fWW \ \ \ fh^\$tvtan Jlbtratta. TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PEIKCIPLEb NOT MEN. â- V h >â- '* ^ .A YOLXXVI, NO 1320 Flcstierton, Ont. Thursday April 25 1Q07 W. H. THURSTON, BDITOB BOPBlKTOB NEW Jewellery Store to soe Gbre you oalled in yet oar new promises 1 Bigger Stock Better Display Of JeweUry, VVstche*. Clocks, PUted Ware, and choice thinsjs io every line. Get your Wedding Pres- ents here, Get yoxir Wedding RlT\gs l\ers. PricM Rigkt. Goods th« Best. W.A.Armstrong. An old Friend In Port Arthur in the mill. Into this logs are dwh|>ed from railway car* every day during winter cut and picked byjack chain and carried into the mill. The summer cut is sup- plied by towing down the lake from Pigeon River. This enterpiise fairly started the ball rolling, and called for rha erection of a large number of bouses to accommodate i its e mployeet, who are paid all the way t from 25c to 80c par hour. This in'^um I fouud employmeut to mechanic*. Uiher ! claraea oame and other industries have i been eatAblished antil, aa you will have noticed, the town of 3000 has become the I city "( 1.5}, OQO in six years. I have oiily I touched one point. There are other j interesting enterprises guioK and prepar- ! ing for of equal importance, such as I blast fumacea, coal docks, brick factories, i and others, which, if at all mterestiug tu I your readers I shall be pleuad to speak of at a future time. There is one feature of this snotiou which has been sadly misunderstood and undervalued la the past on which I in- tended speaking at this time but which I think is quits sufiicieot of itself for a full letter â€" namely, its agricultural inter- eats wbififa to tba outsider seems to be nil â€" bttcthisis • grave mistake. YoA^ with appologies for verbosity: ^> W. M. Clabk Box944ii(^re Arthur, Ont. [No â- iiiiMiiiii sra (^quired, friend Clark. Sena ua more of equal iutereel. â€"Ed Aotaxcb.] Port Arajur, April 18th. Bditor Advance, Dear Old Friend â€" Quiet moments call tip old associations and faces of old friends, sod thinking over my ploasootand happy days spent im Flesherton I thought even I were pretty near forgotten; yet some obaotvations on the wild and woolly west at ' the past, that is now taking a new dress, might not be without interest to a few of my old chums and perhaps to some at » younger generation. It will soon be six yoars since the steamer City of Collingwood from Samia, on which your scribe was a passenger, landed me at Port Arthur docks, a stran- gaz^in a stiitnge laud. On leaving tho boat wrhen the elock pointed to 7 a. m., not wishing to w^t another hour for break- fast, I started out in .search of a restaur- «at, but failing to find an open door for some time had about ooncluded it was a sleeijy town, when I was informed that by wastem time it was an hour earlier on idioro than on tho boat, then I realized that I had got away from home. But after I had succeeded in supplying the ueeda of the inner nmn I proceeded to take in tho town. Within a few hours I had met Mr- John Urahani, formerly of <.)range Valley, who is still here, and though he is five yeaw past tho sj>»n of threescore and ton is still hale and hearty. His nephew, Mr. Jos. Giuihsm, who also nu a boy lived in the Valley, is| the proprietor of the City Livery, the leading stable cf the town, housed in a lino now stone structure recently erected by Mr. Graham. Next I met W. (i, Armstrong, whom I liad known as Wes. in his native village, now head of the Armstrong- Be iry Jewellery Co. , doing a leading business. Now for the town: On my arrival the twin towns. Port Ai-thur and Fort Wil- liam, were each said to contain about :UX)0 iuhabitant!i,bute!u:h looking forwaid to a brighter d:iy ahead. The Pigeon River Lumber Co., who then held a small mill at Fort William, were prej^ariug to erect a larger pl.-mf at Port Arthur, in carrying out which your humble servant assisted for the greater part of the next ysfurandahalf. This gave a great impetus tii the town, as they employ a latue staff of men here as well as in the woods, the camp taking their supplies from here and tnost of tho money from the large pay xoll being spent here. The mill contains hree baud saws, 2 of which are double eadcrs, with two sets of teeth, cutting JJotb vivys; the other an automatic re-saw, J«o a circular g'Uig and edger, which cuts Itttnber from lla,tted .stock six inches and from sick We received the following items Maple Grove on the north line : Mr. McEellop has been ou tho list for the past 2 weeks. Miss Florence Clarke returned to Markdalo after two weeks visit with her mother. Sir. Angus SIcLaughlan was a guett at the Martin residence one day last week. Mr. Allen McLean i-isited Mr. McKil- lop one evening last week. A number of th» youth and beauty of Maple Girove spent a pleasant evening at the home of Mr. H. Morrow last week. A short' pro(;ram was rendered consisting (if songs, recitations and instrumental music. T!ie guests returned to their homes well pleased with their outir.g. It is said that wedding bells may ring io the Giove in the oeai- future. McFarland&Co. Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE When Lone Breaths Hurt, You kMw that tr->uble<) exist whiob need qitiok attention. Proper action consists ill • vigorous rubbing of the chest and side with Necviiiiie which sitika into the tissues where the paiu is seated, and gives relief in a few minutes. No linim- ent so clean, so atrcng, so powerfuL Resu'ts icuarsnleed with every 26c bottle of Poison's Nerviline. Get it to-day. •«*- New Wearables for men and boys. NEW SPRING \ND SUMMER SUITS FOR HEN AND BOYS IN SOVEREIGN BRAND and PROGRESS BRAND ^hen Women Suffer- Look ^t for weakness or disease. See if tbaAis not a aidoache, headache, restlesnets^' and, the "bines." These symptuns JndHsata that yon need the gentle assisWce of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They are women's greatest relief, prevent functional datengemonts, renew the life of the blood, Wrify aud clean the system ibroughuut. No tonie so potent, no results to marked a* follow the nse of Dr. Uunilton's Pills. Price 2&e par box at all dealers. We call particular attention to these two bran^is of clothing. The Sover- eign Brand manufactured by the W. E. S&nford Mfg. Co., Hamilton; auefcibe Progress Brand mannfactured by H. Vineburg & Co., Montreal. * Wo are sole agents for these two celebi-ated brands of High grade Beady-to- Vandelear wear suits, and have just placed into stock large- consignments from each. The Btjie of these garments is the latest and most generally approved in Mr. Stafford of Kimbarley spent Sun- ^y i\^q g^at style centres. The tailoring cannot be exoelledâ€" a big statement I.'' M '.!,"*«â- • '^^-.f^, ^^''- ^ ' but a true one. The cloths in them are the best the "Mifci-n^- The lin- Miss Myrtle nuut visited at Mr. Geo. • :, ^ • • r ^i i. •. j a- ^^^r^^ i i , .. Pritchard's recently \ '"§!â- *'^" trimmings ars of the best grades. An immei^HBeortment to select Mr. Geo. Wright delivered four steers UiO"i a^^ P^^es ranging from $10.00 to $15.00 a suit. Cleylon Spring having ojwned up at last farm- ers are busy with their spring work. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker visited their son, Alfred, of Egremont on Saturday last. Mrs. A. Ttickor, who has been ailing for some time with lung trouble is now very low with an attack of acute ^euuiun- ia. The doctor could give uqu ifopes for her recovery, still we hope for the best and trust she may still be spared to her little family and husband. Miss Mae Sproat is home from Toronto. Miss Anna Chislett has t;iken a posi- tion in Toronto as ;uu>iHtant post nustress in one of the sub ottices. Mr. Geo, Cairns has taken a position in a railway office noiir Ntfrth Bay, A letter from Huron, Ohio, caiiie through to Ceylon, Ont., with a Canadian postage st-vDi]) thereon. John Chislett sold one of his horses last week. Mr. Speers of Fevershain is the purchaser. Mr. C. has puiehaH^d new bug^y from 8. Hemphill. ^ Mrs. D. D. McLauchlan presented hor- husband with a fine little girl this iSftOrn ing. The Deaf Made To Hear. DeafiMM hecau.te usually due to Catarrh, is quite cjrabU. In a thousand cmps that M ptOTcd ulMolurely true Su<ic«M invariably ai tends tho u^e ot Catarrhuxone which has cured catarihal dcafuoM i.f twenty>4ve yeais f.tMidini< Poiietratinit tirrouyh \kxt puafjtges of ^\w ear, the sLooliuK vapor of Gacurrhozoiio telieves th»- infTHmati<m, destroys the seeds of Catsrrh and thereby hUowk luture to re-assi«t beisslt. Try Catarfh- nzone youn)elf,.25o and ^1.0(1 sizes sold by all dealvrt. PRICEVILLE steers to Messrs. Boyd and McAuley last week, the averaite price baiug sixty dollars each. Mrs. Harris, and daughter, Eva. of Wodehuuse visited frieuda in this vicinity last week. Mrs. A. Johnston and daughter, Mrs. F. R. Bolaad, have returned home aftet au extended visit with frieuda at Sariiia. The Foresters h«4 a bee on Wednesday last taking out the timber for theic new shed. Mr. Alf. Dunltip, who has been living iu Euphrasia, hsis nwaed beak to the homestead. Mr. S. Osborne is busy placing the machinery iu his ue«r mill iu preparation for the season's work. Mr. J. I. Graham has gone into sugar making extensively this spring, having tapped over three hundred trees. Never Silt Your Boots. That Jors'iit <niM the com. Justopply tho old standby, Putnam's Corn Ex- tractor. It acts like magic. Kills the pain, cures the co:u. does it without burn or scar. Got the best- it's Putaaw's." Kiioberley Wo<Miug bolls are again ringing. The Kiiiiberioy branch of the O. W. I. will meet in the Otan^te Hall ou Thurs- day, April 23 at 2.30 p.m. A full attend- ance is requested. Miss Wary Ahercrombie left for Van- couver, B.C. on iMonday of this week, Miss Mary Stnfford was the guest of Vandeleur friends on Sunduy last. Ml-. Ed. SUion. whoi has heen in Tor- Of\t<» soma time, Returned home recently. Mr. John Aborcrinitie has ((one to Owen Siiuiid to work in a chair factory. Mis. Smith i)f IS the gueat of hor sister. Mis. Wiikuii of the suburbs. Messrs. Fred Stuart and Lyness Faw- celt rtpeiit Sunday in Hesherton. Mr. Irwin Fawcett of Ueathcot'e look cliai^u of the service in the Methodist church here ou Sunday morning last. Mrs. John Alexander of Tlioinbuiy is ^tfae guest of her parents here. . Miss Lydii) Hear of Duncan visited tr^»njs here during the paat week . Mr. George Proctor vLiited Meafurd frii)niJH this week. Gentlemen, ask yourself what kind of a suit you want Tou'll find it hers. No need going into details about all our Men's Suitii â€" wa could fill the whole page. It's enough to say that your suit is here, the suit iu htrm- ony with your taste and in keeping with your purse. For instance wo have Mens suiu at 5 00, 6 00, B.30, 7.00, 7 50, 8 00. 9.00, 10.00, 12.50, 14.00 and 15.00. No matter how exacting you may bp jou'U Snd a suit bore for your every reiiuirement. MEN 'S WATERPROOF COATS $1 .55 CRAVENEETTE RAJN COATS, $6.90 1(! only Men's fuwn waterproof coats, velret euihu-, fly front and double sewed .seams throughout, sizes 3(!, 38, 40, 42 and 44. These eoats are perfect in every respect an i would sell in a regular way at 83.50. A cei-tsin wholesale was anxi- ous IO clear this small ({iiaiitjty at a price which enables us to put them ou salo at each 1.45 Wo have placed in stock an Oxford Grey Cravonetta Rain coat for uieii'a wear and its an idosl combinatinu for .spring wear. Of proper weight for or- dinary overcoat use as full of stylo' as tho smartest overcoat and yet when you are caught out iu a storm its perfectly water- proof snd can be bad n hile Ihey Inst for each, special $6.90 McFARLAND 8L COMPANY The icy grasp of winter relaxed some- what to-day, April 22iid, and siens of Uhder, >it)k Wrnmeus, slab lathes and all •!'i'n8 "« noticeable. Mmy farmers are t^ise needed. Little hard work is neces- Mwy, the machines takiog tho logs out of the Water, putting thein on carriages, fcumiug them, guided by levera in the hands of experts, the lyuiber moving^ on live rollers to the edj;er, thence to the trimmer and on out into the piling yard, then across the railway stands a laige planiiig mill oafiable of handling the entire uulipu^ As all stuff sliipped in thin ootmtrr is first passed through tho pL-mer, »11 timber, joists, studs, etc., gauged to a oortaiu size iu connection with the taw miU, arc also com^dete, lath and shingle plants in fall swing, and the mill runs itiglit ai^d day, snmmerand winter, except A short time between seasons when shut down for repnits. A most 'interesting feHttite.fu winter is the hot pwnd, consist- ing of two or throe acres piled and staved o^ fssida ol which water is kept from fr«H>^ b^lftoam pipes from the boilers idouge, ploughing this weeW and report oensider able frost uad«» the turfuce, Mr. •! . Bi'udie, who purcbssed a house and lot from W. 0. Watson, is paintiiif; and refitting the premises and moving furniture in this week. McLeod's sawmill is busy mjusring switch ties (priuoipuily rock elm) for tho railroad. Houses are scarce in town at present. Every one that IS fit to live in is being bought or rsDtod. More buildings will undoubtedly bj erected in the near fu- ture. The Cement Co. of Oweu Sound who were buildioit bridges for iho railway last fall have returned and are at work on Some bridges west of hare. Reinvmb<:r the Womeu's Institne 1st Thursday in May at Wm. Watauo'a re«- Tlio Orangeville Post. (ponkinK of Huron and Ontario railway, asys: ' Lrtwis doB-s really ap|>«ar to bo after Police Magistrste McGregor, of Dup- dulk bdd a cs-ss before him on Monday, when four b<iy8 were chari^od by Mr. ' Henry .Armstrong vflnistipge with break- ing into his house in his absence, and di- atroyiug property therein. Tho boys ' wetv Sous of A. Brooks mid Geo. Leech of that neighborhood and thay ranged in age from ft bo 12 ynars. The boys under soaaa pHtature, aeknowleduod^the offence before coming to court.aiid tho luagiairatu, ou the advice of the County Oruwn At- torney, at Owen Sound, and the youthtulncRs of the boys, placed the damages at $10.puyable to Mr.Armstroiw, let them go on suxpended sentence, and ..rdcred that the ^)<.rel»U of the boys pay I minee «p|K.intod at; Iho public meeting all the costs out of the 4»^urt. At the, „| ^jtu^.,,, and the Industrial Committee same time Mr MoOrogon g«ve the b«ys, „, ,(,^ fo^„ cunj-ii c^,„e to terms on a a severe reprimand, andshomed tbetn the , (|j,^ ^raomeut with the r.preaentativos seriousness of iheir acts, \4ith the peualtyl „f ih« R«ilw.yv Co., but. on Saturday tho attached by tho law. which meant for' draft was rettimed t<j clerk Huahson in them a term in the reformatorj. But he ^„ omasculated and unrao>Bnia*blo f.ini was more inclined b> be meroltul in his i„ th3 oompaoy's scdicitur. Dr. Lewis judgement aud give them u chance to do i„tin„tod at the Beek meeting oil Tu.-8 better. Mr. Armatrong claimed that the jgy eveninu that the Huron and Ooturio amount he reoelyed w«old not fajr the ,„iway peoule wore trvinii t« sell their damages but there would to no sMwfau- ^^^x\.w to Mackenzie and Mann and the ti<m to him «> see the boys seut to the gmasulatetl agrecmant is a 8'rom» oorrol.- roformatory.- fletaldi \ ^,i^ ,. „{ ijj^ docl«'» dcdarallwo." BEMTHAi BROS/ Wo have a full assortment Lif Gaideu Seeds. 10. packages for 25c. Vuiirantoed strictly fresh seol. Just arrived, a,Bew s'ock of wall paper, consisting af all the latest col- ^,. oriiigs and designs. Call and have a look at them. Stoves and Kanges We are aRcrita for The Empire Queen Kange. The flues of these ranges are constructed on most niudein principles The heat is spread evenly nn all si^^c8 which ensures f|uickest and surest re- sults from oven and cooking hoUs. Have a look at them before buying. Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce BetDttiain Bros. Fleslnerton vs t^^^j^^^j^: ^ ^^^^^^ - ^^!^ ^ ^ the •Dr. ,_ __. ^ ..^._ tho cooeideriog|5ur,j„ ,„d Ou(„''ri„"„ji„„y p,.opld with la short stiok and doielopments within the last week would indicate that his sentence, an4Uritioi»ui is net unwarranted. The com- Sixty-six ca««iof smallpox aro report- ed from Hay and Srophens Townships, ill Huron County. Ouecise liv.) proven fatal, and tho outbreak i iif characcecized H8 of the oiost inaligiiaat typ^. It seem i that the disessu exintcd for some time hefitro the local authorities were awaro oi the seiiousness of the situation. Last week the news hllercd through to Toront) that there was soinetliitig wroni,', and Dr. D.N. Bell of the Provinjial L'oard oi b)«-alth wrnt up personally to invtstigste. Tho one death occurred ihe evening Dr. Bull arrived at the viUaite of Da,<hwood, which IS iheceiitto of the infected district. Strict quarantine reculh'.itm* Iiho now been establialied, and the Pk vincial authorities hope tu atop the 8|, tad of the dreaded disexso. It i* »-piKtMl that there «iU be mure deaths.