Flesherton Advance, 28 Mar 1907, p. 8

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i K M' V Mabch 28 1907 theIaarkets CAREFULLY CORRECTED EACH WEEK. 0;jjn 3(i to "6 I'.i* T6 to 7C Hmli-y * 45 to 45 Whuiit 05 10 (55 Hiiy 10 00 tolO 0!) I'ot;«iooH, per bag 05 to" fiO lialter 2U to 20 Kt;t,'s. fre»li 20 to 20 Chickens 6 to 8 Oecsj 10 to 10 Tiirkoys .M. 11 to 11 Duck».... M 10 to 10 THE FLESHERTON AD V^ N C E r ir2 »â- [ GiS In Furniture Tlie largest and best stock of fiiriiittiio everNliowii in Flenlior- c<>ii. Tliis withunt fi'iir of coiitM- _ iliutjuii. Coiiio iiiid KHO Hume of tliu iiiou thingis in . Sideboards Dirring RoorT\ Chiairs Parlor Setts Bed Rooiri Setts A special reduction just now on evyrytliing in order to ruducu the aiook. ! W. H. BUNT ^urnitune dealer '» FlesktGf • Dot. O/^ J $PH1I16 CEKItl <-)l'KNM ApKII, 2nI) An oxenlleiit time i<i niif.T the ereat I/O ELLIOTT lOEONTO. OUT. <i»iJtt(li\'N Hi-»c yclFoiii of lliisii)OH.H nnd tSiiortliftiid TmltliillJ. I)..iiiaiiil for our Kr.ulu.itei ii f;ir urciifur t.lii>ii k\w. Kup- |dy. Our iii:ti:iiitioeiilo«t!»l(i>>oo is freo Eolorn'.w nuil bo pr^pnrt"! to uccept u i"iii(l jiositi.oi ill ill... siiiNiiifr or full. No niidjiuoinier vhchmou. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Cor. Yonjfo and Alciiuulxr St«. lATintei:* Ton» Now on at the OWEN SOUND, ONT. hat studoiitii itra aJinittod at any time without any iuoonvomouoc to 'hemsBlri'a or otiiora. Thrurt ciiinp|,iic and tliorou(;li .»>urv-» of Htudy; Hosinosa, Shorthand iiii.l I'ypoivritinii, iiiid I'rop.Aratory. No nitttiiT wh'it your j.ruso-ir, Mducatinn is wociinlity.ui for a liutlsr p^iyin'^ poMtiiui Full partioulari sdiit to any address flWJ, Writ.t t<i C A.FLEMING, Prtnoipal. Spriiiij 1.1 horo unci hh ihh wo with tl\(i l»rn,-ii lint! ')f h knd mvUi tiuwKro ov fir otijiod 111 tlio pulilii-. dull and sua fur yimrfttlf. Our pricta aro riKbt. Also Ji f^iio liiiH (if dry comU, hoot« and shoos *iid frasii ur-ici-rou araviiiK idniosl daily, Eavc trooghiiij; and Joh work ii Rpecinlty J. A. St. JOHN GENERAL MERCHANT - - PORT LAW The Taking Cold Habit The old cold goes; a new one quickly comes. It's the story of a weak throat, weak lungs, a tendency to consumption. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking-cold habit. It strengthens, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about it. Th« best kind of a teitlmonialâ€" "Sold lor over sixty years." MedD b7 J. O. Ayor Co., I.ovolt, Maoa. .&UO mAuuXaoturora of yers SAHSAPAKILLA. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. Wo have no secrets I We publlah tho formulas of a]l our irediolnoa. ..eepthe bowels regular with Ayer's PWt, just one pTil each night. Does Your Wife Bake? This at the If ahe dot's she wants good flour, ia The JPImce for good flour Wright prices, which are low pricoa. We also sell all kinds of Feed. Farmers, Take Notice. I hiivu eeiwod »'i.rklii)f for McCornmck |^ii«ulunt)i>, not that I had any fault with llio.' (•|'l»iii«;it«. liut .racks. m ,\ ll.i.im.vli, nf M.uk- lumilil n Mi.norninik nix f.iot LIikImv ti> Mr. » ilniii iVU'Miilhm lunl Imvvimt for Slffli.lK) xii A« p»,v», ami hin i.ld I'atu-rHnn liln.ler and â- u iiol.l th« ..Id liiiMlcr for H.»), anil .m \tK%t ^ tfriiis thpy mu < liaiyod to thiiHr iliat liitb«yir«trh.oiif.irl«s;< ikMldn. Why 'hey «ll ih.ni t,. MaikdafiB fnrniuio f..r 1'! Tlii« I ciiii prdvf. I jinviimmtracl- tutor iliuiiilu.ii, .if lVt«rli(iroiiKli, to .jilfmrnti at MarkrIaJ.. anil KliiiUer- U w-U ilip tiiiiilurs, »ix foot im nn« pay â- a gun, llu-«Piuv< 81J0: .IrilU. one 'lrilt8l)l, 1! i.ayn i'Vi, lliri'u |n<^v» SliTi, .i&w t<i o..rr.«|M,ri(l, Hninllir..r larger. f .t MarkihJf at'or tlio timt of .Marct. 'rday. Any.im.i wantiiiif iiiacbiiii>M will find nic i.n .'Utiirlays. I liavo I.I han.l Drills on liniKl, Hiiiiiti nuly no and tw.> yeara, Niii..n, Onhaws f livuili.in. Alao a^coiit f.ii the Plow,, Tolls .Maiiiira .Sproadarsu il brraber. GARDEN SEEDS- Our stock iscom^ plete with overythiiii; you could wish for in this line. Wo sell Electroleno, the boat illuminotlr.g oil OB the market. 25c per uallon. Our Prices Suit W. L. Wright. F L E S H E R T O N Business Cards MCULLiOUOH & YOUNG Kankur MarUdals Do a general banking busi noaa . Mouojr loaned a roasouable i-atv Call on iia. TOHISLKTT, • rostuiaHti.r, ''oylon. ConuniBsiooor in H. I'. J .Convovancor, doedn. looitcai^urt, IttaBUH, will!} oto. carefully ilrawii iii> Colloctiuu:* loaJ... cUarijua ruabonal.le. AUu Krooeries, flour. feaU eCo, kept iu mock, I'riues riKlit. &J BPROULl! t'oatuaslur, FtoabertoD ^ominiBnloncr in H.C J., Auctioneer Cnn- veyancor, Apiiralser and Monoy Leuder Ileal Kstato anil Insurance Af,'ent. Doeda mortRsaoa. lannuii an'l wIHh carefully drawn up and Taluatlous inailu on sliortoHi uctlco, money to loan at lowont rates of mterost. Col oobloiis attuudod to wltii proniptuoHS oliarjfus low, At'ont for Ocean PonilDioD Htaauisbiii Company. A call aollolted. IfcI'HAIti, Licensed Auetionnor for thii (yuitnty of Gray. Torina moderate and satisfactinti Kimrantued. The at-raiii;eioei>tR an.) dates of sales can be made a**. TuH Aovanck otni:«. Keiidonce audl'.O., Ceylon, Tolepkouo connection. Deo. 8,07. GiCO. (}. LUDIXIW, Mconae.l Auctioneer tor the County ot Grey. I'roniut service ana reasonable terins. f ifton Btailon P. 0. D. Societies A U W lueetfl ou the last Monday 1 eaon luoiitli, in their Indue ruoni, Ohilstoo's block. KloBlierton. at » p.m. M.W., Fiank Chard ; Rec, T. lllakoly, l-'inauoier, W.J. Ueliamy. VIsitiDR brothr.D Invitod, PIlINCl!! AUTHUK LiOt)UK, No. :i»3, A.F.ft A M, ineetB in the NtaHonioball. Strain's block. Kleahnrlon, every Friday on or before tliatiiU niocii, \V A.Armatiouii, W M.; U.ib. duilth, Hncretary. N COL'HT rLRBUKUTON. PUS, I. C. F. ireetn.ln Cbrititoe's Itlock tlieinKt WedneHdav evening of oa.ib iiioiitVi. VIhUIiik' KoiuBtem heartily welciiinu. 0. It., Dr. Miirra\; H.^^, '1'- Hocry: I'in. Sec, O. N. Kiuhai.lBiio. t'leaho pay dors to Flo. Sec. before tbu f\rBt dav of lliu month. CIIORRN I.'UIl!:KD8-Kl(whertan tlonnoll of Cnrti<,>n Fri'inds ineelfl in Clavtnn'a ball llrtt and thir.1 Weilne^dav of Bhcb iiinnt K p. ui Pay aMBeHHinenta to the lu.eorder on or befovo too first .lav of each month. <'>itaf (^ouuclllor, T. lIlakuley.Hecordar, W. H. Duiit. Medical DU CAJtTKn M Cl'AHOnt.rhyolelan Office and real.lencoâ€" IVter St., Knrfienn, eto Flesherton HONOR BOLLS March report. S. S. No, 3 ArtwneRia. v. â€" (Jertie Belliimy, litatrice This- tleihwaite, Ruth Paul. Sr IV â€"Roh Johnston, Roy Thistltb- waite, llita Bollumy. Jr IV.â€" John Sliarp, Wilfred Houry, OenrKC Chard. Sr III. -Kate Wilcock, Jennie Juhnson, Nut. Caswell. Ji III. â€" Irene Sharp, Rob. Chard, James Harrison. Sr II.â€" Edna- Stewart, Harry Fella, Wullinitton Quigu. .Irllâ€" Rod. Sharp, Zcl'a Benthani, Mable Irwii. Ptll.-Husjh Moore, Elsie Ciswoll. Pt I.â€" Willie Irwin. Rhoda Beat. Hekb Ca.ii?bell. Teacher. Report of Cuylon public Rchool. IVâ€" Willa McLond 511, Kate McLBod. .IIO, Idii RutledKe 491, Vera McMuIloo 487. Frrd McMullen 418. Illâ€" Percy McLood «!20, Austin Mc- Mullen C04, J.J. Patiis.in 597, Lina Leu- ate 570, Melville R.itled;/e 657, EUi^! Chi«lptt 553, Myrtle Hemphill 5;»2, Mary McMullon 50O. Fortius Rutk-dae 467, Cha» Chisltjtt 41G, John Hemphill 406, Annie En.Klish 181. II~Vera McLean .'J72, Howard Mc- Lean 354. Muriel Legate 330, James Mc- Miilleu 31S, Murray Lenste 303. Rov Rutle6t?o 2'J9 Jennie W'lisos, Teacher. Doctors Change Their Methods Years ait'> they fought cnt.urrah by internal dosing. They saw this ruiiieil the stomach and changed the ozoimted air cure, better known as "Catarrhozone. " This truRtmenl is sure to cure. It goes to the source of the disease; it destroys the causes that ranintain catarrah nr.d even ill the worst of cases permanent cureis){ua'9nteed. Failure withcitairli ozone is impo.Ksible. Antiseptic, hoalin;; and far-roachinj<, it'a bound to euro every time. Eiidiiraed by more than twenty thi'imand ph.viticiana in .\merica alone and sold iu 25c aud $1.00 sizos by all dealers. nUA. T. HOND ; " Graduate Toronto Ui Iveijiltv. Mem- tier of Ontario Culleijo o; PbysieiiaiiH and Snr- iju:)ns. Maxwell, Oat. riiiocesHortn Dr. Ucott, JP OTTtnWKl.Tj Veterinary HurRaon Graduate o( Ontario Veterinary PoUeue. rosi.lodctt â€" Bsooitd door aouth west] on Mary street. 'This street ran. aonlb Piesbytarian Cbnrct). n WV.aON, UlackHnillli "â-  irudnat.i of Ibo Ve'erlnary Rclenoa Association. IteHidenen, Dinhaiu >trMt, op- posite Ituyd, Hlokllbg's bsrrtwaro. The proprietress of tho Comely house. Owen Sound, was liued 6SO.0O and costs last week for diapenaing illegal licjuiJ refrpshmenti. Wellington county appeai-s to have a gani! of hiebutja of a sfiecially bad kind. Two rocnnt tirea it ia thought were Ijnd- led to cover uxt«nsive thefts of flour and grain. The recent heavy windstorm did f n- i lerabU' dam ige in Owen Sound. The John H'rrisoii company had two smoke- stacks blown down. The Sun cement eompaiiy niul Kecnan Hros, also had ^mokeatackf damsyed, while there were uiiniberluss minor dainagos. Rov. M. Bricker, pasior of the Men- mmite church, Shri^'ey. was married on the 5th iiist., to Miss ARnes Scholl, i f Proton. The ceremony was performed oy Rev. Kitchipg, at the homo r.f the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.Schell. Mr. Campbell of Duntrooti hotel wa.s fined 850 and costs for seliiiii; li-^uor a few days auo and had another charee pi eferred against him on «Jiich wa learn lie was alio fined We understand ho admitted both.â€" Bulletin. Alexander McLean, wht-iis death we mentioned last week was one of the pion- eer settlers of Arteinesia towiif>hip. near Priceville. Ho was 78 years of aeo. Deceased is survived py « widow and Itrown up family. \. aiater of the decaaed, Mrs. David Henderson, left Shelburno on SatunUy last f..r her home in Calgary anil a daughter of the deceased, Mrs. Mo MilUn, wife of Contmotor McMillan of the Grand Trunk Pacitie, who had been viaitinn her fwirents, left for houje at (Sladatinio a few day.s aufK Throe s.ms arc living in the west and another daiiahtoi ill Montana. R. L. Mortimer, Shelbu' ne is A niece. A pretty house \voddin<,' took place at tho residencBof Mr. and Mrs. Jas. John- st.in, Shrigley, on Wetlnesday. March 1.1th, when Uieir seoicid d^iughter. May, was united in iiiarriaire to Robt Sciller (itOsprey. Tho ceremony wi,ih perforiiied by Ro». Mr. Ryan of Diitidalk. The weddiiin march was played by J!is» Wint- ers, aa the bride, who wa« given away by her father entered the parlor, prettily gowned in cream silk trimnieil with over lace and pleated chiffi.n and Imws of ribbon. She was xuppoited by Miss Stilly, cousin of tho uroom who was sim- ilarly dressed. The bride's travoUin;' dress was of blue ladies alj^th with hat to match. The g-ooin wns assisted by^ Harry .lohiiaion, brother i»f the hri-lo. The liappy couple loft oii the evonin^t train for Toronto and Hespeler where hey will spend their huuuyiiiooii. KIniberlcy The Kimberley Branch of the O. W. I. will meet in the Orange Uall on Thure- day. Match 28th. Mi!»4 Violet McLean of Rockvale, vicit- ed friends here during tha pa-st. week. Mr. Hiid Mrs. Geo. Snell <.f Markdale were the guosU of Mr. and Mrs. WiUi-m So.itt recently. Mr. Harold Curry of Rocklyu was t: e guebf.f his cousin Mr. John Reid, in Saturday last. ' Mr. .JameH Stewart who has been coiitineJ to tho hotni? for the past few n>nnt!i.sou account of injuries r«ceivrd in a runaway accident, made his (jrfc trip to the vilbigo one day last week. \ We aro sorry to report-the ser\tis ill- ness of Mast.'r KIdon Lewis, little stm ..f Mr. ami 5Iis....Thi s. Lewis of this place. Wo hope to hear of hi.s speedy recovery. Mr. Geo'rae Hutchinson took char;.e of the service in tlie Moth.idist church hero on Sunday niornin-; l».st,\ in tho absence of ilio p;i.stor,Mr. W. Gaujin. Master fJarold Proctor is ill with the measles this week. Cuncillor Johnston of Bcarerdale was in t^^wii liLSt week. Squire Stuart left for P^rry Sound last week. Miss Eva Black visited Epjiing friends on Sunday last. A plan for diawii.i; trade to a town that hna been Bucoeai*fully worked at .several points inijjlit be adopted to advanlMue in this luwii The plan is as follows â€" All agreement was reached between all the merchants wijereby they oifere ! special sales on certain d.iys, each niorclmnt selecting some special line of i>o.ids upon which they made a lower ra'o than usual. Thus ono dry t;ood» hou.se would sell gloves at a special price, while another would re- duce the price on ekates. Every line of business was repreaentad and care was tiken tint no conflicts should occur. Piiios wore then otj'ored to the farm, r lirin..;iiig in the best Imul of grain or tho handsomest baby aiid the bargain day was extoiiHively adveriised in thesur- riuiiding country, tho names of tho mer- chants and their special Sales being iu all cases stated. Tho farmers ruspnided in a iiio.st grilifying manner and the mor- rhants were well pleased with the plan. Tho idea has alruady been carried out iu .several towns. Glasses That Cure. BO YSAFl* ;:xpsRisi^cH Legal t^ LOOAS WKIOHT ft MoAItDLn llarriitors Holloitori Onnv.)rsno«ra, eta Oft\ce.~Oweu Sound. Ont andllM-kdaleOnt W H WnmuT, Uc4HDi.a 1 B LrCAs N ll-Flesherton offlc, Mlteb.ll'i Bank every Rattirdav. DENTfSTRV T)r. B, C. MUKRAY I.. D. H, don*sI surgeon " knnnr (rtdnat* ot Toroa»o DnivorsItT and lleyal Cell«(a nf Denlsl Snimoes nf OiiUrie, Use stiuinUMret fer Umtii estraoklnn. •(Bos at r.sld.nte, Tei.uio itroat, riesh.rtau. T«,'nt Mark* VLttQUn CorvFiiattTs Ac. Anyone sonitlnu asttMi.l) and ile«er.pi'.-»n niej null My asrtniiwtt etir oi'i'"."i Iroe »:..ittier aa liiTeiiM.tn IS iTdbftMy pste,il*»M,i. Ci ntmuri.-a. Uiins'.irletli-ixilUlontlttl. H«ii.lhookoh I'attnw suet troe. Ol.Uwt ,-iirenev tor ^ecurlo^ patei.t*. I'lienU taken tlirouKb Uuiin A Co. rouelve i^i-M aoMt-*, wlihout o tiaiy M. iu the Scientific American. A bandsonielT tlln(rtfi«*»d w»i-l-.lf . 1 nnre« olr. otrletlon i.r siiy sHenikle I luoml. Tern.... ;i a : fiiitr nirmUu, tl. Sold liyaU â- owsdeaderm ,Jl">!i'l&Co.''«'^'»-^''H8ffYni1i SCORED ANOTHER -' WONOERFOL VICTORY On* Mora Added to tha Long Ust «f Cores Effected by Psychine. Thia yoime lady, who lives in Browra*- villo, near Wbodjjtock, Ont., tells her own story in a few effective words of how she obtained deliverance from the terrible grip of weakness and disease. 1 have to thank Phychlne for my present healtB. Two years ago I was gulng lato a decUua I coma tiurdly dnu! myseU across the Huor. I could not .we«pthe<'«r]iel. II I went for a diiv. I bad to Uo down whon I came back. If I went for a mile on two on my wheel I was too weak to lift it through the gate- way, and last time I came in from having a .pin 1 dropoed utterly helpless frora latiitue. My Ulher would tive mu no peace nutll I proourcil pny- cbme, knowinpclt was excellent lor decline or weak- ntnt. 1 mnai say tlie results ar« .wonderful, and people remarked iny improveuient. Instead of a little, pole, boIiOT c'neeked. listless, nielaneholy Klrl. 1 an to-day full oi life, ready fur a siel)ca.rid:. a ekatinf match, or an evenli. it party witli tnyonc and a few Bionth.s ago I eoulii not struggle to churcK, 40 roads from uiy borne. I tuivu civer had tha slightest cause to fear an v return of the disease. ELLA MLKIHX WooP, Browusvlilo, om Thousands of women are using PSY- CH INE, because they know from expel"- ience that in it they' have a safe frleii4 and deliverer. Psychine is a wonderful tonic, porifying the blood, driving otit disease gernis, gi^•e8 a ravcnooH appetitfc aids digestion und assimilation of fooo, and is a positive and absolute cnre ioi disease of throat, chest, tnngs, stomacn and other prgans. It quickly builds op the entire eystem, making sick peopl0 well and wetik. people strong. Eyestrain causes many serious ills- Nervousness, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Sleeplessness, headaches baffling the skill of the best doctors. We adjust glasses that remove the strainâ€" give a lasting cure. We guarantee satisfaction. We A. ArmstPOTta., (PRONQUNCEO S!>K£e»0 (or sale at all druggu'ts at 50c and ILOO" per bottle, or ut Dr. T. A. Slocum. Limited, Laboratory, 179 King St. West, Toronta Dr. Root's Kidney IHlls are a sure and permanent cure forRhonmatiam, Bright* s Piooase, Pain in the Back and all forms of Kidney Tioable. 25o per box, at ail <lealen> Farm for Sale I«.ts 140 and 147 Isc West of T.irovt) and Sydenham road, O'lntainingone liuiid e I »;res more or less. Price three thousaud d lUi. if sold at uuce. W.G.PICKKLIi. BEFORE Stock Taking We will discount all our ReadyMade Clothinu, Dry Goods. Hats, Cal*. Underwear.B.iots and Shoes and Hosiery at 15 |»er cent, until March 15. We have a few Horse Blankets left whicb wo will sell for cost rather than carry over. Leave your order for binder twine as we are iu position t<. supply any amount at lowest price.s. Thanking the public for their patronage ill l!H)t> and respectfully solicit youi?. trade ^ forllHJ7. R. N. Kinnear and son. MAXWELL In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, Tliirrows, Plough.^, Cream Sep- arators aiul Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works ^'VSI^Sie^k'X^ tK^SS:^: D. McXiVVISH m fitsiitiiiii mimi b» For First Ola.ss Buggies, Carts, Ploasure aud Lumber Wagon.?, cut turn. Sleighs. We k(*p a stock on hand t^o chot>ac from..- ALSO HORSE SHOEING AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and liuaranioo first class work. We keep on h.^nd Ploughs and Plough rei>airs, and Harris and Norton repairs for binders, Mowutt ma..'hiiiury, also Binder Twine on hand. s.'ko Masacy- â- ill kinds of Ulben in town div^ US a call « I » « * t 'Si ^ «# t^

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