Flesherton Advance, 4 Apr 1907, p. 1

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n r htxUn W-J "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR.' â€" <• PRIIs'CIPLEb NOT MEN.' « I- ♦ i » » VOL XXVI, ISO 1316 Fleshierton, Ont. Tliursday April 4 1Q07 W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR KOi'KlETOB t t « it;. H â- -S^i^B iVF W^ Jewelfery Store Havb you cilled in- yet to see our uew promises ? Bigger Stock Better Display Of Jewt-llry, VVatcUe?. Cluckn, Plated Waro, iitid choice thiiij<ii ill every line. Get your Wedding Pres- ents liere, Get ybiir Wedding Ririgs t\ers. Prices Right. Goods the Best. W. A Armstrong. "iM 11,1. I II II iiiiiiiiwiiiiii I iiiiii I II ir"MT Hharu hiiiiiiulf. Mr. Ennis of Markdiile conducted di- vine (lervice here yeHterday. Mr. and Mrs*. Erskine led the sinning. The for- mer presided at the oraim with his usual ; iiiaaterly aliility. Mr. Harness tilled the jHijpoiiitiufiit ill the afternoon at Hark- awav. <.)ii the piavious Sunday morii- :ing Mr. H. took the Rev. J. S. 1. Wil- ison'.i work iu the Markdale church. I Old Robert Smith is at present very |h>w-. His death may be expected at any 1 liino. Flesherton, and now it depemls on the tem|M3rance people to dp their part in nuiking it a succesH. Hette's to 8uccus.s for FleKherton. Harherton Union Sunday School has purcliased a aecond h.ind organ from Mr. McDuff of Dundalk, which grejitly iiu- proves tlie musical ijart.of the senice. McFarland&Co. €eyl«»w f fill Grey County's MAIfKDALE, ONTARIO BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE A Storehouse For Poisons. You may not think so, 6ut that's whiit \ you becom*) when the kidneys areatfected. i These orfjans cleanse the^Xldy; they are the tiltors that remove frooi the blood Kp- nr -iTr i i -i i i-i i i i • i the waste matter that acvs like dendiy i Jivery Man, Woman and cuild likes to look his or ner New spring Goods Here beat Mr. G. CoIlinMjn's ftill is again run- ning full blast. He tw* secured more than hia usual supply dt h'CS as the past winter was a favorable ffne for limbering. There has al.so bew swcured a very large number of telegraph poles, nearly ,« ,e,„sh itself and establishes perfect evury a vajlalile vacant lot being covered , k..„i,i, ^ a...:^. vt^^ „.,.,i, i..„.;.,.. poison on the vitality land health of the system. Dr. Hamilt-on's Pills stimulate the kidnt'ys, expel fermenting, matter from the bow lea, restore the liver and ' stimulate all excietory and secretory I organs. This enables the blood to ijuickly in the nice Spring days that are here, and we are now ready to serve all comers with new ideas. ^-*-^ It Industrial Mome Notes 1 ,^L. (By an Inmate) ,j with the same. MrK. Milligan has removed from Flesh- erton and now occup$a Thos. Grainger's farm. j .\ndrew Sproat hap returned home after spending the winter in the tiackwoi-ds. M'fssrs. Rob andOttewr.il Tucker spent Easter with their parents. .MiKs Anna Cbislotl has gone to Owen Sound to visit her sister and other friend.s. Mrs. Geo. Tucker of Ulenulg and her frur dauuhters loit for their new home a» Gruiiiby on Tuesday afror their friends T". and J. Uhislett of this place. A number of the young men of the viilai^e are goiiui 'o Priceville this weok to work on ibejuilroad. I health. No medicine dices auch lasting good as Dr. Uainilton's Maiidnike Butternut Fills, 'J5c at all dealers. and Kiinberley Tor ti^z Cadies- -Dress Sili«, Goods, Suitings, Spring Jackets, Trimmings, Whitewear, etc. FOf tl)4 €i$ntlcmi{n â€" Suitings, Trouserings, Hats.Cambric, Shirts, Gloves, Ties, etc. Miss Alma Camack is spending her â-  Therc is no placc where you are so sure of the lowest price Easter hoiukys with friendaiia loronto. | and no plucs wbere you are so sure of absolute reliability in style. You arc a welcome visitor always. It's unnecessary to feel you mast come to buy, but come and look v/henever the notion .strikes you Buy when you're ready. For the third lime durioji her short resiuiDce asaii inmate of the home was Mr.". Allen, from Owen Sound, placed in sohtary coiitineiiH'iu for refractory and highly in.su k)ordin:ite conduct and abusive langu'ige im Saturday afternoon, where she WHS left until after divine Kfc.;vico ycKter'lay, From pri.'setit n ppearanovs "o iril. ations of refoini in Iter behavior iviibli% and very likely more i'(5lA(H!ii?ures will bo .idopted should lusjmuu her refractory couJuct. t)ii )cciisioii ol hiT solit»ry confine- Jr^witheld her naniv, hoping there iljlie no rupention of her misconduct, Mit liascootiiiUKd I i»>/\ it my duty, (ice to the other old ladies, to inuke f.iposure. The uiiinaiiers flenire to express .their' â-  hanks to Mis. Iivlis of Berkeley for a laiKu, rich fruit caku a.s an Easter gift to the iiiiiiHtes ; aLo to Mrs. Ketttie of the Kttiue place for a basket of gfciu cakes for the same purpose. Qn behalf of the iu- iDate.s your coirespondent duplicates thi) thanks and apprecmtuui of his supervi.s- vrs to those ladies for tiieit kind and ihou'^htful iaterest iu tho pf>fl|* old people of tliLs instimiioii. Harry Harness of Owon Sound spent from l<'riLlay morning until .Mtmday night with his parentis, tho *t^ovurnor and matron. Harry is as full of life as ever, u gliding smoothly and progressively throuuh his apprenticeship, and u.'ni'Jtit liefore he can realize it ho will befle'ised fron> Ins legal borixis a full tledacd plumber, brazier, etc., and, like them, enjoy tho tun of going out ou j^trike oecttsionally. Miss llobiiison of the staff ^pont Thursday night and Friday at her iwinio ou Sione's line, leturuing Friday rSlght. Tho large amount of work lo be-''p>r- formed by the small st.-itf rendered ^^- sinn'd visit homo a vi-ry short, but" vGry likely a nioiit plea.iaiit one. Mr. Herb. Somers, tho hirtd inati, ai«ai8i.ed by what few of the old chaps -mtu yer able to b.'iiiillc a shovel, are engagod hauling out the three years' accumulation of Coal ashivs from the boiler and kitchun tauue and mtiking of thuiii a ro»d bed on th% new driveway coniiuuiKed last fall. 1 unde;'»taiid the ashes will bo covered with a thick layer of tjiic gravel which i.s said to make a «ood, dry, solid road Mr. n. will likely ornament each aide of th»' driveway in his usual tns'y iiMiiner Several w«eks ago we read of a ghost haunting the workshops of the C P K. at Toronto Junction. Whether it be the same or Hot that visited the H of R. we (Vinnot say, hut the old ex-hospital aer- geanr declares that one night a snort time ago a headless ghos'. drestivd in black stowl at the f<Kit of his bed. He got up, left the rooiij, wont into another, re- turncJ and got int»> be<l, Tho decapi- tated gho.st, dressfd in black, folfbwed him cloftbly and avain stationed itself for iHoBie momeiita At the foot of his t>od. 'Xhe ex-H.S. saya ha could plainly m.:» the place where the head :jught to he, but iiorry a b.t of a head was there aiinyhow. Hail Sunday morning been bright and elear the old chap may have SAeu the aun ulanoiii^ for joy and heard the donkeys ibraying with delight as he used to do lii ould Oireiaud ivry Aister Sunday niom- iiig. P. S. â€" He can always h«ar plsntf 4>1 bnying, of which he do«a a very Urg* loth Liuo Osprey 5 {Mis.s .Jo.in Rogers is spending Eiisttr holidays v.ith her uncle in Wiarton- Mrs. K. Pallister visited her imrjutiil home near binghampton last week. ftli-s. Alexi Siiigeohn of Fevershaui i.s seriously ill but under the care of Dr. Boml of AIa;5well wo kope im «i n ,ito hcai' if her recovery. ir'everiil more of our young peoiilo have gene west, including Arthur Robinson, Will. Coulthai-d and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Daud. Mr. and Mi-s, Wni. Walters of Bnrrie ;i!o viBiting the bitter's sister, Mrs. Cliris. 'fhoiupson, lOth line, at present. Wui. Braekenbury and family have moved tt> the Hunter farm. 8th line. Ye 8cril>e ha.s been ou the sick list ftr some time, hence the silence. Mi-8. H. Horton is visiting her ijarenfcil homo at present. « It Rings In Your ear.s That same couiih is everywhere you go. deep and hollow because consumptive. First it was catanah which could have been cured by Catarrhonone. Moral, ijcver neglect a cold, fever trifle with catarrh, "(jo to youi druiigisl and get Cst-srihozono. It's instant death to cohls, cures ihera in a few minutes. Throat trouble and catarrh disappear as by magic. Catiirrhozone is tho great throat, nose and bronchial remedy to-day Thousitiids use it, docl..rs proscribe it,â€" whj, becau.«e it does relieve ipiickly and cure thoroughly. Two sizes, '25o and $1.0U at all dealers. Mrs, \V. J. Black of Thcrnbury spent a few days visiting ftiendft here, during the past week. Mrs, D. McMullonand^dttoghter, Miss) visiting j Mildred, and sun,Masler Russell, of Meaf- ord, are the guests of^ tt^ forincr'41 da.ughtor, Mrs. Jasper St'iaft of this | Wo are sorfy to report the sad news of 1 the liaath of little Eldon Lcnia; only son ' of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ljwis of this .,,. , , . , ,, - ^ , ,«,, ^ ..!» «. ^ place, who*, death occurrad ub bis home \ '"il ' "ery parlor and inspect the new styles. IlliSSSt^Wart here on Wednesday evening â- * laat week. ^^^1 ber able Stutt Will bC plcaScd tO have yOU COUIC HI and eX- Millinery Opening on Wednes- day, April 3, and following days. Tne ladies of Markdale and vicinitv should not fail to visit our Mucji sympathy is felt for Mr.« and Mrs. LiiitZ, in thetlosH of their only son. Mr. Stanley Ferguson uiid Miss Eva , BUcfe who c<mu<.^ tl>u,t.u2^faang staff, of ["our schoi>l are holidaying at tfioir respect' ' ive homes in 'I'ricevillo and ^Thorubury I Mr. J^ic'j \Vyvill .spint Sunday with a friend here; Miss Bulcv' Scott of Wodehouso is holidaying si her piirental hoii'e here. iMr. J. E. Hammond, (^mincrcial Master of the Meaford High School is holidaying at his parenttil home here. Weddiiig beils are ringing. Mr. Edwiird Fawcett of Heathoote was in town oil business, on Monday last. ; Mis.s Minai Weber. st;udent of the Meaf- ord High School, is holidaying at her parental home in th.> suburbs. Mr. Ebei Smith, who has been on the sick list for ^omo lime, is, we are pleased lo report, atfle to. be around again. Mr. VioiOf Flint, who has spent the past two yeivs uitli his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. A. E Myles, has returned to his home in Toronto. Mr. Chas. E. Stuart of Hoathcoto is spending his Easter holidays at his i).ir- ental h'ome here. Miss Maude Smith of Toronto is spend- ing a few weeks with friends here. amine and try on the hats whether you All are welcome. wish to buy or not. â€"iw-i-.'^t^*.^ Hatherton snow al- D was taken imt to waxwou co 1 ;â-  :?., i, who thought it advisable to I Mr»"<' Mr«-Fen» »e entirely. Will is doing as happiness, long li be expected. . Miss Ruth Pau Spring is with us rmco more most goau tmd plenty of mud. Quito a number of farmers are busily engagwl in making niaplo syruji. This season is much l)etler than la.st year. Mr. Will Grummet, while chopping in the bush, met with rather a .serious ac- cident. In cutting down a tree tjie axe Nlit)ped and cut the top of large toe and a! most sevored tho socoud . Ho was alone in t!io bu.sh, and walked over a inUe when a rig overtook him and brought him homo. Ho was taken out to Maxwell ti Dr. Bond sewr the toe well as ain be expectei. We extend our sinoorcst sympathy to Mr. Allison and family in their loss of a loving wife and mother, but their loss is her gain for she died trusting in her Savior who has been with her in her affliction for the past eleven years. Mrs, Jessie Arnott Is visiting friends in Toronto and attended the marriiige of her cou.siu. Miss Ella Gouiley , to Mr. Wood, which took phioe Mar. 'itfth in Toronto Junction. ^essi-s. R. Kinuoar and Doc Fiurey visited with friends here one day List week. Miss Bcrth.1 Winters spent a day with Miss Rons of the centra line last week. Mr. M. Gordon of Dundalk spent a few days with his parents U»t week. Mr. Albert Armstrong, the }.H)pular MiuuHty i^jent, of DuotdiUk, has taken a number of urd«»rs for implements in our neighborhood. Wo extend our best wishes to the gen- kl host and koatess of the Park Housov ''^ The New Woolens are Now Ready The ?few Spring Wooleua are now waiting to see you. !?uitings and Trouserings iii »ll their newness aud in the finest variety to he found hereabouts. Conio and see them while our assorunent is at lis best. We chany no fancy prices â€" because Wo want you to cmie here again and again for your clo'hos. If you arc not perfectly satisfied with tho garments we make for you they'll cost you nothing. Teti us by a trial. Suits unulo to your measure from SID t!0 to 3'22.0O. McFARLAND 81 COMPANY l'ry/:;gi^:;::g^i;r-^-.;/:>5>..^-^^rcr"^-S:?^^^^ Bugeula Easter passed over very gently at Eugenii. .The weniHitr got very cool for a few days and silenced our Canadian band. .Married â€" at the Methodist parsonage. Flosher'on, March 27th, by ihe Rev. l)r. Caldwell. .Mr. Henry B'cnwii;k of Eugenia! to Mrs. Sarah Towell, relict of the late' ir-.' n, I i r> M Wm. Towell of Toronto. The bndo lookwd very pretty dressed in bltu-k net over .silk with handsome silk wai.si triiumcd with laCe. The contr itulations of a hicge circle of friends are extended to Mr.aiid .Mra.Fenwick, wishing ilietn every life and prosperity. I ot Fl.'shertoii IS spend- ing her Easter' vacation with her parenr»sj J^ near Eugenia. Miss Ruby Graham of Boyne 'Villa is visiring friends at Qlark«buig. Messrs. Duncan '^'illiains and John Campbell of tho ValHy speut Easter with {ri«nds in the city. Carlton Uiltr. of Erin is visiting at Mra. Wm. Walker's. The wedding bidls still keep ringing. Our bachelors are getting aroused over 8i> many stepping off. Kimberley young l.tdiv^ must feel a bit joaUius ov,-r so many of their best yonng men coining ti- Eugenia for wives. Our Eugenia giria RigPtreasures and Kiiuberley boys have found itout long rk<>. Mrs. D. McMullen uf MsAforU in the vuest of friends here. BROS. Do You Need Any With yt>ur spring house cleaning? If so WE CAN ASSIST YOU By selliu;! yioi just what yoiUheed. at just tho right price. We have some cxcellont values in White- wash Bru8he8,P4int Brush- es. Scrub Brushes, in fict ovi-ry kind of BrLishes. Remember tho old Miyiiig "A NE'.V BUOO.M SWEEPS tJLEAN." Try Aie of our new 25c brooms and see winit a clean sweep you can make. We have a full line of L'aiuts and Varnishe.s, also .Jellstonc, Stovo Poli«h, Pipe Enamel, Shoo l^ohsb. Furniture Polish. GARDEN SEEDS â€" Wo hace a full supply, 3 uili'erent lines to select from. Our Grocery stock is coinplct iu every detail and guaranieed clean and fresh. Highest prices paid for farm produce. EentKam Bros,, Flesherton. MAXWELL The miiMion band concert held in the Metho^iA ohurcb, l|«xweU, Mandi 22ud Was .1 docided success and reflects grcit credit on Mr. .Vndrews, Mrs. Koniji and Mi.ss Field, who trained the childion in their drillu, dialogues, rocit.itions and singing. A 8.)lo by little Miss Annie Guy was sweetly rendered. .Solos by Mrs. Kemp, Miss Field and Miss Brownriilgo were highly apj>reciat6d. Recitations wore given by tho Misses Guy and Pallist<;r and Mi-s. Down. The church was filled with an appruciative audience. Messrs. Doc. Fairey and R. Kinnear visited in Hath(»rt<>n recently. The next muoting of the Feverahain branch of the Women's Institute will lie held at the home of Mrs. Edward Linley, MiawoU, on WednemLty April 10th, at 8 p. to. Subject for discussion '"Garden- ing. " The rv>ll will Iw callol for those who were not |>rcseiit at the Manh meet- ing. Members will plqaso brin« lunch with tliem. Steel Knife In Flesh. Th.it'a the sensation experienced bv Robert Price of Hect-'n, On . Ho Itnew it was sciatica and of course usrd "Nerv- iline." As usiul it cured aiid he rays: '• No liniment can excel Polson'a Nerv^ iline. Severe p^ins made my aid. l.une. li. was like a steel kuife runiiinu through my flesh. 1 rubl>ed in lota of Nervilino and was completely cun-d.'' A regular snap for Nervilino to case Sciatica and rheumatism. It sinks into the sore of the pain, cures it iu a shoit order> Large 35c bottles at all dvalsrs. f ^

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