r NORTHERN ONFARIO MAN'S EXPERIENCE Tiavcllcd Filly MMcs Throuflli Forest and Fen to Uel .Medicine. The hQulsliips of pioneer lite were Iwrcfiilly illiistrutsd ul the Dr. Slocuin iidiifs l<j-duy when they recei'veU a let- 4fr tr-riii Mr. Hcbert Cuiiiiibell. ul Uur- y>Kk, .Norllieiji Oiiluiiu. Mr. Ciunpljell *r<ile Unit, reqiiiriiit,' I'syitiine in his fiiinily. he sent liis son 'o a clnig .store at Kiuw «li.sluiitf to obtain it. 'I'liostore \v;is out of it, prcsuinahly because llie di'iiinnd for it iii that section of the ix.iinli-y was larpr limn the dealers Wilieipalcd. II. â- would talie no sul*li- lute, and so Iruvelled to tlie ne.\t drufi- jjisl'.-i. Willi the same experience. Four <lru(.' .slore.s were visited, but the de- mands on tlieir j-lock and llic dillleully ' I (,'i'tlinfc' f?.fKjds inio that country in luidwinUr made it inii)0.«sible to oblnin il. and no .^ubstiluU' would be aceepled, n> .Mr. Campbell knew there was no- thin),' could lake (he place of I'sychine. After Iravelliii),' over fifty miles lo ob- tain il he had to .send his order to To- ronto lo hare it mailed to him. People who have used I'sycliine consider no Irouble loo great to obtain it when iieedfd. A prominent cili/en of the wi-sl says: â- "I .suffered with pnins in the back and hhoulders. 1 eou|.'ht'<l .so I could nol rest. The doctor said my limf,'s weri- alfecled and he had (-((tne loo lale. I wius as weak as ii child when I .started I) lake r.Kvchine. In a forlnit'lil 1 was back ut work In the wi;o<ls. "joii.N n. wnK.N, "Heeve of Mi.ssion, B. ('.." This telU a thrillinj! story, in a few words. I'sychine, pronounced ."^ikeen.Ls II ft'iaranlecd cure l(jr cough.s, colds, la Urippe, bronchitis, catarrh of the h<ad, throat or stomadi. chills, m0\l sweats, pleurisy, pneumonia; strenj,'lliens llie stomach, aids dij^eslion, restores run- down conditions, and is hifjhly recom- aiended, anil in many cases cures con- ||iin^^m. .\t all ilrii^'^^lsls, Mc and $1, sFl^^ff. A. ."^locum's Limited, 17t) King itree^Bbsl, T<ironto. A iiu.\inuo Ai)\i;ini.^i:.\iE.NT. "I see Lacey advertises something cheap in dress Roods, papa." "It's a huinbiif,'(,'inK ad., daujjhler. I'vi- known many women in my time, »ml there's nothing' cheap in UrCisS goods." Give HoUowny's Corn Cure a Irial. It removed ten corns from one pair of feet without any pain. What it has ikine once it will do afain. A .SLI'EHIOn OFI'ICF.n. A Cimnrd liner wils makinf ils way fioni the docks when ils passage was found lo be blocked by a barge. The .second male was ordered to liail the crult and clear the way. Leaning over the rail of the monstrous vessel the ollicer Uxjked down with a frown and de- manded the barge lo make way. "Who are you ? ' cried the Imrgemnn. "I'm second male ol this ship," replied Ih3 olher, Ihrealenitigly. "Oh, ind>e<l,' answered the man. "Well, I am captain of this vessel. IV) nol atlempt to give orders to a superior ollicei- 1 " And he proceeded slowly lo clear. DODDS '/ % PILLS )\N\V '^OCT£S_ THK .SCOTCH JlIHOn. In Scotland in a civil case jurymen pel ten shillings a day for llieir .ser- vices, and the litigenls musl in adili- lion provide llicm with lunch. If two tases are tried conseiulively on one day, and the same juijmcn oilkiale, Ihey gel ten >hilllngs for each case, tays (â- ^liamber's Journal. Hut the most ImiKU'tanl ditlcrence lieKveen an Lng- lish and a Scotch jury is lliis: An F.nglisli jury When reluming their ver- ilicl must bo unanimous, and if Ihey fail to agree afler a certain lenglh < f lime they ui'C dismissed and the whole proceeding-S are begun again dc novo tclorc a fieafc jmy. This is a most e.\- pensive modi} of adiuinislering justice. In civil cases, in order to avoid this re- sult, the lllignnis soniellmes agree to hccepl Ihe verdict of a majority. in Hc<illnnd the j\iry can always give a ver- dict by a majority. In civil cases after Ihc lapse of Ihree hours. SCIENCE OF CHIROMANCY IJ::An.M:D PSY8I10U)GI.ST Discoi'ns- ES ON liAND-llKADING. Ileveate Aflc, Temperament and Char- acterâ€" Can't I'redirl Happenings in the Future. Dr. Va.schide. a nio.sl serious psycho- logist, ol I'aris, Franc<', publishes in the dignilhd "Heview ol Philoscjphy" an elaburale .study <]f chii"omaiicy, Ihc art cr practice of fori'lelling Ihe future of a per.son by iii.s.i)ecting Ihe lines and lineunienls of the hand. He gives re- f.ulls gained by his scientillc study un- der te'st condilions. Dr. Va.schilde says Ihe hand alone. Ihe wrist and body being hidden, reveals the se.v of Ihe per.son ninety limes oul of a hundred. The hand alone reveals Ihe age of the pirson with .special e.\Betne.ss at ages which mark delinile periods of organic developmentâ€" I hat is, in trying lo de- termine a persons age from Ihe hand chiromancers make fewer errors when the perMin is Ihirly year.s old than i.l twenty years, al forty and at sixty. At ages inlermcdiale belwcen Ihcse Tlll-Y MAKF .MA.W KHHOns. Vasehide finds that Ihe face helps ehlr- omanceis in divining a per.son's age tinil inlellectual pursuits. Rut the hand a^ioe gives Iheni, and convclly. a Know- ledge of Ihe leniperamenl and character, including Ihe ruling passions and Ihe slate of the moral conscience. Of fifteen |iers<ins with hysliria. ten showed il in their hands; of twenly-flve pcs-ices-seil by flxel ideas, Ilflcen displayed il in their hanils. Of the claim that chirnmancers can predict, happenings in tlic future, Ihe learned Investigator finds lillle proof. If Ihere Is any, he says, it is certain that the probability thai a prophecy will be verified diminishes in |)ro|>nrlion to Ihe remoteness of the dale announced for Ihe future happening. Prediclinn of dealh made by chiro- mancers which came under Vashidc's notire gave no .sclenlific result. "Such prediclions are all chance." he says, "save that I know of prediclions rf ileath which provfiked mental and physical ills and brought death by sug- gestion." PF.TTFn .STILL. Tan you recommend this phono- frraph?" queried the prospective pur- Chiuser. "I can, but il isn't necessary," replied 4hb dealer. "11 sjieaks for ilseK." I.onl nrassey and Lord Dunravcn both hoid moslcr mariner certificates. ' " LSSIK NO. 17-07? PrZ7,I.KS I'OH JEWKLKEnS. Stones Not so Prrrious as Tliey Lookâ€" .Maiiufaetured ItuUes. The di.scovery of a Paii-sian manu- facturer who is making rubies and sap- phires <]f large tize liy an ingenious process, is likely lo cause lioublc among F-nglish. as il lia.s done already among French jewellers und dealeis in pitvious slone.s. A London genllenian who has learned the si>.'rel of Ihe jn'ocess fivmi Ihe manu- facluiyr himself, states thai these rubie* and sapphires are made by taking the remnants of cut stones, and also small and badly shaped stones, which ly themselves are of lillle value, and mak- ing Ihem up by means of the electrical furnace and high-pressure moulds lo any size required. "I have si'i'ii rubles and sapphires thus manufaclured r«n(.'ing in si/.e up Ic hall an inch." he .said. "1'hese st'ines ore called 'constnicled' rubies ami 'conslructed' sapphires, and they possess all Ihe quality of the original slone. Indeed, the only way lo detect Ihe difference behvwn Ihc 'conslrucl- ei'' and original slone is lo look al the grain or 'silk,' as jewellers call il, through a jeweller's micr«-iscopc. "The 'silk' is straight in the original slone, and curly or cloudy in llie 'con- slruclid' one. A firm of I.oniU/n pawn- li;okers advaneeil nujre than .tUlO a month ago on a 'conslrueleir ruby. Of course II wa.i worth anything likeJKKK); but Ihal was the market pric<' of en original slone of the same size. The ralio of value between Ihe 'conslructed' and original slone is alxiiit two-fifths. "You can .see, however, that one i.s perfeclly safe in wearing these stones. I am told Ihal the ruby trade in Kng- Innd is already suffering in anticipation, for jewellers, who are fully aware < f Itie exlslinc<> of Ihe.se 'coiistrucled' slone.s, also kiiow that large quantllies of them will s<«in ai)i)ear in Ihe F.n^- lish mnrkels." Fine musHns, dainty lin- aerie, iron easier, look better, last longer if the laundress uses the only cold-water (no boiling) starch that really saves work and really won't stick. Try it Get STOMACH INDIGESTION. Pe-ru-na Strikes at the Root ol tlio Trouhle. .Mil. .S. J. MA.SSKV. .Mr. S. }. .Massey, formerly a resident of Toronlo, and a well-known busine.ss man, writes from 247 Guy street, Moiil- nal, (,luebec: "I wish t"i testify lo Ihe flood results I have derived from the use o( Penina. "Having Lx'en Iroubled for several years Willi calarrh of the head, I de- cided lo give Perunn a fair trial and I can truly say I have rewived great bene- I'l from ils use. "II cvidenlly strikes al Ihe very ixkU of the Irouble" and good results are soon n<iticeable. "I have also found Peruna a very valunlile remedy lor stomach trouble and indifleslion. "I have iiii hesitancy whatever in re- coinniending Peruna as a reliable ca- larrh remcHly." Thci'e are several kinds of indigestion. The Irouble may be due to sluggish- ne.s.s of the liver, derangements of the bowels, enlargement of the pancreas, or i'. may hC' due lo the stomach itself. In nearly all case-; of stomach indi- gestion calarrh is Ihe cause. The only permanenl cure is to remove the ca- tarrh. Peruna has become well-known Ihe vorld over as a remedy in such cases. MOUNT CLEMI:NS, MICHIGAN. Moiml C.lemens is famous Ihroughoul Amei-ica as an all-lhe-year-r<mii(l lieallh rcsorl. and thousands of people l>eai' lis- t'mony to Ihe benefils dei'i\eil fimii ils mineral walers in cases of rhcumalisin and kindled diseiuses. For bilious and liver Iroubles, digestive Irouhles, neiv- ciis disorders, general debility, elc. the elhcacy of ils waters is WYinderfiil. Sev- (iily-five per cent, of rheumatics are cureil and ninety per cent. Iienelilled. Write .1. D. .McDonald. District Pas.sen- gei' .\gcnl. (iiand Tiunk llnilway .'>ys- U'ln. Toronlo, for liandsonie descriptive booklet telling you all about il. Mistivss : "I should like to know Helly. why your latest young man keeps so silent when he is with you in Ihe kili'hen?" Prelly Maid: "Oh. ma'am, a> yil Iho jMior teller is so basUful, ho does nawlhin' but ale !' A f.lenr Healthy Skin.â€" Fruplions of the skin and the blotches which blemish beauty are the re.sulls ol impure bkiod caused by unhealthy aclion ol Ihe liver and kidneys. In correcting this un- healthy aclion and restoring Ihe organs h' their normal condition, Parmelee's \'egelable> Pills will at llie .same lime cleanse Iho blood, and Ihe blolches and eruptions will disappear wilhout leav- ing any trace. The average woman seems lo lliink sh •â- is res()onsible for all her husband's jcy.s, but thai all his .soriiiws are due lo ever liiar of siiiii feiii? He there a Will Wisdom Points the Way.- The sick man pines for relief, but he dislikes sending for Ihe ilodor. which means Uillles of drugs never consiimetl. He tins nol Ihe resolulion to load his slomach with c<impoiinds which, smell villainously and lasle Worse. Bui if he have Ihe will to deal himself Willi his ailmeiil, wisdom will direct his atlejiti<in Ui Paiinelee's \ege- table Pills, which, as a .specific for in- oigeslion and diMiiders of Ihe digestive organs, have no equal. .She w islied lo lireak il lo him genlly. "I have decided,' she said, "lo return your rhig." "You needn't bolher," he leplicd ; "I buy them by llie dozen." no NOT ALLOW Tourself to become alarmed l>ecaufle vnu have loet yi>iir aiiputite and are luatiu flmh, iMit oummeoce taking " Kerrovla " the bem tonic. It will build ynu up quicklj. "Mike,'' said Plodding Pete, as he climbed into a freight ear. "I'm glad de government doesn't <iwn de railroads." Why?" "Because when we take a free ride now dc worst dal happens is lo be pul off. Bui if de govemmenl was run- aLn' de. lines we'd be arrested fer graft- in', sure.' "RAFFLE.S" CAl'CHT IN PARIS. Was Trying to Rob a Villa in Fashionable Attire. The police at Paris have arrested r. Parisian "Hafiles," but, curious emiugh, he is a "Raines" who knows no French. He was arresled in l^c small hours of Ihe morning as he was climbing Ihe garden wall of a villa in Vincenncs. Ho wore a frock coal and trouscs of ex- cellent cut, made by a London tailor; i! silk hat and gray suedo gloves. He carried a cane, which on e.xaminali.jn proved to be hollow and lo contain t complete and e.xcellent oulflt of burg- la i-s' tools. The man wore a suit of chain mail underneath his well-filling clolhes. and wa.s found lo have a lot of money on him. several hundred p'junds' w jrlh of old silver, three loaded revolvers and a dagger. His silk hat conlaiiied an in- genious lillle machine for blowing up sufi's and opening dilTicull locks. The mysterious burglar has refused lo give his name and address. He will an- swer qiieslions in Russian. German nr Fnglish, and Ihe police Ihink Ihal they have captured the leader of a large gang of inlernallonal biirlars. Client (lo matrimonial agent) : "You showed me this lady's pliolo last year and told me she was Iwenly-five ; but alter making inquiries. I find she is over thirty." Malrimoniul Agent ; "\\ ell, i you see. her father died lately, and that aged her very much." 7%e Mark Tliat Tells r^at/g ^(orj( Trads mirked thui in • variety of ilyles, Fabric, and liricei for woman, men and children. Form Fitted. Dealers are authoiized to repJac: ittitantly and al our co«t, any Pen-Angle gar- ment faulty in material or making. ^^ Pen-Anj^le traded mark (in red) oq every Pen-AJiglo gannent, tells you it will fitandiffon't shrink,â€" your own dealer so g^uarantees it.' Underwear thus trademarked ia softer, warmer, more flexibly better wearing'. Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals il as a worm medicine; Iho name is Mother Graves' Worm Kxlerminalor. riie grealcsl worm destroyer of the age. Old Hunks : "Didn't you marry mc for my money? An-swer me Ihal, madam !" .Mrs. Hunks : "(>;rtainly I did. And we'd gel along just tovely if you were not so stingy with il." II is an Officer ol the Law ol Health. â€"When called in lo allend a dislui-b- ance il searches oul the hiding-place of pam. and like a guardian of the peace, lays hands upon it and .says. "I arrest y< u.' Resistance is u.selcss, as the law ill heallh imposes a sentence of perpetu- al banishment on pain, and l)r. Tho- !>iais' Kcleclric Oil was originated lo enforce thai sentence. "Henry,' whi.spered Mrs. Smithers, straightening up in bed. "what's that noise in the librao'?" "Must be history repealing itself," mutlcred Henry drows- ily "Go lo sleep T rrCII, Mange, Prairie Scratches ami every hirm ol contagious llcli on human < f animals cured in 30 minutes by W'ol- ford's .Sanitary I.olion. It never fails. .Sold by all druggists. ja E TTE FLOIR A pure, hard "Manitoba ' flour for bakers and others demand- ing; strength, color and uniformity. STRONG &WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED WITH FLOUR A NO FEED. WRITE US. WE ALSO MAKE 'qOEEN CITY," A BLENDED FLOUR THAT HAS GAINED GREAT FAVOR AS A GENERAL HOUSEHOLD 'ALL PURPOSES' FLOUR. THaAMPBELLMlLLINfifO TORUNIO JIlNtTlO.l ONT FEATHER DYEINQ Oleaalaa and Carllog aad KM Qlerw alaeoed ThM •*>»• aeal bi »aa(, ie par ea. tke teal place I* MUTItH AMEIICAN DYEING Cli rXook into this ! roofing question \ man may be a failure without know- ing il. but if he is a success he nol only knows it himself but lets everybody else know il. "Perfeclly Triislworlhy " is the charac- ter of Hickle's Anli-(Viiisuniplive ."syrup. II can be used with the iitinosl conli- driice that il will do what is claimed f<i' il. It is sure in ils effects, as Ihc use of il will clearly denionslrale, and can be relied upon lo drive a cold out f the system more effectively than any olher medicine. Try it and be convinced that il is what il is claimed lo be. "Waller, this portion of turkey is very small." \\ttiler : "Vou will see what a lime il will lake you lo eat il." A SKIN THAT BUR"8 with eczema, and it eoTered with eruptioni that diacharge a thin Uuld, 'may be made amuoth and aightlv with Wearer'i 'Cerate. But thla eiterBal remedy akould be uaed tn eonlunntliw vitk Wearar'a Syrup. /YDUR FORTUNE ^ ^f Ind Iwo DMl lUap wMk Wrtk 4aM ud I vl ••â- 4 yiM • p«B pielnra af yoir llHl from lb* tt%A to th« crftT* ill asiuia of hualaoM, Iwo, riot* u4 tioolth, plolkly tolil bj Uo crooC««| ,Altrol«(«r ll«l«i. rotroM ••t<>«l«ko4 >«< uttUad, ^ " tllMirUT.COIIL ^•trol«(«r llvlsg. rotroBS u ri».L[IAIIU.IHpl. 18, TOIOV FREEm 1 1 vtll PI » onKtlo U Kor- ^P iroocoti ^m «nuad, ^r Canadian Pacifid Irrigated Farms IN SuMNY Alberta Before deciding where to locate in the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields, the richest grazing land, are in this province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates. Local representativo wanted in each county. Telfer & Osgood Eastern Selling' Agents, 305 CORISTINB BUILOINQ. Get book on! â- 'Roof ln(! Right" andj â- ee how Uttlo riak you take when yott roof any baildiniT with "OSHAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES ' Soldtmder aplainGUARANTEB • that keeps your roof good for 25 rears. 'With decent care, an Oshawa- ingled roof will last a CENTURY. Easy To Put On With a hammer and a suips (tinners' shears,' anybody can put Oshawi Shingles onj perfectly. Locked on all four sidesâ€" see the side lock? It drains the shingles so that water can't seep under. Top lock (see below) makes whole roof practi- cally one piece and sheds water quick. Made in one grade onlyâ€" 28-guaKe 8ami<toaghcned double-galvanized MONTRfiAL. Wind • water • and - f i r e> PROOF. Keep buildings safe from Lightning. Coat only 4.50 a 'square (10' ft X 10 ft) 'Send for book- , et and learn )iow little a RIGHT roof costs. Address ' The pSDLAR PEOPLE Of Oshawa Montreal 821 3 Omlg St W. T o r o n t • 11 Colbome 8U Winnipeg TM2 Lombard Bt. Ottawa iS» BusMx 3t. Lend on 6( DqD()».s St. Vancouver (15 Psader 8t ii PAGE Vi*&ti of Htgli CarBoa 'Wire,â€" well srore it to 7011. CQn.lD'-Botcrlaiptd. Thi* Butkee It (UIl stninB«r in Mrrlo*. It itart taot 'Painted WHiT]( over heavj TUB ;rAOK_WIliB rSNOB OOMrANT, LIMITBO BEST pp i • I iv ana "»'â„¢"l«'n«,-ni«t PTOof. Brperienoert dealers to ereot it l,eodi! all In wlot â- 09 â€"as la merit. Qet lllumratcd booklet and 1907 prloce twi'oro bi'yiug WAlkvrrUl*, T»»e»to. M»»tr«al, a%» Jolka. Wi»nit<«^ â- M