Flesherton Advance, 25 Apr 1907, p. 4

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Ap2IL 25 1907 THE FLESHIRTOK ADVANCE WWtf^WWVy F. T. HILL & CO. mMiiiiiim Just Making Things Interesting 9H!5!^!^S!-! Here are large savings that should make thing.s interesting. We have searched our big stock through and with many new lines which we have secured big price concessions on tee are going to make the next two weeks business hum by mak- ing the doll ars wor'k over time. A niG SNAP rV LEMONS FROM OUR GRO- CERY DEPARTMENT 700 dfnzon choice lemons, every one sound and gusmn- reed (took, on sale Thursday niurnini; per doz 10c. A niG DROP IN TABLE LINENS ATONE-HALF TO ONE THIRD LESS THAN REG. VALUH We wcrp rery fortunate in securing the sample ends of one of the best Linen Mmiufacturers in (Jreat liritaiii There Linuiii nre all in Table Cloth Letiglhs heing 2.1 and 2J yards long, and roprepont many very fiiu' quHlities. It is a big savins, so be on hand early; the best alwxys Ko first. They are ranged in these two prices as follows: Fine Tnlile Linens in 2[ and 2^ yard lengths for..9&c FineTRble Linens in 2| and 2^ yard lengths for.. .1.48 PAIN COATS FOR 51EN ATONE-HALF REGULAR PRICES. 42 only .Men's Heavy Twill Rain Coats, in colors of light and dark «rey. dependable wearers, regular â-¼hlues ?:).75and $4, clearing at 1.98 THE PRINT SEC'ilCNFORA BIG BARGAIN 8000 yards of a good quality Print in the very latest patterns principally dark' colors in the popular shades, Huch as hluer, lilacs, blacks, reds, pinks, greens and all tints of blue representing big value, your choice per yard 6c. CDSHION TOPS. OUR REGULAR 26o AND 35c. -LINES, SELLING FOR 19c. This week we are clearing out our stuck of T.»pe8try Cushion Tups In all good patterns. These are rei{ular every day selling lines but we wish to make room for the DOW stock coming in and the prices oonsequehtly are cut, yours for 19c WE ARE NOW SHOWING NEW MUSLINS This week we have placed in stock all our new Spring and Summar Muslins. They are very pretty and stylish in design and priced so reasonably it will pay you to see the new things in ihls department, price per yard TJo to 25c NEW CARPETS, CURTAINS AND RUGS If you have anything to buy in the house fucDishing line we are now showing the biggest line and the best value that can be fouud outside the cities and for price and quality we are willing that you should make comparisons with the bigeest firms in the business. See what we nre doing in these liuea. J. &, W BOYD soiMrs Special Bargains ! LADIES" SPRING JACKETSâ€" .lust a few left. See them! Prices fr<.ra 85.00 to 87.50 LADIES' SKIRTSâ€" A fancy Tweed Skirt, mixed greys. SpecLil prise .?2.75 BOOTS and SHOES ALL THE SPRING'S GOODS IN: LADIES' OXFORDSâ€" Patent sailor tie at f 1 75 Patent three strap at 1 7o Ladies Patent Colt 3 50 Ladies Donsioia IJal, Goodyear Welt, patent tip a R{jecial at 3 00 Men's Pfttfot Colt at 3 75 Men's Donsioia and Box Calf from 1.60 to 4 00 Men'i Heavy Bonfsâ€" A full line to choose from in]Fronch Kip grain. Chrome Engliih Kip. Rub i-ceii and all the cheaper lines In splits and grains Ready : Made : Clothing. All the New Spring Goods iu. We give you yoar price .on some special linps. Men's Fancy Twcedsinzle breasted, fancy pattern, up-to-date cut, sizes from 36 to 44 at J6 Or) Men's Fancy Worsted, single breasted, stripe, up-to-date cut at 9 85 Boys' 3. piece Suits, Fancy Tweed, single breasted at 3 95 I WWW MARKPALE MWWM^ %\\t Is published every Tlmrailay at $1.00 jxr annum if paid in advance, tl.5o if not so paid' John Brad[oy, post maater at Orange- rille, died on Wednesday, April 10. One moinine, Robert Bradcn, a fanner, of Alliston, on entering hia barn was surprised to find a curiosity in the shape of a newly born calf, with two heads, four eyes, two ears and a perfect body. The cilf is living, and seems likely to continue in health. provlRlonB of the Miinloiptl Draii.age Act. I liavu estimatod the coet as followb:â€" To chopplnR, clearing, grubbing and exravat* liiR imi rods of ditch at «2 M) per rod. »ii757 50 Two cement cnlverts at eao.OOeach 40 00 ItepalrluK two culvuHs 17 SO Survey and Mnnicipal expenses 183 00 Total tSOOO 00 Assessment, Drain No. 28, Proton and Arteniesla. Artemeeia's Share. T'w'p Conco» lOD Arte- iiic»ia 3 8.W. a aw. By=Iaw No. 682 A By-law to p.'ovide fot drainage work in the Township of Artemcsia in the County of Grey and for borrow- ing on the credit of the municipality the anm of ^071. the propm-iion to bo contributed by said Municipality foi coni|iletlng saino. Provisionally adop- ted ihf sixth day of April A. D. 1907. WIIKUKAS the Ciunoil of the Township of rroton halt taken proceodliigs to construct a drain in the said township under the proTisinns of the niunlcipat drsinaae act, which said drain in to hceztrti'led or coutiuueti iiitothetownship of Arteaumitt. AM) \VHKRF,AS the Municipal Council of the Townnbinof Pi-otoD bis wtrvud the lieove of tlie Townsnlp of Artcinesia with a cony of the roport, plarm, RpeciAcatlons, assessments and eitimatoH nf IsHac Traynor. Esq., P. L, S., the F.nt^iiicer of tbtt proposod work an required l<y the Muii'cipai DratnaKO Act, and the sntd Uepcrrt of the said lOnKlnoor in respect thereof andofthe said drainace work so far as the same relatt^^ to the 'luwnsliip of Artemeala being as foMowh â€" To the Ileeve and municipal council of the Towuship cf Proton: Oentlenicn,â€" In aceord- ance with your Instmctions, I have made an I xaminatlon of the locality mtaitloneJ in the petition of David McMillan and others, of the Townehips of Proton and Artonieela for the fiiirnoBO cf locating a drain for the drainage of he lands mentioned tiiureiu. and as I And such drain necessary, I bog Inaviitj submit herewith pla.ii, profll' s. specillcatioDS. antiniatos and KSBossiDcntH of the est! inatuti cost thereof. The drain being locattid as follows: -Com- mencing c>n tile West side of tlieroad allowance between Lot *20, Concosiflon 17. and Lot 901, Kangn 4, Houth-weatof the I'orouto and Syden- ham Koail In theTwp. of Protrn, thence north 39 degrei'S, 30 min., east3.'l feet tiienco north r>0 rteg. :« min. we*t 2« foit, thsnco north !» deg. :» mill, east a4.'l fnot, thence north 50 dog. !)0 min. west null feitt, thenoe north ilO di^g- 30 min. east :)MU fuet. thniicc north lA di-g. 3U min. west Til feet, Iheiice noithaSdeg. llOmlii. west 4aS0 fool thenco north 1 deg. wont )70ii feet more or Iobs to tho lowiiUuu between the 'rownshlps cf i*ro« (on and Artcmesla, thanre north 4 deg. 90 min. west BOS feet, thence north ."is dog. east 9A0 feet, th jncD south Bl deg. eastSUO fuel, tlience ninth .*I*J dug. 15 inln. east T2ii feet, thetice north 10 deg. east 'Bl feet thence north 28 i!eg. IS min. east |:it3 fuet, thence north 4.1 dog. west SSSfeet, thence north ft deg. eaHt 205 feet, thence north T5dig. 1.1 niiu. cast IM f^i't.tlionco nni th an ilog. \% inln. wnrt 14.1 foot, thenco south 71 deg. lU iiiln. waKt U7J feet, thence north 10 ileg. ,% min. west IIIO feet, thence north 4 I dog. east .100 f cot, tlieiii^u north Aodeg. west 344 feet, thence south III ileg. west 134 fu'.'t, thiincH north fiU deg west :Sj0 f<i«t, thence north SB deg. east 217 feet, tlienrw north ^{? oeg. 90 in In. west lUSfeet, tbenoe north fiS de(.', 1 J min. east 'JOO font, thence north aideg. west 'JfiU foet.thiince smith W deg. .10 min. west -JSU feet, tlionoe north 10 deg. 4.1 min. west \XM feet, tliouco south 4.i deg. wist 454 feet, thsoro south 'i\ ileg. l.i niiii. west :iUfl feet, Ihe.ice noith .'17 deg. vrest 245 feo^, thence aonth (J7 deg. 30 min. woktao4 feet, thence north rildse. west l'>4 feet, thence south 77 deg. west Wt feet, thuncH north IV> dei^. west 'J13 feet, mora or loss to where a sntlloioiit outlet oan be lial in a branch of the Haugeeo river, making a (ctal distnnoa of IH.UOO leet. Two new culveits will ha requireil to bo bnilt, one wlioru the drain crosses the road be-< tween lot?.), con, 17, and lot '.mi, Kango 4 Pro- ton, and one where tho drain crosses the side- roal bitw.ien lot KW, on. 3. and lot i!OI, con. 4, I'raton, and as the now of wutorat those points Is not large, I wniill recommend tbs putting In of a largo tile drain pipe On theTowmliip lino between lots 100, con- cession ft, S.W.artemosIa township, and lot IVl, O'ln^ssfion .1, H. W. Proton Township, tho pres- autcjlrert uilghtdo byenlaiging and repair^ I ig ai also tho one on the cor.ci^ssfoii line be- tween oniconiom il and ri.soutli wcet.ArtemesIa tiwnship. a' lot 100, Kro n the culvert on tho rones si.m line Hst nientioinl tho work ro- (jiltrxl Is th < ileoponlng of a small stream |jrniln-i part of tli j St w»eu riv ir. M/aitlin.itinf thecal*, of the workloclull >g liioilsu.al es,i.i')i>is is I KM), whio'i sun I htvi aiuis^d on th I laud< ail roads iMnefl lad ^iijr*b; orassjssab utUorofo â- , pursoaut to Ihs fjndlowV Purvey Proton Station Front 8 Lot or Fart Lot Pl89 P P iwp ISO -TO 190 30 1S6 7I 1B7 7I 1887a 100 7.1 190 :ii 190 189 190 a:i p 180 100 ^ 8 g 10 II IS IH 14 /4 74 ]JJV4 10/4 17 /4 18'/l IQ'/J 74 Value of Hen't e 200 IS 15 ao 25 3S CO lao 2.1 ii5 tu 2.1 as 23 ai ai 2.1 as ai 95 2.) 25 8.1 95 21 046 135 1(K) Value cf out let li abil'y C 'i 50 assessments and eatlmatea of the said Engin- eer. And Wheressthe amouuQt of tho debtinten ded to be creattit bv this lly-law is tiie sum of $1071. exclusive of the sum of :9100 the amount of the Municipality's share of the proposed work, and thetutal amount to lie raised auunnl- ly for paving the said debt and interest is the sum 3f »13H.;0. And Whereas the said debt Is created not only on the security of the special rate relating thereto settled by this Uy-law bnt la further guaranteed by the said Municipality or the Township of Artemisia at large, puriiuant to the provisions of The Conaolidatea Municipal Act 10C3 and Tho Municipal Drainage Act. And Whereas the total assessed value of the whcle Real inupeity rateable urdur this Uy- lawisthosuui of #11060 according to the last revise^i assessment roll of tho said township uf Artenicsia. Therefore tho Municipal Council of the said township of Artemesia pursuii^i to the pro- visions of The Municipal Drakinage Act enacts as follows, â€" ^ 1â€" Tho said report, plaus, specifications, assaisuicnts and estimatw so faras tlia same relate to the Township of Artemesta are here- by adopted. 2â€" The Keevo of tho said Township of Arte- D.esla may borrow on the credit of the Corpor ation of toe said Township of Arlcniesla th< sum of One Thousand and Seventy One Dollars Flour 8L Feed We hare a full stock of Houi anl feed includine, Bran, Shorts, Feed flour Corn, Barley chop and FlVFi ROSES FLOURâ€" Every bag of whioh^is guaronteed â€" the beat flour in the landâ€" no other can equal it. HardM^are A full stock of stoves, ranges and haters, axe.*, saws and all kinds of wrod- nien's supplies, also BUILDER'S SUPPLIES. Parties oontonplating building should not neglect getting our prices before purc'iasiiig elsewhere. J. & W. BOYD \ FLESHERTON Total for benent 046 12S Total for outlet Koads of Municipality Total t 1171 00 And Whereas the nnirnnt to halevled In he- cnrdaiice with the said report by the Township of Arteniesia as it's proportiou fcr the con- struction of said drainage work is the sum of • IU7t exclusive of the sum of «1U0 assessed against the said ToK'iirbin In respect of the roads therein beueflCTod l>y said draioagu work. And Whereas the Unnleipal Council of the Township of Artemeala does not desire to ap^ peal from the said report, plana, speclQoatlous , (•IC71) being the saKI Municipality s proportion ofthefunds necessary for the work and may isKue debcoturos of the coporatiou to that amouut iu sums of not leas than flftv dollars each and payable within ton years from the date of the said dcbouturoa with interest at the rate of Ave per ooiit. per annum guaranteed by the Corporaliou of the township of Artumesia, that Is to s^v, â€" In ton equal annual Instalmeuts (Intxrest ana principal includ d In each annual payment) payable roapoctirely iu one, two, three, four, flvo, six, seven, eight, nine and ten years from the date of the samo, said deben- tures to be pay hie at the Standard Bank of Canada at Klesherton, Ont. »â€" For paving the sum of Nine Hundred an"* Forty Six Dollars the amount charged agalns' the said lands for benefit and the sum nf One hundred and Twenty Five Hollars tho amount charged against said lands for ontlet liability apart from lands snd roads belonging to or con- trolled by the Municipality and for covering in. terest thereon foi IC years at the 'ate of Ave per cent, per annum the following tottl, special rates over »od above all other rates shall be assessed, levied andcolleeted in the same man- ner and at the same time aa other taxes are levied and collected upon and from the nnder- roenlloced lots and parts of lots and the Binouut nf the said total special rates and in terost against each lot or part of lot respectiveh phall bo assessed, levied aud collected as afon.. said in each year for tan years after tha fliul passing of this by-law during which the saui •debentures have to run. 4 This Bylaw shall be published once in every week for four consecutive weeks in The Flesherton Advance newspaper published in the viIl:iKe of Klesherton and shall come into force uixni and after the final passing thereof, ami may be cited as Drainage Bylaw No. 1, and may be known aa the Proton Statiou Drainage Kylaw. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a Court of Re- vision will bo held at the town hall, in the vil- lage of Flesherton, in the O.unty of Grey, on Saturday, the 4tli day of Ma.y, A. D. 1907, at the hour of 10 o'clock in tiie foren(K>n,forthe her.ring of apjiealsâ€" if anyâ€" made against the above as- sessments or any jLirt tlit^reof, and for the adjustu:ent of said astiessments in the manner provided by the Municipal Drainage Act, a notice nf such appeal to be served upon the Clerk of the Municipality at least ten ilays prior to the first sitting of the Court. And further notice is hereby given that any one intending to apply to have the foretfoing Bylaw or any i>art thereof quashed must, not later than ten days after the final iiassing thereof, serve a notice in writing upon the Reeve and the Clerk of the municipality of his intention to make application for that purpose In theHit;h Court of Justice during the six weeks neKt ensuing the final passing of the Bylaw. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk of the Township of Artemesia. Farmers! Look Here! I have opened up a new ITarMpi shop In town and have a good uijd ever increasing stock of Balk, Blankels, Robes and all VViNTift Nkcessities for the Horse Oirn^ Drop in and have rao do afly Harness Repairing you may h««te. I can do it right. 0. W. PHILLIPS Directly opposite The Advance office. Flesherton, - - Ontario CoDcossion Lot or [)8rt of Lot Ac's Name of Owner Value of Bone't val out let lia- bility 1 -a To cover int. for lOy'rsat 6% p. a. Total special Rate An. Ass. dur' each y'r for 10 years S. W. 8 c 8 8 8 8 T. A 8. R. 189 60 1 â- .? 22 00 97 00 9 70 T. & 8. R. 180 50 200 00 75 00 69 00 259 00 25 90 2S. W. T. & 8. R. 18(5 71 15 00 4 40 19 40 1 94 11 (t 187 71 15 00 3 4 40 19 40 1 »4 tl «4 188 72 20 00 <9 5 90 26 90 2 59 II tl pt 180 76 WHLudlow 25 00 'k* 1 & 190 7 40 32 40. 3 24 1 11 II pt 190 1 It. Mellson 25 Otl 60 00 22 00 97 00 » 70 ^ 11 •( pt 190 .1. O.Wright 25 00 7 40 32 40 3 24 41 11 s»Pl89 & 190 aa Jas.Morrow 00 00 17 70 77 70 7 77 11 11 pt 189 & 190 25 J.C. Wright 120 00 35 40 166 40 15 54 Ludh)w's Survey Proton StJition 1 25 00 7 40 32 40 8 24 ii 2 25 00 7 40 32 40 3 24 11 3 25 00 7 40 32 40 3 24 11 4 1 • ' 5 6 25 00 7 40 32 40 3 24 •1 25 00 7 40 32 4Q 3 24 11 7 25 00 7 40 32 40 3 24 •1 8 26 00 7 40 32 40 3 24 11 25 00 7 40 32 40 3 24 It 10 25 00 7 40 32 40 3 24 11 11 25 00 7 40 32 40 3 24 11 12 25 00 7 40 32 40 a 24 11 13 '/4 25 00 7 40 32 40 3 24 " 14 04 25 00 7 '40 32 40 3 24 11 15 '/4 23 00 7 40 32 40 3 24 11 16 '/4 25 00 7 40 32 40 3 24 11 17 74 25 00 7 40 33 40 3 54 11 18 74 21 00 r. 10 27 10 2 Tl 11 19 74 20 00 6 90 25 90 2 59 »»a 00125 00 3I« 00 l.'W? (Ml 138 70 WINTER HARNESS GOODS BIfl st ock « « Be st Stock Bcll$» Blankets* Robes Fur lined coats, pooketbooks, Mtchek. razor strops and other leather goods. Cutters -best makes- and everything in the harness line. __ W. MOORE, Farm l^hotitr^^^^^^^^^^^^ nnd Domestics T have been appointed by iho Doiuinion Uuvernment tj place immigrants from the United Kingdom in positions as farm laboureiB or domestic servants 111 this vicinity. Any persons requiring such he^p should no- tify me personally or by loiter Hiutiiig fully the kind of help required, when wanted and wages offorcd. The numbers arriving uisy not bo sutliciont to supply all rei|uosta but every ed'ort will be made to provide each applicant with the help reipiired. W. W. TRIMBLE Can ' dian Qovernment Employment Agent FLESHERTON, ONT. Sl^ortl^ornCa'ttl e fcr Sale Levlnlas and Wlraploe, the beat of braadl it'^e-i^S'^rhle A eoW.anahel,e°r?',t:i!Vi^ Lot 82,000.5 CUAS, ^ BTAFFOBD, FleahertOD HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best PJiotos is at bi;lmers photograph CJALLKKY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention to Copying snd Babies' pictures. Picture fram. ing a specialty. Try UH for any kind of pictures and we will promise satisfaclion. K IS 1>

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