\ \ } I I t I I : CHRONIC CATARRH j h€ will (Jive a qu(vp little trumpet note, J I and lip <;om«.s a colleague to tielp him UflQF Ann THROAT '*" '^'* ^"'^'' '^'^- ''^ ^ nio[iw>nt th« two II09C nnu innvni ,.,eph«nLs havs swung Uie hig log be- ! Iw«>en llwm. walk in st^p to the pile, chronif catarrh iKJse and throat Unri ihcn on*' of Iheni, apparently -v •At ihe Advice ol Friends I Tried Pe- j preconcerted agreernent, places his end ru-na and the Results Have Been j j,, position on the .stack, while the other MgMy .«Haii.laeJory."- So \Vnte» .Mr. ranw h«m^ the log. PH""- ! Kverv liint)er yanl has Its own parli- ^'â- ul«r show elephant, more intelligent ilr.an the rest, arxl one belonging lo I .M«Rsrti. MacOregor k Co. of Rangtin I WIS in the habit of j TURNING ON A \V.\TER TAP j and lielpinw himself to a big drink, I though he iy)iilcl never be induced to j turn the water off again. Similar ob- .-Unacy and o<-casionHliy bad temper is '<ften 'ihoun. and the mahouts are very highly paid, for they live always in the 'risk that the huge brutes may turn up- 'ofi them and kill llieni. particularly if I the mahout ha.-: at any time shown ; cruelty or unkindness. ' .\ Hindu mahout was employed with • a working elephant in Bangkok, Siam. ;and fretjuenlly iLsed a steel gond, in I defiance of all warnings. The result ' wa.^ thai his elephant made frequent attempts to kill him, and Qnally the 'man was discharged. I Nearly four years afterwards, by a most remarkable coincidence, both ele- phant and mahout met again in Maul- .inarn. Burma, and no -sooner was the jbig tusker out of sight of the saw mill Mn. R.\01JI. I'll.ON. lie Rue Notre and well into the forest than he curled DauiL>. -f.aclune, P. Q., Can., his trunk up backward, seized his old v^pitfs: "I write you a few words to e.\- | persecutor by the neck, hurled him to press lo yoii my .-.alisrarlioii a! being the ground, iind in an instant a mighty cured. I was atllicied wilh catarrh of ! [uretoot had crushed out his life. the throat and nose ani suUered much. \ Kach working elephant represents a I wu.-- ^irpally di.s<ourat;eJ. 1 luid a bad '\ahie of SL.iOO, and years of experience broulli and bad lasile m my mouth in jhave shown that unUI quite recentjy this the morning. wa.« the most profitable fonii of labor "i leok ti-eatment for .some time with- |i,at could be empkiyed in the great for- flut obtaining relief. .\t the advice <-f osts of Burma and Siam. Now. how- Iricnds 1 tried t^eruim and the results ] ever, ' highly ingenious .-\merican. Ger- have ti>'«Mi I'.ighlv satisfactory. .\l the man. an<l British machineryâ€" chiefly end of lour months I was completely porl able railroads and steam Iwistsâ€" cured." are gradually taking the place of the .Neglecit-d catarrh becomes chronic, o-ant workers, and in another decade Having dev.^l'>pi>d into the chronic stage, j ih^i independent elepliant laborer may ti longer and more persuitenl treatment j,e entirely extinct will be squired to ctire if than if the dis*Ase were trealod at the onset. WHO, INDEED Jack : "They have discovered some remedy that will cure ttie kissing habit." L;va'(,(oyly) : "But who would care to b-' cured of the kissing habit ?" Mother : "I want vou to be good little Palienl^ have the privilege of ^ri'in;! J childn>n this wt>ek." Krcddie : "What to Dr.'Hartnian for fn-e advice. .A book \^w\ you give us if we are good?" "If »m "Chronic Catarrh' will be sent upon j.^m \^.^ really good you can look on request. , I when your father shaves himself next • SunduN' niurtimg. " However. Peruna will bring rehef. whether the ratarrh i? acute or chronic. I' you are wi.se you will ke^'p Peruna <ii! hand and take a few doses at the first appearance of a cold or cough, and thus save yourself both suffering and exfiense. INTELLIGENT ELEPHANTS I11M)RKI>S EMPI.OYKD IN S.\W- .\IILI.S IN BIRMA. These Giant Workers May Give Ptace lo .Machinery in Another Decade. To see the working eiepliant in all his glory one must go lo Burma, the centre of Itw teakwood industry. Some of lt»e great sawmills of .Maulmain and Ran- 4,'oon employ liundrtHls of elephants some with and others without a mahout •ot drivei-. The companh's own immense limber concessions, and eai-h year a certain number of trees arc marked for cutting down. Ihoso so niarkod are girdled lo prevent tho sap rising. This causes the tree to die. Iji three years it is quite seasoned and dry. It is then cut down, ttie branches 8ie loopt-d off. and one, two. or three elephants are attached to it by chains • lo haul il lo the nearest stream. The creek in which the elephant has <loposiled its log. may Ije dry in the tini- i^^r cutting season; nevertheless the creature conlinui:* lo pile log after log ill the bed of the torrent against the Time whou the monsoon shall breok and wash the accumlation of logs into one <t the main rivers. When this" is done men collect at vari- <:us points and examine the various owners' marks. The kigs are sorted and bound into rafts, and a family '.f Purmnrvs forthwith installs itself upon t'acii, and builds A LllTl.E HIT OF B.\MB<XI and leaves in which to live while the tig rait ot teak logs is conung down the river lo Rangoon. When the rafts arrive opposite the saw-ynrd herds oC working elephants are in waiting lo heave Ihe logs out of the water and take thorn lo different parts of the mill. They display an intolli- gence almost human; and when the <linner bell rings at midday logs are dropped in every dir.clion and ilie ground fairly shakes as liuiidri\ls cf iuskors scamper off lo diiuicr like play- ful children let <iut of school. When IIh' k)gs have bci'u sawn other gajigs of elephants move dexteriously about among the huge circular saws, avoiding Ihi^m with extreme care, clear- ing away debris, and in a marvelbius manner discriminating between more rubbish and the sawn planks. Then the elephants slack the Inller so cure- fully that the edges are not injured. Most amusing U il lo sei^ one of those working elephants tackling a huge iiquared log an<l placing it on the slack. Kirst ot all he estimates its length and weight fls it lies on the gi-ound. Then h« dig-s his tasks under it at one end. curls his trunk over and tries to drag cno end ot Uie log on to his tusks. Should he find the ta.-k beyond him ISSIK NO. 13 07. A<|^ â€" lad all iloaach V t AIIC* tad bowd dinokn. ^1 ViyiJ Make puny baUa * plump and tarj. Prored M'^^IS^^ by 30 y«an' nicceitful tOilC -_A'k>^-«*â€" Nines' wA Mofters' Trtaswre -29c-6l>.aia$l.25. N.«MiDio««i niii.iiiic. I • 1 I "What sort of a man is Jinks?" "The impression you get of Jinks depends on the circumstances under which you meet him. If you re there Uj collect money, you wouldn't like him ; but if ytiu're tliere to pay money, he seems a iovcly character." It wilt stick to Tou always, of n>ars« it will, liecaustt It)* tJi« " 1) A L' Mfrntfaol Pla«t«r ami niiul* t<> stiuk on until it <1ri«as xmvf tha p«in. Vn«Tc«ll«<1 for lams back. naoraJcia, rheumatUm Three per l.OOO of railway employees an; killetl yearly by accidents in course of iheir work. A WEALTHY MANITOBA EARMER Tells QoH He Spent Three Thousand Dollars in isearrh ot Health. Phy.5icians were entirely battled by the case of Mr. Robert .Squires, of .Shoal Lake. .Man. He owns a tttousand acres of land in the West, and said he was willing Ud give it all to be Restored to h«alth. His trouble started with an ordinary cold that was negleclxi. Let Mr. -Squires tell his own story: â€" "I have spent over three thousand dollars in my search for health; have traveled from place to place looking for suitable climate. [ came to the c<in- ctusion that climate made no difference in curing throat or lung troubles. .\t the health resorts consumptives died there as at any place else. I determin- ed lo find a home remedy. I think 1 tried every one of the so-called cures for consumption. The only remedy Uiat ever helped me was Psychine, and a sig;niricant fart about Psychine is that i! US not a 'cure-all.' like ihe others, but specially for throat and lung diseases. Psychine was the hust remedy I tried, and I wish it had been the lirst. .My case was a very bad one. and no hope was heW out by any one of the emi- nent m<Micat mea that I would get well. ".\ friend advised me lo use Psychine. The first few boitles gave gi-eat reliel from coughmg. and seemed to ea.se the pain in the lungs. Within a. month the c<iUgh and night sweats had disappear- ed. an<l I had greatly regained my strength. I used ten bottles, but my case was a serious one. and I didn't begrudge the cost, for I was completely cured af'er nvedical men considered my case hopeless. My lungs are now- sound, and no sign of disease whatever id apparent. "ROBERT SOL'IRES. "Shoal Lake, Man. ' Thousands of others have borne si- milar testimony to Ihe power of Psy- chine lo not only cure cough-", cokls, la grippe, calarrh, bronchitis, chills, night sweats, but also consumption and all wasting diseases. It strengthens the stomach, aids digestion, and builds up the entli-e system. 11 is a never-fail- ing reniidy. Psychine. pronounceiJ Si-keen, Ls for sale at all drug stores at 50c and $L(iO per iMittle, or at Dr. T. .A. Slocum. Limited. 1T9 King Street w>cst. To- ronto. ♦ "I believe." said the che«>ry phitoso- pher. "that for every single thing you give away two come back to you.' •Tiiafs my experience.'" said Phamley. "Last year I gave away my daughter. and slio and her husband came back to us in August." Te-teJ by Titve- V\ h's jii<!t'y-eele- I ratjNl Pills Dr. Parmetee has given !o the w. 11 111 one of the iiMst unique medi- cines offenvt to the public in late years. Ptoivanxl to meet the want for a pill which .ouM be taken without nausea. ^ and that would purge w'ith<iiit pain, it I has iiiel all requiremejils m that direc- tion, and il is in general use not only t.ecause of these two qualities, but be- cause it is known to possess alterative I and curative powers which place il in j the front rank of medicines. jlim;e ly.nch i.n Africa. Whiles are Punishing Natives Who Insult Wunieii. The white residents of .Nairobi. Ea?l Africa, are adopting lynch iaw to pun- ish native." who insult while women. \ The indignation of thij Europeans is ail | Ihe stronger becau.se many cases have ! gone unpiaiished by the authorities. \ Public resentment culminated recent- j Iv when the president of Ihe Colonies' . .A-s.sociatien. assisted by two other Eu- ' ropean:>. publicly Hogged three negroes ; outsire the court-house. f»ractically the i whole non-official white population were present. The magistrate and a police officer ; protested, but did not interfere. The • native population are showing unrest. The Government has prumist'd to com- ' ply Willi the demands uf the whiles that | i' issue rifles ami ammunilion. It has | appoinled a defence committee. j YOUR SUMMER OUTINC. If you are fond of fishins. canoeing, camping "r the *tudy of wild animalc looli ' up the .Klgonquin National Park of Ontar- io for your summer outing. K fisli and ; game preserve of 2.(»0,M0 acrra inter- ' spersed with 1.200 lakes and rivers is awaiting you, olTering all the atlractionii that Nature ran bestow. Magnificent \ c-anoe trips. Altitude 2.0O0 fi^t above sea level. Pure and eihilaratine atmosphere. Just the pKice for a young man to put in ^ hia summer bolida/s. An interesting and : profusely illustrated descriptive publica- ; tion telling you all al>out it sent free on i applieation to J D McDonald. Cnioa Sta- tion. Toronto, Ont. ' Xlnderwew Keeps year k>ody warm, yet leta yourskm breathe â€"knit, not woven,â€" A â€"it fits, / XCuanalced TdoesPEN- X \.A gainst angle/ ^ \Shrinka^ rUnderwear./ SOS 'Trade-marked in red. In a , varietyof styles, fabricsand rices, for women, men and dren, a n d guaranteed. .Aut'nor : "I wonder if you have been able lo make any u.se of 'he novel I sent ; you, sir?'' Editor nsing from his chair);] "Certainly ; I have been silting oh it for ' a week." .Somelhii^g Fha! Sh<vuM be Rubbe.1 In. | â€" W'henever pain is fell in Ihe limbs or , back, take Dr. Thoma.V Eclectric Oil; i pcur a little in the hand, and applying! A to the surface tx'nealh which the pain ; 1 es, rub briskly. If Ihe lirst application | does not aff'ird relief, which is not usu- ; ally tho case, keep rubbing. The Oil : w'iil gradiialiy penetrate to the affected part ai'.d relief will come. ^ CREAM WE5T FLOlfl A pure, h Manitoba flaiu- for bakers and others demaod- ing; strength, color and uniformity. STRONG &WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS tVEHV*MLRE StPPLltO WITH FLOUR AND FEED WRITE L'S. Vt ALJO Make -flLEEN CITV A iLEHOtD FLOU« THAT HAS CAINCB GREAT FAVOR AS A CENTRAL HOCSEHOLD 'ALi, PCRPOSES* FLOUR UMFSai MlLLINClu TOaGNTO JUNCTlOfH ALBKRTA FAEM IJkSDSâ€" INTHg PAMOtm Wvtaskiwin district : linla prttpoaciaaa .Mil on ap^iii^aiioa U. D. K%rria A Cu., fSoq:S&e, A'dUaluiri B, AllMrta. I think Nell's n,nv photograplis must c*af-f .e her.' "Why.- "bhe S. '"^ look exactly like hasn't shown them to a living sou!.'' Waalc aad Sickly People anrv tlioia in robnet health. No need to stav aicIc when by the tic« ..f the best tonic, " Kemivim." jtm can get ricJi bluod and renewed streaKtfa vnd vigor fOFTT ACRJCS TALUABLS PKACH d : ta«ildMig« ; Gvimsby lewQjhip : a*ar \ak« aad Al«etm; f«n . aiao two Lula. %mm mad. tweoCr a«-r»a . farm of 100 acr«i, frnit And Mook. Box JS, Wiuo«a, Omt KOQTENAY FRUIT LAND to acres n Koolen.iy F'-uit ;n5ur«8 an income of Sl.OOO a year in 5 ve«r« \\,>'' «^ I "How will tha General find room on : i his chest for tliose two fresh medals? 'i "Don't you worry about hat. The more , »• t i» « medaLshe receives. Ihe prouder he gets, | WOlVBrtOfl & C3.« MeiSOIl, B.Cf and the more his chest e.xpands :" It is a Liver Pill.â€" Many of the ail- ments that man has to conterKl with have their origin in a disordered Iiv.t. which is a delicate organ, peculiarly 8u.«ceplible to the disturlMnces iliat come from irregular habits or lack vf care in eating and druiking. This ac- coimU for the gieat many liver regu- lators now pressed on the attention of sufferers. Of these there is nor>e su- perior to Papnn>ieo's \'ogetable Pills. Their operation Ihougti gentle is effec- tive, and the most delicate can use them. .\re you a .sufferer with corns? If vx3U are. get a botlle of Holloway's Corn Cure. It has never been known to fail. Mr. Boaster had his portrait painled. It cost him a goodly sum. and he was proud of it. When it came home he showed il to his cook. "Well. .Mary," he â- said, "how do you like this portrait "?' "Sure, sir," said the cook, "it's lovely. Us beautiful. It's divine.'' ".\nd, of course." said Boaster, "you know who il is?" "Oh. of course I do. sir," repli.>d the cook. "Of coui-se. of course.' .\s she spoke she KeiJl drawing nearer lo the picture, studying it more and more close- ly, "Of course, sir. it's you or the mis- tress." VIOLLN M.\De OF M VTT.HES. ! t;ennan Spends Year on Perfecting .Mast I'liiqiie Inslrunient. .\n upholsterer named Kar! Wagner, ' i;ving at Munich, has conslrucled a vio- lin entirely out of wix)den matches. The irtstrumcnt has a goixl tone and the b3»?k is ornan>ented by a picture <-.f the tow^er of Ihe famous Krauenkirche. WagrK^r tlrst inad>> a nu>d<?l of the parts in cardboard, and then glued over them the matches, which are perfect- ly joined. The canllxiard was then re- moved and the parts put to gether. Ten boxes of matches supplied the necessary wood, and Wagnsr was en- gaged for a year on tlie work. He has presented the violin to his son, who is a promising musician. We mmBt ge from heated mora^ to th* oold outer air. anilths >-hAn«e M*t.-» ti< i-ouxhing^ Cur- ing colds is aot hard (or VllanM I.uii« Balaam. A aeglectad cold is truubleftorae .uid dangerouii. In Norway a husband ami wife can travel bv railway for a fare and a half, and the" same rule holds ^d in Hun- gary. The merits o! Sickle's .-Viili-Con-sump- t;ve Syrup as a sure remedy for coughs and oolds arc aMesled by scores who know its power in giving almost instant relief when Ihe throat is sore with ctiughing and the whole pulmonary re- gion disordered in coiisoi|iieiice. A bot- lle of this world-fiuiied .^^yriip will save doctor's hills, and % gnat deal of .suf- fering. F'rice 25 coiit>. at all ijealers. SNOWY BELT. "Now. Tommy, " said the leaeher dur- ing the le.ss<:in in gcogi'iipny, "tell us how .Alaska is bounded." "Please, ma'am," replicil Tommy, af- ter a niomenl's thought, "I think il is snowbound. " NOT ON THE PREMISES. "If ye please, mum." .said the ancient hero In an appealing voice, as he stood a! the back door of the collage on wash day. "I ve tost my leg " "Well, I aint got it." snapped Ihe wo- man, tiercely. .-Vnd the door ctftsed with a bang. Dear Mother Your Cttle on« are a cooaiaat can is Fall and U'ia«e» weather. Thev will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh'i Cooumptioo Cure, the LungToaic and what it hat done foe » many > It is said to be the only reliable remedy far all *lii^«*-* of the air passage^, in chiioren. It IS absolutely harmlei.s and pleasant to lake. It is guaranteed to cuie or youi money is returned. The price is 25c. per bottle, and all dealers u medicine tell 314 5HILOH Th«t temedy Aould be in evesy heuaehoM. YOUR BYERCOATS •â- 4 fad^ Suiu •cnild liMx hllm Jr*.l It â- • •««• 1 tun la TOnr w-wi. wtiLb direct Monu-*!. Bai Ul â- â- m«M AMCRMAM AVaiMO CO. .V.NOTIIER ISE KOft THEM. "Eine feathers." remarked the man with the quolaliau habit, "do not make line birds." "No." n'joined Ihe father of seven grown daughters, "but they make fln» f<.-rturi<!s for milliners.'" There can be a difference of opinion or. most subjects, but there is only one opinion as to the reliafctUly of Mother c;rave>" Worm Exienninator. It is safe, sun' and efJoctual. THE WUONii M.\N. \ "Now. my dear sir," said Ihrf life as- ! surance agent, persuasively, "1 wonder 'â- if I might put b«^fore , you one or two ' powerful reasons why you should insure ; vour life '.'"' i "t.orlainl> . my dear sir." replied the ' vicliin : "lire away. 1 shall be delighted \ to listen lo you." i .Accordingly tho life assurance man , delivered a lecture of nearly liaM an i hour's diu-ation on the advantages of life assurance, seltng forth all the iva- 1 .sons why his listener sh'iuld insure his 'â- nfe immediately for a largo amount, ; When he was done the other man said:â€" â- "Well, Ihals iKit bad, but nothing new." ".Nothing new?' asked Ihe life assur- ance man. "What d" you mean"?' j "Oh, well. ' said Ihe other, "you .sec. ' I'm a life assurance agent myself, and I wanted lo s<-c it you had «ii\ new ideas t-;- give me." • "I once knew a man who could speak .wen languages. ' "What did he d«i ? ' "Kept still most of the lime and listened lo his wife." The • signal wires on the f„ondon h NcHh-Weslem Railwai' would form on* ! wire stretchin,: from I^n<lon to New jYork. I . Y»a are riftat rn TvgftMrae «rysiMUw %b • tl&JiC«rotui IJisgae. Aruiotot Uie -swollen. iUtfainc likm wiih WiiAver 9 C«r&t« : \nai tak« W*,^v«r'a Syrup intoniftllj. STICKS TO HliM. Mrs. Prentice ; "How do you always 'nana^je to have such deUcvous beef ?" , Mrs. Blinlhyre . "1 s«'lect a goOd, h(>nesl butcher, and then stand by hmi." Mrs. Pre«tjce ; "You mean thai yoa give him all ynur Iradc ? " Mrs. Blinlhyre; "N.) ; I mean thai I ' stand by him while he is cutting ih* meat." j Only 5fl pet 1. 00(1 of Ihe Enslish pofv- 1 lation is ernploy«l in agnculture. la I Russia llie proportion is it>S per 1,900. pHiiitfflinpintittiiHnHUtu 5ckves A Lot ^ of Bother The starch that needn't be cooked, that *on't stick . that gives a bril- liant gloss with almost no iron-efTort .isn ' t that th« starch yoa ought to have them use on your clothes T Buy it by name., your dealer sella it. BHmMimmmi niiimnmaTiffnSiinjBH if PAGE FENCESc^WEAR BEST" Made of Hteh Cnrbon "Wtre.â€" well proro it to yoa. COILKD -not orimpod. Thlii make* It aull atrouger in gorvlce. It suya tant. Paint«d WUITKi over haavr ^HB VACK WIRK rSMCB COMVANT. LIMIT tr^lTaniitnsrâ€" n«tt>ro»f. KTiK-riencwd dealer* to i-roct it. Lends all (n â- >!<• 309 â€" &4 ill nuirit. Qet illUHtrftt^id booklut and 19u7 prirea <>cfor« biijloc Walk«rrlU*s TeromtOs M«atr»»l, St. JoUa, "Wlamis