Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1907, p. 8

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APRIL 11 190.^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE MARKETS ^CAREFULLY CORRECTED EACH WEEK. Oata 3G to 36 Peas 76 to 75 llarlay 45 t-i 46 \Vh.!iit 65 to 66 H,,y . . .' 10 00 t..lO W I'otnioea, per bag 65 to 65 Butter 20 to 20 Kiiga, freih 15 to 15 Ciiiukens 6 to 8 Geuse 10 to 10 Turkeys 11 to H Ducks 10 to 10 r •V3 In Furniture The largest and best stock uf furiiituie ever shown in Fleshor- Kin. This without fear of contra- diction. Come aud Rne some of the uice things in Sideboards Dining Roorr\ Ctiafrs Parlor Setts Bed Roort\ Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT furniture SUeater Flesherton - »» XXr^- â-  J . Get Ready . To tiikc a belter p.isiUon. Sucoesi de- ptfiid.s ii|Hin your tilneas to accept pro- . motion when it presents itself. A few n-diitlis s|MMit ill tlii> OWEN SOUND, ONT. will thoroughly pr(;|iartf you to iioccpt n bi;tti.'r position iinii place your sorvicnH in greater deiiittiid. Three courses of study, IJUSINKSS, SUOllTHANl) .tTYPE WRlTrNG, imd F'REI'ARaTOIIY. Stu- d"nis iidniittod at any tiuio. S|)iiiiii term iMwoii, Full particulars sent to any address free. C A FLEMING, Owen Sound now i$ a 6ood Cime To enter the well-known l/nxmoTT TOaOlfTO. ONT. Oiuiadi's (li;<h grade Ooinineruial and Shorthand school. Our graduates are iiltvays (uccessful. Thuir HJixtrinr truiiiniK enables them to ifot and hold txiH'llunr pobitiuns. The pupils who unidunte fr-un our school arH in the hi'.>lii'ut nnd best sense trsini'd for bus- iness life. Comniuncu now. W.J. ELLIOTT, I'rinoipal Cor. Yonge snd Alexander St*. Spring For the Children To succeed these days you must hsve plenty of grit, cour- age, streoffth. How Is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. The tklMrcB esDDot potilblr bars jroodbMlth ulM* tb* boirali >re In proptr eoadlllon. Cor- tMt aar eoBiUratloD by irlTinc •null laxatir* 4aM* M Atm'i rill*. All TegoteU«.*a(U-c>»t*d. A" at. O. AfW 00.. tKnnU, BUm. w BaanfiMtam* of f_ HAIR VIOOK. AQUe CURB. CHERRY PECTOBAL. ifers W« b«T* BO ••or«t« I W« pabllBb th/^ fbravlaa of kll o«r medioinet. Easter-Tlde Reflections Does Your Wife Bake? If she does she wants good flour. This is The Place for good flour at the Wright prices, which are low prices. We also sell all kinds of Feed. GARDEN SEEDS- Our stock is com- plete with everything you could wish for in this line. Hpring is horu and so ari> we with the lurg'jHi line of h.iud made tinware ever otfored to the public. (.'all and see for yourself. Our prices are right. Aiso a Kno line of dry eoodt, hoot* and shou<i and fresh iiroceriea aniviiig almost daily. Eave Iruughing and Job work a spiicialty J. A. St. JOHN GENERAL MERCHANT • • PORT LAW Farmers, Take Notice. I have ceased working for McComiack viacbinea, not that I had any fault with the iiniiluiniiuts, hutJackkon A Hannah, of Murk- iIhIii 4old a McOorinack nix fiNit binder to Mr. Wilfon McMiiilen l.mt harvciit for $I2.'i.(H) un chruc pay", and his old I'attcrMin biinlcr and then nold thu ohi binder fur 91.50, and on iiuxt year'* tenni thoy are cliarKixl to those that piTliiipK they (fct Ihoin for less than f do. Why <lou't they sell thein to Markdnle farinHrn for thuaaniu* Thin I cm prove. I haveoiutract- e<l with I'et«r Hamilton, of I'l-terlioiwiKli, to Hell his iiujilnniputa at Markdale and Kh-snur- Utix. I will s«ll thf t)induni, «ix fiMit on oiif jiay Si'tl, - paya <il!i, tlmie payn $1:211; ilrillK, one |Hy l-.<h<H! drill $01, 3 paya 9l'>.S, thrco piv.vx $li.\ IKOJ other iii»i («> correnixind, Hinalli'r or larger. 1 will be at U.*rkdale af*er tlin first of March tfvrry S.^iui-day. .^ny one wuntini? uiachiiies <» rupiir* will 6nd ma <in Hiitiirlaya. I have i«»o."Ktmnd hand DrilU on hand, soMm only w-.irkt'd latn wi4 two 'ysara, Noxnn, Oahawa utd I'eWr ItMAilton. Also aocnt for th« Co-^sbott PIow.iPmIs MMiire aprMdwaod «aThT«sh«r. D. MADILL. Wo sell Electrulene, the best illuminating oil oa the market. 25c [>er (;allun. Our Prices Suit. W. L. Wright. FLESHERTON BUSINE.SS Cards MovtAjOvan * young Banker Markdale Do a gaaaral banking bualnesa . Money loaneo a reaiooable rate Call on us. TCHI81.ETT, â-  I'oatmaitnr, Teylou. Oooimisslooar In H, O. J , Couvovaiicer, deetlH. oiortKSKaa, leaaoa, willn etc. carefully ilrawii up Culliotioiia Diad?. cbar|{uH ruasoiiable. AI:-o i;t'o,:ertei, flour, fued eto. kept iu atock, I'ricvs tiKbt. RJ BrHOULB Foitmaator, Fleaberton tyommlaaloosr in H.O J., Auctioneer Con royaooar, Appralaer and Money Lsudur Real ESatate and Inaursiioe Agent. DeeiU Kortgagea, leaaea au'l willa carufnily drawn up aQ<f valuations made oo Fliortoai notice, money to loan at loweat rates ol interest. Ool aotlooa attended to with proinptnoHa charnaa low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Bteamifaip Company. A call aolicited. DUcriTAKi, IJcenaad Anottoneor for the • County of Grey. Turma niortcrato and aatiafaotloii guaranteed. The arratigeiueiita and (Istea of aalea can be made a*. TnK A»vanck otiiue. Eeaidcnce audP.O., Cayluu, Tulupbouc I'onnectton. Deo. t.07. QKO. (>. LUOIiOW. Liceoacl Auctioneer for the " County o( Urey. Prompt aerTico aim reaaooable terms. Pioton Htatloo t>. 0. Societies AO U W maeta on the latt Uonday in aaen mouth, in their lougu rouui. Ohrlatoa'a block. PleabBrton.st 8 p.m. M.W., Frank Chard ; Hec., T. Ulakely, Financier, W.J. Bel. amy. Viiiting bretbreu iLvited, PHIMCB ARTHUR LODOK, No. »33, A P.ft A M, nisete in the Maaonloball. Htrain't hlook, FInaharton. every Friday en or b«for« thefnil inocQ. W A.Aruiatioug, W M.; Herb. Biuith, Becretary, noiTBTFLRBHKBTON WIS, I. 0. F. nrcetaln ^ Chriatoe'a Hloek tba taat Wedneeday evening of oaoh month. Viaitiiig Foreatera heartily weloome. 0. K., Dr. Murray; It. 8., 'i'. Her.ry; Flu. Bac, C. N. Biohardaon. Pleaae pay due* to Kia. Beo. before the ftrat day of the month. [The following article was intended for last week but waa crowded out. It is, however, atill seasonable â€" Ed. To the thoughtful mind the root idea suggested by thia Reason of the year is â€" Auhievement. As we reflect upon this ide.1, our thoughts instinctively revert to the great achievement â€" the resurrection of our Lord, His complete and eternal conquest over sin aud death. And while in this mood other great instances of achievement readily occur to us; the mighty workings of Nature in all her varied aspecta, and the still greater nc- complishments of human endeavor in the roidms of matter, mind and spirit. All these have their Easter-Tide. All have conditions amidst which they work, all have laws by which thoy are governed, and through all must run the thread of obedience, of submissiveness, ( r other- wise achievement is broken, mutilated, imperfect, abortive Now it is not my purpose to enter either of these fields, rich and inviting as they iire, but rather to seek to cultivate a rmiTower, more circumscribed plot, and to do it as eflbctively an I may. And yet I would fain have the greater theme over- shiidow and pervade and color the lessor as v/e shall thus be helped to a better understanding and appreciation of the hitter. The plot I propose to consider is the child's mind in relation to the work of the school â€" certainly not a paltry topic. I do not claim to lie able to say anything new on this subject, but I do want to punctuate what I say with idl seriou.sne8s and earnestness, so as, if possible, to leave an impression tliat will achieve something worthy. In many respects the mind of the child is Uke a plant. The plant bus life, mid- dle age and maturity. It grows. Its development depontls upon its environ- ments of soil, light, warmth and moisture. To the ext«nt that any of these is with- held, to that extent it withers and dies. All the conditions neces-sary for the firil and healthy development of the plant iiiHBt therefore be constant (jualities. Now we all recognize the necessity for the fulfilment of these conditions in the case of the iilant, and wo recognize the same principle in all the walks of life with the -straiigo exception of the training of the child. The farmer recognizes it with regard to his seed and stock. The mer- chant and mechanic do the siiiiio in their business or culling and surely the child merits at least oiiual considei-atiou with these. Uow long would a business man in any community tolerate an employee who would absent himself repeatedly from his duties for half days and d^ys and weeks during the year? And yet this is what is coiistJintly occurring in our school. During the quarter of 1907 just ending there have l)oen tU? liajf days of absence in the principal's department, which is over one half day for evoi7 school day of the term; and the t-ajne thing is true of tbo other departmout.s. And it is not only half days, but in numerous c.isee days and in some cases weeks. Now it will surely bo admitted that this is not favorable environment for the prop- er development of the luind of tho child. We might as well expect a sieve to hold water as for a child's mind to retain and assimilate kiu'iwledgo under such condi- tions. Owing to his frequent absences â-  the child often misses tho essential rela- tion that exists and must be established between all [larts of real, organized knowledge, and has to accept instead, isolated, disjointed fragments of know- ledge, like BO many broken links of a chain. No wonder the poor child faltera and fails when the inexorable test is thrust before him. But I must break off here less I wound the feelings of the printer. I have barely hinted at the heart of tho subject. That heart is character. Many \ itally impiirt- ant things must l)e loft unsaid but I titist enough has been written to result in the achievement of a profounder interest in all that pertains to the truest success of our school. Believe mo friends, the Home, the Church and the School are the thrte n iblost inttitutions in our cou- munity. Ijet us stand by them and let this glad Easter-Tide be our admonishr >. â€" W. J. Mill. appetite fell off, and nothing could tempt me to ear. Worn-out feelings, chills and deapiindency filled my very beinii. I became auaemic »nd dwindled dnnn to a shadow. Coeumption was very near. Furrozone put strength in my body with a ru^b. Ic bailt me up, strong, virile and happy, and I hare been well ever since " Ferrozone cures fickness by curini; the real cauae â€" lack of blood aud neive tone. It keeps people at thoir V'est â€" fii, re.tdy and anxious for wu>k. In 50u. boxes only, six for 82.50, at all dealers, or N. C. Poison t Co., Hartford, Cam., U. S. A., and Kingston Ont. HONOIl ROLLS PASTOR AND PEOPLE PRAISE CHOSF.N FhlBNDS-Flaaherton Council of Uhnaan FrieiiM meeta Iu Clayton'a ball fliat and third Wednaadav ofei.ohniout 6 p. m Pay anRaaaniAUte to t^e Herordor on or bofnro tpe flrat ilayof each month. Chtet OonuolUor, T. Ulak«lay;Haoorder, W. H. Buul. Medical DB OABTRR II C P * B Ont. Phyalolan, Bnrgeon, oto Offloe and roaidanoeâ€" Petar at , Fleahorton MOW CONSU.WPTION STARTS. DB.A.T. BOND Oradoata Toronto Unlveraity. Mem- ber of Ontario College oj Phyaiciians aud Knr- geoua. Maxwell. Ont. duooeasor to Dr. Bcott. JP OTTBWKI.Ii Veterinary Surgeon Qradoata of Ontario Veterinary College, reaidenca â€" aeooiid door aouth weat'. on Mary atreat. Thia street rani aoutb Preabytarian Ofanrob. HWIL80N, Blacktmilb • 'iraduata of the Vaierlnary Hclence Aaaoolatlnn. Bealdfluce, Durham itreet, oi>- poeita Boyd, Biokllkg'a hardware. Report of Port Law school for the mcmth of March. V. â€" Alice Holman, Fred Taylor. IV sr â€" Delia Pedlar, Flossie Simmons. IV jrâ€" Gertie Thompaon, Elbert Corn- field, Harry Meldrum. Ill srâ€" Frank Taylor, Mary Cornfied, Wilfred McNally, Edgar Jackson, Pearl Wats<m, George Fisher, Alvin McKenzie. Ill jr â€" Viol.t Cornfield, Lawrence Lyons, Martha Walker, Milton Walker, Ilia Lyons. II sr â€" Marshall Sherwood, Arthur Watson, Harry Fisher,LiUi;in McKenzie, Bertie Shires. II jrâ€" Annie Fishir, Gladys White. II srâ€" Millie White, Iva McNaUy, Frank Shier. II jr â€" Aleta Lyon8,Rena Shier, George Udell. I sr â€" Willie White, Leslie Jnekstm, Hariy Thompson, Harohl Thompson. I jr â€" Murray Cornfield, Annie Udell. Average attendance for the month thirty. â€" H. Stafford, Teacher. Legal LUCAS WRIGHT A MrABDLR Barristers Solicitors Oonveyanoers, eta OfBeeaâ€" Owea Sound. Ont aodUarkdaleOnt W H WaiOHT, McAkdui I B Lroaa N Bâ€" rieaherton office, UltoheH'i Bank everf Saturda*. Dentistry Dn B. C. MUKIIAV U D. n . dental aargeon konorgradaate of Toronto Univerellv aad Baral Canin ol Dental Hnr0«ona nf Ontario, a»4 t»mMmH* tot teeth aztraeMnn. ~ ftl MMUliM, Tereato atroal, liUahaHao. Tired When You Wakenâ€" Lan- guid All Dayâ€" Nervous Worn Out â€"Snap All Qone. Your liml's feci "drngay" aud exces- sively weak. A nights Vl.op seldom bring* latisfying rest. Continuous head- acbes, exhaustion and nervous sen^Hlinns destroy your health. S'Min every spaik of vitabiy is'used up. Then you cutoh t iberculoais. Start to-day. Build up, got new nerve f< rce, snd overcome this process of decay. Use Ferrozone. which pbyfioians consider the nv'st vitalizing, uplifting lonie ever made. Ferrozone cures beca'jse it can furnirh the body with sufKcenc nuiriuioiit and buildiiitf material. Think of the instant eflottâ€" at oi.ce the appetite increases, debghifnl color in the cheeks proves that rich, red blood is being circulaied. Tired uiuHclesare invigoiaind, flesh and weight are nibled. Nerve foice develop", and bounding, joyuui health is hruily established. This is cer'ainâ€" Forrogone res'oroa failing strength from any caus-. The exirerience of Mr. Tlios. Uowd, of Sclireibur, Ont.. proves this: "Houachold worries and cares had alxiut exhau.sted my airength. I was weak and miserable. My cheeks lacked the co'or of health, aod ucnaaionally I had apclU \>i iheuniaiiain. Then my Report of Rockviile public school for Maich. IVâ€" Total 900- Vo. a Phillips 741. M. Fisher 624, Leila Claik 501. § Fred Rus- sel 477, .^ A. Chard, S W. Akitt. Ill Sr.â€" Totiil 50n-g Ernie Rucsell 278, 5i Edna Fisher, § .Reita Fisher. § E. Arni.strong. Ill Jr. -Tot«15("0-n. Phillips 432, Edwin Smith 303, Eddie White .340, N. Fisher 300. Bertha Morrow 297, Allie McDowell 200, Reta Belts 262, Richie Clark 15U, J. Arnistrong 110, § .\nuie lierts. II a.â€" Toi»l.-)00-L Fisher 314, M. Arniatronx 238, M-.1.!o Itad ey 189, § W. Fisher 70, S tjam Fibher, § Mary Wbiic, ^ Ella Gt^m.e. II l..-Tot»1300-Annie Pedlar 210, W.slty Pmiih 180. II c â€" E l'.irr?i.ig", Arthur P.-rtcou". II pr.-Tor,d4C0- Mable I,eech 360, Ilarley MtLi«ii 277, Hertl-i White 144. 1 pi â€" H.iiiirt Boft", Violet Siuitb, J"bnnio Coll/an, Lome Atkinson. ( § were absent for exainin itioni" ) â€" Miss Wuusoy, Teacher Yorksbtre Bear for 5ervlce. Til* i:u(lerR{f!ne(1 b.iH for service ^n lot 103. 211.1 W. T. it S. K.. .^rfemjnirt. a thoiougblired Yi.ikmirB hoar. ••J.nk.view Victor," No. 18IS0. Tel uib ^1 UU, 1 huruut'bbreds extra. A apleu^ did bit ckH ^'u o*-. iiuio'ilFcb. ircB C^lJC'JPiop. niourtt Plearant l^erd. Of inirelirnit ecotcli 81 o toniH with the famous jouug Htock bnll, H, c tish Chief, at tbo lieii<t. YounKi.bot,k luv Dale, piieuH reai*oiiabie tenna ea-.v. otniai 9n7 R. ALLKN Ftov. 17U, O.in. 8. e T. 4 S.I< . Farm for Sale Lots no and 147 Ut West of Tiront- and Sydeiiham road. cont.-iinir'g')ne himdifNi acr* s more nrlfM. I'ricc three iboussuid dollars if Bolii at iincv. W. G. PICKELL. (PRONOUNaO SC'MIH) K Marvelloiis aad Triumphant Record of Victory Over Disease. Vo medicine has ever effected aa large a Domber of wonderful and almost mar- vellous cures as Psychine. It has had one continuous record of victoriea over diseaa- ee of the throat, chest, lange and stomach. Where doctors have pronounced cases incurable from consumption and other wasting diseases Psychine 'steps in and rescues num bet less people even from the very verge of the prravo. Coughs, Cold*, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Chill.B, Night Sweats, I.,a Grippe, Pneumonia, and other like troubles, all of which are forerunners of Consumption, yield guickly to the cura- tive powers of Psychine. Mrs. Campbell, one of the many cured, makes the following statement : I cannot refrain from telllnK all who mBrt of my remnrkHble recovery with PavchUie. In April. IWi. I caught a heavy cold wlilch .settled on my luiiKS and gruJiially led to consiimiition. 1 could not sleep, wiw subject to night (-weati. my lun^ were so dlaea.'icd, my doetor considered me bicurable. kev. Ur. Mahufty, Port Elgin Presbyterian Church, r«coramendc«l Dr. aiocum'a Paychlne to me. when I wn.-s living in Onurio. After usln^r Paychlne for a abort time I ate and alcpt well, the night fweats nnd couKh ceu.'-ed Months afro I Mopped taking Fsyehine, os 1 was perfectly restored to health end t^^dlly I never felt better in my life. Psyehtne has been a god- •endtome. Mas. Anurkw Camprki.l. Cottonwood. N.W.T. PSYCHINE never disappoints. PSYCHINE has no substitute. There la no other medicine "Just as good." At all dcalcn, 50c, and St.OO per bottla. If nut write to Dl. T. L SLOCOH, Umited, 179 Xing St W., TOROKTO Dr. Root's Kidney Pilis are a sure and permanent cure for Rheum jtism Bright'8 Disease, Pain in the Back aai â- U forms of Kidney Trouble. 25c per box, at all dealers. HOMES For Settlers IN WESTERN ONTARIO HANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Hade and How Reached Write for free copies of SEHLERS' GUIDE ^oT ."n"*!,?! train servloe for tiattlors travelUnK with live impk. ana euWta to tho Northwest in March aadApril. with passonger and freight ratos. WESTERN CANADA ert'-;'5^o(''t!ro vreatand western oonditlons, 80 pajjes of Information Invaluable to settlers, tacrul mapa ana staUatlos. TTUV TAni li'G showina doublo daily M?L" «AP*J'J poaseuger train service to Winnipeg and Calvary. TOURIST SLEEPING GARS aT* Toronto daily. Comfortable, roomy hs at moderate rates, i'ully equipped t bedding, oooUos range and every con- enoe^ BorUis should be re8or\ed gh nsareatC.P.R. Agent) atleiwtlwo (through nsareatC.l'.K. Ageui) anemLivio , 'W^lta to-day for free books and anything jron want toanow about the west and bow I to reaoh It. Address C. B. rOSTEI. Dlst Pass. Agt., C.P.R., Toronto .Sfc'ci^JI^W^^B'r^rr^BOI^'f «iM In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, Harrows, Ploughs, Creain Sep- arators and Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works D. McXAVIBH iK[ raimoN diiiisi Bum For First Class Buagiea, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber NAagoiis, cutters, Sleii^hs. We keep a stuck on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOBINQ ANOQENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and uuarantee Rrst clans work. Wo keep on hand PloiiKhs and Plough repairs, and a,'i>o Massey- Harris and Noxon reimira for hinders. Mowers all kinds of maehinory, also Binder Twine on hand. » aiNn in town givi :a a call • sale K % sm Itkia.,^. •>*mrm

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