlly iiiulppid « i! li tioddliig, rooking ranpo and every eoii; yenlciire. liurlba should (throiii enlciiee. iiurlba should be reserved all neanftC. I'.K Agout) atloahtlwo weoks licforoilepartmo. Write lo daj for free bonks and anytliing oil want to know about the west and how DBS C. B. rOSTBA. yo . to rouuli It. Address c. B. n Di«t. Pass. Agl., C.P.Il,, Toronio Sj'CCLXL ATTGNTION We pay S|iccial Attention to Copying and Bjibieii' pictures. Picture fram- ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures and we wdl;vction. Directly opposite The Advance otliae. Flksheuton, - - Ontariq WINTER HARNESS GOODS B$11$» BlanketSt Kobes Farn\ Laborers Hnd Domes$3c$ T ha'.-o beer^appi.inted by the Dominion Government t > place iiiuni;4ranlfl from the I'nited King lom in poiiitioiiH as farm Inhourcis or doniL'Siic Servants in this vicinity. Any pfisona ri ipiiring such help should no- tily mo personally or by letter stating fully the kind of help teipiirod, when wanted and WKces oft'orcd. The numbers arrivinu may not bo suflicient to supply all reiiuests but every ellort will bo made to provide each applicant with the help rcr)uired. W. W. TRIMBLE Canadian Oovcrnin«nt!Binptoyment Agent I FLESHERTON, ONT. P'lir lined coats, pooketlrooks, satchels, razor strops and other leathtr yoids. Cutters-best makes-and everything in the liarness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont. Shiortliorri Cattle for Sale LovliilaHand Wimplas, tho boat of broodina and qiittlitv. Hull, cows and boifom for bale at reaKouahlo prices Lot3»,oon.6 CtU8;-6T.\FFOKD, Flcshorton Yorkshire Boar for Service. Icnod liiiH for iiorvice on lot 163, 2ml W. T. *8. R., Artomonitt, a thoroiinhbiod YovkBlilro boar, "Lakeviow Victor," No. 18420. Tonus *1 UO, ThorousbbrodB extra. A Bplou.. did stock y Nttar. iliuo»lFcb. THOS. QUtao frop. Farm to Rent Lot 141 1 12, .Vd range T. & H. H., two miles from Kleshortnn, coutaining 100 acres. Hood orchard Imildings, inclmtlag brick house. Siiloiulidlv WHtired. Apily to â- ISAAC SJNC.'LAIK, Klcshcrtyu f«. W ♦ I* ti