Flesherton Advance, 14 Mar 1907, p. 5

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THE FLEES HEETON ADVANCE March 14 Id.JT *m » . t •i « 'â- ! ' »i > CSTABLISHED 1*73 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - - - - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $ i and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in makins V/Jthdrawals Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. FLESH SRTON BRANCJJ George MaicSr^cH, Jfaaa^sr Vicinity Chips For money nt lowest rates, lainl secur- ity! -5" to *• S. V.iiiDuseu, Fk-sliertoii. Good fiirai nmro fi)r siiio. Apply to Jos. Foiris, Ceylon, Out. Two stacks of yood bay for anlo. A|:.- jj'ytoJ.F, Uolliucon, Ccylnii. Rev. Mr. Kipp will spiMk iioxf Sun- ilvy moniii';^ in the Bjpti.-,t churcli on "How lu T-ili li Chiisliui'."' Fcu SALE â€" Four puro bnd, slioit Iiorn bulls, from twt?lve to sixteen nioiiths nl.l. I'edeairets ou iipplicntiuii. J. I.Ornluin. 'Clie Mission n iDd, Mixwoil, ia pn piir- iii'^ ft uoiiii prof^ram for a conceit to bo belli Friday, Mar. '.•2. Biirtjiiiis i:i Wall Papers -3000 rolls for salo by 'J.E. Tryoii, Piiciiville. Lostâ€" Iron uidn o( ciilter, between .Fleshertori anil the station. li'iiider please leave ut this uUlce. UocsB .UJD Lot foe eALRâ€" Large double lot, good iiouso, on main .slreet. Flesber- ton. Apply to Mrs. l-". Uulniur, Flesher- ton. For Saleâ€" Retfiatoryd Shorthorn bull Prince Albert, No. 57520, dark red, 2 years old. Apply to A. E. Hauley, lot4, oou. It', OHpiuy, Foversliam I'. O. Shawl i.oht â€" W'olleu shawl, hand knit, between the village and Wilcox b, west back lino, much valued for asHociaiions. Finder ple.iselonve at this oliice. Got your cbop))inK done at the Electric Planr, Kut^enia. tjatisfactiun uuaraiiteed on clean 2â„¢i"- C'jiko early in the day and avoid the rush. Great debate, eIoi)Uliou, sing'ns;, etc., by the handaoniobt •woiitea in town (this was written liy The Advance editor) on Kridiy e>'enins of this wejk. Dr. Caldwell H sennnns next Sunday: n.hi., '-Wonderful I'owerof Prayer and Exauiples," p.m. /'Lift your own Corner, Four [..Uotdcruplis, What ine i.-* Â¥â-  urs?" Mrs. R. Ueniliani yaveaparly toaboul twenty-live youn;{ jaople laat Friday. A very enjoyable evening was ttpeut l)y all preKcnt. We nnderalanil that. Mr. W'. \V Trimble has repurchased the stage IhhI- ncss fro'U Mr. Eiuur£<'n Adams and will r^in it iu connection with the new hotel. Koticeâ€" Partes wiahinii to got a snpidy of chop on hand can have it duiie at CoUinsou'H Mill, Ceylon, any day thist week before the rush of work coninienoes. â€" G. Collin.son. An auction sale of furin stock and inip- Knients will be held on lot 2'.>-;5li, con. 8, Artuniesia, on Saturday, March 2U, the property of Mrs. Ann Kennedy. Hee bills. D. Robert s, auctioneer. Re({i.stered Yorkshire sowa ei^ht weeks old, prize winning slock, for sal-*. Siro, first prize ut Toronto an<l Londnii. PriccH Uiithl. â€" Andrew Sniclair, i\Ic- intyte P. O. FOK .SAi.Kâ€" The pure Irei'd reiiialraled short horn bull, king of the spmys, tit. for Beivioe, will be a(dd seasonable, for (J.wh ot ^ood paper. W. .1. Mend.'} lot 2U N. D. R. Arteniosia, Ceylon P. O, For Biilo â€" Mare dnu to foal in M;xy,cow due to calve ii, April, sow due to pij^ in April, and three head of youna cj.ttle. A|)ply to Mrs. Archie MclMi lil, PiicL- -yilleP. O. Farm for sale or rent - One mile cast of Prieevilli", 50 acres, good orohatd, Iniild- ings, inelndim; brick house. A haid- wood bush, ami walm-cd hy the Sjiuijeeii Kiver. â€" .Mis. Archie JlcPhail, Priceville. Mr. Herb Smith h.is puiohasi:d W. W. Trimble's reaidenco and property on Toronto straot and will lake pos.-^oasion this month. Mr. Ttinibl,! has moved into the new hotel this week. The Prosbylorian Ladio'-sAid will o;ive an npruu social at Mr. .J loob Thompson's, east back line, on Tuesday evoninj;. 10th iiist. Adiiii.ssion, 15c. Teaiim will he urovided to take all -<\ho wish to go fioin tjie villiige. I Died â€" Mcljcian â€" At his hon>G, one mile south of Priceville, on Tuesday, March 12. .'Vlexander McLean. Deoo.isod was fur many y.-ars an older in the Price ville P.-esbyierian church. No particu- l{krs are to band. Mr .John Poland, of Vandeh'or, one tjt our uio.^t, sucoossful stock ra'sers, dc- liiered at this .s'aMoii one d;iy last week 85Si5 worth of steers. Mr. IJoluud still hail 35 .bead of oiittle on the fiirui. ''''le new hotel to bo opened to iln> lljiv within ft few days will recpiiro a name. A correspondonr at Ceylon su;r- i,'est.s "DunroKin," bi'Cf.Ufe that is the name of th-; best hoiri in Scotland. From several sources the name "P.irk Ho'i-l" is )-uu':?es'ed. Cm anyine think of a hettei ; if not. it is altogeihiT likely that "Park" it will be. Horses for sale â€" ?'2r<0 will hny a span of eolts, one of tlu-m .'5 yonrs old, and tlio oth r four years idd.bred from Lightning', is a u<»fid size, l.ij hands hiijh.well broken and lead/ to no to W"rk. They muse be sold as I liavo too many horses; will .sell (Mij (ir both. Apply to James Stuart, Kimberley. Mr. Geo. Wat3o:i of Proton Station has purchased the Trimble lots opposite W. P. C'rossley'a and will build thereon, and prob.ibly erect a sawmill. Mr U'atson and family will make yood citi- zens And I'hs Advance is pleased lo j<he tliein a hearty welcome in the name of our fillow ciiizens. Remember the married women's con- cert in the town hall Friday evoniDM of this week in which the married women only will take pait. The ladies have for a lont; time been preparing a program which we think will more than olve satis- faction It is under the aiispues of ihe L.Hdie3 Aid. lie sure you attend. MiSirs. Blukely Jlc Boyd have had a lot of trouble in endeavoring to rebuild their Jam, which broke away some time ai;i<. After getting it preity well along towards Gl'inpletion three times it has broken away •-igain. The last break occurred Monday evening which left matters in a wcnse Condition than ever, and will pndiably Olid the work until the frost '.;oes away. At ihenuMituly meeting of the Presbj-- torian Ladies' Aid on T'oursday labt a i-ctoliUion was un:tnimously ailopted, in- structing tile secretary to convey to Mis. Will. Neil the sincere synipaihy of ilio society in the ureat loss she had sustained by the deal h ••( her bi loved Ir.isbaml. .VI IS. Ned desires, through the co nnins of The .\d'.'auce, to express her gratitude to the iiiinierinis f;ieiids wlm liiiva in many w.iys coiitiihuled to her comfort during her illness and bereavement. We notice by a WinnipeB paper ihut Miss Can ie Uutledge, daughter of Mrs. Robert Kutledge ot this p'acc, and now a lairse in the Winnipea 'vjeiier.d hosiiital was quite paiiifnl'y injured recently while heroically attenipting to savn the life of a l"abe. The little patient w.as being moved fiinn one flat to another on a wheel etretelier which w.aa beijig taken up the elev'ator. The Cig.) nceiden'ally still ted too soon and the stretcher was caught and smashed to pi<;ee». Miss Uutledge grabbed the infant but in doin-.^ so subtaincd a painful injury to her arm and chest, lint these are not considered senou?. The man in eliargo of the ele- valor was also slightly injured. â€" ^.f^iMf*-^ â- -"- â€" Persona! IViention Mr. Fintrson Bellamy is spending a week with friends in Coilingwood. Miss Jaiik.son, of Greenwood, B. C. is visiting at Mrs. '.Vlnto's. Mr. Jos. Thomas, of Stralhavon, is at the Li.iptist parsonage. Mr John ICeir, who has been in Illinois for some time, lias reuiriied h<.)iiie. Mr. A. McVIillan. of Ottervilhi is the guest of bis uijcle, Mr. R. Cook, Ceylon, Mr. George Clarke retiinu'd MiJii^lay afto. a week's visit with fi ni.ds in Owen .Sound. Mr. A. 11, Fisher of Llidiardton, 2Sew (>iit., i^ visiting fr.ends in town. Mr. and Mrs. \S'. F. Jolinsiton, of Tliiinihuiy, visited their dauubter, Mi.s. Ijeo.Stuitrt, 'his week. Mr. and Mrs. .J. Runstadtler are visit- ing with friends in Linwxodaiid Wa'.orloo this week. Mr.s. F. OolT, of Thorubury, spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs. J. W, .\riootroiig. Mas'ei Fred and M.'ss Ella Kaistedt ari spiiiding a week with relatives iu Eiiiiwood and Walkeitoii. Miss Ahblo McMulleo, who has been atenoj;rapher wltli R. J. Sproulo for the past ooiiple of yoais, resigned last week and is at pra<.nt with her noithcr in Moaf.ird. Married Alien â€" ihilmanâ€" â€" ')u Wedi osdiy, March (5t.h, P'()7, at 88 Albany Avenue, Toronto. by the Rev. John MacNeil, B..\. Mr. Richard .-Ulen of Flesheitoa to Miss Laura fi. Hulin;m of Toronto. Thoriiburv will have a new planing miil' Trout's block, Meaford, was destroyed by lire last week. The loss was from 312,000 to 815.000. This block com- piiaed three stores and living apurtjueuts over them. Insured for 84000. Feversham After a very successful stay of one year tlie otticers of the Salvation Army, Capt. Harbour and Lieut. Bourn of the Fever- sham circle corps, have said good byo to their many friends. Their last meeting was held at Salem whore there has been a very great improvement on the roof of the slied and repiirs on the church. The wcnnen folks of the Salem circle did .some good baking for the social and the men folks came and did ju.stiee to the victuals. Ait«r the supper a very inter- esting program was put on the scene by the liK'al people and after two and a half hours of music and singing wo olo.sod a very enjoyable evening. The peo[de all responil in wishing the ofticei-s iu their next aiijioiutnu'iit good .success, thoiigli .sorry to see them go, but the S. A. is an ovganizfition in which orders must be obeyed, so with a good byo and God ble.ss them wu must part. â€" Com. A Vermilion Letter Tu the Editor nf The Admincc. Dear .Siu, â€" As you wished to hear from the west, I thought I would write you a few items. It has been very cold here â€" 'M to til below zero â€" but very calm and clear mo.st of the time. A niiui could work every ihiy, so far as Ihe c(dd was concerned, but there .ire plenty of people here who would rather freeze than cut wood for the stove. There is plenty of wood and coal here, and I have nob heard of any stsibles be- ing burned for wood yet, nor anybody being frozen to death, excepting one man near Baltleford, anil he lost the trail. The cattle are in good .sliajie. There is plenty of feeil here. 1 siiw in your paper- last summer how stony the west was. 1 have seen none of them, ami I had to draw stone seven miles U' sti.uie my well iiid pay one ihilhir a load for tlieiii. The counti-y is settling fast and there is a good demand for all farm produce. I liopo you will hear from some of the rest of your westiirn sul)seribers. The wea- ther is very line now. â€" JAS. DOW Vermilion, AlUi., Mar. 1, 1!H>7. Tariti for Sak For Sale Chea])â€" L.it 143, con. 1. N. K. T. & .S. U.md, Arteniesiii, SO acres. All cleared and in h'oodKtate of cultivation, (ioml lirick ven- eered dwelling, frame lj»in ami stalile, 2 ifood vvellf, ami yoiinn oreliard, 1-2 uiilo north of VIoshertcm on Kiavel rond. Thi.s is a first cla«8 farm, no better soil in the towiinliip. At the door of yood school, P. O., ehurchm, etc. Apply on the premises, or to U. J. SPROULE, Flesnertun Cinders OSanted OKALKDTKNDEUS addressed to thennder- ^ HiKi»o<l, Tenders fur Public Bcliool building situBted Lot lit, Con. 7 Osproy S. 8. No. 14 wiU bo received until NXonday. Mttr'25th, IIK)7 Inclu^- ivrlv. for the construotion of Public School tuiliiin;'. Contract lutist bo coniploto by Aur 1 1U07. l^lan and HpeciUcatious cau be rood after Mar. 12th at K Podlere, Lot'24, Con 0. Osprey iiondf natisfnctoryto tlio board of rrustees will bo rc'iiiirod of ilio TondorH. Lowest or any toudur uut uo»'ossftrily accoptod I3a\viu Pedlar Sec. Treasurer. Pure Bred Camworfbs and Berksbires t liave for sale Btniie jiuu-bred Tamwoith sows, also two nice pure bred Berkshire boars nearly ready tu wean. Satisfaction giiurau- teed M.17 07 â€" G. W. Ross, Maxwell. Farm forSale* Lot 33, eon. 13, Arteiaesia; 100 acres, cleared, oO acres haidwood bush, 30 aer'! nwanip. ( ioiid frame house and log stables. and logstalik-3. Well watered. Will be soW cheap and ou easy terms. Ai»ply to nov27 R. W. McMulhii, Euuenia. SDortborn Bull Tile tlioroiiKhbred Shurthorn Bull, "Favor- ice," 0223.">, is for service on lot 27-'2ti,2ndrftnKe N. D. R,,Ai'tuuiesia. P.'iliitrre on application. Terms sjl.2.'') -VLKX. -McHAK, Cevloii Slippers, Overshoes and Riabbers § FOR SALE AT CLAYTON S | We have already rtjceived a very large stock of new good.'^, and invite you to give us a call, expecting a good bargain. Wo will not disappoint you. (Custom mork and Repairing Httended to Al L IHIN, PALE WOMEN Can Learn The C<iuss of Their Ncr- vous, Used-up Condition, With women, iil-beslth ia usnully traeeahlo to nerve exhiiUitu.n. FeeliiifS run-down and tiled most of the time is naiuie's w.iriiing that more iicrve-foiie is required You ii'ust bnilJ up, nourish the body, vitalizj the nerves, get \v."in riesh and blood. Il'.s the abundant niitrinient and biiih'- iiig material in Kemiz.me that i n ibhs t to cure so many siek woiueii. It iiiere.'is- US the apjieliie, avids weii;lit and i-trenuth, nst'ires lost cilor .â- iiul di'Veh.ps a siirplui- of enerey and nerve force ili.it delies tickiiess of any kind. Tlieio is living proof ill Mrs. Daoiul Peignsop, Jr., of Prescoit, Out. Read her statemoiit. " A year nuo my health failed. 1 grew thin and exceedingly pile. At liiiies 1 was prostrated with nervous sick hei.d- acho. All day I was tireil. At iiitht it was dillicull to ol tain restful sleep. My appetite w.ii variable and indigestion bothered me coiisideiably. 1 bicaine morose and sidiVrnl fioin heart piilpitn- tion. You could scnicrly b. lievo tlo' benelic I dsriveJ in one week fruin h'eiri zone. Culor csnie l.a;k to my cheeks. My vi'ality and nopeiite increased, renewed neive force and i>eiter spriis came also. FeroZ'om did a. world of good and noolo iiio w..'!l." Kemember this: No alcoholic stimu- lant can nourish and build up liko Fenu- zoiie. Fifty ceiit« per box or six fur S2.51). At all dealers, or N. C. Poison and Co. l<.ini;sl( n. On'., and llArtfurd, Conn., U. S. A. BY TENDER lu tlio m;»t!or of the oatuto ot Diivid Slin- soil, l.ite of t!uiT()\vnsln;»uf Artenieein, ill thd Ct/Uiity of Urcy, ii<Mitluin;in, fleoeaHt'd. CK Vlif'ID toudnrrtwill bo toct;ivotl by the iiudf:r* ^ sifjiied until oneo'clock p. iii. on.TucMlay.the Reoondilay of Apnl, !1K'7, for tho purobai^uof all tiin) Biiiuular that covtuin |iaruul or triict uf bind and preiniNeM.&ituutu Wui^ nndbein^: in ihn TownKliip of Arto:nti8ia i»i 4iie Ooiuity of {4rey and I'rovincoof OiiLario a.iu\ boiuK oo:iij)Osi)d of \>ai t id lot No. 0110 liunt'roJ and nin«:ly lu tbo Second Hauan Soulli \V'ot*t nf tho IV-ronto nm) Syduiibani iloadin the .â- <aiil Towimhip, ai. 1 may be more ]iartionlftrly known u:id dt;6crib.< 1 as folloWH! Conimoiiciiiij nt a jjoiut In the Boutli KaBtorly boumlary ot naid lot at a diiitancu of Hixtoun rodp, toutteen ft:ot and oi^ht incho; frota the Soiitbfvesterlv unt^Ui thoruof, thoacu Xortboily para lei to tiio Suutbwe»tt rly bound- ary th.eiuof, thirtoon and one thiid rodfi, tluince Noi thciihtorly parallel to the Suutheaiitorlv boundary tliernof tliroo ro.b;; Tbcuco soiilh eai«turlv parallel to theSoutlnTestorly boniidiiry thoreol IJiirteon and onu-third JrodP, thence Soutbwehlorlyaton^ the South wustovy bouodary thereof throo rods to the piaco ot bc(^imunn, containing one fourlli of an auro mori! or loss PoBSetjoion yiven on the fl'st day of Juno next" Torni« of Halt?â€" Forty porcont of thti i)urchasu nioni^y to b.- paiil on delivei y of a tieod un-l pos- Re8.-*ii>» of thu fiaiii lands anu pvomipe!'. Hi4;ueyt or uuy touder not necns^iiiily acooptod. For further paBticnlnrH apply to Willinni Sliurpo. Fiesherton, Unt.; (ieorjjo iNhjur*', Piott.u Stution, Out.; or David Albert Stint^^xi, I'lenli- brton, Out., oxtionlorsof thu -iuid OKtate. Jauies Lai:iou. Solicitoi fortho K.xocntorrt Ulomit PIcasiint l^erd. Of pnrcbred Bcoteh Shortorn.'i with the fanioiiri \oun^ ntock bull, Scottish Chief, ut thu b(!nii. 'Younn stock for salo, pricua roasonable, toiiiiH f*aHy. otmarOo? R. ALLISN Prop. 170, rion. *>. E.r. A3.ft , CL YT F-X-ESUEHTOM, ONT. â- ,K: >â-  >; > > r, i >;' I ^. •â-  r I K • I >â- â- : ,h- >, â-º .'" I inteiul kec'iMiig on hand all through .seeding a good supply of Government Inspected Grass and Clover Seeds, Fi-csh (JARDEN SEEDS just in. ^ Bibhi.es l^r;am Eipiivalent for calves. I'eninants of all kinds of fj? Dry Goods to be sold very cheaply to make room for new Spring vj Goods I expect in about two weeks. .\lso Spiing Boots and Sw Shoes, coaiso and hue that will give good satitliaction and at 2^ reiitonablo priies. Bring your Kgys and Butter, we pay the ^ highest mat ket price. "=^3 -^3 -^^ °^3 J as. Pattison, Ceylon. â- WJf^-V^-V >* -*.â-  '.A- -4^ '.-k'"-*-" *ii»^:bt.-'' '-" *^iiitlii'gs anu We have just placed in stock a large consignment of iinpoi'ted Tweeds and worsted of the newest and most up-to-date pattern.s and .shades. Wo just solicit a call from you and you will he convinced that they, wiihout any exceptions, are the fullest and best assortment on this line, With the same consignment of snitings we have a full Imc of tnc newest and up-to-date dres.s gooils and w.aist length.'^, (.'all and sec them and you will agiee with ns that they are just what we reccomend them to hv. Wc SeM both Quaker aad Lotacks' High Grade Flour. Flesherton - - Ontario.

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