Flesherton Advance, 28 Mar 1907, p. 5

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1? ^ FLEES If ERTON ADVANCE ArA.RCH 2"? >' •> ,f If ( i CSTABUSHCO 1tT3 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - â-  - - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department Deposits of $i and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdra^va!s Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection vAth all Brandies. Farewell Banquet <u FLESHERTON BRANCH George MitcKell, Manages* BRANCHX3 ALSO AT* DURHAM. ZJAR.RIJTON AND PRiCEVILLE Vicinity Chips Bad roads. Cold winds. Maple syrup. Chapped hands. Robin.') ple-.itiful. Glorious spriiisftime. Good Friday tomorrow, Lockeb {I'und on Sydenham street. Apply to Mr». A.S Vandusen.Flesherton. For money at lowest rates, land secur- ity, ijo to A. S. A'anDusen, Fle.sherton. Good ch.itice to team the barbering at A. Wrlsoii's, Flesherton. Apply to Farm to Rent â€" 100 acres. John Wright, Flesherton. Bargains i:i Wall Papersâ€" ."ODO for Bale by O.E. Tryon, Priceville. rolls j have decided to (.ive prizes for bulls, $3 and §2 for all clmises. As in the pajtt no prizes will be offered for siallions. (ji>vernment juHyeB will be employed. See bills for full particulars. The Ontario governxent has farored the Flesherton public library with a three uionths loan of una their travellini; librar- ies. Tliis contains siity volumes, among which are found banks 8uif»ble for all, from the little toe up to the centenarian. These volumes arc haiuied out to the pub- lic by the librarian, Mr. Armstrong. Rer. L. \V. Thoii) preached his fare- j Wfll seniion ill the Preshyterian church I on .Sumlay Uat. Tli« Berm.n took the ' form of a review of the work done during tht! past ten years. Rev. Mr. Rose of I Camilla, moderator of the Oranjjevifle ; presbytery, will preach this church vacant j on Sunday next ui;d also preach for a cail at the same time. I Mrs. (Dr.) A. E. Litlla of Owen Sound , died at the Gravenhurst sanitarium last For SALE â€" Four pure bred, short horn I week. .Mrs. Little was in her 31sl year bulls, frooi twelve to sixteen mmi'h* old. ! and had been suffering from lun" trouble I'edctjrcts vtx application. J. I.Graham. | f"r the p-.st year. Her inaulen name was Maude Kmary. She was a dsughter of the late Pairkhurst Euiary, a pioneer of Next Sund'iv being easter. Rev. Mr. Kipp will preach in the Baptist Church on "Did ChnstRiae." Service at 11a.m. Pictures of Heron's Pond, near Fever- shani, on Postal cards. 2 for 5c. at Richardson's Drujj Store. Alex M^jRae purcha.«ed .R. P. Legate's Royal George driver. 7 ye^vrs old, last week, for the tidy sum of §210. Good workinc; ni:\re for sale cheap. A snap for finick sale- -A|>piy to D. A. Mathewson, Flesherton. House xsv lot fob kale â€" Large double ot, (;ood house, on main street, Flesher- tou. -Apply to Mrs. F. Bulmer, Flesher- ton. Get your chopjiing done at the Electric Plant, Eugenia. Satisfaetiim cuaranfeed <m clean grain. Come early iu the .lay and avoid the rush. Cult for sale â€" First class heavy draught colt, 2 years old ; al.so first class work iiit; mare,ll years old. Ajiply to Cbas. Boyce, west back line, Ceylon P. O. Lo.>-tâ€" Supp-^sed between Flesherton and Markdala, a gray robe, with T. G. initials worked in two corners. Fiuder please leave at .\dvau:e othee. Senuiins in the Methodist church next Sunday: a.m., "Tlie first Easter morn" p.m., '"Happy Ea.ster,.lesus risen"' Spec- ial music and sinj;iii^ by the choir. First of the season â€" We have to thank Mrs. H. V. Gaudin, Kimberley, for a â- sealer of new miple syrup sent us last week, the first of the se'isoM. A Good Friday service will bo held in the lUptist churchâ€" Friday evenina at 8 o'clock. S(ibje»;t: "The Death of â- Chriif." Every one welcome. Res;istered Yi-rkshire sows eijjht weeks old, prize winning clock, fur sal.». Sire, first prize at Tur.mto and Londnn . Prices Riifht. â€" .Andrew Siu-lair, ilc- Intjre P. O. The band has conmienced hoi ling jtraciise in the town hall. They havn i)een bandicipijod all winter, as their hay was too small. We hope to hear them on the street iu a short time. The r»>bin< wure chirping qnitepily around town Friday and S.kturday last. Saturday ui'.iht a heavy thunderstorm passed over and brought e-jlder weather, which silenced the sous^sters for ft time. }'iiitttrilies also have beet> fluttering around. St. Vincent. She was married to Dr. Little five years aao and leaves one child, a son three years old. W'e have a set of sample books show- ing the latest in the liiio of Wall Papers. There is a large selectrm including Tiles and Burlaps and we arc able to ijivo entire sati8f^ction. .\nyona wishing to see thetn kindly let us know and we will be pleased to show them. Painting and Deciirating done oh shortest notice. ' fc'o .tt it Dtvis, .'Vlarkdale and Fleahenuu. I8a ^••^ Millinery Opening F, G. Kars'edt's millinery opening takes place on Wednesday and Thursday of this wjak. Personal Me.ition Dr. R. Henderson, Toronto, spent Sunday in town, Mr. S. Cohjuett, Toronto. U spending a few days at his home here. Mr. Alex. Stewart, of Teeswater, visit- ed friends here over Sunday. Mr. R. Sutherlaiul of Toronto Junction visited at Mr. A. Wilaou s last week. Miss AJable Bii'iiiei^f Dundalk spent Sunday in town with her sister. Mrs, W. Boyd. Mrs. A. W. R.Mveof Dundalk a few days thi» Week with Mrs, Hickiing. Mrs. John Flerad, who h.is been quite ill f"r some lime with piieuuiunia,m recov- ering nicely. Mr. Noah Pivnick h.as' rented a house from Mr -Armstiong and beemue a resi- dent of this place. .Mr. A. Mui.sh.iw has been cnnSned to his ri'oin f.-r two or tluee weeiis with a swollen limb, but is improving. _ Rev. L. W\ Thcmaiid Mrs. Thom left Tuestay morning t„r Waldemar .Vlrs. Tli..m will return this »eek ti foi- moving. spent i'rod The niembersan<l .-idlierents of Clialraers church tendered a farewell banquet to liev. L. W. Thom and wife on Thursday evening la.st in the Imsement of the church, when about one hundred ;ind fifty pe.3ple .sat di,wn to sumptuously provideif tables of choice eatables. After the bibles h;td been cleared away Mr. M. K. Richiirdson wa.s requested to take the cliiiir, and an impromptu progi-am was rendered consisting of music, a reading by Mrs. Thurston, and addresses by three or four of those present, including Dr. Caldwell and the chairman. 'Tlie imp«jrt- ant event on the program however, was the presentation of an address to the retiring pastor and his good wife, accomp- anied by a half dozen leather upholstered chairs for the former and a valuable silver pudding dish for the latter. Mr. Thom thanked his people at some length, and regretted his departure, but had felt it would be good for the congregation to liave a change, as he had been with them for ten years. He did not know untO after he decided to go that he occupied so warm a pkee in the hearts of the people here. He trusted that the congregation would be able to find a minister who would be more successful tlian he had been and who, would be able to do them more good. Mrs. Thom also thanked the donors and hoped that God would bless them. The addre.ss was read by Mr. T. R. McKenzie, of Port Law. The evening was much enjoyed by all present. Among the guests was quite a krge sprinkling of members of the sister churches in town, " among whom Mr. and 5L-S. Tliom are held in the highest esteem and who very much regret their departure. Following Ls a copy of the adtlress: DE.iB Pastor and Mb-s. Thomâ€" We, the people of Chalmers church, Flesher'- ton, having learned of your intention to remove from our midst, and realizing that the time is near at hand for us to jiart have met with you toni^t tliat we might once more enjoy the plea.>iure of your conipiny and aga'in exchiuige allec- tionate greetings before bidding you adieu. It ia indeed with deep regret and sore hearts that we part with you. To say that we wUl miss you when sundered from us by distance would be but a mild expression of sentiment. It has always been a source of pleasure for us to meet with you as your presence shed a ray of sunshme which to us wa.s ever a means of joy and gladne.ss that has brightened our pathw:iy and cheered us on our way. Tonight 'we feel that a bit- ter herb has Wen drojjped into our cup of pleasure when we remember that you are about to leave us and that our re- lations a.s piistor, helpmeet, and people in a short time terminate. We thank you both for the gieat interest you have always manifested in our welfare both temporal and spiritual. We confess that we have not always given you the eu- cour.^oment we might have given, but we always found you, although not con- doning our faults, very patient with us in our imperfections. (juv eternid welfiu-e has been your chief desire and through these miay years you have been with us you have striven faitlifuUy to hold up Christ to us as the [jerfoct pattern Und Saviour of our souls. We trust tliat the Christ-like example you have dis- played and the precepts you have taught may not be be.^toweu in vain but that they may lead us to live more ze;dous and \A)rthy lives. As a shght token of aU'ection and rememberance we ask you to accept these cli;iirs and Mrs. Th.nu this silver pudding dish. ;:ud trust that you both may be spared many ye.irs of usefulness*. We feel tluit though dis- tance may divide U.S. '-We .siLdTstiU be joined iu heiu-t." We all join he;irtily in wLshiiig you much happiness and sac- cess in your new homo and field of hibor. May (h'd bless. your c Sorts for His cause "And wing thy words that they may reach the hidden doptlis of many a heart." At the last manicipal election the Til- lage of Ailsa Craig voted on local option, the vote standing 104 to 70 in favor of the bylaw. Then some clever and close mathematicians got busy and fii^ured out that to legally carry the by law lO-l 3-S votes should have been cast in iu favor. The matter was carried into court. On Monday, the case came up before Chief Justice Meredith in O^goode Hail. By consent the bylaw was quashed. This is a fierce example of hair splitting but no j one wants to be considered 3-5 more of a | mar. than he really is, at least his baUut, under pcrvailing conditions counts an in- j finitesimal 1. It is strikingly singular that j 3-5 of a vote Ls the cause of all the trouble in this case when the three fifths clause I in the act is responsible for it all. â€" Grand Valley Star. | Core Yourself of Kidney Trouble at Practically no Expensed Just a few boics of "Ba-Ju," and jva will be well. Simply take " Bu-Jn." foUow the directions, and you will be free of this terrible disease, see. a box. At dmggists, or by mail direct from The Clafiii; Chemical Co. , Limi- ted, Win.lMr, Ont. Hereford Bull for Service FOR SALE BY TENDER In the matter of the estate of David Stin- son, late of the Township of Artemeaia, xn the County deceased. of Grey, gentleman, OE.\LED tenders will be leceived bv the ander> ^ signed until one o'clock p. m. on 'Tuesday the secoodiiav of April, 1907, tor the purchase of all and singular that ceitaia parcel or tract of Uad and premises situate 1 yiag and beine in the Township of Arteniesia in the County of Grev. and ProTinco ef Ontario and being composed of pait of lot No. one Imndred and ninety in the Second Kange South West of the Toronto and Sydenham Uoodiu the said Township, ai.d may be more particularly known and described as follows; Commencing at a point In the Booth Easterly boundary of said lot at a distance of sixteen rods, fourteen feet and eight inche:! from the Southwenterlv angle thereof, theoca Northerly parallel to the Southwesterly bound- ary tl-.ereof. thirteen and one third rods, thence Northeasterly parallel to the Sonthessterly boundary thereof tureo rods; Thence south easterly parallel to the Southwestorlv boundary thereof thirteen and one-third rods, thence Southwesterly along the Southwostery boundary thereof three rods to the place of beginning, containing one fourth of an acre more or leas' Possession given on the first day of June next Terms of saleâ€" Forty percent of the purchase money to be paid on delivei v of a deed and pos- session of the said lands and premises. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further pasticalars applv to William Sharpe. Flesherton, Ont.; George Moore, Proton Station, Out.: or David An)ert Stiiison. Flesh- erton, Ont., executors of the said estate. Jaznes Lamon, Solicitor for the Executors mount Pleasant lierd. Of purebred scotch Shortorns with the famous louug stock bull, .Scottish Chief, st the head. Tonngstotk for sale, prices reasonable terms easy. otm«r907 R.ALLEN Prop. 170, Con. 2, B.T. St S.K , Hereford BnU for service, Spartan No 270fi. Winner of Sweepstakes Silver medal at East Grey -Agricultural Fair, la«6 for best 2 year old bull any breed. Will stand for service at lot 166, 3rd west T.S.R. Terms gl.OO and 85.00. W. BUSKIN Pure Bred Camwortbs and Berksbires I have for sale 8<mie puiebreti T.'vmwoitk sows, also two nice pure bred Berk-^hire boar* nearly ready to wean. Satisfaction guai'ou- teed M.17 07 -G. W. Ross, MaxwelL Farm for Sale* Lot 33, con. 13, .Artemesia; 100 acres, cleared, 50 acres hardwiMid bush. 30 acre swamp. Good frame house .and UiK stabler, and log stables. Well watered. Will be suld cheap and on easy terms. Apply to nov27 R. W. McMuUen, Eugenia. Sbortborn Bull The thorou(rhlire<l Shi>rthom Bulb "F.-vvo ite," 6iJ35, is for service on lilt 27-2S,2ndr.m J X. D. R .Artemesia. Pedigree. mapplicatiLU Terms $1.25 ALEX. McR-AE. Ceylon FARM FOR SALE Lot 30. con. 14, township of Artomnsia, con- taining 100 acres, 40 acres under cnltiration, X) good pasture land, cleared; rest in bush, good orcbaid, well watered; log house, log stable, frame barn, i miles from school Will soil cheap, on easy terms. Applv to imor J.W.CKOZIEB, Eugenia prepare ( Some of the sports in town releasi-d tame fox in the sudurbs cm Tuesday rmiI ! told their dogs to sick 'em. The tun was as tame as ihe fox and poor reynard uiet | d ly his end at the hands of a suburb «U 'arm er who stoned him to death. For "Sale â€" One good heavy general pur- jHise mare weighing aKmt 1400 lbs., thir teen years old, sound iind in good con- dition. Due to fo.'il on the 2Sth of June ti> Good Luck. Thi.s is .a bjirgiiin at 3150 Henry M. Dougl;»s, Vandcleur. Di»trict Deputy.Grand, W. H. Wright of Owen Sound vi,ited Prince .\rtliur lodge, A. F. and A. M. at their regulir meeting iu> Friday evcniiiir. A delicious liiMchetui was served and the evoning p.issed off very pleasantly. .A special niuetiug of Artemesia district L. 0. L. will be held iu Flesherton on Thursday Apiil 4th cummeiioiug at 2 ti'clock sharp. A place for the coming ci-Ubratiou will bo chosen so a good at- rmidance is requested. â€" Ed. Thompson, Diitrict Rec. Secty. The En.^t Grey p.KligrHi»d live stock «how will be held in Flesherton thiii year ^,0 Fiidaj, April 12th. The director* Auction Sa!es An auction sale if farm stock «nd imp- liiient.'i lui lot 32. con. 7, .Artemsais, at HocUvale, nn Friiiay .'dHrch 2!>th, (Good Friday), the pri'peity of K. Clark, who is reiiM>viiis< to Idaho. © McPliail, auction- eer. Farm stock and implements on Thurs- Aprii 4, the [ri-p.ity of Mr. .lohn l)avi'«, hiilf mile north west of this viUa^io. Mr. Davis will remove tf Idaho D. Mc- Phail, auctioneer. Blus Pills Ho Longer Usod. When the stonKich neefls cleansing the bowles increased activity, the liver additiond p>i*er, don't use inercural pills try Dr. Hamil-.oii's. Vegetable in conip- Oiition, extremely mild, yet sure to fiush out all iiiipuritii--> and >va.«te8, no reiuudy is so well adapted for family use. Positively a cure for billiousuess and sick headache, unfailing in con«tipatioii and bowel trouble, exceptionally good f.>r indigestion, no medicine is .so iiuivoiNally needcvl in every homo as Dr. Hamilton's pills. Good for the young, tho old, the sick and the well ones, the benefits of Dr. Uamiltoo » Pills are manifold. Sold everywhere in 25o bo-xes. George Ha.-ri,-. Lniideikin P. 0.. (old » Clyde mare to Joseph Bruwii, .trlhur, for ihesum of 9300. Do You Fee! The Pinch? Not of poverty, hut of corns, that can be cured by Putiiaiu's Corn Extractor? Don't suffer, use •â- I'utnaiu's" â€" sold every- whete in '2ou bottles. X ^ >? ^ ^ r ^ NOW that spring weather ia approaching yoa will re- quira finer Footwear. . . ' -' We have made a very special effort in selecting onr goods. Our stock of Shoes was never so nice as now. They are neat, and nobby. In Ladies Bals wo haro Kid, Dongola, line qual- ity. Li Oxfords we have a fine range of the latest styles. In Gents' wear we have a hill range of all kinds. We also have a large asscrtmeot of Children's Shoes. Trunks and Telescopes a large Slock at lowest Prices. Call and see us. Wm. CLAYTON it Si it ifi Si a s^fliiA^I^ia^iC Mr. A. McK. Cameron, of Winnip-g, formerly Collector of Customs at this jiort has I egun an action against Charles F. May for a thousjind dollars, being tho pluim ill's share, it is ciaiuied out of the pr tii.s of the Hurin A- Ontario K.-nKay A lot of people ai'ound bere want to know wheie the niilwHy's piolit arises and where the railway e.xists â€" except on pap- er. â€" Meafoid Miiror Anceptiug Ihe ch.allenge of Premier Wliituty, and acting along the line po.s- siblf to ihoin under hiw, as poin'ed out by the Govennneiit last ytar and asrain this year, tho leiiqieianoe people of Co!- lingwocil have tak'Mi uu the matter of getting the license lee |^rai;<Bd to a pirohib- jrive tigurp. Thoy will ivsk the council to p.iss a by-law iniSing the fee S25,00(i. The organization that worked in the re- cent local option campaign is still in exis- tence, and will remain intact to carry on the aaitatioii for this niensure. The vote ill the local option contest was 7^)4 for to 5o6 against. Domsstio trouH!i>'> resulted in the sep. aration of .Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cwiper of Colliiif^wood. and since then .Mrs. Cooper ha.i been bring in (>rainreville. On tho t)th iii.st. Co.jper drova down as far as Camilla. l.,'lt Ids home there and walked into Oiaiigeville. Seeing liia eldest biiy, about 12 years of age playing on Seccnd -Avenue, he l;)ok hold of him, compelled liiui to walk the five miles to Camilla and then drove him off to C.lliugwood. Ccm- stalde Uiiahes hriughc the hoy back tvi his mother, with whom he is apparently ( # content, and a law suit is in sig'il. iltinQS nni We have jnst placed in stock a large consignment of imported Tweetls aud worsted of the newest and most up-to-date patterns and shades. We just solicit a call from you and you will be convinced that they, without any exceptions, are the fullest and best assortment on this line. With the same consij. e$ oress ument of suitings line of tne newest and up-to-date dress goods and waist leiiL'ths, Call and see them and vou will a«rree with us that they are just what wo rcccomend them to be. Wc Sell both Quaker and Loucks' High Grade Flour. Flesherton - - Ontario.

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