Flesherton Advance, 28 Mar 1907, p. 7

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illfflS BI lEAM jAMBTsi J81T1S5 HOUSE SAT 27 IDRS BREAD-STUFFS. IVironlo. March 26.â€" Ojrnâ€" Is nnn and t The Whole of Upper Moldavia Is In Revolt, A des;.a(c(i {rem Vienna says : De- flialrlies frorr: Biii.'har«s> on Friday •«i«iing repi-K&tnt Ih* whole p«asaitl population of t'ppor Moldavia as b<>inii in rfvolt'. Thr^' hundred esiules liave i>i'<m piimd<TPd or burnetj. inctudinj: the| â- IfiTiX esUtc>4> at :SlinKa aiid Negraski. be- K.ngiiig. resfxyiiwly. one lo Mmister i Gracauiiie aiid aiioth>?r ;o Minintt^r Stoi- ; cescu. The Itnainaiiiun (•o^entni'^nt ha.-; ' sunttuoned all !he n-serve,. loUiIlin).' ; 3*1,(100. to join ltM> tol«rs. Four r^iitent : of mfanlr> und joiiie artillery liav<; b«#n ', Bfut by forced marches to the disturbed ' dailricls. Sevi'i-al S^-naWir^ and depu- â- lies have left Euchai^^st to protect tjjeir estates in XJoidavia. TiM! not*ft. in- ; vaded the estate of fViace Chika and de- lirandod un interview with hiiii. They . Vere lold he was in Bucharest. The rioters telegraphet) to iiiiii io i-xjine :in- Iiiediately or Uuy \»ouid plinKl«'r hU ' |>ala.:e. Me replied Ihal he would cuirie 1 lurthwilh. Itio spiril diiit«lier>' has al- 1 if-ady been turned. Other eslale* Ihnl base .suffered aiv liaise of I 'rime Minis- til I .aii)uriiz'>ne. Kamn Kapni. and Minister IWselti. la a tigh! at Bacaii <.n Friday *tie inoups killed ii rioti-r>. l>-rla<t is be- -ieged by 7,000 pea.saiii-. who Ihrenteti !ij buni the town. There l~ artiiai or thi-t^tenr^ flghling at Mitluileru and Serelh. f! s s!at«Kl thai the pedsanl.s ait planning a great cciiibineU attack on Jiissy Sunday. Ihe nt-M.^papers hit* contain lerrihle si« ne> oi fii.t!sses. Atvording lo Ihe^e. women ujid it'.rl.'S arv vwlinLs of the pea- sant, and ctuJdrrn are tied (ti sacks and thi»vim nito 'tie rwerv. the Xiistraii truverninenl has strwiiglh^ied ;!â-º fim:i^ on tlie fntotier i«i pre\ent the outireaji frniii â- .preailin); into Attstrtiir'. 'erritory . and :t tiit> made 7 second rupresetHauuu l<> tti>' Rauinan- laii rio\emjneiit in refereuce lu the pni- tedion of \iistri;in subjr-cl.s m (he du»- Uirbed ar«-a. -slightly advanced. (i)ul.sâ€" Are eu-sier. <j|| lioard quotations are: â€" Wheal ^:)nlahoâ€".\o. * while, 73}ic a.sked east. 72o bid; .No. 2 red. 72>^c a-.keil. oiits;ile. 71c bid. Wheatâ€" Manilobuâ€" No. 1 northern. !"i« bid. spul. .Norlli Bay: 91c asked, lo arrive. Barleyâ€" No. 3 e.xlra. sales al ate, f. «. b. cars. oiit&Mie. Peasâ€" 8Ic a-k'd. The Opposition Fought the Army Bill Desperately. \ de-epalch from Lcndcn says: The. as ever, and with sufHeient energy »• ouse of CXinuioik- adjcunied on Thurs- ' appreciate the occasi«jnal flashes «f li»- lain. .^ , v*" f^'f-, o.>,. 1.1,. 'iay afternoon at h.jh ocitck, liavinglnior introduced into t« discussion <* Ji %^ :-,' ''l ^tr.^^^-ifnl^^" ^'^ <=<''^i^'^^>^^ ^^•â- <'" nearly 27 the b.!l. The Goverlfei. I whip tele- side, m- bid. Miain line; JHy^c a.sked on | ^^.^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^ , y, ^.^.,^^ graptted early Thur.s.lny nwmm^ ^ a h-cent rate to lorordo. leu. Wednesday afternoon. |. some 200 members to hasten loth* Miner prm^ are:- . â-  The mea.sure under Jiscu-s^icn was House of Commons and relieve the jail- -t^JT ;P"t:'"**'~ â- . --^^^ ^^r iT' 'he annual annv bill, which Ihe Covern- ej Government .supp<:rters. The amv- '^y.li ^? ^'"'•--..I^'^- " ' i'"->d vva^ anxious lo pass liirough t'.elnl of the relief forces put fresh life mU ^.x^. V. . ... .^., - 'on the benches, their sieep interrupted, â€" _ . , 1f» •« ,""l^- y,- 'iy demands everv few minutes to at- ' e.i l*>e jaded legislators that the oown- !-^ "^ o n " . -, -r ; i«'nd divisions. Exen M.ius!ers%vereoc. 'nient '-had on miention of y»eldin^ !♦ *.orn-.Vi. 3 yeltow .\nierican. :i3.-. To- jcj^^aj,,. overcome, and dozed. the vindictive ;actic« of the Oppo.sitwn. Davlignt found It.e a.<;seniblv, many The measure mu.sl be passed b«tore '»e in eNfa.-i" .Jn-s-. :'.r-'<i bu! ileler-iiined Hoii.«e wouid be perniitled lo adjouPB. Ontario, Wc; basis < i< nto and west; rhaUiaiii freijjhts. Biickwhralâ€" .">7'- lo 58.\ mrtide. Rye â€" .No deuiaiid; nominally 64c ".c 65c. Barleyâ€" Firm: No. 2. fiir oub-ide; No. 3 extra. 5lc: No. 3. 50c lo ."ilc. IdVE SrO<:K MARKET. Toponlo, Var.;h iitt.â€" Trade in export- Flourâ€" Ontario 9(1 per cent, patents, eis; was quiel again to-day. Choice. SS *S.7(l aski<d. $2.(17 bid: Manitoba, fii-st lo $bM. Cowi and bulls were qucl«d paleiiU. S;.5o: .-econds, â- *?.75: bak-=rs'. up to »4.20. TDK scow: OF FOItt>TR\. The t'-are ul Fon-st Trre>. Bui Only I nder l-'urest Coiiditiuiis. A vague id<« exists in the minds of a very great inauy people that forestry means the care of. tietis in general, and, acconJingly, tiial the care of such trees. In any situation and under all ooiidi- Uons. IS included under this term. Such a notion goes very wide of Ihe mark. Koresli-j- i£ liie cai-e ol (oi'er-t trees under forest condition^. The care of shade and oiiidnienta! trees i.s no more a part lit forestry than is ttie ^lare of frail trees; this is Ihe point wlieie the misunderstanding ooinds in. U is pi^rfectiy tine ihal the great .majority of tre^ grown for purposes of ornament and shade are forest Ireeb. But are they gFowmg under forest Voii- ditious? Obviously not; it scarcely nee<te a moments thought to enable anyvne who t.as been lu a forest or a woodlot Ic BiLswer that question Un' liiui- self. In caring tor a shade tree the object is to secure l)eauty of f«riii. and the single tree is the object of care. To lh«s branch of tree-culture is properly given 111- .name "arboriculture"; and tins sub- ject does not form par! of a forester .s iraining. The aim of foieBtni is dLstiiiclly prac- tical, and, to a lai-gc extent, purely utilitarian. What ttie foiester is en- â- deuvohng lo obtain m a crop of fcuiber. »be bcbl possible lo suit hin purpo.se. and what" he delightti to .see m a tree with a Jong, clear stem. ...al will afford the best possible timber. Tlie gtvalest pos- sible amount of clear lmii)er, w llhoul knots, is wtiat he is seeking lo produce. and l« obtain that he is willing lo sac'ri- lice the beauty .d (orm wliich is the ideal of the artjoricullurist. The foraster is growing a crop of trees just as Uic far- mer .is grilling a crvip of wheal; in fact, a forester has been d''lined as "a tarnaer whose cr<*p is trees." .\ Held of wheat is a beuutiiful sight. i>ut the ter- mer hat; not gi-owu h* wlieat merely to pUiac-e the eye. Jle Is better pleased when the wheal is salely cut., llireshed .aJtd mariveted. The toi-esler .c»ii. and <loes, lake pli'.H.siire m tlie forest fru»u •Ine aesthetic point of view, but he rea- kzos that timber is just as much a iieoessity Ikj iiiankiiMl as Mheat is, and that it is hto! bi»sine.-s> lo produce a crop of iliis neoe,s>;ity. Fn«ler his inanage- uienl the lore*t will coutiniie to tid the ihiivg of beauty it has alwa.vs been, .and Ul-" resort of grnte. as U*e (Vrinan for- ests are now ; but IIk' crop of tjiidii'r cul from ttie forest »tll be tarjser and hel- \«f, and Ihe tn-e* uill be cut when they arc inaluiv aiul itc-' allowed lo remain uriUl they tievofwe o\er-ripe and dtx'4iy. Jor It a just as pt»sible to leave trees uuti] they are s>vei'-i'ipe as it is to do so with wheat. ! PHILLIPS (IKTS TIVK VK.\RS. "WrK'ker of ViirW <',4)ui«j\ Loiui Goes !o i:»e I>rnile4iliary. A despalih from Toronto says: Joseph Phillips, Presitlerit of the d.-fimcl York i«Jiunty Loan i. ."Savings lUimpany. was I iwiitenoed or. Saturday by Judge W in- . .liester !.j Uve years in Kingston .Peni- â- . lefitary on a charge, to which lie plead- j e«i gudty. of iiiakuig false returns to the tiovfrnnieul, Th.> iiidl^ilmeilts .->! c«nsp!ra<-y ai>d iReft w^ie .vithdri^wn, 1 In •teliver'ng hi* -havge Ih.- Judge re- !niarke.i at snme iengtn on ihe servoiis- |Tie,v< of 'he iffeocO) .'omnnlled by Phil- 'ips in using :ix)ii«*y belonging to llie ^Vdrk (xiuiity â- Lutp i^inpanv to pay, or ♦•*lp pay. aiteiUs wh.: were canvassing ' (or subsidiarv i-fincems: on the losses whi<!h over IS.OSO per-ons in Canada. niOfct of whom were coinparatveK poor. , would have ;o bear througli Ihe imin'- pulalK)n.s of a map wtm wa.- entru.sted »ith their saving-, and oil the fa.n tha: I i^tililution VMS ivH made by Pliiilips •until he was ob'iged to make it. i The fonner President of a company â- wi irh ha<l shaivh«ilders in nearly every •pa. I of th.'- Don'inion .showed no vi.sible s:giis of depression when Hie .s<-ntence , w»s pron^}ur»ced. exivpt that he dropped . his head .si'ghlly and closed his eyes for a moni«Hil. tie was clad in .h beaver owreoat. whicn !iiatche«1 well in color wruf hks Itetfvy bl»<^k tvurd and hair. I The fact that tie had not removed his ' itjal would -â- ^111 lo indicate tliat lie did I mil expect the proceedings of the Court i of Sssions to 'be long. Very lew were ' ii, the seals when 'he .sentence wa.s pro- : iwimced t^esid"* counsel and new.s)>aper ; IlK'll. 1 ♦ Bran- None in the market nominallv around SiM to $2S. I Bukher trade was vei^ active and -UOVEK.VHE.vr STA.NDAKD stKDS." A Term Coined b> >oed Vendors an4 Max Be Misleading, .K despatch from Ottawa says : P;ir- chasers of red clover. aLsike and liinothr Price I prices were away above the normal seeds wlw want a good clean art.cl« j level. .â- ?everal .sales were made al S5.- j should .see to it that Ihe seeds Ihey buy i50 lo $5.70.' and I!:.- bulk of the choice . are clearly represenletl by a reiiab* I^RO\ I.^ION.S. jstidf s*)ld from •<S5.25 lo $5,35, Clioice tirra lo be of llrst qualitv' by bemf Dressed Hops SN ^xl for l„rht â- ..,.1 Sin ' '*** ^^"^ '" ^man^' <1»<1 ^'^ ^'i 'he marked "Xo. 1,'^ -Prune,' "Fancy .- Ih^ssed Hog^-«t.jO c'^J'i-'p' •'"'' »^ «av up k) $.1, alUiough cjily a couple u.r lieuvie.s. farmers kit-; S)f,2i to •'5<>.aU . â-  "^ "^ • "^ in car lots. Porkâ€" Short cut brought khi-s price. Bulls soU from s-ai 1 *>-trj» .^ S:t.6ii ti) $3. 7»i, and cne extra choice bull , , »„, . ^r,..'^ P*"" ..' i.OOO pounds brought $4.50. barixil; iness. $21 to .^2I..Ri i .y t.„J.„ ,j choice slc«.-kers .sold at .'-moked and nrv ^1 ed .\ eats - Long ^.5 ,y „„., ^^^.y, ^ ^,^ ^,j ^ ,^j^^ c.ear bacon. Ilc to llV,c for lon.s and j-.i«ui,'ht •?'» 30. ca-ses; hams MRM.umui.d light, i:.v,c |« i \,ji^^ ;^^^ ^.^^ wniparalively quiet, uc: heavy iiv to l--;: bacts Ib^c to .^^ ,^^, ^,.^. „„„ f^„ ^.^^j,.^ ^,^^ l.c: shoulder-., lie lo 1 v,c; m!;s ll,Jic: , ,-„,,.es ar^ steadv and unchanged, out of pickle. Ic less than foi^^'- } .s^ieep are sUghtIv firmer on a light I ard--l-irm; t.erces, 12 V; l-it^S 12>b.c: ,^ ^,^ .^^^^^^^ grain-led and common. fnuis. \.A>'- fre firm, with spring lamb quoted a 1;!- llo easier. tXXiNTHY PRODLCF:. flogs are ^!eady and unchanged at Butlerâ€" Market is Urm, with a strong $6.",*, fed and watered. d«-mand. I ,|, Cxeanierv. prints 26c to 27c j do iOlids 24cto25e| £MKJL%TION TO C\NAD\. Dairv. prInW 23cto2ic- X.X.\," or such other designation liir wliich a special standard of purity m fixed in Section 4 cl the seed Control Aol. "(jovernmenl Standard' is a ten* coined by seed vendors and may be uies- leading unless clearly understood. Sec- tion 4 of tl»e Act li.xi's a standard o» quality m respect to vkeed seeds, below which timothy, alsike and red ckiver seeds are not allowed to be sold fon seeding, either by farmers or seed mer- chants. This standard allows of Hi* weed seeds named in the .\cl about ?• in one ounce of red clover, 200 in on» ounce of alsike, or 40O in one ounce oC tiraoUiy seed, pass this lower sufficiently clean Ihe lenn "(iovemnieiit Standaixi wm , or tuu in oii«; ounce <â-  It is to se^ that \\\% r slamlai;^^it ai-e nol n lo gra^^P^o, t ' thai do tubs •.. 20eto21c â- FtoiB fat» te February 90,6ii Persons attached last season. I ic for large and | entered Doniinioo. Ae- B\rnx l\ \ BANK. . Twtt 1>es(ier.idoes Foiled al JohaiiiM>sbiir<| .'One Mtirtalt.N WiMiiided. ! ^ der^patch from Jnhanncsttirg, Soiilh j .\fnca, says ; An attempt was made by ; two masked men 10 rob Ihe National ! fiiiiik on llarrLSou ,S|i-e<'t here on Wed- nesday aflernooii, but it was foiled bv the em|iloyees, whs were quicker with their revolvers than their assailants. In a brief inleichaii.iic of .shots one of the I despenidoes was iihirtally wounded b.\ 11 shot in Uie mouth and the other was captured as he was trying lo Hee. One I of I he tiaiik employees was slightly I Wk^uiided, Clieeseâ€" Firm al Eggs- Beceipis are plentiful, and the i -^ despatch frrmi Ottawa say* : demand -Iroiig al 21.. I cording lo reiuriis which have reached fcr slorage ' *'''•' Interior Deparhiient, tlie iinmigra- .! lion into <4inada for the eight months 9c to lie ' f*"^"' July to Februai-y inclusive, was " JH.'to(IOc i •'^â- ^55, as compared with (J5,17f) for Ihe Sc to 'M: '**"•* perioii t.f 'uist year, an intTeuse of (V'totlc '^"^ P*"" i"*^"'- ''"''•' arrival by ocean ports lie to 13c ' *'«^''<-' l>T,6»»i. and from the tnilcd Slates ',' Z,f "j^_- ,27 909, as comparetl with 43,(iU by ocean c.mhs'S-' to 8^30 ixr d- z "'ports and 22,156' from the L^iited Stales j fanners Ilia!, on account of the See* Vans SI 'ij' "for hand-picked and | '"'"">'•'«*'"« l^''"** ''»*^ -^•^"â- â- - Ihe per- (.Vjntrol ,^cl, they are offering their 41 r- f . .Trn,;.- .cenlage of iiicrea-se Via ocean p<i.-ts was Polaloen^nraiio. i5c to 90c-; eastern, 'i: ^l ^- ''"'^ •"«'=' '^'--^ ^"â- '-1 S.al« G5c to $1. in car lots here. | -^' »''' '"''"â-  . Baled Huv-ll hj «lt.r>0 for No. 1 tim- j ' cthy and $y, JO lo SIO, for No. 2. in car lots here. Muro Stringent Se<)ii kit ions la Poiillryâ€"yuololions are stoi-k. Ordinary Inferior Fowl jOeese 1 Turkevs ! Honev-Pal'.s. lie lo Some seed vendors have adverl't-seil .seeds under "Oovernmenl ."^eal. ' N* Government seal is used on any .seed*- offered for sale in tlie trade. Some s*?' liable seed hou.ses sell grass and clover seeds sealed by them and tor which they alone are heid responsible so king as the seal /emains intact, but not after 'A is broken. To avoid Ihe previsions of >eclion ?. or the ,\ct, witich applies ma:n!y to see4 grain, som*.' seed vendors represent «• NO PKLNK ON PIRLM WOKkS. I MONTBKAL NLXBKFTS. j||i^,i, xmllir. ; .Montreal. Mtirch 2ti.-BucKw>it*t Mc \ ^ despatch from Ottawa savs it». 5»>.V P*"" hushei. ^_ JtVveniment will tins .ses.sioii inlroduce | farmers to buy setxl mtelligenliy grain for sale for milling or feeding pur- ptjses. If offered for sale lor .<i>eding, such seed veii .ors are required lo tnak* dear lo intending purchasers Ihat ih* seed contains wild oats, wild mustard. c«.'ckle, and sm^h other noxious weeik ^^_ ' seeds w hen Ihey are in the seed. I'h* object of the .Act is to protect farniei* I wlK) want to protect Hieniselves against The I such weeds.. It provides the means for Far- [ Cornâ€" American No. 2 yellow, Sjc: .No. : ij.gjj;iai.^,„ i^, prevent th.- gift .if liquor I "lers who dHiberstely buy feed gran* ,3 tnild. ti-V ex-stor^. , jp i,,^, cuipioyt'd upon public works | «"d use it for set^ can scarcely lio|>e for Oats On spo^ .No. 2 while, 52,V'; ' under the piovision of Ihe Peace Preser- ; legielation that wiii protect them fi-on» i No. 3 white. 4t>,c t*' *-^" -"^o- *- **'.^'-" . vation .\ct. .At pivscnt tlie law merely j loss on account of no.xious weeds, |lo He per busliei cx-siorc i prohibits the sale of liquor to workmen â- "" ; Peas -Boiling peas. $1 m carlo*! kits, ^^^^^^ ,^^-1, conditions. Kxpenciice has ,.*I.10 in jobbing lots, [nxiveii Iha!. especially upon railway Flour .Mam'oba spr.iig wheat, $1.2o ' c^ji-tniclioii, this is not .siillicient to stop cjjL-lr iHit C. H. CI ARK. Seed Coinmissioiier and Ollicia! Sea# .Analyst. , V.N LVSWK MOTHKR. The railways id Malta and of Barba- does are about '.he slow'*il in the world, Cornwall and Carmarlhenshire claim Ific kiwest house i-eiils of any British' c«unUes. HOI' W XIFlt ON D^'^ AMITE. Cbarte« FM.sQmi tn«tanrt( 'Killed u( budge. Otn. K despatch from Keiiora eay.s : Chas, Fvisgren. employed in the C, P, R, con- .•d ruction .-amp a I l.iKlge, Out,, was killed b.\ a pri'inature explosion of dyna- mite on Ti»e»iday. H<' wiis etigaged in loading a fourteen-foot IhjU? witli 60 pounds of the expUvsive whiii il ckigge»l. 11.' powixl h<t( water on it, and a terrible expiosioii followed instantly. .\ number of otht>r men were working clohe by, but forluiiati'ly a!! of thein escaped. Fos- gren was lernbly mutilated. 11.1 .$4.60; .strong hukers. M lo •'SLio: j ,Tpm ,^,1;^^. j„ mtuxnanls, so the .Minis- ! winter wluat patent.-, SLIO lo $4.25; ; (^,. nf Justice will now bring in a bill to jstraight rollers. .'iKl.iin to .'KJ.70: d.\, ui ' niake Hie giMng of liquor a misde- •'^'H'amjled ller Niiie->ear old Uaiiyhtfr I bags, $1.65 lo •5I.()7: extras, .'«l.oO lo 1 moaiiui . The bill will also extend Ihe I iSl.oJ. j right of sMicli for liquor to railway ears | I .Millleedâ€" Manitoba bran in bags. $20 , and cuiitraclorjv caiups so as lo permit ! !lo $22; .shorts. $22 lo S22,jO; Onlano y oompldo suppression "of the U-aBic. bran in bags. $20 lo *â- ,'!: shorts. $22 to i '$29.50; iiiit'erl mouilie. S21 to $2i; | â€" * 'straight 'jrain. $2?« lo »2t« per U.n, j ^,^ sri«.;Ms kiLU:D. Boiled Oaf.s- Per bag. $2 lo $2,10 in â- l>ushed ill Traill Wreck on itie Santa Fe ibulway. al \\ iiMu|ieg, â- K despatch froih Winnipeg says: While temporarily the victim of a pecu- liar fonn of in.sanily, wbich made her believe it was Cod's w ill that she shaui4 slay her children, .Mrs. , John J. Leslie, Jessie Avenue, this cily. on Wednesday strangled her iiiiicyeai'-old daugblec, II. Ida. and then, .is hor horrible criin« i forci-d itself into realization in her dis- car lots. $.'.20 lo $2.25 in jobbing lots. j Hav No. 1. $I3,J0; No, 2, *12.,-)0: No, 3 $H.r)0; ciovcr ini.xed, $11; pure clover. S10.50 to $11 per Ion in cur lots. j A despatch fr.>ni Ix>s .Vageles. Ciili- j ^os^d mind, .she aWeiupted '«j take her Hutl-r- -Prices sh.iw no change, ; fornia, says: A spe.-ial train on the *'*'" ''fe hy slikshmg her Ihroal wilh » Ch-esc- -The maikel conlmues very j, Santa Fe Bailway, carrying scores of 1 '""^^^''^ Invesligalioii folkjwing (hi« quiet, .slmk'nls home fr^'Hi an' uitercolk-giate ; P""'^''C occiirn^nce revealed the fact I f,g^_ Steady at 2.3c to 24c per do'zen. i lield meet .it ('iinremoiil, colhdetl lieatt- ""*' 'he insane ahd frenzied mother had i Provisions- Barrels sliorl cul mess. | on wilh llio oul-bouiid limited train I P*****^"^ her infant with carbolic aci4 $22 to $23. .'io: halt barrels. $ll.".") :o while boPt P-nin.s mere moving at a ra- : '**-''^"' ""'t''* ^wks ago. the circumslan*-«» j $12,50; clear fat txicks, $24 to ,'S24.50: ! pi,| rale witiiin the city liniils «n Sat- 1 *' 'he time arousing suspicion, allhoug* long cut heaw mosfc -S20,."x) to ,«i22; halt j nrday niglit. Six students were killeil j 'Z'*-" '^•''"h was Uiouglil to have Ijeen acc»- ! barrels do, $10. 75 W .SILfH): dry salted and seveivl^n iujiuvi, .several of llietn N'""'"'- -"^'rs, Leslie was taken in charge long clear buojn, lie to I2S''; barrels pn^balily falally. Both loe'omolives, one I , â- '' ""^ police, and, after exaininatioa plate beef, $11 to SU'.-IO: half barrel.s-jof the Imggagc cars 011 the limiloi and i**'*^'""^ " magislrate was adjudged in- Three Whites and One Jap Lose Their Lives in British Columbia. A despatch fixxn Vancouver. B. C, t>xy»: \ snow slide occurred at the log- gmg camp operated in connection with the Britannia ooppier svndicate's mines eu Howe Sound, on Saturday monting, whereby three wtiile men aiid one Jap kist their h»««i, K<ir the past few days >i has been snowing heavily and work had lo be stopped. On Salurday morn- mg the men gather»>d m Ihe donkey en- gine house, but Qie toretnan decided Ihat thfy (»uld not work that day. .\kislof the iwn returned lo their boar.1- ii.g-house, but a lew remaiued in the engine house. Suddenly without any warning a snow slide occurred, com- pletely burying eight men. Three while.s, McBride, Mcl'herson, and James W'il- ,'vn, and a Jap died before they eouKl be rescued. The other four men were in a sorry plight when dug out, the snow and debru> being eleven (eel deep. Slides have occurred at other portions of Wv mine's pwperty, but it was thoufhl thai ^lis spot wa£ safe. do, ,1!i;.25 to i<(>.T5; barrels heuvv mess | the siiK'king car on lUe s|>eeiul train be^>f, $»<,.50; half barrels do, $-l,7,'i; com- were dfiiiolisheiL pound lard. Sll.'c to lOV: P>"''<' 'ard. U%c to 14c: kettle ivndered, I3e to 15)4c: hams, t:Jc to lOV- according lo size: brewkfas! ba<xin, Tie lo Itv; Wind- ier bacon, 15V lo lilc: fresli killed abal- t. Ir dressed hogs, $9,75 lo $10; alive, $7.'ii. BUFFALO MARKCT. BuffaKi. March 26.- Ftour -- Steady. Wheatâ€" No, t Norltieni, Sic, Corn â€" Only sleudy; No, 2 yellow, jft-: No. 2 white, .W^V, Oatsâ€" I'lisettieil: N«) 2 white, 4$i-: No, 2 mixed. 44c. f^aj-leyâ€" Strong: opening shipment quoted 7C lo 81K-, Rye---Ouiet; No, 1 ci.f., 70c asked, NEW" YORK WHK.\T MAWxF.r New York, Ma'ch 26â€" Spot, e«s»; No, â- ,' nxl. !«2.!4'e elevator; No, 2 red. S3\c f.o.b, alkiat: No, I northern. Uuluth, 9le f.o.b. alloal: No, 2 hard waiter, save f«-b- afloal. NO CIIANNKI. 'n NNEL. British (rtivrnimeiii \iiiiuunres lis Op- lio.silioii to the Bill. K despatch from London .says ; in the tluus4' of Lords on Thursday Ixird Crewe aiiiKnincetl that the (iovenuiient was opposed lo the tihaiinel 'Tunnel bill. In the House of (.ioiniiions Prime MiiiLs- ler Sir Henry i'.ainpbeN Baniierniau con- liriiied this slaleiiiitit .11 l>el!alf of the tiovemnieul. 'The Premier in announc- ing his dectsicit, .said ; "Even if the mililaiy danglers eouki be completely sane, \\ hen being taken away from her home the poor woman wailed. "Hilda wa.s tlie ij^ht of my life, but I could not help It ; I hud to kill tier. ' Her hiisluuvl is a patlernmuker m ilw Elniwood lro« Works. .MVSIIKO TO PI LP IN BKLT. Employe ol {.oiidon Siove Factory S«|. lers a recrible Death. A despatch from London. Ont.. .saysj Fred Howe, an employe of the .McOai Nianufaeturing Cx>m|>ttiiy. was literal beaten to a pulp at 3.20 on Thiir afternoon by being caught by a be.lt whirU-d around in a heavy "shafting over a minute. He was cleaning son giiardiHl agamsl. tliere would be a feel- pipes, when his coal was cauglil ing of insecurity leading !o constani de- hw wius drawn into a space of but .1 fi iiiands hir increased naval and military inches. It was over a minute before i expenditure and 1 1 eating a feeling of engine could be .stopped. Decea^sed iv alarm injurious !o Ihe counlry's corn- 45 vears of age, and leaves a large laj nienial and polilical inleresi.s, which ily." He was well known among io would mt be cctnv>en.salcd for by the musiciaius, and ba<l inanv fneiids. advantages vl Iha liuwiei. ' I iin|uest will be held. r

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