Flesherton Advance, 25 Apr 1907, p. 5

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TriE FLEES If ERTON ADVANCE April 25 1907 ISTAMJSMSD iten M THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office • '• • • Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $i and upwards are tedeived, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in maiung Withdrawals Interest added four times a year ^Savings Bank Dqiartment in Connection with all Branches. <A FLESHERTON BRANClf BRANCHES Al-SO AT D^JB-HAM, 2IARR1STO?! AND pniCEViLl^ffi Vicinity Chips For mcney at lowest rates, land secur- ity, (JO to A. S. VanDusen, Fleslierton. Mr. C. E. Tryon was in Toronto last week. Mr. F. O. Karstedt is erecting a large FhfJ nt the rear of bis store. Miss Rita Small of Berkley visited frieuds iu tuwu this ireek. The carpenters li%trB started work on W. A. Arnistrtin^'s new sloio buildinjf. . Tbonias Quigg has plenty of good fresh lime for sale, haviui^ just burned a kiln. â- â- Farm to Rent â€" 100 acres. Apply to John Wright, Flesherton. Three choice collie pups for sale cheap, L. Fisher, Fleshertun. Bargains in Wal! Papersâ€" 3000 rolls for sale by CK Tryon, Pricevillc. Lath for saleâ€" Apply to John H. Jaraieson or Tbos, £. Fenwick, Eugenia. M. 30. The Reflector says Thornbury has be«n havinf( a little scare oyer what appears to bo a form of itch. Mr. C. E McTavish returned to the city on Monday afl^r an illness of sereral weeks. Dr. Caldwell's sermans for next Sun- day : a.m., "Strangers and Fellow Citi- SBUs," p m., "Mansions of Glory". , Colt For Salb,â€" heavy draught two ymrs old. A snap for someoody, B. H. Wright, Flesherton. Alex. Smith, the Thornbury marble man, has the contract to supply the Vatideluur school luemoriul monument. For sale or rent in Flesherton 2 com- fortable houses, 1 brick and 1 metal cUd. Apply to K. J, Sproule, Flesherton. We want a couple cars potatoes deliver- ed at our elevator, Flesherton station. J. and W. Boyd. Good working mare for sale cheap. A snap for quick sale- Apply to D. A. Mathcwson, Flesherton. Roy Kerr is opening a confectionery and seed business iu the store in Sproule's block recently vacated by the bank, 4 doors east of the postuffice. Markdale has recently had two or three cases of smallpox, but the epidemic was nipped in the bud by the board of health, and no uew cases bare developed. Mr. F. Tucker announces that he haa a Urge stpck of nioe cloths, noue but the lati-sl patterns in stock. Call and leave your order foi^ a suit or trousers. Rer. Mr. Kipp will preach in the the Babtist church next Sunday morning on "Getting out of Egypt" The second sermon on Moses. A Munshaw and Son have removed the board fence put up around their yard after the local option bylaw carried last year. Uet your choppiofi done at the Electrie Plant, Eugenia. Batisfaction euaranteed on clean grain. Come esrly io the day and avoid the rush. Are you going to build that wire fence, this spring? If so use Standard Wire fence. Thebestonthomarket. Bnntham Bros, agents. Mr. H. M. Douglas, Vandeleur, says: "Please withdraw uiy local for mare. I sold her 6ve days after the 6rst insertion of the advertisement." T. H. Densmoro, who has been running a hsrne«8 making buniness in Urand Valley for the past couple of years, made »n assignment recently fur the benefit of his crelitors. Mastec Norris Tucker of Oakville joined his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Tucker, here, last week. Norris has been initiated as 9 member of the band »nd we trust he mAy in time become as good a bandsman jf as his father. Registered Yorkshire sows eight weeks old, prize winning slock, for sal-^. Sire, fii-st prize at Tori>uto and London. Prices Riishl.â€" Andrew Siu-lair, Mc- Intyte P. O. If the citizen's committee intend hold- ini; .1 demonstration wiih the $300 or 8400 they have on hand, they should bo ti.\ing their date. Will it bo May 24 or July 1? For sale cheap or rentâ€" Lot 30, con. 14. Aiteinesia. All ptowini; on this lot is done for this sesKon and ready for seefl- ing. Apply to R. J . Sproule.Flesherton, or Johi: J. Martin, across the road from D(euiise«, Boy Wantedâ€" Good strong buy wanted at once, one accustomed lo horses. W. W. Trimble. In the recent presontatiop of prizes at the Northern business cnlleue, Owen Siiutid, we notice among ihe prizewinners the names of Laura Whittaker and Mary Heron. For sale â€" Two pure bred Shorthorn Bull') Irjni twelve to twenty months old Color, roan and red; also good workiug mare; will be sold reRSonable for cash or good paper. â€" D. McMillan. J. L. Woods of Ceylon has recovered from the rheumatism which compelled him to resign his -position as school teacher there and has secured a position as time keeper on the C. P. R. at Price- ville. Mr. Robert Cook has leased twenty- five feet of land from the C. P. R. Co. at Ceylon and has installed a new wcit^h I fM»le, beside the stock yards. Over the scales he has erected a good storm-proof building in wliich there is suflicent room for ofiScea for the buyers. For sale or rtnt, cheap and easy terms, good brick 8-ioomed dwelling and 1^ acres of land in Flesherton. If not sold within short time will rent. Apply to R. J. Sproule, or David McMuUen on the premises. Miss Trelford, who was itrjured by falling oa a sidewalk, was removed to her home at Proton Station last week. The strained cords of her limb remain very painlul and t>re not healing as fast as was hoped for. She will doubtless be off duty fur some time yet. Special cash sale of harness, heavy and light, for fifteen days. Ten to fifteen per cent, discount on all Harness Sun- dries; Truriks and Bugs. Three first class Buggies at special price. Call and see and ynu will be convinced. \V. Moore, Flesherton. Ajril 16 Work recommenced on this end of the Prot'.n-Walkerton railway on Tuesday of this week. It was intended to renew op- erations » couple of weeks ago, but the continued frosty weather prevented the frost from disappearing and as a conse- quence the Work was delayed. Eggs for hatching from prize winners that have taken 49 prizes at exhibitions including the Toronto Industrial and Owcu Sound. White and Brown Leg- horns, Whire and Barred Rocks, While Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Black Miiiorcasand Pekin Ducks. Order early Miple Gtot-e Poultry Farm, John W Ford jr., Markdale. The annual election of officers of the Epworth League was held in the Metho- dist church on Monday evening last. Following is a list of officers elected : President, Mr. E. Bellamy; Isc Vice Pres,, Miss K. Bellamy; 2nd Vice Pres. , Mrs. W. A. Armsironc; 3rd and 4th Vice Pres., Miss F. E. Thurston; Treas., Miss May Hales; Rec. Sec., Miss Frances Bellamy; Cor. Sec, A. S. Thurston, Repreeentative to Distric*. Executive, Mrs. W. H. ThuMton. The poatoffices are being flooded these days with circulars fronibr^ikeraendeaTor- ing to sell Cobalt and Larder Lake stocks. The prospects are glowing on ptpor but peoule should be very careful ab3ut investing iheir small capital in mining schemes of which they 'know nothing. Ten chances to one they will lose their all. The best proprsitions in that district do not have to go bvgging foe purchasers or sendoutageEtstodisposeoftheirstockal a few cents on the dollar. Cobalt is the richest silver district in the world but that very fact gives the wildcatter an opportunity which he has not been slow to grasp. In 99 cjuses nut of a hundred you will make more money mining your own farm at home than by investing in mining stocks. Can't something be done in this town to keep the hoodlum element from block- ing street corners at night and making things generally diaagreeable for respect able citizens? The thing is getting so disagreeable tha^ something will have to be done to put a stop to it. Re.<<pecrab]e yourtg women c<iuaot wslk the street at ni.{ht without having disgusting noises dinned at them and disagreeable remarks passed. An example made of one or two of the worst offenders would have a salu- tary effect, and evidently this will havo to be done tiefore a 8tr>p is put Io it. On Sunday evenings this condition is es- pecially noticeable, and most disagree- able to people who ha^e to elbow their way through a crowd of tohacco-chewiiiB, swearing and^oniTallv dioguiting embry- onic anima's of the genus homo. Ju.st watch Boyd or Sproule's corner noxt Sunday ni^.;h' and see to whom wo refer. Miaa O.Henry of Markflale it the guest of Misses Sullivan. Mrs. J. Mills, Spokane. Wash, is on an extended visit to her mother, Mrs. .Tames Sullivan. It is intimated that P. Norris intends opening up a tinshoB in the Chriatoc block lately occupied by Douglass as a drug store. Mr. Archie Sinclair, who has been night operator at this station for some time, h^s been changed to another field and a yoang man named Glenn takes his place. Canada beats the world for runners. Sherring beat the world at Marathon a ciuplo of years ago, and last week in Boston, Longboat, a young Brantford Indian, came in first in a field of 102 start- eyforthe 25-miIer«cB. Fetch, another Canadian, took sixth place. The race created a great deal of interest through- out America. Ferris- Meads. At Toronto on Wednesday the 17th, of April, at 43 St. Clarence Ave., by the Rev. Lawrence Eskoy, rector of St. James church, Miss Margret Elleu Meads of Artemesia was united In marriage to Mr. James Ferris of Euphrasia. They will reside at their home 45 St. Clarence Ave. Toronto. Division Court The shortest Division Court on record was held in the town hall on Wednesday oi la.sk week before Judge Widdifield. The court only lasted half an hour and only one case was tried, while two other unimportant cases went by default. The one case, however, was of somewhat more than ordmary interest, inasmuch as it made plain certain law regarding lieu notes which is not well understood. This aae was : The Sovereign Bank v. W. H. Allen and W. Colliugburn, agent of Dundaik. Allen bad signed two lien notes with the usual conditions for a Speight wagon. After using the wagon two years CoUing- burn seized the wagon and Allen says promised to return his notes. This was not done. The notes fell into the hands of the Sovereign bank and were sued by that concern. The defendant, Allen, claimed that he was not liable and this view the judge upheld, but gave judge- ment as acainst the agent, Collingburn. The judge pointed out that what is called a lien note is not a note, but merely an agreement or contract, and that any per- son purchasing such must accept it with all its conditions, A note roust contain no conditions, merely a promise to pay. . . iff,, â- Irwin Storfey of Sli'ncoe county was sentenced to nine months i» the Central priaon for bigamy. . Mrs. W. S. Middlebro. died in the hospital at Owen Sound after a serious operation. Deceased's maiden name was Tretheway. The Ontario Election Act has been aineuded by a provision enabling clergy- men and teachers to vote at Provincial elections although they have moved from one riding to another,owing to the nature of their profession, ' Two wealthy Northwest Canadians who went to England in December holi- daying, were robbed at London iu Janu- ary of £213. By pawning clothes they settled thxir hotel bill, and walked to Cardiff, where they expected money from Canada. It did not arrive, so they got work on a tramp stoamer for a voyage to the Mediterraiiitan. On their return, destitute, they were kept several weeks by a man in humble circumntAnccs until the arrival of long-delayed funds, and have just sailed for Canada. Word was received this week from Chicago that Douglass Youmans was killed in that city in a railway accident. Mr. Youmaus was well known to niaiij of our readers. Ho was the second son of the late David Y<mman8 of Thornbury and until three years ago lived with his widowed mother near Epping. A little more than a year ago he was married and loaves a young widow with an inlant a fdw weeks old. Mr. Thomas Gilray, ex- warden of Grey county, and Rev. Alex. Gilray of Toronto are uncles of the de- ceased Mrs. McKay, a woman over 80 years of Age, left the home of her son, Souih- anip'on, on Saturday morning, abontll o'clock, saying she was eoine over to a neighbors. She was not missed until evening. Since then searching parties havo been going through the bush, but have not been able to find her. Her cane and mitrs were picked up on the beach rotd a mile from her home. It is feared that she lost her way and perished. YEAR6 'ifj- EXPERiENCS- TRAr>E MAn«» OeeioNS CCi>'>VRIGHT3 iC. Anyone W'Jitlnfi Aryntoh rii.tt ('pdCr-pHon niH; Qnlckly rw^rrtjitn our opSnloti fro*) wl.-»ih«:r i»i lnvouilon IM pntbal)!;- t>n*o»;tii'*le. 0"nMiui»lnv liniiast.'i'j^ly C'XiIlrlenti.I. 7'.*H'.IlH><'(t(»n I'nfMita lont fr'i*. (.M'So^Jt RB^wcy for i-frurn:« {mt^t i. rnloiiM tAkcu vljiou.'h Mur:> Jt C\>. roculvc If^iuJ Hoiice, without. olttiTKti, Ir. t&a A )i»n.1«oâ„¢iilTil'rf<'"liyl •»^^> 17. 1 ^-!-"«l -It eiriulloil ,1 iii.'.iouniK'.' l-.uMirJ. 1 irnM. W » rti.w: f"ur umiuii;, tl. EciO bysJI '•"•"•li 'lar* 1J1U.-1V..- \triU-.. »â- Â» T St_ W^jbvf ^n T " Mdu this « Happy >^^iit«r. Don't be compelleti to stop work and tat- fer agonies witli Rheumatism. Mmke tbis a winter free of pain. Start now to take " B«- Jn " heals tlie Kidneys ; cmea pain iu back and limbs. 50c. a box. Money back if **Bu-Ja" fails. At I>niggis«s or by mail. Si TbfrClaJUn Cbwnleal Co.. Ltd., Wtsdaor, Oat. Tendera for Dreclelnu. 'pE>tDI!:RS addrnescd to tbe tindorsigoed and ^ ondcrsed "Tonder for DrodginR." will bo recflived up to end including Mnuday, Maydth. 1907, for the dredgini! required at tbe followiDg places in tbe Proviiico of Ontario during the |)re8ent year: Belle River, Cbeual Ecarte.God- oriob, Eiucaidinn, Port Elgin, Port Burwell, Point Edward, Port Btanlev. Bondeau, Kiver Thames, Wiartou, Blind Itivor. Sydenham River, Beaverton. Bronte. J3racebridge.Mea(ord, Owen Sounds Thornbury, Toronto, Wautiau- Bhene, VFincfleW Basin, Signer and Telegraph Islandii, Trentou Harbor «nd Dark Channel, PenetangQisbene, Midland , Hamilton, CobuiK. Corrbined specification and form of tender can be obtained at tbo Department of Public Works, Ott;iwa. Tenders must include the tow- ing of the plant to and from tbe works. Only dreilueB can bo employed which are registored iu Canada at tbo time of filing of tenders' Contractors must be ready to begin work witbia thirty days after the date they havo beonnoti* fled of the acceptance of their tender. Tenders will not be considered unless mads on the form supplied, and sigued with the actual signatures of teuderers. An accepted cheque on a chartered bank, pay. able to tbe order of the Honorable tbe Minister of Public Works, for one thousand dollars («1, 000), must accompany each tender as security deposit iu connection witli the dredging to bo performed. The cheque will be returned in case of noa-acceptauca of tender. The Department does not bind itealt to ac- cept the lowest or any tender. By Order, FRED. OIULINAB, Saontary. Departmeat of Public Works, Ottawa, April 17. 1907. Newspapers insertinR this advertisamsnt without authority from the Department will not be paid for it. Notice to the Public Rumars have been apraad aromi4 the country to the effect that I broke into Mr. Wm. Brack- f nbury's house on the lOth of Osprey, and that Mr. Erackenbury bunted roe all day with a constable and could not find mo, and that I came to W. Fisher's, on tire 4th of Oeprey.thu Hame oijfht and put my horse in his stable and skipped the country, leaving the horfB with him to be cared for. I wish to emphatically deny all such rumors, as they are absolute- falsehoods and can be proven as such. Charlie Wolf. To Whom it May Concern : Mr. C. Wolfe, pedlar, did not break into my house at any timo and any niniors to that effect ars false. VVm. Brackenbiu-y, Osprey. be: fore: Stock Taking Wo will discount all our Ready-Made Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats, Caia, Underwear, Biors and Shoes and Hosiery at 15 per cent, until March 15. We have a few Horse Blankets left which we will sell for cost rather than carry over. Leave your order for binder twine as we are in position to supply any amount at lowest prices. Thanking the public for their patronaire in 1906 and respxctfuUv solicit your trade for 1907. R. N. Kinnear and son- MAXWELL Hereford Bull for Service Pure Bred Camwortbs and Berksbires I have for sale young stock of both breeds f cr breeding puriJoses. Come and see them or write for prices. M.17 07 â€"G. W. Ross, Maxwell Hereford Bull for service. Spartan No 270<l • Wiimer of .Sweepstakes Silver medal at Eaa* Grey Agricultural Fair, 1906 for best 2 year old bull any breed. Will stand lor service at lot 160, 3rd west T.S.E. Terms $1.00 and »5.00. W. BUSKIN $bortl)orn Bull The thorouffhlrred Shorthorn Bull. "Favo ite," 62235, is for service on lot 37-38,2nd rang- N. D. R.Artemesia. Pedigree on appUcation Terms 81.25 ALEX. McRAE, CeyWh FOR SA1L.E: Mount Pleasant Herd We are ofTering for sale tbe young stock bull; Scottish Chief a Broad Hooks Uoldea Fame. In individuality he is second to noi.e and a good stock. This aUimal would make a good herd leader. Also (jcottish Baronâ€" 1) months old bred from Cecelia stock. Got by Scottish Chief. I,ot 170. 2od. E, T. and S. B. RICHARD .4t.LA>t Flesherton. Now that spring weather is approacbing you will re- quiro finer Footwear. We Lave made a very special effort in selectiug our goods. Oar stock of Shoes was never so nice as uow. They are neat and nobby Iu Ladies Bals wo have Kid, Dougola, fine qual- ity. Iu Oxfords we have a fine range of tbe latest stylep. In Gents' wear we have a iall range of all liinds. We also have a large assortment, of Children's Shoes. Trunks and Telescopes a large Slock at lowest Prices. CalLandsee us. n Hi Wm. CLAYTON p^ F. G. KARSTEDT SS^i Wire fencing! It is evident that the life of a board fence is less than a year. Why not build a good wire fence, either coiled spring wire or ready woven w^ire. Give us a call and we will give you the lowest price going. ^J^B Flesherton, Ontario ^^^4 /x

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