Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1907, p. 1

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Jfksl>rrl0n Jliijana- ••TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' WLUVl, NO 1317 Flesherton, Ont. Thursday April 11 1907 W. H. THDHSTON, EDITOB BOPBiBTOa NEW Jewellery Store H«Te yoa called in yet to 8«« our Dew promises T Bigger Stock Better Display Of Jewvllry, Watches, Cl<>ck«, Plated Wan-, and choice thi(ii(s in every line. Get your Wedding Pres- ents here, Get your Wedding Rings }\ers. Prices Right. Goods the Best. W.A. Armstrong. m^ ^ â€" ?- â- ^'--S'" Industrial Home Notes {By ail Inmatt) ^,^^. -Aâ€" i>â€" ^â€" ^ ^-^--^ h's young frieiida, Rr>y Fletcher and Mia* "uurs Whittakar, were tHkin^ a cnurite >•( inatru-:tioa in hi^h< r aluat etluoatinnal institu'ioim anil liopes they will succeed in paRxiiif; criHiitable exainn. wi'h honors. '. J'lhn Teesdale. a respectable i-id inma'e who h:w bi-en for Jtereral weeks severely sufforin.: fr<>ni aoaif di ease atft-cing I ha! right eyp, with snvere i>:iiD.s through the temple and the whole nf iiig hu'td, w»a exaniinpd at Dr. B.;->'s ran'imt by Dr. Burt, eyw and ear specialist, on Frid.iy laar, whu pronounced it to l>u an abHccso and recnnim-nded that Jnhn be sent Lo O-ren Sound Bopital for further exam- 'itiim and trentident aa aooii as possible. It is L-ipecteJ that an uperntion will be necHnsary. Your cor. is restored to his usual con- dittiioD of h<-alth and feels like outlivinft a few year*. Mr. Shirps takes poaeesiiion of the farm which Mr. Clark has racated. Mrs. .James Wilgnn has been laid up fur some lime, but is recovering. Mr. James McLcnuau arrived home from Lions tlead to attend hia sister's weddiii|{. McFarland&Co. '. Grey County's MA.£tKDALE, ONTARIO BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE New Spring Goods Here Robert Smith, referred to in last wtjels notes as being in a very low coudition, |iMsed peacefully away ab<jut 8 o'clock p.m. on Saturday last, after one week's coufiDtfinent to his bed. On Monday mominic be rallied and appeared <|uite li»ely ; on Tuesday he was able to take food, which he apiwared to greatly enjoy, and rxpreaaed a desire to ^ui up, but was prevailed uixm to keep his bed until he felt a little stronger. A day or two Inter he twk a change fot the worse and fell into a soiui-conscious condition, tioaliy becoming u conscious, in which condition ha rentalneU fur the last twenty hours o hia exi*t«uce. A few niottt> at3 previous to becoiuiiig totally uiiC"asciou.<« he recoif- (liaed the matron staiiduiK at his ledsidc, held out hi* baud, which she took in Iiers. and he wished her goi'd.by. These, I th nk, were his last words. For the past 61t<ieu yeara he had been in a very nerv- oas condition, and when admitted to the homo as a pay inmate two years aeo he was exce^sively so as wi-U as nearly blind, li«H firm un his feet and elastic in st'ep. Ha was, however, rapidly niergiag into •econd childhood and memory was almost gone, frtqueutly causiuif him to talk in a very va^ue inaoucr and imagining all kinds of theories. In other respects he cBJoyed to a large eiteut good health and appetite fur one who had reached the ripe old age of 84 yearn, He was a Kmg life and devoted adherent of the Metho- dist church, of which be was a consistoni laeniber. lie had led a true christian life, and while here .was very devout and fervent in bi« desire to serve Oud and to induce others tu follow bis extmple ; he was never known while here to ultur an angry, profane or unkind wutd to anyone •round him, was in'elligent, notwith- •tMiding his second childhcHNl, and there is no ddubi, but that hia long and faithful jonrney ou earth has led him to a happy, eternal life in heaven. Hia remains were ipteired in Markdale cemetery by rela- tivM on Monday. Andrew Kelly waa graiitvd a couple of days leave of absence on the 1st inst.,but has not yet returned, and it is tjuite pro- fatible that his abaence will be self pro- kNiged until frost, snow and bard weather terraiaates hia leave and drives him back to the ihalter of the house of refuge. Alexander McLslUn waa discharged on the 2nd insk., hia 8^ mouths term of ad- uiiitance having expired. Alox has spent three wintt^r seavons at the home iiot beinic tufficiently robust tostand out- side labor in winter. Wm. Wiggins of Markdale and John Hillis of Craigluith look their departure Monday. Une or two other* will leave at the end oi this or beginniog of next week, while otheis Mtaiu purpose severing their oonueotion with the home darinit the uext two months ; even your scribocntortsins the hope (however hop«leai>) of sometime taking bis departure and not having to end his days in a house of refuge, how- ever go<d it may be. If all go who. are ac^tj^uiplatiug doing so, very few will be ^R«ho are able to assist iu the planting dl ^oiru^, potatoes, etc. €Ki<Hinit.te« met in the I on Friday afternoon last ferly business transactions (h the institution. I'glMl to notiosk in Stone 1 vf «••» tr*k'« »»«>• l»>»t "Skidoo'' For Your Headache.; Ascertain its cause and the cure isn't hard to find. Look to the stomach and bowels .Iro'nt you constipated, isn't | your liver sluggish, i.^n't the stoniich failing in its mission? What you need is the cleansing tonic iutiuence of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Their effect is lusting bec-iuse they aid all the ailing organs . Hush out all unheal'by matter, and tone up the stomach. Witii Dr. Hamilton's ' Pills your stomach gets a chance to n'- cup^rate, and does so quickly. F. r real ' buoyant health use Dr. Mamlton's Pills regularly. 25c per box a.' all dealers. loth Line Osprey j We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Frank ' HawUin to our neighborhood, M>. Uaw- ton havinx bought the Mathews farm and moved there a short timo ago. Wo :ilso j wish the }oun2 couplu a happy and i pronperi'us journpy thiouah life. Mariiedâ€" On Wednesday .April 3rd, I by the Rev. H. E. W. Kemp, Mr. Robert Plummur of CVl'ingwod township to Miss Jaoie Uoditeoii, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hudgeoii of the 12th line Osprey. We wish the young couple bon voyage through life. Mr. R. Brackeiil ury jr. has his saw- mill running full blast. He has a two thousand dollar s'uck of logs and shingles to cut this Hcwon. Miss Martha Heron is visiting her brother A. Heron of the 8ih line at prea- . ent.. i Mrs. Gfo, O'tewell has returned to her ; home in Feversham after several months When Children are Sick. They cat something that disagrees, •; cacch cold, have cramps or colic. If. tilers is pain just apply Nerviline, â€" it's' (!0(«1 to rub en, and for the inside it's i most comfo: t ng. Etfectiv^and plau.sant, i you caii-t Hnd a household panacea to ; Every Man, WoDian an^l child likes to look his or her besfc e<iual Foiaon s >leiviline. Used with' ;_ ..i : o : j ..i._i. i i sa'i'-fHction for half a century and in I better demand every day because it does stop pain, ease sulfertnt! and cures the I thousttn I and one ills that constantly arifie in the lamily. Large bottles at all. dealers for 25c. Kimbcrley in the nice Spring days that are here, aad we are now ready to serve all comers with new ideas. TOf the CddiCS â€" Dre.'?s Goods, Suitings, Spring Jackets, Silks, Trimmings, Whitewear, etc. For the fi«nt!CI11«llâ€" Suitings, Trouserings, Hats,Carabric» Shirt.s, Gloves, Ties, etc. Mr. Bates Fawcett of Michigan and Thomas Fawceti of Parry Sound visited friends here'during llio past week. Jlr. Herb Fawcett and wife of CuUi.igwood ! rr>, • , , • , , aij«j were visitors. j ihere IS HO place where you are so sure of the lowest pnce Stanley Smith left Monday for Edmon- j and HO place where you are SO sure of absolute reliability in "Following is the list of officers off Style. You are a welcome visitor always. It's imnecessiiry Kimbcrley football club f . r the ensuing i to feel you niust comc to buv, but come and look wheoever '^::ideS"c\i:Tu'a;n vi« ^er:t': l ^^^ motion ..tnkes you. Buy when you're ready. H. Carruthers; Capt., .lohn Lawrence; â€" â€" â€" ^^^^^^^^â€" â€" -â€" .^^i»^â€" â€" ^^â€" ^^â€" .^i^^ Sec. Trtas . .Jasper Si uan; R?feree, Geo. , â- Â»â€¢Â«Â«â€¢ ,^>^ • . «_r « Cairns: Medxme man Earnest Pn.ctor. I MllhlVCry OOeiUng OH WcdUCS- Committee â€" Fred Untchinsi n, Leslie • <f 4^ ^ Lawrence, William Rsad, Jasper Gilbert, Harry Thom|>!i<>ii. Audiixjrs â€" Robert Lawrence, Fred Stuart. Frank Rcnnie Dead. Frank Ronnie of Victoria Corners pass- ed away on Thursday l«t, after a short illiieas oi pneumonia, a' the age of 37 years. Mr. Kennie was highly e.tteemed and had been employed by Mr. Jamas Best, of that pliiue for the past twenty years. He was an Orangeman and master of the Proton Station lodge, which turned out on Saturday in full force to do hoiKir to a deceased comrade, tvhen the remains were laid to rent in Fle>herton cemetery. Deceased was | widely and favorably known and the { fueral whs a large one. Un the bier was ! a beautiful arch nf flowers, presented by who was a Miss to Jaughteis. ... _ ^ I his iodgt, and a lovely wreath of miu- of sickness at the home of her orother, }j^.jyjj,^g|.g^„„ ^,,^^3 ^^^ ^^y^^ ,,f j|jg yalluy, VIr. James Douglai of the 12th lino. Wo,p,.g^„f^j ,,y George and Ella Best. hope to see her enjoying her usual good ' - health again. Mrs. John Paul of Feversham is slow- ly improving in health and was able to comu homo from Tombio last week where she bad be<n having medical treatment. We hope soon to hear of her complete recovery. A miilignant form of distemper is prev- alent among horses in this neiuhborhood at present. Messrs. Geo. Burk and Fred Spoffurd came very near losing horses. Mr. W. Lyons of MarkUaU spent Sunday with friends in Fevursham. Mr. .Aaron Sayers, who has been very ill is siuwly recovering. day, April 3, and following days. Tne ladies of Markdale and vicinity should not fail to visit our millinery parlor and inspect the new styles. IHiSS StCWdft and her able scatf will lie pleaseil to have you come in and e.\- amine and try on the hats whether you wish to buy or not. All arti welcome. The New Woolens are Now Ready The New Spring Woolens are now waiting to see yoo. Suitings and Trouserings iti all their newness and in the tiiiest variety to be found hereabouts. Come and !«ee them while our assurtnient is at its best. We charge no fancy prices â€" because wa want you to come here again and again for your clo'hes. If you are not perfectly sati.sBed with the garment.s we make for you they'll cost you nothing. Test ns by '» 'rial. Suits made to your mea.«ure from 810 60 to ^2*2.00. McFARLAND 81 COMPANY It Creeps Like A Serpent. Steals ihrouuh the system like a thief coming in the night. That's how catarrnb acts. Don't trifle with such a scourge. Don't experiment with a doubt- ful treatment. Time and exiierience prove that Cstarrhoxone tloes cure, that It gives quick relief and fo throuKhly destroys the disease, that it dies forever. Get Cutarrhozono in the first place, and your cure is a.saurei. In 25c and $1.00 sizes at all dealers and suui-anteed in every case. » .•• . â-  Portlaw Intendetl for last week Mr. Richard McMuHen took unto himself a life paitner os Wodnesrlay, March 27th, iu the person of Miss M:»ry MrLeonan, daughter of the late Mr. William McLennan. Further particulars of the happy event are uot to hand. We extend cnngragulations. Mr John Uaney Sr. lies in a critical ctmdiiioii with what his doctor has diagoooed a cancer of the stomach. Mr. Robert Hill had the miaforlunH to cut oae of his feet quite severely last week He displayinl more than the average amount uf ouumgH by sitting down and stitching and dressing the anuiid himself. Willie White, a little boy who. lives with his urandfather, Mr. F. Shier, is down with inflammation of the lung^. Mr and Mr*. Th >m->R Taylor of Mark- dale, visited with old neighbors last w<n(\i Mr. Alex.. Anderson, wh > had his hA^ds severely (HMntedst the time bis huuseAtas } Deceased leaves his wife, ! Tucker of Dn mor-, snd I to II ourii the los-! of a <ind and | lovinK father. Much .'ympathy is ex- ! pressed for the widow and her little I daughter in their breavement The Thompson-Patterson Case, Hugh Thompson of Osprwy, who was committed for trial la»t week by A. S Vanduseii, .LP., has been xranted bail This case has created a i^rent deal of in- terest tm account of a sidelight which was brought out at the trial and which has placed Solicitor Biinie of C'uUing- wood and Dr. Parks of Feversham in s rather unenviable pusitiim. It wassworn by the Pattersons that Dr. Parks brought them to his rfiice and got them to sigi: someihini;, after which he adtued I hem to SCO Mr.Bitnie. The Eirl swore shef made her mark but did not know what â- he wa.s signingâ€" it was not read over to her. The next day when they went to Birnio's office in Colliiigvoiod they found Parks there and Birnie seemed to know all about the case. He persuaded them that a civil action would |>ny thrfin best. Mr. Birnie then wrote to I'hoinpson. wh^i went down and afier hearint? what Birnie had to say made a 8etllemenV'^p>»yiiiK $600 in cash an.I givinn a mortage on his farm for 8*200. Birnie, th^fk paid Park s S200 on Pattermin's accoufcfc, the ' Dr. having treated the family for typhoid fever. This is «liere Biruio and I'attcr- aon disagree. The former s;iy* this pay- ment was made on Patterson's verbal order. Patterson says he uever gave such an order. .As a mailer of fact imne of ihe nifiiivy waa ever paid to PattertK>n, although the ?2tlO moitgage was, accord- ing to Mr. Diri>ie, recently turned over to Patterson. In Mr. Birnie'a evidence as given at the trial he said the balance of the money waa there to be handed to the proper ptrties when be found out who they were. When Pateraon went to Birnie for his money the latter said he could not hand it over as he heard there was likely to be a criminal action brought and he did sot think it right to shoot a man with both btirrel*. The curiosity of this incident is that Mr. Bemie was engaged by Patterson to get what money he could, aitd af'er the settlement rjS?av;^.>?i;^;^«vygsg; k.VI destroyed, is improving but very slowK^ ' had l>«en made undertook to protect and it may he a long time before h«^Mf^hompa<m from' a double punishmani able to work. \ j by witholding the mopey from the rosn Mr. Wm. T. Clark has removed to- theffor wboiii it was paid. Both sides have lith eouaeasioD, to cnga^ io m« milliug. ' b«en heard La the daily press, and the t /syaVA-sv;;vs> 'ytrtviTtfyw^iv^ BENTHAM BROS. Do You Need Any Help? With Vimr spring hou.se cleaning? If so WE CAN ASSIST YOU By selling you jus: what you need, at just the right price. We have some excellent values in White- wash Brushes,P4int Brush- es, Scrub BruKbes, in f ict everv kind of Brushes. Remember the old faying "A NE'.V BROO-VL SWEEPS CLEAN." Try one of our new 25o brooms and see what » clean sweep you can make. VK^^ave a full line uf Paints and Varnishes, also Jellstone, Stove PUiaK^ipe EriamsL Shoe Polish, Furniture Polish. GARDEN S£!EDS â€" We have a fiut supply, 3 difTerent lines to select from. Our Grocery atooK 'is com plet in every detail and guaranteed clean and fresh. â-  j^ Hijl^est prices paid for farm produce, Bentftiain Bros., Flesherton. '^^?j:^i»T/<'.:<: ^;fegjv s ja^ public is now a<vaitin:; ineiits. There may notbe in the matter, or there m^f; Hhis HSi>ect of the cast«(. iu t'irie, has r..ther overshadvPltd innl side of it. ' -"^ ' develop- further meM- lie (»ini- â- * Mr. Henry M"on of \fKrtofi has beet advised ly a hnu oLaiificitors iu the old co'oiitry that a* '^tkCe e»ti<nat«d tu be '•<tWb. .twcnw^ mifSkt dollars has Itoen leftX,^.MN^ei^« vd«*H»*Il- _ rich iM^<**'»b' Ofhwrs to be divid- has li4;!n fl effect ot^^a; A big at torn ing suinmer to Mr. Mo<Hi rtum ihw wis com- ijbe Uruco Marks DCSiC.NS CO^VRIQHTS Ac. AnroassoDdlns acketott and dc«cr*ptlnn n>ni jMKliIf asc«rt>i*n our 0[>nii(,n frco vrt„H'.njr :.* mtfvi;ilr»n Is pn»tmblT i>ftreiit»blc. CMritouii ... ji^ . ul tfr^^lbf-wi* .~tt*u4>iuictlT(Hicio<]«r>!liO. tliwdbookuii I'su-nts a*_ vr i^stfi't fr*«, OlitiMK »««'*;>â-  fur ^f-4-tinuir t<»loni*. PsUiriU taken throuub Mntin Jk Co. ruw.vc tfttialnttk*, wltlioui cSarm, In tba Scktttific JiittencaiD. A hikn<tama*)v llt^istrat^ «««1ttv. 1 m duiklMMi e( any sMwiuus Joarusl. "Tn rviW^oarMoalhs,*!. Sold br all nsw 'x/m>' 4^

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