â- ^â- iirfit-mwxOAi â- nHT TT- IIFE IN A SWISS prison; DOCTORS USING PATENT MEDICINES Ce.WlCIS \VOll.D NOT I.IKK TOLIVli .\.\v\> iii:m: i;i.si:. Kicrilrni Menu, (.urds and Older Recrc- alioils luiil AflcnuKiii I'rips lo Ihe Cal«!>. Vy ll»e arresl ol lAo escaped convicts auufy] Uruiider and Gisrber at I<undo^ «i«0 aimiring revelalioiis have been wa4« «-«garcling o nvicl liia al the pri- mtm <!! J'liorliei't'. f.^ir llie Town "' pjUaas^n. Switi>?rlinid. ". lu lliis peniil paradlsi' llie oonvitlH ^ul as Ihey liked. 'I'iiey fined smnpUi- «**^> liqupur.s beiiife' one of ll>elr lux- mnee, and tlie acfOMiiiiodiiUng werdcrs «)kmed Iheni lo visit llie ciifes and ylaces of annisemeiil in llie town. 1 4^rtmdcr njtd (iei-ber were Uie "favor- ^tca" al (lie. jiriboii bcciiiise Uiey had tv»ney, which they spent freely- on ^iTKS and tohncet). sharing theni with tbr otlier prisoners and the wardens. fesdLHC Ihi'ir reiouiveis diminished. OuMtc'vir. Ihi'y .s.ciirLyl "leave of nh- wencf'' li'om Ihe |)rLson in order lo oh- itoifi RirvJs liy highway robbery and •arglsry. They "worUed" the entire Eniinenthal IV^Bej-, And wei* letiirning lo Tliorbcrg *ilh Uieir botily wlien nrre.ste<l. Both cnvict^ d'.nied vehemently that, they ftflatded e.senping, declaring thai they Twer« never so comfortable as In piLson. In his defence Ornnder relate<l a re- vnarkable .story of lil-e in the prLsoii. In ^7«oI <if 111* honesty he recalled Ihal i^m ci'ie occasion the chief warder allowed %tm lo -^o lo \Va.s.s<'n, where he bought ilve galU.n.s of wine, tobacco, clice.se, etc. ^ his return he was censured for not ituyiBg schnapps for the coffee as well, â- *ail early the next morning li« went twfic Vj tlie town and purchased two ^uarl bottles. CONVIVAI. CONVICT.'?. 3e al'.envard.s met some fellow-con- «9»dtex«''ho wore out for a morning stroll, â- vail Ihey emptied one of the botllevs. •CriMder gave the second bottle to Ihe ilKWil warder. | Grunder nddixl that lie would never 1mV'«9 left the pri.son to rob houses and j UravrifT.s if he had iTo' lost all his riion- «y gaiiilihng wilh tiie other prisoner^. lk-r« is the daily lo'iline in Thorljerg - Prison, a.s Orundi'r and flerber de.scrib- «(l il to the ex'imining maf;istrale: â€" j 7 a.ni.â€" Itise; rooeive hot water from ; • warfjer; clean cells. | 8 a.m.â€" Bn'alvfast, con^i.^linp of cof • apie, mill;, liol roll.s and a lif|uenr. â- 9 8(1 12 a.m.â€" (iards, ganie.s of Iwwi.s ^ IJ« prison yards, other recreations. >i(Km.â€" Pinner, con.sisting of soup, a Toas), vl!h vegelaliles, plain, swecl col- 1 fnp. Willi liqueur; wine. XfternfKin. -Walk Ihrougl'. the town; tifil lo Ihe enfcs or an excursion Into She nxninlains. « PlIH.- Supper, foll<i\ved by a smoke, Atnl snore games of card.s. 9 p-m.^ttellre. "Sjme of Ih.^ prisoners objected to re- IrinR •â- •ci early, but Ihe chief warder pieaWJ ont nixiUigelicnlljr thai it wa.s HWW T ' i aii'v for Ihe pri».jners lo nial<e 'fK.«c conee.osions to diseipllne. The •convicts tield a tnoeling, and after n Mltor deliute II wa.s vohnl lo adhere lo ttke 3 oVlocli rule. Cnmdi'f ond (lerh'cr are lo be tried l4tr "escaping," and fui'lhcr intei'esling a«HfclHtions are exi)ecled. The Honest Physician Is Anxious to Cure and Uses the Best Avail- able Remedies. Nurses* ft Mothers* Treasare â€" moit Aliable medicine (or baby. Uied over 50 yaart. Fint compouiukd by Dr. P. E. PicuU in 1835. Makes Baby Strong Re<tore< the linle organs to peffecl heakh. Gitc* aound ileep, witkoui retort to opium or othe injtirioui drugt. I44 Al<^iiito', 25c.6l>ouU$l.25. N»<<io«lDlut&Qiaaic«IG>.Ll<i..M<irtii«l The dl»ousi»lon of the blU now before the Doratnlon Parliament for the re- flation of the nvanufftcture and sale of patent or proprietary medicines !• one c? the utmoiit Importance, and la rocel»lng a great deal of attention, noit oo)Y by the proprietary medicine manu- facturers, but al9o bv the retail and wholesale druKBlats. Every manufa/^- turer of reliable and high class re- inedlea welcomes the bill as a step In the right direction. The discussion has brought out the fact that the best physicians In Canada and on the con- tinent apprnve Of and prei^crlbe Psy- ohlne In cases of the most dlfllcult ' character. In a re^'ent Instance of very »eHous throat and lung trouble ! the patient had been using Psychlne. [Two leading United Sutes speolailsts ; wore consulted, In nddltlon to two I eminent Canadl.in physlrta.ns. Upon learning what the patient was using, a '. sample of Psychlne was taken and I analyzed, with the result that the ' physicians advli»cd Its continuance. • They pre.>»crlbed no other medicine but â- Psyehlno, with the rc-sult that the pa- tient has fully reicovered and Is a splendid walking and talking adver- tisement for the wonderful curative power of a remedy that will "stand np" before tho kisenost professional criticism and analysis. As a builder up of the systetn and restoring all wusted conditions, P^iychlne has no equal, nnd the host and most earnest physicians recoKUlze this fact. " At the age of 26 my lungs were In a terrible state. I had la grippe the year before; It settled on my lungs and I kept steadily growing worse till I goit drtwn so low I was In l>ed , for six weeks. I haJ a eon.sultallon i of doctors, and they said they could ' do nothing more for me. Th»n T start- ed to use Pay<hlne. I took the medicine I far mora than a year. It certainly did I wonders for me. I am now as atronff •â- I was bpfore my siokna.ss • "MIl.S. H. HOPE, "Morpeth, Ont." P-fyrtilne, pronounced sT-keen, Is tho I gri>ato«t of tfmle«, building ivp the sys- i -fern, Increasing the appetite, purify- ing the bloo'l, aUta dlc:e..^tlon CLEANING ^ LADIES' ... * Oaa k. 4.D. fMf.oily by o«r Wnu^ Ptomm. OR OUTINS •UITS Tf»l» dOimiBAJ* TOBONTO, OTTAWA k QOIBCO /YDUR FORTUNE ;^ Ml 8«od two cent lUmp with birth d«to And I wit] V Before you get Pen- Angle garments all the shrink is t a k e ni out. ••Oil jna » p«n pirtitr* nf jnor lift from tho ci^ld to lh« (r«v«. All tiittll»ra uf kualnvM. Iutm, mar- rl«c« And hfftUh, pUlnly told 1-7 >h» RrMtt-sl Aitrolv(«r living. PalruU uiouUhvd Biid Mllaftvd. j rtlF.UOAMlltKXpt. 13, HIOSENRT.COIIN.^ cmiviiTO A pure, hard Manitoba flour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformity. STRONG &WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS DEAI.r.R3 EVERVWIlt.HE SICPLIID ttlTH riOUR AND rtLD WRITE US. WE ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN CITY.* A BLENDED FLOUR THAT HAS GAINED GREAT fA\OR AS A GENLRAL HOISEHOLD "ALL PCRn05CS' ELOUR. THE CAMPBELL MILLINGCO TORONTO JUNCTION ONT SINKEN' SHIPS i:.M). Becomes Ihe Home ol All llie Crealnre.^ of flic Deep. What becnnie.s of Ihe .ship that sinks ill mid-ocean? If it i.s of wood it liike.s „ â- â- » ^^MJf^^^^ tM i(! Ihe fir.-it pluce, a conadernblc lime f<)r it to leHch Ihe bollom. In a hun- (ired or more falhom.s of wtiter, n quar- ter of an hniir will elajise before the ship reaclie.s Ihe ocean'.s t)ed. Il sinks slowly, and wh<?n Ihe Ijoltoin i.s reach- ed It falls gently into the soft ooze bed with no era.vh or breaking. Once sunk- en, a ship becomes Ihe prey of tho ciiunlle.s.s inhnbitnnt.s of Ihe ocean, who swarm over and through the great boat nnd make it their home. Besides this, they cover every inch of Itie Ixial with a thick layer of lime. This takes time, of course, and when one generation dies another continues] n. work until flnnlly tho ship is so laden I t i <. â- j • with henvv incrustations, corals, sponges i In • ^^'*y of hbna, ityles and pnce^ imil hnrnHcles. that the creaking tiin- » ^ "^f* '<»' women, men and iUrs fall apart and slowly but surely I chUdien. and guaranteed by your own dealer. ; lire absorbed in the waste al the sea- buttciiii. Pen- Angle^ ^Underwear '^_ ^keepsyoucom- fiy as well as 'warm, because the V ^ahort fibres that k make some under- • itch are taken '' out of Pen- An^le wool. kwea'i A' Some persons niv more susceptible to colds than others, coiilracling dc- r.in<,'emeiils nf tiie puliiinnary organs fioiii llie slightest causos. These shouffl aiways have al hand a twltie of Bickle'.s Anli-Vxinsumptive .Syrup, Ihe present ('av .s'lveieigii leiiiedy for coughs, cn- !i;ri-li and inllamiiialion of the lungs, 't will effect a cure ii<) iimlter how severe Ihe ciild may be. You cannot afford lo b." willioiit a renicly like Bickle's, for il is the best. leuc on Wutiuki w ,BF. KTA FARM LANDSâ€" IN THE FAMOTTR Wet.«kiwiii district ; lists propositions pplii-atinn. 11. D. Farria A Ca, BoqU^ I u, Al' ' , Albert*. .\t Santa Barbara. California, ore-hard c<intaiiiing 10.000 olive .VO(K» wahiul. i.lXiO persimmon, almond, and t.OOO other- fruit trees. is an trees, lO.nOi) Retain Your Strength by taking '-Farrorim.* It » tlie bfnt ^o>MVeveroi>liip"uml»J. It uuurisIlM and streugtharn tli» wliola system.. .\n nfililicanl for Ihe post of mistress in a eoiiiitry schiwij was being qiies- liuned Ijy those in aiitliorily. "And wliat i- your position in regard to llie wliip- |Miig <if iliildien '.' ' one member asked. "My usual ivnsitioii." she replied, "is on ;i cliair. wilh the child across my knees, liice duwuward !'' S.MAltT fiOYS. â- Vr. Sainsoii Biggs is a schoiilnia.ler, ^labo.so piecep' and pr.iclice nf Ihe bless- imgi'«t {uniclualily are, as a rule, taiill- Jms. Sirioiilil a lad be live minutes late 'W Oie morning, oe is "kepi in" ten min- â- net «{li>r .scIkhi! ; if ten minule.s, a pen- atnoc «f twenty minutes is iiii|)osed, and f.t im. Uitt e\en Homer nods, and In Uir. SaDisoii Hii'gs wat* a whole liiilf '^tmr liJe hini^ell one mnrning. .Xmong Ukc pupils there was llie usual smart boy. urliii iviis not slow t<i reniind him of his â- di^Mmr.c. nor lo ipiole from some of his «ma toctiires on llic subject. â- ^'es. l)oys," said Sumsun, when he iMil listened to the .si-iart Niy. "Nicho. •«« i-> rpiile right, and as I punish .\ou, â- A. «j> -oiily fair that you should punish me. .So you shall e!| slay and Ueep me in for an hour alter scltOiil this after- vuuou ! nnd acts dlre<-tly upon l.tio throat and lungs, givlnff tone and vigor to » the entire (»>'9tfim.OAt all (IrugBbtts, 50c and $1, or Dr. T. A. Slmum. Limited, 179 King Street west. Toronto. + IMl'O.SKl) l.'I'ON. "I.ooU here, sir." she said, as she en- lered a sewiiig-machiiie ofllce Ihe other day, "your agent has imposed upon me." "Is it po.ssil)le, ma'am'.' In wtiat re- sped 7" "Yes, sir, he has ; and I don't want jour machine !'' "How liiLs he deceived voii?' "W'liy, he came into my house and told mf that your machine was the best in IJKj world. 1 have witnes.ses and can prove every word of il." "But llial was not deceiving you, ma'am." "Yes it wnsl I ha<ln'l Ihe machine two days before another agent culled and said his was Ihe best ; iind he haiv n eir- culiir to back it up. lie had hardly got out of doors when another called and ssid hi-! macliiiie had lalien ten medals. " "Bi.l we have laUen fifteen, ma'«m." "Oil, have you?" ".And wo have issued n challenge for a public trial, which no other machine dare accept.'' "Is that .so 7 Then your iiiachiiie is the best, after all ?'' "Certainly." "I'lien ynu v.ill please exriisc me. I ttinuglit I had been imposed ii|)on, and I'm flfraid I was a little hasty. The oilier agents nmsl have been the de- ceivers. " Are your corns liardrr lo remove lliiin Ihose thai others have had? Have liiey no' had llie same kind? Have Ihey no' been cured l>y using llolloways Corn Cure? Try a botlli'. AKBAID I't) BISK IT. Tom : "II, as you say, I'earl is such n jewel, why dont *y<iu marry her'.''' Jack : "I'm afraid there is a Maw in the molhcr-ot-pearl." The healthy glow disappearing from llie cheek and moiming and resilulness al night are sure symploiiis of worms i.i children. Do not tail lo gel a bot- lli of Mother (iravos' Worm Kxteniiiii- ator; il is an effectual medicine. "You lliink your iiexl speech will make lUi impression?" "1 do,'' Jinswered the landidate. "Have you any new argu- ments lo place before your opponent?" "No ; but t have u lot of new names lo call him." The Flagging Knergies Bevived. â€" Ciuislant application lo business is a tax iiIKin the energies, nnd if there be not nlaxnlion, lassitude and depression are sure to intervene. These comes from .'ilomacliic troubles. The want (f exercise brings on nervous irregulari- ties, and Ihe stomach ceases lo assimi- late f<x)d properly. In this condition rarmolees Vegelahle Pills will bo found a recuperative oi- rare |)ower. rcst<n'ing the organs lo healthful action. disi>elling depression, and reviving the flagging energies. FitUcn years ago llie average number (•! fatal iiiVidenIs in the .Swiss Alps was i'.. Now il is nearly Ihree times that number. aoLoiM nuow OAIXA JSLY, B«n«. .OtKER SEEDS I'lO'- collection of â- Mds and bulht cnl7 lOo. la tllverorl pavtbeeoit for paeklns and poscase. , aoa b« tare of thU xruid offer â€" only lO cciii*. Ast#ri, BalsADi, CftDBft, CalUopsli, NutoiUum, Mommg QloiT.Panij, L&rk3piir. Jc'DsTtftri, Foppy. GolaBD Olo'w, Fn-.pdrmtong, Cotinot, F::tk. Ziaolft. TocbAalm, Monkey Plnnt, fiwMt liOckctl PrlmrOH. Ic» Plant. Petunia, Cutor Otl Ueanf, Portulaca. Candytuft, Swett Fm«. Ttie Sntnmer Hyacinth. Oolden l.tty, nammtac Ulrtl. OlaiUolai, Giant Tuberout, Bsby Srealk pxalls. all tbil beaatt fin . anil bulbs cniT : •Ilverorl3-o. tfial CHARLESTOtim IIIB CO. Order qmc£ lO cca CHABUSTOWN. IHM. Put out the lire in a hot, itohiug. anhaalthy skin with Wearer's Cerate. I'se it (or ecaama, nettle rash, tetter and salt rbaum loid! Saves time, because it makes ironing easier. Saves linen, because It ffivoa a better glosB with half tho iron-rubbing. Saves bother, l)ccause it needs no cooking, just cold water. And it CAN'T stick. Buy it QVVVK I'ltOI'ICS.siONAI.. A good story is told of Biifii.s f:lioate, the eminent .\merican lawyer. By the way, a good miiii» stories are told about him, bill this is a new one. f^no 111. lining wl en he entered his olliee, his cierU rose and said :- "Mr. r.lioale, n gentleiiiaii lias just left here wlio wants you lo uiidcrlalic a cose [or him. " "Ah I and did you collect Ihe regular I'claining !eo?" "I only collected twenty-live guineas, sir." The regular fee was fifty guineas, and Ml . Choalo said :â€" "But Hull was unprufe.ssional ; yes, very iiiiiJi-. ifessional." "ilut. sir.' said the clerk, npolngeti- ciilly. and anxious In exmiciate himself (I-. Ill III'' 'â- Inrge. "I got nil he had." 'Ah !' .siiid Mr. Choalo. with a differ- .ii expres.-iDii. "ihal was prote.ssiotial ; M-. ipiili- pioTe-ssional." fiUlVKiN'^ Wni! MI'AI.S. I The in erage person s!i<iuld drink al)Out Iwo and a'llrrd pints <if wairr a day, and tliere l.s ro liiiriii in drinUiiig as I miieli a' a pint at diiiii<M'. Hot waler lis a dislincl^ aiil to sluggish digeslinn, 'and a drinU of wah'r last Ihing al night and flrsl thing in the morning is con- ducive to g<K)d heallli. I It lakes snrca.slic women and Imsy j bei« to administer stinging repioofs. vnon our. I Bivkem. after a year's absence : ".<so .she linully gave you her hand in mar-, liage, eh 7" I I'eckem : '"Y-es. I guess .so; al least slit now has me under her thumb." .S',eeplc';.i!n''R^. When the nerves are unstrung and llie whole tiody given up lo wrelchodiiess. when the mind is lilted with gloom and dismal f<iicl)odiiigs, Ihe result of deraiiTjement of the digestive organs, sleeplessness comes to add Id till distress. If only the subject could sleep, there would be oblivion for a while and l('m|)orary relief. I'arinelee.s N'egetahle Pills will n<il' only induce sleep, bul will art .so benellcially lh.it the sulijcit will wake refreshed and ro- sloi-ed to happiness. MALT.V DHY DOC.KS. The Iwo new dry docks in the Ciraiid Ijarlvir, Malta, which have Invn under consliMiclion for nearly six ypars, arc now completed, nnd constilule an ini- porlanl pari of llie improvements now being carried out at thai port. They are silualed in a well-proteeied position at th(^ lop of I'rench Ci'eeU, and are 7".H) and Tirid feet long re<pecli\ely, with a width of 10 feel on the cope, and a depth of water on the sill uf Ah feel, llie larger dock en 11 lie divided into two docks by means of an inner caisson, and both docks can be lenglheiied by Hi feet when nece.ssary, by moving Ihe cais.scins to llie outer sUi|i.s. Hamburg has iiKue lliemen. in com- parison with her population, than any olher citv. There are 300 hremen lo every tOO',(X)0 people. A Good Name is to be Pii/.ed.- There have been iiiiitalions of Dr. Thomas' lyiectric Oil which may have been in- jurious lo ils good name, bul if so, the injurv ha.s only been temporary. C<iodiiess must always como to Ihe fi-dnt and throw into the shadow thai wliich i.s wiirllilfss. So it has been wilh F.cle<-tric Oil; no iinitalinn can maintain itself agaiiisl the genuine allele. CANAdii|i Pacific Irrigated Farms Sunny ACBERTA rSefore deciding wiiere to locale in the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields, the richest grazing land, are in this province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates. Local representative wanted in each county. Telfer & Osgood Eastern Selling Agents, 2i6 CORISTING BUILOINQ, MONTREAL. A MUSfCL'M OF MUSIC. Vienna will shortly possess a museum exclusively dev<iled lo music. In the modern world, al least, no city could lie more appropriately chosen for its musi- chl a.ssociations. Instruments. M.s;S., portraits, sculptures, and, in fad, c ery- ihing associated with great musicians will l)e represented. The collection will be especially rich in ils historical side, it will include oiiginal .score.^ tiy Bach, Handel, Meudelssohn, .Spohr, Weber, Mozart, Beethoven, and Brahms. There will also be a complelc collection of pianos illuslrating the development of Ihe iiislrument from its earliest begin- nings. .lapan holds a record in having put r.(KXt Ions of coal in a ship in t9 hoiir.s' work. The Church o( F.iigland bishopric of aiackonxie Hivcr In Hrltlsh North Ameri- -ca to Dve limes as large os the I;niled aUtigiom. The Nassau Bank of New York has • safe W fcti long and 20 feet wide. ISSl'R NO. 16-«7. ONTO HIM. ".No," said Hi Tragedy, "I never tak* a sleeper when I travel. I dcn'l think tiK berths are sanitary, and besides, in case of accident " "Yes,' interrufited I.owo Comedy, "I suppose walking is .safer.' The number of Bed Indians in th» .'Elates has decreased M per cent, in 15 <- years. -^^ Dear Mother Your little onea ire • conatanl ctN h Fall and Winter weather. Thev will catch cold. Do you know about Shilob'i Gmaumptioa Cute, the Lung Tonic, uJ what it hai done lot lo many > Il it uitj to l>e the only reliable remedy ior all diifOfi oi the air pauagea in chiUwi. It ia alxolulcly lunnle!4 and pleaianl lo lake. It it guaranteed to cure or yout money i< returned. 1 ha price i> 25c. per bottis, nnd all dealers in medicine aell 314 tSHILOH Thia remedy ihould be in evety bouaehoU, MONEY TO LOAN SAFETY DEPOSn VAULTS TO RENT BALANCES ON WHEN KEPTWITH US DRAW INTERESTATFOUR PER CENT PER AMNUMXOMPOIJNDED OUARTERLY, ANDAREAT All TIMES SIBJECTTO CHEQUE. 'ACCOUNTSdFl EXECUTORS lANDTRUSTEeSit ARE SPECIALLY INVITED- if PAGE Ifad* Of Hlgli Carbon Wlre.-we'll btotj It to yo SilkM tl idll atronfer In lerTloo. It aUft Uut frMB »A«« WIK« r»l»OE BEST 99 _ -not rrlmpwl. Thl« Palnt«l WHITB ortr haary COMVAMY. LIMITSO. â- alTknlitngâ€" mat prool. Cxparlwtoad d^kler* to aract It Land* nil In «tl«f M» -M In marlt. Oat llliutmted booklet nnd 190T prloet baforn buylnf^ â- --^