Flesherton Advance, 14 Mar 1907, p. 6

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'4 IsTMlNS COMMITTED Must Face Trial in Connection With Death .,.,^ of Husband From Poisoning. A dospnlrh from r'.nyii(jn. Ont., says: A »iinriiill:il was socurwl by the Crown J«U' 'rimrsilay afU'iiioon in llie cnsc of Mrs. Miitlic i'crkins, nren.si'd of having ImiwhuhI litT tuLslxind. Ili'tiry I'crkins, ^^illl .stryclitiino. Thi' hcarin},' closwl Willi II drnnialic exit liy Mr. E. I'. IJ. J<ihn.ston. K.C.. who <>xpri\sso(i in very fdrciblo U'l-Mis his ilis),'ii.st Willi Iho ac- tiiin of Iho (iiiii'l, cliiiMiint; llioiv was Tiiil II lilllo lit oviilciici' <in wliirli the pii.s<)iM'r .stuiiild U^ roiilinod lo juil to iiwail her trial. While u comniitlal was nut uni'xpi'cloU. the proscculion was lilllf iiKiiv .salLslie*! Ilinn llu' do- leiiic with Ihc liirn of affairs duriiifi Ihi' day, u.s llie cvldonce on which Iho Crnwn ivlii'd lo Iho la^^'esl extent prov- €ii Ui ho I if mi vahn-. Tho wilnoss rc- ser\ed lo clinch Iho conviction was Mr. Tli(iiiia.s McUiiiaUt, who inado and Sit'neJ a .stateiiioiit lo the Crown some Ifmo ago in ropord lo convcr.salions "W had hiul with the prisoner. When pluc- <•(! in Iho l)Ox McDonalil adinitlcd Ihiil he hud iiiatJe Iho slulomeiil alter lioinfj ndvisoti to consult willi his fatlKT, ami thai ho had Iwo \vo.;ks lalcr gone vol- milarily lo the Cruwii Attorney's ollico and had it rcvi.sc-d. Hut he also swore that Ih.' statement did not contain what lu wauled to say, and |)0,sitively denied a ninnbor of Iho mntlcrs uiK-n which Iho Crosvn had relied. Tho court-i(Kim was crowded to over- llowinn on Thursday, ;us on the previ- ous day. and the audi<>nco freely gave o\pros.siori to its feelings, applauding at limes and Men lii.ssing on occa-sion. .Mrs. Perkins was coriimitled lo jail lo iiwait lirr trial at llw assiz&s, and thoro will 1)0 no qiiaslion of bail. The noxt A.ssi/.e Court will be held on April ICth. T\V<)-l'<)\Vi:U HT\.M)AUD. This >Yill .Slill Itr Maintained In the Itrilish Nai-y. A do.spiitcli from l.onilon say.s : In InliDdiiciiij,' Iho navy i'Klimiit<« in Iho House of CxiniMHirL'i on 'lurtsdiiy the I'ar- liariionlary .S<rii>tiiry of tho Admiralty, Mr. Hobortvin, said Ihi' Ailiniralty Ik>- liovi^I llial Iho lwo-|inwor slandaid wiiiikl lio .idoiiuatcly iiiaintniiKNl by tho propo.sal jirogramino tor construction. l)uiiiig till' iia.st Ion years (iroat Mnliiiii hail iiilili'd l,l;lu'.iiir) tons lo her navy, wliilo Itiifvsia. I'riiiico and (Vniiany lo- t;.'llior had iiddod only l,ll)H.2H0 "tons, 'llio lirili.sli iiiivy was Iho cheapest, cost- ing $ii5 [lor Ion. Tlint of Kniiice cost S*-'!!, MiLssia $U]5 and Cormany $i»5. Two years lionco Ureal lirilain will have ciiiii|)lotod six now batlloships, including Ihiiv of lh<> Dioiidnought clas.s and Ihivo nriiiored cniusoi's of thu Invincible class, wlijlo neilhor Krance nor Connany would have a single ship of thast^ ly[)os corn- pletiHl. The lioine (loot wius a logical dovokjpniont of its Concentration in homo NMilocrt iifid turni.shod addilional .swurity ajiainst Iho i-eiiinle risk of invasion. The channol ilcot was stronger now than it was in I'XIJ. SIX LOCOMOTIVrX OUDKnRD. .. Coiilrai'l f(ir Nrodcd lOnoines I^ot by 1'i-iniskaniiii(| ('4in)niis.sion. A do.sp!it(h from Toronto says : Con- tracls tiir llie --iipply nf six loooniolivos for Iho (iovornmoiil Hiiilwiiy hav<' IxH'n lot by Iho Ti'iiiiskaming and Northern (intario Hallway Ci.inmlssion. 'The en- gines, which will bo of tho lon-whool pa.ssengi>r lypo. will Ik' consliiicted by Iho .Moiilioiil l.iicximotivo Works, at a cost (if )!!k'ii.(i(Ki. Tho coiiipiiiiy will de- livur thorn in OcUiber. P<HM» MtO/.KN TO DKVTil. Itody ol I'nknuwn Man Disrovorod on Shore ol Toniiskaniin(|. A ili'spalch from rnimlt snys : Ilndor Iho loo of !)4\irs I'.iok on l.ako 'Teriiis- kaiiiiiig four iiiilos fniin llailcybury, Iho lii.dy of l-'elix Marks, a minor, was found fni'/.on stifl on WoilnoMlay morning. Ilo niid his brollier wore working nl a niiiio Tieur Argonlilo, ami ho loft llailoyiiury on Tuesday night to go back to the niino. About 7 o'clock on W'lilncsday morning he was founil fro/on, Ilo is a native of IliMifrow. Dr. CimIiI, district Coroner, ami a Cobalt cimslablo I.Kik Iho roiiiains ti lluiU'ybiiry. 'Tiny fmind Iho body on Iho ico, unit it Ls ovidonl Unit Iho man nnisl have lain down and boon frozen. TAXES ON \VO0DIX)TS. IVovision Made (or Rxrnipting Tlicni From Taxation. Tho lOfHi so.ssion of Ihc Ontario Pro- vincial Legislature .saw the flrsl attempt 111 r'-VLse Iho taxation of woixJlands ^n Onlari<i. Complete exemption of wood- UiLs fi'om taxation is now po.ssible in any part of llu> province of Onlario, umlor certain ixinditions. In Iho lirsl jilace a by-law niiLsl be pa.s-sc<l by IIk' township council lo con- fer the oxoni.ption. which may be inado either total or partial. Not more than Iwenty-tivo acres owneif by any one man may lx» oxoinplod. The term "woodland" is di'llnwl In tho act. Such land must tiuvo growing on it trees as follows: KXi Irocs over eight inches in diameter, op toe Iroes over five inches in diameter, or M) trees over two inches in diameter, o- 40U trees of all sizes. No land is considered woodland if slock is allowed Ui graze on it. The varieties of trees wliich ar« ro- cognizod by the act are as follows: f^inifwdus (or evergreen) trtvs: while [line, N<irway [line, hemlock, laniaraek, white spriii*. Norway spriuo, ce<iar. Hardwood (or broa<i-lenved) tn-es: oak, ash, ^clin, hickory. hasswocKl. tulip (jr whilow.Kid), black cliorry, walnut, but- leinut, choslniit, hard and .soft maples, .sjciimore, bi^ecli, black locust »nd ca- lal|<a. Afler a by-law has boon passod lo put lliis exemption into effect any woodland ow 111 r who desires to secure such exemi>- tion is lo make application lo the town- ship clerk liy Kob. Lst. 'Then the pro- porty Is to be examined by the a.ssessor. and, if Iho pi<))M'rly is found to come within till' coiKlilions of the act, Iho ox- emplioii may bo granted, .Such exeiiip- Imn cea.sos, however, if grazing is al- lowed in the wiMHllaml, or if tho land IS cut over and llie trees roinovod. LEADING MARKSTS BHEADSTUFFS. Toronto, Mar, 12.â€" Call board quota- lions are:â€" Wlicatâ€" Onlarioâ€" No. 2 while winter, 72>^c asked 78 per cent pginls, Ttc ask- ed oul-sidc; Tic bid C, P. H.; No. 2 red, 71c bid 7» per cent, poinU; No. 2 mix- ed, 71c bid 7'i per cent, points C. P. ». Wheatâ€" Manitobaâ€" No. 1 northern, 00c bid, spot North Hay. Harleyâ€" No. ,1 exira, 50c bid, 78 per cent. [KJints. Pca.sâ€" No. 2, 81c a,sketi, outside. Ouls--No. 2 while, 38Jic bid. 78 per cent, points for 10,000 bashels; 39c ask- ed on 5-cent rale lo 'Toronto, 39c bid on i-cent rate. .Sales at 40%c, truck Toroiit/), and same bid for more. Cornâ€" No. 3 yellow, 45c bid, I.o.b. on M. C. n. or G. T. II. Hyeâ€" No. 2, Mc asked on 5-cent. rale. Prevailing prices are: â€" Wheatâ€" Onlarioâ€" No. 2 while winter, 71>^c to 72Xc; .No. 2 red, 71c lo 72c; No. 2 mixed, 71c lo 71 %c. Manitoba Wheatâ€" Offerings are gener- ally "to arrive"; No. 1 liard, 87c; No. 1 northern, 8o>ic. Oatsâ€" No. 2 white, 40%c. track To- ronto; No, 2 mixed, 38^0 to 39c. Peasâ€" 80c to 8«)%e, Cxirnâ€" In demand; No. 3 yellow Ameri- can, r>2>^c to 53c, Toronto and west; No. 2 yellow, iSc lo 46<; M. C. It. or C, T. n.; Ontario, i53^c to 47c, basis Cha- | tliam freights. I5uckwlioatâ€" .'â- jSc to 5Cc. Ilyeâ€" No bids. Harleyâ€" Finn and in demand; .\o. 2. 5l>!;c to iric; No. 3 extra, r^)c ki 51c; No. 3. 47Xc to WXc. riour- Ontario, 90 per cent, patonis, $i.70 asked, $2.07 bid; Manitoba, lirsl patents, $-1.50; seconds, $3.75; bakers', $3.>.K). limnâ€" Prices are nominal around $21 Ui $22.50. GABS EAl OVER BBIDfii Sensational Accident on the Niagara| River. A despatch from Niagara Falls says: A freight train went to wreck on Iho lower steel arch bridge across llie Ni- agara gorge on .Saturday, and when all was over Iwo cars were teetering < n Ihc edge of the bridge, as if a good push would .send thorn down into the lapids two hundred and fifty feet bo- low. Part of the train was in Canada and the rest was in the United Slates. A New York Central engine pulled a train of forty-.six cars out of the I.ohigh Valley yard and .started across the bridge for tlio Orand Trunk yards. As the train loft the Lehigh Vallov vard the t'lrty-fourth car jumped the track. The whole course of the train was on :» curve, and tho men on the engine could ii'il see as far back as tlie derailed car. The train wont ahead at a rapid rate, anil tlie derailed car jumped over ties, swilches and frogs, damagi.ig everything il struck, Th*' next car behind it was pulled off the track al,s<i, and the two cars went bumping and leaping al Iho AfiniCKMKN'l' IN FAH EAST. Arranneinrnl Itelueen Itrilain, Uussia, Tranre and iapan .Vssured. A SI, Pelorslnirg despiilch .says that an agrioiiioiil bolwi-on llu.ssia, I'ranco, Cireal niilain and ,lapiin rogiiiibiiff |||,. I'iir \',»s\ IS d^'lliiitoly assured, Tlinnks chielly to King Kdward's iiiilialivo an Anglo-Hiissian onlenle is now dolinile. 'The rest day law in Fiance Ihioalons 111 cmLse a Ministerial crisis. HORRIBLE ABUSE OF INFANT couNrnv producr. Butlerâ€" Market Ls steady, with a good demand; prices unchanged. Creamerv, i)rinls 2Cc lo 27c do solids 23c lo 24c Dairy, prints 22c to 23c do tubs 2(>cto2lc C.lKHseâ€" Large, 14c; twins. 14Xc. l-;ggsâ€" Market is easier al 26c to 27c Poultryâ€" N<J change in prices. Chickens, fresh-killed I Ic lo I2c Inferior, frozen slock 8c to 9c Fowl 8cto 9c Dueks 9tlollc Gees© 9c Idle Turkeys lie to 13c Honeyâ€" Pails, lie lo 12c jht lb.; combs Ji to $2.50 (XT Uoz. Hoansâ€" Steady al -SI. ,55 for hand-pick- i\l and $l,.t5 lo $1,15 for primes, Polatoesâ€" Onlario, 85c lo 'M)c; eastern, 95r, lo $1, in car lots here, IJalrtl liayâ€" Ctuolalions aiv steady at $11 lo $11,50 for timothy; secomlary grades are (luiet and linn at $8,50 lo f^.KM in car lol.s here. Haled .straw- -Steady at $6.73 lo 87 ill cur lols here. PnOMSlONS. nres3e<l Hog.sâ€" .*!).50 for lights and ?9 for heavies, farmers' lols. IVirkâ€" Shiirl cul, .1123 to $23,50 per barrel; moss, .$21 lo !f^\.M. .Smoked and Dry Sailed .Meats â€" Long cieiir bacon, lie t<i ll^c for tons and cases; hams, medium and light, I5j^c to ICh'; heavy, I4>ic lo l,">c; backs, \6Xc to 17c; shouWors, He lo tl>ic; rolls, ll><;c; bi'cakfasl bacon. l5Xe In IGc; green moats out of pickle, Ic less Ihaii smoked. Lardâ€" Firm; tierces, 12>ic; tubs, 12Xc; pails, I2%c. end of the Irain out on the bridge. Thei bridge limbers made Iheir way rougher! than over, and as they thundered alona the whoU' structure quivered with Ihoj sliock, and people on the lower deckj i'<s.\ in termr from the sounding '.f* smashing limbtTs over Iheir Iveads.' Some distance out on the bridge Ihv derailed cars broke apart and the kx)So; t.i>e turned a.sido and jammed itself in- to Iho railing, being held back from >!.< plunge inio Iho gorge by its tnickis catching the track. Near the centre nl the bridge the other cur al.so broke sway from the Irain and crashed ttu-iiugh the railing so that its forward end hung over the chasm. It. loo, was sav<xl by iLs trucks catching into the bridge tracks and timbers. The cars were much damaged, the bridge railings and walks were shattered, and .s<imo injury done lo the tracks. It took like auxiliary .several hours lo clear the track. The other line was not ob- structed. cut mess pork, in tierces. $:12.50; heavy Canada sliorl out mess pork, m barrels, .?22 to $23, half-barrels $11.25; .selected, in barrels, .$22 lo .$23; .selected hoavy Canada short cut mess pork, l)oivele.s.s, special (|uality, .$23; Canada short cul back pork, .$22; heavy Canada me&s pork, long cut. $21,50; heavy flank pork, !ii20„50; ,short cut clear pork, $21; heavy flank [xirk, $20.50; clear fat backs, $2;( lo $23.50 per brl. NEW YORK WIIE.\T MARKFT. New York, .March 12.â€" Wheat â€" Spot firm; No. 2 red. 82>ic in elevator and 83)ic f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern l>u- luth, 9l>^c f.o.b. aOoat; No. 2 hard win- ter, 85>i;c f.o.b. afloat. r..\rri.F, market. Toronto. March 12.â€" Pric«! were firm lo higlKT in cattle at the Western Mar- ket to-day. The offerings were moder- ately largo, and tho ipiality of some of the animals was pretty fair. Export cattle were in active demand, ('hoice animals .s<iUl readily at $5 lo $5.25 per cwt, wliile medium exporters' biMuglil US*) lo $4.;»5 (MT cwt. ClKiico butcher.s' callle rt'iK'hed tho .$5 levvl il) a lew .single inslHiice.s yest«u-day, but the bulk of good and picked animals were lower than this. Cows wore in fair demund. Tho quolatlorus wen> as fol- lows :â€" Picked butchers' cattle, $4.65 to $.1 ; heavy butolK-rs', .$4.25 to .$4..50 ; mixed lols and cows, $2.75 to $'!.25 ; fat cows, .$;l.50 to $4.25; common cows, $1.50 k) $3.25 ; and cunners, $1 to $2 per cwt. Heavy feeders were firm and sold readily at $i.25 lo $t.iO. mid ligtil slock- ors wore sleady al $1.75 tu $3.25, acooid- 'iig lo quality. T'.xixirt ewes were sleady at $4.75 lo $0.25; export bucks, al $:i.5<i lo .$4.50; grain-fed lambs. $0.07 lo $7.25 ; and coinnion lambs. .$4.50 to $5.50 per cwt. Hogs were inichnnged. Selects wore sold al .$0.S5, and lights and fats at $0.00 per cwt. WOMAN U':ft doors open. Jury in lloclielaga S«-Jiool Fire Gala*- trophe Bring in Verdict. A despatch from Montreal snys: Tho Corner's jury in Iho Hocholaga school lire catastrophe brought in a verdict on^ Friday aftcrmxin finding the chiklrea were asphyxiated, ami pointing out four errors on the part of tho .school nian-i agemont and others, which, while not coiitribulory crimes, seriously affected' the disaster. Mi-s. llaiMi, the carclnker, loft Ihc doors in the basement open, thus allowing smoke inlo the passage; there was oniLssion to perform the lire drill, and this the board ouglit lo have had proctoiied more often. Miss Maxwell de- layed longer than .she should in warning the ehiUlren iipslaii-s, and there were n(< lire e.^capes. The jury added to its verdict a suggestion that in ettch .scfiool there ought lo be one man at least .is a cusbidian. It did i«)t consulor that the Protestant Hoard of School Com- mi.s.sioners could be heW responsible in the affair. R>.-MAN.\r.ER ARnKSTED. Charged With Kulsifyiiig Books of Bank oi Cnmnierre. A despatch from Rrantfonl says : Chief MrFarlane of Paris on .Saturday night arroslod ,lohn A, I'KiiioHii, lal« munager of the ('.anadinn Hank of Com- niorco at /Vyr, on a charge of falsifying the books and dnounients of the bank, II is alli'god thai on Kobniary 2iid bust li« raised a v<iucher for ,sevonliH'n dollars and ninety oonis lo tliirleon llKuisand and s<'veniecn dollars and ninety conl.s, imd wivingfully iiiikIo an oiilry in Ihc books of llio bank lo cover the amount, Blinded, Arm Bioken, and Otherwise In- jured by Inhuman Father. A despatch fr.im Montreal says: Ja iies Allan, an Ijiglishman, tbiily years f ligo, who pleadoil guilty lu ag'gravalod n,v>aull on Iho pois.iii of his two-and-a- half-joai-olil daiigldor, was on I'liiirs- <iay condemiUNi by ,ludg(^ Clin(pi,.tle lo Ihreo years In Iho peiiiloiiliai y, Mian had niithiiig lo .say f<,i- himself, except Mini he was ,siiriy fui' what lie had done, and Ihal he hail always tiealed his wife and family well. .Iiidgi' ciiniiiiillo, in pa.ssing sentence, Fiiiil. -"This is <ino of the worst cases of cruelly I have over hoard <if. You li-ealoil your child in .«uch an inhuman niiimur that she is now tolally blind. You stiiti,' lliiil yiiii wore kind lo your wife and tainily, but you did not even lake your child lo a doclor. ^nu miglil 1 1 lie Ihiinkful tliat, according lo llie law. I cannot ft'.vo y<iu nu.ro than Ihieo years for your dreadful ulfence. For i\ brute like jou I hero is no mercy. You Bre a disgriice to the rommiiiiity, and I will give you the maxiinuiii senienceâ€" â-  years In Hie iM'nilenliary," .:•• evidence proviNl tliat the little f ri htid Ik'on droadliilly ill-used. The TjSs of lier eyesight, as explained by a doctor, was dniiblloss duo lo a severe blow given, her by her father over Hie head while the upper portion of Ihc head was .still soft. Her arm was badly fiiiclurcd and hud never Ik'cii set. During llio cold months of November anil DocoiiilH'r <ino wilin'ss averred that Allan bad Inld Iho child while naked under Hie tiij), and allowed the cold water to run on her until she was prac- tically uncon.sclnus. On one occasion he had placed her ont mi the gallery at iiiglil, and kept hero tlu'ro for a con- siderable time, altlKiugh she was only clad ill a night <lie.ss. Il<: nsi><t to make Hie clillil run up and down in the passage until she fiiinlod from tho e.vorlioii, nml iisixl to remark lo his wife thai II was splendid exercise. He beiil and poiindoil Hie iij. He «ine Willi his llsis upon tho lioad iind face and cliesi, ami was wont to Huow liOr violenlly inIo bed. AH Ibis ho did because he said Iho child was diily, and irrilaied him by obstinacy, althoiigli the niolher stated Ihal Hiciv was no need lo punish Hie child al all, and Ihal what her iiustiand iiiisl<i,ik fur olisliii- Ucy was siiiinlv bliod (ojir of her tuOvui. MO.NTRKAI. MAHKICT.S. Montreal, March 12.â€" 'The local grain market is very llrm. Onlario No. 2 while are now quoted at 44c. No. ,1 is iiuoted al iiYjC to 43c. No. 4> 4IXc 111 42o [H'V bu.^liel, ex-store. Huckwheal 56c to 50>ic per liushol. Corn Aniencan, No. 2 yellow, 55c; No. 3. av ex-slore. Oatsâ€" On siKit. No. 2 while. 525^c; No. :i whiU', 41K<: I" ^-'â- ' No. 4, iOXA- U 41c i>cr bmsliol, ex-store. Peasâ€" Roiling peas, $1 in car loads, SI. 10 in jobbing lols. Flourâ€" Maiiitotia spring wheat. $1.S5 1,1 $4.00; strong liakeis' .'.U.IW lo .$4.10; winter wlu-at patents, $LIO In .$4.25; straight rollers, $:i.CO to .$3.7;:; do., in liags, $1.05 Ho $1.75; extras, $1^50 to $1.5.5. Millfoed Maiiitolia bran, in bags, $20 lo $22; sho'ls, $22 t<i .$22„50; On- lario liraii, in liags, .$20 to .$21; .shorts, $22 to 20,50; milled niouille, $21 'o .«25; slraigtil grain. $28 to ,$20 per Ion. ltolli><l Oals-Por hag. .$2 lo .$2.10 in car lots, $2.20 lo .$2.25 in jolibing lots. Hayâ€" No. 1, $I3.,50; .No. 2. SI2..")0; No. 3. $11. ,50; clover, mixed, $11: pure clo- ver, $I0,.50 to $11 per ton In car lots. I'.ggsâ€" For new laids, 30c to 31c are being quoled, while f<ir cuUI storage and linieil 25c to 2tic is being (piolod, Clioosoâ€" 13^0 for while aiul lie f<ir culiiied slill being nuoled, Ciinn<li,in clieos»> in the Rrilish iiiarkol is slill (pio- lod at Oils for while iind OHs tor cii|<uvd, Uulter Froshniaile croaiiiery, 25Xc lo 20c; medium grades, 24>i;e lo 25c; in baskets or half-biiriels, 22>ic to 2;ic; Maiiilnba, 20c lo 21c, Sinok<Hl Meat.s- Hams, cxira large sizes, 25 lt)S, upwai'd, 13c; large si/.os. IS hi 25 Ihs., 13 locled weights, 12 lo small .si/.os, 8 In 12 biuiod. cut, i(dlod, small. ISivl'nUhsli bacon, l.")c; Wilshire bacon, .50-lb. sides, 1,5c: Windsor bacon, backs, 1,5c, Lard- ('oiiipound lard, 8Xc to 9%c; kcltle lard r,lc lo 13)^0; pure lard, W'Ac to n}ic. i)o,..w..iuvl Porkâ€" Hiavy Canada shotl .STll>KNTS BLINDED. nesiill o( i>r:u-|i(-al Joke al a McOill I'liiuii Concert. A despatch from Montrpal says: \ praclionl joke was played on tho .science fi'oshnion In .VliCiiU Union on .Saturday liiglil which may result seriously. A concert was heUl at McGill Lnion by 'he fieshnion in .s<Moiice. .\ll went along very nicely until about 10 o'clock, when Hie «'leclric light wires wore out, and al llio .same llmo ii largo bottle of am- monia was tliiown into the hall from a lounging luxik on the ,sccond llnor. The bolllo bioko and llllod the room Willi Hie overwholniiiig fumes peculiar lo ammonia. Tins got into Iho eyes of several of Iho fellows, and tnur of them lad t<i bo taken lo Iho li<ispitiil and treated for very painful injuries. 'Tliore .- danger <if the eyes of .some being por- iimneiilly iiijmeiL medium sizo.s. si-- IS llis.. tic; extra lbs.. \\}ic: bams, large, l4Xc; do., boneless breakfast POSTOFFICE SAKE BLO>\N. Bui-glurs Made a (iixHl Haul at Nen liumlxirg. A despatch from Now llaiiilnirg .says: Salurday imirning about <rclock II was dist-oveixyl that the jXistoOice .safe had been blown lo pie<'es and ixibbed , f alKiul $220 worth of stamps and aboiil $90 in cash and all the private papers U'longing lo Iho |)ostmasler. 'The neigh- boring towns have been nolilled lo l>« on Iho IiH>koul for the safo-bieakoi-s. 'I'h<j explosion made a wreck of the ollico. * MITINY IN FBANCE. Arliilerymen al Toulon Attack Nor <'niniiiissioiied Officers. A (lespaloh from 'Tiiiikiii, Fiance, .snys: .\ mutiny <icoiinod in Iho arlillcry baniu'kN here mi W ediiosilay. Thii men allackod the noncoiiimissionod id- fliers Willi revolvers and .swoi-ds. Sev- <ial wore wnumlod mi both side.s. The iiuitineers wore impri.^onod. ATMERCY OF THE FIRE RlNIi Montreal Unable at Present to Cope With a Conflagration. A despatch from Montreal says: Mont- !oal III present Ls in a stiilo of absolulo ; improiiaicdiioss for a big lire, in s|>ilo , o' overylhing Ihal c<iutd passibly lio I lUino to ameliorate Hkj cojulitions gov- 1 erning Iho wulor supply. The%' will bo ^ n<: cluuigo until Iho broken pump is set In wurk again and that cannut iHj.ssibly lake place for some time. Once the pimi!) has Uvn sol in operation there | will coiilinue lo bo a serious slnirtage| (,' water still, until the cold weather Tnaks and Ihere is a thaw. Once Iho mild woalher c<iiiies it will lake about a week t<i put matters on a satistaolory fooling, until the now pump is ii^- stalled. In Iho nicanlinio tlic volume <if eom- plainls is tilling up. and the Imlels and factories and (illier buildings, which u.se largo quantities of water and conlri^ hiito large amounts to the civic treasure in the sliaix) of water rates, are beingi put to heavy ex|)oii,-.o in orcU'C lo ob- tain Iho water necessary lo carry oili their eslatilishments. Later Iho cilyl will lioar something of this in tho shape! ol claims for damages. Tlie danger from a sanitary point of \iew caiiiuit bo over ftslimaled. Tho diniger in cn.se of lire is admitted by al' concerned. Patrols of policemen and llioni€ii are out all night, and every .sleiuiior in tho city iis kept ready for iinniodiate .service. The secretary of the Board of Tradt ('mineil has issued a publie noUoo !*â-  qiicsUng occupants ot down-kMM warehoascs to keep a waiahman oo 4M premises for a tew dajM In. order (tMJ the alarm may be rwig to lu cast ot lire.

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