Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1907, p. 5

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TiIE FLEES HERTON ADYANCE April 11 1907 KSTA8U8HCD ItTS THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office • • • > Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department Deposits of $i and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection witii all Brandies. 8a FLE5HERTON BRANCH George Mitcnell, Manager IICA.XCHCS ALSO AT DUR.2IAM. HAfUUSTOH Vicinity Chips Mr. John Kerr left for Cobalt on Mon- day. Lost â€" In the viciuity of F'esherton, (;nld tie pin st't with pearls. Rewiird at tbi* I'ftiue. Mr. Jolm Nuhn wilt rebuild hid dam, which wus waihcd away nn Jun. 4. For tncney at lowest rates, land secur- ity, go to A. S. VauDiisen, Flesherton. Good chuiice to learn the barbeting at A. Wilaoii'n, Flesherum. Farm to Bent â€" 100 acres. Apply to John Wright, Flesherton. Three choice collie pups (or tale cheap, L. Fisher, Flesberton. Remember the spring stock show to- i ttiorrom (Friday.) | Baruaina in Wall Papersâ€" 3000 rolls for sale by C'.^. Tryon, Pricevillc. Colt For Sale, â€" heavy draught two T»ars old. A airnp for aomeoody, R. H. Wright, Flesherton. Miss Alma Dousclaa of Owen Sound. »ss the guest uf Mrs. Kipp, one day last week. For sale or rent in Flesherton 2 com- fortable houses, 1 brick and 1 metal clad. Apply to K. J. Sproule, Fleshertou. Mr. John Daris and family departed on Tuesday for their new home at Parma, Idaho. Mr. VVm.Suiith, who has been with his dauijhter, Mrs. W. Benthani of Buffalo for some time, is visiting old friends here. For salbâ€" Four pure brtrd, short horn bulls, from twelve to sixteen mouiht old. Podes^toes on app lication. J. 1. Graham. Good working mare for sale cheap. A map for (luick sale. Apply to D. A. Matbcwson, Flesherton. "What ib Moans Not to be a Chistian" will be the subjsct at the Baptist church next Sunday morning. The pastor will preach . Dr. Caldwell's sermons for next Sun- day : a.m., "The Glory uf the Cross." p.m., "Sanfpson at Rock Etam and with the Jiiw-boue«" Get your chopping done at the Electric Plnnt, Kug«uia. Satisfactinn guaranteed on cle.*ii grain. Come early la the day and avoid the rusli. Lloyd and Scull?'* eag wagon started out on Monday en its first voyage for the Reason. Jos. Cornlield is captain,pilot and engirieer aijain this year. At Wm. Simpson's sale last week a mare 22 years old sold fur $142. All the itnck went very high, sheep bringing f 10 to $13. The sale was very successful. Regist.-red Yorkshire sows eight weeks old, prize winning stock, for sale. Sire, first prize at Toronto and London. Prices Riaht.â€" Andrw Sinclair, Mc- Intyre F. O. Riso Lostâ€" 14k. gold ring in Flosher- toa a couple of weeks ago. Five dollars reward will be paid for the return of this ring to the Advance Office. The by-Uw for the purpose of develop- in ' electrical power for Shelburne, to cost between $50,000 and $65,000, was defeat- ed by 14 majority, the vote being 64 to 78. For sale cheap or rentâ€" Lot 30, coii. 14. .^rtejnesia. All plowing on this lot ie done for this 8ea.sou and ready for seed- ing. Apply to K. J . Sproule, Flesherton, or Joht: J Martin, across the road from premises. Engineer McDowel' was in town Friday laat l.Kjking int»> the Boyne bridge matter. He fators buiMing a cement arch bridge but tenders will be a ked for two kinds •nd a choice made between them. Miss Pearl Toll of BIythe has been engaged for the intermedialH form of the public sljfiol to replace Miss Farquharson, who resigned her position owing to ill health. Miss Toll b«^n her duties on Monday. Hon. J. W. St. .lohn. Speaker of the Ontario Legislature, died in Toronto on Sunday after an operation Ia«t week for apoiidicits, Flaca wore flying at hall mast in town Monday in honor of the deceased statesman. The Epworth Loauge of the Methodist church Fleahertoo. will hold a sociable evening Aprd 16rh, iti the church bass- ment. Come everybody and enjoy the the evening. A silver collection in aid of the Forward Mov«i»ent will be taken For sale â€" Two pure br.-d Shorthorn Bulh frjui twelve to twenty months old Color, roan and red; also gr^od wnrkint; m.'\re; will be sold reasonable for cash or good paper. â€" D. McMillan. For Sale â€" One good heavy general pur- pose mare weighing about 1400 lbs., thir- teen years old, sound and in good con- dition. Due to foal on the 28lh of June to Goo d Luck. This is a bargain at $150 Heary M. Douglas, Vandeleur. A Rppcial meeting of Artemeaia distiict L. O. L. was held in Chribtoe's hail on Thursday last when it was decided to hold the demonstration thi^i }enr at Markdale. This ineetiiiy will obviate tile necessity "f holdins the semi annual distiict meeting m June. Mrs. VV. A. Armstrong received n tele- iirani on Tliuriday last announcing that her nephew, Mr. Bert Neilaon, had died at his home, Everett, Washington, ou the previous Tuesday. No particulars have arrived. The young man was 17 years of age and remi.ved from Proton Station with his mother, Mrs. \. Neilson, a year ago last nmulh. Parma, Idaho, will have quite a Canad- ian colony m the near future. There will be a sufficient numtier there from this section to start a Grey OM Buys' Associatiori, The party which luft this station on Tuetdty morning was made up as follows; Mim. Simpson and lour sons, John English, sr; Thomas Fibher, James Russel, jr. ; John Davis, wife and five children. We wish the parly bon voyage and good fortune. Eggs for hatching from prize winners that liave taken 49 prizes at exhibitions including the Toronto Industrial and Owen Sound. White and Brown Lei:- horns. White and Barred Rocks, While W'yandottes, Butf Orpingt<jiia, Black Minorcasand Pekiii Ducks. Order early. Maple Grove Poultry Farm, John W. Ford, jr, Markdale. Monday eveiiinir, the Baptist church of Rockvnle waa tilled with those whf> came; to bid farewell to Will and Dorsey Simpson. These young men have been among the best uf the many guod workers in thai church and their doptrture for Ilaho (.H;ca.sions deep rexret. During the evening. Miss Alice Uulman r<^d an address to the two and Mi»» Vera Philips presented Di-rsey with a gold mounted fountain pen and Wil.', a watch and chain. Bi'th responded very suitably. Ad impromptu concert and an excellent lunch completed the evening's pro.{ram. Mr. Wm. Burnett has traded his stall- ion, Severn Raebuni, for an old countiy olyde prize winner, Dunmure Mac , with the importer, Mr. A. J. McDonald of Exeter. Dunmure .Mac has a grand pedi- gree, stands 16-3 and weighs ISOdtbi. iVlr. Donald McMillan, south line, aUo tias at! interest in this splendid animal. Dunmure Mac will no doubt create much interest among the farmers this spring. Uis foals hare taken ten first prizits at the largest exhibitions in Scotland. Ue will bo seen at the Emi Grey spring show. Mr. John Whyte, one of the oldest settlurs in the Priceville di.strict, died on Wednesday last .at the homo of his son, -Alex. Mr. Whits was born in Paisley, Scotland, eighty two years ago. In 1861 be settled in Durham and after a stay ihere of thirteen years he moved to the Whyte farm on the old Durham road. With farming ho combined miiltng. Twenty years ago Mrs. Whyte died and since then he has made his home with his sons Two brothers survive, one liv- ing in Windsor and the other in Australia. Of hi* family, two sons, Alex, and Daniel, and one daU:^hter, Mrs. C Irwiu, live in the vicinity. The funeral which took pUoe on Friday tc PnceviUe cemetery, was conducted by Rev. Lewis F. Kipp. Hamxondâ€" McMullen. A very pretty wedding waa solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Latimer, Eugenia, on Thursday evening, April fourth, when Miss AbbieMcMulleo, ul lest daughter of Mrs. D. McMuilen, Meaford, was unit^ed in marriage to Mr. Hufih H. Hammond, aocond sou of Mr. M. R. Hammond, Kiinberley. Promptly at »ix o'clock, tft the strains of the wedding niirch, rendered by Mrs. Jaaper Stuait of Kimberley, sister of the bride, the wedding party entered the drawing room, the bride leaning on the arm of her brother, Mr. Russell McMuU- en, and took their places, after which the lie*. T. R. White of Severn Bridge, Out., performed the cerinoiiy in the presenoe of the iiumediiUe friends of the contract- ing parties. After the ceremony and the usual ion {ratttiation* the wedding ]>arty, acooiiip'tnied by the gtMata, between thirty an I forty is niMBbar, r«pair..>d to the aiuiug rcom, where • dainty wed i - inir d'jeuner was Ferred,aft0rwhich|toaata were proposed to the bride and brides- maid and wr.re resp<inded to by the groom and best man. The bride waa attend- ed liy her 8ist<ir, Mi8s*Vir«ie McMullen of Toronto, while the groom was ably supported by his brother, Mr. J. E. Uanimimd, Coinmercial Mister of the Meaford High School. Mr. and Mrs. Haimiiiind will reside on their farm. "Ricerside Place," north of Kimberley, and will be at home to their friends after the 25ih of April. We join with their many fiiends in wishing them a long and prospernus voyage through life. â-  â-  ♦ >, A Case of Neglect To the Editor of The Advance. A case lias recently been brought to the attention of the writer by which it would appear that politicians are not the only people who iie«d an occasional shuf- fling around in order to keen them from falling asleep at their posts of duty. A family has been known to reside in the southern suburbs of Flesherton for al- most two years and during that lime no minister of any denomination crossed their threshold. Now, Sir, this is cer- tainly astounding to think that a family could reside almost within a stone's throw of a Methodist, Presbyterian and Baptist church, and yet nut receive a visit from the pastors of these churches. The children of the above mentioned family attended one of the Sabbath Schools and one of the parents, if nut both, was a frequent attendant at the same church. Notwithstandmc this it, was the duty of all the ministers to call and determine for themselves to what Qock the family belonged. When a town of this size expends annuall} in the neighborhood of $2.'i(.'0 ill roinist4iii:tl salaries, and has Crises of this kind brought to their notice, there is surely something amiss. Thank- ing you, Mr. Editor for this .space. â€" A Methodist They All Failed. Many have tried tu dtivisc a corn ouru equal to Putnam's, but after fifty years nothing hai come upon the market tbuti ••> painlessly cures corns and warts. Don't experiu'ent, use the best, and that's Putnam's." Artemesia Council The Municipal Council of the town- ship (t Artemesia met in the town hall, FIcslioriuo, on Batuid.<y .April 6. Mem- bera all preNcnt, the Keeve iu the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and conbroi- ed. The following coiuiuuiiications were presouted and read : Tiiu cletk, report un by law CSl, ihat the same hod been submitted tu the electors of the village of Flesherton and was approved of by a majority of 40. H. R Dyson et al, peti- tion protesting against appointment of an otHtraUT iu the matter of a new union achool with Osprey township. R. L. El- liott, price list uf cement culvert pipes. By law C82, known as Proton Station drainage by law. was introduced and read a tirsC tune and provisionally adopted. Mornla â€" Carson -That by law 682 be read a second time and advertised in the Flesherton Advance the required lime â€" Carried. Carsonâ€" Madsâ€" That by law 681 to raise the sum of $3000 for the ooostruc- (ion of cement sidewalks in the police village of Fle«heiton, having received the approval of a majority of the i(u,ihtied electors uf said police village and having been reported by the Cleik, be now read ^ third time, signed, sealed and entered 'u by law bouk â€" Carried. Meads â€" Carsonâ€" That the account of W. H, Thurston for printing and adver- tising byl.iw 681, amounting to $27.20 be paid and charged tu account of Flesher. U)U police trustees- Carried. Meadsâ€" McKenzieâ€" That Mr. Thur- ston's account S25.00 fo r assessment and other *Utiuiiery be i>aid â€" Carried. Catsonâ€" Meadsâ€" That R. Gorl»'y be granted the privilige of fencing that part of lOih con. line opposite! lot 25, con. 11 until notice that is required for public purposes â€" Cairied. MoKenzioâ€" McLaughry â€" That the pe- 'ition of W. T. McKee and nine othir ratepayers of S. 8. No. 8, asking thii council to appoint au arlNtralor in the matter of furiuatiuuof a new union school out of pnrt of S.S. No. 8 with a portion of the towuahip ot Usprey, bo nut unter- lained as a majoii'y uf thuae interested oppose any changeâ€" Carried. MuLaughryâ€" McKenzie â€" Thai the Reeve, Mr, Carson and the Clerk bu a committee to meet the trustees of the police village of Priceville to have an agreement vrranged between the town- ship and irustevs, also enquire as tu what rata said Trustees require statute labour commuted in said village â€" Carried. MoKenaie â€" CaraoDâ€" That in the m-it- ter of peiiiioD of R. A. Park at al the Kaove, t))« miover and Mr, McLaujh^y ^t a committee to consult township solicitor a* to the legality of steps requested to be taken and the habiliti«a which may be incurred and report at next meeting â€" Carried. Council adjourned.. Birnc PADfs n the ucl Bvery man and woman â€" ^who has diaggcd the day out with back '* almost breaking," and then tossed in bed fnMn side to side in a vain endeavor to find relief from the maddening pain â€" wonld pay |io a box, if necessary, for Bo^n. The first box gives snch instant, re- liefâ€" and afterwards takes away every trace of pain and soreness â€" that soffenrs would not be without tliem at any price. Bu-Jn costs only 50c a large boaâ€" and is gnaxanteed to cnre Kidney aad Bladder Troubles, and Hhemnatiam. If your druggist does not handle Ba-Jnâ€" the Gentle Kidney Mlâ€"write The Claflm Cbem. Co.. Ltd. Windsor. Out. U Glasses That Cure. Eyestrain causes many serious libâ€" Nervousness, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Sleeplessness, headaches baffUnf the skin of the best docton. We adjust glasses that removt the strainâ€" give a lastfag curt. We guarantee satisfaction. W. A. Armstrong, itWlLE" ^NO OPTietAfi "•UESHERTON, Stock Taking^^ We will discount all our Ready- Made Clothing, Dry Goods, Bats, Cape, Underwear, B^ots and Shoes and Hosiery at 15 per cent, until March 15. We have a few Horse Blankets left which we will sell for cost rather than carry over. Leavs your order for binder twine as we are in position to supply any amount at lowest price!<. Thanking the public for their patronage in 1906 and respectfully solicit your trade for 1907. R. N. Kinnear and son. MAXWELL Hereford Bull for Service Herefoid Bull for service. Spartan No 27CN5. Winner of Sweepstakes Silver medal at East Grey Agricultural Fair, 1906 for best 2 year old bull any bre»d. Will stand f-jr serviee at Int 106, 3rd west T.S.R. Terms $L0O and $5.00. W. BUSKIN Pure Bred Camwortbs and Berksbires I have for sale some pmebred Tamwoi tb sows, also two nice pure bred Berkshire Uiass nearly ready to wean. Satisfaction guarau- ' teed M.17 07 â€" G. W. Boss, Maxwell. Sbortbom Bull The thomughbred Shorthorn Bull, 'Tavo ite," 62235, is fur service on lot 27-38,2iid rang N. D. R., Artemesia. Pedigree on appUcatioo Terms tl.25 aLKX. McRAE. CeyUn FARM FOR SALE Lot 30, coQ. ij, townsbip ot Art«uiesia, oon« tainiog 100 acres, 40 acres under cultlvatioa, 30 good pasture land, cleared; rest in busb, good orcbaid, well watered; log tiousa. log stable, frame t>aro, j miles from ecbool will 8<.ll cheap, on easy terms. Apply to imar J.W.CBUZIBB. Gagania ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ s? s? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ s? s? Spring&Summer Shoes Now that spring weather i« approaching you will re- quira finer Footwear. We have made a very special effort !n selecting onr goods. Our stock of Shoes was never so nice as now. They are neat and nobby, In Ladies Bala we have Eid, Dongola, fine qual- ity, la Oxfords we have a fine range of the latest styles. In Gents' wear we have a fall range of %11 kinds. We also have a large assortment of Children's Shoes. Trunks and Telescopes a largo Slock at lowest Prices. Gall and see us. Wm. CLAYTON asis F. G. RARSTEDT 2=^| House Furnishings We have a lai^e assortment of Linoleums, Carpets^ Rugs, Curtains, Window shades, Paints and Oils and 5i everything necessary for House Cleaning. Linolei'ms 10 pieces Heavy Canadian Lin- oleum in Block, Kloral and Tile patterns, new style, selling at, psr sq. yard, from 23c to 60b Carpets 19 pieces of Velvets, Brmseli, Tapestry, Wool Union. AU of the nwest styles selling, per yard, from 20oto .140 Curtains We also have a full range of Cur- tains. Price ranging from 50a per pair to 5 00 WRAPPERS at special Prices Six dozen full sized Print Wrap- pers. Neat desiitn. Just the thing Icr Uousecleaniitg. Regular price 1.26 siiecial ptioe 75 I Carload of ^lOtfr and Feed expected any day. ^ ^S^ Fleshertpa, ^gf

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